xt76dj58f32d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76dj58f32d/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1898 journals kaes_bulletins_077 English Lexington, Ky. : The Station, 1885- Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin n.77. text Bulletin n.77. 1898 1898 2014 true xt76dj58f32d section xt76dj58f32d . KENTUCKY   ; 
A BULLETIN NO. 77.   I  
' I. Test of Varieties.  
2. Test of Fertilizers.
I 3. Notes and Descriptions. I (
4. Red Rust of Wheat. I é

  "  t i E   , L
  !T .
§ · Krzmucxy
  Agricultural Experiment Station.
I HART BOSWELL, Chairman, Lexington, Ky.
l i ' ]. T. GATHRIGHT, Louisville, Ky.
i » THOS. TODD, Shelbyville, Ky.
° I i ]. K. PATTERSON, President of the College.
i M. A. SCOVELL, Director, Secretary.
. M. A. SCOVELL, Director.
A. M. PETER, ‘
~ ji Chemists.
'·   H. GARMAN, Entoniologist and Botanist.
V il C. VV. MATHEWS, Horticulturist.
J. N. HARPER, Agriculturist.
2 V. E. MUNCY, \Veather Observer.
  ED\VARD RHORER, Secretary to Director.
.` . Address of the Stat‘ion—— LEXINGTON, KY.
The Bulletins of the Station will be mailed free to any citizen of
~ ._ · Kentucky who sends his name and address to the Station for that
· pllI‘pO5€.
Y. Correspondents will please notify the Director of changes in their \
post-office address, or of any failure to receive the Bulletins.
» Anmzassz `7
Knnrucxv AoRrcur.ruRAr. Expaarmsnr Smrion,
l _ Lrsxmoron, Kv.
1 ` 103
  { .

 T ?`
BULLETIN N0. 77. 1
WHEAT. p ,
The 50z`Z.—The experiments were conducted on the   i
Experiment Station grounds, the character of the soil of
which has been described in previous bulletins. . Q "_,
T be Scas02z.—The following table shows the rainfall per
month, highest, lowest and average temperature, and the
amount of sunshine during the wheat season :
E l _= ~TEz»rr>ER.mmzE,
·: E . J .r
TE M 3   Degrees.
5 ri l 
1\10NTHS,1S97~—1S9B. J O.: Q _ ,
fg 2   l   2 E . al
:~ 5 <:   2 I1 .: _?
September .................... . ......, . .... 82.0 18.0 .80; 72.4 96 40 —,
October ............ .. ........ . ............... 76.0 24.0 .38% 63.9 88 36  
November .......... . ....................... 39.0 61.0 4.83 1 46.4 71 17 1 i
December .............   ........ . ........ 20.0 80.0{ 5.11 ` 36.8 67 8 V;
january ........... . ........   ............ 24.0‘ 76.0 9.56 38.0 68 11
February ..................................... 28.0I 72.0 2.20 36.1 66 —1 , 1
March .... . .................................... 19.0 81.0 8.18 49.0 72 26 i i
April ....   .............. . ................. 31.0 69.0 3.29 50.7 77 22  
i May ........ . .......................... . ....... 45.0 55.0 6.13 65.4   33  
june,. .................. . .... . ................ 47.0 53.0 7.94 74.4 93 57 .
Twenty varieties were under test. Each variety was
planted on a one—twentieth-acre plot, in drills seven inches
apart. The amount of seed sow11 was at the rate of one and
. . . - 97* " *`
\‘ . __ K-~»-— · ·*·—"‘  ` '

