xt769p2w6k79 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt769p2w6k79/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-04-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 20, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 20, 1987 1987 1987-04-20 2020 true xt769p2w6k79 section xt769p2w6k79  


Wildcats knock off Auburn twice

Kentucky tennis teams chalk up more victories





sponrs moquvaaige 3 "



Kentucky Kernel

Vol XCI. NO 138

Established 1 894

University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky

independent since 1971

Monday. April 20. 1987 I


Student critical
after accident

ltx tilt \lii mtl’lilt
\~s skint \exxs l-Zditor

'\ iiieiiiher ol the l'niversity of
lt‘lllli‘sst't' track team is still listed
in initial t'litltlllltlll alter being
s'l‘tlth ill the head by a lti-pound
hatiiiiiei‘ Al the Kentucky Relays
l’tida‘i alteinooii

\t'iitt llsii‘liiijiii lit
leizi: was hit in the right side of
the heml in .i steel ball attached to
: inizi. \litlt' 'AQll'lllllltl up on the
i-i'ul iiiljilt'eil! 'ii illt‘ SlllYCly b1150-

l‘lie loi'iiiei 'l‘eiinessee high school
ilt‘t'illllltlll champion was
unit-«1 I‘eiiti‘ai Baptist Hospital
.U.i‘i~.' {11' underwent surgery Friday
l..;l_ll'. “till was placed iii the inten-
': 'wgis slil in the hospital's
«are that last night in a
said Hartman‘s father.

o! Brentwwd.




l lt‘ii!’

ll! .ii-iirey trecehus. who oper~
.i‘o-il on Hartman Friday night. de~
.llilt‘il to i-oiiiiiient on the extent of
ittilete s iniiiry saying two
”We: 'l'lt'ltll\' are responsible for the


p I‘ll l" \ hilt

in v. too? 2 ."I‘rl pound Hartman

A& holds
on children

’n liilil “til i \Klilt
iiiiiti‘iliiitiiig “I'llt'l'

'iiii- i. 'lllt‘Lfit' of his and Seiences
the mythology department will
i : .1 -j.i:ij~isii.tn tomorrow titled.
"l't‘i'. .l' His-K tor Psychopatho-
.iill he held in the
'l'heater. \Hll‘l the
~.,\= «er-wot: being held from it a m
' ' tiv ;. n .inii 'he second from 2
-‘i hip ill
\Hl’ELtTi li.ll‘.'lll‘/\'. a professor of
.i' the l niyersity of Mine
lll\i‘ll\\ adaptive and
i. initial-31H ottii'otiies
’i.i!'i'.lt'/j. was elected to the liisti»
‘ .‘v o: \ll‘tllt'lllt‘ oi the National Aca»
t‘llt‘i‘\ .itlei' serymg as a
lot it years at

law \t‘\\l'tli\

\t iileii‘ lento-r

,l‘-'\t l witty}



'4 . . ' \.
'ii'ii‘“. iiieiiiliei
ll‘i-hl‘l iii‘ii'i sliK

.olzi i1 lil'ltl i‘\t't'llll\'t‘ director
.i: the Hregon social learning (‘en-
l-liicene. lire . \Hll speak
i'u-nf the whim-i of understanding

mm ..ii lu-havmi‘ in boys

:l - m 'iai .aili lllt'llltlt' a dis-

won it the timelopment of
.i C.Il!lii\ pioi i-ss model of antisoc1al
mine. .oi is iieneiali/eil.” a press re«

WT .i-

‘ this

iv iist' \il‘tl
.\ oi‘ 'lie staff of the (tree
ll'quItl. institute in Fiigene

i‘m w“

[Poi/ll 'l‘

i .i pi‘ntessoi' ot psyt'hol
14min oi the ilt‘ilt‘tip5i}(‘lltir
the \eiiropsyehia
the l‘niversity ol
\ngeles. \Hll dis

to lien-«t children's lx-havr
~ ”'lt‘lli‘ .it .iii early age

,vi-iiLt.iii. :t‘.
i'is’iiiili‘ .ii

‘1"1"".l.l .1? l. l\

illH’t'lill' of re

7 i i.\ ieseaii'h iiiiit. re
..i: his ‘ltllitlalt‘ in psychology
3 l\ ‘i'M'


