xt769p2w6m0r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt769p2w6m0r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-02-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 20, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 20, 1980 1980 1980-02-20 2020 true xt769p2w6m0r section xt769p2w6m0r I I
Vol LXXII N “0 l'nlversity of Kentucky
Wednesdayjhetrulry 20' I980 an independent student newspaper Leungton, Kentucky
. fi
. I l I l U I
2 P I . bl . Blanton Cites limited supply, unlimited demand 2
a r I n g p r e s I st ents an acu in ar in spaces scarce’
as ud d f lty f d p k g
. I . . . . . “huntin licenses." in is available. Blanton said. He said commuter (Cl and C2) stickers. kesi~ cost of $20 per school year. A total of Faculty and staff also have a rob-
(EditorIS"$11,713:;agrizfzr'tiyz- Vice President for Business Affairs thg inconvenience doesn‘t seem to dent stickers are issued to the l.075 264 CI permits are issued for the lot lem finding parking space. Hastiepsaid.
$2237”: eaii’zgm;,:w ofgthe cur; Jack Blanton said he doesn‘tthink stu- bother people from larger cities as juniors and seniors living on campus. located between Clifton and Columbia Administration and faculty 7.000 ‘
rentasi'tiiirtro'dhj y dents exaggerate the issue. “There is much because they have had to cope OWN!” there are 2340 parkingspaces Avenue while 509 permits are availa- total ' pay $36 a year for a permit
limited space; unlimited demand." he With it everyday. for the 4.700 campus students. accord- ble tor theICZ lots behind Memorial although there are only L359 A spa-
said. “Every university I know has a A common misconception that ing to UK Parking Manager Ruth Colisuem. including 50 new C2 spaces ces. 3.200 8 spaces are used by other
By ANNE CHARLES problem with parking. many students and faculty have is that Hastie. This figure does not include resulting from the recent expansion to staff members who pay $20 a year for
Start Writer “We‘re not going to pave the entire a parking permit will guarantee the the 100 Spaces tn the "rock pit" at the the College View h’t52 “35th said: Th6 the permits.
, campus." he stated. The University driveraspace. This is noltrue'accord- Stadium View Apartments. new stickers can be purchased from One hotly-debated aspect of the
Ask anyone onthe UKcampus what doesn‘t have the money to build allthe ingto UK Police Chief Paul Harrison. Resident lOtS- designated by the UK Parking Department. 0" the campus parking situation is thkCtlhg
aspect ofcollegc causes them the most lots needed. he added.“becausegarage “Permits do not guarantee youapark- number. are located near rCSidchC 90m“ M EhChd Avenue and R035 and towing. In addition ‘0 '3 parking
headaches. and chances arethe answer space now costs about $5.000 per mg space; they only give youthe right halls. lnhabitantsare assigned parking StreetI I |0t attendants. {01" patrolmen are
. would be parking. Students and (parking) space to build." to park in designated areas ifthespace spaces according to the number and Hastre said some commutcrpermits assigned to traffic control. Harrison
administrators alike have battled daily One reason students have difficul- is available." proximity of the lot. become availablein the second semes- said. while other patrolmen help out
for these “valued spaces." and many ties with the situation is that many are Two types of parking permits avail- Commuter stickers are sold at the 1" when December graduates turn in between calls.
have dubbed parking permits as from small towns where ample park- able to students are resident (R) and beginning 0f each fall semester at a Sttth‘rh for a $|0 refund. (‘ontinued on page 6 ‘
Khomeini gives approval . UK ranks 45' .
. 2 a .
' ' ' " ” V ’“f’ ' .. t ' ' '
. to spread U-N- commISSIon s. 2 in awarding
mp) President Abolhassan Bani- job should give him the muscle todeal . «.3 figs 3 ' ‘~
' Sadr or han said yesterday that Aya- with the crisis at the embassy~ which 2 . 2' -. 3‘ 0 grants
2 tough Ruhollah Khomeini. the the militants took over Nov. 4. . e“; ' $ 2 -
COUHtl’V'S revolutionary leader. has An indication thC militants were SOi- ’ ~.:. 21:22“. ..h \I\ ,
approved the final terms of a UN.- tening their stand came in a report -' h , “flh . Bny‘leM CAGEY
appointed commission and It\ conven— from the official Yl180512” news 2 , V553 2;“ *2 2.“ i 3' SM f mu
I ing in lchran to investigate charges agency Tanjug. It saidastatementyes- . I. ' ““2““ £21., .__:_ “32:2 Although competition for special academic funding is
against the ousted shah. terday from the militants was for the . " “In ' , .' ,.I . ”23”" i , 2- . . fierce amongthe 2.500 colleges and universities nationwide.
