xt769p2w6h9c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt769p2w6h9c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-01-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 21, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 21, 1971 1971 1971-01-21 2020 true xt769p2w6h9c section xt769p2w6h9c 5.. 5 55 5. 5 5 ,
I' I

T ‘. , . . 5
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Thursday, Jan 21, 1971 UNiVERsn'y or KENTUCKY, LEXINGTON 11.1 i \n x... 71 5."; . ,' f
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NSA P res ident , - w .
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u e at 0 I1 6 I' e n CC ' its? 2. 1‘» "
By LOU BUCH [C NAN] The Southeni Conference Ed- I{3 «-— 1 4 { fig,"My§afif’-' g"; LWI'I'Q ';
Kernel 5'8" Wm. notional Fund which he» led - ‘ 2 2a,,
f David lshfin, president of the Civil rights and other activist ' ,5 3* . “piggy "#1"
National Student Association movements for years, hafi DYO- : , ' gag/v.3 _' ,' .4, '-
(NSA), is among the Speakers mised support and is contacting - ' s . gaff, 1,“: .55” . ’1
scheduled for an “Alternative “5 members. The Fort ('I‘m‘l" ' . r' a 1:» vf7~'“%;% 4:"..1' "
America" Conference sponsored bell Cl Project, an anti-war I ‘ fI 5 .r 5 - ..
by the Student Mobilization group based in Clark sbnrg, M331? j ,5 '- 5 Am! J“ .. eggfigg . -. '.» I'15‘
Committee (SMC) to be held Tenn., will send delegates. . ' ‘ 7"” , ' ”314%; 5%“ Wig; 5 7'1 .- ' .¥
here Feb. 2&23. UK chapters of the Black I? f' . l ' l ,. ”Ms i ‘ T .» ;
Dan Mohn, a member of the Student Union, Zero Population ' .I ‘“ ' *4 .52.? " ' " -‘ ' m T I I ,'
SMC steering committee, an- Growth, the Environmental " s. -' ' " _-:,:.5.
nounced the appearance oflshfin Awareness Society, Women's a, , . , 1' '3‘. 55-5 -5 .5: ',‘
at the group's meeting last night Liberation, Friends of the Pike a I ‘ _ ,.. _.._...,.- 9‘ ‘ 55 9 r\
in room 2450f the Student Center. County Citizens' Association and x‘ ' . . “a ' " l 1, ,I
Ishfin recently returned from the Draft Couseling Service will 55 .v . 5.. (I 5 5,,“ ., 55555.5”; i 5 :55.

