xt76dj58gn7p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76dj58gn7p/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1990-07 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, July 1990 text GLSO News, July 1990 1990 1990-07 2019 true xt76dj58gn7p section xt76dj58gn7p NEWS 1990 ’- L5 @
5 Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per year
from John Cutright
Well Blanche you missed it again! Were documentation of Kenneth picking u his sparel
you like Blanche, sitting at home in your tasteful And they have the nerve to calT us nellie
yet not pretentious apartment wiling away the queens!
ours? Meanwhile, hundreds of people Next for week was Arts Night sponsored by
celebrated that they are gay and lesbian and Esmerelda and GLSO, which gave the lesbian
proud, excited, and willin to express and gay communila a chance to show off their
themselves as they truly are! Wé1l Blanche, not talents. Nearly 1 0 persons witnessed a night
onI do you have to o throu h life bein of skits, short stories, poetry, music (even
calfed Blanche but you aTso misseg Lesbian Chg bagpipes!) and visual art all by central Kentucky
Gay Pride Week 1990! Just sit back Miss gay men and lesbians. This is an important
Thing and I'll tell you what you missed. statement in the recent censorship attempts of
Pride Week wasted no time and started off gay art.
big with JoAnn Loulan in a concert sponsored Thursday ni ht NAMES Project Kentuck
by GLUE (with a big help from Crossed Fingers sponsored a Oufitin Workshop and STOP AIDS
Productions). Bluegrass sponsored; an Open Forum. O.K.,
Over 160 womyn and men listened, heres where I get bitch . I'm taking for
laughed and languished during Loulan's granted that the low attendance for these events
liberating Iilt of lesbian love and passion (o.k. was not due to the Blanche in all of us and we
so my alliteration isn't so great!). This are not becomin complacent in the fight
presentation wasn't for womyn only! We men against AIDS ant? remembering our friends.
were also reaffirmed in our sexuality with the Lexington, do not let your guard down - the
knowledge that as human beings we have the AIDS virus hasn't.
freedom to express ourselves sexually in ways Friday brought us two events. First, a
that are fulfilling and appropriate. Summer Bash sponsored by STOP AIDS
Next on the a enda was a show by the Bluegrass geared toward the minorit
Imperial Court of are Bluegrass Empire. The communities of Lexington and attended by 66
audience was wooed and wowed b the persons. Now that's excitin !
performance of some of Lexington's finest Female The second event was gar Night sponsored
illusionists. Personally, I was inspired to dream by The Bar and Crossings. Those who wore the
about becoming Lexington's Poetic Beauty - Miss ever so chic Pride Week buttons enjoyed
Ona Matopoeia. Watch for m ren ition of s ciaIs at our local Iibation emporiums. Special
"Clang, Clang, Clang, Goes the Tyrolley"! thjnks to Bobbi for designing the buttons.
Monday night brought Robert Bray, Saturday started off with a theolo y
Information Director of the National Gay & workshop at the Unitarian Universalist Church Ey
Lesbian Task Force in an event co-sponsored by their interim minister the Rev. Thom Payne and
Bluegrass Human Rights Advocates and GLSO. culminated in a picnic held on the church
Mr. Bray gave us a rousing speech on the grounds and co-s onsored by GLSO and _
progress of the lesbian and gay equal rights Interweave. Lots 0? food, fun, and frolicking
movement and urged us to "come out" fighting went on and the lucky names were drawn for
and show Lexington "we are no longer your the Raffle sponsored by GLSO. There was a '
dirtyflittle secret." special game of Group Process Volleyball (and
uesday night was Bowling Night sponsored how do you feel about that) among the activities
b the Rainbow Bowling League and yes - enioyed by the 150 peo Ie who attended
{Jews Flash - there was a reported TV throughout the afternoon. (Eont. on Page 2]