Bani-Sadr told reporters in Tehran hrSt time “0t explicitIin demands the t; f P. . g j. : ‘ 2 ‘ t UK ranks 46th in amount of grant funds awarded. accord-
ltlh‘lmnt’ a meeting of the ruling Shah be returned before the release. ‘3 ,9 . . x. ' ~ . ingto Wesley Leach. associate director of the UK Research
Revolutionary Council that a cable Tanjugdid notelaborate.butttquoted ‘.' Ev», ' , i I i ' 2. Qt} .6 ,2” Foundation.
was to be sent to l’..\'. Secretary- the militants as sayingthey had neither . $ng . ‘39"- ,sy If “U K's high ranking certainlyattests to the quality of our Y
General Kurt Waldheim. “‘0 chose acceptedInot rejectedthetntIernattIonal sees . ' t “t faculty." Leach said.“Wheneveryou‘re ranked inthetop 50 . '
' the five member commission. inform- commussron being SCt uptornvestigate t“ t 2 . institutions nationwide. you are in select company. L'K‘s I
- ing him of lran's decision. the Shah That. ItOO- appeared to be a \WE‘“ _ ’ high ranking means that we are often in competition with
Two members of the commission marked change tn t°"e2I . 2st“ .. 2 . " ,,.;1.'f?'.':" .I’." N the top schools in America in research." 2 .
2 were reported in Geneva. Switzerland. A5 commander-in-chief. Bani-Sadr “”2 ' ' ’7 .525" [each said the federal government isthe largest source of
and the other thrt‘t‘ were CXPCCth to may be ableto putdown 3thh'c ”ht“! 2 2 ,_ I grant funds. followed by state government and private
arrive this morning. LIN. officials in lran. where rebels have been bat- :d‘ . s- industries and businesses. I
there said They said the commission tling the central government for more 3.2515227: ' a“. 2 ‘ “it is obvious to anyone on the university setting that the . 2
. . members and a small UN. support autonomy in the provmces. it?“ 2 : ’2 .. greatest source of available for research. developmentand
staff could leave (icneva for Tehran The army was in chaos during the “We . s -. ' '- 2 academic expansion will be the government." [each said.
. this morning. revolution and has remained badly It" . I ‘_ .2 by“ N‘s ’ explainingthat “generally. the primary purpose of seeking
. Earlier yesterday. Khomeini turned disorganized. leaving most power With I ~ «wefihfi, e2 f f a... ” ' outside funding is to support the interests and capabilities 2
. . over his Postas commander-in-chief of the Revolutionary Committees and “‘3' “ ~ . . of the university faculty -22 to enablethemtodothingsthat
I the armed forcesto Bani—Sadr.stirring Revolutionary Guards, which often I I. ht“ they could notdo otherwise in research. training programs ' i
2 speculation that troops might be clash with the rebellious minorities in f ' . ' '° '2 ‘ and curriculum development.“
moved into the l'S. Embassy in Teh- many of Iran's provinces. if ‘ ' ' . In order to get a grant. Leach said a faculty member or
' Iran t0 rCl’h‘te militants htlidthg Amer- The investigative panel, chosen by ‘ do“? $2? 2 W “W , . . . department must sendaproposaltoagovernmentalagency
‘ ‘. ”a.” hostages the” LSV Secretary-General Kurt Wald- ' = .-' '1 ' 2 j I} i w 2 5‘75? which then reviews allproposals beforeavvardingthegrant,
, lehran Radio. announcing Bani- hetm and approved by both Iran and 9 If t g . or I " Usually. the agency will selectapanel ofexperts tojudgethe .
‘I ' Sadr's strengthened authority. quoted the United States. has been considered ! 32." 2 l i 3 . e 7 2; proposals.
2 the ailing 79 year-old-Khomeini as one Istepinapackage of requirements V 255 f i I; i . {I “in l977-78.for example.UK‘stotalextramuralsupport 2
saying the hPPOintment was aimed at leadmgtorelease ofthe hostages. who ' 3‘ f .. grant funding ~~- amounted to $42.3 million; of that ' 2
- “consolidating power in [ran at this spent their l08th day in captivity : {2 I: . '1. amount. 53 percent came from various federalagencies. 3i
Crltlcal moment." yesterday. 5 .2" ,.. 2.!” E 5: - percent from state agencies and ll percent from other .
the president has been more moder- Despite contradictory signals from f g. f .II“ ”$2“ . ' “ I. e sources.“ .
ate in his stand against the United lranian officials and the militants in 'fI h .. Helen Sady. until recently an administrative assistant in '
States than have the militants. who recent days. officials in Washington, 3" 2» “h ' UK‘s College of Dentistry. explained that the function of
have steadily insisted they would not speaking privately Monday, said the . By GM“ LANDERS/Kemel Staff the UK Research Foundation is to serve as the primary
T019356 50m€I50 Americans from the delicate diplomatic PTOCCSS W35 C0h' Latln lover coordinating agency for all grants and projects. “One ofthe
embassy until the deposed shah is tanIngIon course. services of UKRF.”said Sady. “is publication ofa newslet-
. returned to answer charges of No timetable has been announced. Mike Greenwell was playing his congas yes- of the “better sound projection“ as well as to ter of potential funding sources." ‘
. corruption. I but Waldheim was quoted by Vienna's terday at UK‘s Centerfor the Arts‘parking lot attract attention to the group. which includes Sady. who has accepted a new position in Washington.
