xt769p2w6m7v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt769p2w6m7v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-10-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 15, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 15, 1996 1996 1996-10-15 2020 true xt769p2w6m7v section xt769p2w6m7v  







llll players Visit local high school

Students told to avoid
drugs and aleobol

By Fauslo Menard

Cameron Mills, Derek Anderson and Jeff Shep-
pard were at Tates Creek High School yesterday.
But it wasn't other basketball players they were tak-
ing on.

Instead, Mills, Anderson and Sheppard shared the
stage with a group of aspiring musicians who donat-
ed their time to warn students about the dangers of
drinking and driving.

Mills spoke to one audience at 9 a.m., while
Anderson and Sheppard addressed students at 1 pm.

In the afternoon session, Sheppard stressed that
choosing not to drink and drive is a decision that can
only be made by each individual.

No one else is responsible for making that deci-

Though Sheppard said that he was lucky enough
not to have to deal with a drunk driving accident per-
sonally, he cautioned students that his position as a
UK basketball player did not make him immune to
the dangers.

”If we would’ve gotten hit by a drunk driver, it
would have done the same thing to us as it would
have done to anyone else,” Sheppard said.

The already quiet room become silent at this rev-
elation, but with Anderson’s story, you could hear a
pin drop.

“I wasn’t as lucky,” Anderson said.

Anderson took the crowd back to the time when
he was a high school student in Louisville.

After one particular game during which his team
blew out the competition, the team’s joy quickly
turned to sorrow.

Becoming choked up, he revealed that shortly
after the game, two of his teammates were involved
in an accident.

They were killed by a drunk driver, victims ofa
teenager’s bad decision to drink and drive.

After the accident, Anderson said, the driver could
only say he was sorry. But, he said, no one could
apologize to his teammates.

Will Freebody, owner of Long Island Recording
and organizer of the event, said that 78 percent of
people who are killed in automobile accidents are
age 21 or under.







[H's "ll.“ UK basketball players Derek Anderson and jefl Sheppard speak to students at Tales Creek High Srlwol
about drunk driving yesterday. Below, local musicians Deana Bell and Miebael Tbomas perform at [be event.

Freebody said that aside from making the right
decision, there are two other weapons against drunk

One is a seat belt, the other a pen. Freebody
urged students to use both, because a seat belt alone
isn’t always effective.

He continued by telling the audience that one
group which was scheduled to appear with him in a
similar program cancelled.

They had just signed with DefJam Records, but
last Saturday their 23-year-old lead rapper was killed
by a drunk driver. He was only three houses from his
home, said Freebody.

Freebody has been sharing his message for 20
years, he said. The last 12 have been in Kentucky.

“1 got started because it was necessary,” he said.

Sandra Bell, assistant athletic director, said the
message will continue tomorrow, when Anthony
Epps will address more students at TCHS.

Senate denies plus/minus grading
proposal tor 2 University colleges

By James Ritchie
Senior Staff Writer

The University Senate struck down proposals that
would establish plus/minus grading in the colleges of
human environmental sciences and social work yes—

“I really don’t think this would be a good idea for
our college,” said Mandy Lewis, Student Govern-
ment Association’s senator of the College of Social

She said social work majors already take a number
of courses that are graded on a plus/minus scale in
the College of Arts and Sciences, and do not need
the extra pressure of striving for a 98 percent in
order to get an A-plus in their major courses.

Heather Burris, SGA senator of the College of
Allied Health Professions, took the argument a step

Burris said a plus/minus system may result in dif-
ficulties for students who apply for programs at
schools that do not have the same grading system.

A student who takes a difficult course graded on a
plus/minus scale might be at a disadvantage com-
pared to a student who took the same course a year
before under the straight scale, Burris said.

Faculty members should also get the input of the
entire student body, not just the college senators,
before implementing a new grading system, Burris

Michael Tomblyn, SGA senator for the graduate
school, said he has talked to about 280 students, and
less than three percent support the proposed change
in grading.

He said plus/minus grading is harmful to both
undergraduates and graduate students, especially
excellent students.

A faculty member responded that plus/minus

Groups confront women's issues

By Jonnller E. Smith


As part of Women’s Awareness week, the Stu-
dent Government Association and Panhellenic
Council are hosting several activities centering
around violence against. women beginning at 11
am. at the Student Center today.

Each day a different women’s issue will be the
focus. Violence against women is today‘s topic. The
remainder of the week’s topics include family,
health, politics, and careers. .