 [PRIDE, cont. trom Page 1] Marvin Bartlett oi
WLEX-l8 covered the picnic tor their 6 pm
[] Please send me intormation on GLSO. newscast, much to the delight at many oi the
men in attendance.
[ ] l'd like to become a votin Member at lnterweave's Pride Week Service at the
GLSO, includin home deTive oi the Unitarian Universalist Church concluded Pride
GLSO NEWS am? discounts at gLSO Week l990 with nearly lOO persons in
tunctions. Membership ot SlO/yr. attendance. The service's theme was ”Giving
individual, $l5/yr. couple, is enclosed. and Receiving" em hasizing the contributions
made by gay and i;sbian church members to
[ ] i don't wish to become a Member but the church and the church's contribution to the
please send me the GLSO NEWS each greater Lexington lesbian and ay community.
month. I enclose the $5 annual tee. See what you missed Blancsi‘te? Now just sit
back while I thank all these wonderiul people.
Huge thanks to all the organizations mentioned
Name: above who sponsored events and also The
Blue rass C.O.L.T.S, AVOL, ERASE, Sqecial
Address: Media, and Joseph Beth Booksellers.
Enormous thanks to Debbie, Steve, Kenneth,
City, St, Zip: Amy, Kate Craig, Keith, Angela, Bill, Lisa,
Mike, Mark, Julie, Melanie, Kathie, Natalie,
Mail to: Newsletter, PO. Box H47! Dennis, Stephanie, Terry, Dale, Steve, Joey,
Lexington,KY40575 Mark, Larry, Linda ( at well soonll, Thom, and
all those who helpec? and remain unnamed. A
special thanks to those businesses and
individuals to donated their time or services to
GLSO News is published monthly by the the GLSO Rattle!
Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc. And, tinall , a gigantic thanks to all oi you
(Lexin ton Ga /Lesbian Services Or anization), who attended), and articipated in Lexin ton's
P.O. Box “4%, Lexington, KY 405%5. Lesbian and Gay Pride Week l990. Wea'tope
to see you there and involved in l99ll
Craig Clere, Managing Editor
Angela Martin, Asst Editor — Esmerelda Parlour COURT RULES SODOMY LAW
Aunt Mary, Advice Columnist UNCONSTITUTIONAL
trom GLSO News statl
Additional Contributors: NGLTF, HRCF, Craig,
GLSO, PFLAG, The Advocate; Typist: Craig; Fayette Circuit Judge Charles Tackett ruled in
Equipment: Dave; Layout: Craig, Steve; Mailin : early June that Kentucky's sodomy law is
Dave; Courier: Bill; Folding & Stuffing: Mari, unconstitutional because it discriminates against
Steve, Willie, Eddie, Jeit, Dave, Jonathan, homosexuals. Tackett stated that while
Bruce, Knox, Jim, John. heterosexuals might tind certain homosexual acts
repu nant, to enact a law that criminalizes such
Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News are those of the condguct between consenting adults violates the
authors and do not necessarily represent those at the GLSO Kentucky Constitution.
Board of Directors. Submissions are welcome. All submissions Tackett went turther that the ori inal l986
become the property ot GLSO and must indicate the full name decision which struck down the law gut only on
and address of the author. Anonymous submissions are not the District Court level. The County Attorney's
accepted. The editorial staii reserves the right to alter ottice then a pealed the decision to the Circuit
submissions (including ads) to meet publishing requirements, as Court. Taclzett, in addition to the previous
well as the right to reject any submission it deems otiensive or ruling that the sodomy law violated a person's
discriminatory. Placement oi advertising in GLSO News does right to privacy, also ruled the law violated the
not denote a person's sexual orientation nor a business's equal protection clause at the state constitution.
customer preference. An appeal to the Court at Appeals is expected.
2 Jul GLSO

