xt769p2w6k1s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt769p2w6k1s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-10-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 26, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 26, 1982 1982 1982-10-26 2020 true xt769p2w6k1s section xt769p2w6k1s M“
z ‘ 2 The Kernel introduces the first of a se-
. l \T’ ries of articles on an issue affecting all
I," 1 'l Lexingtonians A. the sale of wine and
_ f' ‘ v2 liquor by the drink on Sundays. The first
, , .1 . article explores the issue through the
.2" . -: f‘flfié [5 eyes of people polled here on campus.
I (F 2; a; f 3, Seepagel.
V°L LXXXV, N°- 55 Tuesday, October 26' 1982 A" 'nd.P.nd°“' "Ud.'" "CWSPCPOI’ University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
Sharon takes responsibilit
, or mi itlas entering camps
’ 2 2 2 22 . ‘ I O I I O
_, 1 . Israeli offiCial testifies Begin did not know of massacre
, ‘ f f. . By MARCUS ELlasox The commission members. Su- panelists in the lowceilinged He-
. ' ' Associated Press Writer preme Court Justices Yitzhak brew University lecture hall seques~
' .' v? > ‘ Kahan and Aharon Barak and res tered for the hearings. Sharon,
.223” - . _.cwwi tired Maj. Gen. Yona Efrat, ham- whose career is at stake, had asked
i . ii mered away at essentially the same for an open hearing to demonstrate
I l a i JERUSALEM — Defense Minister questions outraged Israelis have he had nothing to hide. But when the
l 0 .. .. . _ ‘ Ariel Sharon, in testimony to the been asking ever since they forced questions touched on the mechanics
» as commission probing the Beirut mas- the government to set up an inquiry. of deciding to let the Christians into
» ”1.2. ’ ' 1 J. ‘- * sacre, took responsibility yesterday Was there no hint of a massacre to the camps, he asked to be heard in
. '. ‘ - ’. 2 ' a. ,2 ‘ ‘ for letting Lebanese Christian mili- come? Could Israeli forces have closed session.
' ‘2’ ji. . . tiamen into the Palestinian refugee stopped it sooner? Who made the de- The commission announced that
' a ' § .. WhISk camps. He said Prime Minister cisions and who knew or should have Sharon testified for three hours in
- . ' _ ’ .. ' Menachem Begin had known nothing known about them? secret. and said he might be called
at. g g ' g x _ ' ' . aboutit. Sharon sat at a desk facing the again. though it was not known
h _. #2 " f ' k Id The commission, in its first public See ISRAEL, page4
‘1' e .l 2, 253,; . 2 session, questioned Sharon for more
" . . . - . than two hours on whether the Israe- I I I- b t
“ ' » . Th h‘l li army and government should have srae ' e anon 0 commence
.2; 2 55- ,, «9 . . e fc|l2 Shoo: years suspected in advance that the entry I
. ‘ y. 1;; are i e wit ours of the Christians into the Sabra and
”ii a. t 3 of fantasy and play- Chatilla camps to rout PLO guerril« talks on troop W'thdrawals
ew- .4! I? -. '- time, and many las might end in a slaughter.
. » - children act out Sharon said the deClSion to let the k , , , .
~ - ‘ f ,', , Christians into the camps was By LAWRENCE L. icwrsox 59° 9 0" ‘he airliner bringing Secre-
.. . ._ am' ”3'2 m°"°"s °f worked out by the chief of staff, Lt. Associated Press Writer tary Of State George P- Shultz home
adults. This youngster Gen. Raphael Eytan, “and I ap- 7 from a meeting with Canadian offi-
. .. . was involved in a proved it, because it was the ac- H eials m Ottawa, said that the United
. vigorous sweeping cepted thing, it was clear, it was lSDtattis believes that even Without
g , bout with some gravel what we were stnvmg for all the WASHINGTON — Israel and Leb- “repeal? preskence the talks “21“
222 22222“ in the vacant lot next tuna. ‘ ” t l t inch $112.9 expefited to thpethn "flat: gin ls wee 2
, ' " “ ur cen ra concern was 0 save ions is wee — wi e ni - - ~
mum” . . '0 h's home 0* 3'5 our soldiers' lives. Moreover. there States present — on talks aimed at "02:22:; ($323623? sggglgtgiéhfife:
‘ Walnut Street. was a Cabinet decision reached June producing an operational plan for an is now a need to zoncentrate on the
W... . W» _ 15, 1%2. which spoke in a clear fash- lsraeli military withdrawal from talks on the creation of a securit
‘_ 5 ion, in my opinion the clearest fash- Lebanon, a senior US. official said zone to protect northern Israely
‘ ' 2 ' - " . 22 i0" Possible, 0‘ integrating the he” mte’day- which often was shelled b PL02
é ‘ . anese forces (Christian militiamen) The official said the talks could forces inside Lebanon y