Several activities have been planned for each day.
The subject fairs begin at 11 am. in the Free
5 eech Area of the Student Center. Students can
obtain information on the subject for that day dur—
ing the fair.

Melanie Cruz, SGA executive director of aca-
demic affairs and a coordinator for Women’s
Awareness Week, said the SGA wanted to incorpo-
rate the week’s activities with the Women’s Writers
Conference and October’s Breast Cancer Aware-
ness Month.

Cruz said that there are several reasons to attend
the events.

“Besides being educated, there will be a lot of
sharing from women on campus and women in the
community,” Cruz said. “The only thing we hope
to in is educating women on cam us.”

oday, at the “Stopping the Violence” work-

. 4


shop, Kathy Stein, state representative candidate
will be speaking at 7 pm. in Room 245 at the Stu-
dent Center. Representatives from the Rape Crisis
Center will also attend her worksho .

The Clothesline Exhibition, a si ent demonstra-
tion for victims of sexual assault, is one of the high-
lights of Women’s Awareness Week. The exhibit
consists of shirts, made by either victims of sexual
assault or their famil and friends.

On Thursday, information about political issues
and the candidates will be handed out to students in
the Free Speech Area as part of the political aware-
ness fair.

Prominent leaders will speak on Thursday for
the political forum, which begins at 8 pm. in Room
245 of the Student Center.

Lobbyist Judy Taylor, journalism professor
Maria Braden, political science professor Penny
Miller and former UK raduate student Nayoka
Hawkins will be in attencfince.

Braden said she plans to s eak about her newest
book, Women Politicians in t e Media. “It is about
double standards and the way the media covers
women politicians,” Braden said.

Braden encoura d everyone to attend.

“We’ve at an e ection coming u in three weeks
and I thin it’s time we start tal 'ng about the
issues...peo 1e bring many different perspectives to
the issueo politics, said Braden.

All activities are free of charge to UK students.


Diversions, page 3






Photos by JAMES CRISP Kernel sniff


grading does not harm students, but gives faculty
members an opportunity to be more precise in grad-
in .

Tomblyn responded, ton e-in—cheek, that he
a reed, and supported abolis ment of letter grades
a to ether. Instead, he joked, professors should
grad: only with percentages, perhaps out to four or
five decimal places.

The Senate also struck down a proposal that
would affect the .22 schools and colleges that cur-
rently offer their own alternatives to the University
Studies oral communication requirement.

The proposal would require the courses these
schools and colleges offer to fill the requirement to
be re-certified by the University Studies Program to
make sure they are taught properly and meet the
general education goals of the program.

Louis Swift, dean of undergraduate studies, said
that when his committee studied the oral communi—
cations alternatives colleges were offering, the results
were both positive and negative.

“Some of the alternative routes were truly good,“
Swift said. “In other cases...individuals with little or
know knowledge or experience in oral C(nllllillnlt‘d-
tion were doing their best, but one Would be hard
pressed to say that they were doing a really profes-
sional job."

Honor society recognizes
those who make the grade

By Elizabeth Barnett
Contributing Writer

One pur ose of honor societies is to rovide
motivation or students to achieve more acadgmical-
ly. UK Golden Key rewards those with high grade
point avera es through membership.

The Go den Key National Honor Society is a
nationally recognized organization with more than
2 30 chapters in the United States and Australia.

UK’s chapter is an academically oriented and ser-
vice motivated or anization, according to Saundra
Effinger, public refations chair.

Membership is obtained throu h invitation, and
recipients of invitations must fulfil a standard grade

int average. Once a member of Golden Key, you

come an active participant of various service pro~
jects. Saundra Effinger, said she joined, “because of
the opportunities to become involved in community

Most of the service pro‘ects Golden Key is
involved with are sup rted t rough national orga-
nizations. However, t ey do some area service pro-
jects. Golden Key has so ported area families during
the Christmas season, a ong with activities on cam-

The next Golden Key meeting is set for Oct. 23
at 7 p.m., where they will be discussing their first





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October 15, I 996



Classifieds 5 Campus 5
Crosmord 5 Sports 2



Diversions 3 Viewpoint 4




consultant says
education spending lair

FRANKFURT — Kentucky's spending on
higher education is comparable to other states,
contrary to complaints by universities, according
to a re )ort prepared for a study of the entire post-
secondary education system.

What Kentucky does not do is ensure that uni~
versities carry out state objectives, essentially leav—
ing budgeting and priorities to the individual

Money was the primary topic at the task force
meeting yesterday.