‘ - Vt “NH“ \1. Pier ‘


lNStoE» -


“Americans" opened this
weekend at Centerstage. For
a review, see DIVERSIONS.
Page 4

Dead Days can be beneficnal
to students — even "good'
ones For a coiumnist‘s view.
we VIEWPOlNT. Page 6




Runny today With a high
around 80 Clear tonight with
a Irw near 55 Sunny tomor-
row W'lh a high around 80.



was injured at 4:15 pm. when he
walked onto the field to retrieve his
hammer. said Russell Rice. UK’s
sports information director.

He was walking back toward the
throwing area along the boundary
line when he turned his back mo-
mentarily. Rice said.

"He was warming up outside the
sector lines and went to pick up his
hammer when another performer‘s
errant throw went outside the line
and hit Scott.“ Rice said.

“illis teammates) yelled to him,
but he was unable to react quickly
enough." he said. “That was just
one of those freak accidents."

It is still uncertain who threw the
hammer. Rice said.

JoAnn Hauser. a UK graduate as-
sistant trainer. was the first person
to administer first aid to the injured

Hauser said that when she arrived
at the scene. Hartman was lying
unconscious on his back with the
hood of his sweatjacket soaked in

Despite his condition. Hauser said
it appeared as though Hartman was
trying to communicate with his


“He seemed to be responding to
the people around him," she said.
“He started moving his fingers
when some of his buddies were
screaming, ‘Hang on. Scott. Hang
on. Scott.‘ “

Because Hartman was experienc-
ing difficulty breathing. Al Green.
UK's athletic trainer. said trainers
had to open Hartman's airway and
give him oxygen.

Green said it appeared Hartman
had suffered a depressed scull frac-

Both UI‘ assistant track coach
George Watts and Hartman‘s team-

See ACCIDENT. Page 7

Senior Challenge nets $10,000
“ for UK scholarships, colleges

Staff Writer

The UK Student Development
Council held its second annual Se-
nior Challenge last week and raised
about $10,000 for the University.
SDC leaders say.

Molly Schrand, SDC chairwoman
and a psychology senior. said the
program‘s second year has proved
to be a bigger success than its first.

She attributed the funding in—
crease to more student awareness
and to the additional support given
by this year's senior class.

Ken Walker. SDC vice chairman
and an accounting and economics
junior, said the challenge is basical»
1y a phone-a-thon conducted by the
SDC to collect pledges from grad~
uating UK students. The phone-a—
thon was held last week from Mon-
day through Thursday.

Walker said each student is asked
to pledge as little or as much as
they like to go toward the area of
their choice at the University.

He said students usually request
their pledges go toward their college
or to areas such as scholarhip and
teacher improvement funds.

Students complete their pledges
by paying in three annual installs


“One of our main goals is to assist the
development office and to seek out ways to
promote the best interest of the University."

Ken Walker,
SDC vice chairman

ments. he said The first payment
isn‘t requested until eight months
after students have graduated.
which gives them time to acquire
the money. Walker said

Schrand said the pledged total is
still just an approximation because
SIX" also mailed solicitations to stu»
dents and not all have been re—

To increase student awareness
about the event. Schrand said SDC
and Hill-FM sponsored a kickoff
party for the challenge at Two Keys
Tavern on April 9th

Schrand said the radio station
broadcasted live from the bar as
part of the effort this year to in-
crease student awareness about the

Walker said the goal of SD(' was

to promote the idea of students help
ing students. “()ne of our main goals
is to aSSist the development other-
and to seek out ways to promote the
best interest of the l’niversity. he

Schrand and Walker said they be
lieve the Student Development t‘oii
niCil's Senior Challenge helps ac
complish this goal.

