xt76hd7npm5r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76hd7npm5r/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 2000 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 71, no. 2, Summer 2000 text images Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 71, no. 2, Summer 2000 2000 2000 2012 true xt76hd7npm5r section xt76hd7npm5r gf V `
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    Summer 20()0 • Volume 71 • Number2
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Restaurant re  ‘ ` f;  ’ ¤ ; _
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Q}:   — KFC,Jerry’s, Outback, _      s;`     
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Show Your Alumni Card I   I.;    ~~   *“ in ,  , .  c »·· o   »»oo   J
nd Receive ,.,`       QQ    
3 °``°  ‘  ‘.‘.;‘ i     »’ · A       “   *e
• Free SubSCfipti0H t0 The Kéufucky Alumnus · Avis, Dollar Rent A Car, Hertz and National car rental
• A/uml/Vise tabloid discounts and upgrades
• Wildcat ticket opportunities (limited availability) , United Van Lines and Ryder Tmek Rentals
• Home and away football pre-game receptions
• Alumni Career Services
• UK Information, Athletic Schedules • Intercontinental Magazine Subscriptions
· Announcements of Club Activities
• Alumni Tours and Athletic Trips
• Eligibility for membership in Spindletgp Hal], ° 10% Off 1T1€fChZiHdiS€ Ht UK Basketball Museum Store
Hiiniy J_ Bonne pneniiy Ceniei • 20% off The University Press of Kentucky
• 10% off UK apparel and gifts from UK Bookstore
• 15% off UK apparel and gifts from UK Bookstore
• Embassy Suites / Lexington (Life Members only)
• Wyndham Garden / Lexington · 10% off UK merchandise at Campus Connection (Louisville)
• Radisson Plaza Hotel (Worldwide) • $100.00 off purchase of pool table at Louisville Billiards ·
• $19.95 per month for one year at Powerhouse Gym i
(specific locations) I
° AAA Blucgluss / Kentucky • $50.00 off initiation fee at World Gym (specific location)
° AAA Kentucky · $75.00 off Kaplan Education Center (specified programs)
• AAA Cincinnati
(New AAA members only)
Receive special invitations to Homecoming and Class Reunions,
Student Recmitment Programs, Alumni Association Student
. NEX; Stage Series tickgig Programs, Distinguished Alumni Service Awards, Alumni
° UK BHSl<€tb21ll lVll1S€¤m Student Scholarships and Distinguished Teacher Awards.
O For membership irz_/brmutivn, call I-800-269-ALUM (2586)
AI.I¤xINI ASSOCIATION or (859) 257-8905, or visii our Website at www.uky.edu/alurnni

 Summer 2000 • Volume 71 • Number2
l CO VER; 1999-2000 OFFICERS
A Alumnus C.M.  
Neuilon had ll PRESIDENT
band in lbree of Rol7e11 E. Miller .
UKE NCAA C;,,,,,,- W{AC;,€S,C, Recogruzable Class: C.M. Newton ’52, ’57 10
pious/2q>s— as ll · · · . · · · . ·
plmwm mj], PRESIDENFELECT Retrrrng UK Drrector of Athletics C.M. Newton leaves wrnnrng programs rn
ami"; me emzenes umm to Sbellon *66 compliance with the rules of the game and wrth the student-athlete
direclor who lyired Alvbarelm, Ga. ·
me w,,.m,,,g at the heart of the UK athletics programs.
couches, Rick TREASURER _ _
Pilino and 721/20;* Ann Brand Haney ’71 The BUSIIICSS of Eating 15
Smilb, in 1996 Nancy · · ·
um, 19%,, ,,,JO,O_, UK alumni have a long history of restaurant entrepreneurral
David Coyle SECRETARY Sucgggg
l“"     K" 72 Dream Job: 18
` M Kg"'!-M Y Assoc1Ar1oN STAFF · ·
AA,,,,,?,,5 (]_5`_S‘1\/ 859_257_8905 Solvmg the Mysteries of Sleep
@*6297) 800-269 ALUM UK researcher Dr, Barbara Phillips ’77 is a nationally renowned expert on
ls [’”bl'Sb0d www. uky.edu/Alumni _ . , . .
