xt76dj58gr30 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76dj58gr30/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-09-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 08, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 08, 1972 1972 1972-09-08 2020 true xt76dj58gr30 section xt76dj58gr30 : y an independent student newspaper
erMI VOI. LXlV NO. 7 University Of Kentucky
Friday, September 8, 1972 Lexington, Kentucky 40506
' . gsg " ”s p
.s?::..,. . 3:35 :5- . 1:..."g....".'~'l.§:135"iif .:*r::' r-:- y" W33" .
”at s V _..~ . ' ' ‘ ' {grist i
gig. t t gs C'ty' ounty P annmg 9”” P’0P0595
”W5 W .3 W" 3 £3 ’23... ggfld’g‘fi: CYC 9 Pat "OfWOf Of' exmngn
t» . .mggg.» gags . ,, - ‘ . . a; 93 _ . is:
kW‘ :i ._ .r 5g: a}; egs -zgaiyfl By BILL PINKSTUN lanes: which are SpPCIBll)’ marked off
. wwWmeWgW Kernel Staff Writer parallel to the street curb. four to six feet
2 , , .. iii—3- .. ' "Wow! Down on Rose Street some guy wide on each side of the street. for bicycle
N g_ .15, '\ g pulled out right in front of me and I almost use only;
' . a.» 3 s 3:2» _ _ it» got hit!" paths: special right of ways for bike I
5 .3 a», . gsgs Sound familiar? “(1095” you 8r9 one of use only. preferably about eight feet Wide
' -' ... ‘ _-.-- rm ' the rapidiy increasing number oi vK ‘i'nrridnr ihsnrg‘
_ ' swifi . ' ’ g students who rides a bicycle to and from Don Burrell. formerly of the commission
- ' ' ‘ ‘t g s class or around Lexington. and now with the Bluegrass Area
K“: . Concern for the safety of cyclists has Developement District. explained the idea
“hm '__ use“? 9‘; . g WW... . g prompted the Lexington-Fayette County of bike routes in terms of what he calls the
w ., S'“ ~ (-3 ’3‘ Planning Commision to propose “corridor theory "
l g_ 3‘ I ”M 7 .. v designating 0" constructing? a com- The “corridor theory“ would funnel
‘ i. ”UK g", _ gsg . _ gsg/i prehensrve system 0t bikeways bicycle traffic down a quteter. less
’ 3333‘ ,1 i Q fl - .. , . I” f With the help of various community travelled street running between two busy
‘t‘i‘; x s. 1.3—» “ W I" organizations. and Hi departments. the thoroughfares
-; 5'; I t y ' planning commission began discussmg litirrell suggested as an example Mill
~ ’f 55"“; w "‘ YR bikeways late in 1971 and in June of this Street. which lies between the heavy
kg 3%: = ‘ ”bgéwzfls year. After conducting an extensive traffic of South Limestone and Broadway
1 y if as ”$2 ‘* survey of riding conditions. their findings Martha Alexander. who heads the
: gr ,s... . , , .. gee Pub“s,“?d- . . Wm” ”“0 ”‘9‘" Dre-W WWW
A“? y ngéf’i” " ' t“ Bikeways would be located in different parallel parking SpitCOS 0t 501““ streets.
as parts of Lexington. but since the “prime Shesaid she favored prohibiting parking
.. .. . generator ,f bicycle traffic“ is UK, ac— in those spaces from morning until late
' cording to the commission‘s report, the afternoon. reserving that part of the street
*' . bikeways would primarily serve to for bicycle travel. “Some streets. like
“1...... facilitate the flow of bike traffic to and Euclid, are wide enough ‘0 be laned f‘"
- . . from UK. mercies." Aisxander added.
u Bikeways are divided by the commission How much?
its» ' into three components: The cost of such programs? No one will
Charlie Chen.communications major. finds the going slow and dangerous —-F0Ut€SI certain roads that are shared venture a 211955 “OW. hUt means of ob
on Limestone Street near Euclid Avenue.tKernel photo by John flicks.) by motor vehicles and bicycles. that have (‘ontinued on page H col. i
an offical bikeways sign;
Cheerleader protest draws fire from WKU editor
By (‘AROLCROPPER representation. elections were held last spring, black Western Kentucky President Dero
Kernel Staff Writer Last year approximately 450 of the 11,500 students made known their dissatisfaction Downing said those who did protest were

Many students at Western Kentucky Western students or just below 5 percent of with the squad this fall. he said. generally quiet and orderly. “The matter
University feel that the administration the student body were black. according to _ . yesterday “'35 handled by the students
yielded to unfair demands by the Black Don Armstrong. director of public “We believe that they held some thf‘mSk'tVt‘S in a W8)" that was com-
Student Union tBSU) yesterday when relations. Since a black woman, Markitta meetings last week and kept it very quiet." mendable - ghO disorder 0t any kind," he
another black was added to the Singleton. was already on the squad. the said Russelt Every black 0" campus was said. He said he is planning a different
cheerleading squad. addition ofa new one. Fanny Cole, to the 10 called on to cut classes W9d”°Sda-V' method of electing cheerleaders next year

