xt76dj58gn63 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76dj58gn63/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2016-03 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture LinQ magazine, March 2016 text LinQ magazine, March 2016 2016 2016-03 2019 true xt76dj58gn63 section xt76dj58gn63 >, CONNECTING THE BLUEGRASS LGBTQ COMMUNITY
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A I A \ MARCH 2016 . VOL 38 /‘N Publication of the PC50 nggj

 \inQ H
Editor—in—Chiet — Christopher R. Bauer D
Assistant Editor! Advertising —
Tuesday G Meadow s
Copy Editor — Ann Maicoim ..
Photography — Christopher R. Bauer
, & Tuesday G Meadows
Design & Photography — Sarah BrovVn 1:
Calendar Coordinator — Chad Hundiey C
LinQ is pubiished monthiy by and for the Pride / ‘51,
Community Serv ices Organization members and '
community. The Pride Community Serv ices ‘
Organization envisions a community
that accepts and ceiebrates each individuai. a d i
Aii LinQ articies and information can be 0 8 C S O k y . C O ;
submitted to the Editor— editochsokor f r 5 9 2 5 3 3 2 m
or . ' , ,LEM‘fi‘AE» an; 1:
Aii LinQ Advertisements can be arranged with the m 0 r2 | n fo r 3 3 . x' .V
Assistant Editor/ Advertising adchsoor m 01' | O n ' ,i , ‘
or with the PCSO Pride Center- 859—253—3233 5 a ‘
Aii submissions may be edited for content and iength. ”fl f
.@*’J@L‘“QWPCSO , . . » , ”35%
‘ Read LinQ Oniine: ‘
wWW.iSS\1u.COrrifLin bPCSO ‘ ‘
PR\DE sauces
The Pride Community Services Organization seeks to A ‘ _ ‘
educate, enhance, and empower the community ‘ ‘1
about sexuai minority and gender expansive issues.
PCSO Executive Committee and Board of Directors ”your” M “”6““ ”43“) COMMUNW ;
Christopher R. Bauer, President . g
Theodore Meacham, Vice—President k 3
Paui BrOWn, Secretary Q
Sacob Boyd, Treasurer TQN‘P ‘
Roberto L. Abreu, At Large “it I ‘V
Amy Hatter, At Large -u‘ ‘ :
DenaLee, AtLarge 1°16 ,‘ ‘} ~ , ? . .
Tuesday G MeadoWs, At Large 'y 3}. - — - .
Todd Ryser—Oatman, At Large i v u ' g 1
N “ g 3" “1,: i W l' ,' _ #
PCSO Start“ &l\ V use: p «m . _ .
Chad Hundbv, Office Manager X'ng o ' $5.3... a W?
n . ~ v :z. 11‘“ “
“-22.2 , WE .' R' . 'Ti ' ‘1‘ . ..
rcso Pride Center ~ . F“ ST 1‘“ “K -
389 Waiier Avenue, Suite 100, “Shrimp m“: megabit-i» RY i 4
Lexington, KY 40504 “.., . t .’ #' i a: ' "4' ‘
859—253—3233 1 MEEgr TfiE . _ .
wwwpiglgcsoor . PCSO BOWRD ”41““ ’3' "
Office hours are: PAGE ' 2& I 3 fl
2 . Monday ii a.m.—3 pm. “Mum 20,6 New“ g;
Lan Tuesday—Friday i p.m.—5 pm. “0'2 -.A Mmmcn 0mg n
Saturday ii a.m.—3 p.m. ”3°
_ S