a trip to Hanoi where he helped also sponsor workshops. "T” 5, '" '-. '- N 2
negotiate the ”People's Peace Housing for out-of-town de- 5 ' 5 9 I5
Treaty" with North and South legates is also being planned. . . . 5 f f- f . a
Vietnamese students. The SMC is asking for don- ‘3‘ 55 " M, -_ :‘5 5‘,
Other speakersincludeCeorge ations to defray the cost of the __ -'-I s - t.,», 5.
Brosi, founder 0f Vocations for program. Contributions C8“ be Bomlind Wed. TOR. watches as Dan Mohn (I National Student Association. The mnferencc will ,5 77'" = if"; ‘ f
50013] Change, currently With made at a table in the Student the SMC steering committee tells a group of also feature workshops on topics such as: “11rtit‘ti'\ , .‘ . 'I
theTennessee CouncilonHuman Center or at the SMC office. students about SMC's upcoming “Alternative liberation, ecology. racism, the draft, Appalachia.
Relations; and Prof. David Ket- Dan Mohn noted that we American Conference" to be held here Feb. 26— communal life Wile“ imperalisni, and high wimp
tier of Franconia College in New are hoping for a large turnout 28 featuring Daivid 15-min, the president of the organizing. K,,.,_,I.I 1.2,. I f
Hampshire, a political activist at our next meeting Wednesday 5 I 3
who was fired by Ohio State night. More workers for the Charges Political Attack f.’5'5,"
and Purdue Universities. conference will be recruited. and M . _ ‘ -"I {.51 ' 5,
Ja Westbrook, aL'K graduate SMC would like more support 1 R I W I] l 1 fi , .5153; 75.,5‘ I.
workiyng for the American from UK student." CO tell 6p 185 t() €1.21 ( t , t‘) 1" 9’5“ 3,
Friends'ServiceCommittee,will SMC also passed a resolu- , 55.35.35,
speak on the draft-resistance tion to join an ad hoc committee By DALE MATTHEWS According to law, financial consent of the food starz‘rz; s» 3'" -,"_:'.- 5
movement. Westbrook is under supporting Jay WCSthOOk. and Kernel StaffWriter need is the criterion for deciding cipient either in person g, Q.
indictment for common law as- will pass out leaflets protesting “If the Heraid writes a story who should receive the stamps. writing. 5.55;, I,
sault for sending the empty cas- his trial. on food stampabuses,that'swhat There also seems to be some , .1 . LA", ,1, - AWN,“ ,L, ; .45
ing of an anti-personnel bomb cho' it should be. it should not be a discrepancy concerning how the . f'lsxec‘. "U“ . “it }”"IJ‘l;:I‘ I“: as"?
to his draft board. veiled attack on a political point story ever got into print in the in oncriiatian mill}? 5.35»? , $.le .- pffr‘,
Workshops involvingwomen's Weather of view," says Lew Colten, an first place. “$8 ' '. rs. I O ey MM“ ' "' .7 1': -
. . ~ . . . _ .- . . . . entire thing has been a my sten 1.; .. .— . . .I
liberation, ecology, racrsm, the Fomcast- Most] lo d , d architecture student, in response The Herald 3 pOsition is that t‘ e from the be' to“. " '; -"_‘,' ’_:
draft, Appalachia,communallife d ' y C u y, wm y to an article which appeared in there is an investigation on the O (".1 l l €13:th 1‘ II 535_ " '.
styles, radicals in the professions, I“? d waréner today. Cloudy, the Jan. 15 edition of the Lex- federal level being conducted on .50 tep E “ll 585:5 _ ”J;— 'm m
imperialism, high school 0mm“: W125 y an a chance of showers ington Herald. the food stamp program, andthat source o te era s in oma :55155 ,
zing and campus reforms will on "ma to5ma'ro5w ch5anging5to The Herald storycalledColten therefore the records of the De- tion remains a mystery 7;
be held, and plans for an ”Al- snow 5urnes Friday night. H'gh a "radical student" and head of partmentof Public Service which ”But what really bothers me , : 1' "
temative America"hopefullywill todayan the upper540 5, law to- the SDS ”whose avowed aim is administers the stamps are open is that they can hurt the Silk 'v ‘3‘." ':~
be resolved. night in the 30 55, hlgh tomorrow the destruction of 'the systeiii.' " for scrutiny. dents. They can attack me' A}: I?) ; ‘..‘_ '
The SNTC steering committee ll“? 40' Precipitation possrbili- Colten said that the Herald Accwding to Mrs. Elizabeth they want,‘ but there are a lot . I} , l ‘
, hopes to maintain a festive at- t'“' 10 percent today, 40 per- story implied that acertainpoliti- Foley ofthe Department of Piib- ofstudents who need thestanips "”15,- ,
mosphere by sponsoring films, a fiamlght and 40 percent ‘0' cal point of view should be he Service, hoyvever. she is the The Herald seems to have taken l 3,2 '-
street theater and live entertaiii- ' necessary to be eligible for food only one who can divulge such up a crusade for food stamp .
ment by local musicians. WWW~ stamps. information and only with the changes,"Colten said. .1! '
l ‘ '.—" :5 ‘-.
.I . . j ‘ 1 5 "5.5555 55.5 5. 5
Changing A bortlon Laws: R ejo rm 0 r R epeal 9 ..
,1! . »O :.', 1 s; 2' 'fi
.’ , 51' 1'. , -’ I‘
This is the fourth urtirlc in a ll\t‘*|)lii'l series cxirniin Scrum-s .1d111i111strutor (.orilon ( li.i\1 stair rl tl...t ilii- .r...r-_'r -_ 1. :‘1. .. .‘i -' a : ~ \~ ' - , - 'r’l *1. 1‘
mg the issues (onicrning abortion. ('1t\'s public rind pri\‘.1t1- Illt‘tlltJl i.l('llill¢i< ‘\t'?r‘ llzi'l in”; mimic .., _.-,, ,ii, II’. \.; I, , , 5 ,1 ,5: .3 .' g}. 55 .- 55* r - ‘

By JANE DELANU BROWN ”11' demand for abortions \\itlr “11.. Quart ilt'l.l\.' ntlie r l)t'li.tlil.1t r1 ”mi 3;.“ .31. .5 ,j. .5,_ ‘22.: .. I, _ f "I '4 :5:

Assistant Managing Editor reports irri- rpiitc (liilcrcnt. into flit' pot lxt'i\ mi Pimht: . :\ .1: c ;-_...- _ v,, 1c 55“7I-'I‘5I5I5" iii-5".

(Zurrcnt abortion laws can be changed by tuo 'Sl’lrl‘ ”l ”‘9 Lim' \hm .limim .1”? 1.5va}. .5155 .5 3 I:I 555 c-,

. liii’iliiiilh. through the courts (by being declared 1111- Dr. Bernard \rithrinson. (lirci'tor’ of gyncrolouy .11 This opt-11s tlii \\.i\ for llittliri\ 1» thug who ii“ a (if "'
constitutional), or through the legislatures. There are Manhattan's Hospital for joint Diseases, and medical \\.rnt The inll11\ of pi't'fltmlri \mini 1: is wt ,11: rum/1:11; (It? i 555,555.55 I
cases pending in the courts in almost every state in- consultant to the National Association for Repeal of number. and. .1; yct. tlrcrr- .rn-ii‘r t'liHHL'lr doctors to go. '3‘ "If, ,-

