xt769p2w6p5s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt769p2w6p5s/data/mets.xml Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Kentucky Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass 1988-11 Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, previously named the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and Central Kentucky Jewish Federation. The Federation seeks to bring Jewish community members together through holiday parties, lectures, Yiddish courses, meals, and other celebrations of Jewish heritage and culture. They also host fundraisers and provide financial assistance for Jews in need, both locally and around the world. newsletters  English Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass records Jews -- Kentucky -- Lexington Jews -- History Central Kentucky Jewish Federation newsletter, November 1988, volume 11 number 7 text Central Kentucky Jewish Federation newsletter, November 1988, volume 11 number 7 1988 1988-11 2020 true xt769p2w6p5s section xt769p2w6p5s  


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Gail Bans, Associate National Director
of the Research and Evaluation Department
of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai
B’rith will address the Central Kentucky
community on this compelling topic.

The event will mark Central Kentucky’s
observance of the fiftieth anniversary of
Kristallnacht. As part of this obser-
vance, the CKJF Community Relations
Committee will present ”Shoah” the docu-
mentary by Claude Lanzmann to the Lexing—
ton Public Library.

There have been incidents of
anti—Semitic activity in surrounding
states in the last six months, and this
should be both a thought-provoking and
educational evening.

The event is sponsored by the Stanley
Rose Lodge of B’nai B’rith, Central
Kentucky Jewish Federation, Temple Adath
Israel, Ohavay Zion Synagogue, Lexington
Havurah. and the Lexington Chapter of

The program is free and open to the
entire community of Central Kentucky.
Please encourage the attendance of your
friends and colleagues.




On November 9, 1938, Germany’s skies
were ablaze as Nazi hordes smashed windows
and torched Jewish homes, synagogues,
schools, centers and businesses in the
Night of Broken Glass, that forever will
be known as KRISTALLNACHT. These riots
marked a major transition in Nazi policy,
and were, in many ways, a harbinger of the
“Final Solution.”


There are important lessons to be drawn
from Kristallnacht, for it served as a
bridge experience for both Jews and Nazis.
For the Jews, there was the terrifying
realization that political anti-Semitism
can lead to violence, even in western
Civilization. It also demonstrated that
apathy can still pervade the world when
the lives of Jews or other minorities are

For the Nazis, Kristallnacht taught
that while the world might condemn their
pogroms, it would not actively oppose
them. Norld opinion, however, taught the
Nazis the value of secrecy in the perpe—
tration of future actions against Jews.
Added to the complaints of Germans offend-
ed by the random violence of
Kristallnacht, the stage was set for the
"Final Solution”-—the organized, bureau-
cratically efficient genocide of 6,000,000
men, women, and children.

In retrospect, Kristallnacht was more
than the shattering of windows and illu-
sions. It portended the physical destruc—
tion of European Jewry. As such, this
commemoration must be observed both as a
memorial and as a warning.

"I myself could scarcely believe that such
things could occur in a twentieth century

'Franklin Delano Roosevelt
President of the United States
November 15, 1938





KET, Cable 18, will air "Kristallnacht:
The Journey from 1938-1988” on Wednesday,
November 9 at 9:00 p.m. It will look at
the November 9—10, 1938, events from the
European perspective, examining those
living in present—day Germany and
Australia who were alive during
Kirstallnacht and comparing life then and
KET, Cable 12, will also air a one hour
documentary, entitled, “More Than Broken
Glass: Memories of Kristallnacht." It
includes interviews with
personality and author Dr. Ruth Hestheimer

and with Ernest Michel, Executive Vice

President of the New York United Jewish
Appeal Federation campaign,
Kristallnacht witness and

survivor. This program will be shown
Saturday, Dec 3 at 8 p.m.


Noveeber 9-10, 1938. Jewish nodes, stores and svnagogues
were vandalized in dazi Sereany and Austria. The response
of Aeerican Jewish leaders was the creation of the United
Jewish Appeal on January 10, 1939 for unified fund raising
for aid to European Jews, mass resettlement in the land of
lsrael, and assistance to refugees in the United States.
ibis year, the UIA celebrates its 50th anniversary. Today’s
die/[Federation Caopaign is the largest Jewish philanthrooic
effort in the uorld.