Deputy state budget director Ron Carson
pointed out that state appropriations to the uni—
versities is different than any other agency. Basi—
cally, the institutions get a pot of money — $757
million this year —— and decide for themselves how
to spend it.

Jones said that procedure keeps the policymak—
ers in state government from being able to really
ensure that universities keep on track toward larg-
er goals.


WKU president “1 “Wk lllto waste

BOWLING GREEN — \Vestern Kentucky
University President Thomas (I. Meredith
announced yesterday that he has appointed a
committee to investigate the dumping of pcsti~
cide-Iilled drums and other waste at \VKU‘s farm.

“Once we complete our investigation. we will
take appropriate measures against those responsi-
ble," said Deborah Wilkins, a WK U lawyer who
is on the investigation committee.

She said the university has been cooperating
with state agencies involved in the discoveries will
take steps to solve the dumping problem.

State investigators discovered buried drums
that contained a pesticide on the farm Oct. 3. In
July, the Daily News of Bowling (ireen reported
that a pit had been dug on the farm and filled with
construction debris and other items.

A statement from VVKU on Monday said an
environmental firm had conducted tests of soil
from around the containers that were discovered
buried 2 feet below the surface and found no con—
tamination by toxaphene, the pesticide in the

oole attacks Clinton's character

SAN DIEGO ~— In search of California votes.
Bob Dole stepped up his criticism of President
Clinton yesterday for “slipping and sliding" on
ethical questions.

Dole for the first time personally raised ques—
tions about contributions from Indonesian bank—
ing interests to Clinton’s re-election campaign,
and his campaign sent the president a series of
questions about the transactions.

“We think the American people are entitled to
the facts," Dole told reporters. “No more slipping
and sliding, Mr. President, just answer the ques—

Clinton, in New Mexico preparing for
Wednesday’s final presidential debate in San
Diego, shrugged off such Republican attacks.

Dole, previewing the tougher approach he is
expected to take in the final debate, also took
Clinton to task for refusin to rule out pardons
for those convicted of itewater crimes and
over White House aides' gathering of FBI files on
prominent Republicans.

Perot steps up campaign schedule

DALLAS — Running out of time to turn
around his presidential campaign, Ross Perot is
adding a series of rallies to round out a political
schedule that is still bare—bones compared to his
major—party rivals.

Perot has added to his schedule eight rallies
and two speeches at colleges around the country
and in cities in Ohio, New York and Florida
where the Reform Party has support.

Perot, who is languishing in the single digits in
opinion polls, has done most of his campaigning
from TV studios since he accepted the Reform
Party nomination on Aug. 18.

He has appeared publicly about once a week
and held just one rally.

His campaign strategy has been under revision
since the Commission on Presidential Debates
decided to exclude him the debates and he
encountered difficulty etting desirable network
time slots for his TV in omercials.


Madonna gives lilrth to haliy girl

The baby, born at 4:01 .m. at Good Samaritan
Hospital, is the first chi d of Madonna Louise
Veronica Ciccone, 38.

The 30—year‘old father is a personal trainer and
b0 'end to the sin r and actress

yhflriidonna purmd mgfherhood, liked she does
most everything, with vengeance and bawdiness.

Months before she announced her pregnancy,
Madonna told “Primctime Live” she planned to
find a suitable candidate for “the fatherhood gig”
by takin out a personal ad.

She (fidn’t have to bother. The darkly hand-
some Leon was right in her own gym. She hasn’t
married him and hasn’t said shcplans to.

But she did not use him as a stud service," she
says in November’s Vanity Fair. And she didn’t
get pregnant for “shock value,” she said.

CW1 fine wire reports.
I" s





ts...” a. _. ,


2 'I'uexrlay, October 15, I 9 96, Kentucky Kernel



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Editor In Chief ............................. Brenna Reilly
Man-a ing Editor ........................ J acob Clabes
Chie Copy Editor ............................ J eff Vinson
News Editor ............................... Chris Pad ett
Assistant News Editor .................... Kath Re ing
Assistant News Editor .......................... Wu f
Features Editor ........................... Lindsay endrix
Editorial Editor ......................... Tiffany Gilmartin
Sports Editor ............................. Chris Easterling
Assistant Sports Editor ......................... Rob Herbst
Arts Editor ........................... . ..... Robert Duffy
Assistant Arts Editor .......................... Dan O’Nei l
KeG Editor ............................... J ulie Anderson
Photo Editor ............................ Ste hanie Cordle
Design Editor ................................ racie Purdon
Assistant Design Editor .................... Sheri Phalsa hie
On-Line Editor ................................ Ben bes