. eluding Kentucky, at this time. But the main force of Abortion Laws (NARAL), has said. "the hospitals and around. Z~'5 ii'l'
the proposed changes seems to be aimed at the state the Establishment simply don't want to carry out the Dr Slicar'rrmn has Silltl. "l \xoiild lllu‘ to 51‘1- llli\ ," 3
leglslutures. spirit Of the law." l\1'\\‘ Yor’k‘ bccomc 1111 .ilitlltlim mill. lllt'll ni.1\b« .rll 5 it fi-' "
Even if the changes do trike place in the legislatures, During a recent visit to New York (Iity, 11 \"lSltOl' the rnoncyuluinury (luiiors \\(1iiltl null/1‘5 tl..1t ilit‘il .5515555, 55 5.5.55
the question still remains, how far they should go? found that Dr. Nathanson's charge was more realistic. “""m'l' 4"" 5”"“l1 tlit‘ M‘Hh‘t‘. 51* tl1c5I\5 might iiisl .1\ 5‘, .-‘.‘,"."- ' '
Will they merely reform the 01d laws or repeal them \Vomen are shunted from one hospital to another; “ "H h“ “mm”: ”w money 4" “mm“ ' ..
entirely? they wait in line to register, then wait up to four or five (1.1in £5“me l5 5' 55"}; "
Today 16 states have “reformed" 'laws based Pri- weeks more for the": abortion—ad even then are A5 f0" indigent ““"N‘n- ”NM ”Mm-lb “ill W" Jill?” so"? "it" - '
marily on the American Law Institute rccommenda- sometimes turned awry. . . .1 patient unless she has cash. men tlinuh. in Hffit‘l.1l a? . \
tions that abortion be allowed in cases where the One problem Is that hospitals ”m setting up quotas policy. ii woman not con-red in insurance or Hit‘tllt.ii(l ’. - ‘ ,3. .r .
5. -. . . of how many abortions they ll [)t‘i'fUl‘lll a week. and .. . .. .. _. I ,‘fi
physical or mental health of the mother is in danger. . . . . (an him lit! .rboition .inrl pay our .1 [H'Hml of \1\ . -
. . many set their own limit of how far pregnant tlir' .. . ., . . ~ . . , .‘ . .‘
or when rape or fetal deformity are factors. . ,, , 5 5 5 55 5 months or .1 \1.11. (Creator \1-\\ \oik Blue- ( ll)\\ .inrl ' . . ~ r. I.
“omrin can be. “omen oycr 12 \\t‘(’l\$ hau- 11 law lilu~ 81.41 ft .. (I .5I 5 l 55 ,55 f 1 5- - g . 5, ,_
. .. I. . . . 5, .. 5. 5 ,, 1 . i|t( o 11 111.1(1111 \ .1111 .1 ioith ,l .1111. Il\ ,. I I , .
Four States Hale “Repeal ”MC tlmt' fmdmg m'.ub()'h”ll‘ film] (m0 (hu'tm' :\11(l siirtflc .rs \\1|ll ri\ 111.11'1'11-1l uonii'i; l11511:.1ni‘1- 1~1111',1.1111«r\ *- i . ' '
hour states. Alaska, Hawaii, \\',1sliington, and New tho}- Pily more exorbitant pl'lt‘t‘S. in ””5555 ”551555 55555 55555555155555mu ”555 5I555H5I . 5 .5 ,
York.5 have rcpcrll laws. These "SSt’lllell provrdt‘ The prices have not lowered noticeably. Xi'u York \\ l..1\\11-1:11‘ l..11l1-1. .iiitlior mi "\luvtiw; ' ruinilx i-""
abortion 0” ““lm’SL 81nd lt5‘:1\'t‘ the dt‘Cl‘lO“ ”P l” tlw (Tity doctors. who sincc ()r-t. l9 li;i\'t‘ not l)(‘(‘ll [n1 \‘iltllt‘ 1n Tlir- \1'\\ \.»1L lilirr s ” \~ ~ :1 will at do ‘- .» ‘f
. woman and her doctor. New York is the onlyIstiitc rnittcd by (Tit) ””5”“ “i ”mm, m pr'rloi'ni .Ilir‘vlllirlh- rum,“ ,,.\h,,,,,,m _,1.,,,g, ,,I I.. 1 ,1,” ,1, l..\ 5 f 5 .5:
that does not include 11 residency l‘t‘qllil‘t'lllt'lli in its in lhcir (”fl-“$5 .11‘1‘no\\ associated\\itlipri\;1t1' ,MHHI “gm”. 5, “WIN, ,5 1111 ,,.I,,,_.1,. 15, , :11 11' .1, i...,\ m t 5' 5 ; 5 5
Stlmm" .mt'ncirs .1111l clitit’flr‘ from '\£01) to 87W) for .11. .1liu; tlu pom ll1l111liri£ litl1l1'=_‘5‘(vlr i :,\ l, 1‘ flfw l. «. 5' ' »- ',5 ' '
ll()\\'('\(‘l'. rlr‘spiti- iln‘sc attempts .rt lilwr.1l1/.1tion. lion door In .1 "primitc" hospital. l‘” zl llil '. 11115! \1 1:1 .' .1 r. ,1 11: ‘ . . I
many ,LEroirps ;l(l\'r)(‘;lit‘1‘Ulll[)li'it' 1'<'Pr';1l. 'I'lici Mn illt‘H‘ \croidrnu to Dr .\lllll‘ Sluzrinmn, ulio it‘lnrw'Idc'l 1'. rlwii" " '1 .21 . ‘ ’ " ..1 ‘ ‘ ’ " ' _
'5o-crillorl "i'r‘pculsu .111- not \‘lli'll .1i .1”. .1nd tl1.1t irin- tlrv .-\1111‘1‘11-.11. \\Httii‘11'\ \lt‘tllrJl \\\rt\l.lil1‘ll drnrw: izi'rr .l pli‘l‘v‘i'l: - l ”i“ . - -, 5 ' .- 5 .
ii'pml Illi‘illlx 1-l1111in.rt111L' .1” Luis l't'l-I‘lldllllil abortion, tliv "l.<‘L’.i5l.1lIH<"\ hummus .., 4.1ll\. hurl .lllt‘lili‘il ll! \'»'-' \l‘ 1‘1' i ' ' W - A" I. '
lt‘.l\lllu it 1-o1111‘l1't1'l\ under lllt‘(ll(';ll codes. \llHlllil not ll.i\l' to (Us! lllHl'i‘ than Slim .1t the “Phi ilu- liil‘lH’\ [H 'b. 1 :1 ~ s l.~ . 1"1 lf "1 W ' ‘ ' . .
“but has happened in New York, the Siliit‘ \\itl1 l"'”““‘“" 5“'l’|’l"ll I"; QM.“ “TIT "Ul" 1.111 w" \ 'l' 4 ,Jl fifi'i' I: l' ‘ '
the most liberal of "repealed" abortion laws. after six As :1 spokesman for the “onions (enter in You M‘V‘ ““l ”W “"“ “l1“ “ill ““"l l” "i 'i H” l““"‘ 5 ,5 ‘
months of the new law? York said. "Since the demand for abortions is very “‘“llV PW)" PW‘Pl‘V 5“'}_“ ll"‘\ JV“ ll'“ ”W“ “ll” 11‘" I
Since July 1, 1970, an estimated 150,000 women high and the supply of abortions in private hospitals ll‘“ “"‘r-‘t deal in ”“55 ' .5 V
have had abortions in New York. Even though Health is limited. these private institutions will be able to Continued on Page 3. Col. 1 ~