Since his election. Bani-Sadr has Die Presse newspaper as saying the in an effortto“introducethe Latlnpereussion several l'K students. The group plays outside DC. wrote grants for two years in UK‘s College of
spoken out strongly against the mil- investigation would take one to two sound to the college campuses.” Greenwell every Tuesday and Thursday if the weather Dentistry.
ttants‘ independent power. His new Continued on page 3 said he was playing in the parking lot because permits. “You write a grant because there's money available for .
something you already wanted to do," Sady said. describing
. . . her experience in the competitive arena of grantsmanship. ,
Ex/uded from voting, funnlng for office “You must always make the proposal realistic in terms of
goals ~ many projects go under because they're too
2 - I I l - l ambitious.“ ‘
86 b ll LTI t t t Sady also mentioned some political obstacles in grants-
passes l glVIng sena e represen a Ive manship. “Sometimes grant funds are ‘wired‘ made
available with a beneficiary already in mind. Politics can
dictate that certain research areas are fundable." she said.
BY JAY HAMBVRG Senator At-large Barb Rowe. also a member of the Senator At-large Brad Sturgeon said. "The key point “Ge"°'?'.'¥~ grant Pl'torltles t3” into three “"680“? 2
. Stall w‘ntcr finance commission that worked on the proposal. said. here is that Mark (Metcalf) appointed himself to the com- space. taCIhtIleIS and personnel ‘ * UKRF tnesto coorIdiInate .
“Mark Metcalf has not attended our meetings, so I don‘t mission and never attended. That's irresponsible. Billy Bob the campus in-house priority for available funds. Sady I
A Student (iovernmcnt bill cleared the way for Lexing- think he would be adequately prepared.“ Renneris agrad studentin finance and can explainthe finer said. . I I
.- ton Technical Institute to get their first seat in the Senate. “ldid not participate."Metcalfsaid.“sothat the commis- points.“ Leach also sa'd. that Whhe mosIt grantinund research.
although the [TI students will be excluded from voting or SiOn could make an impartial decision in this matter. lask The hour long discussion ended with a senate vote that there are also training grants which provrde student sti-
running for any other 86 office. for your support because without it they could just say made Metcalf the leader of the presentation With Renner ECIIIItItS. dIIIII'ecItglyadeIeInecftInpch universrty students 2 though
2 . 2 . - - - ~ buzz-off. and I would not be ableto conduct m residenc assrstin on the more technical matters. h 0" e r ' 2
.. b.» “’ y .. . or
governed h). the Community College system. Metcalfe added.“ThisisapowerIIstruggle.and no onecan “Women Writers Conference“ and $800 for SG‘s new legal 2;?d8tl1dents 35 Vital elements 0t research teams. Leach
lom Froedge. a representive from [.Tl. responded, “We deny h‘ n has happened all year. counsel Keith Baker. i I
pay the same fees as UK students, not the same as Com-
munity College students. l know that you think this is a Oday—\——_—*—
working man's campus and that we‘re not intelligent . tan‘s neutrality toinduce Moscow to'withdrawitstroopsfrom
enough.“ nat'on that country.
. “No. no, n0." said Bingham. State AN EsITlMATIED ONE MILLIOINIpcopIe turned out fora At the sometime. the foreign ministers of the nine countries
Assistant Dean ofStudents Frank Harris said. “We make 50"”83'" Matdl Gm i‘C-‘tfrdat. ““th thc Frcnfh Quarter meld“! ‘0 WNW“c any 10”“ "I590"!1c t0_ the Proposed bOY'
no distinction between LT] and UK students." Harris is an LOUISVILLE CITY OFFICIALS say they're upset. Two with hard-drinking revelers and packing parade routes with cottofthe Moscow Olympics until the Soviets reply tothe neu.