 Q  A si l A “
l . = "
  _ A . 110 Bulletzbz N0. 77.
  · one-half bushels per acre. All plots were planted October 25
  4 1897, and harvested june 27, 1898.
I Notes on Varieties.
H d 1 l 2
‘ ea gn g 3
ri -;-— .5 CE Ti
g . 2 Nam; or Vanrarv. S- 2 . $ . U2
E Smooth go? ,.. B gc;
. Z 5 : $3 .¤ R: 0
» H U tm U P Q
. “5 B·· Q E g E 9; ri
i · E ` Bearded ag ,_q 4;
V l
1 7 ]o¤es’ Winter Fife ......... . ................ S. 46 4.5 14
` 2 i American Bronze . .......................,   S. 48 4.5 12
`— 3   Early \V11ite Leader ........................ S. 44 _ 4. 11
. 4 z Pride of Genesee ........... . ................. B. 46 4.75 13
A   5 l Oatka Chief .................................... B. 42 3.75 10
‘ · `l
`   6 iLong Amber .....................   .....   S. 48 4.75 14
7   ]ones’ Bearded .............................. B. 40 3.5 9
r 8 L Pride ............................................. B. 43 4.5 9
hl 9   Bearded Winter Fife .............. . ....,   B. 42 4.25 \ 10
W 7
· · 10 \Early Arcadian. ............................... S. 39 3.25 10
11   Pedigreed Early Genesee Giant; ........ B. 33 2.75 11
12   Diamond Grit ................................. B. 39 3.5 12
9 13   White Golden Cross ........................ B. 34 2.75 1 S
i ` _ 14 lLancaster Red .................. . ............. B. 43 I 4. 15
T is l Democrat ....................................... B. as °   16
16   Gold Coin ............................. . ........ S. l 37 3.5 11
' 17 Dawson’s Golden Chaff .................... S. 38 I 4.25 13
. 18 jersey Fnltz ....................... . ........... S. 43 3.75 17
‘ 19 Extra Early Oakley ........... .. ............ S. 40 2.75 14
° ` 20 l (Gold Coin ?) .............. . .................... S. 35 3. 7

 1 1.
1 Z
Z I J/Vbeat. 1]]
The following table gives the yield of each variety and 1
the weight of wheat per measured bushel : i
A _
Head Yield per     Q
Q ·;— Acre. 1 if V
2 B— —;— T. 1 ‘
E NAME os Vaxrizrv. Bearded Lg   1 ji 1
"‘ . .: zu 5 : i ·: '
Q Siria       1 l
E head. Q I '“ 2 _
_ 1 {Jones' Winter Fife ...... . .................,. S. ` 22.3 2160 63.7
2 1Americar1 Bronze .. ...............   ........... S.   18.5 17911 62.5
3 V Early \Vhite Leader ............ . .......... S. 19.0 i 21611 y Nl.?
4 Pride of Genesee .... . ....................... B. 16.5 17111 54.4 Va
5 Oatka Chief ..,.............................,,.. B. 13.3 141)*) Q 6015 `
6 Long Amber .......... . ....................... S. 10.5 , 1050 yl €1~*]•.~B K.
7 Jones` Bearded ........ . ........ . ............. I B. 13.2 l 1510 , 6*1.4  
8   Pride ............................................. { B. ` 14.8 `I 1511) G @4.19 1 il
9 Bearded \Vinter Fife ........................ l B. lS.2 i *310 ` 64.0 il
10 Early Arcadian .....,.. . ............. . ....... i S. ‘ 12.3 I 22311   59.lUl  
ll Pedigreed Early Genesee Giant ......... B. 16,5 { 131¤¤ ix 61.6   J
12 Diamond Grit ................................. B. 16.5   161*) 1 E1-1.11 rf
13 White Golden Cross ............. . ......... ¥ B. x 11.5   1210 E 52.0 i
14 Lancaster Red ................................. f B. ‘ 17.7   111411   @11.% `  
15 Democrat .............., . ................,... B.   12.2 1371.lé *1%.3 X
A 16 Gold Coin". .............. . ....... . .......... . 5. v 12,3 11L»~r1~¤¤Q¤~ 1 @1.:  
17 Daws0n's Golden Chaff .....................   5.   11.3 ilzll E15  
IS Jersey Fultz ....................................   5. i 17.5 lf·£fi~0 @$.7 L
19 Extra Early Oakley ..........................   S.   15.2 1 1·j·9~ll i Eé.2
20 1’Gold Coin?) .................................   5.   13.6 Té~·· ·1~:s.~*Q~
-· r . -. - W- .   .  I- _.