‘.’—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thursday. Jan. 2i, l97l ________________________________———-———— E;
L ' d V t S t U US A'
» alr OWS 0 UPPOI‘ SB 0 lrpower C
WASHINGTON (AP)——Secrt~ Apparently anticipating new Lame Wednesday when Sen. The Cooper-Church amend- Under questioning, the do i
' tary of Defense MelVin R. L‘difd troubles from antiwar senators Frank Church. D-Idaho, called merit bars U.S. ground—combat fense secretary said the mandate i it
said WfilHCSd'dY he Will “’00"!- as the scope of U.S. air opera— for a Foreign Relations Commit- troops and military advisers from from Congress would permit l N
' . fl mend use of U.S. airpower in tions in Cambodia iuifolds,Laird tee study to detemiine whether Cambodia and declares U.S. aid sendinga communication unit, a i h.
‘ - ' Cambodia, L805 and Smith Viet- said the administration has au- the Nixon administration is vio— is not a commitment to defend field hospital or some other out- ; 5',
, nam to reduce American casual- thority from Congress to conduct lating congressional restrictions the Cambodian government. fit not of a combat character. ‘ H.
. . . ties :‘asnlong as I am serving in air and sea operations so long as on U.S. involvement in Cambo- Laird renewed a pledge not to _ .. , w
' tlUSJOl). it does not commit U.S. ground- dia. send U S ground fighting men But he said I don t want to th
4 “We willuseairpower," Laird combat troops outside of Viet- Church is cosponsor with Sen. into Cambodia again saying“we give the impression that we have
- ‘ . told a news conference. nam. John Sherman Cooper, R-Ky., of . . ’ d- plans to go beyond the military ill
‘ . . . . . . . will not commit U.S. groun , . _
_ . 1 Unlike his past statements, ' . . ‘ . the restrictive prOViSion attached ' delivery teams which we Will (1
* ' Laird did not llflllt his deSCl'lP' Indication that Laud S View to President Nixon’s aid [Quest combat forces to Cambodia, d1!“ have supervising the programs of
tion of air operations in Cambo 0“ thIS pomt may face Challenge for Cambodia. ectly or indirectly. of arms aid to the Cambodians." m
, ' _ dia to interdiction-the interrup- . . nr.
. tion or destruction of enemy sup- G C M H B l d N.
_ . my a... mop W eneva onventlon ay ave een V 10 ate
“ “fithggf‘tteilfglfifec‘fetfl; WASHINGTON (AP)- The in Terre Haute, Ind., ratified Asst. Atty. Gen. William have since left the Army and
, _ Shgyrwaskbnothin’g "iv: :ntfi'fi; Justice Department may have Jan. 11 that he helped kill unres- Rehnquist of the Office of Legal therefore are no longer subject 6
. hi‘ . f the broad temi “air: VlOlflted the Geneva Conventions isting villagers in the March 16, Counsel, said Such things are to military law.
‘ . ' 5 “59?" k ed another step in when it granted immunity for 1968, raid. "done to make it possible to The United Statessignedboth
.. ,- POW“ ar . Paul Meadlo to testify in the My . . ; - - get at a more serious crime by conventions, along with two oth-
ofiiCial acknowledgement of Wld- , , lo obtain Meadlo 5 test . . . “
; ‘ - . ;‘ ed U S . ort of South “(.._ L81 "1810f”. William L-CallCY- imony Asst. Atty. Gen. Will R. excusmg prosecution agamst a ers, in 1949 when they were
. en ‘ :llpgambodian troops Andif the United States finds Wilsorl head of the Justice De- person charged with a lesser drafted in Geneva, Switzerland. ’
'l - * 221$?“ dtilie North Vietnamese it cannot prosecute Meadlo and partmeht's Criminal Division, crime." The Senate ratified them in 1955' I.
. . ithIrlngbodia other ex-soldiers involved in the granted immunity guaranteeing In an interview, Rehnquist and they went into force for this
. I I' ' I . He pictured the use of Ameri— LJS‘ Army raid on the South that his testimony would not be agreed there might be 3 “018' country i" 1%6' ;
