xt76hd7npk1v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76hd7npk1v/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1930-09-26  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, September 26, 1930 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 26, 1930 1930 1930-09-26 2012 true xt76hd7npk1v section xt76hd7npk1v jprj




Will Be Presented October
27 at GuigncJ Theatre

Ranking Officer of
versity Unit

Federal Officers
Will Be at Games




Helps Students
To Pay Expenses
"Approximately seventy-fiv- e
students at the university must
have employment In order to remain In school this semester," said
Bart Peak, Y. M. C. A. secretary,
the first of the week.
This grave situation; oi unemployment among the university men students follows quite naturally the
larger unemployment, drouth, and
business depression throughout the
state. The drouth has stopped
much of the financial aid generally
received from the homes of these
students. Conditions for student
part-tim- e
employment are worse
this year than at any time during
the past ten years.
The only relief for this unprecedented student unemployment Is
close cooperation between the various employers of student help and
agents for student employment on
the university campus, such as the
University Y. M. C. A., under the
direction of Bart Peak.
It is estimated that 62 per cent
of the students at Kentucky are
helping to pay expenses by part-tim- e
work. The University of Kentucky alone employs approximately
assistant laboratory
110 students,
instructors, Jibrary attendants,, cafeteria help, dormitory helpers, etc.
Most students who seek to work
their way through the university
are satisfied with from $5 to $8 a
They want employment
which will defray only part of their
expenses, such as table-waitifor loom,
meals, furnace-tendin- g
"The type of ambitious student
who seeks to attend the university
and make his own way financially
while doing so is generally the highest type of student, and should not
be lost from the University of Kentucky If there is any way to prevent
it," Mr. Peak concluded.

Regiftration Totals
3,114 aaDay Closes

Prevteus Records Broken
as Students Complete

At the close of Wednesday's one-ho- ur
registration period a total of
had matriculated in
the various colleges at the university for the first sesaester. This
has broken all previous records and has passed last fall's high
for the first sesaester.
mark of
Aeeerding to university oftklsls a
grand total of 3.3M is expected before the final registration period
closes Monday. Registration periods
for late students are being held
daily in the Administration building froM 3 to 4 o'clock in the
3,114 students

vance corps, university R. O. T. C.
unit, to fill the' appointments of
commissioned officers of the unit,
was announced late last night by
Major Owen Meredith, commandant. All officers had not been selected for appointment or assigned
at that time. Ben. O. Crosby, Delta
Tau' Delta, was named Cadet
Colonel, ranking officer of the corps.
Other appointments which were
confirmed were Lieutenant-colone- l,
L. A. Peyton; Major of the First
Battalion, Rex Allison; and Major
of the Second Battalion, Austin M.
Among those appointed to captaincy are L. G. Forquer, Carey
Spicer, Ben Harrison, W. S. Morgan,
W. D. Trott, Ben C. Stapleton, H. S.
Ray, E. W. Kirk, and Charles O.
Fury. Assignment to companies
and to the staffs have not been
made, but will be announced in the
near future.
Officers whose places were filled
by these new appointees, and who
served during the past year were:
John C. Benson, colonel; Robert
O'Dear, lieutenant-- c o 1 o n e 1 :
Stanley Mllward, major; Leonard
Weakley, major; Hays Owens, Law
rence J. Alexander, Gordon Willis,
Sam H. Perrlne, Paul McBrayer,
and Stewart Augustus, captains;
and Lawrence Shropshire, captain
Colonel Crosby Is the third member of Delta Tau Delta, social fraternity, to receive this appointment
in as many consecutive years. The
two other members were Colonel





to Take Ken?
tuckian Pictures; Seniors
to Report Sept.

