xt76dj58gt0b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76dj58gt0b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-10-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 18, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 18, 1988 1988 1988-10-18 2020 true xt76dj58gt0b section xt76dj58gt0b  

Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCll, NO. 49

Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexlnaton, Kentucky


Independent since 1971 Tuesday Omomv ta, l’Jfijfi


Publisher Combs confirms he’s named in list of allegations

’n .l \\ Ill..\\'l'(l\
l‘Idltor lnt'lnet

(isear tombs, editor and publisher ol the
t'ats‘ Pause. said last night that he is
named in one ol 17 additional NCAA alle-
gallons against the [K men‘s basketball

.lohn Harsie ol l'K's legal olllee told
t'ombs _\esterda) the Nt'AA alleges that
Bill ('llllplli a talent seout. had paid trans—
portation to Lexington tor tihlo high school
basketball \llll' liiIWt’l't’lN‘P ll'underlmrke
tor an llllt'l'\|t‘\\ \Hlll (‘ombs during the
15m.“ :vttt aeademie _\ear. (‘ombs told report
ers at his Leungton (‘ats~ l’ause tilllt‘t‘ last

night The ('ats‘ l’ause is a weekl) newspar
per \\'ll|(‘ll covers l'K at hletles

Dars'le eonl’irmed (‘ombs' statement last
night. Huylllfl that in the eomersation he
told (‘ombs that the NCAA alleges that
(‘hupil had paid lor transportation to lies;
ington lor lt'nnderburke and a ll'lt'tltl‘ Mark

The allegation iiivoli‘liig (‘ombs’ is one ot
lT allegations against the basketball pro
gram tlial the l‘niverslty released Satur
da) bringing the total allegations to 18.

(m the advlee ol inderx‘ndent linestiga—
tor James Park. the l'ni\'erslt) has de
elined to gne the ilaiiies ol‘ anyone named
m the lllll'L’Jllltills lloselle said Saturda}

that more than to people were named in
the NCAA allegations

(,‘ombs' said that lt‘underhlirke had been
in his liexmgton ot'llees Ulll} onee tour to
ll\'(‘ years ago when lt‘underhurke was in
the eighth or ninth grade

The publisher said ('hupil had brought
Funderlinrke into his oltlee and told
(‘ombs that the ~\ounizster would be "a
great basketball plloer someda). "

(‘ombs said he has met \Hlll
lt‘underburke twee in the last war at an
all~star game in Ne“ .Jers'm :n .lttl\ and at
a Kentuek) all'slttt‘ game

But. (‘ombs said the ('ats" l’aUse has
never had a stol‘\ about l’underburke, be


Drink up

’n l‘ll ll \llli'l'll \\ \lll‘l
\tatl \\rltel

lasteners ot \Vl‘Wll‘s morning sho“.
reahlrlnu tllM' ltit‘kt‘) lloll_\ Wood and
program direetor Ind) .lonesi heard a
aluullng on the air yesterday
morning) as Woods drank several aleo-
llHl.t drinks to help shou the elteets ot

l‘he e\periment
\ieollol \\\al'eness Week

“”1le “as aeeompanied b) lit lairr}
lzatl eommander ol t'tinllllullll} \(‘l'Vlt‘t'
‘tti the l,t'\lll_l_’,ltltl~l“£t}t‘llt‘ l'rban t‘ount)
l’o tee \\ ho Used the pl‘t’llllllllill‘} breath
‘i‘s’ to monitor her blood aleohol «on
tent tor three hours

.\'he drank pre ml\ed t'hl-(‘hi restau
rant ‘ marnueritas, in \ihleh eaeh drink
eontalned iolir ounces ol Zfi-lil‘tml aleo-
tiol. \\lllt'll l>- equal to one ounce ot loll
pi'oot aleohol “nods began “till a blood

llil ,it

\ias part ol l'K's


Lt tar'y Ball of the Lexington-Fayette County Urban Po-
tee arms a preliminary breath test to tun-air oersonatitv

Awareness Week

aleohol tontent oi oo at T a in In I to
she had a blood le\el oi oi athleh Is
one third ot the ‘.\.I\ to ltt‘lllL' leualb l’t

'l in lN‘llllfl a little Illlllt't'
\\ood said l\\ollld ilot drne

"l‘be tirst Itht aleohol etteets Is \our
inhibitions. llall said ‘ lt redliees
‘hem alter .\ oil‘\ e been drinklnu

'l‘he reduetlon o1 Inhibitions ls uitlat
ratises' problems \\ hen people ha\e been
tll’lllklllL’ttlltl the\ think the} tan «true