qurzrterl)·lq11· sleep. A1'1SW€1S to l21S[ ISSUC S sleep SUI'V€y' COI1l:1I` H1 h€I‘ llI1(l1f1gS.
me University cef DIRECTOR  
Kerztucley Alumni Sm,] Km, 72 Students
Associulion, ’ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
§;’.¥l;1gll07Zy ASSOC]A7y: D]RECTOR/   Alulnnl ASSOC13[lOI'1 l'OCk€[S ahead Wltll l`I€VV pI`OgI`31]l 1I`l1[l3[lV€.
.“’”' "‘ il'- OV EDITOR You’re invited to be a mentor.
"S ‘]'f"·D"-l""é’ Liz Hcuwd Dwnomn  
mem ers. ’68y ·7(
©v2000U:1ii¤e1sily ) COITlIII€IIC€IH€IIt     _ i K
Ql Ke"’l’”’€" /*5506/AYFDIRECTOY? A ceremony that has spanned a century of graduates "°
j11l~»~z~'_ pl jenny]ones—Goodwin ‘ -4 . 2 4
ssocm ion, exce { ‘ J A
ui/Jere no/ed. liens ASSIST/mq·ED]TOR   `P _ "Qr
¤»;¤1¤pi»y<;»¢j] Li11¤lz1Per:jv 84 ll v- ` ·
e.x1resse: uz ne ·
are {bose of {be ADyERy·]_g[NG  V { _·~
”“;l”"¥ ”'”l$l0 _/obn Scbmyenbeiger W » fx   r
no necesmny   __,_, t gt  _:
1‘¢1i1‘¢{S¢¤l fini Mnwemsuzzv '%‘·5i‘”   
°P{”'°"5 *?f"5 MARKEYYNG ‘ · ·- s.    “
` edrlolx, the UK pqqgl. H_ CO;[{,,S
{ /lllll7Il1lASSOCl£lllOl7
1 or I/Je Ullll/€lNlU' of COORDMMTORA
i Alexis Preslon  
A ;?1D0!<§¤‘$~;2»\¤><· sow UK Beat 2 Class Notes 37
. econ s, 1 · . .
l Arzrimrrgamew V Z,3]jlj§gZ;Q;;U,,, On the Road and On-Line w1tl1 Pro- Class by class updates
    l\7nq};ICoo;2rer} 69 f€SSOl“ Greg B1‘OCl<; A1`lDOf€IL11'1l Cl€Cl1·  
1{Y40506-01 19.  ;g§,g;é;,,,,, cates fOLl1'1I2111"l;T€2lCl°1€fS $OLlgl1I Prcsl cnt! €rspc9§1Y€
` ’@¤1?l*<»1¤~· Surah Seideinan S Orts 8 SOI]l€Wll€l`€ l7€[W€€I'1 R€]OlClHg
  D¢¤‘l¢·~¤ $f~¤1>—<¤~ P and Relief- The Budget for Fiscal
`   '~~` _·¤_Ql `   .-—
,06; E_,,,,,iA. MA ’" ""“ Open Door 28 Years 2000 and 2001
jlu·bi/2Q/)op.z1/qv.ed11 _  
wiwzlwive/¤]¤; / C Great Teachers Honored; Reumons; F2_X[.iIl€ Focus 48
wwzu.11 {vlecn ef-/  ·.: · _ _ _ · _ _ _
·’}/H’;l"i· Fer [ Ll-4Hl Homewmmgr Clubs, New M€¤¤l><=fSl Grve us your rnsrght for the Pres1den—
  Our Fm/Omtc Mdmam Aplll In P311S’ Uzll S€211‘Cll COIHITIIUCB 21lU1HH1 I`€pf€-
mailing labels/o S[LlCl€fl[ CCIIICI lVl3l(€-OV€1 S€nmtiV€S
{be address above.   ` Q __
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OTHER J‘[rlGflZ[l\%‘ C N 3 J _, ` %
I3!/Sh\lY55S· ’ ¤. " 7
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Searching for Greatness    
  The University of Kentucky is about to   *\ , __ O ’
I make a very crucial decision in the life of a " " .‘ .     _,
y university—the selection ofa new leader · » T _,—       · __ I
I When President Charles T. Wethington Ir. re- \   l. _   ·.  f lj  
