xt769p2w4h50 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt769p2w4h50/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1952-05-23  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 23, 1952 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 23, 1952 1952 1952-05-23 2013 true xt769p2w4h50 section xt769p2w4h50 li









Former Grrman Military Governor

Heads Theological Seminary

Gen. Clay To Speak

At Commencement
Arthur's staff in the Philippines in
1937 snii rtnrine 1940 and 1941 he
directed the defense airport pro- gram of the Civil Aeronautics Ad- ministration. After serving as Euro- pean Chief of U.S. forces and Ger- man military governor, he retired
from the Army in May, 1949.
Besides heading one of the largest
seminaries in the world. Dr. McCall
is also a member of the Baptist
World Alliance Executive Committee
where his influence touches the
world's 15 million Baptists.
Dr. McCall holds an A.B. degree
from Furman University, Th.M. and
Fh.D. degrees from the Southern
Baptist Theological Seminary, the
fl i nirrnn frm Davlnr rfniraiviti,
and the D.D. degree from Furman

McCall Will Talk

At Sunday Program
Gen. Lucius D. Clay, former commaof the U.S. forces
m Europe and VS. military governor of Germany, will be the principal speaker at the 85th UK commencement Friday, in Memorial


Donovan Hits Back
At Streit 's Charges


Speaker at the baccalaureate program at 4 p.m. Sunday, also in Memorial Coliseum w ill be Dr. Duke K.
McCall, president of the Southern
Baptist Theological Seminary.
Gen. Clay will speak on "Our Responsibility in World Leadership,"
and Dr. McCall will speak on "Man
of Destiny".
A native of Marietta, Ga., Gen.
Clay received his B.S. degree from
the VS. Military Academy in 1918
and served with engineer troops un- He represented the VS. at the
The 1952 commencement calendar
Permanent International Navigation is as follows, with all times schedConference at Brussels in 1934. Gen. uled on Central Daylight Savings
Clay served briefly on Gen. Mac- - Time:
Sunday, May 25
The Baccalaureate Exercises, at
Memorial Coliseum, will take place
at 4 p.m. rne speaker win De Dr.
Duke K. McCall, president of the
Southern Baptist Theological Semi- -

The recent statement of Judge
Saul Streit of New York is a "67-- I
page harange" filled with misrepre-- !
scntation and designed to destroy
the reputation of UK. President
Herman L. Donovan said Tuesday
nisht at a meeting A the Univer-- !
sity's Fayette County Alumni Association.
Tiesident Donovan said UK and
Bradley University were made the
"whipping boys" of the collegiate
basketball scandal to force attention
away from racketeers and gamblers
in New York.
"The judge forgot that Madison
Square Garden was in his baili-- i
wick, and that place is one of the
rottenest gambling joints in the
world," he said. "All the culprits
were In Kentucky according to
Judge Streit."
As a result of Judge Streit's
charges. Dr. Donovan said that
sports writers, particularly those in
New York City, have been having a
great time. They have focused at
tention here instead of on New York
"And I think that's what it was
intended to do," he said. "
Donovan Questions Judge's Action
In his address, Dr. Donovan
charged that the judge acted im- ' properly in talking in chambers to
the three former UK players await- lng sentence before him.
"Rupp was not on trial," the UK
head said, "but he (the judge) put
him on trial and found him cniltv
and in a lengthy opinion. The Uni- versity was not on trial, but he put
it on trial and found it guilty."