The inhibitions sa_\ UK. 1
make that light or I make
‘lirii, ltallsaid

some people think that alcohol alteets
e\eljxone the same nay Hall said l’eo
ple ol the same height and \H'lL’lll lna_\
drink the same amount and haxe the
same blood alcohol le\el lrlll leatt tlzl

' It takes about 3o minutes tor the al
l'oltol to more through the sistemi

\ll ill




Holly Wood of WFMl in


micev COLEMAN «an, e-

bottlllnrtlon Wlll" UK's ,Atr‘flttél

Local DJ promotes Alcohol Awareness Week on morning show

lilill baht the salrle
v' v p\\.l-tlliloull-li! lto‘k t’

l‘eople ltlln
'lull. leaet litltererltb l:

\ till
",‘lll\t‘ .t’lt‘t ts

l’eople :zaseoneeptlens
t‘le pertaining Nu Drone.
l later the l'lllllt'tli't' the ‘ l'ilplled too
sent and the tllllt’l't‘tlt‘t's bemeeir
the teld sobrleh
breath and

'l‘he trueest problem i-
‘aill l‘eople say
~ald llll\' “tilt the ‘tllend

ll'llt‘.\ that are deter-table M i, ttliilitl

ti\l) ’zii\t'
:bolll :aus
lest ‘fle pt‘elltnltlan

'i‘sl the breathab/el lulll
\l_\ tllerid

" ll\ll.‘ill\

be mild

ltl I does not last pertain to a.
also :tlt‘llides illegal arid legal

ltl l llleltides drugs and people tltiil?
l'eall/e that Hall said lltl\lll); \tllllt'
lltltlttl the l'iiillenee o: a lil\|ll l= lll l l'

“Bu \I.( “HUI llllK \


j.olltt a ltlltl ll.i‘

(oilios ~ald t-

‘-t \\ltt"lltt‘

.lllt‘l .lt .tl’tit


”ll. 'llt‘ tillgtlit -

an illil'llptl » l"


Other universities
have had playera‘
scores invalidated

’.\ l-ol \lH‘il iil‘u


Casey’s lawyer "at“ s literal
can he defended ln Ell‘ttié-gf

‘\\\l)( rail-ll l"' -~

State Democratic party leaders stump the state for Ulikakis

I'nt \. lll \\l{ lltl\|l“l‘lll
l'Ithtoi'lal lulltor

\\l'h iess than :1 da_\s letl tiiitll eleetlon
llax state llt'llltit‘l'tllli' part} leaders haw
lit‘LLlll' lialllflfll'tllltlL‘. the state. trying to
time the :ap liel\\eell their presidential
tandldate tlo\ \llebael Dukakls. and lie
pubht all eandidate \‘lre President George

\los! polls released slnee last “eeks'
presidential debate \llt)\\ the \ lee president
mm a \Ulllltll'ldl)l(‘ lead and some men
season with Hi He still sit't
tied however

I «Ion ! feel I have ream e\ploti
ed yet. Holleran said 'I :n ham-2
with leading 'tie tackles
but I wanna make more tiia: .\.i..'
1 'ii making

\ twrfectionist vlil .iiitt oti 'ht
iieiti llollei'at: sets his goal I't.‘I'lIl
.1 game to make every tackit lit
strt\es for improvement t'y'et‘t ll.i'>
There is always something rim ' .
learn and then to perfec‘

Exery game Holleran lia» sl,i1“twf


it'ttf'l it?


‘t ,5 ~*


UK linebacker Randy Holleran (40) puts pressure
On Alabama quarterback Jeff Dunn three weeks

:oi tlit Wildcats he has registered
III double figures in tackles In six
star's this year and one last year
he 's averaging 111»; tackles per
" ‘ llxs career high of 18 came
anti. l I.otiis:.iri;i State I'niy'ersity
iiis' week


I.tl!l{‘!l;; Itt'IIIIItI the defensive
Fi'u stalking his prey. Holleran
‘tll'l tic psyclies himself for every

sitar: 1h.- hail Intensity is the
km 'nliis game
I't' got to be lit a controlled

l l ’


rage." Holleran said “You can't
be thinking too iiiucb

Linebacker coach Terry Strock
has not been surprised by Holle
rati ‘s emergence

"I expected hiiii to play Just as
well as he has played.' Strock
said “Our linebackers are (“1"
pected to be leading in tackles ’

Winning is the driving force be
hind Holleran IIe refuses to accept
defeat Evert after heartbreaking
losses to Auburn and \labama and
LSI'. Holleran refuses to L’l\ e up

