xt769p2w6m43 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt769p2w6m43/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1994-03-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 28, 1994 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 28, 1994 1994 1994-03-28 2020 true xt769p2w6m43 section xt769p2w6m43  




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MAR 2 8 I994



Houses not just h


By Stephen D. Trimble
Assistant News Editor


The two red-brick homes that sit
on Bannett Court are not typical
eampus-area apartment buildings.

Counselors take the place of
landlords, and 15 women recover-
ing from substance addiction take
the place of a dozen or more col-
lege students.

The apamnents, which sit behind
The Mad Hatter on South Lime-
stone Street, are a place for mothers
to recover slowly — sometimes for
up to a year — from drug and alco-
hol addiction.

The project's name — Chrysalis
House —— is a simple analogy of its

purpose. Chrysalis occurs as a but-
terfly breaks from the cocoon it en-
tered as a caterpillar.

Every other weekend, the chil-
dren of Chrysalis House residents
visit. it‘s a time of joy and a time
of uneasiness, said Donna Lowen-
thal, Chrysalis child development

For the mothers, it's a time to
learn how to be parents. For the
children, most of whom are placed
in foster homes or with relatives,
its time to start living normally
with a sober parent. Fathers seldom
are seldom seen.

"The children haven't been used
to discipline," Lowenthal said,
partly because the mothers them-

selves did not have “normal” child-
hood role models. “(The women)
really don't know what it means to

Each biweekly visit with their
children leads the mothers toward
final recovery from drugs and alco-
hol. Lowenthal said. Chrysalis
counselors stress consistency dur-
ing the visits. The activities —
shopping, playing — remain the
same, and the house remains the

Until recently, playing time for
the children suffered because the
nearest playground, Woodland
Park, was several blocks away.

But the house now has bona fide
playground in its backyard, thanks



By Perry Brothers
Staff Writer


Six architecture students have
melded mediums to form an ex-
hibit commemorating the demol-
ished buildings of Lexington's
Ben Synder block.

The exhibit has transformed a
rectangular room on the second
floor of Pence Hall into a maze
of memorabilia ranging from
photographs and architectural di-
agrams of the destroyed build-
ings to a large platform con-
structed with materials salvaged
from the actual structures.

“It was a devastation that these
buildings, which had no reason to
be torn down, were destroyed,"
said third-year student Kristina
Cantwell, who contribuited to the
exhibit. “They have molested the
city and taken away its heritage."

Carol Buhrmann, an architec-
ture professor, began organizing
the collective in November of
last year when she noticed how



Ron Jackson, a filth-year architecture student, and five others have constructed an exhibit
to raise awareness of the destruction of downtown buildings and culture.

The Death ofa City’

Students study block

many students were incorporating
the plight of the block into their

“About 30 percent of the (archi-
tecture school's) student body doc-
umented the demolition," she said.
“Each student has a different take
(on the issue)"

Cantvvell said her bi-level plat-
form piece represents the “laby-
rinth" created by homeless people
who dwelt in the Main Street build-
ings before their destruction earlier
this year.

“I studied the floor plans and
went inside," Cantwell said. “It
was amazing —— (the homeless)
never had to leave the buildings to
move through the whole block."

As a whole, Buhrmann said the
installation is an effort to raise
awareness of the endangered status
of the downtown area.

“l’m really concerned with cit-
ies," she said. “There will hopeful-
ly come a time when we value
downtown. The city is a place for
all types of people to come togeth-
er. it is not just a place for buying



and business."

Buhrmann said she is discou-
raged by a proposal to use the
former Ben Snyder block as the
location for a new court house.
rather than a cultural center.

“Putting a judicial center on
this'site will only bring people
downtown from nine to five.”
she said.

Fifth-year architecture student
Ron Jackson, who contributed
the photographs that document
the daily progress of the demoli-
tion, said “Lexington is disinte-
grating its historical base."

“We want people to realize the
alternatives," he said.