' I can air wer as a su plement V‘emamese hamlet, that, too. used to prosecute him. tion if the United States is un- Both conventions speCiflcally
V‘ t P0 S th V‘ Fa e? would be a violation. C ~ ‘ it h ver able to try former sevicemen ac- outlaw "willful killing, torture ..
‘ 0 gfirulg; 3]“ , 18 n m 56 The Geneva Conventions.one ‘ 23“““8 immun :1" (”germ cused in the My L31 slayings. or inhuman treatment. . . will- I]
. 93133 it? “1 e 3"" . ‘ covering civilians in time ofwar hm“ _’ “lb? 9:230: e agedute In accepting the Geneva Con- fully causing great suffering or i
. . . g ,, ..= 5 . ,.. ,_ . . . . . ~ . , 5-31‘ and one covering prisoners of ment iS O 1;“! t :h pEOreaties venfions‘ the United States sedans injury to body or health" t
. . , ' ' , ‘ l - :3 war, obligate the United States appears to v o a e e ' agreed to pass laws to provide 0f protected persons.
ews .4: " '- but a Justice Department offi- b
; : Z 1; to prosecute persons alleged to , 'd h no conflict be— for punishing violators. But there If the victims at My Lai were 1
. _ ' j ' P ‘ I ' f2.) have committed grave breaches “31 saiwfle 599’s ti n and the is concern now that there my enemy combatants. as claimed '1‘
_‘ ' - :1 O pOUlTl :71 of the conventions. . tween COson St'ac 0 not be adequate law to cover by Meadloandothers.they would i.
_ . z . r '2 , ;...-._ x ;>4-.;:-,:.:«;-. wax/s. Meadlo, now a civilian livmg Ceneva nveri ions _. soldiers involved at My L31 who have been protected by the POW '
g . ,1 ‘o .,- . .- -. “4.5;: 0,2, m 23;; V ' to; %’ - 0‘9. . . would have been covered by the convention. If they were Civil-
.. " . .. 2-! ' " 2%“ A ‘°°- ”so. ' .. ' convention on civilians. ians, 88 others contend, they fl:
. l I g '- ° ° ° ° °
- ' - _ | ,. - I 9 . 'wa Ohlo Strip Mining 31]] .
" . . K W .. . so o» "i it?” C t B ° t: S C t
e , 22.. , . c s Ipar 18311 “FPO?
' ‘ a _' .2. " -
_ 5 . “3.55.3122. iii/1" _ . \ . $ COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP)- Strip mine operators now have cu.
' . - j V ”3% . a” - -‘ ;, Legislation to force strip min- up to eight years to reclaim the 3f.
' . ; 2" 935” ' ers to immediately reclaim the land. Lancione said. ”There Fri
‘ U ‘ " ' a ., _ so «5“ ('32... : . . .. , , land they use will go into the has been little or no enforcement l‘IL
a 1 ‘L I’- . . ‘ ‘ » g I "if: I2? .1, fit ' j Ohio House Thursday will bi- of the present law in 40 year s." '
_ . .1 "* .2. < o, i“ partisan support. ‘ he added. :2
, . j . . . o Rep. A. C. Lanione, D— 30 Six Democrats and six Repub- we
' , _ . ; Prlces SIaShed In [Very Department In the Store. Bellaire, said the bill has come licans have their names on the DJ
. . I from all over the state. he said. bill}n addition to providing for 3:?
. g . 5 Av E ‘1' _ ' continuous reclamation. the bill '°°
. . ~ ' '. ..,:." § .9. _:.-.;__I;,...;.,.;_.,__. ‘ WOUId:
‘ 2 r .. 2;; ~51; '~ 523'” 2. ” ‘ Prohibit strip miners to re-
- 4 . LIKE N EVER BEFORE! _ _ Ra... m. 1.... .0 0...... 2:3
. . . _, . ..,' I. VV_»:j':'-'E'V:i-IV .. GP contour. 3}
. ; s 5 “9‘1““? Operator“ ‘0 P0“ 3°
‘ 2 JEANS M t; W ‘ ' bond or provide public liability if;
.~ . V ‘ - insurance to insure the land is e.
_ .2 . t ' ; . f 15555532. "’dalmed- 31c
'- .- _ , _ = m THE KENTUCKY KERNEL g:
a .» FL AIR 8 ,- . _. - ; 83:18 rvrttjaniuckyt Kerriel. University :1
- > 4 5;:5 PARAMOUNI PICTURES PRESENYS . 1°n- mversi y 0 entucky. Lex— 1°
_ - . , _ _ ‘ " Ali m5," . pm fled 31.3.22; §§?$“§¥L‘£?£§io§°§£’§§.u°§£37 if
V V ' Ti?- SWEATERS .~7\ yum" periods, and onc: duringyfhgnsursifig me
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i i . _ _ - ”if: l \ Publications. 5K Peost (Effie: Boxuwegfit. é F0
