xt769p2w6q4r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt769p2w6q4r/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1955-08-03  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, August 3, 1955 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, August 3, 1955 1955 1955-08-03 2020 true xt769p2w6q4r section xt769p2w6q4r Minutes of the University Faculty. May 26. 1955 1157

President Donovan reviewed the Commencement weekend activities and
urged that all members of the faculty be present at these functions.

The President spoke briefly to the Faculty of the problems of parking
at the University and outlined some of the groundwork which had been laid
in providing for adequate parking. He called on the faculty to help in this
major project which was under study by the Board of Trustees and the administra~

The Chairman introduced Mr. Don Whitehouse. 1955~56 President of the
Student Government Association, and welcomed him to the University Faculty

The President stated that Mrs. DonOVan and he would be away from the
University during the summer and that during his absence Vice President Chamber—
lain would act as President of the University and any item of business should
be taken up with Dr. Chamberlain.‘ He extended to the Faculty wishes for a
delightful summer.

The Faculty adjourned.

Maple Moores
Acting Secretary


The University Faculty met in special session at 11:00 a.m., Wednesday,
August 3, 1955 in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall. Vice President Chambera
lain presided° Members absent were Staley F. Adams. A. D. Albright. Merl Baker,
L. L. Boyarsky. A. J. Brown, Dana Card. John M. Carpenter. Anne Clemmons.

Frank Ge Coolsen. V. F. Corling, Jesse DeBoer, H. L. Donovan‘, C. Howard Eckel,
Frank Essene, Irving 8. Fisher, Lyman T. Ginger° H. W. Hargreaves, W. W. Haynes,
D. V. Hegeman, W. A. Heinz. Margaret Bell Humphreys‘, J. C. Humphries. A. D.
Kirwan‘, Homer C. Lewis, A. C. McFarlan, C. T. Maney. L. L. Martin‘, John H.
Melzer‘. J. w. Miles. Robert L. Mills‘, Vernon Musselman, EdWard Newbury. Niel
Plummer, H. B. Price, William S. Rehberg, H. H. Rogers, H. A. Ryland, Irwin To
Sanders, J. R. Schwendemen, Don Cash Seaton, W. A. Seay, Roy Sigafus, E. P.
Slone, E. M. Spokes. J. Reid Sterrett, Rhea A. Taylor‘. E. G. Trimble. William F.
Wagner, Frank J. Welch, Kenneth Wright, F. Le Yost‘. Earl Young.

The minutes of May 26. 1955 were read and approved.
Vice President Chamberlain presented the candidates for degrees at the

August Commencement to the Faculty for recommendation to the Beard of Trustees.
The list as presented was approved by the University Faculty.

*Absence explained.

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 Minutes or tr e UniV‘rsfty facultyp Kay 40; li'

"5, Any person presenting a teaching area may Qualify ta ieecu
an additionr—l subject by nresenting 12 semerter houre in that
subject. The afiditiOL of l? seuector hours to th: far: of '33
certificate to take place only in oases where the eralixfini her

fulfilled the requirements in lene rFl education.



President Donovan st&tcd thrt he and Dean :iUkEJ would b, glod to wrec-nJ the I
re quests to the Cour oil on Public Higher 7duc*tion.

Assoc iate Tlern gorl E!Ch€T nrueente for the dellege of igricultprr \Ld iome
Economic: reconvende tion «concerning dropyefi and edded courses which Iere

approved 0y the Fe ulty





Agronomy 1, Elementary Frrm Crops; Agronomy 10? Soils; 6nd mgronom3llp
Soils Laboratory“
Substitute the following:
. I \
Agronomy E, lhixnfihnjinr to AHFQQOm‘. (3,
The interrelation of coil, plant disreses and cror Troductici.
Lecture, discussion and den-onstration, three hoursa
Agronom" 6, Principles of Field Crow Production {7}
A course in scientific fundamentals und