 i  si . 1 ‘ 1
  ° e 112 Bulleiin N0. 77.
g` 1 Some of these varieties have been grown by us for sev-
gg · eral years. The following table gives the yield of such
  varieties for the different years, and the average yield for the
. ’ whole period : .
2 A Comparative Yield in Different Years. `
YIELD rn BnsHELs PER Acme.
e   1891 1892 1895 1897 1898 Av’ge.
]0nes’ Winter Fife ................. 30.7 22.8 14.6 23.0 22.3 22.7
American Bronze .................... . ........ . ........ . ...._... 16.0 18.5 17.3
1 1 Eraly White Leader ............... . ........ . ........ . ........ 7.3 19,0 13.2
` . Pride of Genesee ............ . ....... . ....... . ........ . ........ 21.8 I 16.5 19.2
;—_ 4   Oatlca Chief .........   ....... . ...... . ........ . ........ . ........   13.3 19.3
{ Long Amber ..... . ...... . ............. . ........ . .... .. ........ 20.0 10.8 15.4 .
]ones’ Bearded, .................. . ........ . ....... . ........ 15.0 13 2 14.1 _
i Pride ...................................... . ........ . ....... . ........ 19.5 14.8 17.2  1
  Bearded \Vinter Fife ...... . ....... . ........ . ....... . ........ 30.5 18.2 24.4
6 N Early Arcadian ....................... . ....... . ........ . ....... 27.4 12.8 20.1 .
Pedigreed Early Genesee Giant ......... . ........ . ........ 26.8 16.5 21.7
Diamond Grit ........................ . ........ . ....... . ........ 21.0 16.5 18.8
` V White Golden Cross ................. . ........ ` ......... . ........ 27.9 11.5 19.7
j _ Lancaster Red ..........   .............     ......... 15.0 16.9 17.7 16.5
Q _ Democrat .............................. . ........ \ ......... 16.8 21.3 12.2 16.8
Gold Coin .............................. . ....... . ........ 13.1 21. I 12.3 15.5
i Dawson’s Golden Chaff- ......... . ........ . ........   ..... 17. 11.3 1 14.2
jersey Fultz ........................... . ........ . ........ . ........ . ....... 17.8 I 17.8
` Extra Early Oakley.. ........... .. 21.8 20.0 ......... . ........ 15.2 19.0
` ` Plbt 20 (Gold Coin?) ............... . ........ . ........ { ......... . ........ 13.6 13.6

2 i 
_ i· 1 F
. i? ,
1 I
11/ami. 113 ; { V
Milling Qualities. i  
· In order to test the different varieties of wheat as to their Q `
‘ milling qualities the several samples were submitted, with ’ ¥
their names, to Mr. C. S. Brent, and also, by their numbers,  
without disclosing their names, to Messrs. D. C. Frost, W. B. , ,,
Talbert and R. S. Webb, who rated them independently, as 1 E
follows : 1 i  
By C. S. Bre11t. First rank as milling wheat, sample No. E ¥
18; second, No. 19; third, N0. I2 ; fourth, No. 8 ; fifth, No. 1 ·
4; sixth, No. 14; good, Nos. 9 and 15; fair, No. 2; bad, ` i ‘
1 Nos. 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 16, I7 and 20.
By D. C. Frost. First, samples No. 18 and 19; second, 1
Nos. I2 and I4 ; third, Nos. 2} and I5 ; fourth, Nos. 4 and 8 ; i
fifth, Nos. 5, 1o, II and 13; sixth, Nos. 1 and 9; seventh,
4 Nos. 6, 7 and I7 ; eighth, No. 3; ninth, Nos. 16 and 2o. "
By W'. B. Talbert. First, Nos. 12, 14, 18 and 19; second
Nos. 1, 2 and 15; third, Nos. 3, 9 and 2o; fourth, Nos. 5,  
IO and 13; fifth, Nos. 4, 6, 7, 8, II, 16 and 17. Y
By R. S. `Webb. First, Nos. 2, 12, 14, 18 and 19; sec- I "
ond, Nos. 4 and 8 ; third, Nos. II and 15; fourth, Nos. 1, 6, ; ‘ ii
1 I3 and 17; fifth, Nos. 5, 7, 9 and IOQ sixth, not worth plant- i .
 A ing, Nos. 3, 16 and 2o. 1  
i , '
This year, as heretofore, fertilizers had no appreciable '
1 effect on the yield of grain or straw. The kind of fertilizers
`_ used and the manner of applying them were the same as in , l
years previous, for which see Bulletin 57. The results of the l .
_ year are of so little value when taken alone that it is thought 2
best not to publish them herein.  
C0-operative Fertilizer Tests.
A few co—operative tests with fertilizers were undertaken
last year by farmers. The following results were obtained by `
Mr. E. G. Austin, of Prentis, Ohio County, Ky. Ohio