. y‘ _. a... . $ Begun as the Cadet in 1894 and : 391
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~ ‘ I ‘ I. [)3 r ' .-,-':~- :-;»:- .1...“ Since 1915.. . . . . ‘-
~ , , . fl . _ , ‘ ‘ 4th Fantastic Week! reSgézréés‘fiiip"lfigsligdgerfii’;.“all; 1
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‘ _- Starts January 2 A
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 l I ' ‘ - .
I _—'——'——————————-——————— THE KENTUCKY KERNEIQ Thursday, 1”“: 3|, '97]_;; ,. .» .
i an In 01tl0n a’l/US° 3 01 m 01 8,) 9 " "
it. . l‘ l ire"
l Continued from Page] 'l‘l‘ri' l'l Hilts art that out»ol— loosened restrictions. the state (llllll \ h\ para-med“ .il. 'llill“! .\«. i.” Mfr“ I}... ““an m: . ' ,, -‘ 57 .
Q Since the Oct. 19 regulation state \\Ulll(‘ll are posing as cit} legislature pi‘ohahli \\ill pass the supeixlsion of tilil' i.ll\lt'lli t“... .\(llllllil\ll.illi.li .1lill‘i.:.’lil ' 1'. * , .-
' restricting office ahol'tions ill ”Wk-"lg l“ ”Til” l‘I’ It!” llll” “WW "“Sll'l"ll""f (l‘l'll'k’ ll‘ IlmI“ ('i-“Vk’l“"“Jllik’lfil. a medical (‘iilllpllixillilll i it. it. -‘ i it
t New York, clinics have had to the clinics and municipal hos- ent session. Senate Maioiiti Dr. Alan (-llllliiilt‘lli'l IHIW hospitals 01 13 j l’” limo H n 3: ‘-':‘." --"‘I,:"
l i he equipped with $230,000 to pitals iii” NYC residents Ulll) l. Leader l‘jill'l lll‘l'lllfl“ lli” illl'fll‘l.‘ tileilt ol l’lamn-d l’aientlmovl H?» s tomplli .lliiiil\ \Ki‘li‘ :ml ‘ .1 ‘ 'i 'I. “.73
5500.000 worthof facilities. The thus making the less expensive gone on record predictingr that World Population [illipiisi‘s that .,I,....t}”',-(1 ii”5 m“. H, 1m “N 1- f, 7 .':
. : restrictions include a two-day facilities even more crowded. the new and still liepuhlican special fatihties. \xlmh he (allx Hit)“ mm.» \H it"‘lm ‘1‘ l I... .-J' ' 3" ~ ‘
. . . . _ . .. . I . - < . l. ~ . .I . . 'I .~ | I .‘ ,
waiting period to ”encourage And because of the ('ll)’ regu— Legislature \\'(illl(l reuse the .ihortoi'lums. he t-slalillslii‘tl Lad tour “MUM”, Judi“, H” i, », j ~ ._
. thorough consideration." lation, doctors are performing law to include a residency l‘(’- “Such a fatlliti. \xhere 20 ahnr \m 3 (hm. in” had hum, l. i .j
- Pl‘ior m that uni,~mm.mI abortions ill offices in the quil'ellient and also restrict the tions a da_\ might he performed. . . 2‘ r- .l I;
ahortions were being Damn"- suburbs (where the regulation numhel‘ of “eeks pregnant at \iould he linked to a hospital New \ork: 1‘" l”‘l"”“"“"“' 91;
1 ed hv licensed doctors in their doesn’t apply) under more sec- woman may he. which could handle the li(('.iv ”W \‘M NH" lit“ 15 4“ 1“!" >13in ' 3.1’ .
. offices. They were doing about retive conditions. The persons lll favor of repeal sional elliergenci cases," (.uit- prmeinent. l3“"'.‘““t' ”1 “V” .. =’ i. i " ., i l
' » ._ i. ‘ . . - . .-_ Reform: Not the Answer? offer solutions to the dilemmas “Heller said. "It would he fulh ”i reform "T “'Pt'nl 1*”L’)‘£li1/<'\ 5, If -. '
on: t ll( 0 tl( a )ortlons, pll .. , . : l' ' : r‘ " . '
inarilv on out-of-state women. The answer does not seem to of reformed laws. lhell‘ mam (-(l|iipp(-(l \\ith m“. or n“, ”1,”. t lat. lint r(‘<‘t‘llll,V many lim'll)‘ ’f‘.‘ v_ . .
Now the woman is almost forced lie in reform. In New York, in- argument is that the operation .iting mums" .. lulun‘utiir} and l‘im‘ T‘-’(“)t£l|ll<“l mt Int‘l‘ll l0! "'
to take the hospital route. stead of lessening the already is simple enough to he done in hlood hank. 2t) heds. .m .mes- ”Pull Nth” [lhm “‘l‘m‘l ““1 j. j»?- ., _
thetist and a rotating staff of l“““»‘ ii‘ki'“ Pill’llC stands 0“ ill“ '3‘ ' l "2,3 ' " x‘
. .- .“ issue. 7....- i ‘~ - '
6 9 . 9 . ohstetiitlans. . . , _I_ .

