xt76dj58d95z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76dj58d95z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1965-15-dec27-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1965-15-dec27-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1965-15-dec27-ec. 1965 1965-15-dec27-ec. 2011 true xt76dj58d95z section xt76dj58d95z 

      Minutes of Special Called Meeting of the Executive Committee of the
Board of Trustees, Monday, December 27, 1965

      The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky met on call of the Chairman in special session in the Board Room of
the Administration Building on the campus of the University at 11:00 o'clock
on Monday morning, December Z7, 1965, with the following members present:
Dr. Ralph Angelucci, Chairman, Judge J.A. Sutherland, Secretary, Mr.
Robert Hillenineyer, and Dr. H. B. Murray; absent: Mr. Smith Broadbent.
President John Oswald and Vice Presidents A. D. Albright, W. R. Willard,
Robert Kerley, Glenwood Creech, and Robert Johnson were present as were
representatives of the news media.

      A. Meeting Opened

      Following the call of the roll, the secretary reported a quorum present
and the chairman declared the meeting officially open for the conduct of
business at 11:15 o'clock.

       B. Mr. Jack Hall Named Acting Dean of Men

       Dr. Oswald reported that a leave of absence for a year had been granted
to Dr. Kenneth Harper. Dean of Men, in order to permit him to accept an offer
to dir--ect the training program for VISTA for the year 1966. In his absence,
Mr- Jack Hall; Assistant Dean of Men, will serve as Acting Dean of Men, re-
porting to Vice President Johnson.

       C. Establishment of Community Colleges in Jefferson County
(Louisville) and in Maysville (Mason County) Recommended

       Dr. Angelucci indicated that the meeting had been called for the purpose
of discussing the expansion of the Community College system and asked Dr.
Oswald to present the report which appears below:

                                                   Office of the President
                                                   December 27, 1965

Members, Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees:


       The Legislature in 1962 established a Community College system under
the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky. (KRS 164. 580. See Ap-
pendix A)


       The legislation further authorized in this Community College system
the maintenance of such colleges in Ashland, Covington, Henderson, Cumber-
land (at which the University already maintained centers) and Elizabethtown.
Moreover, the Statutes mandated the establishment and maintenance of a com-
munity college in each location of Prestonsburg, Blackey-Hazard, Hopkinsville,
and Somerset, as funds were made available. (KRS 164. 585, 164. 590)

       The Board of Trustees was granted the same powers with respect to the
community colleges that it has to the University of Kentucky in general. (KRS
164. 595). Accordingly, the Board adopted a "Policy Statement on Community
Colleges" on January 17, 1964, which placed the existing community colleges
and those in the planning stages into a Community College system administered
under authority of the President of the University and the Board of Trustees.
(See Appendix B)

       In keeping with the 1962 legislative mandates, the Board of Trustees
proceeded to establish and open such colleges at Elizabethtown (1964), Prestons-
burg (1964), Hopkinsville (1965), and Somerset (1965).

       The establishment of a community college in the Blackey-Hazard area,
authorized by KRS 164. 590, awaits a decision by the Board of Trustees on appro-
priate siting.

       In accordance with the Statute the Governor has appointed local advisory
boards for each of the Colleges that are in operation. (KRS 164. 600)

       Moreover, the Policy Statement adopted by the Board in January 1964,
included a p(licy for expansion of the University Community College system inas-
much as the question of adding new locations frequently arises. Future ex-
pansion, the Board policy states, must be well planned and orderly and any "such
decision should be rendered only 4fter the University has studied the situation in
question and has then recommended action. ' (See P. 9, Appendix B)

       The Board amplified this policy further. "In considering the establishment
of any additional community colleges to the present community college system,
the following criteria are believed to best predict future success in a particular
locality. A community college should be established only when:

       1. There has been a complete survey made of the community's
           higher educational needs and the existing capacity it has to
           meet those needs.