tires Iune 30, 2001, the course of UK's future I \ _ . · I `T .   I . ' ¤ ,   I
will be in the hands ofthe person selected l ``‘‘ _ "‘:;.       I  I
to be UK's next great president.     _;·‘* 1,;  *   I f_   i   ,QL I V
, When I came to campus in 1964, Iohn X    .4, Q: ` °   '`_‘ L    Aw I
Oswald was president, but to me, then, a ·   l `_ N `Qjf ,,.4 IE ‘ . ..,_ ` . if   = l
president wasa president wasapresident. .'__,g _ l, ‘  _. ' Y ' ‘_,,       `   I
How differently I look at the situation I ' 1 ·»§}‘; Lay . 4 ' ' _ _; -   , r  ` . A ‘ ‘ I
now, having worked in higher education for i _ " Yak  »f ~;, ·=&· l  , r g Q ‘ —F·  v,. K`,   _` l
25 years and for three different presidents at   ‘ · _···' F   i ` ._, A,rl j    if _     il " _— I
I our alma mater. The strengths and weak-        . €i{.§ , , A     ‘   '     QF   ·   ’
l nesses the next president brings to the iob I   '__·'_ ` _ -   ; ` . - _   `L    I   I
l will, in large measure, determinethe reputa- l 4 1 ·— ,‘ h W »‘_-VF I   _ . -..e-   `_.        _ _  l
tion ofthe University. vi;     . »    l    -.f ‘.'` ·{;g§E{T “;‘ * ‘·‘i=.·>_· ;
I A Presidential Search Committee is cur-     _.—’5"'l ‘   .:       `ll- I I     {   Q'?  
I rently defining the job position and looking   ,7   V: €_.3`i;f"VQAll;*   - ‘ .     = r‘  V   I C _-   Sl i
l for the person best to fill it. This summer     i"\··.'.’·{ A rdiéén   »  . .. . `A , I; nr a Q ..,,f " sia .   " `° O
l Kentuckians have an opportunity to partici- .
1 pate in the process through "town meetings" l A1'l)OI‘€tL1H1 Becomes Official State BOlL3.HiC3.l Gélfdell .
$POll$OlO€l llllOU€llOUl lha Slala OY llla l Gov. Paul Patton signed Senate Bill 190 in l\/Iarch, designating the UK/Lexing- l
$€al€ll €Olllll"llll€€· ton-Fayette County Arboretum as the official state botanical garden of the l
Alullllll also have [WO lOPl€$OlllallV€$ Oll l Commonwealth of Kentucky. The bill was approved in both houses ofthe l
lha €Ollllllllla€i la€l< Gllllllla O3, all €‘l€€l€€l I Kentucky General Assembly without a dissenting vote. I
alllllllll l€‘Pl€5OlTlallV€ Oll llla UK BOalO of l The 100-acre arboretum, located near Commonwealth Stadium, will soon I
TllJ$l€‘€$· and lalllaa W $lU€l<€‘ll 'OO» '6l· have a new visitor center, thanks in part to a recent $200,000 donation by UK
. BOlll mall have lOll€ Oaall active alllllllll Oll alumna Dorotha Smith Oatts. The Friends of the Arboretum matched the gift I
  Oalaall of llla UlilVOl$llY- Thai! lhvlls YOU ro I to amass the $400,000 needed for phase one of the project.  