Joe ° S II'O A new 5 6Easy Rlde ’9 < .... on w... w!» ....n...... 1. r

O r ' abortoriuln could be self—sup list \lhich included more that. I: . ' .- ‘
porting if one-third of its pa— 4.) Irrational organizations adui- ‘ .' J: I, ' 5
“Yes, a working class hero is that's the way things really are. lievable stereotype College stu- trellis were charged about $130 “in“? "“13““; it {“i'llMlt‘d ill" zi- ' 3
something to be If you want to “Jog" is the Spiro Agnew dents may not be able to em- to $200 and the ”they t\\o— :\Iillel‘lcali Jewish (.ongress .\.t' II: I.
be a hero well just follow me” crowd's "Easy Rider." Bothtake pathize with Joe's life style but thirds were poor patients ahort— “"Wl (“UN-“ll 0* ()l’Slt‘mi-‘V ' .-
~ ‘.. i. - _ . I . ‘ i-
John Lennon you into the world of a sroup it isn't hard to associate 'with “d ““0 0‘ Chart?“ . i'wi $01.,eg .‘l’.“““‘“.“ “W“ t, ‘

BY BILL BUXTON of people in this country. Both bu deans to escape the ninoto- "All abortion is one of the it“ t 1 "\5“"'I1“_ll”l':I l “‘l“"‘_'-l”': _. ‘. .' "t ‘I 12;.
Kernel Staff Writer use stereotypes for their chflr- five routine simplest and safest of all oper- "i Allm’rchu“ SIUVMW‘ ti“: ll)? "7* i 1 i':
r ' ~ .m. . . . -- ._ i...._ ('(l).i :llll'(' molnen of 7.." ‘r’ ' i -‘.‘:'.‘.l=.

.. Joe isnIt a very pretty name. actors. Both exaggerage their More importantly. Joe hits at “Wm“ ”“ff‘ Elm“ “ “““m‘, [it H; t} P l , : \\ 3,. , ‘- ‘. "

Joe isnt a very pretty movie. characters. And neither showhas the innermost self of all of us silcctuiny. (.uttiiiacliei‘ said. A : : ‘ d ‘ : 1 “i”- ~« We . ‘ . . '~: _ ‘

It is set in New York (mainly a plot that makes a hell ofa lot Joe kills and believes that he is (.‘alil‘m-nia study indicates. in- ilt’rillllt-, . .. . . .~
’ . i l l . r ‘ ‘ - . \- .\ f‘ .' . . l I - l"
the city) during the winter. ofsense. right in killing. In fact he glories added. that an allortorium ll“ “ Ill‘ml)‘ “m" ”‘ltl‘ l“ p ' '. '- ,‘
There are 8 lot 0f run-down m killing. But bet-0m every stop- “OHM he allle to pt'l‘l‘tll‘ill ahol'— Iti-r Iliresiim‘ .\l.l).. \\ hi.) niI\\ 3‘...“- -.I . 'I
building; and a few nice build. .. 3qu Still you can't 18mm the-war. hell-no-we-Won't-EO tions in keeping with top mod. it is eudent to me and ”tilt.“ .7‘ 1"
"183- There “Mt any of “1°” 1°" Individual scenes stand peace lover condemns Joe for all it-al standards. (“nmmmhm pllbhc health H”: ’. ‘51“: 7‘
Cl”! beautiful 'hou 0‘ the New out fo' the beautiful “‘3’ in eternity all ofushadbetterthink 'l‘he hoard's rationale for iili~ ““"l ”Midili'd ‘lll‘mml‘ “U“ '1 w.“ ii . .
i ‘. . , >‘.-.. ,-. .‘ ‘-
York skyline. Which they “P10!“ Mlltion- awfully bud about how we felt posing the restriction \sas that l)“““l”" ”mm “mm” ”‘1‘ “1' _ ‘ :\ =. j _
The “scrapers You dIO 5°: Shit” between people. it Joe, whm Joe opened up with his .ihol‘tions performed lll hospitals "” ”lI‘iil-V women. threaten m‘im "_
are gray and depressing. Joe 1)th by Peter Boyles. is a first connomde. I'll bet that. were much safer. Recently. ho\\~ lllll"“““5~ ““1 b'fi‘r‘l" make ii 2 i" :1,
is sort of depressing. Perhaps Stereotype, at least he is g be. mmhen. all of us liked it. ever. small clinics modeled on dent in the profound health - . , . J: ,‘
‘ (luttirlacher‘s ahortol‘iulil idea “1"ng“ ”l criminal L‘_l)"lll"" ".7”. i. .‘ ' 1
- I . C I have proved that these OUt'PJ' Il hei‘ impose a fi‘.Iiliii-\\orIk \xIlriir. ii I; «‘.I . '- '1. I’, .vII
+ C A S F I E D r ilt‘lil (”lililk's ll‘dillt‘l‘ Illiill (Airy. i{\‘€‘}7\ '."xhi‘r‘lt‘i'l "\‘xiiii tail t .iiliii . T“ ‘- ,. - III I.
I— N) I I \ U D + I night service) could be safe and ”Will “”‘(llml . it‘ll“ llm“ l’i“ i . - = r: ’_’_'~‘
II. efficient; ing (lesil‘anle therapy ;'
Classified sdvcrtlsing will be accepted WWW- '~ - .. ‘ .. 1 ' ‘ .
on . pre-paid basis only. Ads m‘y be FOR. RENT WW _7; I ‘ ' V .‘ ,'
plgced in person Monday thron‘h W REWARD l l/ . r r‘« 1 is fl" . . ’
Frlday or by m3“, pgymcnt lnclo|cd, B-A-C‘H-E—L-O—R effici . t 6 WW Centru' [\enIUCKY Loncerts & Lectures . I ".. -I . g.
to THE KENTUCKY KERNEL' Room person units $90 up Aguilctlsess gcial LOST—One brovvn cloth coat Friday ".i i 'ci . ”A V"
Ill. Journalism Bldg. rates for doubling up. BetweenpUK— night from SC. Ballroom coatroom. . .. ;

