xt769p2w511f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt769p2w511f/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1952 journals 096 English Lexington. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Regulatory series, bulletin. n.96 text Regulatory series, bulletin. n.96 1952 1952 2014 true xt769p2w511f section xt769p2w511f Regulatory Bulletin 96 February, l952
Commercial Fertilizers
in Kentucky, 1951
Including a Report on Official Fertilizer Samples
July —December, 1951 , _
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Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station
University of Kentucky

Bruce Poundstone, Head of Department
Robert Mathews N. J.— Howard
Neville Hulette Josiah E. Anderson
Elmer B. Stephenson
Harry R. Allen J. A. Shrader Lelah Gault
Valva Midkiff Elizabeth Swift Rose Blanchet
Rodney M. Hays Rose J. Ruh Robert N. Price
Page Page
Saks by grad€» 1951 Explanation of Tables 2,
T&bl~€1 ·‘*· - -—-- — ---- ----- 3 3, 4, and5 _________ 6
Plant foods or nutrients —----- 4 Standing Of manufacturers,
Fertilizer grade ----—-------- 4 Table ZA ‘’‘‘'‘'"‘‘‘ 8
Number of grades needed Standing of manufacturers,
in Kentucky ---—------------ 4 Table ZB -----—-——-—— 9
Analyses of inspection
Refunds -—---·—---·-·---····· 5 samples of maxed {Em-
lizers, superphosphates
Farmers, Samples ''`''“''`'' 5 and fertilizer salts,
Table 3 ---............ 10
Information on guaranty tag--- 6
Analyses of inspection
Penalties for violating the Samples Of rock Pll°s'
fertilizer law ------——--—— — 6 pha·t€» bOn€s¤ basic
slag, etc. Tables 4
and5 -------———- ----51,52, 53

This bulletin contains analyses of official samples of commercial fertilizers made I
between July 1 and December 31, 1951. Analyses of samples made between January 1,
1951 and June 30, 1951 were published in Regulatory Bulletin 93.
, Manufacturers reported that 564, 204 tons of commercial fertilizer were sold in Ken-
tucky in 1951. This was an increase of about 1. 8 percent over the tonnage reported for
1950. In addition, 5, 320 tons of 20-percent superphosphate, or equivalent, were dis-
tributed in Kentucky under the "Contractual Plan" by the Production and Marketing Ad-
ministration, Field Service Branch.
A summary of fertilizer sales by grade, as reported by manufacturers, is given in
Table 1. Fertilizer Sold in Kentucky, by grade, Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 1951
A (As reported by the manufacturers)
Grade Tons Materials Tons
V 6-8-6 95, 036 20 % Superphosphate 41, 033
2-12-6 92,249
3-9-6 51, 366 Ammonium Nitrate 35,182
4-12-8 48, 716
Rock Phosphate 20, 964
3-12-12 29.797
0-12-12 24, 995 Triple Superphosphate 10, 609 .
4-8-12 12, 535 18 % Superphosphate 5, 222
3-12-6 11, 358
0-14-7 10, 515 Sulfate of Potash 5,148
5-10-10 9, 092 A
Calcium Metaphosphate 4, 941
“ 4-12-4 6,931
` 5-10-16 5, 816 Muriate of Potash 3, 229
` 4-16-8 3, 939
0-14-14 3,412 Florida Waste Pond Phosphate 3,073
0-20-20 3, 013
. Calcium Cyanamid 2, 099
6-12-12 2, 910
6-8-12 2, 593 Nitrate of Soda 1, 924 ‘
4-12-12 1,167 Sulfate of Ammonia 1, 853
2-12-12 1,107 i
6-10-4 1, 087 Tricalcium Phosphate 1, 310
‘ 6-8-16 998
Sulfate of Potash·Magnesia 1, 084
4-6-15 S24
3-9-18 754 Basic Slag 825
5-10-15 696
4-8-8 645 Anhydrous Ammonia 590
5-10-5 644
Dried Nanures & Sludge 292
8-8-8 491
4-8-16 327 Miscel. 55
4-24-12 303 139,433
0-20-10 272
3-18-9 154
5-20-20 129
4-16-0 113
9-7-4 105
Miscel. 682 3