Schrand said it does so by ‘eet
ting students in the habit of donat
mg. Even if it's just a small amount
now. they will be more apt to giie in
the future.”

Walker said the Senior t'hallenge
“raises much-needed money for
things such as scholarships and
hopefully will make people time a
spirit of giving something back to
the school.”


Sitting on a corner


-f in ‘1”?!
9: z“- "‘


MARK zENOF Kern.» Sta"


Todd Garland of Georgetown and Connnie Demmitt of Lexington sit on the railing of Stable Bar in the Festival Market during a radio station beach party yesterday


Ticket fees
this week

Managing Editor

if you're a senior sweating over fi-
nals and fines - or any student who
has incurred a large debt in parking
tickets . a Student Government As-
sociation service may be able to
help take a little of the pressure off.

Today through Friday is parking
amnesty week.

Students who have outstanding
parking fines may. if they go in vol-
untarily. have the fine reduced from
$7 per ticket to $4 per ticket this
week. said David Botkins. the SGA
senator at large who sponsored the
parking amnesty bill

The service will run from 7:30
am to 7 pm. Monday through
Thursday and from 7:30 am. to 4
pm Friday at the UK Police De-
partment on the corner of Rose and

The cost for a parking ticket is 94.
but it IS raised to 37 if it is not paid
within five working days.

Botkins said the service will not
apply to students who have been
towed Those students will still be





responsible for all outstanding tick-

The idea for the bill, which passed
through the senate unanimomly.
came from a parking amnesty day
that was coordinated last semester
by the SGA executive branch. “I de-
cided to rekindle it and expand it to
a week." he said.

Botkins said he was interested in
expanding the service to five days
“because last year when it was only
for one day, a lot of individuals who
wanted to take advantage of the sit-
uation didn‘t have time.“

The UK paer department was

MICNIEL BRENNAN heme (1' if" *-

“real receptive to the idea.“ Botkins
said. and was primarily concerned
with making sure that the rules of
the week were clear.

The $3 discount will only apply to

Botkins said the day will be par.
ticularly useful for graduating se-
niors. who must pay all outstanding
debts before they can graduate. and
people who have “stacks" of tickets.

“Those people have told me that
they would voluntarily pay if they
could get a price break. . . . i think
a lot of senators might be taking ad-
vantage of it, too."

Kentucky police prepare
for annual pot harvest

(‘0\’INGT(')N. Ky iAPi ,_ State
police are preparing for the annual
harvest of one of Kentucky's bump-
er crops ~ marijuana.

State police plan to lease a Six-
passenger helicopter to search out
and destroy marijuana fields this
summer. said Capt, Michael Dun-
can. commander of the narcotics

Authorities used a four-passenger
helicopter last year to help destroy
12 million cultivated marijuana
plants. one of the biggest hauls re»
corded in any state

State police won‘t be the only ones
watching for pot The ['8 Forest
Service is also beefing up its mari-
juana eradication efforts in Ken-

“We had a banner year last
year." said Bill Dixon. special agent
for law enforcement in the Daniel
Boone National Forest in eastern

Officers destroyed 75.000 culti
vated marijuana plants in the Boone
forest. That‘s more plants than were
eradicated in any other national for
est. Dixon said

The anti'drug hill that i'oiiuress
passed last fall proude:~ extra illl‘tl\
for marijuana eradication .illtl stiii
er penalties for pot farmers \kho use
booby traps or weapons to pioiect
plots on federal lands.

Dixon hopes the steppediip en
forcement program will pay oil with
more arrests this year

Duncan said state police .llsil “ill
be able to devote more ettorl to
making arrests and seizing assets of
marijuana growers

Last year. state police made N2
arrests in connection with the man
juana eradication program and
seized several farms. Duncan said

Gatewood Galbraith. a lexmgton
attorney who advocates the legah7a
tion of marijuana. said the inten
sified eradication effort is bad news
for Kentucky‘s farm economy

“l estimate that the program cost
the state about $250 million in lost
sales last year." said Galbraith. who
ran for Kentucky agricultural com-
missioner in im.