Names of all candidates for the
beauty sections o'f the Kentuc-kia- n
must be turned in at the
office by noon October 6,
according, to an announcement
made by Frank Stone who has
charge of the department.
petition for nomination must be
signed by 50 male under-gradua- te
The beauty pictures which are to
appear in this year's Annual will
be of much higher quality and more
costly than those of previous
years. Because of the added expense the feature editor will be
forced to limit each .sorority to
three candidates whose pictures will
be taken at the expense of the Ken- tucklan. Any sorority may submit
additional pictures at their own expense. There will be no limit placgirls.
ed on
The first, eight pictures selected
by one of the country's leading
beauty critics will be used in the
beauty section of the year book.
Rex Allison, editor of this year's
Kentuckian, has arranged for the
annual photographer to be In the
men's gymnasium, September 29,
30, and October 1. Senior students
are required to report at that time
only. Fraternity pictures will be
taken from Thursday till Saturday
of that week.
Senior girls are requested not to
wear sport or evening clothes, after
noon dresses being in preference to

60 Candidates Try

For Men's Glee Club
President Frank L. McVey
Promises Trip to Mem-bers During Eastei

Approximately sixty candidates
answered the callof Professor Carl
A. Lampert, for the initial tryouts
and practice sesAon of the University Men's Glee Club at the Music
building Monday night.
Prof. Lampert announced that the
large group would not undergo any
operations with the axe as long as
each man showed a willingness to
attend practice sessions and cooper
ate in every way to make this year's
club a success.
A trip, which will probably come
during the Easter holidays, has
been promised the candidates by
President Frank L. McVey. Several
other engagements will be booked
for nearby towns.
Professor Laatpert was assisted in
the tryouts by Prof. Roy Jarman.
were given a
All the candidates
chance to try before the eveaing
was over. Hal Bencosao, Spanish
student, sang La Patoma in his native language.
Only nine of last year's club were
present at the meeting. These are:
Hays Callahan and Henry Baker,
first tenon; Qayle Tudor and Carlisle Scheuremeyer, second tenors;
David Welsh, James McRoberts and
Maloom Barnes, baritones ; and
Hugh Adcock and Kenneth Keys,
second bass.

University President to Talk
on Matters Concerning
Student Body

"Ticket Scalping" for Grid
Tilts to Be Under Governmental Control
"Ticket scalping" at the uni
versity will be wider the suocr
vision of the federal government
daring the forthcoming football
season, according to an announcement yesterday by S. A.
"Daddy" Boles, athletic director.
There has been no great evidence of this custom so far this
fall, as shown by the ticket sales
for the more important games
on the gridiron schedule, he said.
Mr. Boles further said that the
athletic department of the university will take no steps to prevent the brokerage of athletic
tickets, but that federal agents
will be present at the games for
the apprehension
of persons
guilty of "scalping". He also
pointed out that students and
others must observe the law in
their handling of ticket books
and other tickets they may
purchase, and that they cannot
be bought and resold for a profit.

Political Science Professor
Takes Up Work Again After Year Spent Abroad;
Addresses Local Clubs
Dr. A. Vandenbosch, professor of
political science, who has been
abroad on a year's leave of absence,
has returned to his work in the political science department of the
university. He has recently addressed the local Rotarians on "The
United States' Colonial Policy As
the Netherlands." and the Pyramid
club on "The Attitude Abroad To
ward the United States and Americans." It is not yet definitely decided whether he will speak before
other groups.
While Professor Vandenbosch was
abroad he studied colonial government in British India, the Dutch
East Indies, and the Philippines. A
considerable amount of his time
was spent at the University of the
Philippine Islands, a university with
an enrollment of 7,000 students. He
spoke at that university convocation
on the subject of "Recent Constitutional Developments in the Dutch
East Indies." There he found everyone, from the youngest freshman to
the president, eager for Independence. "In fact," he notes, "this feeling Is everywhere predominant, except among the business men, only
ten percent of whom are natives.

French Club Will
Hold First Meet
Early in October
Miss Marguerite Horsfleld, faculty advisor of the French Club, has
announced that Le Cercle Francais
will hold its first meeting early in
October. At this meeting a president is to be elected and plans
formulated for the year's work.
Le Cercle Francais is open to students, above the elementary French
courses. Miss Horsfleld urges that
all French majors take active part
in the Club. At the first meeting.
Miss Nancy Duke Lewis who is the
present secretary will have charge.