That‘s the Opinion of Stephen Russell, member team means that20 percent Of the morning and about oneghalf Of them at. '0 give broader representation to mac“
managning editor of The College Heights cheerleaders are black. tended the snrm‘ S‘Udvnt"

Herald. Western‘s campus neWSpaper, The usual squad size is six but was in- 0 d w BLG
Russell was interviewed following‘wed- creased to nine at the beginning of this D|sgrunt|ed DJs common eer
nesday‘s protest. semester. Singleton ranked ninth in votes

The decision to comply came from the last spring and automaticall' became a h k f
office of Charles Keown. dean of student part of the team. Cole had yranked six- to FrateSt c “use to roc ormat
affairs. after .a conference. involving teenth in the voting. Radio personalities Bill Wade and Dale programs ”n the air
Keown and various other administrators. Russell said that many students felt this Wright last night barricadpd themselves

Keown had previously met with five was unfair to the girls ranking tenth into the downtown offices of WBIG radio 'l‘hetwo.withtremendous public support
members of the BSU who had participated through fifteenth. “They thought because to protest management plans [0‘ change once on the air. barricaded themselves on
in a sit-in at the administration building. they were white they didn‘t get on the the radio station intoa rock music station the second floor of the station. locked the
The protest was made up of approximately squad,“ he said. ‘ ‘ I first “00r dOOFSg removed fuses from the
250 black students calling for more black Blacks felt that since a large number of Pirating the station‘s airwaves at 6 pm. elevators and blocked the second {100,-
representation on the cheerleading squad. athletes are black they should have blacks Wade and Wright publidy demanded that doors with two by fours.

However. according to Russell. many cheering for them. Russell said. station manager Randell Hughes keep the (sominmd on page 3' (~01. 3
students thought this was unfair Although there was no trouble when the “PM, Opinion" and “Country Bill Music"
” —..

. So you‘re planning on hitting
'ns'de the Kernel Today: the (Forge this weekend. Well.
Ever hear strange little beeps on your phone along mm the Spam you d better

and get the feeling someone is listening? Larry "at with be Pam“ a tent The clouds are
O‘Brien does on page 11. Sexist comments in givmg you a 50—50 chance 0f
KERNEL copy sift through to the surface in the . thundPrShowers with Item-
Letters on page 2. Feeling a need to take legal raln perat-u‘re‘s m the m'djm 5' lt
action against your sloppy roommate? Find out promises to b“ cooler Saturday.
if you can on page 4- low 10 s. and clear.

 The hummus“ is“ Assistant Managua: Ezggg’tflhilfi'rfigggz Ed .t ' I
Kentucky i333}:ii“:€i§:":§i°§§§r*"" 35355535.: §§:§§:§:::::: tartan?" V i ONO S
Kernel Campus Editor Mike Tierney Editotials represent the Oplfltofls ot the editors not the Univetaity “a “m
City bikeway proposal worth a whirl
The Lexington-Fayette County many cases, only some paint for be the focus of bikeways. Instead lack 0f support from Involved
Planning Commission has marking lanes and some street of being partitioned by busy students. bl' t d t h'
wheeled out before the public the signs— are remarkably inex- Limestone, Euclid and Rose . Students areo iga e .o s ift
answer to a commuter’s dream— pensive and flexible, and far less Streets, the spreadout dorms and into high gear in supporting the
a long-sought proposal for dangerous. classrooms would again be only a plkeways_bef0;: that planatoo,
“bikeways” to link the city’s As the hub of Lexington’s cycle short pedal away. . is wheeled 0 0 a usty
suburbs, campuses and down- traffic, the UK community would The only brake to the plans is a bookshelf.
' And those farsighted enough to
see through the city’s haze of auto W339," w‘" re“. . ~ — " WW“,
. . . r / /
and bus fumes Will find this latest QW— jl '.
plan not only imaginative, but " ‘ 'm'é
actually feasible—if enough “-lll Y3
people get behind It. ,. jr-Z-é— s; \
Bikes have spread from the , " ' :5—
. jump-rope set to students and {Km/“5‘," / ‘éi ..
young marrieds so quickly that ”1/7”
cycle sales nationally now out- WSEG
pace car sales. Over 50,000 county ”LIBERTY I: t J § /
residents, perhaps 15,000 of them l a“
college age, own bicycles. ." NO VICE .
Those figures, published in a \l‘ 'DAKKYCJ9 l / ’ 1