. . . d.
advisor to Student Government cars carrying flammable chemicals derailed Monday night, spectators. just like the good ole bashes before the |979 police trality plan, conference sources sat I
' and the crty was not notified for almost l2 hours. strike. In a jomt statement followmg a day-long meeting here. the
it was also pointed out that LTl follows the same aca- The two cars of I Kentucky at Indiana Terminal Railroad thitcad 0f bttt" “mom and mum" Guard troops 0“ hhhmm declared th“ the Afghan "his ".c‘w'd h‘ overcome
demic calendar as UK and the same drop-add rules. Other CO- train 90"“th the flammable chemical propylene. They "fly downtown °°”‘"- this Mardi 0““ was Shhhimd hhd constructively through 9" arrangementhhich allowsa new?
community colleges follow a calendar and rules set up spe- dmh‘d “m“ 31'5 pm. in a K It I yard I50!" 300 feet “St 0t "“4”“ . . Afghmmn to be 0mm the companion among powm'
cifically for the community college SYStem. Smhh wemm hhh‘my in "3m“ 12°“th and it “5 M" No “ch".mecmwd count “at h‘m'hle‘ hm home “hmmd weather
- . . ‘ reported '0 the City fire depanment until 7:49 am. yesterday. that l million people were out lor the great day. the climax of
At last night 5 meeting. the Senate also debated on who Assistant Safety Director David Benedict said. the Carnival. in new Orleans and suburbs. spnmc ls NEAR. Today will bring a slight chance of
I should represent 50 in submittinga proposal tothe admin- No one was injured. and the can did not overturn or leak. afternoon showers. With temperatures "Si"! ‘0 ' °°mf°mhk
istration for increasing activity fees by a dollar. The extra They were put bl“ on the rails Without problem by 9:08 am wor'd mid-505 range. LOWS 50th tonight "‘4 t°m°"°w w‘h h‘ h‘ the
charge would supplement SG‘s budget. But Benedict insisted the city should have been notified THE NINE-NATION European Common market called low 405. Continued cloudy tomorrow withtemperaturesagain
The choices for leader of the group were President Mark immediately. yesterday in Rome for an internattonalguarantee ofAfghanis- in the upper 50:.
Metcalf and Senator At-large Billy Bob Renner.

 KENTUCKY Debbie McDaniel
Mimi in ( ha»! Muli (.'reen Kim Aulmy Thomas ( hrli John (1., Guy Landon
er 2 Jay lone" Bob ( uthnm hileliurnnrml It/IIUV .S/iiim [ll/”ii; l’llnlur of Pholugmph:
(If) Willis to... am Ii/i/ori Paul Mann
llilriucme [ill/it! (ind) Mctln Slit lulun Brim Ric-lien! DIVid Maynard
Jltlii Rudd iiiiiiun/ ~1ui.iruni Sports Minor MW“ "WW?"
. . stove Massey l in llousurd t iI/tl fi/llurs ln/enumnnm fill/or (
edltwlals & commnts (um/tin Ii/iiiil Ii/iionu/ [ill/or
C dI I I I t I t t T
ana tan 6 GCtIOn pOIHtS 0U re UC ance 0 SEC" ICE ,
(lather round. ye students of politics. the election llic Prime Minister campaigned on the slogan that sell-sulliciency in fuel production. Unlike this not so long ago. These are not popular issues and it
returns from our Northern neighbors are in and "real change needs a lair chance.“ saying that nine country. it already supplies 75 percent of its own will be the candidates‘ biggest problem in making
they may provide some prediction ol how \merican months was too short a time for (‘lark to turn the energy. In contrast. the l'nited States now imports them sound appealing to the voters.

' \otcrs perlorm in the I980 Presidential race economic problems ol ('anada around tNew approximately two-thirds of its energy. l'he dan er that the Can' di' l 1- - - -,

:\s you probably know. (‘anadian Prime Minister elections were ordered when (‘lark and the ‘ . . .. .- .. y . . . ' ‘ g ‘ _ _ d aneec “"1 P911“? 10.15 ,
i y , . , . L .y .\s the l .S. s campaign season begins to heat up~ that the population will vote not for sacrrltcrng in
Joe (lark and his Progressne (onsersatiye patty liiogressiye (onservatiyes lost a larliatnent mm of the priority issues m 'h d . ‘ . ord‘r t) ‘0 ‘ t th‘ ,[t ,1 bl b f h
- ' t‘d lrorii owcr in layorotaretur‘nto l’ierte confidence on Dec. ll.) ~ , I II I I IIII'I 0. 'I .s'minds IIIII IIII I I II IILC I IIII tona pro ems. III I?” II
were ous‘e p) ,. id importation and recession. ( andidates will be CiNCSt path it" the present. regardless 0f the tUtUFC

, . 11:33:11“1‘!l\'::'ll“rlc|:l:r:;‘l;l:*::;: rIrIiIiiIntIhIsIIeIailiii if: ()byrously. the voters lelt diltercntly‘.‘ proposing methods to overcome these national consequences-And ”candidates perceive this‘sort of

. liberal‘s “do” brought them a clear maioritx in the (‘lark appealed to ('anadians to sacrificein orderto prolblems and it seemsdoubtlul that any candidate mood. the) will go with the prevailing tide of public
country‘s Parliament. improve the economy By their votes. the country s Vttl‘ .I’iir‘lu at a solution which does not requrre opinion. ignoringthe probiems at hand and stumping
(‘l' k . h 1 ‘lt" ) . I 4 . NT!“ populattori said or“, " »\nalyists have been saying sacrilicc ol some sort. lor the vote.