Leaders in Campus Activities
Will Speak in Behalf of


Dr. Frank L. McVey, president of
the university, will conduct the Initial convocation of the school year
this morning at 10 o'clock in Memorial hall. This first convocation, referred to as "Between Us Day," has
as its purpose the formal presentation of the deans of the colleges,
officers of various campus organizations, and other men and women
of prominence in affairs of the university.
President McVey's address will
concern matters of vital interest to
the student body. It has been the
policy of the university organization during the past several years
to set aside one convocation for the
nurpose of discussing with the stu
dent body the problems facing the
students both as a group and as individuals. With the growth of the
enrollment this year Dr. MeYejr has
felt that this convocation should
come earlier in the school year than
Officers of the University Y. M. C.
A., Y. W. C. A. and of the Alumni
Association, will be asked to speak
in behalf of their respective organizations. Editors of the Kentuckian,
University yearbook, and of The
Kernel will also be present on the
platform during the convocation.
Heads of the SuKy Circle and the
W. S. G. A. wiH represent
organizations at the rneeting. Deans
of the various collegesc of the uni
versity will be Introduced to the stu
dent body, and C. R. Melcher, dean
of men, will talk concerning the
problems aria duties of their respective positions.
President McVey has urged that

tend today's
of the various problems which must
be brought before the faculty and
student body. Attendance at these
programs is not compulsory, but Dr.
McVey has expressed his belief that
much of inestimable value to the
6tudent ,1s IcetiHarputfh
ance of these university conclaves.

Judges to Select
International Team
U. K. Debaters Try Out
7:30 O'clock Tonight
in McVey Hall


At the tryouts for the International Debating team, which will be held
at 7:0 tonight in room 111 of McVey
hall, the two men who will represent the University of Kentucky will
be chosen. These men will meet
two representatives from England,
Mr. N. C. Oatrldge and Mr. A. E.
Messrs. Oatrldge and Holdsworth
are members of the Cambridge
University debating team and are
known internationally. They will arrive here from the University of Indiana at Bloomlngton for the debate which is scheduled for Friday,
November 21. They intend to spend
in and around Lexthe week-en- d
ington, leaving for Murray where
they will debate Monday, November
Judges for the tryouts will be
Prof. L. L. Dantzlcr, Dr. Henry
Beaumont, Dr. Francis Galloway,
Prof. Roy Moreland, and Dr. John

Water Conservation
(An Editorial)
Last April there was a heavy rain in Lexington and In adjacent sections of the Blue Grass. Since that time citizens have scanned the
skies In vain for signs of rainfall in quantities sufficient to insure continuation of the city's water supply. The result is that today this sec-Kentucky is faced with the most serious shortage of water known to
its history.
The shortage, already acute, was made even more so a few days ago
when approximately three thousand students and more than two hundred faculty members descended upon the city for the beginning of the
school year at the University of Kentucky. These figures represent about
twenty per cent of the total population of Lexington. They drive home
the realization that, as a part of the community, the university must Join
hands with the city in the crisis at hand.
At the present writing, much of the water used on the campus Is being boiled to safeguard health. In the women's dormitories, all of the
fountains have been closed, and, unless rigid conservation is practiced by
all, there will be no available water for student use on the campus.
This is not a time for selfish usage, nor for the belief that any person in particular can waste water In the hope that all others are practicing conservation. But It Is the time to realize that conservation is a
necessity that it is theonly means to Insure good health and a supply
of water until lines are laid to the river. Conservation has become a
necessity, a civic and personal duty. It has become an individual obli
gation to be assumed seriously. If It is not so taken, everyone is going
to, suffer in this, Lexington's dangerously acute water shortage.

Vesper Program Will Feature

H. Myers, Promi-

nent Pianist and Organist
of Kentucky
Mr. William Harry Meyers
Louisville will give a piano and or
gan recital on Sunday afternoon,
September 28, at 4 o'clock, In Me
morial hall at university vespers.
Mr. Meyers is recognized as one of
the outstanding younger musicians
of the state, and has previously appeared In this city before the Mc
Dowell club and the Woman's club
of Central Kentucky. He will present a group of modern piano numbers and will make an informal tail:
concern.ng tl.i. nature of each selection. The public is invited.
The program follows:
a. Prelude and Fugue in B fla- tBach.
b. Larghetto in B minor Handel
Miauet Gluck, , i
a. March (Love for Three Or
anges) Prokieff .
b. Sumare (Dances from Brazil)
c. Golllwoggs' Cake Walk
d. Mouvebents