lim minimum percentages of guaranteed plant foods, or nutrients, present
~ `»·, ;y;· rz ial fertilizer are printed on the state tag as nitrogen, available phos-
yl · ·< iri, and potash. These are the nutrients needed by plants in largest
~. ·iizi·.¢ ,iiI1llZ\1§~.tr1 those in which the soil is most likely Lo be deficient. The ele-
.· nl, 1oz·r<·spon¤ling to phosphoric acid is pliospliorus and the elenient corres-
_·1n·liug to potash is potassium. Boron may also be guaranteed.
(irnrle designates the minimiim percentage of nitrogen, available phosphoric
an irl, and potash in the fertilizer. A 4-16-8 grade uqeans that the fertilizer CO1`i‘
tains —l percent nitrogen, 16 percent available phosphoric acid, and 8 percent
[:l)1,Z1S11. The nutrients are always listed in this order. A 0-20-0 grade refers to
it sup··1·pliosphate fertilizer containing 20 percent available phosphoric acid. A
0+1-60 grade refers to a potash fertilizer containing 60 percent potash.
_ The Departments of Agronomy and Horticulture of the Kentucky Agricultural
lsxpc-rimcnt Station consider that eleven ratios and minimum grades of mixed
fertilizer, together with superphosphate, nitrogen, and potash salts will answer
the- present needs of Kentucky agriculture.
A list of the nine ratios and minimum grades recommended by the Agronomy
Department for field crops is shown below:
Ratio Minimum grade Ratio Miiiimum grade
0-1-2 0-10-20 1-3-2 4-12-8
O-1-1 O-12-12 1-2-2 5-10-10
O-2-1 0-14-7 1-1-1 8-8-8
1-4-4 3-12-12 1-2-3 4-8-12
1-4-2 4-16-8
Two additional grades, recommended by the Horticultural Department for
truck crops and ornamental plants, are 5-10-5 and 10-6-4.
Higher grades of any ratio also are both recommended and encouraged.
None of the recommended minimum grades of mixed fertilizer contain less than
20 units of plant food. Low grade fertilizers are less economical because costs
Of mixing, bags, freight and other incidental costs are the same per bag regard-
less of analysis.
There also is a distinct advantage to the manufacturer to hold the number of
grades to a minimum, since a smaller number of grades can be mixed and dis-
tributed more economically.
The Agronomy Department suggests the following cropping uses of the rec-
ommended minimum grades:
For general field crops, meadows and pastures, 4-12-8, 4-16-8, 8-8-8,
3-12-12, O-14-7, 0-12-12 and O-10-20.

  For tobacco 8-8-8, 5-10-10, 4-8-12.
It is further recommended that in fertilizers for tobacco three—fourths of
the potash be from sulfate and not over one -fou1·th from muriate.
More detailed suggestions for fertilizing field crops, using the above ratios
and minimum grades, are contained in the new Circular 70 from this Station.
When a sample of fertilizer is below the guaranteed analysis to such an ex-
tent that the relative value index is deficient by more than $1. O0 per ton, the
manufacturer of the fertilizer and the dealer from whom the sample was obtained
are given a special notice.
When such a deficiency occurs it is suggested to the manufacturer that a
proportionate refund be made to all purchasers of the stock of fertilizer whose
names can be obtained from the dealer. If names of purchasers can not be ob-
tained the refund may be made to a charity in the county where the fertilizer
was sold.
I Refunds are also suggested on potash results when the guarantee is from
sulfate and there is an excess of muriate present of more than $1. 00 a ton in
relative value.
` Anyone in Kentucky who buys commercial fertilizer for his own use may
submit samples for free analysis to the Department of Feed and Fertilizer,
Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexington 29, Kentucky.
, 1. Samples taken according to provisions of K. R.S. No. 250. 360 through
No. 250. 480 (Kentucky Fertilizer Law). - To make the sample official it should
be taken according to Section No. 250. 440 of the statute referred to above. This
section of the statute requires that witnesses be present when the sample is taken.
Copies of the statute may be obtained from the Department of Feed and Fertilizer. _
2. Unofficial samples. - If an analysis is wanted for the purchaser‘s in-
' formation only, samples of fertilizer may be taken in the following manner:
Take portions (each about a handful) from 10 percent of the bags, unless
this requires portions from more than 20 bags. If there are less than l0 bags,
sample all. Take samples from as far down in the bags as possible. Place all
portions on a clean paper and mix well. Place about one quart in a tight contain-
er, include a tag from one of the bags, mark the container with name and address
of the sender and send to the Department of Feed and Fertilizer, Agricultural
Experiment Station, University of Kentucky, Lexington 29, Kentucky.
State in a letter the amount of fertilizer on hand, the number of bags
sampled, and the reason for wanting analysis. If analysisis materially below
guaranty, a representative of the Feed and Fertilizer Department may be setnt
to take an inspector‘s sample.

A state guaranty tag issued by the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station,
showing the manufacturer's guaranty, must be attached to each bag of fertilizer
before it can be lawfully offered for sale in Kentucky. It is a violation of the law
to change the tag in any manner, either by addition or erasure. Purchasers of
fertilizer should be guided by the information printed on the guaranty tag in se-
lecting a fertilizer. If the fertilizer is not tagged with a state guaranty tag, or
if the tag has been changed in any manner, it should be reported to the Agricul-
tural Experiment Station immediately. The following information is printed on
the guaranty tag:
Brand name of fertilizer
Name and address of manufacturer
Guaranteed analysis showing:
Minimum nitrogen percent
Minimum available phosphoric acid, percent
Minimum potash, from muriate or sulfate, percent
Estimated value per 100 pounds
Total phosphoric acid, in place of available phosphoric acid, is guaranteed
in bone, dried manures, basic slag, and rock phosphate. Official fertilizer la-
bels are required by law to carry the estimated value index per lO0 pounds. The
estimated value index is used for comparing values of fertilizers of different
grades. An additional use of this value is in determining the relationship of the
guaranteed analysis and the actual analysis. This relationship is shown in the
last two columns of Tables 3, 4, and 5.
The estimated value index should not be confused with the selling price.
Selling price is determined by those offering the fertilizer for sale.
Any manufacturer, firm, dealer, or vendor who sells or exposes for sale in
Kentucky commercial fertilizer without complying with the provisions of the ferti-
lizer law is subject to a fine of from $100. O0 to $500. OO for each offense. Further-
more, if a fertilizer is short in net weight or short in the essential plant-food
nutrients, a manufacturer, firm or dealer may not only be fined $100. OO to $500. OO
for violating the fertilizer law, but "shall be liable for reasonable damages sus-
tained by the purchaser of such fertilizer."
It is important therefore that the dealer should protect himself by purchasing
from reliable firms who comply with the law. Otherwise, he will lay himself
liable for selling fertilizers in violation of the law.
The standings of manufacturers as determined by the results of analysis of
official samples are given in Table 2. Purchasers of fertilizer can learn through
a study of this table, how well any manufacturer met his guarantee on the samples
lt should be noted that the first 3 columns of figures in Table Z refer to num-
ber of samples and that the last 3 columns refer to number of analyses of nitrogen
phosphoric acid and potash. Attention is directed to the third column of figures
which gives for each manufacturer the percentage of samples which are equal to _ i
guaranty in all respects, and to column 6, which gives the percentage of analyses l
which are equal to guarantee or with in the tolerance of l/4 of l percent (the