       2. Adequate financial support of a permanent nature has been

       3. The community itself demonstrates a desire for the rather
           unique functions of a community college,



      4. There is demonstrated need for higher educational services
           of the type supplied by the community college.

       5. Careful consideration has been given to educational op-
           portunities available at other higher educational institutions
           in the area.

       6. The community college will be in easy commuting distance
           for those whom it is intended to serve.

       7. Completely adequate building, parking, and ultimate growth
           space are provided.

       Proceeding under this policy, the University, pervasively mindful of the
presence of existing institutions both public and independent, continued with a
survey and study Statewide of localities even approaching a size necessary to
sustain a community college. Furthermore, the criteria were made more de-
finitive and inclusive. (See Appendix C)

       Early in the study, the needs for higher education in Jefferson County
became so readily evident that the area gained high priority for consideration.
Accordingly, discussions were initiated between the Presidents of the University
of Louisville and the University of Kentucky, at various stages including dis-
cussions with the chief executives of other institutions in the locale.

       A detailed report of the application of the criteria to localities has been
made to the President who at this time is prepared to make recommendations
for e.xpansio3I of the Com-imunity College system in accordance with the study
findings. (See Appendix D)


       1. That the Board of Trustees ricornimend to the Governor that appropri-
ate legislation be initiated to provide a community college in each of two locations;
namely, (a) Jefferson County, and (b) Maysville (Mason County).

       2. In regard to Jefferson County, that the Board of Trustees approve the
joint statement of the Presidents of the University of Kentucky and the University
of Louisville regarding the general plan of operation. (See Appendix E)

                            A PPENDIX A

                      COMMUNITY COLLEGES

         164. 575  Definition for KRS 164. 575 to 164. 600. As used in KRS
    164. 575 to 164. 600, unless the context requires otherwise, "board"
    means the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky. (1962 c. 72 s 1)



    164. 580 University of Kentucky community college system. The
University of Kentucky Community College system is established. Each
community college shall provide a two-year college curriculum. (1962,
c. 72, s 2)

    164. 585 Location of community colleges maintained. A community
college shall be maintained in Ashland, Covington, Henderson, Cumber-
land and Elizabethtown, and the board-shall convert any university fa-
cilities existing in these communities to the uses of the community college
program. (1962, c. 72, s 3)

    164. 590  Location of community colleges to be established and
maintained. There shall be established and maintained a community
college; provided, however, that no community college in existence as of
June 14, 1962, shall have its pre-existing name changed except upon the
recommendation of its local advisory board, in each of the following lo-
cations: Prestonsburg, Blackey-Hazard, Hopkinsville, Somerset, each
to be established as funds are made available. (1962, c. 72, s 4)

    164. 595 Powers of board. (1) The board has the same powers with
respect to the community colleges that it has as to the University of
Kentucky in general. The board shall designate each community college
with a name that includes the words "Community College. "

    (2) The board shall encourage and may accept donations of land or
funds or both to be used in the acquisition, construction or operation of
cornmunmity colleges. The board may commemorate donations from
private persons or corporations with suitable memorials.

    (3) The board may accept federal grants to be used in the acqui-
sition, construction, or operation of community colleges. (1962, c. 72, a 5)

    164. 600 Advisory board; membership; expenses. (1) The Governor
shall appoint a local advisory board for each community college. Each
local advisory board shall serve in an advisory capacity to the board and
the head of the community college on the operation of the community

    (2) Each local advisory board shall consist of seven members. A
member's term is four years; however, when appointing the initial
members of the local advisory boards, the Governor may appoint some
members for terms of less than four years. Local advisory board
members shall receive no compensation for their services, but shall be
paid for their actual and necessary expenses. (1962, c. 72, s 6)



                      APPENDIX B


Recommendation: that the community colleges now in existence and
those in the planning stages be grouped and administrated as a corn-
munity college system. Both the new Community College system and
the University system would be under the President and the Board of
Trustees. A statement of policy proposed for the Board's approval
to define the organization, roles, and articulation of a community
college system and a university system of the University of Kentucky

                  STATEMENT OF POLICY

    Kentucky's public higher education administered under the Uni-
versity of Kentucky will consist of two parts under a President and
Board of Trustees - (1) a university system and, (2) a community
college system. The separateness of these two parts and their inter-
relations are distinguished in the roles which each has.