The Independent Newspaper at The University of Kentuclg'
Founded in 1894 Independent since 1 71
026 Grehan Journalism Bld ., Universi of Kentucky

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Your first copy of tbe Kentuc Kernel is free.
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.. amurn‘h‘-‘ “.1... ‘

logan to remain starter at tailback

By Chris Easterllng
Sports iniwr

After rotating through four dif-
ferent starting tailbacks in the first
six games of the season, UK coach
Bill Curry will kee true freshman
Derick Logan as the starter when
the Cats (1-5 overall, 0-3 in the
Southeastern Conference) venture
into Tiger Stadium in Baton
Rouge, La., better known as
“Death Valley,” to face LSU on

Logan, 2 6-foot-2, 218—pound
native of Chatham, Va., ained 72

ards and scored a touc down in

K’s 25—l4 loss to South Carolina
last Saturday. It was the first colle-
giate start for Logan.

“Derick has gotten a feel for
the offense,” Curry said. “Where
the holes are going to develop, the
blockin patterns.

“Rig t now, Derick Lo an has
taken over the position,” C said,
“and he will have to be unseated
on the practice field.”

The biggest run of the evening
for Logan was his 16-yard touch-
down in the second quarter, which
Curry said was the result of the
entire offense working together.

“When you saw him pop clean
the other night,” Curry said,
“those are the times when our
blockers did better, and also, he’s
be inning to eta feel for it.”

T’rior to 0 an, senior Ray
McLaurin, true reshman Michael
Daies and redshirt freshman
Anthony White all had made
starts at the tailback position.

McLaurin leads the team in
rushing with 20‘) yards, but his
playing time has gradually
decreased as the season has pro-
gressed. He did not see any action
at all a ainst Carolina.

McEaurin had expressed some
displeasure with this lack of play-
ing time, but Curry said the two
have talked things over, and
McLaurin understands what is
goin on.

“ ay is still working hard,”



FEITUBEB BACK Treu fierbman Derick Logan will try to improve on bis 72

when be make: bi: second collegiate start against LS U on Saturday.

Curry said. “By his own admis-
sion, he has not been a consistent
performer this year, and he and I
have talked about that.”

Secondary hurting

\Vith cornerbaek Tony Woods
already sidelined for the year, and
possibly for next car as well, the
UK secondary has been dealt
another huge blow.

Senior free safety Kiyo Wilson
suffered two broken bones in his
hand a rainst the Gamecocks and
is out or the game against LSU
on Saturday.

“Losing Tony and Kiyo caused
us to do an awful lot of thinking,”
Curry said. “There are several
combinations we can use.”

Among the changes that will be
made is moving cornerbaek Van
Hiles to free safety.

Also likely to see some playing
time at cornerbaek could be
Shamseldcen Arulogun, who will
probably start in Ililes' spot. .‘iric
Kelly will be moved over from
offense, where he was experiment—
ing at becoming a tailback, to cor-

Dorion Berry, a true freshman,
will back up Littleton Ward at the
other cornerbaek position. Sopho-
more Chris Ford will also be
called upon to be prepared to pos-
sibly see action against the Bayou


...o. .7;

.m, ' . ..-;,.-.&.,,
Bill. RLWE Knuclnajf

-yard output against South Carolina

Curry named eight players to
the “Champions Club,” which
recognizes players who both
worked hard in practice, and
played well enough to win in the
Cats’ most recent game.

Strong safety Leman Boyd,
defensive end Chris Ward and
defensive end Kurt Supe were all
named for their third time this
year. Linebacker Mike Schellen-
bergcr and Littleton Ward were
named for the second time this
season, while defensive tackles
Mark Jacobs and jeff Tanner and
wide receiver Craig Yeast were
each honored for the first time this


Bats trying to break jinx against MIISKBIBBI‘S

By Rob Herbst

Assistant Sports Editor

It is always exciting for the UK
women’s soccer team when they
play a school from Cincinnati.

Count the number of players
on the Cats’ roster and you will
see that more than one-fourth of
the members played high school
soccer in the greater Cincinnati

The Cats’ last match came six
days ago against the University of
Cincinnati, when UK pulled out a

FIGHT II III” The UK women ‘5 soccer team has marred the l 996 season with
a 8-2—2 record and a No. I 8 ranking in Soccer America ’5 most recent poll.