tolerance of the Kentucky Fertilizer Law).
In some samples a deficiency in one nutrient is accompanied by an over-
· run in another nutrient. This is evidence of improper mixing or weighing by
the manufacturer. Extreme variations of this kind cannot be attributed to
separation of materials (segregation), though this may be a minor factor. Ex-
cess of one nutrient cannot compensate for deficienty of another nutrient. The
purchaser is entitled to receive the full guaranty in all nutrients as expressed
by the manufacturer on the tag.
The results of analyses of all inspection samples are given in Tables 3, 4
and 5. If an analysis shows a deficiency of more than one -fourth of l percent
below the amount claimed for nitrogen, phosphoric acid, or potash, or if the
relative value is more than $1. OO below the guaranty, the result is indicated in
the tables by underlining the figures.
\ .

Table ZA — Samples Equal to Guaranty in All Respects, And Analyses
Within Tolerance, by Companies Selling Chiefly Mixed Fertilizers, 1951*
itro en, Phos horic acid& otash
Number \Equal to guaranty Number Equal to guaranty Or
of in all respects of _ _
. . within tolerance *6**
inspection analyses
samples Number Percent** made Number Percent**
American Agri. Chem. C0. 90 46 51 234 210 90
Armour Fertilizer Works 356 215 61 914 823 90
Louisville Fertilizer Co. 2 1 - 6 4 —
Blue Grass Plant Food Co. 31 26 84 88 86 97
Buhner Fertilizer Co. 39 10 26 110 88 80
Burley Belt Plant Food
Works 23 10 43 63 52 83
Chemical Formulators 3 O · 9 4 -
Commonwealth Fertilizer
Co. 21 16 76 59 55 93
Cooperative Fertilizer
Serv. 163 134 82 432 418 97
Cumberland Chemical Co. 40 30 75 105 98 93
Davison Chemical Corp.
Hopkins Fert. Div. 54 32 59 147 140 95
Nashville Div. 136 83 61 328 290 88
Welch Div. 10 2 20 28 24 86
Ellis Chemical Co. 19 6 32 57 48 84
Federal Chemical Co. 146 84 58 394 347 88
Hutson Chemical Co. 10 8 80 28 26 93
International Min, 3,
chem. c¤rp_ 135 87 64 ssa 301 90
Interstate Fertilizer Co. 28 11 39 74 62 84
Kentucky Fertilizer Works 49 26 53 110 100 91
Knoxville Fertilizer C0. 161 110 68 421 379 90
NorthAmericanFert. Co. 96 22 23 265 201 76
Price Chemical Co. 66 36 55 181 166 92
Consolidated Chemical Co.l4 13 93 41 40 98
F. S. Royster Guano Co. 1 1 — 3 3 -
O. M. Scott & Sons C0. 4 4 — 12 12 -
Swift & Co. , Plant Food Div. 54 22 41 157 135 86
Tennessee Corporation 125 68 54 323 278 86
Va. -Carolina Chem. Co. 128 88 69 330 304 92
Totals, Table 2A 2004 1191 59 5252 4694 90
* All samples of the above companies are in this table.
** Percent. is not indicated when number of samples is less than 5.
*** "Tolerance" is 1/4 of 1 percent.