With her passion for shopping, Helena questions some of her past
purchases, extending all the way to her antique lamp collection.
" " " HMIMEmpressofthelmperlalCourtofkentuckv; Kali Dupree 5
3:; » reviews some recent events and looks forward to many upcoming events.
Carol Taylor-Shim reports in from Chicago and The LGBTQ Task Force
‘ 20! 6 Creating Change Conference.
M I; I, 1 , - E . "\‘
, '7 , «x j . ~ " . Meet one of the women of
V J I “mg-"i ~ Lexin on’s Ru b Team
), , i‘W-i '5“ gt g Y '
’ «3;, ‘k V
fl cannr .\'\ 1% ‘ 1 0 1 1
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l ‘ 7 MARCH 2016 // LinQ 3
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 i '1 I; la: ‘5’}.
by Helena Hondbosket .x at" . :
;1’.I -‘
734*. "
Why did I buy that? Have store, at the mall, or even at a garage new dresses that I just could not
you ever asked yourself that after you sale, I just can’t say no. I have often live without that I have never worn.
got home with that latest purchase wondered if it hassomething to do Dresses thatl saw on eBay and bid on
and realized that you didn’t need it? with my age. I ten} mbI atime when until I won but after I got them, I put 4%
I do that all the time. Why then do Iwas younger w ' n II ‘ ‘11.: told that I’d them on ngers and on the rack anfifigfl
we buy things that we don’t need? better take car pfwhja If! . - because never loged at them again. I, ~ I25
Are the shops doing such a good Imight never get and o e. I have how ”viii tis that? (Feeling really Wit
job of displaying things in such a heard that as we I den; it is not about my addiction right now.) ‘3:
way that makes us think that we what we were raised "‘ I that defines Which leads me to another {5%,
can’t do without it? Perhaps we see us but what we were Hind without. discussion. Why do we “collect”
it on sale and we think that since it , Ihavealoni a; :agquaitntance things? Are we hoarders or are we
is such a great deal, we must buy it. w . .3 collects dolls8he iéin her la e competitive and we think we won’t
If something was originally priced t and collects .IzolfiS e told m win until we get them ALL? I collect
at $20 but it is on sale for $10, you If ce that, as a e'k‘z dfihe as never lamps. Yes, as a child I used to sing
z might think that you are saving $10. {liven a doll. that she an adult is Little Light of Mine but I don’t
0 But in reality, if it is something you it" and doing well. or Hgsd she buys that had anything to do with
2 don’t really need, then you are out new dolls all timglto a d to her In bsession with antique lamps.
3 $10 that you didn’t need to spend. collection. I c, identify that a I am‘ernbarrassed to say how many
I Maybe it is the advertising for the little bit. me vgvhen tell you lamps I‘have but let me just say that
items we are buying that makes us that I never . I get any dres . s when when I get home at night and I turn
feel inadequate in some way if we I was growing up. I never 1 at one them all on, my neighbors’ lights
don’t have what they are telling us dress. Now, I have an entire bedroom dim because of all of the juice I am
we can’t live without. Could it be the devoted to nothing but being my pulling. Do you think for one second
subliminal messages that shops play closet. I have dresses on racks, in that I have stopped buying lamps
over the sound systems telling us boxes, draped over chairs and laying though? Oh, NO! I look on eBay or
to buy — Buy - BUY? (Okay... that is on the floor (my room is a little bit in antique stores or wherever I think
a little far-fetched, but who has the messy). The saddest part of that is Imight get lucky and make that next
answer?) that I have dresses hanging in that purchase. I suppose since I don’t go
Whether I am at the grocery room that I have never worn. Brand out hunting, that is my version of
. . enjoying the hunt. And, the best part
. ' of it all... nothing has to die or shed
V O U blood to satisfy this habit. That is, of
course, as long as no one gets in my
way and comes between me and that
i - lamp. I’ll cut a heifer if she thinks she
' can come between me and my next
. . l . lamp. Anyway... I gotta go now. It’s
1 ._ , f _‘ l‘ . f I time to call my therapist. See ya’ll
I . . it J ' l . -. . ~11“ next month!
. Eiilx'“ I ‘4‘.’ ha?” \“t i i ’3; . , I I .3: v .
I ‘m’ . ',‘I,=‘II , . ~ 2 . z - E '. I z . MK!“- Send comments or suggestions to
' _; . '_ I I . _ I5; I HelenahandbasketKY@gmail.c0m II
4 LinQ // MARCH 2016