. . ar met is toorii a ct proptsirig an at t _ ”w . ‘ ‘ ld hinreoti | .. .. }_ . . 4 . . ‘ , hI‘h l' -. , , , . ~ .
budget. based on a new gasoline tax. lhe lb cent-a- throughout [ht ‘l‘tl'l’nllldl I'h‘ ““Sl‘t’u ts! . _ A ready a ielty national gasoline tax (w it my lhis would be a‘dvangerous course lortl‘ieAmertcan
gallon taxarid the budget were proposed.accordingto acceptance "l the ll‘ “”1 “W “it“: “0““ hdlt forces conservation of those unable to with? taxi is public and. its poltttcrans to follow: For it brings no

. Clark. to 0‘”me the multi-rnilliori doll“,- (16mm Ihs‘t't‘itwd gttst’hnt' WM“ t” dht’tlt 3' +0 per £13”th being discussed and liberalcandidatesaretlrrttngwith solutions. it only delays the day when we must deal
.. rung up by the l iberal term in otticc. (‘anada like the l mtcd States. is workirigtowards notions of a wage«and-prtce tree/e that they opposed with the problems or die,
. I
— Could answer to creation vs.
. '- n I 7
; ; evolution be synthesrs of two.
. . By DON l.l\l)l-1VH-II.SER precludes all growth except by ment ot a perlcctitig universe. While ///¢~ ‘
’ intelligent mind .\ tew moments ot we increasingly see the unity ct / / ,
_, lhe \altie oi human c‘slslt‘nce has thought can bring to mind many urinersalcsctits. only taith can sustain ’ ’
~. long been the ultimate question in the natural occirrences whrch“iust happen us in our ineiilable lailure to see the
. minds of men in the search for trtith to be to oni adyantage “ total picture, it is our faith that is the
I I ' ' we become acquainted with many is it possible that we were indeed lie} tower) door.c\entoetertiity. Ihe .
' II theories of origin and destiny Vt hen created btit the technique is a gradual lihtlL‘ embrace of the Infinite. ‘ l ”Us,
I these theories are all superimposed creation esoliition" ls it possible in question our present plight. ll 3 MINI
. and sifted through. there emerges one that an inlinitc beirig has created linite. dflsihtl where t\ lht‘ lhtlhllt‘ 00¢ lad“ ‘ t“ \ i" // I
I . If . hum truth. the trtith ghiii we are the lrL'L'~\\IH creatures toi stimc \ttpcrnul spiritual insight (effort). Ihe finite can & / h; a. {fl ii l 'l
. -‘ , sotis ot (iod and He is our origin and purpose. that (iod made tispattticisiti httttll} comprehend lht‘ ”mm” bl” 1, ~ I TH“ "l
- I’ ' destiny the scheme of things. indeed. iii the lhlt‘Ullh litlth “'3 Cit” (hill) L"‘l"'3”cnCC Il\\\\ Y ‘9‘ l ll! .,
I, - . 'I . it has become ttl\ ttrm beliclthatthe MIIIIII LIRIIIIIIIII ”I ”KI umwrwII II‘ outworkings A IIHIk III IIIII pIIIII lg‘z / II\ I I I“ I D
. " continuing conflict between creative IIiIIIUE‘III“I‘m”LIIIIILIIIIIII] “CIdeIL” IIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIP Ix IIIIICII IIIIIIIIII .7 - | l 1}“. fl l'SLAI f I
. I and cyoltitionan theorists has h"l~'”“““t-"~ hi” through “l” personal conducive I” growth than I‘ ‘I‘ NC ol . ”I” all, ' ‘ I 4%“ l.