I participate in this most important process l
l by sharing your thoughts with them. l T€2lCl”1€I'S WhO M&d€ 3 Dlff€I'€1'1C€ l
lll Slall l lllllll< llla llalll Pl€$lCl€lll llll15l Is there a teacher who made an impact on your life? The UK College of  
I have a Vl$lOll lhal cataoults Fha UlllV€l5llY Education is asking alumni for that information so special teachers can be l
lOlWal€l- That P€‘l$Oll lllllal lll$Pll€ a€lllaV€· I honored at Homecoming on Saturday, November 4. ,
malll alla €l€allVllV IFI faculty, staff all€l . Alumni will honor any teacher who has, through leadership and dedication, I
l $lll€l€lll5 alllil lllU5l l  “  ‘ ‘ ’ _ Scale l°‘€°€ Of ‘:‘“‘?““.l€
f Six journalists were inducted in April into the Kentucky V — *9 .. fmmghe lmgmpg
lournalism Hall of Fame, sponsored by the UK School of it k_ __ i T r‘‘‘ T`; $,21 gms ESE;
loumalism and Telecommunications. lnductees must be   .. _ i T ehgflgg Wl 9
i natives of Kentucky or have spent a substantial part of their   1   T eg I tm bOn2l
i careers in the state. The honorees are the late lohn   i~ gp gm Sr
Michael Barry editor from 1950 to 1968 ofthe Kentucky . Z urine t _e
E lrisn American in Louisville; Oscar L. Combs, founder of   Sym,Ii?i$Slum°
the Cats' Pause; lohn Lewis "lim" Hampton '59, former ’   H di
editor ofthe Miarni Heralal, former editor-in-chief ofthe TH \;ii.t ey-
Kentacky Kernel, and member of the UK Alumni Association M I my .
Hall of Distinguished Alumni; Timothy M. Kelly, publisher L 1 { ii iilsetutlp m
i ofthe Lexington Herald-Leader; Mary leffries, longtime Side Cpinii texlng On wl. ,,95 6
. . . . _ extile exhibit, From Post-
i newscaster for WHAS radio in Louisville; and the late Ted by Ciive Vgrsten War KO POSt_MOd€m_
l Posten, one of the first African Americans to work in the Virginia Tech. · Interim Textiles l946_
  newsroom oia metropolitan daily newspaper. wiiiiiei Of the i li)76', mm September 10
T lgqg Sf“‘l€"f_ _ f through December 31. The
Biomedical En ineering Professor ‘l“‘9" "’”‘i’”"""'   exhibit will document
tO Study at   textile surface embellish-
1 lohn Lawrence lll will spend 10 weeks this summer at mem? lei uphOlSt€9f‘ fleet
l NASA's lohnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, Col/€n9gS‘ Well h9ngm`gS‘
  studying computer data on the awkward "gait" that and Wmdew treatments
astronauts exhibit upon returning to Earth after long
i stays in space. This is the second time Lawrence has
won the lohnson Space Center American Society of
Engineering Education Summer Faculty Fellowship
{ Kentucky Atuivmus 3

 V l A l N ih if   we iwwri OOOOOOO '» A  if - - in ` .  . ·‘» .€  l iiiiii A   il W O OOO     l   q   ¤   A   `
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sional District since 1992; and Billy O. Wireman "57, president at ln€ W6$nln€i0n and l~€€ UniV€Y$llY S€nO9l Ol Law, has l
Of Queens COll€ge ln Cherierle Ne been nameqd deanbof the UKbCollege of Lax; effective lluly 1. I
Kennet B. Ro erts as een a ointe ean o t e ~
College of Ellglllleerllllg UK College of Pharmacy. Dean Rol§)el)1’ts most recently l
Six UK alumni W€f€ i¤dUCi€d i¤l0 the UK C0ll€€€ of Engl- served as the dean of the University of Mississippi School
neering Hall of Distinction this spring. With these new of Pharmacy. professor of pharmacy administration, and ·
m€mb€T$, 43 i¤CliVidL13lS l”r3V€ been liO¤Of€Cl since 1992. ThiS executive director and research professor in the Research  
year's honorees are Elaine Duncan '74, founder and president ihsrinire oi Pharmaceutical Sciences ?