2. Tres Modere.
e. A Dirge of the Trenches (Poem
of 1917) Ornstein.


Sketches Are tent

To U.K. Professor

Orson Lowell, 'the New York artist who made the pen and ink
sketches for the first illustrated edition of "The Choir Invisible", has
lent to Professor Grant C. Knight
of the English department, twenty
of the original drawings for that
The drawings range in size
to a full
from a small end-piepage.
Knight, who is preparing
a biography of James Lane Allen,
came across them in his research
pertaining to this subject

Notices of Importance !
There will be a meeting of the' advanced course of the R. O. T. C.
unit in room 111, McVey Hall, Tuesday, September 30, at 7 o'clock.
The purpose of this meeting is to outline the work carried on in the
advanced course, and to explain the honor system to the new men.
"K" books may be obtained from Bart N. Peak at the Y. M. C. A.
rooms. AH those who want K books are requested to call at once and
get them.

In order to facilitate the early publication of the Student's Directory for the coming year, all students, who at the time of their registration, failed to give a permanent address, are requested to do so at
once. Leave your address at the registrar's office so your name will
appear in the booklet.
William Young, president of the SuKy Circle, has announced
the first meeting of the year will be held Tuesday afternoon
o'clock In the regular meeting room In the men's gymnasium.
Circle plans to select three new cheer leaders in the near future.

at 5

tryouts will be published in The Kernel in the
announcement of the
Bear future.
The Student Council decided Wednesday that all fraternities and
sororities giving formal dances this year must submit three tentative
dates for them in frder that the social calendar might be prepared.
These dates must be in the hands of the dean of men or of women
by October 10.
Phi Mu Alpha, social and professional music fraternity, will hold
7 o'clock Monday evening la the
music building. All members must be present.

its initial meeting of the year at





Independent Women Students
Make Better Grades
Than Sororities
Two Sorority Girls Achieve
Scholastic Rating That
Is Perfect
Statistics released from the office

of the dean of women show



dependent women students at the
University of Kentucky made a belter standing than did fraternity
women during the second semester of 1929-3Alpha Delta Theta
with an average standing of 1.903
made the highest standing of all
sororities on the campus. Independent women students made a standing of 1.699 as compared with
1.576 made by sorority girls.
average standing of the 1,007 co-ewas 1.654.