June Planning Commission 1%“ \V i“ ‘ ‘, '. u U

report. mint to ways to ease the _ \\"Iti~w' ‘ " P i 1/ . y W l

t . . . \“~\. «w "i/ *ui‘z WM.

own 5 worsening traffic and \x ‘\\\\2>’J. _ I: . \

make cycle trips safer. /' 3 . ”Rs; ' 7"}.-

Relatively simple changes in 7.,_ , .32.,"- ‘ ‘35‘32‘ :~.rf—.‘~ ,&

city laws could mark some quiet ' ’ [’3‘ ‘ ‘ " ‘ ' ' \~ I ‘ A.“

streets as “bikeways” where cars

would share the pavement with o o 0

bikes. Heavier-traveled roads Cheerleader Slt.ln had Palntless 900'

could sacrifice parking lanes for

bikes during peak traffic hours. While it is refreshing to note which resulted in the addition of a cheering for them.

' And in some 913999 eight-foot that black student activism is not second black cheerleader to the Our reaction to this strange
wide paths WOUid be hunt for dead on Kentucky’s college schooi’s varsity squad. logic is mixed. We could play
cycles alone. campuses,we wish the semester’s WKU blacks, who make up numbers games and decry

The advantages are obvious. An first demonstration could have about 5 per cent of the student discrimination against whites,
archaic city 13W Whioh now keeps been in an area of more relevance body, pressured President Dero pointing OUt that blacks now hOid
bikes off sidewalks and on to minority peoples in the state. Downing into accepting their 20 percent 0f the cheer leading
crowded streets threatens to The incident in question is the demand on the grounds that since positions, four times their
cause serious accidents daily. The sit-in by the Western Kentucky so many of the school’s athletes proportionate representation at

Proposed changes—requiring, in University Black Student Union, are black, they need blacks WKU.

Or we could point out the danger

of a conservative backlash among

Le 11'? r S the dissatisfied white students,

which on other campuses has

hil s h f overnment deals with the a e thata45 man lic f ' l d resulted in put-on “POIiSh StUdent

- - i. . ,, . .

Dee'ares for A&S seat fonfesrollertgicipation. You. the student. fevi/g women! But whioineth: fifclenfifutlfaéi Unions arid the “kg-fertémly

must weigh each issue and make in- ever-pending HEW investigation of net the thmg to quiet rac1ally '
Have you ever listened to hypocrisy? As dividual decisions, but it is imperative to charges of sex discrimination at UK. were tumbled waters-

acollective voice. the student body of the participate in the decision-making the suggested duties of these women But we do not berate WKU’S

University of Kentucky pleads for more process. We mustexpand on the successful limited to “investigating burglaries and blacks for attempting to reinforce

decision-making power. quite legitimate. programs of the present Student Govern- handing out tickets?" their identit in an often hostile

if not necessary, cries. As a collective tool, ment and initiate new programs where The idea would have had sufficient merit . y ,

however. the student body of the they become necessary. and demonstrated an educated grasp of Whlte State- We only WISh they had

University of Kentucky lies dormant. All this is fine rhetoric but goes no the issue of sex discrimination in em~ deVOted their energies t0

To what degree does this immense further without student participation. It is ployment if that limiting spoiler had been something more meaningful than

wean: of pottiniiil sttuslenttq p'lo'yer affect incumlbent upondthe stugint biody to care. [620” d l . t h placing a black woman on a
vou-t et ica i su en. eessence ivea mn. en eCiSions are secon com ain concerns t - -

of academic curricula can and should be rtriard? gyoid or bgd, let them reflect the Campus Wrapup (in males in home e: grouP WhICh. .some consnder
altered to meet the needs of those who all vast majority opinion ofall students. Ionly classes. The sentence “Of course. there is sexually explmtmg.

too soon will become statistics in the hope that the lethargic too of student another advantage for a guy in home A more useful approach to the
rapidly diminishing job market beyond power can at last be utilized to its full economics. Most Of the classes are find problems of minorities in
griguation. f . ff d t H potential. “ g :Lth gtiriis" its szxtist innasfsumipg that: irm Kentucky would be one similar to

e sco e o serVices o ere o a i an.tein ' 0 s U ” ra iiona ema e"su 'e

students 0;; all schools of thought and A818 Junior are beingy frivolous. anil has its oppbscii: that taken. by the UK BlaCk
endeavor can and should be vastly ex- implication that women in “traditionally StUdzntt Utmqnt Wthh has Spay-
panded. The local. national. and in- ' male"areas of studiare onl lookin for sore u ormg programs r
ternational philosophies under which we cans Kernel sex's' husbands. 3 3’ g ghetto youths and staged black
live can and should be redirected so as to It's diffiCUIt to understand Why a Bl” saddest or all. StUPid comments like cultural events.

reflect'the ideals of our university com~ campus iiewpaper the quality of the that only serve to give the Kernel a We hope that in the future we
munity Kernel continues to indulge in the SCXlSt sophomoric. amateurish tone inconSIStent - -

Mv name is Alan Stein. and I am using and. indeed. journalistically smug com- with quality journalism. Will see more attent'wn t0 the? real
this'forum to publicly announce my ments that were sitting around in the Karen Beckwith. Alumna PrOblemS 0f blaCkSin State hlgher
candidacy for the Universny Senate from Tuesday. Sept. 3 issue. John R. (‘ollings, Education and less emphasis 0n
the College of Arts and Sciences. My What a great suggestion on the editorial Political Science Senior trivialities.