. gig . , S ,v'" J.D.VANN°O$I/Kernel$totl into the fightinginLebanon." begm as eafly as the end (.22 this He noted that Lebanese President
may» 2 2 , W W . . Israel invaded [rebellion June 6 to week and WW“ constitute'an'lmpor- Amin Gemayel has called for an im-
. ,, , , '7. W” W?“ M... .. " smash the Palestine Liberation Or- tant step in the US objective for - .
W“ ’. I. Mymg.) . . V am . . . . . mediate pullback of Israeli forces
. . . ., . .3. , . ,. ”M-’. gamzation and entered West Beirut the removal of all foreign forces — from their current itions as a
Ml ‘ . 5%,,» El figfififj Sept. 15. Israeli, Syrian and the Palestine si of ood f ‘th piosh . d U S
22"“:w my} gut; a» .. , a” .. _ . a» *“ww On Sept. 22. Sharon told Parlia- Liberation Organization — from gn g . a] ‘ an e sai‘
u . Meg/two; . . wW . ~ a. “at,” _..r . offlCials think that is a good idea if
is W i ea. . . - figgtenat ment the Israeli army helped plan lebanon by the end of the year. it canbebr ought off .,
ZWW a " r ., 9;“ ~ and support the Christian militia He also reported that special us. ‘
E fat . gay «:9 r2252? raid on the camps, intending to envoy Morris Draper was sent back Such a step likely would require
:f ii ‘” .f w a. drive out PLO guerrillas believed to w the Middle East but was temw- redeployment of the than mu].
'4 5;.” ; grave is .. W _ w .. be hiding there. But, he said he did rarily taken out of the diplomatic tinational force now positioned in
., ., v; a 2.22.; . my: . not imagine “in our blackest action after developing a kidney Beirut. to place'a neutral military
.. .. ‘ i 4% 3.. ”gag” ' :3 feet ‘2" ,. dreams” that hundreds of civilians stone duringastopover in London. presence along the main highway
a 2rgfiwcfwl : 2 @222 wouldbemassacred. Nonetheless the official. who from Beirut to Damascus.
WW2 fig . W ‘ .. e . iO contend for 2 SGA posmons
a ~ ~ - Freshman elections beg/n
225:2”ui iM'Mvfiw .._ ’1 ., ___——_
pitta»,ififiwgwgwhtmfittfmfi By JASON WILLIAMS John Kennedy. computer science: that affected the students. and now
.» a. a ’ .. - ' p 1: ; . i W. ,'f; “zmwgqu Staff Writer "I ve had an interest in student gov- I'm vice president of Holmes.
,, . . .a. . .. M... e ernment for many years. Iwas pres- “I want to do what I can for the
M‘— ident of my high school student student body. and help with campus
council. I believe freshmen should improvements any way possible
TUESDAY UK freshmen today will begin have a larger voice on campus — es- “I think iSGA) is one of the best
. choosing among 10 candidates to m] pecially'with the mandatory health organizations on campus because
_ Analysts said fears the Federal Reserve two positions in the Student Govern. fee coming up. what they do affects the whole stu-
‘rom Assocrated Press reports had stopped easing up on credit touched off merit Association Senate. ”At the cafeterias at Blazer and dent bOdY-22
. . . . the selling. Once prices began to fall, they TWO freshman senators Will be Donovan there are no handicap exits
FOCUItY recruitment crltICIZOd said investors scrambled ,0 cash in their re_ elected tomorrow to serve for the re- (Just entrances). .The lines are too David Hall, business administra-
. cent2 gains putting further downward pres- mainder of the academic year. Any long for (the RhY§lcally impaired) to tion: "I‘d like to be able to make
LOUISVILLE _ Efforts to desegregate fac- in 2 k t student who has accumulated 29 use the 919““?3‘ doors They need wise decisions on issues affecting
ulties at the state's colleges and universities sure on e mar 6.2 . credit “0“.“ or 2°55 can vote. 20.232222222220522 eXIts: . the student bOdY- l was 0“ my high
. The Dow had risen more than 250 points Polls Will be open at the Student ' Ithlnk ISGAl is a good organiza- school student council and involved
have been unequal, said a report released since Aug. 14 and reached a 10-year high of Center from 11:30 am. to 6:30 pm, tion. and it needs to have more input with my senior class government
yesterday by the Kentucky Commission on 1.036.98 (NY '05, Thursday. the Classroom Building from 10 am. "“0 the university.“ andotheractivities.
Human Ri hts. , to 3 pm. and Donovan. Kirwan- . _ “Being a freshman, I‘m not famil-
guish .. said Galen Martin the commissi . _toc xc ange i no . sugges panic con i- from 7 am. to 1 pm. and 4:15 to running so I can become a represen- campus. I‘ll just address the issues