Table 2B - Samples Equal to Guaranty in All Respects,Ancl Analyses
Within Tolerance, By Companies Selling Chiefly Straight Fertilizers, 1951*
Nitro en, hos horic acid & Potash
Number Equal to guaranty Number Equal to guaranty or
· of in all respects of Within tolel-anc€=•=**
' ` in spe ction . _ analy se s
sa   les N  be P€;·cgnt#  ” ade Number Percent**
American Cyanamid Co. 23 21 91 28 27 96 _
Associated Cooperatives 24 18 75 25 20 80
Barrett Div. , Allied Dye
& Chem. Corp. 2 Z - 2 2 -
Chilean Nitrate Sales 3 3 - 3 3 -
Commercial Solvents Corp. 1 1 - 1 1 -
Covington Fertilizer Co. 2 2 — 2 2 -
Ford Motor Co. 1 1 - 1 1 ·
Lion Oil Co. 3 1 - 3 2 -
Mathie son Chemical Corp. 1 1 - 1 1 —
Midsouth Chemical Co. Z 2 - 2 2 — .
Midwestern Phosphate Corp. 3 2 - 3 3 —
National Tube Co. 1 1 - 1 1 - '
Nitrogen Fertilizer Service 1 1 · 1 1 —
Ohio —Karr Chemical Corp. 1 1 - 1 1 -
A.F. Pringle Co. 25 Z3 92 25 23 92
Robin Jones Phosphate Co. 4 4 - 8 8 -
Ruhm Phosphate & Chem. Co. 9 8 89 9 9 100
Schrock Fertilizer Service 5 4 80 5 4 80
Sewage Commission of Q
_ City of Milwaukee 1 0 - 2 2 - V i
Spencer Chemical Co. 1 1 - 1 1 -
_ Tennessee Coal, Iron &
R. R. Co. 2 2 - 2 2 — .
Thompson Sales Co. 2 2 — 2 2 —
Thomson Phosphate Co. 11 8 73 16 14 88
‘ U. S. Phosphate Products Co. 4 1 - 4 2 -
Valley Counties of Ky. 12 9 75 12 9 75
Totals, Table 2B 144 119 83 160 143 89
Totals, Table ZA 2004 1191 59 5252 4694 90
. Grand Total 2148 1310 61 5412 4837 89
* All samples of the above companies are in this table.
** Percent is not indicated when number of samples is less than 5.
*** "To1erance" is 1/4 of 1 percent.

TABLE 3 - Analyses of Inspection Samples of Mixed Fertilizers, Superphosphate, and
Fertilizer Salts, July-December, 1951
Analyses deficient by more than one -£ourth of one percent and relative values deficient b
more tharf$1. 00 per ton are underlined. Footnotes are given when the guarantee for sulfate was
Mi  _ _______________ __ _A_ ________V_ ______ __Y _______i ____ ___*____‘__A___•_ ( __#
Ph°¤_· Index of
Manufacturer, Brand Name, Guaranty _ Ph9*'*C Relative Value
Station No. and From Whorn Obtained Nttr°g°n "2$;c;1_ Potash
able Guar. Found
Cincinnati, Ohio
6-8-6 (Sulfate)
7960 Wilson Grocery, Parksville 5. 77 8. 30 6. 08 35. 6 35. 6
7961 Lebanon Carriage & Impl. Co. ,
Lebanon 5. 89 8. 50 6. 32 35. 6 36. 3
8046 Johnson Brothers, Lexington 5. 86 9. 00 5. 84 35. 6 36. 4
8213 Bedford & Tuttle, Winchester 5. 94 8. 20 6. 25 35. 6 36. 0
6-8-6 (Muriate 3, Sulfate 3)
8173 Norris Hdw. &Seed Co. , Henderson 5.75 8.80 6.09 35.6 36.2
4-12-8 (Muriate) 1
7863 Hayes Hdw. Co. , Dawson Springs 3. 88 ll. 60 8.12 38. 4 37. 8
4-12-8 (Sulfate)
7864 J. H. Fedders Sr Son, Covington 3. 74 12. 00 8. 66a 38. 4 38. 5
7865 John A. Sheehan, Falmouth 3.97 11.78 8.08 38.4 38.2
7962 Lebanon Carriage & Impl. Co.,
Lebanon 3. 78 12.20 8.08 38.4 38.3
4-12-8 (Muriate 4, Sulfate 4) l
7866 Miller Mill, Lynn Grove 4. 05 12. 00 7. 80 38. 4 38. 3
3-12-12 (Murine)
8047 lvlillersburg Coal & Lumber Co. ,
Millersburg 3.08 12.00 11.68 40.4 40.2
8533 Johnson Bros., Lexington 2.97 12.10 12.38 40.4 40.8
3-9-6 (Maaate)
8174 Norris Hdw. &SeedCo., Henderson 2.92 9.80 6.13 30.8 31.7
2 -12 -6 (Muriate)
8048 L. F. Wellman, Louisa 1.96 12.40 5.82 32.4 32.6
8482 Lebanon Carriage & Impl. Co. ,
Lebanon 2.05 11.35 6.05 32.4 31.8
8638 Crab Orchard Lumber C0. ,
Crab Orchard 2.02 11.30 6.18 32.4 31.8
8639 Walters & Thompson, Shelbyville 1. 94 ll. 40 6. 22 32. 4 31. 8
8703 Norris Hdw. & Seed C0. , Henderson 2.12 12. 40 5. 67 32. 4 32. 8
a. Excess Muriate equivalent to 1. 20 percent potash