 2 - KENTUCKY KENNEL. Monday. April 20. 1967


information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through

the Student Center Activities Office. 203/204 Student Center. University of Ken-
tucky. The information is published as supplied by the on-carnpus sponsor. with
editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student orga-
nizations or University departments to make entries on the calendar. a Campus

Calendar form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.
Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceeding the

publication date.



0 Other Phi Beta Kappa Initiation and Banquet (members
only» Free SC Ballroom. 6p m .Call 76742

- Concerts Councrl on Aging Spring Concert. Free.
Center tor the Arts 7 300 111 .Call 7-4900

- M0vies SAB Free Movre Premiere Gardens of Stone
Free, Worsham Theatre. 8 p m .Call 78867


0 Meetings Water Ski Club Team meeting. Free. 254
SC. 7 30 p m

' Meetings SAB Public Relations Committee meeting.
Free. 113 SC. 6 p m . Call 8-6242

0 Religious Tuesday Night Together Worship Service-
Baptist Student Union. Free. 429 Columbia Avenue; 7.30
D m .Call 7-3989

- Religious ane Time- Campus Crusade for Christ;
Free. 137 Chem -Phys Bldg .89 15p.m.; Call 273-1780

0 Sports Japan Karate Assoaation- Shotokan. $30/sem .
Alumni Gym loft. 6-8 p m .CalI7-1195

0 Concerts Jazz Ensemblel Vincent DiMartino. director.
$5. Memorial Hall, 8 p m .Call 7-4900

- Concerts Chanute Air Force Brass Quintet; Free.
Center for the Arts. 4 p m Call 7-4900

0 Other Eyes on the Prize "Awakening“ 8. "Fighting
Back"; Free. 124 SC. 3-5 p m .031! 7-5641



0 Meetings Bacchus meeting. Free 545 POT 5 30
Call 8-6242
- Mowes The Paper Chase $1 95 Worsham Theatre. 8
: " Call 78867
- Movres American Graffiti. $1 95 Worsham Theatre; 10
Call 78867
- Other Secretaries'Day
- Other UniverSity Award Banquet by imitation only. Call
c Religious Wednesday Evening Fellowship- Free dinner.
‘iiri a games Free, K-House 412 Rose 81 5 30 p m . Call
354- l 881
° Seminars Food for Thought Speaker/Attender
AppreCiation Reception. Free. 106 Frazee Hall. Noon. Call
‘ 1.295
- Seminars Biochem ‘Multi-drug ReSistance Gene'
"we MN 463 4 p rn .Call 73484
- Sports Aikido Beginner Classes Self-Defense. Free.
Alumni Gym loft 8 30 p rn Call 266-0102


0 Other Eyes on the Prize "Ain‘t Scared of Your Jails" &
”No Easy Walk". Free. 124 SC. 3-5 p m : Call 75641

0 Academics Last day for candidates to sit final
examination for a May Graduate degree

0 Meetings UK Table Tennis Club. Free. Seaton Squash
Courts. 7—10 p m :Ca11252-7081

- Movres. The Paper Chase. $1 95, Worsham Theatre; 8
p m ,Call 78867

- Mowes American Graffiti. $1 95. Worsham Theatre. 10
p m1CaiI7-8867

. Sports, Japan Karate Assomation- Shotokan. $30sem;
Alumni Gym loft. 6-8 p rn ,Call7-1195

. Workshops ASID- Resume‘lnterview Workshop; Free:
113 Funkhouser: Call 277-7318

0 Concerts Brass Dept Recrtal; Free. Center for the
Arts: 12 30 p m . Call 7-4900

0 Concerts UniverSity Orchestra Phillip Miller, director.
Free. Center for the Arts. 8 p m .Call 7-4900

0 Sports UK Ladycat Softball vs Berea: Free; Woodland
Park. 4 p m , Call 72898

4/20 Movres. SAB Free Movie Premiere: Gardens of
Stone: Free; Worsham 1'tieati'e; 8 pm; cut 7-8867