   Z it i
{ ’ Bullclm N0. 77. _
  .· A County is in the western coal measures of Kentucky. The re-
  sults obtained by Mr. Austin will undoubtedly be of benefit to
. all farmers situated on this geological formation. The follow- ,
` ` : ing is Mr. Austin’s report:
Results Obtained With Fertilizers by Mr. Austin.
- T2
V I . D QJ 4-an ‘
L n ig ig 2 'ax
` O r- _
4-J LH O 4,,
L8 2 E)   T€¤
O E U   .9 QP
. Z 4 ‘ pi I5
7 1. No Fertilizer.... ............. ... .... ... 3.9 55
__ A   2. Nitrate of soda.. .............. 160 lbs. 9.4 58
A   3. Acid phosphate.. ............. 320 " 15.3 58
4, Muriate of potash ............. 160 " 6.4 57
F`; 5. No Fertilizer . ................ . . .   .... 7.6 57
‘ ‘ 6 _§‘ Nitrate of soda . . . . .' ........ I6O lbs. l_ I 6
' { Acid phosphate . ............ 320 " j 9` 59
_§’ Nitrate of soda .............. 160 " l_ 8 _8
7' {_ Muriate of potash ............ 160 " l '3 D
` t ` { Acid phosphate . . . .... . .... 320 " l _
» S` il Muriate of potash .......... . I6O " ji I6'2 1 D9
S' Nitrate of soda ............ 160 " )
9.   Acid Phosphate .............. 320 " - 20.7 60
* ll\/luriate of potash ........ 160 "  
¢ 10. ..................... . ...... . . .   ....   8.1 58
' Mr. Austin says: " Find enclosed report of test with
‘ ` fertilizers furnished me last fall. The land upon which these
tests were made has been in cultivation nearly fifty years ——a
I .