Ph0S_· Index of
Manufacturer, Brand Name, Guaranty _ Ph9*`1C Relativp Iralug
Station N0. and From Whom Obtained N1tr°g`m 25:3- Potash . ....
able Guar. Found
0-14-7 (Muriate)
8128 J. W. Davidson, Science Hill . .... 14. 50 7.12 29. 8 30. 5
0 -12 -12 (Ivluriate)
8049 Millersburg Coal & Lumber Co. ,
Millersburg ..... 12.20 12.76 32.4 33.4
8050 L. F. Wellman, Louisa ..... 12.10 12. 32 32.4 32. 8
8357 Baughman Milling Co. , Stanford ..... 12. 20 12. 88 32. 4 33. 5
8534 Johnson Brothers, Lexington ..... ll. 90 12.13 32. 4 32. 4
18 % Superphosphate
8129 Johnson & Hodges, Halls Gap ..... 19. 40 .... 23. 4 25. 2
8329 Johnson Bros. Service Sta. ,
Lexington ..... 19.00 .... 23.4 24.7 , l
8358 Baughman Milling Co. , Stanford ..... 18. 40 .... 23. 4 23. 9
V 8640 .].011115011 BIOS. Service Sta. ,
Lexington ..... 18. 90 .... 23. 4 24. 6
50 % Sulfate of Potash
8051 L. F. Wellman, Louisa ..... . . . . 50. 44 55. 0 55. 5
New York 20, N. Y.
- 33. 50 % Ammonium Nitrate "Aeroprills"
8052 Southern States C0-op. , ·
Elizabethtown 33. 72 .... . . . . 67. 0 ,67. 4
. 8176 Southern States Co-op. , Henderson 33. 28 .... . . . . 67. 0 66. 6
8214 F. W. Rickard, Winchester 33. 52 .... . . . . 67. O 67. O
8246 Kincaid Gen. Merchandise,
Hawesville 33. 24 .... . . . . 67. 0 66. 5
8483 Southern States Co-op. ,
Harrodsburg 33. 55 .... . . . . 67. 0 67. 0
8535 Anderson & Spilman, Danville 33. 52 .... . . . . 67. 0 67. 0
20 % Cyanamid Granular "Aero Brand"
8247 Southern States Co-op. , London 20. 36 .... . . . . 48. O 48. 9
8248 Southern States Co-op. , Somerset 20. 28 .... . . .. 48. O 48. 7
8282 Caulk Hardware Co. , Campbellsville 20. 04 .... . . . . 48. O 48. 1
8389 Harralson Seed Co. , Owensboro 20. 36 .... . . . . 48. 0 48. 9
8390 Calloway County Soil Improvement
Asso., Murray 20.44 .. .. .... 48.0 49.1

..-4 »_ Ph0S_· Index of
Manufacturer, Brand Name, Guaranty · PhQI`¥c Relative Value
Station No. and From Whom Obtained N1tr°g°n 23,;%- Potash
able Guar. Found
Cincinnati, O. , Nashvi11e,Tenn. , Jeffersonville, Ind.
6-8-6 (Muriate) "Big Crop Brand"
8391 Cadiz Hardware Co. , Cadiz 5. 81 9. 50 6. 35 35. 6 37. 4
8392 Harralson Seed Co. , Owensboro 5. 59 8.10 7. 22 35. 6 36.1
8331 Yopp Seed Co. , Paducah 5. 57 8. 60 7. 41 35. 6 36. 9
6-8-6 (Sulfate) Armour
7963 F. B. Marksbury, Lancaster 6. 06 8. 50 6. 35 35. 6 36. 7
7964 Willoughby Co. , Richmond 5. 95 8. 60 6. 32 35. 6 36. 5
8053 J. C. Everett & Co. , Maysville 6. 25 8. 40 5. 75 35. 6 36. 3
8359 W. C. Blair, Russell Springs 6.13 8.30 5,6Z 35.6 35.9
8733 I-1. L. Sparks, North Pleasureville 5. 70 7, 95 6. 48 35. 6 35. 4
8755 Wor1ey& Crain, Perryville 5. 84 8. 20 6. 37 35. 6 35. 9
5-20-20 (Muriate) "Big Crop Brand"
8332 Yopp Seed Co. , Paducah 4. 84 19. 90 18. 46 62. 0 60. 0
5-10-16 (suuate) Armour‘s
7867 Loyd Yates and Son, Maud 4. 95 10. 30 15. 53 46. 0 45. 8
8215 Carlisle Mill 8: Supply Co. , Carlisle 4. 71 10. 30 15. 99 46. 0 45. 8
8734 H. L. Sparks, North Pleasureville 4. 81 10.15 15. 82 46. 0 45. 6
8735 Watkins Brothers, Smithfield 4. 97 10. 20 16. 60 46. 0 46. 8
5-10-10 (Muriate) "Vertagreen Brand"
7965 John Adams, Jeff 4.65 10.60 10.77 40.0 40.8
8333 Louisa Supply Co. , Louisa 5. 09 10. 70 10. 52 40. 0 41. 5
8360 Camargo Farm Supply, Camargo 5. 00 10. 70 10. 67 40. 0 41. 5
8393 Land-O'Nan Warehouse, Sturgis 4. 94 10.10 9. 91 40. 0 39. 9
5-10-10 (Sulfate) Armour's "VetagreenBrand"
7868 Loyd Yates 8. scm, Maud 4.93 10.03 11.08C 40-0 41-0
8216 Carlisle Mill & Supply Co. , Carlisle 4. 92 10. 40 10. 27 40. 0 40. 6
8217 Keeton Wholesale Co. , Grassy Creek 4. 77 10. 40 10.17 40. 0 40. 2
4-12-8 (Muriate) "Big Crop Brand" _
7869 Lyle's General Store, Brewers 3.81 12.00 7.70 38.4 37.7
8177 G.C. Cornett, Cumberland 3.20 13.25 8.25 38.4 38.6
8218 Birmingham Milling Co. , Benton 3. 75 11. 75 8. 38 38. 4 38. 0
8536 Butterworth Seed C0. , Mayfield 4.10 11. 70 8. 21 38. 4 38. 5
8666 Youngblood Brothers, lviayfield 3. 91 12. 00 8. 55 38. 4 38. 8
8720 Ross Feed Co., Murray 3.87 11.98 8. 15 38.4 38.3
4-12-8 (suuate) A1-mouvs
8054 J. C. Everett & Co. , Maysville 3. 55 12. 50 8.17 38. 4 38. 3
b. Excess Muriate equivalent to 0. 68 percent potash