4/22- Movies: The Paper Chase; $1.95:Woraham Theatre:

8 p in :Call 7-8867

4 22 Moves American Graffiti; $1.95; Worsham Theatre;
10 pm. Call 7-8867

4i23. Movies: The Paper Chase; $1.952Worshan Theatre;
8 gm; Call 7-8867

4/23 Movies: American Graffiti; $1.952Worshln “tantra:
10 pm; Call 7-8867

4124: Movies: The Paper Chase: $1.95:Worsham Theatre;
8 pm. Call 7-8867

4 ’24; Movies: American Graffiti; $1 .95; Worsham Theatre:
10 pm; Call 78867

425: Movies: The Paper Chase; $1.95;Worshari Theatre:

8 p m; Call 7-8867
4325 Movres: American Graffiti; $1.95; Worsham Theatre:
10 p m :Call 7-8867




4/21: Meetings: Water Ski Club/Tenn meeting; Free; 254
SC: 7:30 pm.

4/21: Meetings: SAB Public Relations Committee meeting;
Free; 113 SC; 6 p.m.; 0818-6242

4122: Meetings: Bacchus meeting: Free: 545 POT; 5:30
p.m.; Call 8-6242

4/23: Meetings: UK Table Tennis Club; Free: Seaton
Squash Corns; 7-10p.m.: Call 252-7081

4/24: Meetings: UK Badminton Club; Free; Seaton Bldg:
7:30-9pm.; Cdl 3-5157

4/24: Lectures: ‘Gettin Some Age on Me: A Study of Social
Networks of Older People in a Rural American Community';
128 Erikaon Hall: Noon: Call 36040

4/26: Meetings: UK Badminton Club; Free: Seaton Bldg. :
2:30 p.m.; CHI 3—5157

4/27: Workshops: Back to School Workshop for Adults
(register before 4/24/87); Free; 230 SC: 7-9 pm; Call 7-




- Meetings UK Badminton Club. Free. Seaton Bldg .
‘30-9 p m . Call 3-51 57

0 Movres The Paper Chase. $1 95. Worsham Theatre. 8
z: 'r Call 78867

0 Mowes American Graffiti, $1 95' Worsham Theatre. 10
r rn Call 7-8867

- Seminars Dept of Chem ‘NAFF SYMPOSIUM
Electron Transport in Metalioproteins . Free. 139 Chem -
Phys Bldg 4 p rn .Call 73484

- Seminars Natt Symposium Electron Transport in
Metalloproteins. Free, CP-139: 9 a m -5 p m.: Call 7-3484

0 Concerts Collegium Musrcum ‘Early Opera in Concert .
Fri-e Center for the Arts. 8 pm . Call 74900

~ Concerts A John Jacob Niles Song Celebration-
.iéifiriueilne Robeits. soprano. Free. Peal Gallery. Noon Cali
‘ 5895

- Lectures Gettin Some Age on Me A Study of Socral
Networks of Older People in a Rural American Community
18 Erikson Hall. Noon. Call 3-6040

0 Other Run for the Roses— College of Home Economics
Awards Banquet. $7 SC Unrversrty Club: 6 30 p m .Call 8-

- Other Friday Night Fling (Recreation Night around a
.x arr: treplace pong pong. cards. etc). Free. K~House 412
Real Street 7-11 9 m ,Call 254-1881


0 Sports: The Bluegrass Fencrng Tournament: Free:
Seaton Center. Call 72898

0 Movres The Paper Chase. $1 95; Worsham Theatre. 8
p m .Call 7-8867

0 Movres American Graffiti. $1 95. Worsham Theatre. 10
p m Call 7-8867

- Sports UK Lacrosse vs CihCinnati at home. Free.
Soccer Field: 2 p m :Call 255-3649