--UJA Press Service Photo







Wednesday, September 88, Dan Scemama,
an Israeli Broadcast Journalist, was in
Lexington to help kick—off the 1989
Campaign. Mr. Scemama met with members of
the Campaign Committee to give them an
update on Israel and to solicit them for
their 1989 contributions. That evening,
he also solicited the CKJF Board. We
believe that leadership should lead, so
this year we were committed to the idea of
the leaders of our organization pledging
first. Card for card there was a very
significant increase. If this is any
indication, we can look forward to our
most successful campaign in 1989.

The 1989 Men’s Division will be chaired
by -Steven Caller. Steve brings much
experience and enthusiasm to this post.
He is already hard at work with exciting
plans for 1989.



Ellie Goldman, Chair of the 1989
Women’s Division, announced that Marilyn
Gall has joined the Campaign as Vice—chair
of the Women’s Division. Cheri Rose will
continue as Co-chair before assuming
leadership of the 1990 Women’s Division




The opening meeting of the Board of
Directors for Women’s Division successful~
ly met on Wednesday, October 85 at 8:00
p.m. at the home of Cheri Rose. Linda
Sher, a Jewish Affairs Activist and an
expert on the American political scene
came from Chicago to address the board.
At this time, the leaders of Women’s
Division were solicited for their 1989
gifts, which resulted in a 18% increase
over 1988’s giving.


PACESETTERS — Monday, November 81

This event, for women contributing $600
or more, will be a special evening. Plan
to be there to enjoy a lovely dinner and a
speaker you won’t want to miss. Watch for
further information.

GUARDIANS OF ZION - Sunday, December 4
Co-chairs Harriet & Leon Cooper and
Vinnie & Lou Dubilier are planning an

elegant evening for our major gifts affair
(men and women contributing $1,500 or
more). Details and invitations will
follow. The event will take place at
Ohavay Zion Synagogue.

ISRAEL MISSION - January 15-25. 1989

Make plans now to join the Lexington
contingent for what will be 10 of the most
special days of your life. Cost of the
Israel trip is $1,875 from New York.
Contributors to CKJF of $1,000 or more
will be eligible for a $500 subsidy from
UJA and a $500 subsidy from CKJF making
the total cost $875. Subsidies will be
available on a first come first serve
basis. Call Steve or Susan Caller
(266-1314) or CKJF (858-7688) for further
information and applications.


Ellie Goldman and Cheri Rose

continued next page






Campaign (continued)

SUPER SUNDAY — Sunday, February 26

Co-chairs Judy Baumann and Mark Hides
are organized and ready to roll. Plan to
be a part of this community effort. You
will be hearing more about Super Sunday



This year marks the 50th anniversary of
UJA. We were there then and we must be
there now, Together we have saved
1,800,000 lives. He can take great pride
in this accomplishment! Now, we must
continue to participate in the team effort
with Israel that will make today’s
ingathering into Israel possible. That is
the responsibility of the Jews of the

Many dedicated people are working to
make 1989 CKJF’s best campaign in history.
Please be a part of this effort by assum—
ing positions in the campaign: volunteer—
ing to help, giving suggestions and
constructive criticism and by contributing
generously. Together, let us look for
ways to make this process of "Tzedaka"

better and more effective. Whatever we
feel about politics, whether they be
Israeli or "local," let us remember what
the campaign is really about. We are
talking about lives --- Jewish lives.

Thank you for your support.

Simone Salomon



The Central Kentucky Jewish Federation
Executive Committee proposes an amendment
to the constitution and bylaws which
changes the year of service for Federation
board members from January through Decem-
ber to May through April. In order to
accomplish this, the terms of the present
board and officers will be extended
through April of 1989.

Since the programs and activities of
the Central Kentucky Jewish Federation,
with the exception of Camp Shalom, normal—
ly run on a September to May schedule, the
adjustment to our electoral process would
enchance the smooth and productive ful—
fillment of these programs.



CKJF ANNUAL MEETING will take place at
Temple Adath Israel on Wednesday, November
30th at 8:00 p.m. The amendment to the
constitution will be discussed at this
time. we look forward to seeing you






57th General Assembly

November l6-20.1988 \J ‘

333 Waller Ave., Suite 5
Lexington, KY. 40504
(606) 352-7623

Gail R. Cohen, President
Linda Ravvin, H.L.S., Administrator
Charlotte Levy, Editor
Betty'Hickey, Office Manager

Council of Jewish Federations






Editor’s Note: The following article was
written by Vic Gelb and excerpted from
Community, a publication of The Jewish
Community Federation of Louisville, Inc.,
dated August 26, 1988. Mr. Gelb, serving
as national vice chairman of the United
Jewish Appeal, as well as chairman of the
Jubilee Mission for the Midwest (slated
for fall ’88) recently spent a whirlwind
50 hours in Israel. His account follows:

"why aren’t American Jews coming to
Israel?”..."Nhy are the German goyim
coming"...“we shouldn’t have to beg
American Jews to come." Those were some
of the many questions and concerns ex—
pressed to me in Israel last week by
Israelis from all walks of life-—and from
every part of the political spectrum.