— _ Ph¤s_— Index of -
Manufacturer, Brand Name, Guaranty _ Ph9I'1C Relative Value
Station No. and From Whom Obtained N1tr°g°n gsrggb Potash .......
able Guar. Found
4-12-8 (Sulfate) Armour's (Cont'd)
8055 Thomerson Milling Co. , Glasgow 3- 99 11- 90 8· 07 38· 4 38- 3
- 4-12-8 (Sulfate) Armour's "VertagreenBrand"
8056 Jerome Glass, Grayson 4. 38 12. 20 7. 99 38. 4 39. 4
4-12-4 (Muriate) "Big Crop Brand"
8057 Truman Hollingsworth & Co. ,
Tompkinsville 4. 08 11. 60 4. 35 34. 4 34. 4
7966 Champion Warehouse 96, Jenkins 3. 93 ll. 90 4. 41 34. 4 34. 6
7967 W. D. Cunningham, Webbs Cross
Roads 4.08 12.30 4.25 34.4 35.2
8130 Yopp Seed Company, Paducah 4. 06 12. 20 4. 84 34. 4 35. 6
8131 Campbell Wholesale Co. , Combs 4. 05 12. 50 4.14 34. 4 35. 2
8394 H. B. McCleary, Auburn 3. 68 12. 40 4. 22 34. 4 34. 5
8736 Herschel Wray, Belton 3. 52 11. 33 5. 62 34. 4 34. 3
V 4-12-4 (Muriate) "Old Black Joe"
8641 George Patmor & Son, Marion 3. 65 12. 40 4. 07 34. 4 34. 3
8704 J. R. Williams Hdw. Co. , Beaver
Dam 3.56 12.50 4.95 34.4 35.1
4-12-4 (Sulfate) Armour's
» 7968 Elkins at Rose, Stillwater 8. 51 12.40 8. 559 34. 4 38- 5
3-12-12 (Muriate) "Big Crop Brand"
7870 Ross Feed Co., Murray 2.83 11.75 11.83 40.4 39.6
7969 Farmers Supp1y·Co. , Whjtesburg 3. 03 12. 00 12. 68 40. 4 41. 1
8058 Gibbs Feed & Hdw. Co. , Ashland 3. 20 ll. 55 12. 67 40. 4 40. 9
_ 8334 Yopp Seed Co., Paducah 2.97 12.40 12.17 40.4 41.0
8537 Robert Edgar Young, Providence 3. 25 11.18 12. 66 40. 4 40. 6
8538 Butterworth Seed Co. , Mayfield Z. 97 ll. 90 11. 98 40. 4 40. 2
8623 McWhorter Produce Co. , Albany 3. 08 11. 88 11.‘72 40. 4 40. 1
8667 Slaughters Mercantile Co. ,
Slaughters 2.99 11.90 12.44 40.4 40.7
3-12-12 (Sulfate) Armour's
8059 Big Four Feed & lmpl. Co. ,
Scottsville 3.17 11.70 12.17 40.4 40.6
3-12-6 (Muriate) Old Black Joe
7871 Ewen & Palmer, Stanton 3. 47 12. 00 6. 88 34. 4 36. 2
7872 Lyle's General Store, Brewers 3. 08 12. 30 5. 98 34. 4 34. 9
7970 Hobert Banks, Annville 3. 29 12.10 6. 48 34. 4 35. 6
8283 N. T. Nuckols, Elkton 2. 68 12. 70 6. 07 34. 4 34. 7
H. Approximately half muriate and half sulfate of potash