g " perpettiated the building ol a wall m a cyoltition the luttire [Hint-[so iinds its ease “e are‘lree-will creattircs alter @?§ 302 0‘? W\ .. . l‘ ‘ l ‘1 3/“ l
‘ - blind It you M” ()m ”an,” beginnings. each ol us Participates in alland anvol our problernsarcot our 4:? ‘9... < 53, l t, l f- Y [3(9) ‘ (iv/’1, - ’ I ll
i. , emphast/Ing the obvious short« [ht now-actuali/iiig creation IMIICIIOOSIIIEI Is; “I I j d\ I‘ , III O I If& \ iI/I I
' I comings oftlie other. while neglecting h In many circles. there IN no doubt If" 'I'I , ~. II I ,i’ I/s 34 k fix / \4 l t/ I l;
the obvious truths It seems a more . n that the creative force behind the 3%“. t . . ’a-I ’12]; ' ‘-\ H
I I C. sane aienue ot approach would be to oplnlon “ch5 ”1 dull) 9"‘“°”.‘° I‘ “‘-"““‘.“”~‘ ‘V@. s» )Y”. I #2. / .v I ‘/ \ I
’ . . un|l\ thosetruths whichwccan clearly at worls Upholding His \ast ”calm?" oily/E" I ‘ ‘9' ’ 0 'v \ i
. . see in our dail\ e\perience ' ‘s’l e. the evolutionary creature. begin Whgg/ Wt" ' , \. s . F / v ‘\ I
f . '_. ‘ . 1‘ g m lite as gross material nature btit our -‘i v I‘ g h ‘lh
. , , ‘ lhe idea that we were created billltl [he acqutsition of knowledge. dcslllH is one ol eternal ad\enture ll I \ ‘ 6a.} i.\ 'i
, _ -. 1, years agowith alltliettinimrngs. lacks through ‘I\p}I’I"InCII‘ is our personal “C choose m w“ our (Ireator and 12/30 K
' _ ‘; iriiagiiiatioti How is it possible that evolution. We are tree to choose our \mw to disoier ”n “I” (to (lilll’v m
' . . Ill“ eternal pits! held nothing esi‘L'Pt direction .'destitiyi btit the actual “cm“. our spiritual “.in I ,J“
‘ g . . (iod. theti :ill ol a sudden lie-decided creation is evolutionary lliat is. we Doubt not that (iod actually iv Tile WNSUS MSW Tm AUXILIARY puMprge 18 mwsgpp AND a) he CALLED [N
. . He was lonely and pool. there were begin with a potetittal. a dream. and indwells eachoneol useridcayoringto ‘ FAIll'bR Wt toy 93 I ,
‘ . ,. _ \dam and lie. and He said "it was step by step we create the reality Ihe help m meteorite our material 'I ""
. good lhcn -\dam and he sinned. beauty ol all this lies iii the ability to handicaps and lie delights in otir (I
.I . “11h“:I.III;‘IIIIII.IIICI:IIIIIIéI,I-.II]IIII£IIIIIIIIII «\‘httttys‘ t‘t‘tlt‘lt‘ étt any 211W“ moment victories over our belligerent animal
I g g . . tttt Skit a s no goo . care not sases tootit ottginttland natures when we discover the more '_ ' '
:I Iv ' , it seems to riieaburidaritly clearthiit 1°“ imaginatiyc thoughts. bl” through real and lasting spiritual world QuaSI myStIcaI release 0f emOtIonS
. ' . ‘ I. man and riattirc hase seen many ”‘I‘iumd ”will” “‘I may ‘m‘LI l‘” lt mat seem harsh that a god of l
‘ . , adietitutous “mm mm. bcloic the lltt‘lt'k‘tttlhl'nllldt'i’“ l" ht'kIR'i‘ICd m inlintte love would let Lis wallow iii 8 ans ma be war SUbStItUte
, _. ‘ biblical creation \ careful study ot ”’1“le “WM “PM” U‘ ”l ”W siich apparent rniscrv. btit Hisactions y
. . 1 (icnw‘ {mum “mm cleierly hidden essentials of lirsthand espcriencc. of are not dictated m uh) oneindiiidual. .
, I; ‘ clues inioour past How did ('ain tind m“ “I‘hlldmw” ‘” “I‘mhmt’ 1" ”‘9 on any gisen moment. Rather are His By JOHN S(‘ARBOR0['(.‘H nature of our basketball team‘.’ Why ()lvmpic pentathalon. and citizens of
. .. , awiteiritlielandot\od"Why isitthat hwgm‘ "l ‘P'mlli‘l til‘tr.‘ ””m ”‘9 mandates tor the good ol all creation mustuniversities contintieto maintain Rome iti the days of the Empire
. . the people of With him)” “h“ mm lowly worlds oi maternal origin Step throughout eternity. Sooner or later. we will have to face the char'ade that the leam“really'"are happily swooned (especially the
. , . . . ‘ I” N. 9th) Ham old. started mm”; by step we ascend. moment by ”k. lather. m His effort to (scape what we mean by “professional"and students. who take seriously classesin females) when a burly gladiator
. . I Chldtt‘" 1“ it ttttht't mature zige‘WHieti ”mum” “U “ml” and “ml “mm“ the letters ol absolute infinity. has “amateur" in sports. And sooner or the unisersityeyen during the 561150“? appeared 0" the street. That fame
. .. j these ages are divided by twelve. the “'H lully "”‘Mr ”1” ”whim” Bl” created the finite world. A world in later. we may have to ask w'h\ we as a Leaving aside the basic question 0f then and “0“ “'35 fleetingbut fame
y; i . I , takes on a more normal time span llllI‘lUPlltll”t‘lt'r'l'l.‘ littl’ldl‘ldml hi” which we all share creation. lhrotigh society becomelanatics in theIcauscol UWWF‘ltlt’S ruthlessly exploiting the it certainly was. and is.