' . _ H ' .' 0'” tions, With 83.72 million shares changing 5:45pm. tail“! and serve the class. Through as they come up. although I don‘t
executive director. This .5 what we feared hands. All 15 of the most active NYSE issues Freshmen attendjng Lexington high school I wasn't involved in stu- expect the two freshman senators to
with” happen"; b 1975 d 198 recorded declines, 14 of them falling 0 Point 55124232335582 $253322? :gflldparlt-time (figksfjellmwfzf a)“:uf:r322p:::t: havpsrgl‘iehofavoice. . t’ t .

e re ort s ows etween an i, . . . ' . 5 v0 9 in .- ' ' ' " is an organlza ion rynng
the numger of whites on the faculty at his- :22 mar: dExxon, whiih reporttehd slilghtly theStudcm Center. school and (the student officers) had to represent the students in their
toricall black Kentuck State Universit ' - ower 2 222 -quarter pro 2252 was e V0 ume The candidates. their majors and norealpower. . . best interests. [think students d0!”

V V Y '” leader and dropped] to 29. some of their Viewpoints are: “Here Im Vice president 0f Hag- feel they 're receiving enough rep-
Elected 10'11'55fpi‘3rfenl.f l3: the number of gianall. I will represent everyone resentation in it now."

ac s on t e acu ty 0 's 13 community . . . Marla Zippay. chemical engi- in e student body — "03 3115‘ the
co,.egesrose,05percen,_ Drunken drlvmg law Signed "wing; “I‘ve always been inter. freshmen. Flo Hackman. journalism: “My

Murray State University had one tenured ‘ ested in student government. It‘s ."lSGA is) fantastic. That‘s why boyfriend was a freshman senator
black faculty member in the fall of I98] the WASH'NGTON — President Reagan Signed important 2.0 the students that they Im running. Its good for the last year and hes many ".1lede
report said 2 legislation yesterday intended to combat act in making deClSlonS that affect SChOOI- it . . .so I went to the interim Senate

Martin said the number 0’ b'OCk faculty drunken drMng' Wh2Ch claims the “yes 02 mgTwas resident f . . Kevin Hall telecommuni t' ' meletingfstfils sumrlner. 2:232ngth

. 25 OOOAmericans annuall . . ‘p . 0 my "the!“ .. ~ ' - .08 ions. 8 02 o e peope an 8222
members at state schools declined over the ,', . y . counCil my senior year and active in :l'he main reason 1’“ running ‘5 ‘0 wanted to run,
six-year period because KSU lost black in_ Acadents caused by drunken drivers are it all four years. I hope to try to be- help the student body. I served in "I wasn't actually in my high
structors as it became more desegre ated a serious problem that cost this country vast come more familiar with iSGA) , . . high SChOOl in different committtees gee “Alpagu

. . g . amounts of money each year, cause thou- I can think 02 some things that "Tfi—l‘ t . . t ;

and mostly white schools did not hire . . . would help the students but 1‘ t L—i—m +~rl t ~ -—+——~j*+r—+—r A—L

. sands of deaths or lnlUfleS and cause untold . m “0 . . . y . ‘ _l‘ 1 l ‘ .
enough blacks to offset the decline. . f h . . d h . f 'l‘ ,, SuI‘ChomeChpOWer(SGAlhas. F . e . . . -- +7- 4—;— ‘ ‘ ‘2

He also said provisions in Kentucky's plan grie 2° 2. ese “(Tum an 2 e222 0"“ ies, “(The Organization) is great. i l +1 I I I I r: I ll 12 i l f ‘ f ‘
{0' increasing black faculty members are in- Reagan'smdlinawritten staLenrentl. | TLhzy'rte the:i mediato‘rs between the i—+—- I i . ‘ was. . _i_._ . j
ade uate because the do not direct schools e egis ation receive ina .opprova s u en s'an e a lnlst‘ration. and gas ”_i__._s_s_r We. . a .. - .. -
withqtew blocks '0 actively recw" black fac- Oct. 1. It otters states 9% million over theydowhattheydowell, LIWWF+M+V+ ‘ .2 -. '1 '1'” U I ll I‘m
ulty. three years to encourage a crackdown on Charles Quir l . 2c .. h .. g y , l .. l ! . . ‘ : .’ I.