They were also the first words spoken
by Israeli Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin
when we met with him in his office.
"why,“ he asked, "would the entire group
of 250 Jews from Miami cancel plans to
visit?" Rabin understands there are
American Jews who disagree with current
Israeli policies, but asks, "Why don’t
they come to Israel and express those

I have just returned from spending 50
hours in Israel. It was my shortest but
one of my most interesting visits in the
last 30 years. My visit was as a member
of a special task force of 24 under the
leadership of Bennet Aaron of Philadel-

The task force was put together in
response to Israeli concern about the
sharp drop in tourism. Although UJA
missions, which brought more than 5,000
people to Israel last year, are experienc—
ing no meaningful fall-off, other organ—
izations are.

Our first evening in Jerusalem was
spent with Teddy Kollek and more than 20
business, government, and professional
leaders. The indefatigable Teddy, who has
been mayor of Jerusalem since 1965, has
lost none of his candor or wit. In the
moments before I had the pleasure of
introducing him to our group, I asked him
just how safe one was in Jerusalem.
“Safer than you are sitting on this
couch," he said. There are problems, but
nothing to warrant concern for safety by
visitors, he assured me. (Indeed, we saw
many tour buses and tourists in Israel,


but all were European —— with the excep-
tion of American evangelical groups.)

A good friend of Jews in Cleveland, and
one of Israel’s most dynamic and outspoken
leaders, is Tel Aviv Mayor Shlomo Lahat.
In a give and take discussion, "Cheech",
as he is known, expressed great concern
and disappointment over the fact that many
American Jews have cancelled visits to
Israel. He also let us know in no uncer-
tain terms that he is prepared to return
everything but Jerusalem to the
Palestinians in return for peace.

The last two hours of our 50 in Israel
were spent with Raphael Harlev, president
of El Al airlines. General Harlev had
recently returned from a two week trip
through the U.S. His analogy: ”If there
were disturbances in Harlem, would you not
visit New York City? Come to Israel and
come now"...

Before I left Israel I had a drink with
my good friend and former Clevelander,
artist Yaacov Heller. He thought I was
crazy for making such a short visit, but
when he hugged and kissed me good—bye, he
said, "Thank you for coming!” That, my
friend, said it all.


Cash Bar Hearty Snacks




November 19, 1988, 8:00 P.M.
Dhavay Zion Synagogue

$7.50 per person
Tickets available at the door

by calling the Synagogue at 266-8050






F§F¢I) 0JF4\( ‘fiFQEE

The percentage of eligible voters who
do not participate in local, state and
national elections is very high and
rising. Close to 50 percent of eligible
voters do not vote for President, 60
percent do not vote for Senators and
Representatives, and 70-90 percent do not
vote for local officials. The low turn
out rate is even more startling when one
considers the tremendous gains in voter
participation of some minorities in recent

Recent studies astonishingly reveal
that there are today at least one million
Jews not registered to vote in this
country. Exceptionally high rates (around
90 percent) of voter registration and
election day turnout were a distinguishing
characteristic of Jewish political behav—
ior in the United States for decades. For
a variety of reasons, including high level
of education, civic pride, belief in
democracy, and gratitude for the right of
full participation in American national
life —- a right historically denied them
—— Jews have been among the nation’s most
dedicated participants in the electoral

Much to the surprise of political and
Jewish experts, however, registration and
voting rates of American Jews have fallen
sharply in recent years. As Jews and
Americans, let us exercise our voting
privilege as a right and a responsibility
that was not always available to our
ancestors. In doing so, we can remember
our co-religionists in The Soviet Union
and other parts of the world who are not
accorded any meaningful right to vote.


International Folk Dancing
Tuesdays, now through June
7:30 p.m.

Temple Adath Israel






Editor’s Note: This article is based upon
a guide prepared by Eve Jacobson, a
master’s degree candidate at Columbia’s
School of International and Public Affairs
and a research intern in the Israel and
Middle East Affairs Division of The
American Jewish Committee’s International
Relations Department.