2-() overtime win. Tonight UK
will travel to the Queen City to
take on another Cincinnati school
in Xavier.

But something is missing when
UK battles Xavier.

UK junior forward Kim
LaBelle believes that the Cats do
not take Xavier as seriously as
other opponents, including

“\Vhen we play Cincinnati, we
get really excited," said the
Louisville native. “And with

Xavier, it’s not the same thing. We


Fill photo


get excited for the game, but
there’s just not as much excite-
ment there.”

The lack of excitement might
explain Xavier’s dominance over

Over the past five years, the
Musketeers have

have a good record I think we're
read for them this year.”

\ hether or not the Cats have
been ready for the Musketeers
may be debatable, but the fact
remains that Xavier is a good soc-
cer team.

“They’ve done a good job,” UK


owned the Cats. Xavier
leads the series 3-]
with UK’s lone win
coming in a 2-0 match



head coach W'arren
Lipka said. “When you
can wm nine games
and only lose three,



, Tbe UK'womm’y you’re doin some-

in 1994- 50“” team thing right. on can’t
Last year, the Cats travels taplay 100k ast them.”

were defeated 2-1 by Xaviertom' btat ’I‘ e Cats haven’t

Xavier in Lexington. 7 mg looked past too many
If the Cats are not 1’- ' ppfiionents this year.

ready for Xavier (8'2'2) is currently

tonight, they could be ranked No. 15 m the

in bi trouble.

T e Musketeers come into
toni ht’s game with a 9-3—1 record
and ave not lost in five games.

Xavier also comes with an
offense that averages 2.20 goals
per game. The leader of that
offense is Amanda (iruber, who
has 10 goals and three assists.

XU's defense is not too bad
either. Ann Marie Hubbard has
posted 4.5 shutouts this year and
allows only 0.84 goals per game.

“They’re 9—3 and they’re gonna
be good," LaBelle said. “But I just
don’t think we’ve taken it serious

“We don’t think that they’re
like a Virginia or like at Notre
Dame. But they’re good and they

nation; the Cats have lost only
once in their last nine matches.

But Lipka is concerned that
since Xavier is a small school, they
will want some recognition by
beating a hi h-profile program.

“We’re t e University of Ken-
tucky. It isn’t like we’re some
small college.” Lipka said. “They
want to beat a big school."

Even though Xavier might not
be Cincinnati, something is still at
stake when the two teams collide.

“Probably three—quarters of our
()hio kids that play on our team,
have played against these girls at
one time or another," Lipka said.
“It goes a little bit farther than
playing for your school. I think it
means playing for some home-
town pride."

Line tor exhibition basketball tickets disappointing tor this lllt student

had it all planned out per—
flfectly. At 5:45 a.m. I was

going to wake u and get
dressed, then head out tlie door.

Destination: Memorial Colise-

finally turned it off completely.

I ended up getting up at about
8:30 and thinking to myself,
“Geez, I'm never going to get
good seats now.”

Much to my surprise, however,


l was going to get some

the line was not bad at all

dang good seats or UK’s 0- JIIIIII in front of Memorial Coli-

exhibition basketball Staploton scum at 9 a.m.

games. Anyway, that was Spam This caused me to won-

the plan columnist der —- maybe we didn’t
Plans don’t always work V really win the national

out the way you want them championship last year.




to, unfortunate] .

What really happened was I hit
the snooze button on my alarm
clock about a zillion times before 1

Maybe it was all just a hoax, or a
figment ofmy ima ination.

Surely ifwe ha won that glori-
ous championship, there would be





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- -.._,._.qu—' » -


a ton of people out here already,
waiting to see their beloved Wild-

After talking to some of the
people in line, I calmed my fears
and discovered that yes, indeed we
did win the national champi‘
onship. If that was the case, then
where were all those true blue Cat

My fellow line persons were as
baffled at this as l was.

“I was out here at 6 a.m. and l
was actually the first one out
here,” said 8.]. Donahue, an edu-
cation freshman. “I thought peo-

le would show up for basketball,
lint the line’s really short.”

Donahue also said that since it
was only exhibition, that might
have kept pco le away. Ma be
that’s the case, but this is still K
basketball. By getting there right
when the ticket window opened, I
should have had to wait more than
15 minutes to get through the

Tracy Birden, a pre~vet junior,
said he was unhappy with the way


that they were distributing the

“I’d rather get up on Sunday
morning and go to the lottery,"
Birden said. “The lottery’s more
fun and I‘m missing two classes
this morning.”