. . . . 3' “owner. il instantaneous creation ‘” CHI” mm' ”‘I‘I “l” l” Chm” I" harmony with the cosmos we make ateam.asport.oranindiiidualw'ecall great majority of their football and Ilh“ Media speak 0f “recognition
_i y . seernssilly isri't itconsistenttosay that Chm)“ MIMIC" harmony and dl‘hur' ourselves real and through tinsellish “excellent."lomanyamong us.5ports basketball players (jUSt hOW many factors." and the most “recognizable"
' , _ . . eiolution without a guiding torce ”Milk good and en] and lo\ing service ,0 m” lellow men become a consuming pastime. actually play pro alter graduation'll. citizens ol our society are those who
‘. . Wyn“ ludicrous“ ”U“ 1‘ H that wcesei l\ll is not in itself a unnersal M. begin to unfold the mysteriesofthe sometimes haying value far higher we might ask what we are doing when win our “games" and who star in our
. pnmc“ when the laws of nature tt‘tthtF-lttthl.‘ ht‘t‘t‘mt“”tittt'tNWitt'h infinite, I propose we unite in this than a mere Job or even one‘s w‘c "root" for our teams with that collective fantasies on the TV or
-. -I . . I tlt‘ttt'thd that M‘dothe opposite" How “I kmm'm‘") disrupt cosmic relation- supreme adventure. traditional religion, Sport somehow “—— motion picture screen. Yet one reads
. ' -‘ , can lite beginsirnply and hcctimcmnrc ships for personal gain. Frror. the becomes a focus for our rage, our from timetotime 0t thesuper athlete.
:.I=. , comples without the aid ot intelligent tirsihand experience ol partial [)on [,jndenfelser isacahinetmakerat hope. and for a quasi-mystical release [in mente agitare’ or the rock star. or the actor or the
. -. ‘ ‘ manipulation" the law of randomness knowledge. is the stopwatch mo\c< the [R (‘abinet Shop. 0t emotions. actress. Wht’ it?“ “made it." and who
', 'I. . .. 'I , MN Anyone who has attended a single comes to feel a sort of emptiness and
. . I, I. . UK home basketball or footballgamc E frustration of his own. upthere on his
‘ _‘ . Letters 1' th Ed 1' will immediately recall that curious PCQUl_tBt fanaticism all too Charac- pinnacle of being worshipped by the
-. .r -j f i 0 e I or bone-chilling collective emotion that tertSttC Of "105! mayor umVCrSIttCS- masses. The lesson seems to be that
.. - . I. . ripplesthroughthe crowd atparticular What deep values do we reveal'.‘ We sports success has its rewards. to be
. ‘_ '1. 3.. ,. _ moments oi either triumph or defeat. speak of basketball and footabll more sure, but those rewards are as fleeting
I ‘. I -‘ . I .I Kappa Delta JOIIO 3) We demand that a lullapology be Sixties Sit-In and Dysentery l-cst in (‘)r 8:133”: w‘fho haslfiafs’sed bya “’3'?“ ‘::tenw:s 33:32” tLhcano§::::;n:lr::l aSlIthi‘iIaflebe . t t th tI . .
't' I, .'. ‘, lam writing ”m letter On behalf ot a hurried to all of the over-looked unor- the first and third stalls of the first gs; (if a blaIiiIna‘IfcIley‘IiIs‘IithidrcIIaIiIieonIliI' incredible skills displayed in the ofactuagl all-oitItIIvIzigrr aonur..aa;1::i,rz:
III I. ', It; ' corisortitirii ol senii~socia| Pseudo— garii/ationsoricampusincludingthose lloor ladies room ”I .WIIIICIIaII (IIINI marvel at theg seamy vocabularl' Winter Olympics,we alsoare banned subsumed under a greater iause and
. ' .~‘ .' ‘ .2 organi/ations representing the ma or- yet to achreye anarchy room Building. lhat rsourtiltimatum. . ‘ , . ‘ ,- ' ' b the nationalcharacter ofeach team h I h . . 'I . . '.