 'I‘III‘I KENTl‘t‘KY KERNEI" Friday. September 8. 1972—3
5 local fain'l'es '" host international students
By ROGER DRURY It helps the student to adapt to The program is not limited to an authentic Indian meal, and it is better this year.
Kernel Staff Writer an unfamiliar life style and is an family planned activities. One was great." the wife said. He said he is preparing a
A telephone ”"853 enriching experience for the family hosting a student was In the past, the Host Family ”Hospitality Hints" sheet for the '
“Hello, my name is Mrs. family.” relatively new to the area. It Program has not been without its families "mentioning such thingsI
Smith. Are you Ming Lin.” Johnson tells a story about the happened their student has been problems. Johnson. however. as the fact that Moslems don‘t eat
'ed It Is In this fashion that a little boy ofahost family that was atUK for two years and ended up thinks many of them are being pork and Hindus don‘t eat beef.“
relationship spanning several fascinated by an African student guiding them around Lexington. solved now. He specifically noted ”Things like that can blow the
ift years Is started—one between a who came to have dinner. “The “Our student even had us over for that his contact with the students initial contact." he said.
he Host family and one of UK's little boy kept fooling with the
)0 Infrnational students. student's springy hair because .
' amily becomes a ”hOSt" he’d never seen a anything like WBLG DJ d
.ty when it indicates to the In- it!" 8 common eer alrwaves
ternational Student Office it One Oriental girl said, "I have C t' d from a e I
would like to get acquainted with benefited from this program 021'“: _ flg h ll t , f f
an international student over a because I am a stranger in a th utgtés' "(1‘3 eflpdoclf :3 t3 (5::th to P9 Zr support for the He also allowed them to stay 0"
prolonged period of time. The strange place. Many of us have Wei: 101" f5$3n,eb 7a e an bd :ovter. do? was “015‘?" UP "1 the air until that time although
family doesn’t board the student misconceptions about Americans thug ge o ldebzlrhyt 3mm? ”C e s an Signs were displayed “814' normally Signs 0” at
or give him any financial aid. and some of us don‘t want to get {we p2?” dwtub d S u: ‘ 3 2n passmg for?“ m bumper to midnight.
Instead, the family and student involved with any Americans thor' use at u if. a; opene [1.23” tr: m The mostly .
go on outings or some other whatsoever." fihaértlaves SP“ ‘C 5;“5510" ml (“t-age prothestOLS agreed to Meanwhile. Wade and _Wright
activity, every few weeks. Johnson said many in— (from‘Pscfffgsifiugilcofngrglck 3:15:85 suppor a mare SC eduled for remained barricaded. In the
“The program benefits both the ternational students become very to rock music. Friday me am. Ln from of the studiouflor the Flght, taking 08:5 ..
family and the student," said academic and close themselves An evening crowd of about 200 radio station. 2:119]; 2:3“! :o/izryiniimfaswog
John Johnson, program coor- off to personal relations. “The 0 le athered outside the rad' Hughes moved his 7 pm. , j
dinator of the international Host program helps greatly in pe p g 1° their Side. .
student affairs office. this respect." he said. wfifg§graW$§
Registration drive opens ‘ if
with ex lanation of laws % a) "
The fall voter registration register a voter and on who is 3/2“”. t
drive began last night at an eligible to vote. ’ ,.-' j’i.’ K; C) (0 Off “
organizational meeting where ’4‘ - 9’18 E M 0
Scott Wendelsdorf, chairman of According to Wendelsdorf, the ., ‘ 5'9" gig;
the drive. stressed the simplicity new election laws state that any ,1; . ‘ ‘ _ ." < y. / ' / y
of the new state election laws. citizen who will be 18 years of age 3% a» "’4‘ o /f wok; [/(e Jé/(d/e .
The meeting, held in the or older and who will have lived 3;,» __ is“: .75 flak ///45 54/5442 1/ 3
Student Center, was largely one in a precinct of Kentucky for at "“3 ,, 5» "“"‘ - " , ’ / 6
of assigning registration least 30 days by November 7, *%‘ .' ‘5 . ’4? flag,“ /7§46/:€”Z/’/ , .
volunteers to the specific dorm or 1972. can register to vote in ‘23 z, , g . . [5/ Jé/fl, itJ/déd/z/t’. /
street they are to cover. In- Kentucky for the coming elec- “r “a ' " .+. / ;:, ._
.1:-"§-:.:- V ‘-. '.’ 5 '1 > i ‘ if / 1‘ ‘
structions were given on how to hem. ii: - 1‘- :3 Q‘ . 5:13 o (J .7@flfl dill/€27? It / . .
Iy “ 'j, .J '
V l . -' " =’
'y 4. ,. f . ~. .
5 [fits _a,- . I’ .' t ‘ Stretched us just one at the excitsigg Cagws'coats ' -
. .. t ’ .: ; ' Ioi E or ' Junior 9' W" °"""
[d KELLY ‘ SPRINGFIELD t * ... Q _‘ ' ‘1 ‘3' ‘ '- i :3 3.31. Sui"... YI‘TurtIand Mans. Use your .
g;s:s.;.,_;_.‘:e. 1,3» 7 ‘_ . . 58 2 Student Charge Account. ‘
;:;.;-;fg.;;j:'.,$;1 . i- . ... .§ ._
Lg BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS .;;;:;;::; .\ \ . z a -:
ti .2” - g; ,
BRAKES RELINED $3000 f ' 2 4
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' 2. Careful installation and adjustment gig-2.... ' > a
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Disc brakes at other low prices ‘° , is?
I’ Labor included
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7 7 “is i ‘ we” a?
5 Labor included 7
3 “'9’“ “MU” $33” 7///////// I I l I \\\
3 Labor included
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i 2499 Nicholasville Rd. 278-9431 CORN {I :_\Q ‘ lit/T);
HOURS . \. ’5‘ .
MON Bam Rpm [I E l e.
TUESJMUFRI. la.m.-5:JOp.m. 0 er xp r
r ”"""""’"" - BREAD FAMILY Sept. 9, 1972
muw' 'u p
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KEN-V ‘ THE SAFE NAME Mam“, 5mm Located off Southland Drive. M
2012 Regency Rd.