0 Concerts KMEA Solo 8 Ensemble Festival. all day (for
info call 257-3210)

0 Concerts: Graduate Recital: Jeff Danielson. violin; Free;
Center for the Arts. 8 p m.. Call 74900


4. 20: Concerts: Council on Aging Spring Concert; Free:
Center for the Arts; 7:30 pm; Call 7-4900
4:21 : Concerts: Jazz Ensemble l: Vincent DiMartino.
director; $5; Memorial Hall; 8 pm; Call 7-4900
4 21 . Concerts: Chanute Air Force Brass Quintet; Free;
Center for the Arts; 4 pm; Call 7-4900
4 21 : Other: Eyes on the Prize: “Awakening" & “Fighting
Back"; Free; 124 SC; 3-5 p.m.;Ca117~5641
4 ‘23. Other: Eyes on the Prize: “Ain't Scared of Your Jails"
& “No Easy Walk"; Free: 124 SC; 3-5 pm; Call 7-5641
4 ‘23: Concerts: Brass Dept. Recital; Free; Center for the
Arts;12;30 pm: Call 7-4900
4/23, Concerts: University Orchestra: Phillip Miller. director:
Free. Center for the Arts; 8 pm; Call 7-4900
4 24 Concerts. Collegium Musicum: ‘Ealy Opera in
Concert‘: Free: Center for the Arts; 8 p.m.; Call 7-4900
4x24: Concerts: A John Jacob Niles Song Celebration-
Jacqueline Roberts. soprano; Free; Peal Gallery; Noon; Call
425: Concerts: KMEA Solo 8 Ensemble Festival, at day
(for info call 257-3210)
4. 25: Concerts: Graduate Recital: Jeff Danielson. violin;
Free: Center for the Arts; 8 pm; Call 7-4900
4/ 26: Concerts. Center Sundays Series: Scott Chambers
Players/Chamber Music Society of Central KY; $7.50:
Center for the Arts; 3 pm; Call 7-3145
4/26. Concerts: Center Sundays Series: UK Choristers-
Sara Holroyd; Free; Center for the Arts; 3 pm; Call 7-
4.26. Concerts: University Choristers/Chorale: Sn
Holroyd. director: Free; Center for the Arts; 3 pm; Out 7-
4-27, Concerts: Senior Recital: William Elliott, percussion;
Free. Center for the Arts: 8 pm: 081 7-4900
4/27: Concerts, Gottlieb Trio; Free; Memorid Hut; 6 pm;
Call 7-4900
4. 27 Concerts. Graduate Recital: Paul Kiontz. trumpet;
Free; Center for the Arts; 5 pm; Call 7-4900


4/21 : Sports: Jinan Karate ABSOCISDOO- Shotb'iran:
$30/sem.; Alumni Gym loft: 6-8p .m.; Call 7-1 195 _
4122: Sports: Aikido: Beginner Classes Self-Defense: Free:
Alumni Gym loft; 8:30 p.m.; Call 266-0102
4/23: Sports: Jwan Karate Association- Shotokan;
SSO/sem.; Alumni Gym loft; 6-8 p.m.:Cali7-1195
4/23: Sports: UK Ladycat Softball vs. Berea: Free:
Woodlmd Park; 4 pm; Call 7-2698
4/25: Sports: The Bluegrass Fencing Tournament; Free;
Salon Center; Call 72898
4125: Sports: UK Lacrosse vs. Cincinnati at home; Free:
Soccer Field; 2 p.m.; Call 255-3649
4/26: Sports: UK Men's Tennis: Harvard; Free; Boston.
MA; TBA; Call 254-4072
4/26: Sports: UK Lacrosse vs. Miami of Ohio at home:
Free; Soccer Field; 1:30 pm: Call 255-3649
4/26: Sports: Aikido Beginners Classes; Free; Alumni Gym
loft; 1 pm: Call 255-3649