` -4; _ Ph<>s_- index of
Manufacturer, Brand Name, Guaranty _ Ph9¤C Relative value
Station No. and From Whom Obtained N1tr°g°n ijzglf Potash
able Guar. Found
3-12-6 (Muriate) Old Black Joe (Cont'd)
8395 W. H. Arnold & Co. , Madisonville 2. 84 12. 30 6. 36 34. 4 34. 8
8396 Hatter Hardware Co. , Franklin 2. 89 11. 85 6. 86 34. 4 34. 9
8397 H. B. McC1eary, Auburn 2. 85 12. 60 6. 35 34. 4 35. 2
8484 Big Four Feed & lmpl. Co. ,
Scottsville 3.06 1],,73 5.86 34.4 34.1
8539 Robert Young, Providence 3. 04 12. 20 5. 75 34. 4 34. 5
8540 Denton Hardware C0. , Madisonville 2. 94 12. 00 5. 96 34. 4 34. 2
8721 Gibson Produce Co. , Monticello 2. 98 12. 20 5. 84 34. 4 34. 4
3-9-6 (muriate) ··B1g cr¤p··
8060 H. B. McCleary, Auburn 2. 67 9. 80 6. 21 30. 8 31. 3
7971 Hackney—Je11ico Co. , Middlesboro 3.12 9. 20 6. 05 30. 8 31. 3
8398 The T. J. Turley Co. , Owensboro 2. 84 8. 80 6. 47 30. 8 30. 7
8541 Anderson & Spilman, Danville 3. 04 9. 50 7. 08 30. 8 32. 6
8737 Herschel Wray, Belton 2. 95 9. 30 5. 44 30. 8 30. 5
3 -9 -6 (Sulfate) Armour's
7972 London Hdw. Co. , London 2. 91 9. 60 6. 67 30. 8 32. 0
7973 Hackney-Jellico Company,
Middlesboro 3.05 9.20 6. 55 30.8 31.7
2-12-6 (Murine) ··B1g cmpu
7873 Slaughters Mercantile Co. ,
Slaughters 2.26 11.90 6.45 32.4 33.3 _
7974 London Hdw. Co. , London 2. 07 12.10 6. 65 32. 4 33. 3
8061 Big Four Feed & Impl. Co. ,
Scottsville 2.07 12.10 6. 52 32.4 33.2
8062 T.H. Gilley Grocery, Lecta 2.41 11.85 6.91 32.4 34.0
8219 Wrigley Mercantile Co. , Wrigley 3. 25 11. 40 5. 31 32. 4 33. 5
8284 Forbes Hdw. Co. , Hopkinsville 2. 06 12.10 6. 57 32. 4 33. 2
8309 G, M_ Haycraft & Son, Leitchfield 2.13 12. 30 5, 61 32. 4 32. 6
8310 Farmers Supply C0. , Hodgenville 2.11 12. 05 6. 81 32. 4 33. 5
8399 Hatter Hdw. Co. , Franklin 2. 20 ll. 90 6. 57 32. 4 33. 3
8400 C6diZH¤W--Co. , Cadiz 1.99 12. 50 6.21 32.4 33.2
8401 Sam Ryle, Burlington 2. 08 12. 20 6. 30 32. 4 33.1 ·
8402 H. B. McC1eary, Auburn 2. 05 12. 40 6. 31 32. 4 33. 3
8485 E. M. Bryant, Tollesboro 2.11 12. 20 6.18 32. 4 33. 0
8486 H. W. Duvall, Park City 2. 24 12. 30 5. 88 32. 4 33.1
8542 Farmers Supply C0. , Eminence 2.14 12.20 6.29 32.4 33.2
8642 Hinch & Co. , Marion Z. 32 12. 00 6. 08 32. 4 33.1
8668 Slaughters Mercantile Co. ,
Slaughters 2.11 12.10 6. 38 32. 4 33.1
8705 Bishop, Patterson & Gray Bros.
Glasgow 2.04 11.95 6.21 32.4 32.6
0-20 -20 (Murine) Haig cr6p·· ‘
8335 Louisa Supply Co. , Louisa .... 20. 20 19. 94 50. 0 50. 2

Ph¤¤_- Index of
Manufacturer, Brand Name, Guaranty _ Ph9¤C Relativp value
Station No. and From Whom Obtained N*tr°g°n 2:,31- Potash ...1.
able Guar. Found
0-20 -20 (Murine) ··B1g ci-¤p·· (coma)
8361 Allen Coal Service, Brandenburg ..... 20.10 18. 78 50. 0  
8362 W. C. Blair, Russell Springs ..... 20. 25 18. 42 50. 0 48. 7
8403 The T. .1. Turley Co. , Ownesboro ..... 20. 03 19. 36 50. 0 49. 4
8404 Sam Ryle, Burlington ..... 19. 70 21. 20 50. 0 50. 8
8405 Bonnieville Hdw. Co. , Bonnieville ..... 19. 10 18. 70 50. 0 47. 6
8406 Land —O'Nan Warehouse, Sturgis ..... 19. 43 19. 92 50. 0 49. 2
8487 E. M. Bryant, Tolle sboro ..... 20. 20 22. 00 50. 0 52. 2
8488 Ideal Hdw. Co. , Glasgow ..... 20. 10 20. 88 50. 0 51. 0
8669 S. E. Hale & Son, Hdw. C0. , ~
Greenville ..... 19. 10 19.14 50. 0 il
0-14-7 (Murine) Haig Crop"
8063 Farmers Hay & Seed C0. , Smiths
Grove ..... 14.10 7.28 29.8 30.2
8178 Quality Grocery & Hdw. Co. ,
Greenville ..... 11. 08 7. 26 29. 8 26. 8
8220 Camargo Farmers Supply, Camargo ..... 14. 40 6. 73 29. 8 30. 0 *
8285 Forbes Hdw. Co. , Hopkinsville ..... 13. 60 6. 71 29. 8 29. 0
A 8311 G. M. Haycraft & Son, Leitchfield . .... 13. 45 7. 40 29. 8 29. 5
8363 Irvington Truck Lines, Irvington ..... 13. 88 7. 98 29. 8 30. 6
8364 Camargo Farmers Supply, Camargo ..... 13. 33 7. 42 29. 8 29. 4 I
8407 Keith & Lykins, Springdale ..... 13. 45 7. 41 29. 8 29. 6
8408 Ratliff Hdw. Co. , Princeton ..... 14. 40 7. 40 29. 8 30. 7
· 8409 Hatter Hdw. C0. , Franklin ..... 15- Z0 8. 89 29. 8 33.1 .
8489 E. M. Bryant, Tollesboro ..... 14. 90 7. 09 29. 8 31. 0
8543 Farmers Supply Co. , Eminence ..... 13. 40 7. 39 29. 8 29. 5
8644 Hinch & Co. , Marion ..... 13. 98 7. 62 29. 8 30. 4
8670 G. M. Haycraft & Son, Leitchfield ..... 13. 25 7. 85 29. 8 29. 8
8671 Caneyville Mills, Caneyville ..... 14. 20 8. 19 29. 8 31. 2 I
0-12-12 (Muriate)
7874 Slaughters Mercantile Co. , Slaughters ..... 12. 80 9. 94 32. 4 31. 3
7875 H. W. Duvall, Park City _____ 12. 30 10. 27 32. 4 31. 0
8064 Gibbs Feed & Hdw. Co. , Ashland ..... 13. 25 6. 21 32. 4 28.1
8065 Virgie Stallard, Olive Hill ..... 12. 20 11. 87 32. 4 32. 5
8286 N. T. Nuckols, Elkton ..... 12. 30 11. 48 32. 4 32. 2
8365 Allen Coal Service, Brandenburg ..... 11. 95 12. 41 32. 4 32. 8
8410 Upton Hardware Co. , Upton ..... 12. 40 11. 98 32. 4 32. 9
8491 H. W. Duvall, Park City ..... 12. 30 11.16 32. 4 31. 9
8544 ROb€1't Young, Providence . . . . . 12. Z0 11. 35 32. 4 32. O
8672 Slaughters Mercantile Co. , Slaughters ..... 11. 90 12. 09 32. 4 32. 4
8673 Allen Coal Service, Brandenburg ..... 12. 00 11.16 32. 4 31. 6
8674 Quality Grocery Sz Hdw. C0. ,
Greenville ..... 13.00 12.14 32.4 33.7