Mortar Board with an average
standing of 2.451 made the highest
standing of women's honorary fraternities, while a standing of 1.84
made by Beta Sigma Omicorn prov.
ed to be the highest average standIQ
ing made by social fraternities for
women inclusive of pledges.
The rocky road to Dublin must
If statistics do not lie, graduate
have been a primrose path comwomen students are better students
pared to walks on the university
campus, is the belief of Pat Althan regular students. The average
bert, junior in the College of standing of graduate students was
2.24, while the regular'
who is nursing
minor cuts and severe bruises as made the following average stand
ings: Seniors women, 1.89; Jun
a result of too intimate contact
iors, 1.66; sophomores,
1.59; and
with a slippery walk near the
agricultural building Thursday
freshmen, 1.44.
Boarding house gossip must have
Besides breaking the glass of some effect upon the woman stuhis slide rule, the cuts and bruisdent's ability to concentrate, for the
report shows the average standing
es, calling in the family doctor
living In boarding
of all co-efor first aid, plus shock, he reported last night from the Trihouses to be 1.42, which is lower
angle house that he had become
than that made by girls living in
a, firm advocate of plush covered fraternity houses, residence halls,
and those living with relatives. Of
sidewalks for general use by students and that he was resting as this group, girls living in fraternity
houses had the highest standing,
well as could be expected.
During the course of the inwhich was 1.569.
terview, when Questioned con- Women students living in Boyd
. cernlng
remarks at the time
Hall made a standing of 1.806; Patterson Hall, 1.530, and Smith Hall,
of the accident, Mr. Albert said:
li??l!::.:;;??l!; (censored) gin There was a very close marbetween the standings made by
the two highest sororities. Alpha
Delta Theta made a standing of
1.903 as compared with Kappa Delta's standing of 1.902.
The only two sorority girls to
make a perfect standing of 3.0,
were Misses Louisa Blckel, Kappa
Delta, and
J. Irvine Lyle Addresses pa Gamma. Jane Clay Kenney, Kap
Both girls are seniors
College of Arts and
"Some Engineering Remi- in the sorority girls making Sciences.
a standniscences and Prospects"
ing above 2.5 are: Sarah Seltz, 2.8;
Norma Lambert, 2.8; and Elizabeth
The Engineering college of the Eaton, 2.6.
university held its first Engineering , The report of the scholastic
assembly Wednesday morning at 10 standing of men students during the
second semester 1929-3- 0 will not be
o'clock In Memorial hall with J. Irreleased before two weeks, accordvine Lyle as guest speaker. His ing to Dean Melcher. The compilasubject was "Some Engineering tion of the men students' grades is
now being prepared from data from
Reminiscences and Prospects".
The engineering assemblies are the registrar's office.
held weekly during the year for the
purpose of bringing th engineering
students in contact with prominent
men of the literary, industrial,
commercial and engineering fields.
J. Irvine Lyle, the guest speaker.
is well known at the University of
Kentucky. He Is a graduate of the
class of '96 and was very prominent
With a daily average of 550 stuin campus activities during his matriculation here. Mr. Lyle has con- dents taking advantage of the newtributed much of his time, financial ly Introduced "fixed meal" system
assistance, and advice to the Uni- at the University Commons, it
versity and to his fraternity, Sigma hardly need be said that Miss Maye
Chi. Mr. Lyle was also one of the Hoover, supervisor of the Commons,
founders of the University of Ken has "hit the spot". The new meal
tucky Alumni club of New York program, which is arranged on a
dietetic basis, Is proving beneficial
from both the health and economic
The Carrier Engineering Corporation, of which Mr. Lyle is executive viewpoint.
Miss Hoover expressed a desire to
vice president, is the outstanding
firm in America doing air condi- devise a menu that would be attioning. The firm has employed tractive to the many students who
many university graduates in en- pay high prices for less carefully
gineering. The members of the prepared and balanced meals else1930 class who were placed with where in town. The meals average
the Carrier Engineering Corpora- 84 cents a day, and tickets may
be purchased at $5.00 for eighteen
tion include J. O. Benson, J. N. Gill-haB. P. Van Meter and L. A. consecutive meals. Also there are
$3.50. meal tickets available for
breakfast and dinner for tlx days.
The branch of the cafeteria at
Glee Club
the Teachers'
Training building
prepares for an average of 200 stuOfficials dents daily. The management will
be under the
Miss AnTryouts Will Be Conducted na P. Bland, direction ofstudent of
by Professor Lampert
the university. Miss Hoover plans
to use the new cafeteria as a labNext Week
oratory In institutional economics.
The Girls' Glee Club of the uni- At present special plate lunches are
versity at their weekly meeting held served for children at the training
Thursday afternoon elected the folThe dally menu at the University
lowing officers: Beuna Mathls, pres- Commons is as follows:
Breakfast: fruit, cereal or eggs,
ident; Imogene Young,
Roberta Hulette, secretary, bread, and choice of beverages.
Lunch: prepared plate, vegetable
and Mary Cooper Carter, treasurer.
The club Is under the direction of salad, bread, milk, and a dessert
Dinner: meat, two vegetables, salProf. Carl Lampert, head of the
ad, bread, and dessert.
music department.
Several operettas and novelty musical compositions are being considered for presentation by the Club
m the early spring. Any woman
student of tho university who has
ublllty and interest is eligible for
Thomas Clifford Amyx, sophoniimber&hlp in the club. Tryouts, more, took the lead of Class A of
In groups and for Individuals, will Die Schaschspleler Gesellschaft, and
be conducted by Professor Lampert Joseph Caden Burk, junior, the toad
In the Music building on Tuesday of Class B, at the first meeting of
and Thursday afternoons of next the nlverslty of Kentucky chess club
held at the residence of James S.
During the year programs are pre- Porter, Jr., 876 Headley avenue, last
sented at convocations and at ves- week.
pers. Last year several programs
Amyx leads the league with four
were also given. Each spring the wins and no losses, stopping the
club presents a production. This meteoric a rise of Richard MiVnlw
production is usually given at some Weaver, a Junior, when each had
nearby coUege or university after won two and lost none, in the crubeing presented at home.
cial game of the day.