     Role of the University System (University of Kentucky)

     The parent.University of Kentucky has .a number of tasks to perform
in discharging its responsibilities as the State's major institution of
higher learning.

    .1. Baccalaureate instruction in the Liberal Arts and Sciences
        and in teacher education and providing upper division in-
        struction for those students trained in the first two years
        of a baccalaureate program at the community colleges.

    2 Undergraduate instruction and/or professional education in
        the areas of Agriculture, Commerce, Engineering, Medi-
        cine, Nursing, Law, Pharmacy, Architecture, and Dentist-

    3. Graduate instruction through the doctorate.

    4. Research - as the principal state supported academic agency
        for research as well as the discharge of its obligation for
        research as a Land-Grant institution.

    5. Public service to the State and Nation as related to the fore-
        going functions.

 Adopted January 17, 1964



Role of the Community College System (University of Kentucky)

    The community colleges and centers have roles aligned both with
the task of higher education in the State and with the educational and
cultural contributions to be made to the citizens of the communities in
which they are located. Following are the tasks of the community
college in the University system:

    1. To provide the first two years of work leading to a
        baccalaureate degree. This is collegiate level edu-
        cation, transferable to degree granting institutions in
        the state and elsewhere. Assumption of part of this
        responsibility at the community colleges will permit
        greater emphasis on the upper division, professional,
        and graduate programs at the University of Kentucky.

    2. To provide two-year non-baccalaureate programs
        leading to the granting of associate degrees or ap-
        propriate certificates in semi-professional and techni-
        cal areas.

    3. To provide programs of adult education and service
        oriented to community interests, both vocational and

      Admninistrative Structure of the University of Kentucky

    The University of Kentucky will consist of two systems under a Presi-
dent and Board of Trustees. The first of these, the University system,
will be composed of the University of Kentucky at Lexington and its state-
wide research and service elements. The administrative structure in this
system will be unaltered by the organization of the second system.

    The second system, the Community College System, will consist of the
five community colleges or centers now in operation and those units now in
the planning stages together with such other community colleges as may be
added to the system in the future. An Administrative Officer will head the
Community College System, reporting to the President and Board of
Trustees. Each of the community colleges or centers will be headed by a
Director, reporting to the President through the Administrative Officer.
Each of the community colleges will have a seven member Local Advisory
Board which will provide advice for the Director of the Community.College,
for the President and for the Board of Trustees. The counsel of the Local
Advisory Boards will be sought primarily on matters of the two-year pro-
fessional-technical programs and local community educational needs. The



faculty of each community college will be administratively responsible
to the Director of the respective community college. Depending upon
individual subject matter area needs, community college faculty will
be academically responsible to the subject matter area chairman on the
University of Kentucky campus (in the case ofpre-professional programs)
or will maintain informal academic liaison with faculty in the parallel
subject matter areas on the University of Kentucky campus.

    To provide advice on programs, curricula, and personnel, an Ad-
visory Comrnittee on the Community Colleges of the University of
Kentucky faculty will be appointed by the President upon recommendation
of the Faculty Council. The Faculty Advisory Committee on the Com-
munity Colleges will also provide advice to the President and Board of
Trustees on the approval of associate degrees. No new curricula, as-
sociate degrees, or certificates will be inaugurated at any community
college in the system without prior authorization by the President and ap-
proval of the Board of Trustees.

    Directors of Community Colleges will maintain continuing liaison
with subject matter area faculty on the University campus. Prior to
making recommendations for new faculty appointments or changes in
programs and curricula in his college, the Director of a Community
College will consult with the appropriate subject matter area faculty on
the University campus for counsel and advice.