A symposium scheduled for
5:30 pm. April 12 in 209 Pence
Hall, titled “Future of the City,"
will address just that. Partici-
pants will include government
officials, professors and archi-

The exhibit, titled "The Death
of a City," will remain open to
the public Monday-Friday, 9am.
-10p.nt until April 22.



Series of tornadoes
takes at least 26 lives


By Jay Reeves
Associated Press

PIEDMONT, Ala. — A tomado
caved in the roof of a church
crowded with Palm Sunday wor-
shipers, killing 17 people. Fifteen
other people died as a series of
twisters and violent thunderstorms
tore through the Southeast

The tornado hit Goshen Metho-
dist Church about 11:30 am. shat-
tering windows raid toppling a
brick wall on a pew of children in
Easter audits waiting to sing in a

At least 90 people were injured,
authorities said. Six children, from

Washipers said they heard wind

against the church, then the lights
went out.

“At that minute, things started
hitting the side of the church, and
something came through one of the
windows," said Carol Scroggins,
who was at the altar leading the
Easter program. “I just started to
scream, ‘Everybody get down!‘
People were screaming, but it hap«
pened so quickly there wasn’t
much time for reaction."

The tornado blew the church
steeple intotheparking lot

“One man ran down the aisle
yelling ‘Get on the floor!‘ " said
worshiper Elwmna Acker, 63.
"Then the roof came down. The
womanrigbtnexttomc died."

Sixteen bodies were found inside

See CHURCH, Back Page


, Wrong: ’_

~Pear| Jam pr ' m
with Louisville cm‘ ,
Review, Page 4. - .



-Cool today with an 80
percent chance at
intermittent rain throughout
the day; high between 40
and 45.

~C|oudy tonight with a 30
percent chance of shower
low in the mid-303. .
Mostly cloudy and co
tomorrow; high in the .

Sports ...........



to UK‘s Alpha Phi Omega service
fratemity. Members of the fratemi-
ty spent more than 100 hours build-
ing the wooden play area, Alpha
member Nick Russell said.

He and 15 other members of the
fraternity spent much of their past
two weekends completing the pro-
ject. “They wanted to make it a lit-
tle more like home for the kids,"
said Russell, an engineering gradu-
ate student.

The materials were donated by
the Lexington Women’s Junior

Besides providing a place for the
children to play outside, the project
will give them and their mothers a
needed break, Lowenthal said.

During the week, house residents
hold regular jobs in the communi-
ty. At 5 pm. all residents are borne
to cook their own suppers. They
also clean the entire house daily.

Each resident attends also Alco-
holics Anonymous meetings
throughout the week and must par-
ticipate in house meetings every
day. The sessions speed recovery,
which averages nine months, Low-
enthal said.

“It‘s not all fun and games," she

Residents may leave the program
any time they wish.

If a mother fails random drug
testing, however, she is are asked
to leave. Verbal or physical abuse

ome for residents

against other residents also results
in expulsion.

The suict guidelines seem to
work. The United Way organiza-
tion prides itself on a 78 percent
success rate after a one-year peri-
od, Lowenthal said.

There's a two-month wait for ad-
dicts to even step through Chrysa-
lis‘ doors because of the low tumo-
ver rate of residents, Lowenthal

Before women are considered for
the long-term treatment, they must
pass a 30-day, fast recovery phase
of ueatment.

Lowenthal said that month is the
hardest for her patients to experi-

Diversity conference
encourages interaction


By Diane Noren
Contributing Writer



Cultures, like walls, surround us
and protect us from our enemies.

Yet, when equipped with swing-
ing gates, they allow us to interact
with people from rich and diverse
backgrounds, foreign student advis-
er Carolyn Holmes said Saturday at
UK's first-ever Cross-cultural

The workshop, held at Spindle-
top Hall, was the finale of a week-
long celebration sponsored by
UK's Cultural Diversity Commit-

Other events throughout the
week included a speech by ac-
claimed Hispanic actor Edward

lames Olmos and an lntemational

About 30 people, representing 12
different countries, attended Satur-
day’s workshop, which was de-
signed to “enhance cross-cultural
awareness," said Cultural Diversity
Committee chairman Terry Allen.