of Paladin Medical lnc. in Stillwater: Minn.; Herman Harrison i
'55, president of the Harrison Corp. of Cincinnati; Richard . r
Holloway '64, president ofTeledyne Brown Engineering in Appoll/ltllllelllts Madé _ 2
Huntsville, Ala.; Roger D. McDaniel ‘62, a member ofthe llOI` Two E1”1dOW€Cl Cll2l1l'S  
board of directors at SpeedFam—lPEC lnc. in Chandler, Ariz.; The UK Board of Trustees recently appointed Ted Stephen  I
Gregory L. Summe '78, CEO and chairman of the board of Hasselbring as the first endowed chair in the College of ‘
PerkinElmer lnc. in Norwalk, Conn.; Paul Y. Thompson '58, Education and Henry G. Dietz as the lames F Hardymon Y
associate dean for research and administration at the Endowed Chair in Networking. r
University of Florida College of Engineering in Gainesville. Hasselbring, a specialist in the development of
. . computer software for teaching reading and mathematics
College Ol Fme Arts to people with mild disabilities, has been on the faculty of
lemeg W- Reekel 5 l· develepel Ol llle landmark lexlbeek Peabody College of Vanderbilt University in Nashville ,
series, "Silver Burdett Music, World of Music," is the recipient of Since 1984v  
lni$ Veal? UK C9ll€€€_9l Fine Am Distinguished Alumni Dietz has been on the faculty of the Purdue University l
Award. The award is given to an alumnus with a degree rn Art, Sclaaal Ol Electrical arrcl Ccmpular Erralaccrlaa in West l
Music, Theater, or Arts Administration who has achieved Lafayette. [nd" Since 1986. Ha was clralrmarl Or the T
distinction in his/her field. Selections are made from faculty cclrrlpurar crralrlaarlrrg araa arrcl was a Vlslrlrrg crcrassar at
nominations. · · · - ·
Rooker's lifelong involvement with music includes W‘”l”`“gl°l` llllllelslly m Sli mulsl  
performing, teaching, composing and publishing. He was l
with Silver Burdett Ginn, a New lersey publisher of textbooks, P()]i‘[i(;3] Agtivigt Angela Dgvig  
lOl 39 Y€§l$r Sen/ins lOl 22 35 €§<€€¤llY€ €4-     · T A T ‘ A   .       g*';'·—;-#?* ?fV ·
  »* ‘’               .   ,  W   .    T   I   ‘  
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 ‘ Construction Underway on Linda and
Jack Gill Heart Institute
Groundbreaking for the Linda and lack Gill Heart Institute _V VV ,
r and Center for Advanced Surgery took place in March in   T é      
` front of the UK Hospital Emergency Department. The $23 i QE I *¥' WV     Z
million, state-of-the—art facility is scheduled for completion T V I `·‘'  
in 2001.   5   I
_ The institute is dedicated to the mission of providing   Y _ ¤
excellent cardiovascular care, educating the cardiovascular I
professionals of the future, and advancing knowledge of ,4_ `
. cardiovascular disease for the purpose of identification, .~   · 1   " 7
T treatment, and prevention.
i     ‘i·=;.;%V ¤  ·"’ _ _ I Left to right; Paul Willis, director of the William T. Youny
T     Y TW ¤;   r “ ·- __ . I Library, Anyela Rice, then president of the Library Associates,
l      · VV.; °  i“‘ We I  `_ - V¤- U.S. Appeals Court ludye Pierce Lively, recipient of the UK
I   ." i   -. i  sg   Libraries Medallion forIntellectualAchievement, and
y 3   I V "    President Charles 'I`. Wethington lr
. .’»   is " " ' , ,
U ge'? _;     ‘· _) I   r UK Library Associates Confers
. V »\ _   `_ V   , .V ‘ Intellectual Achievement Award
I N   \\ I   \ `“\ U.S. Appeals Court ludge Pierce Lively received the UK
' ‘   ,_ `·\’_ I f   ·` ‘ Libraries Medallion for Intellectual Achievement award in
‘ K - · L_ — '\.~ e··'~ “   March. The award, presented by the 2000 UK Library
. V .  _i"" Associates, recognizes high intellectual achievement in
T Tahiny part in the yroundbreahiny for the Linda and lach Gill Heart §§§t5l.i€k¥r;é gIl]§iI;;§l;§Eiéagfl-Ilfg$§I:]r§i?StE2uCiZ2§§S
Institute are from left, co-director lay W. Mason, UK Hospital Ofthe COmmOnW€alth‘
director Franh A. Butler, co—director Robert M. Mentzer lr, Linda Lively. Of muisvmel Sen/Ed On the Sixth Circuit COIN
Gllb 1¤¤tGiI*»_U1< Pmsldem Charles T" Wem'"gl0"_lr· and UK of Appeals in Cincinnati from 1972 until his retirement in
T Chandler Medical Center Chancellor lames W. Holsinyer lr 199] Among the Cases he heard was 8 School t€XtbOOk
controversy in Tennessee. Lively and the Appeals Court
UK and Ashle   Partner ruleditliat signply riquiringbstudentsqto riad andidiscuss a
.th the EliZa¥;€th Glaser tent I1 not orcet em to e revew att ey rea . His
W1 _ _ _ opinion received national news coverage.