= !
W/zeat. 115     i
thin clay, upland soil, cultivated in corn in 1896, followed by l i
rye, then cow peas, followed by wheat. The yield of corn   i
, was somewhere from fifteen to twenty bushels of inferior . .
corn. The rye, avery scattering and inferior crop, was turned i
under in May and sowed to peas, which made a fair crop. i i .
That was removed for seed, the stubble harrowed twice with i { if
disc harrow, dragged once, and wheat drilled in with 250  
pounds acid phosphate and fifty pounds muriate of potash    
with one bushel of wheat to the acre. The field, containing   °
eleven and a half acres, yielded 192 bushels—the experimental _ l  
acre eleven anda half bushels, and the balance of the field,
ten and a half acres, 180% bushels. One bushel of wheat
drilled in our plots October 16th, 1897. \Vheat all up and
fertilizers sowed on top October 25th, 1897. \\’heat weighed l
and tested by Beaver Dani Milling Co."
"The poor yield on Plot No. 1, I think, was due to  
bad drainage, as this plot lies very level, although high. The
wheat on balance of field adjoining No. 1 was good. The _
field greened up and showed the effect of the fertilizers much *.
earlier in the season than the plots did, due, I suppose, to the f A'!
fertilizers on field having been put in with the wheat at the 1 `;
time of drilling. Plots Nos. 3,, 6,8 and 9 showed a rank l ,_
growth early in the spring, and a very perceptible difference 1 -
in their favor over plots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 1o. Very little, i
in fact, no perceptible difference in the latter all through the i
season. Neither was there any perceptible difference in the .
former until near harvest time, when No. 9 began to show '
the best. The whole stood the winter well."
The above results of Mr. Austin strongly indicate the , i
need of phosphoric acid on Mr. Austin’s land. It may be f _
possible that this is true also of nearly all the coal measures of f
KN/estern Kentucky. These results show that I\Ir. Austin 7
should use a fertilizer rich in phosphoric acid and containing  
a small amount of nitrogen. It seems that potash has little,
if any, effect on wheat. It would be interesting to note O
whether this is true also of corn and potatoes.

   Q t 1 " - Aix A
1 - · Q L
l A A   I 116 Bu//ez‘z`¢z N0. 77.
it T E-
. A \Vith the exception of Nos. 18, IQ and 20, the wheats
grown this season are of the same varieties as those grown in
1897, and it will not, therefore, be necessary to describe all of
; them fully, since most of them are described and figured in
, A Bulletin 79, published in September, 1897. The seasons of
A 1 1897 a11d 1898 were so different i11 the matter of rainfall that
l A we should expect to Hnd a corresponding seasonal difference
in the wheats. It was anticipated that the frequent rains of
1898 would improve both the yield and the quality, but the A
following table shows that the reverse is true—that the heads
· of wheat produced i11 1898 bore fewer seeds of less weight
than those produced i11 1897. The exceptions are No. 10,
, Early Arcadian, and No. 17, Dawson’s Golden Chaff, both of
_   which produced more seeds and of greater weight than in
.A `_ I ISQT. One point is to be kept in mind in using such hgures
° . as are given below, namely, that a variety may produce a
large spike a11d but few of tllélll to a stool, and that, co11se—
z quently, another variety producing a much s111aller head but
. more of them, may yield more to the acre. Again, tl1e head
  111ay be large and the seed light, off color, or of poor milling
A `Ai qualities; hence, it is only by consideration of data obtained
both i11 tl1e held and i11 tl1e laboratory that a safe conclusion
with regard to a variety can be reached. The desideratum
seems to be a wheat that will produce a large number of large
_ ` heads with a plump seed of good weight. These qualities A
` ought to mean a large yield per acre.
E The effect of the wet season of 1898 seems to have been to
increase the rust on lllEtlly of the varieties. On several it is
about the SHIIIG as last year, while on Ollly one—No. 6-—was
‘ there less rust in 1898 tha11 in 1897. An interesting fact
appears in tl1is relation. Nos. 18, IQ and 20, which were
i grown from seeds obtained fro111 a local dealer, were free fro111
A rust, while all the other numbers, grown fro111 seed raised on
° A the lixperiment Farm, were more or less rusted. Now, the