For Library


An appropriation

of $35,000 from
income of the Haggin Fund has been
approved by the UK Board of Trustees for the purchase of library
books, research materials, and for
library alterations.
President H. L. Donovan told the
xecutive Committee of the Trustees
last week that the Margaret I. King
Library was admitted recently to
the Association of Research Libraries a one of the 45 outstanding
libraries in the nation.
"I understand from Dr. Lawrence
Thompson, director of libraries, and
members of the Library Committee,"
President Donovan said, "that there
"e weaknesses In our library that
should be strengthened immediately
that we may hold the ground that
we have gained through the recent
recognition that has been given our
Twenty-fiv- e
thousand dollars of
the appropriated sum will be spent
on books and research materials.
Ten thousand dollars will be used to
restore cubicles which were removed
some years ago to accommodate
more books in the library.
Eah book purchased with Haggin
funds will bear a statement that it
was bought from income from the
Margaret Voorhies Haggin Trust
Fund. Mrs. Haggin established the
fund in memory of her husband, the
late James Ben Ali Haggin.




Summer Study
At Monterrey

Graduation Events

UK Trustees
A iprove Grant







FROM Wednesday night's panty escapade. On the left Is one of the ransacked rooms at
Lydia Brown House, and on the right are some of the raiders breaking into the house through the house
mother's window.


Just how out of hand a group of supposedly
educated men and women can uet was shown
An 11. man rnmniittpp nac hppn
appointed by the UK faculty to j clearly by Wednesday night's panty raid,
study the effect of the athletic pro- the antics of students - at a half dozen
W-"'gram on the standards of UK.
The committee is made up of other colleges, UK collegians, joined by alxuit
representatives of all seven colleges an equal nuinlx'r of high schoolers and towns-o- f
the University. The group is an
collet-tetheir souvenirs, but
outgrowth of a similar committee lx"pk. I,ot n'y
appointed last February by the Col- - in addition destroyed property and created more
lege of Arts and Sciences.
adverse nublicitv for the University. This at a
Members of the committee are C.
time when UK could so well stand some good
Arnold Anderson, Thomas D. Clark,
George T. Faust, James A. Ward, press clippings.
and Ralph H. Weaver, all of the
Coming as it did near the close of the semester
Arts and Sciences College; Stephen
; and the beginning of spring, the raid might have
Diachun, Agriculture Department
Frederick W. Whiteside Jr., Law;
written off as a "lxys will le boys" episode
Harry A. Romanowitz, Engineering; (as was the case with the original raid at
William A. Tolman, Commerce; Ellis
F. Hartford, Education; and J. W. Michigan), if it had been original to UK and had
Miles, Pharmacy.
not included the actual destruction that it did.
But the action here was only the mimicking of
similar conduct at other colleges, without the
judgment displayed in many of the previous
ww"rii I
Coeds, as well as the males involved must
hare in the blame for the raid since the crowd,
which itt first showed few signs of actually enter
The Central Kentucky Youth ing the residence units, was moved to action by
Symphony, under the direction of their shouts of "chit-kenand "come and get em."
Marvin Rabin, of the music faculty,
will present a concert at 8 p.m. toAt the start, the w hole affair, probably seemed
night in the Henry Clay Auditorium.
a big joke to l)oth the males and females who
The program will consist of "Jesu,









Commencement Tea






Dr. Hollis Summers, assistant professor of English, and Dr. William
M. Moore, associate professor of
journalism, have been selected to
speak at UK's first creative writing
clinic, which will be held tomorrow.
The clinic is scheduled to begin and workshop programs.
at 1 :30 p.m. in the Music Lounge of
the Fine Arts Building. Dr. Summers will speak on "The Novel and
Fiction Writing" from 1:30 until



Youth Concert


If I' ft

Educated Students Show Lack
Intelligence In 'Panty Raid9
Committee Appointed Of


President nitd Mrs. Herman Lee
Donovun cordially Unite the January,
mic, and August graduates with their
families, the alumni with their jam- dies, the faculty and staff with their
University of Wisconsin and Lehigh ' wives, and the friends of the I'ni- University, in addition to working
of Kentucky to attend the Com- on several newspapers.
Tea, four to six o'eliK-kBoth Dr. Summers and Dr. Moore
the twenty-nint- h
of May,
have worked with the Frankfort at Maxwell Place.
Writers Club in its series of lecture