In Israel, as in the United States,
universal suffrage permits every citizen
over the age of 18 to vote. All balloting
is secret. Traditionally, a very high
percentage of the Israeli electorate
actually votes. Every nationwide election
held to date has involved more than 70
percent of the registered voters, with a
high of 86 percent reached in the coun—
try’s first election in 1949. By con—
trast, the last American presidential
election was decided by barely 50 percent
of the registered voters.

As in many European systems of
multi—party democracy, Israeli Knesset
seats are apportioned to each party by a
system of "proportional representation."
Voters cast their ballots for party lists,
each of which acquires Knesset seats on
the basis of its percentage of the total
national vote. Israel does not have
nationwide primaries; rather, parties
select their lists by internal elections,
which are often as hotly contested as
general elections. Although individual
"personalities” are not as important in
Israeli politics as in American, a party
will try to ensure that its most popular
figures are represented on its list.
Since party leaders know approximately how
many of their list’s nominees will actual-
ly enter the Knesset, competition for the
guaranteed, or ”safe” spots on the list is

The leader of the party with the
greatest percentage of the popular vote,
and therefore the greatest number of
Knesset seats, is traditionally invited by
the president of the state to form a new
government. Since no single party has
ever achieved an absolute majority,
governments are formed in a "coalition
process" -- that is, by bargaining. The
winning party seeks coalition partners
among the other parties that have earned
Knesset seats and together they decide
which of their number will receive cabinet
portfolios. Owing to a multiplicity of

continued p. 9




The two graphs on the reverse side
show "where Your Money Nent." Figures
represent collections and subsequent
expenditures during 1987.

The first graph, 1987 Campaign Collec-
tions, shows the designated areas into
which collections fall. Campaign expenses
come from each area of campaign. Approxi-
mately three percent of all collections
went back into the process of raising

The 1987 campaign was conducted under
the expert leadership of Simone Salomon.
Men’s Campaign for that year was led by
Bob Baumann; women’s Campaign by Nancy
Hoffman, Ellie Goldman and Cheri Rose;
Super Sunday by Vinnie Dubilier and Joe
Rosenberg; Israel Bonds Campaign by
Charles Stern; and the Project Renewal
Campaign by Judy Baumann.

A full report of the 1988 .CKJF—UJA
Campaign will be released in the spring of
1989. The 1988 chairs are hard at work
completing the solicitations for this
campaign year and, indeed, the 1989
campaign has already begun with a board
solicitation at the September CKJF Board

In addition to the money collected and
disbursed by CKJF for Campaign, UJA and
local programs, we have other assets which
remain as "reserve funds".

These are listed as follows as of

December 31, 1987:


Ampal-American Israel Corporation..$l§,000
City of Louisville.... .......... ... 5,000
State of Israel .................... 38,150
Joseph Wolf Endowment ..... . ........ 15,753
Rosenberg Endowment Fund .......... . 13,949
Catastrophic Needs Funds.. ........ . 9,546

The second graph, 1987 Disbursements of
General Campaign Funds Collected (After
Campaign Expenses), shows how funds
collected in the 1987 General Cam ai n,
minus campaign expenses, were allocated.

As always, 70 percent of collected
funds go directly to United Jewish Appeal
(UJA) which in turn uses those funds to
support the non—military needs of Israel
and the needs of Jews throughout of the

Of the remaining 30 percent, a portion
is retained by the Federation for use


within our local community for programs
maintained by the Executive Committee,
Community Relations Committee, Social
Services Committee, Community Activities
Committee, and Budget and Allocations

A major part of the thirty percent is
also disbursed by CKJF to other charities
as listed below:

Allocations to Other Charities
Made in 1988 based on funds collected in

Preservation of Jewish and Judaic Learning

American Jewish Archives........ $ 300.00
Coalition for Alternatives in

Jewish Education... .......... 850.00
Hebrew Union College ......... ... 350.00
Jewish Braille Institute of

America, Inc., NYC..... ...... 100.00
Jewish Education Service

of North America ........ ..... _ 800.00
Jewish Theological Seminary

of America .............. ...I. 350.00
Joint Cultural Appeal ..... ..... 250.00
National Jewish Center for

Learning and Leadership ...... 100.00
Simon Hisenthal Center for

Holocaust Studies ............ 300.00
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.. 500.00.
Yeshiva University, we... ...... 350.00


American CRT Foundation ......... 500.00

Association of Jewish Family and
Children’s Agencies.......... 300.00

Jewish welfare Board... ...... ... 350.00

Social Action

American Jewish Committee....... 400.00
American Jewish Congress. ...... . 400.00
Anti-Defamation League of
B’nai B’rith........ ......... . 4,000.00
National Conference on Soviet
Jewry............ ...... ...... 350.00