 ' a
tn 'I‘III‘I Kl‘l\'l‘l ("KY Kl‘Ilt\lil.. Friday September a. 1972 if .
. .i
,5 3
. . W,W. . '4‘
“ .. M x‘r .‘
Good-time MUSIC... . , , ,. »
if; “-2 ._ ' ,v/ m; i; > w 1 . .
. . .is the best on) to describe the sounds of ('hicken Ilot .. W .4 ’ _ i] 4 it. .. ' " - c 4 .
ltod. no“ plan iiig'ni-glitl) at the. Student Center (lirille. 4 ,5 Vi! A» gt M: g 4 k 4 O
llic gi oup s iepei tone ranges from bluegrass picking ‘;~ ' we?“ > g: I - ..
and t'ollllll‘) ballads to hard rock. The group performs f ‘5 5 g 4 44:“ l = 5 ‘ .4 4 . 4‘
Honda) through 'l‘liiii'sda) at 8 pin. and 9 p.m., with .1” 4 g »- 4 3 "-»\ g ' _. 2K 4 -.
e\tra slious at ltl p.ni.—l"rida_\' and Saturday. 9" \. ‘ 4 1.“ t 3 9 7 @-
' "' as <;=~ Q: .4 4&4! \. ; 4» .‘ - '4 I. 4 . .
.. ' ‘ /‘_4 ./. “W x. .= ..~£_,r="‘.:~._.~. . i \- .1 , I. 4' v; 04:,”
l. z e .
3 :35?! ;. I"; .' 44 31-. 4 : 4 i §M, :4
H e'P W° ” led ‘ 4* e : . .... .2. . a
, f6 ‘4 ; ~ . 'gya J 3‘ 344‘ . .
Male and Female T a 3 ”.4
Earn good money — at Lexington's most unique .
, assumes; m 12:53.47; 24-hour a day operation
We're interested in young men and women who are 4 .
personable and willing to work. Prevnous tine dining .
i v n I o I, b t t a a.
imitates “a law serwce answers legal QUGS‘I'IOIIS
Monday thru Friday ‘
c _- ___, _ (‘an a 16—year old sign a criminal complaint‘.’ ready i‘tll‘Qt‘malim“ abopt ;?u[l:t[(prgc‘eledlngst :aid
(‘an police charge an intoxicated person with “:11 “l“lbrhdlrt‘ttoro-ltJ. j-t (thge 0 Ki“
d drunken driving if he is operating a motor vehicle It'lll‘lr). “. 0t '5 rpm)“ ”‘4 or. orney ay
. . . ., .» ev assis s im.
Assocmte Artists on private property .. , .. .. . . . - .
When does a police officer determine that a 5m“ ”1‘ §""“ opened late 135‘ APT”. more
Presen f5 topless dancer has ceased to be an entertainer and ”1“" 3”" calls haw been received.
‘ . becomes guilty of obscene or lewd conduct“? \ll "t' . , ., ‘ ‘ 4‘ ‘d . d ‘ t' r t k -
ll These and other similar questions can now be “ ”(1:9 “mid": answtreh axllsomekijmtr; a e
A FALL Suo WCASE answered 24 hours a day by the Kentucky (‘riminal :m.” t. ‘_ an p" ('d‘ 0. ”'2?“ ‘ ‘ 4 ey bfitlh- ‘l )enin-
Law Information Service. just set up in the Law ()lllldllOll MIHtt pron (sqmstions vu l‘( uant
ll . . court cases and their verdicts.
TALENT Bu'ldmg' “ -- 'x 'k' .. 'll"h~d h" r
It deals with questions such as these from at— l 5”?” 4“, ”44]“ 5 ‘6'.“ {1;} it '5 ”0'13”? It
Featuring eight bands. torneys. Judges. sheriffs. police. probation and )lllf‘l‘fu.45:\.(4d ””1” ”I‘m“ "“ )unconsi (ring
. parole officers throughout Kentucky. ”'4‘? ‘” u m” 4 _ . _
'l‘ht‘ 50'4“.“ one of the first in the country. was ”lt‘ information service i‘s-lunded by a one~year
Ilaniiiiermill 'l‘aurus started because rural areas didn't have enough ei'ant li'oiii the lwnlucky (rime ( omniission.
.\pt)('|‘_\pha llatfield ('lan
Junction NIason-lleadle)‘
.\pp'.ilachian Mainline (lenesis
FR EE Being the adventures of a young man...
at the Student Center Ballroom . ,4 4' " 4 a W
Sunday Sept. '0”, ;>-:v4""-."é;:: 9“ ""42'é;:;5,4_,.; __ {I .. ;. g: {a Wm ,. ~'s-;:;" .1 _.;:§';:jifvj;;;:.-.§
-. __‘Zi >4: £9" 4 8 . ' _ ' _._';-' “535:? .
6 1009 . m -—l 1 1009 - m- a..- ' . ' " . m 4 ,.
'2: é? if “‘" .4’, w
. . 1.. . .23 ‘. . 31. 2.2355535. I 532553;":
2' fat 2 '5: "~. I i =3"; » , :3}: .7 § .3 ’ 7f§§§§§§§§§§§é§g¢ figs-.2. 4-._4_;_-,jjffgigéffffggg jgjf"
._ _. __ __ 4 4 4 . who loved a bit of the old ultra-violence . ..
WV m I ‘ 5) l/ 335*: 5:3:1:1:3:::1:3:1:::5:1:1:i:1:izizizitirif " ;.;. 3' --:§:3.1.. 1" . . ..
. , ;:-.;:;:E:E:»."'-"'..K.',.--:.~';:’?§' . '-:;::'. 1"; ' ‘ " ""2 ‘3’)" i"‘2:-'i:-;-:»:c-zzgitizzzaiEE:;.::'.;p.25::1...'.-$'131513'E3
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I I FA Ll A N /\ \ "‘62:. 3 I ' ‘fi »
. . »; . ,’_, G ;. . TV . . I. .1 W '. .1
. ‘ ‘ T 't ' ‘ ' 431' 4 .4 .
4?, 347 South Lime x... v‘ , i 4 - . -. ‘ g. '53?
y. (Across from ‘Wrifl & - w -
\\v ' ' n
4 “ohms Ha", . . went to 18”, was brainwashed . ..and came out
cured. ..or was he?
0 Au. You 39 0
' u ' "MI.“ Kunmcx's
. FEATURING OUR . mtuvo assr FILM
‘3 g” or THE YEAR
4 e4 ‘ v “a 8:31 DIRECIOR
r o
, THIS SUNDAY, 5:91. 10th ‘.
. and 0 ‘4 ® unowwi
. \
_ SDAY, 5m. 13th / is Amman
l \ . . RH" ' .V: M,y.mw lit fitw. ~ way L 544.144 n TURFLAND MALL
e . . ' » - .
.,5.00 Pd“. “I 9.00 Pd“. Both Nights, dARGAIN MATINEE 2" “00
I}: 5!; MON THRU SAT TILL 7 10p m 0N1": MALL 25"300W4T4I5MES
.':‘- ." ALL SEATS si 00 : - :
NA}. ‘ . I .Q./A;'é “(gm HOUDMS NAllooswm IOADILANI ALLEN 7.30 - 10.00.