Comparison of the University and Community College Systems

A. Faculty

     The responsibilities of the faculty in the Community College
     System will differ somewhat from those for the University.
     Teaching and public service functions will be paramount in the
     community colleges while the University faculty will be con-
     cerned with teaching, research, and public service. Standards
     of competence and performance for the functions to be performed
     will be equally as high in the community centers as on the home
     campus. Faculty at the community colleges will be expected to
     remain updated professionally for their teaching and service
     tasks, just as University faculty must remain current to fulfill
     its teaching, research, and public service roles. The planned
     addition of some summer faculty fellowships should permit some
     of the faculty at the community colleges to come to the parent
     campus during summers to do research.



B. Admission Requirements

     The University now admits a graduate of any accredited high
     school in the State who is a resident of the State. This same
     structure will be used for admission to the community

     Admission to the community colleges and to the University of
     Kentuckywill be separate. Credit will be transferable to the
     University from the community colleges in degree work
     courses only. For lower division courses offered at the com-
     munity colleges leading to full preparation for the baccalaureate
     degree at the University, the course numbering and content will
     be identical with the courses offered at the University.

     Steps will be taken to assure that students enrolling in lower
     division degree work at the community colleges with declared
     plans for later transfer to particular pre-professional curricula
     at the University will receive the benefit of counsel from the
     University faculty in those areas in planning their lower division
     work at the community colleges. For non-degree work at the
     community colleges in semi-professional or technical curricula,
     there will be no transferability to the University for readily ap-
     parent reasons.

C. Facilities at the Community Colleges

     The facilities needed for the community colleges will be in sub-
     stantial contrast to the needs for the University. Students will
     commute, eliminating the need for dormitory facilities. Techni-
     cal facilities and equipment will be provided at the community
     colleges commensurate with the requirements for the programs
     offered in technical areas such as electronics or metallurgical
     technology. Laboratory research facilities at the community
     colleges will be limited to those laboratories necessary for under-
     graduate teaching. Library facilities also will be designed to
     support the undergraduate teaching effort.

D. Student Population

     Students entering the community colleges will come with a wide
     variation in abilities for academic work. The markedly lower
     costs of education at the community colleges will attract students
     of high intellectual promise and limited means for lower division
     work on degree programs with the intent of transferring to a four-
     year institution for completion of degrees. To the community



     colleges also will come many students who feel they cannot
     make the adjustment to the requirements of a full program
     of higher education leading to a degree. Some will be correct
     in this feeling and will complete lower level training in semi-
     professional or technical training. Others will find they can
     perform creditably in lower division degree work and will
     transfer to a four-year institution. Still others will find they
     are unsuited for education beyond the high school and will dis-
     cover this at low cost. And, too, those with suitable abilities
     will be able to pursue the semi-professional and technical
     programs at substantially lower cost - bringing higher edu-
     cation within economic reach of more of the State's citizens.

     Many high school graduates in the State have needs for training
     oriented to the development of technical abilities usable in the
     communities from which they come. The expectation is that
     these needs can be partially met by enrollment in the semi-
     professional and technical collegiate based curricula of the com-
     munity colleges.

     A significant portion of the enrollment in the community colleges
     will come from part-time students drawn from the adult working
     population of the communities, satisfying needs and interests in
     cultural improvement as well as the development of technical

     The expected enrollment of substantial numbers of students in
     the community colleges for lower division programs in degree
     work is a promising development. Plans are currently under
     consideration to adopt common lower division programs for a
     large number of University curricula which will make a broader
     range of upper division programs of the University of Kentucky
     open to transfers from lower division degree programs in the com-
     munity colleges. The planned expansion of the community colleges
     will provide the opportunity to devote more of the parent Uni-
     versity's energies and resources toward its upper division and
     graduate programs to the end of improving both programs and
     faculty and enriching the University's capabilities in higher edu-
     cation for the State. Consequently, the University's enrollment
     will weigh more heavily toward upper division and graduate sutdents
     in the professions such as law, engineering, and medicine as the
     community college system grows and develops.