3 it! 4.2


ago at Commonwealth Stadium. Holleran had a
career~high 18 tackles in UK's loss to LSU

"I'm very competitive." says
Holleran clenching his lists "I
don't like tolose "

After being recruited from

McKeesport High in Pennsylvania.
Holleran came to Kentucky expect-
ing to be a wmner And now that he
is here he believes he can be

“I want to be a winner here at
Kentucky. Holleran said “We
need to find that little thing to
make us be winners I think we
have what it takes ‘

Confident rifle Cats head north to Lake Erie

Hy \\ \RRI‘I\ ll \\ F.\\
[tail Writer

I'Ks 211thiranked rifle team tray
i‘incinnati this weekend
where they will compete to Hit
Lake Erie Rifle (‘ompetttioii

l K. l4»I1m(‘ Southeastern (‘onle'
ence defending champions will be
one of seven schools competing ir

I‘K iust returned from (‘int-irinat.
w here they set a new school record
in the small bore phase of the coin
petition in a dual meet agains:
13th-ranked XaVier Their 4.48:
total surpassed the old mark by 18

(‘Is “1

points A perfect score in small
bore is «1.8m

The problem for [R was Xavier
set their own school mark against

"Whenev er we go up and shoot
against them they always do real
ly well ‘ I'K coach Harry Mullins
said “Mr people were a little
dow r. in the dumps about the loss
but I told them that when you're on
as they were, you have nothing to
beashamedot ”

"I in looking forward to match-
ing up against them again.” Mul
lins said He and his Wildcats w'ill
haw that opportunity Saturday

the Muskies are one of the LEW

L'K will be out for another re
cord-breaking performance Satui‘
day in both the small bore and the
air rifle phases If one or the other
record doesnt fall this weekend.
Mullins predicts it will the next

"(lur new record is Just a tentative

one at the moment. Mullins said
“I expect to be breaking it again in
a couple of weeks This is the most
talented squad ever at Kentuck\

I‘K didn't get a school record iii

the air rifle Sunday but should
haye a better opportunity this
weekend In Sunday's match the


Still in


FROM 10¢ 8: UP


405 5. Lime






Pick up the Kernel — Arid pick up on what’s happening



Wildcats had only a 20-minute
break after the small bore competi-
tion before iumping into the air
rifle shooting. In the LERC. the 90—
minute air rifle shooting preceeds
the four-hour small bore marathon

“It‘s a rough ride." Mullins said
"Mentally. you're exhausted after
four hours of small bore Air rifle
tends to become an afterthought.
espeCially to our younger and less
experienced shooters "

The Wildcats 1.484 air rifle mark
at Xavier was but 17 points shy of
the PK mark of 1.501 and 15 shy of
the Muskies winning total of 1.499
if new X'dVK‘I‘ SCI’TOUI I‘Pt'tli‘tl

J's Ann Kroot an ace

in UK’s full deck

Staff Writer



Lady Kat golf
team has re—
ceived consis-
tent play from
proven per-
formers this
fall, but the
team found a
new hero at

the Spring
Lake Country KROOT
Club Saturday

UK sophomore Ann Kroot. Ken-
tucky‘s N0. 5 player on its five—
playei‘ squad. was the difference
for Kentucky as [K claimed its
sixth-consecutive Lady Kat Invita-
tional Tournament victory

The Indianapolis native had fired
poor rounds of 83 and 84 before her
final round of par 74 Saturday
tops among the ['K players

“She‘s got to feel wonderful."
said sophomore Jayne I.ohr. a pre-
season third-team AIIAmerican
“I've been in that position and it‘s
a great feeling." Lohr. I'K‘s No. 3
player as a freshman. finished 14th
in the nation at the NCAA
Championships in May Her lofty
finish as the No. 5 player at that
title tournament was best among
the I'K contingent

"Playing No :3 and having your
team‘s low round is something
else." Lohr said "I'm so happy for
her "

In collegiate golf. the top four
scores of the five golfers are added
from each round to get each team
score for that round. A No. 5 golfer
is commonly expected to contribute
one score from either three or four
rounds, depending on the tourna-

"I've always said that a team is
always as good as its fifth player.
I'K (‘oach Evans said "You defi
iiitely need a wellrounded team.“

"I‘ve never shot a round that low
in college before.” Kroot said "I
was just aiming for the pin and hit-
ting it really well.” Kroot. a for
mer Indiana high school state

champion, said she was disap‘
pointed in her first in her first two

“I had to do something." Kroot
said. “I was getting down on my-
self and disappointed, Coach
(Evans) put it in my head yester-
day that I was a better golfer than
I had shown It feels great to have
helped the team. "

Kentucky's (‘indy Mueller. the
medalist at the Lady Buckeye in
September and second at I'K's last
event ~Memphis Statel, fell from
second to finish fourth among the
97 individuals

Mueller. who trailed Auburn‘s
Margaret Pla tt by four strokes-
heading into Saturday's final

round. had closed the gap to two
shots after ten holes, It was then
that the wheels began to come off
Mueller four-potted two greens on
the back nine and finished the day
at three—over—par 7?