n?ain5rieo"Pargnert FIRST ASSEMBLY


Despite Thursday's
though welcome rain, 'the Moonmade its first public appearshiner
ance on the university campus and
in the city. A new venture in Journalistic estate in .Lfexlpgton, the
new magazine Is a humorous monthly written and edited by students
and graduates of the university,
and. although It Is not published
as a campus publication, is typical
college life and
Richard Brewer, editor, is a graduate of the university, a member of
Theta Psi, social fraternity, Sigma
Delta Chi and Alpha Delta Sigma,
and advertising fraternities, respectively. His home is in Spokane,
Wash. Besides the University of
Kentucky, he has attended Rutgers
University and the University of
Texas, where he was considered an
outstanding journalist and held the
position of issue editor of the school
paper. Last year at the university
he was awarded the Sigma Delta
Chi Scholarship Key for 1930 in
recognition of Journalistic ability
and scholsstc attainment.
Art features for the initial issue
of the Moonshiner were done by
Johnny Craddock and William Frailer, both students at the university.
Readers concede that their ideas are
exceptionally clever. The cover design in colore, dose by Johnny
en page Mgbt)



LIQUOR MAGAZINE ARRIVESMoonshiner, Humor Publica
tion, Makes First Appearance on Campus


SEPTEMBER 26, 1930

U. K. Regimental Officers Are MCVEY TO SPEAK
Announced by Major Meredith TO STUDENTS AT
Ben. G. Crosby Is Named as

Part-tim- e





HEAD LIST OF PLAYERS Local Organization Consists
of 160 Men in Advance
Ingenious Production Is Work
Corps Training
of George S. Kaufman
Selection of students of the ad
and Edna Ferber
At a general rehearsal Wednesday night, Frank C. Fowler, director
of dramatic careers at the university, announced a tentative cast for
The Royal Family, the first of a series of five plays given each year
by the Guignol Players. The Royal
Family, a comedy In three acts,
marks the advent of the most pretentious season ever attempted by
the theater and is prophetic of the
biggest year In the history of the
local playhouse.
The "first first night" of the present season will be on October 27,
when the Initial performance will
be presented. Much Impatience to
get under way was exhibited at the
opening rehearsal both by the members of the cast as well as by Director Fowler, due to the fact that
this particular type of play has
never been produced here before.
The Royal Family is the culmination of the ingenuity of two writers,
George S. Kaufman and Edna Ferber. It was first produced in 1927
by Jed Harris at the Selwyn Theater
in New York where It had a long
and decidedly successful run.
The scenes of the play are laid In
the drawing room of the fashionable
Cavendish home in the "East Fifties"; the time Is modern and the
family represents a prototype of the
The various
famous Barrymores.
"situations" which arise among the
relations are at the same time both
amusing and melodramatic.
The tentative cast Is as follows;
Fanny Cavendish, Mary Galloway; Julia Cavendish, Kathryn
Anthony, Leer Buckley;
Gwen, Caroline Speyer; Herbert
Dean, R. D. Mclntyre; Kitty
Wolfe, C. P. Kraatz; Perry Stewart,
Smith; Gilbert Marshall, RobJack
ert G. Lunde; Delia, Lenora Howe;
or Claude
Jo, Hayes Calllhan;
Walker; McDermott, Joe Ferguson;
Hallboy, Carl Howell: Chauffeur,
Frank Peters; Gunya, M. Webb.
(Continued on Page Eight)



First Night of the Season





- ypwiui ,

Best Copy Available m


Cafeteria Trys

(Dietetic System
Of Fixed Meals'