 N THE KP:.\"Fl'(‘K\' KENNEL. Friday. September 8. I972-5
off toaslo t t u' 01” f r f'd°
W 8 ar avmg a an s - o a "lie in mg
By BILL STRAUB in town," said Wendelsdorf, ‘6 y
Ke el St ff W 't .. .~ ' .4 '
rn . a ri er nobody sells albums cheaper the f'gh' Person for that hot lob?
The organizers of the Student than we do and no one makes a
Services book store say they smaller profit.”
hope to make it the number one Wendelsdorf was quite critical \
bookstore on campus despite its of the student store‘s competitors
slow start this year. in the textbook field.
”At this stage of the game,” He said that Student Services, KERNEL CLASSIFIEDS
said Scott Wendelsdorf, Student Inc., the SG company running the
Government (SG) president, store, planned to prepare 3
“across the board our business is leaflet telling exactly how much
starting to move up. I’m sure our the store is charging, where “-43% ,, '—‘—-—’——"’~——
, business this week is better than profits are going, and why items . . . .
It was last week.” are marked up as much 8% they 0" OfflCUIOfe Chl‘leIOn WltneSS
Though admitting the store was are.
off to a slow start, Wendelsdorf The initial idea for a student
said, “there was no reason for us bookstore was conceived last .
to believe it would be an over- year after a successful book ex-
night success with people bur- change program between the fall C E N T RA L BA PT I ST
sting out of the walls.” and spring semesters. At the
Tim Guilfoile, co-manager of present time the store sells only
the book store said, “Our biggest records and school supplies such C H U R C H
. problem now is that students just as notepads and pencils.
. don‘t know that we exist. despite However, as soon as $15,000 can
the fact we have advertised.” be raised textbooks will be sold.
Lowest profits The store’s business is presently I 644 N ICHOLASVILLE ROAD
“At the profit level we are below daily sales expectations 9: ‘5 STUDY GROUP 10:30 WORSHIP
dealing with, which is the lowest but there is $1,500 in the bank.
f d . 7: 00 VESPERS
_ . . Sunday bus: Kennedy's 9:00; Complex,9:05
A story in the Sept. 6 Kernel misbehavmr, even if you were
said the Student Senate had legally responsible for your
passed a measure setting Sept. 20 actions.“
as the election date for nine new HOWEVER Section 1-414 0‘ the William L, TU rner, M in ister
student senators. This measure “01d Code" said the Dean 0f
was passed pending approval by Students ”may” contact the - _ _. ,. ,. - ._ , -_ , I
the Student Government Judicial parents. It didn’t say he WOUId or w' ‘ 7 ‘33: V V ‘ fi 4 ' ‘
Board. must. A new rexgsion to this r\\§1f~ § $ W
However. the Kernel article section says a stu ent must 8 ‘. . ‘ ‘ , 3 . s h ‘ \ t L ‘ t ‘ i _
failed to point out that if the under 18 years old or give their \\. \\ \8‘ S i 9.: i ‘1 , \‘I - 0 ,5. ‘ ‘ ‘Q‘ ’9 . {It ‘ $3 ‘\
. . . . . v. ‘ . q I _