GLSO BOARD ELECTION RESULTS The result is the NAMES Pro'ect Memorial
trom Debbie Currie & Teresa Reynolds Quilt. Incorporatin more than 1 1,000
individual panels, the guilt presents undeniable
The elections tor the GLSO Board of testimony at the loss wrought by AIDS. Each
Directors were held during Arts Night, June 13 panel challenges triends, lamil , lovers,
with the tollowing results: neighbors, and governments to undérstand the
tacts, contront the issues, and act to end the
Term expires- AIDS crisis.
Treasurer: Bill Loggins June T992 NAMES Project Kentucky was proud to be a
Secretary: Teresa e nolds June 1992 part at Gay & Lesbian Pride Week. The Guilt
At-Large: Melanie Otis June 1992 was cradled by the ay and lesbian community
At-Large: Linda Laporte June 1992 in San Francisco and3 is pioneering in Kentucky.
At-Large: Kate Jac ues June 1992 July 4th, NAMES Project Kentucky plans to
At-Large: Dove Raaez June i99l march in the parade carrying posters with
NAMES in the spirit at Cleve Jones' ori inal
All other Board terms will expire in June i991. response. We hope you will be apart oi; this
Board members not running tor re-election this endeavor and we need your support to make
year Were: this a successful etlort. You will need to sign-up
to march prior to the parade.
President: Crai Clere Labor Day Weekend, September 1-2, plans
Vice-President: Debgie Currie are being made to bring the Quilt back to
At-Large: John Cutright Kentucky. NAMES Project Kentucky will host a
At-Large: Kenneth Sanders Regional meeting in preparation For our
Regional/National display, Columbus Day
The Board of Directors is excited to have Weekend, October 6-8, i990. Dale and Rick,
achieved parity at women and men on the tram Cleveland, have altered to help us with a
Board with this year's officers and directors. display of 4 - i2'xi 2's in order to promote the
Regional display. More details later.
The Regional display will be held in
NAMES PROJECT - KENTUCKY NEWS Chicago, again, October 6-8th. Hundreds of
trom NAMES Project - Kentucky volunteers are needed. Kentucky will be
assisting the Chicago Chapter with coordinatin
It started as one person's rotest. Propelled volunteers. We are hoping to see more 0%
by the death and tragedy that contronted so Lexin ton, BLUEGRASS talk in Chicago. The
many all around the world, especially the NAMTS Project continues to accept panels for
lesbian and gay communities in San Francisco, the AIDS Memorial Quilt. Local quilting bees
Cleve Jones searched tor a way to make people are held the second Thursday, monthl , at the
understand the loss and frustration. So many Quilters Square, in Dudley Square, 3B0 South
were dying and so little was being done to stop Mill, Lexin ton. Our next scheduled BEE is July
it. i2, T998, 7 - 9 pm. Our next general
Awkwardly, he spray-painted his friend's meetin will be at the Rosenthal Complex,
name, Marvin Feldman, onto a piece of cloth Trans Sonia University, Wednesda , July ii,
the size ot Marvin's grave. Others joined the T990: 7 - 9 pm. Call 233-T7B2 tor more
eitort: triends, acquaintances, and strangers. details.
Soon, thousands of people all across the United NAMES Project Kentucky is alive and well in
States and around the world were adding the Bluegrass, but we need your help and
names, expressin their griet and anger by support. We hope to see you at a meeting, the
creating hand-marge memorials tor their loved Quilting Bee, the parade, and in Chicago! We
lost to AIDS. must Keep the Love, and each other, Alive.
Jul GLSO 3



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Violence, harassment and attacks against continue to be a locus and justiIication tor
gay men and lesbians are "widespread" and anti-gay pre'udice and violence.
continue to "plague the nation, " sa 5 a national For the First time, the NGLTF report included
report on anti-gay crimes releasedyin June by a breakdown at state hate crimes laws passed
the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force or pending. Althougha 1987 US. Department
(NGLTF). oi Justice report noted that "homosexuals are

The IiIth annual NGLTF "Anti-Gay Violence, probably the most frequent victims” of hate
Victimization and Deiamation" survey reports violence in America, only nine states, the District
7,031 incidents -- ranging tram harassment to of Columbia and seven cities have hate crimes
homicide -- against gay men and lesbians in laws that include sexual orientation.

T989. The incidents were documented by TT9 Kentucky reported T26 incidents, at which
organizations and individuals in 40 states and 47 percent were verbal harassment. OI the
the District oi Columbia. remaining incidents, 3T percent were threats oi

OI the 7,031 incidents reported last year, violence, 27 percent were police abuse, 25
approximately two~thirds were acts of verbal percent were physical assaults, and i7 percent
harassment. OI the remaining 2 322 incidents, were vandalism. Kentucky ranked 16 among
34 percent were physical assault, 3i percent the 50 states and the District at Columbia in
were threats oI violence, 17 percent were acts total incidents reported.
at vandalism, i4 ercent were olice abuse, BerriII cautioned that the report does not
three ercent were homicides, and30ne percent "measure the Iull extent at anti—gay violence
acts ofarson and other victimization. and victimization that occurred last year.