"Writing the Feature Article and
the Feature Story" will be the topic
of Dr. Moore's address, slated from
2:30 until 3:30 p.m. An informal
coffee hour will follow his lecture.
The clinic has been planned by
the Department of University Exof the
tension with the
Frankfort Writers Club and the recently organized creative writing
group of the University's Northern
Extension Center at Covington.
Dr. Summers has recently published his second novel, "Brighten
the Corner." His first novel, "City
Limits," was published in 1948. Several of his short stories have appeared in leading magazines. During
the past year Dr. Summers has been
on leave, made possible by a Ford
Foundation grant, to visit creative
writing workshops and clinics
throughout the country.
Dr. Moore has been on the University staff since 1947. He has
tmirlit journalism and creative writing at Parsons Junior College, the


Marvin Rabin

Summers, Moore To Speak
Al UK's First Writing Clinic

2:30 p.m.

Dr. Donovan cited the postwar in
terest in sports and the clamor o
build teams.
"Then all of a sudden athletics is
overemphasized." he said. "The
wrath of the public rises up and
wants a victim, a whipping boy
and finds it ii Bradley and Ken.
Guilty Parties Should Be Punished
The President said that if anyone
was guilty of an offense he should
be punished. "Eut they won't let
it up." he said, "They keep bringing
up the charges over and over."
Dr. Donovan agreed that the recruiting system for basketball and
football had been bad at the school,
"but everybody else recruited that
was the order of the day."
"But 1 11 tell you this," the UK
head said, "our record is a good as
any other university on the Ameri- can continent."
President Donovan said the Uni- versity was "ashamed and embar-- 1
rassed" by the bribe disclosures, but
said again that the guilty players'
"essentially are not dishonorable.
but were taken in by slick gamblers."
"God knows," he said, "they have
been punished over and over again.'
It might have been easier for them
to have gone to the electric chair.
"They have been held up to scorn
by the court and by the light of far
more publicity than usually is given
a man who commits murder or some
other henious crime."

Dean Won't Say How Raiders
Will Be Punished For Antics

Twenty students, instructors, and
their families will represent UK in
a summer program of cooperative
study in geography at Monterrey
Technical College, Mexico from
July 14 through August 23.
"The purpose of this summer
school," Dr. J. R. Schwendeman,
nary- head of the Geography Department,
Baccalaureate Reception for mem- - said, "is to begin the kind of cobers of the graduating class, faculty, operation which will eventually free
members, and friends will be held the world of misunderstanding. Stu tin the Music Room of the SUB 1m- - dents of geography will be instructed
mediately following the Baccalau-- 1 in the classroom and the field in
reate Exercises.
the techniques of seing the prob
Thursday, May 29
lems of other peoples and their
folThe schedule for Thursday
homelands and to suggest realistic
12:30 p.m.: Class reunion lunchDr. Schwendeman explained that
students expenses would be very
p.m.: Annual Meeting of the
low for the session since the Sears
Kentucky Research Foundation, Of- - Roebuck Foundation had provided
fice of the President.
12 student scholarships and Monman L. Donovan will be at home to terrey Tech would provide all necestrustees, faculty, alumni, seniors, sary accommodations.
and guests of the graduating class,
Instructors for the summer session
Maxwell Place.
will be Dr. Schwendeman and Pro6:30 p.m.: Alumni Banquet and!
fessor Isidoro Vizcaya of Monterrey Joy of Man's Desiring," J. S. Bach;
Annual Meeting, UK Alumni Asso- - Tech.
"Dance of the Rose Maidens," from
ciation. in the Bluegrass Room of
Those who will make the trip to Gayne, a ballet by Aram Khacha-turiathe SUB. The speaker will be Ollie Mexico
"Concerto In E Flat, for
Mary a.
James, UK alumnus, and associate Gordon inciuae: Gerald Schwende trumpet and orchestra," with Ray
editor of the Cincinnati Enquirer.
man, Wilton Tucker, Thelma Rector as soloist, by Joseph Hayden;
Friday, May 30
Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Robert "Prelude and Fugue in D Minor,"
10 a.m.: Registration of alumni, AnVenhranrit
Mr and Mr T invH p conducted by Charles Ford, by G. F.
Room 124 of the Student Union Bell Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Handel (arr. Kindler); "Fugue No.
Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Rice, 2" conducted by the composer, David
12:30 p.m.: Commencement lunch- - jkr- - anj Mrs. Raymond Wilkie, and Livingston; and "Procession of the
eon, Bluegrass Room of SUB. Louis nr and Mrs Schwendeman and Knights of the Holy Grail," from
Ware. 17, Engineer and Business daughters, Frances and Beth Ann. Parsifal hu WirViarH AX7acrrir
Executive, will be the speaker.
Following intermission, the sym- 7 pan.: The commencement pro- pnony wm present uoncerto in a
cession will form on the circle be
Major," with Robert Davis as clari- To
tween Stoll Field and the SUB.
net soloist, by W. A.Mozart; "Gavot- 7:30 p.m.: Commencement Exer!ta." from the Classical Symphony,
by Serge Prokofiev; "Suite" from the
cises at Memorial Coliseum.
speaker will be General Lucius D.
President and Mrs. Herman L. baUel Swan Lake, by Tchaikovsky,
Clay, military leader and business Donovan have issued the following
'ith Robert Lancaster, Peggy Hall,
executive. ,
invitation to the Commencement and Allan Wetzel as soloists.
The concert is free to the public.
Tea Thursday afternoon. No private
invitations will be sent.