 E E i if
e s
i Q
~ · Wbeal. 117    
same varieties were, in many cases, affected with rust in 1897, - l i
and it may be supposed that the rust in 1898 was transmitted    
largely from the rusted wheat of the preceding year. The- , ,
fact confirms the view often expressed that red rust is hered- -  
itary, and illustrates the importance of getting untainted seed ° .
for planting. , § "
The Rating of Wheat in Bluegrass Kentucky. _   5 `
The farmer of this region wants a good yielder in weight Q  
per acre. The color of the wheat is of little importance to , »
him, except as it affects its sale. The general impression is, ‘ i f
however, that white wheats do not do well here, and the
result is that many farmers prefer a red wheat. The miller 7
wants a good milling wheat, by which I understand that he
desires wheat that is well ripened, plump, heavy and hard.
The white wheats grown on the Experiment farm are not as  
hard as the red varieties and generally not as heavy. In rat-
ing them the miller and seedsman discriminate against them,
however, with little regard to weight and hardness, and most T
of those who examined our wheats this year considered Nos. , Q
16 and 2O (both white) as of poor quality, though their  
weight is exactly that of the red wheat No. 12, which was 1 i *
always rated as one of the best. That the white varieties are `Y
not from their nature inferior to the red in weight and hard-    
ness is shown by the fact that two white wheats before me, I; I
grown in New York, one bearded, the other smooth, weigh A
7.5 grams per ten cubic centimeters, being thus heavier than I,
the heaviest red wheat grown by us on the Experiment Farm.
- The size of the seed is of but little consequence to the millers, (
and Nos. 12, 18 and 19, which have the smallest seeds of  
those grown on the Experiment farm, are generally rated ;
highest by them. I  
JVO. Z8. fw·sq1»]·`zzZ!.2. gt
Beardless. Seeds red. Spike small, tapering, the two
diameters equal, about 0.375 inch. Length of spike, 3.6875 I
inches. Glumes not pubescent. Empty outer glumes ter-
minating in a short blunt claw. Flowering glumes with a
slightly longer claw··like tip, a few at the upper extremity

   Li i a A U
 Ir ,     Z . .
 · ,   A 118 Bu!/elin N0. 77.
At 1 { sometimes three-fourths inch long. Color of spike and stem,
  I * yellow. Average number of seeds from a spike, 33.75.
· . Average weight of seeds from a spike, 1.175 grams.
i 6 This wheat seems to me to be identical with No. 1g.
· i The size and character of the head is the same, but the seed
of this is a little heavier. It was rated first, or among the r
first, by every practical man who saw it. It is the heaviest
i wheat grown on the farm. Rust rare.
I , N0. 19. Extra Ear@# Oak/ey.
’ Beardless. Seeds red. Spike small, tapering, the two
diameters equal, about 0.3,75 inch. Length of spike, 3.781
inches. Glumes not pubescent. Empty outer glumes ter-
minating in short claws. Inner glumes with acute tips which
. in some cases reach a length of three—fourths inch at the
extremities of spikes. Color of spike and stem, yellow.
, Average number of seeds from a spike, 43,. Average weight
_,§ of seeds from a spike, 1.55 gram.
  X Ii This variety is in high favor in this section, and is always
' rated well by millers. It seems to me to be the same as No.
18, although its seeds do not weigh quite as much, bulk for
. bulk, and average a trifle larger. Rust rare.
  [V0. 20. Gold Coin Q?).
  ·. Beardless. Seeds white. 4 Spike rather small, enlarging
slightly at tip; greater diameter, 0.50 inch; lesser diameter,
0.3,75 inch. Length, 3,.935 inches. Not pubescent. A few
. bristles on inner glumes at tip of spike one-fourth inch long,
the rest with short and mostly blunt tips. Color of spike,
· - · bronzy; of stem, purplish. Average number of seeds from a
, spike, 42.75. Average weight of seeds from a spike, 1.525
gram. —
This variety was obtained from a local dealer in seeds,
, and was marked No. 6, but appears to be the same as No. 16,
which has been grown at the Station for some time. It is 11ot
= liked by the millers. Rust rare.
` `
I .