- Concerts Center Sundays Series Scott Chambers
Players Chamber Mus~c Sooefy of Central KY. $7 50.
Center for the Arts 3 p m .Call 73145

0 Concerts Center Sundays Series UK Chonsters- Sara
Holroyd Free Center for the Arts 3p m Call 7-3145

- Meetings UK Badminton Club. Free Seaton Bldg
7 30 p m Call 3-5157

0 Religious D 8 L Grill- Baptist Student Union Free 429
Columbia Avenue Noon, Cali 7-3989

0 Religious Fellowship For Creative Worship Tar Chi
instruction creative worship, Free K-House 412 Rose
Street 4 30-7 p m Call 254-1881

0 Sports UK Men's Tennis Harvard. Free. Boston. MA.
TBA 081254-4072

- Sports UK Lacrosse vs Miarni of Ohio at home, Free.
Sorcer Field 1 300 m Call 2553849

- Sports Aikido Beginners Classes. Free Alumni Gym
.nii 1 p rn Call 255-3649

0 Concerts University Choristers Chorale Sara Holroyd.
director Free Center lor the Arts, 30 m .Call 74900



0 Concerts Senior Recrtal William Elliott. percussion.
Free Center for the Arts. 8 p m . Call 7-4900

0 Concerts Gottlieb Trio. Free. Memorial Hall. 8 p m .
Call 7-4900

' Concerts Graduate Recrtal Paul Kiontz. trumpet. Free,
Center for the Arts. 5 p m . Call 74900

' Workshops. Back to School Workshop for Adults
(register before 4 24:87). Free 230 SC 7-9 p rn .Call 7-



4 20 Other: Phi Beta Kappa initiation and W
(members only); Free: SC Bdlroom; 6 p.m.‘. Cd 7-67‘2
4'21 * Religious: Tuesday Night Together Worship servos-
Baptist Student Union; Free; 429 Columbia Avenue; 7:30
p m . Call 7-3989

4. 21 . Religious. Prime Time- Campus Crusoe for Christ.
Free. 137 Chem Phys Bldg; 8-9:15 pm: Cd 273-1780
4 22 Other: Secretaries" Day

4 '22 Other University Awud Bartquet- by invitation only;
Call 737 54

4 ‘22 Religious. Wednesday Evening Fellowship- Fm.
dinner. fun a games; Free: K-House/412 Rose 81.: 5:30

p m .Call 254-1881

41 23 Academrcs. last day for cmdimtee to all find
examrnation for a May Graduate degree




4126: UK Ladycat 801‘th vs. EKU; Free; May Todd Field:
4 p.m.; Call 7-2896

4/28: ‘Ancient Egyptlti Drawing'- Will.“ Peck: Free; 102
Classroom Bag: 8p.m.;Cd 7-7112

4/28: 'HowtheNewsisMade... HowYouCan Makethe
News' (A 1-dayeoureelr'ipubticreletlone); 3:55;ch
Conference Center; 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.: Cdl 7-1525
4/29: Faculty Recitd: Sum McIntosh. ceIo: Patricia
Montgomery. pimp: Free; Centerforthe Arte; 8pm.; Call

4/29: Gust mu: Benny Conway; ceIo. Llry Barres.
pimp; Free: Center for the Arts; 6 pm; 0‘ 7-4900


 KENTUCKY KERNEL, Monday. April 20, 1987 — 3


S orts Monda

Wildcats’ hot bats,


cool pitch

tame Tigers, 11-4

Senior Staff Writer

No were out in the top of the
sixth inning yesterday and Kentucky
led Auburn by five runs at Shively
field. But UK reliever Jon Hudson
was staring down a loaded gun.

The sacks were full of Tigers and
Frank Thomas was glaring from the
batter’s box. Big Frank Thomas.
Six-foot-S and 250 pounds worth of
Frank Thomas.

“The gorilla was hitting every-
thing all weekend.“ Hudson said.