NUMIiEli 29

FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1952

Slimmpr Sphnnl Cards

n ailUUie



Students planning to register for
the summer session in June may ob- tain registration cards during
animation week in the Registrar's
Office on the first floor of the
ministration Building.
The office is open each day from
8:30 a.m. to noon and from 1:30 p.m.
to 5 p.m.

participated in it. Both groups overlooked the
possibility of the raid getting out of hand and
causing the destruction that it did. Actually only
luck prevented even more serious ottenses
committed bv the mob.
With the residence units spread out over the






acts which might not have even entered the
minds of those who originated the raid. "Edu- cated' students should have considered this pos- .i i
siuiiuv .
University and city police are to lx? congratulated for their restraint in handling the
crowd. Considering the difficulty they experienced in quelling the disturbance, they kept
their tempers under control, proliably averting a
riot which would have resulted in the injury of
a niimlx-- of students. The same restraint could
well have been exercised earlier by those who
started and encouraged the raid.
After the amazing displays of apathy to group
seen here in the past with
action which have
regard to worthwhile projects, the panty raids
came as a surprise and not a pleasant one. If
UK students must Ik- - copiers, we suggest they
use a little more intelligence in their selection of
t ..
wnat to copy.



to step into the limelight and risk
leading the action.
To the disappointment of many of
the dormitory residents, the crowd
soon moved on to other fields. As
they left, girls in the windows shouted "chicken" again, but this, time
they sounded a slight note of dejection.
Threat To Chi O House Stopped
For a while, the mob played with
the idea of rushing into the Chi
Omega house, but again lack of
leadership ended a possible threat
then too the girls were not quite so
enthusiastic toward the valient
males here.
orator rallied
One leather-lunge- d
the crumbling mob at Euclid and
Rose with the shout:
"The girls are making fools out of
us instead of us making fools out of
them. Come on, let's get Lydia
To speak was to act almost. The
mob needed another pep talk when


extremely easy for irresponsible, or perhaps even
criminal, persons to join the crowd and commit