P- Ph¤s_- Index of
Manufacture r, Brand Name, Guaranty · Phfgic ' Relative value
Station No. and From Whom Obtained Nltrclgen M1 . Potash
able Guar. Found
0 -12 — 12 (Muriate) "Big Crop" with 3#b0rax per lO0#
8490 Big Four Feed & lmpl. Co. ,
Scottsville (1) ..... 12.90 10. 54 32.4 32.0
45 % Superphosphate
3493 A_ (Q_ Roberts, Scottsville ..... 46,40 ..... 58. 5 60- 3
8411 Cadiz Hdw. Co. , Cadiz ··... 44, 40 ..... 58. 5 57- 8
20 % Superphosphate
7876 N. T. Nuckols, Elkton ..... 20. 80 ..... 26.0 27.0
7877 Ross Feed Company, Murray ..... 19. 55 ..... 26. 0 25.4
7975 Ratliff Hdw. Co. , Princeton ..... 19. 65 ..... 26. 0 25. 6
8249 McWhorter Produce Co. , Albany ..... 17. 48 ..... 26. 0 22. 7
8287 Thomas Warren, Guthrie ..... 20. 20 ..... 26. 0 26. 3
8412 Hatter Hardware Co. , Franklin ..... 21.10 ..... 26. 0 27. 4
8413 Cadiz Hdw. Co. , Cadiz ..... 20. 70 ..... 26. 0 26. 9
8493 Truman Hollingsworth, Tompkinsville ..... 20. 60 ..... 26. 0 26. 8
8545 Harralson Seed Co., Owensboro ..... 20. 50 ..... 26. 0 26. 7
8546 Anderson and Spilman, Danville . . . . . 19. 80 ..... 26. O 25. 7
8624 John J. Carter, Waynesburg ..... 19. 58 ..... 26. 0 25. 5
8645 Willoughby Supply C0. , Richmond . .... 18. 70 ..... 26. O 24. 3
8675 Caneyville Roller Mills, Caneyville ..... 19. 30 ..... 26. 0 25.1
8706 Owen Ayres, Morgantown ..... 20. 60 ..... 26. 0 26. 8
8756 Worley & Crain, Perryville ..... 19. 40 ..... 26. 0 25. 2
16 % Nitrate of Soda
8066 C. A. Rabourne & Son, Lawton 16.08 ..... . .... 48.0 48.2 p
20 % "Aero" Cyanamid
8414 Cadiz Hdw. C0. , Cadiz 20. 76 ..... . .... 48. 0 49. 8
33. 50 % Ammonium Nitrate
8132 D. H. Tate, Monticello 33.08 ..... . .... 67.0 66.2
8676 S. E. Hale & Son, Greenville 33. 52 .... . ..... 67.0 67.0 _
60 % Muriate of Potash
8336 Yopp Seed Company, Paducah ..... . .... 60. 32 54. 0 54. 3
50 % Muriate of Potash
8337 Yopp Seed Co. , Paducah ..... . .... 53. 68 45. 0 48. 3
48 % Sulfate of Potash
8707 Ideal Hdw. Co. , Glasgow ..... . .... 51. 76 52. 8 56. 9
8738 H. L. Sparks, N. Pleasureville ..... . .... 52.24 52.8 57.5
(1) Boron guaranteed O. 34 percent - found 0. 37 percent

;——;—_ _ —_—Yt——__—7_;__»  Index of
Manufacturer, Brand Name, Guaranty _ Phcfgic Relative value
Station No. and From Whom Obtained N‘tT°g°“ gjrgib Potash . .2..
able Guar. Found