National Jewish Center for Immunology

and Respiratory Medicine..... 150.00
National Tay-Sachs and Allied

Diseases, Association, Inc... 100.00


 Jewish and Israeli Youth ' 1987 CAMPAIGN COLLECTIONS

Camp Young Judaea ........ . ...... 8,500.00
Goldman Union Camp Institute.... 2,500.00

Local Humanitarian

BIAC International Magnet School,
Fayette County ............... 150.00

Kentucky Educational Television. 250.00 EinEXiEN
Community Kitchen. Lexington.... 300.00 8] A? .
God’s Pantry, Lexington ......... 300.00 3% Campaign ' °
FCI, Lexington .............. .... 100.00
Hospice of the Bluegrass........ - 200.00
Hospital Hospitality House ...... 800.00
International Book Project ...... 50,00
Lexington Public_Library........ 250.00
National Conference of

Christians and Jews ........... .. 500.00
Ronald McDonald House ........ ... 400.00
Special Olympics, Kentucky ...... 100.00
Catastrophic Social Needs ...... 4,970.98

$750.00 to Moosnick Lectureship at Lexing-
ton Theological Seminary

TOTAL $277,055.82



(After Campaign Expenses)

Community Relations
80ciaI Services
Community Activities

9 25%



TOTAL $228,620


 Israeli Electoral Process (continued)

parties and an ideologically fragmented
and ethnically diverse electorate, every
one of Israel’s governments in its 40—year
history has been a coalition. The present
Knesset contains members from 15 different
parties. Such fragmentations is possible
because a mere one percent of the
country~wide popular vote entitles a party
to a Knesset seat. Currently, the entire
country constitutes a single "electoral
district," and all legislators serve a
national constituency.

Alongside the tendency for fragmenta—
tion, two large electoral blocs; the Labor
Alignment and the Likud (consolidation),
have emerged to form the "broad center" of
Israeli politics. Both of the blocs
contain within them the key parties
associated with the pre-state Yishuv, the
Jewish community of pre-1948 Palestine.

The Alignment (Ma’arakh) coalesced in
the 1960’s from the parties associated
with Labor Zionism and the Histadrut (the
General Federation of Labor), namely MAPAI
(the Israeli Workers Party), Ahdut Havodah
(Unity of Labor), and MAPAM (United
Workers Party). The Likud bloc, formed in
the early 1970’s, is the heir of Revision—
ist Zionism, the right wing movement
founded by the pre-state ideologue,
Vladimir Jabotinsky. Its constituent
parts are the dominant Herut (Freedom)
party of former prime minister, Menachem
Begin and current premier, Yitzhak Shamir;
the Liberal party (successor to the Old
General Zionists); and the Independent
Liberals. Herut contains within it
elements of the pre-state British under—
ground groups, such as the Stern Gang.
The Likud formed the government in 1977
and 1981.

The presidency in Israel is a largely
ceremonial office whose occupant functions
as "head of state“. The president is
elected by the Knesset for a five year
term, and may be reelected for one further
term. The president has historically been
a distinguished personality who is consid—
ered to be above the partisan political
fray. The president appoints The State
Comptroller, The Governor of the Bank of
Israel and the judiciary and has the power
to pardon and reprieve. Israel’s current
president is Chaim Herzog, an Irish born
war hero and military historian.

A great deal of uncertainty surrounds
the probable outcome of Israel’s November


elections, with some commentators predict-
ing a victory for The Likud. Others
foresee a continued electoral stalemate
leading to another national unity govern—
ment. The Likud’s rise (about four
percent in every election from 1965
through 1981) is universally attributed to
important changes in Israel’s demograph—
ics. Likud voters tend to be younger than
those of Labor, are Israeli-born or derive
from Middle Eastern countries (Sephardim).
Their numbers are seen to be increasing
and it is widely believed that The Likud
will reap the benefits.

Whatever the outcome of the November
elections, reform of the electoral system
has been an issue in Israeli public
affairs since the 1950’s. Proposals would
divide the country into several electoral
districts, raise the percentage of the
vote necessary to enter the Knesset, or
allow for regional representation. Such
proposals have always failed to pass the
Knesset. As so many small parties benefit
under the current system, and since each
of the major parties looks to the minor
parties as potential coalition partners,
legislation has proved difficult to enact.

L_EE'T"T'EEFQI CJF= '1‘Fi‘§l\lF