Amyx, Burk Leid
In Chess

� Best


Friday n formal tea from 6 was
given at the chapter's attractive
new house on South Limestone.
Saturday the cirls were guests or
in BE
honor nt luncheon nt Shnkcrtown
Inn, followed by n motor car party
to fnmous historic places In Ken
Mondny. a four-nlcc- e
plnyed the dance music for a Bow-cr- y
party nt the chapter house.
Tupsrfnv. ihp ntnmnne club Of
Alpha Delta Thcta entertained the
active chapter and their rushees
with a bridge tea in the rea room
jjlttttttttt ttmtntmtmtntm:tmnntmnmttmun:aKututmtt
of the Lafayette hotel.
Wednesday, a nlcturc show party
followed by nfternoon tea at the
Hall. President McVey, the speakCALENDAR
Green Tree tea room.
the guests enjoyed
Alpha Delta Thcta entertaining
Friday September 2G:
miniature golf, and were later inPledge Day for the sororities at Informally In the afternoon for the
vited to the chapter house for tea.
'new women at the University and
the university.
Friday afternoon, the rusnces
Convocation for the students and later with a buffet supper in their
were welcomed Informally at the
faculty at ten o'clock In Memorial honor.
chapter house and were guests of
Thursday, September
Sigma Omicron entertained
the honor at a buffet supper.
rushecs with an Informal tea at the
be l
chapter house. Brightly colored
Miss Marearet Llndsey Thomas
balloons were given each guest.
Friday, September 19, members and Mr. Robert William Creech, Jr ,
of Beta Sigma Omicron were host of Pinevllle. Ky., were married Fri
esses at a formal tea. The guests day, September 19, in Lebanon, K.y.
included new girls of the university, Reverend O. Barrett Rich, m, oi- the alumnae, active member, and flciated.
pledges of the sorority. Miss Mary
Mrs. Creech was graduated in
Stuart Newman poured tea and lit- 1929 from RandolDh Macon College
tle Miss Sarah Revell Estill was in Lnchburg, Va., and is a member
page. Each rushee was given a pink of the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority.
rose as souvenir of the occasion.
Mr. Creech attended the Staunton
Saturday, the new girls were en Military Academy and later was
tertained with a bridge tea dance graduated from the University In
at the Henry Clay Tea Room.
the class of 1927. He was a memMonday, miniature golf was play ber of the Sigma Uu fraternity.
ed, and each rushee returned to the
chapter house for further
The marriage of Miss Susan E.
Tuesday a bridge tea was given at Cook to Dr. Howard D. Robbins. of
Chimney Corner In honor of the Cincinnati, Ohio, has been an
rushees, actives,
and nounced. The marriage was solem
pledges were present.
nized Tuesday, August 5, at Law- Wednesday, the sorority enter- renceburg, Ind., with Rev. Forrest
tained with a Bowery party. The e. Young of the Presbyterian
decoration Included the sorority col church, officiating.
Distinctive 'Flattering
ors, ruby and pink. Small favors
Mrs. Robbins Is the daughter of
of Bowery dancers were given each
and smart i this new
Mr. and Mrs.. John O. Cook, of Lex
lngton, and was graduated from the
creation of BLACK
afternoon a theatre
with a dash of WHITE
party was given and a salad course University in the class of 1930. She
was served later at the Canary Cot- was a member of the Beta Sigma
a clever three eyelet
featured at
Omicron sorority.
oxford tie of elegant
attended the univerMr.
Friday, a dinner given at the La- sity Robbinsyears
and was a stu
for two
Kid, perforated
fayette Hotel will close the season's
dent in the College of Commerce.
and underlaid with
He is at present studying at the
white Kid giving the
University of Cincinnati, and is a
Mrs. Dantzler Entertains
member of Delta Sigma PI, honor
smartest effect of the
The first meeting of the executive ary commerce fraternity.
Mr. Robboard of the University Woman's
new style note of
Mr and Mrs,
the son
Club was held Tuesday noon at the bins is Robbins, of Bellevue, Ky.
home of Mrs. L. L. Dantzler, newly
elected president.
Mrs. Dantzler
Friday Pledge Day
the board members
During the first weeks of the
with a luncheon at her home on the
Moil orders fwmprfj
school year the sororities have been
Nlcholasvllle road.
entertaining new women of the
number of parties
Series of Alpha Delta Theta Parties univers