OI the total incidents reported, 19 percent Because at under-reporting by victims and 0
occurred on college and university campuses, lack of s stematic data collection throughout
revealin , says Kevin BerriII, Director at NGLTF's most oi the U.S., we estimate that he vast
Anti-VioFence Pro'ect, "dangerous intolerance majority oi anti-gay episodes in 1989 were not
and prejudice that threatens an academic reported."
environment of enlightenment." Victims oI hate crimes are ur ed to report

FiIteen percent of the incidents were them to local law enIorcement authgorities and to
cIassiIied by local groups as "AlDS-related," the Department OI Justice's national toll-Tree hate
indicating that AlDS and its stigmatization crimes hotline, T-800-347-HATE.

from Human Rights Campaign Fund

The Senate has overwhelmingly approved, The House voted 403 - 20 to pass the
on a 95 - 4 vote, the Com rehensive AIDS already Senate-aIIirmed Americans With
Resource Emergency Act OT 1990. The bill Disabilities Act. This bill guarantees disabled
authorizes an estimated $2.9 billion expenditure Americans, including people with AIDS, access
over Iive years to urban areas hardest hit by to employment, transportation, public
the AIDS crisis. The cities to receive emergency accommodations and communications services.
funds are: Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, The House uniortunately approved the
Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Chapman amendment b a vote at T99 - T87
Newark, Philadelphia, San Francisco, San Juan allowing employers to creny toad-handling jobs
and Washington, DC. The House has to persons with "communicable diseases,ll
previously approved its version at the bill earlier specifically attacking people with AIDS, or who
in the year. are HIV positive.

”This bill is long over-due. These urban The Senate version of the bill does not
centers have been devastated by AIDS," said include the Chapman amendment. The two
Tim McFeeley, Executive Director at HRCF. "The diTIerent House and Senate versions of the bill
numbers are rapidly growing while the ability to will be worked out in conIerence committee
care for people with AIDS is steadily becoming before being sent to President Bush for his
more inadequate, " he said. expected signature.



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ComQuest receives numerous letters from members who have Note: The use of vetoes restricts the number of members qualified
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ComOuest. PO Box 1069. Palatine. IL 60078 “”8017 Mk-