A Policy for Expansion

    Frequently the question of adding new locations to our present system of
community colleges arises. Future expansion of the present community



college system must be well planned and orderly. Any such decision
should be rendered only after the University studies the situation in
question and has then recommended action.

    At this time a thorough survey is being conducted of each city in
Kentucky with a population even approaching that necessary to sustain
a community college. In considering the establishment of any ad-
ditional community colleges to the present community college system,
the following criteria are believed to best predict future success in a
particular locality. A community college should be established only

    1. There has been a complete survey made of the community's
        higher educational needs and the existing capacity it has to
        meet those needs.

    2. Adequate financial support of a permanent nature has been

    3.  The community itself demonstrates a desire for the rather
        unique functions of a community college.

    4.  There is demonstrated need for higher educational services
        of the type supplied by the community college.

    5. Careful consideration has been given to educational oppor-
        tunities available at other higher educational institutions in
        the area.

    6.  The community college will be in easy commuting distance
        for those whom it is intended to serve.

    7. Completely adequate building, parking, and ultimate growth
        space are provided.

    The existing community college system is now in its greatest growth
period. Within a two-year span (1964-65) the University plans to open four
new community colleges. This, combined with the added new activities at
the existing community colleges, puts an extremely heavy burden on those
responsible for the system.

    Future expansion must be done carefully and deliberately if the community
college is to attain its maximum effectiveness. No new community colleges
should be established until the present study by the University of Kentucky on
future needs is completed. In the meantime, the University of Kentucky will
gain much needed experience in the opening of four new colleges in the next
biennium and in establishing technical programs at its existing centers. This
experience will greatly assist in making correct decisions about future com-
munity colleges.




               The Need for Expanding Facilities

    The U.S. Department of Labor in a recent report on "Manpower--
Challenge of the 1960's" included some statements all educators should
find most significant. During the 1960-70 decade our population will
increase 15 per cent. Much more important, the number reaching
college age will increase almost 5 per cent during the five-year period
from 1960 to 1965. In 1964 there will be almost a half-million more
high school graduates than in 1963.

    By 1970, more than 6,000, 000 persons will be qualified for and seek-
ing a college education. College enrollments in 1970 will be nearly 100
per cent higher than in 1955. Not only is the size of the college age group
increasing rapidly, but the percentage of this group who will attend
college is rising strikingly. Itis also sufficient to point out, without
further amplification, that the term "college age" may soon need rede-
fining. Seymour Harris, a Harvard economist, estimates that the total
cost of financing American higher education will double between 1963 and

    Problems in Kentucky are roughly parallel to those on the national
scene. The State's population has not increased so rapidly, but its im-
mediate needs are just as acute. The proportion of eligible Kentuckians
who wanted a college education was only 10 per cent a generation ago. It
is now between 30 and 40 per cent. It should reach a minimum of 50 per
cent by 1970. College facilities in Kentucky currently are inadequate to
cope with these enrollments.

                  Communitv College Rationale

    The University of Kentucky s system of community colleges repre-
sents a strong effort to meet public higher educational needs in the
commonwealth, The basic philosophical assumptions upon which such a
system rests are:

    1. The community college is unsurpassed in effectiveness and
        economy as a means of extending educational opportunity
        beyond high school,

    2.  Perhaps the most sacred tenet of American educational
        philosophy is that each ididvidual should be provided the
        opportunity to educate himself to the limit of his capacity,
        The community college is rapidly becoming a valuable
        instrument by which this end can be realized, Many
        students academically able and anxious to graduate from
        college cannot afford four years of living away from home
        while attending college.


    3. The community college must be comprehensive in nature --
        designed to a variety of functions. This includes far more
        than the freshman-sophomore transfer program.

    4. A community college, in the true sense of the term, must
        be responsive to the local needs and special conditions.

    5. Ideally, a community college is a functioning part of a co-
        ordinated state plan or pattern for higher education.