The students who attended the
workshop were asked what their
personal goals for the workshop
were when they registered.

Many said they wanted to gain an
understanding of people from dif~
ferent countries. Others said they
wanted to overcome cultural differ-
ences to make friends and seek re-

Workshop activities included
role-playing games and group dis—

Topics ranged from cultural dif-
ferences in body language to differ-
ent gender roles.

Many of the international stu-
dents who attended said they
thought Americans were friendly
but hard to get to know on a per-
sonal level.

Romy Cawood, a graduate stu-
dentin counseling psychology, said
her favorite part of the workshop
was the introductions, when partici-
pants would show on a map where
they were from and where they
have visited.

“It was a good way to get a real
sense of where people have been,"
said Cawood. who learned about
the workshop through a friend fmm









JAMES CRlsP/Kemel Stat!


Lori Keaton (left), a member
of Delta Delta Delta social
sorority, soups up for the
Soapbox Derby Saturday,
while Jean Fledle (above) of
Alpha Omicron Pi prepares
for her next race.




FDA chief ignites debate


By Lauren Neergaard
Associated Press

WASHINGTON — David Kess-
ler stunned even supporters when
he announced he was considering
regulating, perhaps banning, cigar-

It was merely the latest contro-
Administration commissioner.
Now the public is waiting to see if
the pediatrician who cracked down
on everything from ormge juice to
powerful drug makers will really

rein in the $60 billion tobacco in-

“There is no greater public
health issue." Kessler insists.

But critics say this time Kessler
has gone too far.

“It’s another example of Kessler
seizing an issue to advance his
agenda, which is to make the pub.
lic think Doc Kesslcr is Mr. En-
forcement," said Kim Pearson, a
Washington lawyer who publishes
an FDA-watchdog newsletter.

Kessler doesn't think that's bad;
it‘s an image he has cultivated in

his three years as head of the agen-
cy charged with protecting Ameri-
cans from bad food or medicine. in
that time. he has:

seized orange juice mislabeled

obanned silicon breast implants
because of evidence they were
sickening women, although he lat-
er allowed some for reconstructive

cracked down on drug makers
that don't follow FDA manufactur-

‘ing guidelines. saying the lapses






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Monday, 03/28

ets for Next Stage Series:
Philip Glass (4/10) are on sale
at TicketMaster; general pub-
lic. students, faculty, and ad-
ministration; CALL 257-8427
-EXH|B|T: Maw
Tuesday-Sunday 12:00-5:00
p.m., UK Art Museum. Single-
tary Center for the Arts. CALL
257-5716 (thru 4/10)
-EXH|BIT: 91mm
1880-1950, King Cultural Cen-
ter, Mon-Fri 10:00 a.m.-6:00
p.m. (thru 3/31)

E l i . . _ E I .
1910, ML King Library, Peal
Gallery (thru 03/31)

-UK Women's Forum: "A Cele-
bration of Women', 11:30
a.m.-1 :00 p.m., Student Cen-
ter, Grand Ballroom (Reserva-
tions should have been made
by 3/14 for the $6.95 lunch-

Tuesday, 03/29

-College of Fine Arts presents
UK Percussion Ensemble:







Tuesday, 03l29

~Kentucky Baseball vs Mar-
shall, 3:00 p.m., Huntington,

Wednesday, 03/30
-Kentucky Baseball at Xavier,
2:00 p.m., Cincinnati, Ohio
Friday, 04I01

-UK Women's Tennis vs Ari-
zona State, Austin, TX, 2:00

-Kentucky Baseball vs Mis-
sissippi State, 6:00 p.m., Lex-

-UK Men's Golf Team: John-
ny Owens Invitational, Lex—
ington (thru 04/03)

Saturday, 04/02

-Kentucky Baseball vs Mis-
sissippi State, 2:00 p.m., Lex-

Sunday, 04103

-UK Women's Tennis at Tex-
as: Austin, TX 1:00 pm.
-Kentucky Baseball vs Mis-
sissippi State, 2:00 p.m., Lex-