”Everybody probably feels like I
choked but I didn't.“ Mueller said
'I‘m just a very aggressivt putter
and I was banging it by the hole
today "

“It‘s a letdown not winning the
tournament.” Mueller said “It
probably hasn't set in yet and I‘ll
probably crv later "

Auburn‘s Platt. the tournament's
Wlt‘(‘>tt)r\\'lr(‘ leader, claimed a
Commanding fi\'(‘v ' i‘Nni-ii
.itioiit ..il

ltllllt'\ t~' I "'llL‘

lilt‘ "‘.l\liit\t’\ li' lirltlt' lii‘ltll'i' ll‘

ioiinii ii‘\i‘ {ire i‘l‘ItN 3 '. as were
‘ltl'!t 'ti“.
lt‘lll l'll‘

:rev xis

wxiiitiai'il Mullt‘ll the siiiiliei'

i'iiii'ieit i'i‘i





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j/iir' iizitt‘i‘ Iii/urination about :::i' 'r"r'iii,t'iiiii

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 4 — Kentucky Kernel. Tuesday. October 18. 1988

Bush and Dukakis
trade jabs on issues

It} WILLIAM .\| \\ H (‘II
Associated Press

(leorge Biish. signaling he won't
sit on his lead in the campaign s
linal weeks. returned to the attack
yesterda} and said Michael Duka
kis should "stop running down our
defenses ” Itukakis charged Bush
With ignoring the nation's loss ot
industrial iohs

Battling the iiotioti that he is slip
ping hopelessl) behind. the Demo
eratie presidential nominee began
.i campaign swing through iiidusti‘e
al states crucial 'o his ehanees He
said his Reputiheiin riial has "sat
on tiis hands \ihile \meriea‘s in
dustrial heat'tla'iit tight
iiig ior its hle

Itiikakis running
Rentsen launched .in attack on
lliish iii the South as ttie oiih one
oi the tour eandidates
\oteri tor national gun eontrol He
i‘eteri'ed to a mutt \ote \\llli(‘ Bush
“as int ongress

\l'th three weeks tell in the pres
deiiti.ii rave aides to lhikakis said
he \wuld seek to sharpen the dit
between himselt illlti the
partri-ularh til‘ eeu

has been

male Hind

\\ ho has

\tt't' president
lilitllti tssltt‘s

But .is he ariiied in iihio
state i metal to his ehanees. a tlt'u.
statewide pot.i to Hit \kron Beacon
Journal should Rust hoidan. a
double digit lead

Rush liumaiit hut i'autioin'ig
attains? tt\(‘l't 'tllttiit'tlt't' toured .i
[teeter :ir'ea piaiit

Sta: \Vii- resent?

He iist‘ti the settltii; to so} ltuka
kis has a total iai h ot understand
:ng tit out niihtar} trxing
llt'\llt‘l'.itt'i} to rump tlllli thi mains
'I‘tfttlli m aekriowleri‘grig .i need
to nimlerni/e


a tit:

iteteiise it here


illttl is

Lind tuned ’ttii teat
there is strong reason to
riottttl that he would do it Bosh
said 'He still opposes the \IX and
he thinks the Midgetnian eosts toe
much So he sa_\s hes going to
iiork with t‘ongress to Mid another

"\Aake up goierrior
Me \edonealt that

He delended the Reagan admin
istrations record on votiventionat
forces against Dukakis' past
charges that such torees have been
slighted in the push lor new big
ticket strategit' seaports systems
Bush dismissed that as misintor

Hush sdirt

‘(y'm‘ernor it“ time to stop riir‘
ning down our detensesf he said

He .ilso ridiculed Itukakis tor
supporting some research into Star
Wars while dismissing the pro

posed sluice-based iinssiledeteiise
system as a tantasy

Itukakis and his campaign stat't
were emhracing the idea ot run
ning as the underdog 'I‘o under~
score his resolve. Itukakis said
“My spirits are good and took
trumpet in hand to phi) ”Happ}
Days Are Here \gain. a Demo
eratie standard

ltukakis declared he \Hts "light
iiig tor the \alues I believe in.
and in a touch ot populism. told
workers at a eopper and brass
plant, ’I want to lie the president
is ho stands up and lights tor .will