In the first game of Saturday's
double-header, Thomas blasted two
home runs to increase his total to a
Southeastern Conference leading 15.
He also rocketed a double to pump
his average up to a team-high .385.

Now, Thomas had a golden oppor-
tunity to get his Tigers back in the
ball game. But the 5-10, ISO-pound
Hudson refused to back down.

“I wanted to make him hit my
pitch," Hudson said. “I wanted to
throw him something off-speed."

Thomas bit at a change-up and
weakly tapped a bouncer to third
base. John Marshall gobbled it up
and tagged out Rock Wilson. End of
Auburn threat. End of ball game.

After Thomas stranded his sev~
enth runner of the day, the Tigers
fell meekly to the hot-hitting Wild-
cats, 114.

The victory was UK's second of
the three-game series and lifted the
streaking Cats to 27-9. Kentucky
stands at fifth place in the SEC with
a record of 10-8.

Auburn came to town leading the
league but limped out in second
place at 126. The Tigers fell to 23-10

“Definitely, the big inning was the

sixth,“ Auburn coach Hal Baird
said. “We had a couple of chances to
get back in it. But they really took
the starch out of our sails."

While Hudson was shutting down
the Tigers for 3 2/3 innings of
scoreless relief, UK was battering
six different pitchers for 17 hits.
Most of the havoc was wreaked in
the bottom of the fourth when the
Cats exploded for seven runs to go

Marshall started the UK barrage
by slapping David Adams' first
pitch of the inning into right field for
a single. it was one of four hits the
junior cracked in four trips to the

Mark Blythe followed Marshall‘s
single with a towering home run to
left field and the Cats led 4«1. After
catcher Robbie Buchanan walked.
Baird got the book out.

Greg Jacobson took the mound for
Auburn and was given a rude wel»
coming. The right-hander worked
just one-third of an inning but was
pounded for four singles and a dou‘

Before Baird could get another
Tiger warmed up in the bull pen. his
team trailed by eight runs.

“We just weren‘t able to stop
them (in the fourth.“ Baird said.
“They got in a groove and were hit-

Auburn nicked UK starter Doug
Sutton for two runs in the top of the
fifth to draw within 943.

In the sixth, Sutton‘s contol de»
serted him. He surrendered his fifth
and sixth walks of the day. And it
was Kentucky coach Keith Madison
who found himself strolling to the

Madison signaled to the pen and
the lefty Hudson came trotting in.

No surrender

Darrin Van Horn facing biggest fight of his life tonight

Senior Staff wn ter

Crunch time is quickly ap-
proaching for UK students. Exams
are only two weeks away.

But UK freshman Darrin Van
Horn’s biggest test comes tonight in
a ropedoff ring. not a classroom.

“I haven't been measured by any-
body that's really good, so I'll be
able to tell what I can do after this
fight," the 18-year-old professional
boxer said. “This one means more
than any other fight. l‘d fight on a
broken leg."

Van Horn will put his 27—0 record
on the line at 7:30 tonight when he
takes on junior middleweight Elio
Diaz at Rupp Arena.

Diaz represents a major step up
from the competition Van Horn has
faced in the past. The Caprito, Vene-
zuela native has an impressive 33-2
record with 30 knockouts. He is
ranked 12th by the World Boxing

G.L. Van Horn. Darrin‘s father
and manager. said such a formida-
ble opponent may be the key to un-
lock his son’s future.

“If we‘re successful here, instead
of going out and seeking opportuni-
ties, Darrin will be able to choose
his opportunities," he said.

“If (Darrin) wins this, in two
more fights he could fight for the
world title. It would move us up two
years ahead of our schedule."

Before Van Horn races off into the
future, he must first deal with the
present. This means slowing down

Auburn's Steve Burroughs jars the ball loose from UK second base-
man Terry Shumpert during Saturday's double-header. Kentucky

"Jon pitched a lot of innings (Sat-
urday) and I didn't know how effec-
tive he would be