Performin Hrts
Spotlight azz
Uisual arts



James Campbell, director,
8:00 p.m., Singletary Center
for the Arts, Recital Hall,

Center Theatre Discussion
Seriesz lheaeecetfiacden.
7:00 p.m., Center Theatre,
Student Center, CALL 257-

-Co|lege of Fine Arts
presents UK Theatre: Ben;
Lies, by William Shake-
speare, 8:00 p.m., art studio
space in the Reynolds Build-
ing of! Scott Street. Tickets
are $4 (also showing: 3/30,
3/31, 04/01, & 04/02)

-UK Women's Studies and
UK Women's Forum
presents "Small Happiness":
(part of Women's History
Month Film Series), 4:00
p.m., Student Center, Rm.
205, FREE

-EXHIBIT: "Crucial Fix":
5:00-7:00 p.m., Reynolds
Building, Barnhart Gallery,

Thursday, 03/31

-SAB MOVIE: Addamsfiamig
ALMS. $2, Student Cen-
ter, Worsham Theatre, 7:30






Monday, 03/28

-Catholic Newman Center Dai-
ly Mass Services: 12:10 p.m.,
320 Rose Lane, Call 255-8566
-UK Judo Club: 5:30-6:00
p.m., Alumni Gym Loft, CALL

-Aikido Classes: 8:00 p.m..
Alumni Gym Loft, CALL 269-


-Library Associates' Prichard
Lecture: David McCullough,
author, 8:15 p.m., Singletary
Center for the Arts, Recital
Hall, Tickets are $10, CALL

-Public Relations Student So-
ciety of America (PRSSA)
Meeting: 1994-1995 Elections,
7:00 p.m., Grehan Journalism
Building, Maggie Rm, CALL

Tuesday, 03/29

~Catholic Newman Center:
Student Night (CN2); 320
Rose Ln, 7:30 p.m., CALL

Department of Biochemistry
Seminars; Dissertation De-
fense: ”Longevity Assurance
Genes: Homeostatic Devices
in Yeast Longevity“, 4:00 p.m.,
UK Medical Center, MN 463
Wednesday. 03/30

-Hoty Communion: St. Augus-
tine's Chapel, 12:00 at 5:30
pm. CALL 254-3726

-Aikido Classes: 8:00 p.m.,
Alumni Gym Loft, CALL 269-

-UK Judo Club: 5:30-6:00
p.m., Alumni Gym Loft, CALL


Thursday, 03/31

-Christian Student Fellowship
"Thursday Night Live" Praise
Program: 7:30 p.m., on the
corner of Woodland and Co-
lumbia, CALL 233-0313

-Campus Crusade for Christ;
7:30 p.m., Student Center,

Small Ballroom, FREE
-Co-ed Community Service
Fraternity Meeting: 7:00 p.m.,
Student Center, Rm. 228,
CALL 278-2456

Friday, 04/01

-Peal Gallery Series: Alan
Hersh, pianist,12 noon, UK
King Library North, FREE
Saturday, 04102

-Aikido Classes: 4:00 p.m.,
Alumni Gym Loft, CALL 269-

-Catholic Newman Center
Weekend Mass Service: 320
Rose Lane, 6:00 p.m., CALL

Sunday, 04/03

Catholic Newman Center
Weekend Mass Services: 320
Rose Lane. 9:00 & 11:30 a.m.,
5:00 at 8:30 p.m., CALL 255-

Catholic Newman Center Spa-
ghetti Dinner- All You Can Eat:
$2. after the 5:00 pm. mass
service, CALL 276-4010
-Holy Communion: St Augus-
tine‘s Chapel, 10:30 am. 8.
5:30 p.m., CALL 254-3726
~Aikido Classes: Alumni Gym
Loft, 1:00 p.m., CALL 269-

Applications are available in the Student
activities Office, Room 203, Old Student
Center. Applications are due by 4:30 pm,

April 1. Selcetions committee interviews
will be held April 6 and 7.
For more information, call 257-8867