;.- $716+
63"???“ .
. . fir'?’ ourt
bg H.M.|.M., Empress XXXIV of the Imperial Court of Kentucky, Koll Dupree Jag/9'2”
—— “515's“
February brought fundraising of fundraising, musthave met specific approved. No one should miss this
endeavors to a full steam for the criteria, ranging from traveling to event, March 20th at Bogart’s in
Imperial Court of Kentucky. It other courts to represent Kentucky to the Campbell House. This will be
M was a month full of fun, laughter, organizing and hosting events here a night truly celebrating our past
11f; entertainment, and a lot of funds in our own great state. This year we’re through a Lifetime Achievement
being raised for our charities in our pleased to see two
community. great candidates, 1 . '. ,
§; The month of love was Aurora Cummings " {ii/.75 “30.,
éffi started off on the 10th with “Miss and Russell Drake. _ 'MW g . { 4,. 1‘2";
Gay Valentine: A Pageant Benefiting Stay tuned on to . M" — . 'F'J'Ql" t 53' 3 4 - ‘39-‘11 ’5)":
AVOL.” The room at Crossings see what these two Wafey' %‘ I," ‘5 1;
Lexington was filled with the love will be doing and 3,. ' "*5 - !'="“"i", ' 11,153 ‘H W‘ a}. '..
and compassion and like~minded when. I can’t wait. /\ .1 "" V‘ " 5"“ “1",," '
1nd1v1duals there to raise money for That being sald, , ‘5 g ‘ . ~51 31 , I, i
a great cause. I would like to give a campaign season j VJ , Ill 1‘ .' 2 "l fig}; «5'1" ' 1;:
huge thank you and congratulations comes to a close =I~\ '- ~ . , t. K _' 1’ " i
to our newly crowned Miss Gay on March 20th, a}: "l " '2- , ’ . _ ' G
Valentine 2016, Miss Hope Hillcum, when the voting " 1“ .; I ' d" 1., . ‘7’
and many thanks to all the support members of the ' “ . ‘kk ' g '; 7 - '- ' 5
from the community and to all the Imperial Court of '0’ I ' ~‘ .' _ ‘51:. “Z
representatives from AVOL out to Kentucky will be J} . K . ' ' Q" ‘ ‘
supportthe endeavors ofthe Imperial able to come out Nip . .
Court of Kentucky. to the Falsies and \ 5 .
Working in conjunction with Annual Elections . ~ . _
the Scott County Humane Society, and make their 1 'K ' '5';
The Imperial Court of Kentucky held decision. The I /~)-;‘\ A“ ; _ '
theannual“WagsandDrags”eventon Falsies have been BEW’MW" ,‘ -' . .
February 27th at the Grand Reserve. an event within ll: _.¢ ‘ . p
The event was a great success, with our organization K .~ ' f 1 ’
many entertainers performing for for many years and ‘ ' ' '
the large crowd. The guests were also gives us a chance __ I
treated to a silent auction, a parade of to celebrate and ‘ W .,. 'f / _ 4 ., 1
pets, food, drinks, and much more. honor those in % y,
I’m sure some guests might even be our community V
going to adopt some of the beautiful and organization M"
“fur babies” that were showcased. who have excelled at their art and Award, our present by honoring our
Februarymarksthebeginning efforts. This year, as Empress, I was community and celebrating their
of campaign season for potential proud to nominate Empress 22 and accomplishments, and our future by ‘
monarchs of the Imperial Court of 32 of the Imperial Court of Kentucky, electing the next monarchs and board "
Kentucky. Individuals who have the Miss ID Vaughn, for our Lifetime members of the Imperial Court of ,2"
compassion, the desire, andthewill to Achievement Award, a nomination Kentucky. ‘
lead our organization into the future that was quickly accepted and V '
M/zlYCH 2017;, // [.1135 .5 *'