Rates are $1.25 tor 20 words, $3.00 town. Nice. 254-6134, 266—4632. 4D-J22 Reward' 255'2501‘ Rum: “”21 - ', '1‘ ‘ '
for three consecutive insertions or the .m**__ mm,m,"~, .' . f a. . .'
same ad of 20 words, and 33.75 per APARTMENTS~316 Rose Street, Allen FOR SALE .' . ‘5 ‘ :2, ~
week, 20 words. MaiaorI; furnished; all electric; air- WW- {9% v ' -. .‘ '-

The deadline is 11 a. m. the day CO" moned; carpeted. Call 299-9376 FOR _ , , . . . ”Mfg"iiifrgfiiig;' , .3‘ 1.
prior to publication. No advertisement or see Manager 1" Apartments- “”22 Yauh§3i¥gjitltlwrlolilliiliiilRi‘gclltzifikcel‘rgfirr‘: «.3 32;":1S’“ ' ,» ' ‘ ' '
may cite race. rellglon or national —_——_—".— ‘t 11, B - 3 ‘ i . - ‘I/m . "- 5,‘ l'. . ;.‘ '
origin as a qualification for renting QUIET' neat room. house with two 1Sontact Peggml-alolii’imggilgzo gilt; forth a -. .> 3 l
rooms or (or employment. 01d. ladies, parakeet. Refrigerator ___' ___' ' _ ' __ «35w '- ~ ' 1' ' » ' I " . 1

. gig/Izaglable. Sunset Drive. Phone152JSgi FOUR 14 inch Cragar SS Mags. Phone if” Lecture By :’ , .. ,sI . . I. 3'" .

LOST AND FOUND __‘_—_________ 269-1474. 19J25 ’ E - .' .. ‘ -,
"Wm VILLAGE SQUARE APTS. announc— . . "iii.” ‘ . 5533-: . : I. ' ’ f -I . .‘l . I 3 ‘ ‘
LISTED is the property on hand in mg 6 months lease to students from Ggfigstfifiis Gum" ‘md ”15ng i'. it“: Ecologls“ CT} . ." ‘ :
our lost and found section. Items i165}; IgUIllitieS paid; swrmming pool; . ' .. ..w : v3. 3" ,. 5 .’ -" '2‘ ‘ -.r

may be claimed from the University 95 9‘ a 00‘1”; OUtdOOI‘ bar-b—que; - .. . . 51‘": «5 ° " i’: i ’1 1' l i v'
of Kentucky Police Headquarters in ‘.“Shw‘f’Sl‘e’ and (“590531; laundry 13g:loRii‘gigalEgniihilgiritlldriliieez-gfczlti g“ ' Dr P i. if f. I :

Room 107, 305 Euclid Ave.. from 3;00 taCillties; spaClous closets. Located larger ca; 31475 Cm'ofgfiflo” 21.725 ‘ or” .5 o au . r l( - 'I g . . I.’
a.m. until 5:00 p.m., Monday through near shopping centers and UK. Phone ‘ ‘ ' ‘ U h ' . if? ”.35. ' ‘ ' ,M . '

Friday: 254-7905 1346 Village Dr. 20.126 -,,WW » '.C .' -' 5'
Assorted keys ihousc. car, locker. —-—-——————————— ‘ - ’ .,‘
etc.i; assorted jewelry imen’s and CRESSBROOKE APTS- announcing W“ " L 1 = , ,‘ - ‘..
women's), rings. watches. bracelets, 3 months lease available to students, . ., . ’ . -, .‘ "- . .. . ‘.
etc.; 52 books iiextbooks, spiral note- 1.2. 3 bedrooms from $130. All util— GARAGE ‘0 rent very near €8“‘Pu>- ~ ' " ‘ “- 0' g: ..7 .~ “ "1. ‘ '.—

books, etc.i; 8 bicycles (boy’s and mes paid; IOUtGOOI' bar—b-que; club- For Sale. 1957 CorvetteIconxertlIble, . ‘ ‘ 3 . 3 V "

girl’s); 29 articles of clothing (men’s house faCllltiES: swimming pool; red, automatic, 29'000 original miles. ‘ ; ' -" -. 3 7"
and women‘s); 31 umbrellas (men's glundryI