The Student Activites board is the main
programing body on the UK campus.
SAB programs everything from weekly


applications are now beingI
accepted for posrttons on t e

Student Hctiuities

President Dice-President
Sec./Treasurer Campus Network
Cinema Contemporary
Indoor Hctiuities fltfairs

Public Relations Concert


movies at the
Worsham Theater
to the next Stage
Series and lecture
events like Jesse





Kentucky author to be honored

Nationally known author James Still, a writer on Appalachian life for more than 50 years, will receive the
UK Library Associates‘ Medallion for Intellectual Excellence at the Otis A. Singletary Center for the Arts at
8: 15 pm. today.

A native of LaFayette, Ala., Still settled in Knott County, Ky., 62 years ago to work in community pro-
grams sponsored by the Hindman Settlement School. Through the years, his poems, short stories and novels
about the mountain dwellers of eastern Kentucky have given generations of American readers a greater un-
derstanding of this region.

The recipient of many awards since his first book of poetry, “Hounds of the Mountain," was published in
I937, Still has received the 0. Henry Memorial Prize for Short Story, the American Academy of Ans and
Letters Award, the Marjorie Peabody Waite Award, two Guggenheim fellowships and five honorary degrees.

Among his other works: the novels “River of Earth" and “Sporty Creek;" the short story collections, “On
Troublesome Creek” and “Pattern of a Mam” and his children’s books, “The Wolfpen Rusties” and “Widdles
and Gee Haw Whimmy Diddles."

His most recent book, “The Wolfpen Notebooks," was published in 1991.

Still holds degrees from Lincoln Memorial University, Vanderbilt University and the University of Illi-
nois. He has traveled and taught in 24 countries, and he maintains a special interest in Mayan civilization that
has resulted in l4 visits to Central America.

Still, 87, has done most of his writing from his home in the isolated community of Little Carr Creek, where
he grew most of his food, explored the mountains and fields, and participated in the daily life of the neigh-

The Libraries Medallion recognizes intellectual achievements and creations of lasting value in Kentucky,
or performed by Kentuckians.

The four previous medallion honorees are UK historian and author Thomas Clark; former Kentucky gov-
ernor Ben T. Combs, who established UK's Community College System; 0. Leonard Press, founder of Ken-
tucky Educational Television; and Wendell Berry, a nationally known poet, teacher and social critic.

AIDS Walk for Life scheduled for May

The AIDS Walk for Life, which is designed to help raise money to help HIV and AIDS patients, will be
held May 1 at Commonwealth Stadium.

The walkathon will begin at Commonwealth Stadium’s parking lot and will cover 5 kilometers. Festivities
are planned for the entire afternoon.

Prizes will be awarded to the walkers who raise the most money during the event. Walkers may get spon-
sors for each kilometer walked. The individual who raises the most money will receive two round-trip airline
tickets from Delta Airlines. Anyone who raises $30 or more will receive a T-shin. Those who raise $100 or

more will receive sweatshirts.


For more information, contact AIDS Volunteers of Lexington at (606) 254-2865.




& 10:00 p.m., CALL 257-8867
-UK Art Museum: Art at Lunch
Series, 12:00 noon, Singletary
Center for the Arts, President's
Room, FREE

-College of Fine Arts presents
Faculty Recital: Peter Simp-
son, bassoon, 8200 p.m., Sin-
gletary Center for the Arts, Re-
cital Hall, FREE

-UK Women’s Studies and UK
Women's Forum presents :Nu;
bian Queens and the Black
Madonna": (part of Women's
History Month Film Series),
7:00 p.m., Student Center,
Rm. 205, FREE

Friday, 04l01

-SAB MOVIE: Addamsjamfly
Values $2, Student Center,
Worsham Theatre, 7:30 &
10:00 p.m., CALL 257-8867
Saturday, 04/02

-SAB MOVIE: Addams Family
Valuesb$2, Student Center,
Worsham Theatre, 7:30 &
10:00 p.m., CALL 257-8867