by Tuesdog G Meadows €/
Stop Misgendering Me ,1
“Hit me with your best shot... knock me down, it’s all in vain... h.
I’ll get right back up on my feet again.” Hit Me With Your Best Shot, Pat Benatar
When I get misgendered, thathust called you, so you need to misgendered me. The attending
which happens way too often, it feels stop misgendering me.” She says it physician never misgendered me. My
as if someone has punched me in the works. Right now I just correct the doctor, who I woke up in the middle
gut, and, just like getting punched, person but I must admit that I am of the night, never misgendered me.
it hurts like hell every single time. considering using I’Lis’ method. Now, if all of these people working in
Most of the time, it’s a mistake by It can be done. A couple of an emergency situation were able to
the other person, at least I think it weeks ago I had a medical emergency use the correct terms, why do people
is. Sometimes it is a reaction to my at 2 a.m. Some stitches near my who have all of the time in the world
voice, and I have tried to change the eyebrow, where I had a biopsy done to think about it still butcher my
pitch of my voice, but to no avail. I a few days before, ripped open. Ihad pronouns?
understand the mistakes; sometimes blood running down all over my face. Please remember that using
I even get an apology, often after My clothes had blood all over them. the right pronouns is very important
I point out the mistake. But then I had put a bandage on the open to me and many other transgender
there are the ones that are not quite wound to stop the bleeding but it people. If you are not sure what
mistakes. looked very grisly. Icalled my doctor pronoun to use, just simply ask the
Ihave had some folks tell me, and he told me to meet him in the person and then use it. People need
“well, I have known you for 30 years, emergency room at St. Joe’s Hospital. to stop thinking about a point they
so it’s difficult for me to change.” Is When I got there, the reception want to make and first think about
it difficult? Sure, but then there are person was dealing with three drunk what is getting ready to come out of
people such as my 3 sisters who have dudes who looked like they had been their mouth next before they say it.
known me literally my whole life in a fight. They were all bandaged up, Now Tuesday’s gone with the wind.
and yet never misgender me. They waiting forataxi whenIgot there, but 0
know pronouns have power, so even they were still disruptive The person You may write me at ‘
though they have to think that extra behind the desk took my ID. and my tmeadows828@gmail.com
few milliseconds before they speak, insurance card. My driver’s licence or follow me on Twittter
they do it. It is not an age thing. Some still has an M for my gender, yet Tuesday Meadows @trz'shgigi
of my older friends have been great, the reception .
while some of my younger friends person never
stumble over and over. misgendered _g i
The worst thing is when me. “Yes ma’am” ”7%. :
someone acts like they didn’t say it. and “no ma’am” ‘ ’(U L .. .5" f x: ’
Whereas the misgender hurts, the three or four ... j %’| ,a.
ignoring it, or worse, ignoring it and times. When 0 ‘11.: ;. :3, . N x 1“ Vi I
continuing to say it, infuriates me. the nurse came v i4 l 5N l”- ’ pd} "J ,“j I~ . l;
My friend I’Lis told me that when out to get me Jfi 3}} j H l, ’1’ '1 [ray ‘ .1 “
she gets misgendered more than once the reception . \14 fi' lg {I f , i211, %
she will turn to the person and use a person told f l j' :3: L All 3 '.
profanity to describe them. Then she her, “she’s right ; , ‘- “E—E-l ‘ $9 ‘ j
tells the person, “when you say ‘he over there.” The E ‘ ® I , \ ;@ . " r."
or him,’ I hear that terrible profanity nurse never g it“ ‘ ” 7 y 3
l? ,x, I, " \ 4
6 LinQ // MARCH 2016 . ADVOCACY

arr-1;. . :1- “?W .- .
by Carol TogIor-Shlm, MSW 1%, "1:25ng l «Pg.
I ’m writing this from a hotel room “good” INTENTIONS could have. had occurred less than a month prior
in Chicago during the National Again. Instead ICE is invited to to Creating Change. That’s why you
LGBTQ Task Force 2016 Creating learn from undocumented trans have an obligation to seek counsel
Change Conference. This conference Latinx attendees how ICE practices from the community in which you
is likeafamily reunion of sorts for us. impact their lives. So people who strive to serve. This was a decision
The myriad of identities in all of their are detained, tortured, assaulted, born of privilege. The privilege of
intersecting glory was what I hope raped, and killed are supposed to sit not having a direct connection to the
heaven is like. Creating Change is like in a workshop with the very people suffering of undocumented Latinx
coming home to family, especially engaging in their torture, assaults, people detained by immigration. But
for people who don’t “ , . wait, though, this is the
get that kind of National LGBTQ Task
affirmation anywhere Here 8 the thlng’ Force. They should
else but a conference. 0 o ’ know better. They’re
And home is supposed your Intentlons can t supposed to protect
to be the safest place . us, to nurture us, to
around, right? Well help us heal, help us
this house has been a overcome the ImPaCt. live our fullest lives.
bit of a mess, to saythe . All the good stuff
least. Even If the organizations put in
Even before the ,, mission statements,
first attendee arrived 0 . and strate ic lans,
or the first conference Impact 18 gOOdO,’ and t-shirtgs, cfiurch
badge was typed there fans, and pens. How
was controversy rooted in the belief rapes, and deaths and explain why could they be so cavalier with this?
that good intentions can overcome they shouldn’t be doing any of it in Yes people make mistakes, but when
negative impacts. What a privilege the first place? People were injured someone’s life it at risk they have the
to think that. This was a theme that even before they started packing their right to expect you to get it right.
played out over several days of What bags. Thank goodness the rest of the Wouldn’t you? Here’s the thing, your
X should’ve been a place of safety, a family got the Task Force together intentions can’t overcome the impact.
1 place to heal in whatever way we and ICE was disinvited, but the hurt Even if the impact is good. But when
needed, to learn, to share. To be. was already there. Why were they the impact is once again painful
f Somehow ICE shows up invited in the first place? Did no one and traumatic and could’ve been
on the agenda as a workshop stop and say, “Ummm, this is a bad avoided, it hits a little harder. And
., option. Immigration and Customs idea. This is going to hurt our family you don’t have to be polite when you
, . Enforcement. Huh? As if The Task and we don’t do that.” Who was in communicate that either. This wasn’t
1’ Force learned nothing last year when the room? Why didn’t someone say the only time when intent and impact
’ members of Familia Trans Queer something? Maybe someone did, and battled during this conference.
Liberation Movement stormed the in the end someone decided, “No However it was one of the most
‘ stage to make their voices heard, this is a good thing. ICE needs to avoidable, and that’s what hurts. 3
- . which should’ve been a sign to be hear what their policies are doing to
V more mindful of the IMPACT their people.” Keep in mind that ICE raids Follow me @ctshim71
ADVOCACY . MARCH 2016 // LinQ 7