. e. eectncal engr r —‘ . > . +—+ — +-—--+-~«~ «~-—>~+—+~t—+~ , .
drunken drivers- neering: “I want to get in touch with Lie»-.—+—t- f]. + . . ,. _),_; +2 ‘2 _._l._..t_l2 2 '

DOW Jones AVGI‘ O ' the school and get a sense of belong- . fl” ' ‘ ‘ l . fl,— . ; l

39 P ""993 \ ing. i feel that the freshmen get r+~ s / . . >+r-:~s—+~+—+-~ ~-
dogged out on a lot of things. and iii Lu sues-L. , / ‘ . . -l i V I '
NEW YORK —- The stock market's best \ / flm elected in future years l won't 3 2 \/‘ f;:4£r , 2/.ll’/ 1 i ‘ I
known indicator took its biggest one-day 02.2.8222 the freshman 01855, 27+2 2 22 *22— . . , g . . l
oi WEATH@ " mien * ~ ‘ '* /\ - ‘
32y, a‘drarnatic turnaround only two trading / the'individual himself —~ not the ex. ; "’"' «7'1“ . Wfiiewscmt DIPtOM/i ‘ I .
ys a ter it reached a lO-year high. pericnce — that matters. t“t «Ar . , ,/‘

The Dow Jones Average tumbled 36.33 22l2d like the Senate ‘0 recommend is .4; — .. l 4—7 7”" :72 2
points. standing as its largest single-day Today will be mostly sunny with a hlgh todthe :dmblenistration that soccer ._ f, 2 l. l2 I as. Z . ' 2 2 _2 2
drop since it plummeted a record 38.33 in the low 603. lat; ai:ogli2ke tongggminfitgdsgtirtt; l ’ 2 ~22” _.. 1 l c 1
points on Oct. 28, i929. in the Great Crash Tonight will be mostly clear wlth a “onhoursmmedorms. ‘ ' l *‘ 7* 5“” l [TH

. .., of that year. Because the ruinous 1929 de~ low around 40. “I think (SGA) is a great idea. but 2 22 22 22 722237—2222 . 2%
cline occurred from a much lower starting Tomorrow will be mostly sunny and the SlUdems are '10! involved enough ‘ r "4f err" ++—'*" . *_i’2’l’_‘T—l
point, however, it was about three times as pleasant with a hlgh In the mid to :10 Takiglrg'r'ktfffgfuvely 12th 5“" t t ~-»i—.‘o- + “H ‘ l it: I m 2 ‘
, . en 5 a e 3' lg power actor . i l l . ‘ !
9'90'05 Monday sonapercentage bosus. "PM" 60" conSidering that's what the L'nlyer- l 2' 2 t t 22222 2 222 hi: i2 2 2 2 2‘:—
sityisallabout " BL ‘ ""2 L 'L’2 2"" ' “ "”2‘""" "‘ " 2

 [(3% '
fill “old-I Andros- Opp-soon John W loosen I. W tlnl I. Rod-bl J... Vodka-o law V

Edlw-Intchld News Editor Am Editor Spam Editor Special Protects Editor Photo Editor Graphics Editor _

Josoos ldvtln timi- Cindy sealer W. s. soil-o an" w some mule-i Ion Von nook cm. a». .

Monoglngidiior Editoriuliditor Allll:.m:;;' AulsioriiSpomEdiior Spociol'roloc'sAuisvom ChidPhotogrophov Copy Dull Chiol .