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ComQuest Application Form (see left Side for Instructions)
Form GLSO9003- Copyright 1990
Step 1 - Confidential Malling Addreg — Please print your name Step 2 - Contact Information - Please print the "contact inform:-
and mailing address below. This is only for our use in mailing you tion" below which will enable new applicants 'who get matched to
your matches. and is kept confidential. (All correspondence to youtocontact you. WWWd
members is mailed inplain envelopes.) either a mg'ljng addgss g; phgne umber. You are limited to a
total of 175 letters. spaces. and punctuation. You should use some
Name —__.——— of the space to briefly describe yourself and your intaests. If you
do not wish for others to contact you. or if you live outside the
Add? “— areas listed in the Residence category below, mass out this section.
City S t Zip
Phone (optional) l_|_i_l_l_l_|_l_|_i_|_i_L|_LLl_l_l_l_l_lJ_l_l_l
“I b m m I 1 18 f m U ad |_|_l_|_i_|_i_l_|_l_|_|_l_|_l_LL|_l_|_l_lJ_I_L.|
ere y m at am at east years 0 age. t aver
the information on the reverse side, and that I will not hold Li_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_LLLLLLLi—i—i_i_i_l
ComQuest liable for the behavior or health of the people I meet as a
result of its services. (Signature is required.) LI—l—i—I—l—I—I—I—I—I—l—Ll—l—L-L-l—l—l—I—IJ—l—I—l
Signed Dam Li_i_l_l_|_i_|_l_|~i_l_i_l_l_Ll_l_i_|_l_l_l_|_l_|
Steps 3' 4' and 5 . See instructions Contact listing (Step 2) includes . .. __ Height/Weight
me veto no ok yes Betti phone a address Circle mm. per group (required).
— ”W“ t: :2: :3 z: is: messes me «no no on m swam so-
rne veto no ok yes Detroit/Windsor the veto no ok as Sexualty “Pile" words me veto no ok yea Between 5'6' and5‘9'
me veto no ok yes Lansing/Grand Rapids y me veto no ok yes Between S‘Q'andeleet
me vote no ok yes Toledo/4t9 call area HellgloudPolltlcal Belief- me veto no ok yes Taller thnnsieet
""1: fig :3 to): :2: afi:fl:£?ms;ia me veto no ok yes Catholic me vote no ok yes Slimmer thanoverage
rne veto no ok yes Cleveland/216 all area me veto no ok yes Protestant me veto no ok yes Averaaetorhetght
me veto no ok yes |ndianapo|isl317area the veto no ok yes Jewrsh .. me veto no ok you Heavrerti'tanaverage
me veto no ok yes LoulevlllelLexlngton/Btz me veto no °k yes N" AgetSpintual me veto no °k y“ Very heavy (drubby)
me veto no ok yes Very religious Fla IN tlonallt [3 Hal
Fret-nod Relationship/HIV Statue me veto no ok yes Agnostidnot religious —- ee . y ody r
Circle mm. per group, me veto no ok yes Conservative You "In" ’ndm your race/nationality.
me veto no ok yea Lover/lite mate the veto "0 °k yes Liberal "'9 "1° no ok M Black .
me veto no ok yes Romance/no oommittrnent Vice. 3 2:: z a yes ngngir
me veto no ok yes Casual sex C' . k yea H' ,
me vote no ok yes Friendship/penpal Irde mine pergroup(requtred). me vote no :k yes clspanic wh‘
me veto no ok yes Roomate me veto no ok yes Non smoker me ”to no y“ “mm" rte)
. me veto no ok yes Light smoker me veto no ok yes Smooth (Iinlebodyhair)
m: x: :3 g: :2: a” $2311? me veto no ok yes Heavy smoker me vote no ok yes Hairy chest
me veto no ok yes Not tested me veto no ok yes Nonorlightdrinkor me veto no 0k Y“ Very hairy/teddy bear
EntemlmnemISoclelActlvltlu me veto no ok yes Moderate drinker Hair ColorlFecl-l Halt
. me vote no ok yes Nondruguser rne veto no ok yes Blackerbrownhair
m: :g "n: a y: :31??ng me veto no ok yes Occasional user me veto no ok you Blond hair
me veto no ok {as Spgctator 990'“ events me veto no ok yes Regularuser me veto no ok yes Redorauburn heir-
me veto no ok yes Dining outlmovie-going Personality m 2:: g a yes gar” mm". m
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me veto no ok yes Quiet evenings at home me veto no ok yes Shy/reserved/"squiet me veto no ok yes Beard
Hobbies/lntereet-Bpert- me veto no ok yea Responsible/mature Body Bulldlcenltal Attrlbmoe
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me veto no ok yes Aerobics/body building no y mo me veto no ok yes Average build
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x: xi: 3 a :2: 332?;vmfimxzifig rne veto no ok yes Straightening/macho rne veto no ok yes Average endowment
me veto no ok yes Camping/hiking/nanire me veto no ok yes Fairly masculine . rne veto no ok yes 'Wellendowed'
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me veto no ok yes $20,000»$40.000 me veto no ok yes Plainlhomeiy me veto no ok - -
yes Cuddllnglcaresstng
me veto M oh yes More ma" “0'000 Age Range rne veto no ok yes JIO(rnanual stimulation)
:2 3:: n": g: :2: :zmgflmfiaw You must indicate your age. me veto no ok yea FrendiactivemivesBJ)
me veto no ok yes HS grad +aorne college mo veto no ok yes 18m20 me veto no 0“ M Fr Mm." B")
me veto no ok yes College graduate me veto no ok yes 21m 24 me veto no ok you Greekaotivemml top)
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me veto no 0k yes Have no privacyathome me veto no 0k yes 35m39 me veto no ok ”a E rimentallkinky
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me veto no ok yes Not openly gay wltriends me vote no ok yes 50 to 59 ' It you enjoy both French and both Greek adivities.
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Send this form with $20 (plus $10 per add'l set of 5 matches) to: ComQuest, PO. Box 1069, Palatine, IL 60078
Visa/MC card # — -_-_ Exp date _ Signature ______—_ Amt _

trom Parents FLAG

Barbara Bush has written the president at the speak eloquently at your love tor your child and
Federation ot Parents and Friends at Lesbians your compassion tor all gay Americans and their
and Gay, Paulette Goodman, and stated that amilies."
"we cannot tolerate discrimination against any Mrs. Bush trequently has made clear her
individuals or groups in our country." distaste tor discrimination based on sexual