 frass Black Pride and PCSO . l
a c k P rid e M atte
irsation regarding the lntersa
Race and LG BTQ Issues ;
Sunday—March 20,2016
Theater, Public Library *
140 East Main Street a, j
Lexington, Kv- - 7
2pm—4pm a
Free H! ,
EVE RYON E WELCOM E! ! ! ! ! ,
, m Bluegrass Black Pride
, lustfunda fl WK?
' W h ' ”2*. it "it
ta; , e seam ORGAATION

 reviewed bg Komrgn Wies Yossi & Jagger
“in written by
"my“! W'wa Avner Bernheimer
”0552' C’?’ Jagger ’5"wa ‘ p “. ‘. , and wants Yossi to go with him because he loves him.
is another sad “1.. ‘77,, "43‘ p & Their colonel visits them, bringing two female soldiers.
but beautiful 5‘ ' ; Jagger is pursued by one of the female soldiers, causing
love story. Yossi ' f M ’ \ » tension. The colonel is a warmonger and tells Yossi ‘ o,
is the stoic and ‘ t . - that they must go on an ambush that very night.
little — spe aking ‘ I. ' Yossi is really worried about his soldiers being tired L 1
‘ commander of a ,1 «f2 Mufti“ and that there is a full moon that night. This is a
remote and frigid '" 1 10“ ‘ very real and very heartfelt love story between two
" Israeli outpost. 11R 1 m‘mmmflfl men who love each other but have very different
Jagger (whose mwmfim - ‘ personalities. All of the characters in the story, not
real name is Lior) H 1' just the main two, become real people that you
is the fun-loving . ‘ ' ' p . ‘1 become attached to. Yossi d4 Jagger is a starkly
and boyish platoon w 3, if? filmed story that blends raunchy comedy with
‘ leader. They go on ‘ . ‘5" 13!}; serious tenderness. This movie is in Hebrew
patrols together in . ‘g ‘ ‘ t . with English subtitles and can be found in our
‘ order to spend time " 33‘“ AV section under AV-FEAT YOSS.
. alone as lovers. Jagger is . " ~. 3» 1-.
;‘ leaving the Army soon " V
l ,. H . a . ...__ _. . é. ,, o . o 53% ° ‘
:E Wistet Aehiy% feta? Eprwg Past. With Us!
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 r . —, ' , . I i I
‘ by Tuesdog G Meadows {
j I
“Here you go, way too fast don’t slow down, you’re gonna crash. You should watch, J.
watch your step don’t look out, gonna break your neck.” Crash, The Primitives
Angela Seeds, or just Seeds, as she prefers, is a 27 she is tough. On the pitch (the proper term for the rugby
year old graduate of the University of Kentucky. She field), she is a force as the fly-half. The position of fly-half,
decided to come to Kentucky from Columbus, Ohio, or as it known in some parts of the world the outside—half,
because she loves the outdoors. During her sophomore orchestrates the attack and the defense of a team and tells
year, she got involved in the Women’s Rugby team, in the forwards what to do while keeping up with the depth
between studying for her advertising degree. Rugby is a of the backs. In other words, the fly-half position is the on-
I.I.I club sport at UK, but they play teams from other nearby field general.
0: universities. Seeds has played a total of 8 years now, the During our interview, she explained the intricacies
a first 3 at UK. Beginning this year, she is playing with and the terminology of the game (and, given my elementary
< the newly re-formed BlackWidows (like “The Blues understanding, she even used crayons to show me how
E Brothers,” they have recently gotten the team back the game is played.) There are about 25 on a team, with
together). 15 on the pitch at a time. The terms whizzed by me, but
Seed’s day job is a manager for Hilton, but clearly I I ., i" I
her passion is for rugby. She is beautiful, petite, and , ' "
soft—spoken, but those first impressions are deceiving: .s'
I V ‘7 l "i
3 we 'i A“. 3” k
. mis .l
7’ TC. ‘ 2;. ' , " y l
* ) _ . ‘ iLACKWlflUWSWh
/ , g n l
i Angela Seeds and Hannah hnson ofthe Le ington Women's Rugby Team '
10 LinQ // MARCH 2016 . .
- .i