He pointed to recent trade lig
tires shiming imports to the I'nited
States were at an all time high in
August and said Bush 'has not
gnen the American people a clue
as to what he \wuld do to re\erse
the trade detieit

tieorge Bush sat on the side
hues tor eight \ears while America
got beaten in world markets.
\Allllt‘ a pieee ot .\ineriea \ias being
sold ott met“) da} tit liargaui liaser
ment prices hesaid

He also disputed Rush s standard
speeeh line that he \\.iiits a kind
er gentler nation

llis reeord tells mral :\tllt‘l'll'.’t
tiie tt'\‘.t‘l’ iamih iarniers the liet
ter His record middle class
taimlies the gloi'i days are o\ei’
\our kids ma) not do its xii-ll as
\ou lhikakis said

Rentsen tritiig to s;i\e some oi
the South tor the l)t'ltltK‘t‘;lts.
ihikakis was not planning euts iii
deteiise spending and deleiided him
.igains‘ teleiision ads plaiing :n
tine south that hit ltukakis as .in

”thin AM it} Qttt‘ t irtt‘t Iii



1 s.i\\ 'hose ads about \like lit.
kakis going to taki 'hi guns .iiiax
tron: ;ou the ’l‘e\as senator said
'3 It‘Mtl‘ktittli on the 'l‘e\as \rkari
luirder l suri xwuldi; t be
running tutti an} teiitm .t I thought
he iias going tit 'itkt tt a shotgun
.oiai lrom rrie


nominee ltar: t)ua_\it -lropped l"
unarinouiited at a Flint. Mich
Burger King restaurant where he
talked about sports and “titxl'ltul'l!

it .‘l- t'llx?‘ in;

Republican -. .ei,

trig; stunts .ixe" i‘ii‘fi-i»


He .iiai' took a para tron: Ituka
kis eanipaigr: hook ta} pledging
‘Eood yttts a? good “ages” the
phrase ltukakis has used sltlt't‘ the

It‘- a series «It stops ai'ross \lii‘h:
gar: “ht'l‘t' the auto ”idiis“"- has
lieei‘ hard hit ’t.‘ tore: ‘ri eompe'
’zori Quaile milled 'nr tat
‘rade \irthou!
'eetionis’ barriers


t'i-siii‘t'rtL‘ 'r it‘ll"



ALAN HAWSE Kernel Sta“

WARM TUNES: John Survant. an undecided Classroom Building to the tune of warm weath~

freshman, plays his guitar outside the Whitehall er that swept over UK yesterday



Supreme Court will review

up Texas

It) .I \\II~ISII. Ill llI\

\ssoeiated l’ress

\\ \Slll\tl'l‘t i.\ The Suit: t:~
t'ourt. agreeing to deride ’l”\\ :.i'
states ma} go to 'Elll‘il slilllt' l'tt'lt’w
«it pohtieal protest. said :\t‘~!tl'ti."
rexieii .i 'l‘e\as tira'
t' 'It littl‘tz thi

it \itll ia'i‘x
makes i’ a a ' irz.
lean Hag

The Justices setting the stag
a politiealt} and emoiiuriaiia
charged ruling \Hll
tnstating ii eoiiiietiori
man \iho hurried a dag :i' .i termite
stration during the WM [’it‘lttll‘ltl‘dt
\ittltllléll (‘orziention tlt Millie

,\ derision is t'\lii't'i'ii ll.

lriother it t~-r ‘tr

' \greed in .i tiitti-ttttdlh irripwi
.‘i sjjiiti iitiii



Uit‘istiii'l 3e

Ligtilts’ .l


tant Illiei ease 'w !'t\tt"\\
award won against an (ihio rieits
paper The \xill t‘\itlliillt'
him elosel},
semtim/e iur_\ tindings oi
malui utter a putilie t'iguii stii‘s-
tot libel

- sa'ti 1‘

appeals eourts ’ttttst

xvii hear a Ht’itL‘al‘ tit



Write for the Kernel ~



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U.K.Book$tore g


ministration appeal aimed at male
Ing it easier tor the government to
conduct taxtraud investigations
The court WI“ use a ('ahtornia ease
ttl\'tti\l!IL’. the (‘hureh ot Seieniologi
to settle a dispute oiei' Internal
Revenue SerViee powers

~ Let stand the espionage and
thett convictions ot tormer ITS in
ielligenee analyst Samuel lioring
Morison tor giving seeret satellite
photographs toa British magazine

0 Agreed in a case trom tthio to
decide whether states ma} giie
larger retirement benetits