Bungles mako pharmacy building a drea I

Circulating through the plethora of offices lived — a House Appropriations and Reve- ' f'

on this campus is a memorandum signeduby iitue sil‘iabcommittee three days later approved 6000 WD/ I His .5 WHY 11E BUILD‘NG lSNT’tS « "
Art Gallaher. The main campus chance or is c man s recommendation not to fi- , D5 .. RT OF .
asks in the memo for a concerted effort di- nancethebuildlng. LARGE AS I l NEE TO BE FA op .1
rectedtowarda “search for excellence.” And now, phannaoy dean Joseph Swintos- l ' l HAS BEEN SMW ;

The “search for excellence.” however, has ky has MN “39.1”“de his 0011088 80 BY ' 'rH l s 1

inadvertently become a search for wherew1- desperately needs Will be reduced — by I . .
thal at the College of Pharmacy. The college more than mutter its proposed size. The ”065 PIT. i;
it seems is on the doorstep of being demed money req to finance construction of «rm. W 1 i,
the building so desperately needed by the the original proposal, according to Dr. Peter ”‘2' r , _}
nearly 400 students enrolled there; Without Bosomworth, UK Medical Center chancellor, . L i .. l; , mm“ 3. "n3“. . {7 .
it, the reputation and the accreditation of Just isn’t there. till Lmfiiplllhiv ~l \\\li J.‘ at?
one of the nation’s top pharmacy colleges The triginal appropriation, Bosomworth l l SCHOG— 0p ' l .1 ‘ - _,
couldbeshattered. says, would have to be augmented with an- . c ,

What’s befuddling about the issue is the other $2.5 million — a 30 percent jump in , ‘r" _ . -

standoff between the college’s faculty mem- seven years. 5, l ‘B K of. N .1
bers, University administrators and the Swintosky and his faculty have walked the it . L , /'s\\ l/ ,
' b t' l d ed ' l ' h 1 “i ‘UIL lNE ,, y’ 'i ,xhfilm ; x ,

state. The entire problem could have een emo lone an ucationa tig trope orig , i! it .u‘ 9., on (5‘ .
settled years ago — but someone fumbled enough. Swintosky’s position is clear: “We it , ./4l It ‘\ ‘ hf/ \=// ; .;
' ' eed f ' M s . HG . - I E ‘

the ball, leavmg it to the college to buck up n more space or the kind of program we , _» m—rflj—l—i—s . . , l, o ”,3" .. ~ 7 :7 e. , mm“ W
and shoulder the burden. produce for the state of Kentucky — encom- 31.. '1 iii , \nf ‘m'l'l’ ‘X‘l‘lwl . _‘|'- " ., "um" ”\W 1‘ W My, ‘ ., l U ‘U
-- - - - - i Mi . l'llilli l .l in , I l- l m

The General Assembly originally autho passmg teaching, rsearch, communication it .t-..l. . . . t" l\ V W' V‘ u
rized the construction of a 55,000 square-foot services —— and we have a large student , a. ,; . Ql 7/; j x, ‘ . Whit. £17}
building in 1975. That authorization, howev- body.” "I ,2; l 7/] ¢ 7 «I ~ ‘ , .3
er, left the American Council on Pharmaceu- The college also needs a centralized loca- ; ,4 Z Z . ‘ c " .l g.» ’3“
tical Education unimpressed. The council’s tion to conduct efficient training, unlike the 2 7f % A /j i 1L
most recent accreditation report noted the current six buildings housing faculty mem- ‘ / ‘ ’/ ‘ ' “ ,
college had “a serious deficiency” in class- bers’ offices and students’ classrooms and m. from“, yin/JV, - c -
. . ’4' / I/ I, . I] / 7r» v

room and laboratory space, and cautioned laboratories. , , all . ii . j,
that, unless a solution could be found, the But the college’s most current need is ter- ‘ . [gm
college’s accreditation would be in jeopardy. ribly difficult to fulfill. It needs an end to the \ W W“ K s "I' g,

Progress toward the new building was bungling in fiankfort and Lexington that ‘ ‘ i
made last March, when Gov. John Y. Brown leaves the college, for the moment, with a W one.“ Knot»
authorized the $8.23 million needed to begin mission it may not fulfill and a home it can i;
construction, but that progress was short— only dream of. ~

During this time. I have 00W“ “0 Wmtofllefullest Perha Grace’s most outstandi d ' th' th t ’t ‘ ' ‘ ‘
Master eXCIUded respect Flo and John because of a I Wantto encourage your support quality,p‘however, is her ability Ilfgi Quinn!“ saying ings a aren the upcoming campaign election.
special quality they both pauses —- not only in the election but also for deal with people. Grace, like Drew, ' Kerry Bryant . -,