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" . I is. 7 f ’
t ey wore no e met m V-" ‘ 7 I
despite the physical I “ j I;
The BlackW - . l
League, and they al '
people on the other ‘
their league players a .
said that people hav " I
into their 605 and 70s I 5" ' T ii-
a vivid picture of o - .. . I, "‘ ; "‘41.... . ' " ~ I
aspects of the game: . ‘ ‘
She said that the so . ”3...“,‘i‘bg. I ~—~':;:—’4 an
example, is always . kg -.. .' TIT; {~i',“,:.f'..'“-r I
other team to eat, drin eer, an Sing songs. J “J '“' ' 1’15"" I 3‘
When you know that you are going to be having Twin“ ' ' ' 7 Il
I ~ .. mfg». .I.j._ . I "~ -ry.
9 _ ,. . ' 5 - l . -: V ' 7 . and her teammates are very involved in the
'I l I ' “'1" - l 3% ~ - ., XI teaming up with AutoZone on a domestic
.' M , > ':‘ ' 3' - . .I ention program and volunteering at God’s
. \ ' i ,I A; " I , '. i he Hope Center. She was very proud of her
[III-I 7 I . '. “‘2‘" "I 5 ' . ’I 'I- I or their charity work.
' ' . " Pie. .4; . ‘ ' ested to learn more about Rugby? The
"' I A ‘ .’ ’fl . ' "a 4 ' practice on Tuesday and Thursdayevenings
. V g ': , _ I - field at Cold Stream park and play games at a
I. .- fl . » ' ’ - - “ II ._ . ' of Newtown Pike. The public is welcome to
\II ’ I17; ' I h I. II ' I»I , ' “ ‘ rst game on March 5. See you at the pitch!
l II II I , as“ 9.. III III . . ‘ gig II I -rn more at lexmgtonrugbywzxcom
I ."T I I—m ,I Ir I “i , i _ $11 I ,1 book page @ Lexmgton Black Widows RFC
I ‘;~:.,:,_';- ‘ S l. 3‘ . ‘ :15 It}-..
\_ I ‘ r ., 1x . 5": a...» ~ nn.’
I MARCH 2016' // LinQ n
.J. . . _ i i _ ,1