Ah ha! 50 that’s it. The line is
short because people are afraid to
miss their classes. Maybe I can
believe that.

Truth be told though, how
many students really place that
much emphasis on making it to
every single class? How many
actually have class that early on a
Monday morning?

Not as many as it would have
taken to cause that dinky little line
for the very first Wildcat basket-
ball action of the year.

This just goes to show how lit-
tle these exhibition games mean,
because if it was a game of any sig-
nificance, the line would have
been infinitely larger.

Sport: calmirt O. jam Step/tron is a
jam/rim junior.






















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By Robert Dully
Arts Editor

Editor’ s note: This is the second
part of a two-part interview with
author Robert jordan.

“The \Vhecl of Time turns,
and Ages come and pass, leavin
memories that become legenf
Legend fades to
myth, and even
myth is long for-
gotten when the
Age that gave it
birth comes again.”

\Vith these
words, Robert jor-
dan introduced the
world to The Wheel
of Time, a contem-
porary fantasy epic which may
very well be the best ofits kind.

jordan came to joseph—Beth
Booksellers Saturday, and I had
the opportunity to sit with him
and his wife for over an hour, dis-
cussing his lifc’s work.


Robert Duffie What inspired you
to become a writer in the first plate?

Robert jordan: A number of
things. First off, when I was five
years old I finished readin Tom
Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn an From
the Earth to the Moon. I sat those
books up on end and sat on a chair
with my feet up staring at the
books sayin , one day I’m going
to write boo like this.

But I was one of those mon—
strously precocious little kids and
I knew even then that writers who
lived in the United States didn’t
seem to make a living so I went
with my second love, which was
science. And I was, in fact, work—
ing as an engineer for the govern-
ment when I injured m knee
quite badly. I spent a mon in the


Ruben Jordan ated your own world




Jordan’s Legocq

hospital; I nearl died. I spent five

and a half mon s recu rating.
During that time, him a peak
ofreading I I or I2 novels a day —
I can read quite fast. I reached a
point where I could pick up some-
thing that I knew I could read
again and again I then decided
it was time for me to put up or
shut up about this idea of writin ,
so I wrote a booE,
long-hand on legal
yellow iads, and
I sent it oil and to my
surprise someone

wanted to buy it.

_] R. 1).: With ‘The
Wheel of Time, ’ you
have more or less ere-

fitll of new continents,
people and culture. How do you keep
everything consistent and how murh
work is involved?

R._I.: Well, for one thing, on
my computer I have a directory of
notes on the book I am working
on. Within that there are sub—
directories. One of the sub—direc—
tories, for example, is called
“nations.” In there, there’s a file
for every single nation. That file
contains every bit of information I
might need on that nation: cus-
toms, dress, the kinds of language
they might use; everything and
anything I might need for that

For people, there is a file for
every character I think I mi rht
want to brin back again. Andvin
that case, I ave a file that tells
everything I can possibly imagine
about that particular person. And
that helps me keep things straight,
because ifI want to be in a partic-
ular city, I can look up that city
and see what I’ve said about that
city before and what things I know
about that city that I haven’t said

so it's all there laid out there for
R.D.: then creating all these dif-
ferent things, is there a certain ratio
of what you created yourself as
opposed to things from the past that
have inspired you?

R.J.: No way to compare, real-
ly. None of it is a retelling of
myths or legends. The legends
and myths themselves have all
been reverse-engineered. For
instance, I was terrified with the
first book that people might say,
“Oh, that’s another Arthur story

R.D.: Earh of the books in the
series is substantially larger than the
average hook. I mean, one of your
books sometime: is the equivalent of
two other books in another person ’s
series. What do you do to keep it fresh
and interesting?

R.].: I don’t know, I just do it.
All I do is try to make sure I don't
do what I’ve done before, that I
don’t repeat myself. I don’t want
to go over old ground. I also want
to not go where it is expected so I
try to ay down false trails, in a
way. I try to make it obvious that
I’m going “there,” while at the
same time I put all the evidence
there for you to look at later so
when I instead go on the exact
opposite direction, you can look
back and say, “Dammit, it was all

R.D.: I’ve heard that there is an
‘Illustrated Guide to the l/Vhee/ of
Time’ coming out soon.

RJ; That will be comin out in
October of next year. It w