.ludiCIal Board didn t approve the consent before their parents will \ ““skx “MQ h \ \ “\k I\
measure. then the SG con- be notified. N
stitution would have to amended. Finally. in yesterday’s issue. 80-“ .
I . . Q u ~ ‘ fl \ \
This would set the election date the chairwoman of the “\QM‘WN‘NVI/R IMPERIAL PLAZA \
back to Sept. 29. grievances committee of the 397 WALLER ®§\\ . \t “/73“ \
Another Kernel article on Aug. Council on Women’s Concerns . $§\I PER!“ \l/jx‘ \ _
31. said. ”If yOU violated the “'35 incorrecuy identifiEd I35 AVENUE R§ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ é§ PHON E \
Student Code last year. your Susan Tomasky. The chair- \‘§ \v “OPP: W7}? 252-8941
parents were informed of your woman is Jo Ann McCoy. $3 \_\\ \‘Vfig
We“ w\\“““~4
m _ #1 - ‘\\\\\\n ..- ‘9‘
r—--—' ":_:.::’:‘.‘_‘_',-:=:.':'_'f_‘__s --
--— - _ _. ' "w " US‘I’ASHOITDINI , , ..
\“Q‘ 0“ N iogmgzsmf;s :7 ,, (KM: o &“A will ’81” UalesKi, rl'ilmrt'cr-
M“ " (xut'mox .\'|‘ x::t5 ° o ".I-'.' T" ' ' 5’ _ \ g King {Idealsth Nation an] ent-
;{ -- ’33 5-; time amt taKes this . ”rm-.1 to
. . . . . - . I P? A
svrrlilaxvrs-ivsrj pm}: DRIVER piss l.\ (‘ourox Bonk o 0 \OfiG“ j o /"’\ oekmrtwtg f set 1 “3 f
.'° ° “,3 o
. .éi"; , . 9” Suggest fldt A“ visit’ The Imrcxf‘l
Ginger plays rough-I § ‘4 <9 0 . 6i 0 o . ' Stone at: stun W ”tat .
theres not a man alive ; 3;. 3% 09 §tvg o \ 1.3 ‘\ f°tfl1¢S-—I“mn,1¢f£face
that she can’t take on it t Q" ° § ?’ ’J . ‘t‘ “‘“’ 4““ 5"“ "‘3 * MK
put down or slice up: \ " §A>L « ,. . é \ mm m. to A... ouwgt-
I .L- 5 “2‘ " .1 ‘ ' / . N K ~ A
1;: * s. , f s% 41(21“ ‘ WNV °/ A W “M I 1...”?
4 ' "?47:=33:<.--'.--’22 o
a ‘ -I. SQ o ‘5 0 ° _
* .I .§ egg-5292‘ iii-.133; . .
' «x ' :3?‘ .5; ' we . ..:- 1;:52' .§ ° ° . ( :-‘_.:;t"="’_511:3;.‘~‘i {My .. YAGO \
.I v I . .' . y“; ‘ S‘. Tvfli.-‘_‘E- o 4‘ Q? ~t’ 3:3;II . ‘I
,7" . t J; ._ ‘ ,. ,x' 3‘ ° ‘19 33"};— ‘U' SANTIGR 'A
‘ ‘ . a '1’ " ’7 ':;..-‘.; - . I_I (I § 5:5 .~ ‘ E“- E G 3' 75L“ ?-,W ”3;. NOW Only , ' i
v r. .. n 3 I; I 53.4/«M’fi ,-. “$9 1 §‘ . -. \ ‘.<‘ I ,w»,~.,‘,-""‘~~_ fi“ 3 s f '3\
gr. 'II.;. ’_ III....;I»I. . I. ~ ”$.55va 7 ,. III , '; .j I I" 2 . l 9 “ Irl"
g 1 ‘5‘ " ~ t ' 3‘4 ’ x a H “7'"'lr~ t5" temp.“ 3-. a
._ . . I A _. 1 l ,i x 13:. . 3I J‘d .
I, y t ‘ ~ *‘z ‘ S! M ’ ’ ‘ fire-e. ,‘ A Fifth 1 ~
.7 f"! ‘e I: ._ ‘i at Mg . , * -' ‘ .i
In It t fl:mi;mbotflsin?Iar? Singers has: baby.I 5 ‘ , RA R E MA R K VODKA :
C 0 "SI I'Sfllnfl YHICIBIIIOOH . .
° " , SCHOENLING Only ‘3.27 A Fifth i
s PABST Dream“ 5
a S , \\\\
EFlERICAFFARm mm ’ § W" '-25 ow fl- 3:
WILLIAM GRANNELL rammm comm Mnmwmn. KENT EVANS . t 7 I ‘7 Case Loose Blue Ribbon ~I\
nmeALPH T. DESIoEmo 3:3"..me scum-0mm by Deluxe . . r Cans ‘4.00 ... ' \\.
..........J05EPH BRENNER ASSOCtATESJm JADEROO Production g . - ‘ 5x
_ CREAM ALE Six Pack Cans 1-05
PLUS \ V‘Q I: ‘3; ‘3; . . ‘\\ ‘.