In Steve Lowther’s column in the enthusiasm. Both Flo and Jdin are Jdln and Kevm. I hope you will vote is concerned with the needs and CharlesQuire Mmiced freshmen I
Oct. 20 Kernel, “Ballenger joins line eager to start working for and rep- fu’ them so they can prove their opinions of her fellow students. Electrical eng.freshman '
of athletes exiting UK," he makes resenting all freshmen in the UK Willingness to serve the student There are many important issues Hall-Kennedy
the statement, “The Wildcat basket- Student Government Association. body. now coming before the Senate, and 1 Hal I- Ken ned
ball team had three guards with F10 and John have proven'their _ _ ‘ am sure Grace Fuel] and Drew Y Having seen and heard the other .
seemingly superior talent;_at-least a true enthuSiastic spirit to me in Michael Wainwright Gaines would do an excellent job in During the time in which I have candidates, 1 now miderstand why :
case can be made for Dickie Beal many different ways, one of which is English freshman the Senate of representing the inter- known Kevin Hall and John Kenne- we should elect Kevin Hall and John ,
and Dirk anlefleld." . PalftICIPatlon 1" high 5(3th «sum . ests of freshmen. I strongly urge all fly, 1 have seen their determination Kennedy as our freshmen senators. s».

.It appears that ”Wm" ‘5 “3“" ”mm- . ' FueII-Galnes freshmen to set out and vote for the and willingness to serve the fresh- Both Kevin and John are concerned 1 .
ring to the graduated Bo Lanter. a .John served as prwdent of his he teamofFueiiandGainosl man class with freshman life around campus
little used substitute. How could this nior class and in many other will On Oct. 26 and 27, freshmen elec- John and Kevin have been in- and will do everything possible to t“

inept reporter exclude Jim zations while in high school Flo tions will be held. At this time, Cheryl Hardcastle volved in their high school student improve it if they are elected. ‘

Master? served as class representatlye save fruhmen will have the opportunity SGA Senator-at-Large governments, holding the 0mm of I would like to see your support

Master started 29 out of 30 games ral years and held offices in other to choose two representatives for the president and representative. They for Kevin and John in the upcoming

last season. He was the second lead- organizations. UK Student Government Associa- D- d It C - know what it takes to do the best election. 23’
mg scorer on the team with an aver- Both Flo and John also main- tion. I n meet Clln possible job and see that your needs ;.
age of 13.4 points per game. Jim had tained high academic starlhra ! wholeheartedly endorse two can- are met. Don F. Franks
a game high 29 points against Au- while in high school. Both graduated didatu for this position —- Grace In Monday’s Kernel, senator John I hope you will vote for them in Animal science freshman '
burn, the most points scored by any with a 3.5 or better grade point aver- Fuell and Drew Gaines. I know both Cain said in a letter that he had met ’

Wildcat in a game last year. He led age and belonged to several honor- Drew and Grace to be industriom, with all the candidates for freshman - I I
the team in rebounds at Alabama ary organizations. enthuiastic and dedicated to serv- senator and that John Fish and Flo Oplnlon Pallcy
and Auburn last year. They have also proven to me their ingtheir fellow students. Hackman were the most qualified. -

Jim’s 89.6 percent accuracy in interest in SGA by their attent'bnce I have known Drew Gaines for Well, I am a candidate for fresh- Readers of the Kentucky Kornol are wolcomo to .

free throws led the Southeastern at meetings and frequent Visits to several years and have had the op- man senator and I don’t ever re- oxpross their oplnlons on tho odlrorlol pogo. .‘
Confererce. He holds the 5011001 "3' the SGAofflce. WW to work With him on Pro- member meeting John Cain, shaking Lotion should be sont to tho odltorlol odltor or .
cord for consecutive free throws I believe with their past lead- iects in the past. More recently, I hishandoranything! 114 Joufngflm ”Hal". _ UK, Loxlngfon. Ky. t
made (40). His current string of free ership experience and their proven have observed Drew’s work in the The only time I can recall ever 40506-0042. . .
throws i5 13 going into this 95350“- desire to work for the freshman SGA- even remotely meeting him was at To be consldorod for publlcoton. letters must be

In his senior year in high school, class that they are the best candi- _He has. constantly been produc- the candidates’ meeting Oct. 18. All typed and double spaced. Loner: should not oxcood ‘ 1
he was named ”Mr. Basketball“ in dates for freshman senators. I urge tive, efficient and orgamzed in his that was said there by the candi- 300 words and oplnlons should not exceed .50 ‘

Indiana. He was named to numerous all freshmen to vote Flo Hackman wk and he has been a real asset to dates was their name, major and words. 5‘
high SChOOl All-American teams. In and 30h“ FiSh today and toma'row. the office. mud! his work in the where they came from. That was ersors must also lncludo tholr names, addresses.