    6. A local advisory board for each community college helps
        reflect the area's needs and opinions.

    Large numbers of publicly supported community colleges have been
established in the past few years. California, Texas, and Florida have
pioneered in the field. Other states are moving rapidly in this direction.

    Kentucky's developmental pattern has been somewhat unique. Until
recently the University of Kentucky's off-campus branches have been
quite properly designated as university centers, They have served some
of the functions generally attributed to community colleges, but their
programs have been closely oriented to the parent institution.

    The transforrmation of the University of Kentucky's branches from
university centers to community colleges is well underway. A community
college accepts responsibility for providing three broad services in its
locality. First, to offer two years of high quality transfer work leading
to a degree in various university colleges. Second, to offer certain semi-
professional or technical programs, collegiate based but terminal in
nature, which would make the student readily employable. Thirdly, to
provide programs and services of a cultural nature to benefit the com-
munity as a whole - - to serve as vital cultural centers for the communi-
ties in which they are located.

     The Development of Kentucky s Community College System

     The University of Kentucky currently operates five centers (communi-
ty colleges). The Covington facility was activated in 1948. The Ashland
Center opened in 1957. Ft. Knox in 1959, and the new community colleges
at Cumberland and Henderson became operative in 1960.

    In 1960 the General Assembly passed a law creating a community
college at Eli.zabethtown. This was the first time for a communty college
to be established by legislative act. Two years later a study commission,
appointed by the Governor., recommended that additional branches be built
at Somerset, Hopkinsvoile. Prestonsburg, and "the Blackey-Hazard area".

    In February of 1962; the General Assembly enacted a law incorporating
some of the recommendations of the study commission. The legislation
created a system of community colleges. It provided for new colleges at



the cities specified in the report and also converted "any existing University
facilities" at "Ashland, Covingtbn, Henderson, Cumberland, and Elizabeth-
town to the uses of the Community College program".

    The entire community college system then became a legal establishment
and all of its components lawfully recognized entities. The legislation,
House Bill 234, assigned responsibility and control of the entire system to
the University of Kentucky.

    The new Elizabethtown Community College will open in September of 1964.
The plant is virtually finished and the administrative staff is active. The
Prestonsburg Community College is under construction and persons are
currently under consideration for the administrative positions. This building
is a duplication of the Elizabethtown college which simplifies planning and
equipment purchases. This should make the scheduled opening date of Sep-
tember, 1964, easier to realize.

    Plans for the Somerset Community College are developing on schedule.
The University holds title to the property, the proper surveys have been made
and analyzed, and the architects are currently revising an initial set of plans,
Little difficulty should be encountered in opening Somerset in 1965.

     The Hopkinsville Community College was activated by the Trustees in
October 1963. The land will soon be deeded to the University. A recent
comprehensive survey has been used to provide a narrative for the architects.
A preliminary set of plans should be available soon. The opening is scheduled
for 1965.

     No decision has been made concerning a location for the specified"Blackey-
Hazard" facility. An extremely comprehensive survey of the entire Perry-
Letcher area has been completed and a complete set of data is now available. A
number of sites have been studied carefully but no final action has been taken.

             The Changing Functions of Our Community Colleges

     Previously the community colleges in Kentucky have concerned them-
 selves primarily with providing two years of transfer work leading to an aca-
 demic degree. Their professed second function, that of offering terminal
 programs, is being developed. Some effort to fulfill the third function, to pro-
 vide cultural services in the community, has always been made in varying
 degrees at different localities.

     The community colleges of the University presently are in a stage of
 major transition. In order to perform their avowed functions more effectively,
 the following changes are under way:

     1.  Terminal programs - a two year program in nursing is now
          operating at Henderson. Still another is scheduled to open at



    Covington in September of 1964. Additional nursing programs
    will be initiated at localities where it is feasible to do so. A
    terminal program in chemical technology at Ashland is being
    planned. Cumberland expects to have a two-year program in

    It is anticipated each community college will have at l