 ti—-'Il|I-. KI-IN'I'I ('Is'\' KI‘IRNI‘IIA Fi‘ida). September x. 1972
UKTRO otects rights
BY sonMAis'oi ELLIS A landlord mus‘ announce any
T B EA U T I F U L N EW Kernel Staff Writer increase in rent 30 days prior
You pay an ungodly price for totheincrease,according to John
living in an apartment slum. It Rotter. UK'I‘RO services com-
F R I has rats and roaches. There's no mittee co—chariman.
electricity or heat. It the tenant reports a possible
And you can spitfaster than the illegal raise by the landlord to
‘ water comes out. Simply, you‘ve UK'I‘RO. who in turn may report
A N D W E L L AV E Y U gotten rippedoff. it to the Internal Revenue Ser-
What can you do? vice, the landlord may not take
The UK Tenants‘ Rights retaliatory action. such as evict
. Organization (UKTROI ShOUld the tenant 30 to 60 days after the
M o N E Y E IT H E R WAY ..
the lease was even signed. tenant and legal action against
UKTRO. a group of students him.
who organized, in January, UK’I‘RO is compiling a list of
‘ MANUFACTURING ’ "ETA“. SALES'NENTALS represents tenants in disputes “good and bad" local apart-
with landlords. enforces building merits. Also, law interns are
code minimum standard fitness adopting a model lease
- require