the Derby Classic All Star games - office, and by attending Senate all. John Cain never came up to me telephone numbers. along with rholr molors, closel-

which present the US. High School Neal A. mty meetings, he has been kept up to and introduced himself, and I never fi‘cf'on‘ or gonn.¢non "uh UK. ’ i

All Stars against the Kentucky-In- Busmess sophomore date on current issues coming be- didthesame. Tho indflmiy of Wm." who ”M Mi." ”M l

diana All Stars, he was named most foretheSenate. So where does he get off saying he through the mall will be checked and vorlflod bo- '

valuable player for his team in both , , Ihave gotten to know Grace Fuell has met all the candidates when he for. publlcurlon. When more than one person signs _ 1

games. HIerbeln W her sorority affiliation, hasn’t? Seine people may think this a loner, all ldonrltlos must be checked and vorlflod l

After his freshman year at Ken— within her pledge class and the en- is a picky little thing, but I think it before publlcgtlon. i

tucky, Jim played for the South Today and tomorrow, the fruh~ the chapter. Grace’s enthisiasm is irnportant to the student popula- Tho Kflnd rourvos tho rlght to .4" for grom- ‘7

team in the National Sports Festival men on campus Will have the oppor- and spirit make even the smallest tion. A senator in the UK Student mar and clarify and go a"... Ilbolous “flout-L -

in New York, hitting in double fig- tunity to assert their voice by voting ‘askseeemrewarding. Government Association shouldn't ;

ures in all four games. Jim scored for a representative in the Student . E

27 points in one game, hit a game- Government Association. , fl _,

.m...t.........a......._ met... one uestlon'not w a at w =

nament team. will represent the voice of all fresh- I l l -

Last season he was named to the men. Bill held many leadership posi-
UK Invitational Tournament team. tions through his high school career. Wis something missing in this the ,, . , .
. . . . . . y see them and the backwater mouthwash. lsnt somethi ou can re lace or
““5 year_ J‘m ’5 a ”958350" All- He 15. currently Vice W'm‘ °f Tylenol business. Maybe my reading janners who are “damn glad to live Can you picture the people who do change at wmng y p > '
, America PICk by The Sporting News. H3381“ Hall. _ habits have slipped, and I’m missing inthe country nowadays"? these things? I don‘t blame alcohol or drugs.
I aSk you‘ mmer‘ how could you Bl“ WI“ m an effective 58th f“ it Wally. D” anybody else m- # Perhafi a short, unkempt man In They might have men involved but

have excluded a man who accounted the freshman class. I urge all fresh- tice? .‘ a stained and tattered coat trudging the u] dn' t ha led 't off ..

* for Bill Hink' ebein toda :a- . .Y c0 V8 P“1 1 0n ‘

{01' nearly 20 percent 0‘ the team s man to V0“? y WVLK-FM goes country and the , ; James nervously around the store? 0r their own.

total point production last season? It and tomorrow. WW papers are flooded with a - i . maybe a tall, refined man in a car- -

seems ‘0 be a 130k 0‘ knowledge 0f scathing debate on the nature of cul- STOLL digan, walking briskly, only a trace 1 can’t even blame you or me. we

the UK baSkethall program. Jack WW‘h tureandqualityinmusic. . of dampness on his forehead as he both know we had nothing to do with .

SGA Senator-at-Lsrge A maniac sprinkles death into V' ' " " picks up a bottle, pretends to read it. }_
Darrell Edwards drugstores in the milling metropolis . . the label, then replaces the loaded I’m running out of suspects here. 5 I“
Physmled-fmhman Hall-Kennedy of Oiicago and results in a fast Perhaps. like myself. they find oneon theshelf? I’d have to admit that I just don’t .1
. sevenvictims. themselves awed. They can‘t even They constantly change in my know what kind of person would do trig.
, Kevm Hall and John Kennedy 'l‘heeditorial page is not flooded. ask, the most burning question in mind. Sometimes i see them ner- what has been done during the past “
HOCkmOn- FlSh have the past records to show their Where are the middleclass house- their minds: Why? vom, shaking, full of anxiety and few weeks. {If};
expel'ience in the UK Student GOV- wiva who “never heard of such a Can W? ever hope to understand fear. 0r. sometimes I see them as Th “h . ,, . . ii
Over the past two months, I have ernment Association, and they know mm"? the motivation behind random de- stiff and cool, moving with deliber— e uman beings Who mm.” a; -

had the pleasure of knowing Flo what it takes to make your ideas What has happened to the blood struction? Behind killings utterly anon and wrpose. “i"? "‘9 99“” Wen” 0.” "'9 “cm 37