Pediatric AIDS Foundation _   , - _   ,
A new AIDS education and awareness program, "Caring for ` _   &·¤T--I ° ' `"
Kids 101   kicked off with a Million Penny Drive this spring. _ »   ~ ' ~.-;,,_,,
The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, partnering   `_ . _ ’   `     ‘ g g '
T with UK and alumna Ashley ludd, developed the campaign to ` (- “ . A _ L_ M   L  , ,
 , engage college students and encourage philanthropic efforts.  if           *’* ¥  _ - V_  ——_
  The program promotes community involvement, educates   E _ .   — ;_5;· 1   'i‘i` ·`
° students on HIV/AIDS-related issues, and fosters the belief He I _ '_” ‘
I that students can make a difference in their communities. ·— T ` . I- I   In
I "My involvement in the 'Caring for Kids 101' campaign is V - .-r I!  
partially due to the values I learned while I was a student and — I _ I "
member of the Greek system at UK," said ludd. -· __ _i   L_ ,
Elizabeth Glaser, wife of actor and director Paul Michael   , ‘— ¤ __ V_  j , - _ . , `    
Glaser, was infected with HIV through a blood transfusion ` ’ ‘ ` '
after giving birth and unknowingly transmitted the AIDS virus
. to her daughter, Ariel, and son, lake. Ariel died in 1988 and
` Elizabeth died in 1994.
I The Million Penny Drive, sponsored by the UK Greek
, community during Greek Week, was one of the first "Caring
I for Kids 10I" events.
I KENTUCKY Aturvrnus 5

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From the 0ffioe of Development l l .
sa Zo eeaztreess ljalmhellé Ol ll
lll J'l`l·` llelpiit md gm  
l‘,11t.l<>\\’ii1<;i1tS 2
it was much anticipated and very welcome __ l
news in April that the 2000 General Assembly Kielg   is COITll1]gl l
€lDDlOV€d él 'llllld lll$ldlllTl€lll of lll€ l'll€lllY The Campaign for the University of Kentucky will officially kick off during the l
Successful R€5€6l€li Cll3ll€l`l€€ TM5? Flllld weekend of September 14-16, 2000. Over the weekend, details of the cam-
Pldgldm- Tlll$ third Dll€l$€ of lll€ RCTF €Om· paign, including objectives, goals and progress to date will be announced. ‘
nionlv lwn as "B¤¤ln lll lUlld$ lor research lllllldllV€$- Kazan and Melba Moore at the Singletary Center for the Arts — 8 pm.; `
B<95€‘d Oil lli€ resounding l€5D0ll$€ lldlll Ul<'$ tickets are S25 for general public and $10 for UK students with valid 1D. 1
loyal private donors to the earlier challenge, Friday, september I5 1
development officers are confident all will rally • Iqeleeff lunchggn - 1 1:30 g_m_-1 p_m_
to lTl€€‘l llll$ l .  .
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_ Metropolitan Opera to tahe the Universitg of Kentuchg/Lexington-Fayette Urban County ·   { -   l T-   T y “ _ _ ·'*?» l
first endowed chair in vocal music Government Arboretum as the official state botanical garden `· . ffl  ` . T .··_ * l
j in the College of Fine Art