Tuesday, 03/29

~Intramural Golf Doubles Entry
deadline by 4:00 p.m., in room
145 Seaton Center, $16.00 fee
per team; cash only and fee
must be paid to the intramural
office during sign-ups
Wednesday, 03/30

-lntramural Swim Meet: warm-
ups begin at 5:15 and eorrpeti-
tion at 6:00 p.m., Lancaster
Aquatic Center


Author speaking tonight


By Alan Aja
Staff Writer


Pulitzer Prize-winning author Da-
vid McCullough will present the an-
nual Edward F. Prichard Jr. lecture
tonight at UK.

McCullough is the author of six
widely acclaimed books, including
the 1993 Pulitzer Prize-winning
“Truman,” a portrayal of former



‘ .
K ,

515 W. Main 0 189 Moore Dr.




president Harry S. Truman that re-
mained on the best-seller list for a
record 43 weeks.

McCullough is expected to talk
about the book, but his lecture is ti-
tled “From A Historian’s Perspec—
tive." UK officials do not know ex-
actly what McCullough will be
speaking about.

McCullough has received other
honors, including two National



May 16—August 22, 1994
M, Th 6—10 p.m.
FEE: $250

EMS Education Center
1 141 Red Mile Rd,
Suite 002
Registration Deadline:
April 16, 1994
For More Information
Call 323-6613


-E MTa



Book Awards and two Francis
Parkman Prizes. He also is the cur-
rent president of the Society of His-
torians and holds 10 honorary de-

McCullough won an Emmy
award for his work in the PBS se-
ries “Smithsonian World." He was
also narrator of several distin-
guished documentaries, including
“LBJ" and “The Civil War.”

McCullough, who gave the I986
lecture, is the first speaker in the
history of the Prichard Lecture to
be invited back a second time.

“Many people felt that he was the
best lecturer we‘ve ever had," said
Paula Pope, executive secretary of
UK Library Associates, which is
sponsoring the lecture.

Pope said the lectures help bring
notoriety to the library system.

“One of the main purposes for
bringing McCullough is to interest
people in supporting the library,"
she said. “It’s a good way to let the
students and faculty know that the
library is there for them."

The lecture is scheduled to begin
tonight at 8:15 in the Otis A. Sin—
gletary Center for the Arts Recital
Hall. Tickets are $10 for general
admission and $5 for students.

Fall and Summer Registration

Begins Tomorrow

2 Ask your academic adviser to check your record in SIS.
3. Use PRIME at any cluster site on campus.

Check the eligibility list posted in each academic college. Graduate students go to 351 Patterson
Office Tower. Undeclared and nondegree students in the College of Arts & Sciences go to 204
Frazee Hall. Be sure to go to the college of your official major.

5. Call the Registration Office at (606) 257-7173, or go to the Registrar’s Office, 10, 11, or 12
Funkhouser Building, Monday through Friday between 8:00 am. and 4:30 pm.

6. Use the Student Access Information System in the MI. King Library Microcomputer Lab.


How to Determine Your Three-Day Registration Priority Window
There are several ways to find out when your registration priority window is:

I. Do a ”Status Check” using UK-VIP before March 29.




In the past, UK’s Advance Registration process was based on windows that opened but did not close
during the Advance Registration period. The UK-VIP telephone registration system, however, is
based on windows that open but also close. Therefore, please be aware of your registration window
and register during the three-day period that your priority window is open. Registration windows
are based on number of earned home (not including hours in progress) and the first letter of the last
name. The hours-earned categories are broken down in five-hour increments for undergraduates.
Therefore, a student with 85 earned hours will register before a student with 80 earned hours. This
is a change in the window pnbn'tyscheme from last semester, responding to student requests fora morepreci'se








classification breakdown.
UK-Vll’ Hours (if Operation
Monday through Friday - mo a.m. to8m pm.
Saturday — 800 am. to 5:00 pm.
Closed Sundays

I I i

.. 12.; "WT-“5’7”?
;' _‘-.":.4 ‘ Js: 3.5.