Hackman and John Fish, both candi- stand out. As SGA senators, Kevin and thunder Southern Baptists who without motive, a plague 0851 on They are never smiling. mm lsn t some new 5mm Of man. it _

dates for freshman senator. and John will be able to voice your “low the works of the devil when anyone around? I can never imagine the guy who thus: throws "-‘e _ and probably all a...—_. 77 7 A

Q) ldon't know about you. but I don't first hit Chicago. All i see when l h“°‘"“’”‘ Fume” and i
DRABBLE by Kevin Fogon thinklcan think of him is a small dark room farmers‘ as we" — is "W ".‘mm '5
lmean. . .wh 9 . . . media bares such sickness in the g
Whe y" mm a cold radiator. The room '5 stark clarity of black and white -.
W45 1m M shall! in em mes - i m oils 6 A . . n ""55”“ hm“ “hm" ”‘9 emPtY- newsprint ‘ ‘
PEI 906K? WCK6,6O hem NM 13551“; ‘MK. hum“, copycat Tylenol murderers Eventually. the discussion will ' ff;
II 1M1 poo tr, A tugs, Popped hpdsewhere in the country. come out. Columnists will each hit Insanity over breakfast is tradi- 1}:
‘ - 9 _ 5001“ “5mm MRO“, o , - .. I g More mJunes,although notfatal. the topic with their own style and tional fare for newspapers, but this -,
. , g ,9 Someone In Colorado themes 10 the people will get into the act. They particular killer has shaken us right .3
////, .‘ /7 a ' . , . keep the them?“ senseless destruc- always do. downtoour corn flakes. llam-
l N ‘3’, , ’/ / _ "’ W , m“ buts?“ ‘3‘!“ an mginal meth' Yet, they won't ask Why. They will Check your Halloween goodies as
4. J g a l“. l3." ‘ ‘ 1' ,- 5 0d . . . filling Visine bottle With sold argue over each other‘s opinions, real close this year, kids. From here 22;.
' ’ ,1 g ‘ if - and slipping them onto shelves. not the event itself. Place the blame on out we'd better be ready for any-
I II /% ’d 1' I . g It catches on like some kind of 9a- somewhere, that’s the important thing. j
~ .1 i g/ y _ I " ”at 1 Lame fad. Lighter fluid is found in thing,
j / \ ‘(é/J i x i l ”1%., Neo-Synephnne nasal spray. and Where. then? NOt on society. YOU James A. Stoll is a theater sopho- 5,
f . .. .1 . , J _‘ ‘ 1" J. _ more aCld shows up in Lavorls can make a case for it, but society more andaKernel columnist. "

 ' HIEKENTUCKYKERNEL JIM» 01.100020, 1902 - 3
y w j
. I ' . ‘ I o
. y “W _ Police erect NO RIGHT ON RED Signs
' Q ' e . e ' "
I “it" “i“ 3‘ Saf '
w , -— .. ety of disabled draws concern
* ' i...--.
‘ I ‘0.” .3 ;:~h--~' . # “I had one of my work Study smnts “To mke sum 8 Statement! to say that
” ' ‘ .. ~ . By JUDY HAII.E stand on the corner and count the cars who all accidents are caused by pedestrians
, -l , ‘ Semor Staff Writer tufied nghtonred,"Kai-nos said. ' rather than vehicles is the same as saying
' \ , estudent counted27cars in one hour. all rapes are caused by female promiscui»
. I I ., . “The only thing we know to do now is to W"
i i- Y, - I “ ’ .. " ' ' i . begin issuing citations,“ said Tom Padgett, Kames said he is aware of four accidents
. ' . , wwmw~ ...i...~,. .. . 5 Each time Sam Eden crosses the intersec- director of public safety. “We'll give that in- involving disabled students but estimated
. - . , s .II , i ____ v *- tion of South Limestone and Euclid he tersection a reputation for being a good there have been “a couple of close calls
~I i -_ [I i -- in .I '--.-.. ‘Jl . --_J _ thinks abogi the tlireektlimes he has started plili’cetogetaticket.” . . . . each semester."
1. —-- / _ _ a“ . »—_——— it: - , , _ ‘, cross 8." been strucbeey 8:1." the l' . l . adgett said UK police officers “'1" begin Eden suggested that, to improve safety in
, I III . Each time he h