’ i lI\ ol piibticlx covert unorgaiiiI/ed N “6 demand that the former Ihc 51' Valentine's mum“: ”KI Issumg 'IOIIII (IiIIIm ~IIIII'eiI;‘]~ISI~I fidImd‘ aid each participant Whena Russian Is IIIIneinIIICIIIaItIIiIIiIiCngiieIIIIOIiIaI'e
i ', ’i. 'I ".I crgarii/aiions here at l is lhisIletteris (Imam/mum III Kappa Delta ‘ICIIO be American schSIIIIIIIIIII SIICICI'VI IIIC crIiIdivngiIiglgs :ItI) thIerrZItsIIeiIIlIlIeal gb‘d'gif)l 801d medal-winneropcnlv weeps when if'izierezl thlllZIItel‘ZlIItlnd: (is: Swill?
, ‘. .‘.. concerned with the leb l4 article m no longer not included in all gather- l'K chapter. (‘apitalist Running-dog sIomeIsortIlieIre , Power that w t l‘ her national anthem sounds. can we The Greeks recognized thisIopcnlII
'. ,v on. [serial about Kappa Delta .lello ings. parties. national revolutions. lackey Society. Ihe Nascent Social '1 y ' , _ id . . . (III II? doubt that the 0|va ic “Games"are . d H I‘ n' d l h {p y.
‘ I . -.I ' \ch m a wm ermancnt h“, Id immolations. and other such soctal (Ilimbers (‘lub; lhc Albanian fans. perhaps ”l spite “l themselves. b t short 9 h in Etalst frimthe an “me” " reatedt e uneral
II, '. ‘ I like to IairicriItpthc death ol tIliIis‘liIrIiIcI'lv atroCities h" thc ”I“ ”l the semester Workers Party. IIICIIC must IIIII some deeply rooted hiirraots 0f Iii/tile) 0 g I 6p I 8?”??? III‘IliIllIOI OI PaImCIIIfI‘ as II‘IjIIII'
II I I ””“W‘ “(Bani/atron once linowri is II our demands aren‘t met. then on aspect OI our psyche “IIICII cantap We also s eIak of lo ialty to The 0 ' C 5 I S Iheccséary f" lIIIIIII
I I I I Ki’l‘pa l)e|ta.le|lo llowesei we nIiiiIst “mm-l at M” MI W” proceed “I‘ll Matthew Mooney and 'WIIICII mom. can eprIIII IIIIIIIII School whilep we com in: statistics 'IIIIinIIIIhg‘ [SEMI/i: iiIIIiI‘IIII'II‘ wrest Ing.
. ,I I", 'I .- ask why it is that we did notilet equal (IIII planstoholda lhrowback-to-the- l'nenliglitened sophomore iiIiIirIfeIIleviscsstIabgufhtvhemIIII ‘fW I'Ie I0 Imm iled b I various msmbers orour IIII II II I CI III ISIeIIIIIgIIo OIII
. _ . pro essmnal P ) father s recollections of the cormng of
. i co\crage in the stor\ .iitei all noneol Ilfam it seems that Ohi)’ slightly World War ll. we may be struck by
_ ’1 ; our organi/ations has etch a hint ol ii ' beneath the civil surface is a boiling how often experiences on the
. (0;! tétsanrtlittltm inI titer: Cllhcr so Letters pal/0y anger of some 8011. perhaps at a “playing” fields ofthe high schooland
- ., 1. w y l t ey get at ott e s otli ht“ , frustration that we all cannot be '
they aren't L'H'n an untllgdpnlldlgltm ‘lthIl‘ié'le ""”';'/“‘“";I"‘°‘ “ll congrthztlttm ”0m ”must" “rttcr-‘mai be limited. Editorsrcwri‘cthcrighi warriors in whatever cause At least iiIziIiIiIigiIziiiIdZIIgiIIEIiiIroiIiIcuciirizkiiIiéogcr

. , . . .. 4 , y . e community or u icationont ee it iri i . ‘ - -

I ' I' , iIIItItii IvI’IinItIli tlIiIeIIa“utIl\aIcIitI\IIItItIiIlIiItIiiIcIIlIlelItIiliIri opinion Pages I II ( III IIIII (.‘IIIIIIIITIIIIIIIIII. IIIIIIIIII be delivered to Room I NJour- 'I‘hIitgeirIiIIIe" IfiIeIlhIeIiviIiiIlg I(:Irs(lIiIl'IiaIrII\:I iii: EaIIII'PCIIIIIIIIS ZIIII mama IbII IspOIIIlI '5
. i . m nammnd m n” hm! ”1 ”mm could nalism. l niversity of Kentucky. Lexington, Ky. 40506. d: lya fa norrnalscmi-achievcnicni a easry esp aine ' 'l lea 5” stitutel or
. ' ' be feature