The letter came in response to Goodman's orientation, according to an Associated Press
plea that the First Lady "speak kind words to report at her letter to Goodman.
some 24 million 0 Americans and their In April, President Bush aroused protests trom
tamilies to help heaT the wounds and to these conservatives when he invited re resentatives ot
tamilies in loving relationships." ay and lesbian roups to attendpthe signing at

Mrs. Bush replied that "I appreciate . . . The Hate Crimes Statistics Act.
Bour encouraging me to help chan e attitudes." Tim McFeeley, executive director ot the
iscrimination, s e said, ”always Erin s with it Human Rights Campaign Fund, said Mrs. Bush's
pain and perpetuates hate and intofierance.” letter "reintorces values that American mothers
Mrs. Bush continued "your [Goodman's] words and American tamilies are all about."

trom Human Rights Campaign Fund

Harvey Gantt, the tormer mayor ot Gantt has regularly attacked Helms on issues
Charlotte, North Carolina, has won the ot concern to the lesbian and gay community.
Democratic Senate nomination in North Carolina He accused Helms ot a eating to people's
by a 57% to 43% vote margin. The 14 emotions, rather than adDdEessing the nation's
Bercent margin ot Gantt's victory in the real problems.
emocratic run-ott election surprised many During the primary campaign Gantt charged
election observers. that Helms "is going to decide what art is good

Gantt received early tinancial support trom and what art is bad," reterring to Helms'
the HRCF and will tace Senator Jesse Helms involvement in the controversy surrounding the
(R-NC) in the November general election. Mapplethorpe exhibit and National Endowment
HRCF contributed $5,000, the maximum tor the Arts tunding. Gantt continued by stating
amount, to Gantt's campaign in April, long that Helms "is going to decide about people
betore he appeared to be a viable candidate. whose sexual orientation is ditterent and set
Although he trailed in early polls, Gantt, an them a ainst people whose sexual orientation is
Atrican American, in the latest June poll has 'normaE' He is going to get back on the issue
pulled to a dead heat with Helms. at what is good and what is evil in society.‘I

trom NGLTF

The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force The live-minute call costs $4.50 ($1.50 tor
(NGLTF) has announced a new 900 number to the tirst minute, 75 cents each additional
increase membership and make the voices ot minute). Proceeds benetit NGLTF.
more gay men and lesbians count in the "The 900 lines have been extremely
nationa struggle tor civil rights. successtul and popular, and now we'd like to

B calling 1-900—230-4321, extension use them as an innovative way to increase
5251/4, callers can receive a tree three-month membership and gay and lesbian visibility,"
NGLTF membership. Callers are invited to ioin said Jaime Grant, NGLTF development director.
the Task Force by Urvashi Vaid, NGLTF NGLTF is the oldest and pre—eminent national
executive director. Members receive newsletters, political organization that lobbies, educates,
action alerts, special publications and invitations. mobilizes and demonstrates tor gay and lesbian
Annual memberships usually cost $35. civil rights and responsible tederal AIDS policy.
8 Jul GLSO

 Announcing the opening at THE METRO,
Lexington’s newest addition
to lite alter sundown!
Featuring two floors.

Dance Iloor and bar downstairs,
quiet sit—down atmosphere upstairs
with occasional entertainment.
Expected opening July 2nd.
Official opening July 6th.
Watch Ior llyers around town,
call 254—9881 tor more information.
156 East Main Street

but sto ed short of collin herself a lesbian.
GAY AMERICA Shockegpsaid: "If this is in 9any sense a comin
out on m part, it's that I would like a mucg
————_————' brooder Jefinition for myself. Not ever body is
that wa , but for me, I've never reafiy been
HOLLYWOOD, CA able to fit into square holes or round holes. 50
for my part, I just leave the que