 A G REA I WAY I O L 111W t1 ‘2 "it L1
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bg Kote Heinonen € :2 ' L‘; L I'LL
‘ ‘Ltg‘ M‘é % 1 ,:¥5 ,r:
>_ D onating to a non-profit like to thousands of dollars! Companies Every donation means so
I- the PC80 means that you’re making like Bank of America, Apple, and much to the people who benefit from
E an impact on the LGBTQQIA the YUM brands (Taco Bell, KFC, the PCSO, who attendPride, andwho
1 3 community in Lexington, making Pizza Hut...) have programs that can have created a family within their
2 it possible for everyone to come double your donation. support groups. Donation—matching 1
2 together for events like Pride, as well Finding out if your company can help strengthen the backbone of L
. 8 as for the weekly meetings that occur participates in a program like this the PCSO, allowing the organization
at the PCSO Pride Center. (and whether or not the PCSO is a to do even more for the LGBTQQIA
But what if you could double nonprofit that fits their program) community in Lexington, and help
your donation without paying can help your money make more those who need it. The fasteryou find
double the money? You can make of a difference in people’s lives. out if your company has adonation-
this happen, simply by getting in Donations are what help carry matching program, the faster your .
touch with the Human Resources out Pride, and allow the PCSO to donation can begin making double L
Department at the company where have a building where people who the impact on the lives of people who L
you work. Many employers take part identify as LGBTQQIA can join rely on the PCSO’s programs and L
in donation—matching programs, together to strengthen ties within our services. \ 1
which may match a donation for up community. fi L
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bg Katherine Wilkie Kennedg, 2016 Lexington Pride Festivol Choir W I
Fundraising Spotlight: oriented individual who wants to Katherine: It sure sounds like you
. Dwight Vires positively impact the community I HAVE jumped in head first! What
! live in. I grew up in the small town of has been your biggest obstacle this
I had the opportunity to sit down Hazard, KY, in the heart of the coal year, if you don’t mind me asking?
with Dwight Vires, 2016 Fundraising fields of Kentucky and The Queen Dwight: We have made huge
Chair, and ask him some questions City of the Mountains is wherelspent changes in the way we organize our
about his position and background. my childhood. Through high school fundraisers this year. We started
Here’s what he said! I had the honor of being recognized fundraising earlier than ever before
! as the 2008 Teen of the Year for thisyear. We setahuge monetarygoal
I ,L 7 community service. I was are and trying our best to get people
! p .. , also honored to be named involved and enthusiastic about a day
I ‘ l? “j t the Battalion Commander that is months away
3 “Fr _. . 7m _- . of our ROTC program and
1 f _ i! f ;; created and developed my Katherine: Yes, I can imagine that
f ’ l ' high school’s first live news rallying people during some of our
' 1 ‘ viii" i broadcast. recent weather has been challenging.
I ‘ a V . What would you like to say to the
A , Katherine: I can see that community about LexPrideFest
i W . you have a great leadership Fundraising 2016?
33,. I. \ ;._ background. Is that what Dwight: If anyone takes anything
i ' ‘ \ g 9‘ made you decide to run for away from this I would want them
i" \ theposition of Fundraising to know that it is truly for each
i m ‘ ‘g Chair this year? and every Festival attendee. It goes
" "‘ Dwight: Yes, in part. But towards THEIR festival and growing
" . y I really have spent my the PCSO to push the space and
) lief ‘ 9? / 1: life as a public servant. programs that the Center hosts!
‘7 ' f" ' / ; . Southeastern Kentucky
? M? «33' [1/ -' -- ' 1 is not very accepting of Katherine: Thank you!
9 gfi ‘ ' f \\ 1 ‘ i LGBTQ+ individuals and
fl :' ' / "/ ' the vibrant community Please remember our
I! r/ is", here made me want to upcoming Fundraiser — The Mr.
,1! ‘ get involved as soon as I and Miss LexPride Pageant at the
, _ fl was settled. I love people Kentucky Theatre on Thursday, April
[I and want to be directly 21! For more information or an i
1’ ‘ 1/ I involved with those that application to compete in the pageant !
support uniting our please email fundraising@lexpridefest. !
Katherine: Could you tell us a little community as one. This was a chance org. No pageant experience required! !
about yourself? to jump in and make a lasting impact ,7 __ !
Dwight: I am a 25-year-old, goal- on the community. V
COMMUNITY . MARCH 2016 // LinQ 13 I

 Blue rass Black Pride resents:
‘ u n
Saturday—March 26, 2016
1 Lyric Theatre
‘ 300 East 3rd Street
a Lexington, Ky.
8pm %
, $5 per person (cash)
DJ, Dancing, Hors d’oeuvres, and a Good Time!
‘ Everyone welcome and encouraged to wear something RED! .
(Parking available in Lyric parking lot and across the street at Polk Dalton Clinic) ’
Bluegrass BlacPrlde
j, g ‘ .__._ ,i ; E; :

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if; T”: Visage? ' l ,
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l ’ AVOL’s jon Parker,
i ‘ PCSO’s Tuesday G Meadows,

1 [ //€ Senior Pride lnitiative’s Vicki Stanley, &

Al 6/ St.Andrew’s Episcopal Church’s

1 l 1‘ !' Carol Ruthven at the

l ‘C \ ' 20/6 Fairness Rally Day

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Miss GayValentine .3 :C ‘ r I .g g is?
a 20/6 Hope Hillcum & ' f} a? k * g
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3 l 3' , ‘ i .‘ ~ Trouble performs‘a

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3 Bradley Eng/and, President of the ‘ ”‘17:“: ' r .‘ , _ . , _ 1
Rainbow Bowling League, takes a shot! -- $3; F .i ' , {1" . r 4,