11 I a
E 1 1
2 1
men;. 119   1 1
1 3
·.... . ·-»-· q, oe,. 8. . ~ 1
° 8 ° S E L5 ¤ vi °’ E l $
go -5 5.8 5 5   ig 1 1
¤ -5 15 5 °£ 2 5 `Se E
N0. NAME Year. 2 .E gig “5‘5 ¤ ug Rust. g 1
gb =» %’5,2~.·:.§··· ¤¤§¤5 ” 1 .
8 5. 8 88888   ‘
9; va 2 rn rn gi 8 g 2 O uz ` 7
< <¢ r 1
1 J0n€S,‘ \ViH_ 1897 -5.125 3.2875- 86.75 Freqxgiisnt.-; E  
°“ F‘f€· 1898 5.125 2.25 7. 54.25 Frequent. 1 1
2 American 1897 5.3125 2.4 58.5 F{equent. . l ·
BrOnZ€' 1898 4.375 2.175 7.2 52. Frequent.
3 Ear1y§Vhit€ 1897 5.34 —_2.85 74.25 U Very abgrlliri ` ·
Leader- 1898 4.871 2.325 0.8 80. Frequent.
. 1897 5.81 __2.95 79.5 Freqt{ent. _ -7
4 Pride of _____ ________ __ ____ _________;_ _
G"’“€5€‘°· 1898 5.1875 2.925 7.1 71.50 Frequent.
1897 4.44 2.67 _ 74. R211;5. 1 ~.
5 Oetkn einer. —- - 1- .-- -- .- .-.-4-- 1
_ 1898 4.0625 2.275 6.8 61.5 Frequent. 7 '.‘1
_ 1897 5.53 7 2.32 59.25 Freqtient. 7 `·
9 Long Amber. -—— --;— --4- ———— -—— —-———---—--- 1 1
1898 5.5625 2. \7.00 55.50 Rare. t
_ Jones, 1897 I4.53_— 8.04 85.75 Rn}e. 1  
7 .— -... -.... ... .... ..--...- 1 .
B‘*“d€d· 1898 4.375 1.875 5.5 58.25 Frequent. 1
1897 5.06 2.65 70.5 Abund-ant l 1
8 Pride I-——-— -—-—- -——-- -2 ——— -—- —-——---—— ’
1898 ·5.125 2.425 7.1 67. Frequent.
9 Bearded 1897 4.80 _ 257 _ 61. Frequent. —-   1 V
\Vmt€r Iliff; 1898 4.875 2.2 6.9 54.75 Frequent.
Early l1897 3.37 -72.5 65. Ra7e. »
10 ’“°"‘“"“· L7189S 3.375 -72.625 6.75 74.25 Frequgnt.  
Ear1yGenesee1 1897 3.18. 3.2 _ 72.5 None. .
11 Giant (Pedi- ——— -———- —»—— —— —-—- -——-——-- ——-
greed Giant).11898 3.0937 2.425 7.1 68.5 Frequent.
` Diamond 1897 4.19 _ 2.2 — 60. Frequent.
12 . -- --- -- .-..   .-.-.-.4-
I Gym 1898 4.0625 1.75 7.1 I58 75 Frequent.
I. , 7 ,

  z. 1 E 8
·,  ¥f_ I ‘
1 I   I 120 B11//eiin N0. 77.
1  ...__.
I *5 ig; *5 g Q .;.2 Ԥ rg;
’: · :55 E 5 5 ··= _g ¤—
1. 1 215 .g¤55:»§ zz
. "' O H - Z-‘ ·-·
’ — No. NAME. Year. 3_5 3.*;,5 E § _ gg Rust,
' . Sov gow 5 .5: 2 gw
I =¤rE =¤E£ zi 5 ME
*‘ ¤. is ¤» :1. ·— U »· L; ¤.»
Q; rn ; w :11 QJ 0 bb ;, vi
< <: B <
. 13 wvmseeded Fi  __ ff.  
‘ G°ld‘*“ cms- 1898 3.1875 2.25 · 6.9 60.5 Frequent,
A ~ 1*897 4.34 1.95 49.25 -NOl1_€. _
, ‘ ~ 14 Lancaster Red ———— ————— —— 7- —— —— -—-t-
1898 4.37 I 1.925 7.4 51.75 Rare.
__ ` 1897 4.43 _l 2. _ 51.75 -NOI1g. a
15 Democrat. ——-— —— —— ———-— —-—— ——--—--—-
1898 4.718 1.975 7.1 54.75 Frequent.
Q 1897 4.06 2.44 60. I -Rare.-
I6 Gold Coin. ——— —~ — —- — -—— ——-— —-L--..
. 1898 3.7812 1.6875 7.1 48.5 I Abundant.
l ————---———-— -j--- —  1-- -—————T.. -._Ti
N   17 Dawsows 1897 3.81 _ 1.82 _ _ 43.75 Eoue. -_ ·
» I G°ld€“ U‘“H· 1898 4.81 1.875 7.2 51.75 17r5q¤5¤1.
18 I jersey Fultz. — ——- ———·— ———,——-— ———-—-»
, I 1898 3.6875 1.175 7.4 I33.75 Rare.
J Fxtra
  19 j , Y — —-I.—-- -—- —— -—-—-.--
. .. Em} O“l‘l°’·' 1898 8.781 1.55 I 7.2 I48. 1251-5.
_ _____,____ ___ _  ____I__ __ _ _ ____
20 Gold Coin (F) -1 — ; —-~—— 1—|——,—--—-——
1898 3.9375 I 1.525 7.1 I 42.25 I Rare.
‘ _
I .

 ` ll  
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2 l
Wm;. 121   Y .
4. RED· RUST OF WHEAT. `    
nv H. GARMAN. _ i
The prevalence of this disease, owing to the wet weather i  
during the present season, has led t0 frequent inquiries from . . ,
farmers as to its cause and methods of prevention. The sub-  
ject, together with a discussion of other common diseases of , z
wheat, was presented by the writer last August before the 5  
Farmers’ Institute at Shelbyville, Ky., and the pap_er then   I _
read was subsequently published in full in the Farmers’ Home . j .
journal and the Shelby News, to which papers the reader is
referred for a full account of the disease. The use of blue-
stone or hot water on seed wheat appears to have no effect in , `
checking this disease. All of our wheat on the Experiment »
Farm was treated by one or the other of these methods last _,
fall, but the rust was prevalent, notwithstanding. The fol- i
lowing with reference to the prevention of red rust is quoted
, from the article above mentioned, as it is printed in the ~.
Farmers’ Home journal of August 27th. lg
"This rust grows on all the small grains and many of the i 1‘
grasses. It becomes common here in midsuinmer and does its ; l i
greatest injury then. From what has been said of its devel- »
opment it will be apparent that direct applications to the l  
attacked plantseannot be made with any assurance of suc- V, l
cess. The parasite grows in the interior of its host-plants, I
and only appears at the surface to form its spores, and after 4 ‘
its growth is complete and its injury done. Applications of ` i
such substances as bluestone at this time would doubtless
destroy many of these spores, but we do not consider the S l .
application of any solution of this kind practicable after grain I _
\ is pretty well grown; and, as has been intimated, the spores p  
do not become apparent early in the spring. its
"The fact that winter spores remain in stubble and straw <
is the most important one from the practical point of view .
which my sketch of the development of red rust discloses. It
is always this old straw and stubble which furnishes much of I
the rust which appears on wheat, and where rust is trouble-
some injury can be reduced by care in removing and burning

   ¤·- = E I  
,_ _ , Sip 2
i A. 122 Bu/Icz‘z`2z N0. 77.
  · straw refuse, and in burning off the stubble after the grain is
  i I harvested. Stable manure containing straw from bedding is_a
  r common source of injury from rust, and is not to be recom-
mended for use until well rotted. ·
4 "I have no evidence on this head myself, but it is be-  
lieved by good authorities that red rust is hereditary ; that is, Q
the small growing threads of which I have spoken penetrate ‘
3 · the kernels of grain while the latter are still immature and
; remain there dormant until the kernels produce plants, when
_ they become active and produce spores. It is asserted that
ir i seed grain saved from badly rusted wheat or oats produces
badly rusted plants, and that by avoiding such plants in get-
ting seed, then using the precautions in the matterloféstraw V
and stable manure which I have recommended, rust need not
1 be feared."
 .   I
  . `
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\ _
I A' .