Shouts Of 'Chicken'
Taunt Mob To Action
By Dick Cherry
"Come and get 'em!"
Egged on by the taunts of eager.
excited girls hanging from the third
floor windows of Jewell Hall, a mob
of VK students and rabble elements
from Lexington DioDer started a
parody of a -- panty raid" at 9:30
The howling band first moved
around in back of Patt Hall where
two athletic young men scaled the
nre escape and entered an open door
on the third floor.
The girls squealed, doused water
on the intruders, and posed prettily
f0r the cameramen down below.
Most Of Crowd Hung Back
Most of the crowd hung back
watching the two on the fire escape,
while numerous heroes in the rear
ranks shouted for action.
Although the crowd didn't lack
shouted directions from those well
away from any danger, it soon became apparent that no one wanted



Cuiittiiiit'd tit l'.iue tit

Two Sororities
Only two of 11 UK sorority houses
reported any damage as a result of
"panty raid" Wednesthe
day night.
At the Chi Omega house the crowd
milled around on both sides of Rose
Street, and twice entered the house
through open doors. Each time the
house mother ' appealed to the intruders and they withdrew. It was
reported later that one window pane
was broken by an unknown vandal.
Spokesmen for Kappa Alpha
Theta said the rear fire escape was
pulled down, but added that the
crowd moved on after circling the
house for a few minutes.
At the Kappa Delta house the
crowd, angry and vocal, milled over
half an hour after attempts to break
in had been stopped by Lexington
cily police.
Five sororities reported that they
locked their houses, turned the
lights off and watched the mob
passing quietly. They were Zeta
Tau Alpha, Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Delta Zeta. Alpha Gamma Delta,
and Alpha Delta PL

Board Of Publications Appoints Kernel And Kentuckian Editors


ZoB m2h

TO THE KFNTI'C'KIAN AM) KKUNKL STAFFS are. from left to riglil: Ann Downing, krnlm kiun business lii.uia
editor; Merrill Mct'ord, Kernel news editoi ; Noi Peers, Kernel managing editor; and Dick Cherry, Kernel editor.




Jim Perry.


Dean Holmes
Labels Mob
Dean of Students A. D. Kirwan
declined to say Thursday morning
just whjft disciplinary action had
been or would be taken as a result
of the Wednesday night panty raids,
but one student said he was "told
to pack up and get out." and said
others had been told the same
At least 20 men were called into
the Dean's office Thursday after
their names had been taken by Dr.
Bennett Wall, director of the men's
residence halls.
President H. L. Donovan had not
yet met with Dean Kirwan or Dean
of Women Sarah B. Holmes, and
he had no statement to make.
Dean Holmes said.
"Hoodlums are hoodlums whether
they are university students or belong to other groups. Uncle Sam
should give them a chance to fiht.
Korea is the proper battle grounds.
We are not proud of some of the
women students cheering and jeering the men on. We feel sorry for
the mothers of the students, but the
students deserve it."
Dean Says Lydia Brown Wret-krDean Holmes said the Lydia
Brown House, scene of the most
spectacular raid, was "wrecked."
She said the raiders took not only
lingerie, but jewelry, outer clothing.
and anything else they could get
their hands on.
Men students began gathering hi
front of the SUB about 8:45 p.m.
By a few minutes alter 9 p.m.. a
large crowd had gathered near the
intersection of Limestone Street and
the Avenue of Champions. They
started toward Jewell Hall, but Dean
the first attack.
All during this time, girls in
Jewell Hall were leaning out the
windows, yelling "chicken."
After spreading out. the group
gathered again and moved toward
Patterson Hall. There they found
the front doors locked and went to
the back. Five or six students went
up a fire escape, and two went in.
returning with trophies of assorted
Kirwan. Wall Followed Raiders
Dean Kirwan and Dr. Wall followed from dormitory to dormitory,
identifying as many as possible of
the raiders.
At Boyd Hall, the front door was
open and about 100 men rushed in.
Continuing to Rose Street, the
raiders started into the Chi Omesa
House, but left when asked by the
housemother. They also gathered
around the Delta Delta Delta House,
but did not go in.
The raiders quickly left Rose
Street and headed for Lydia Brown
House, with police in hot pursuit.
At Lydia Brown House, a student
hoisted another student to the winsingle-handed-




the houemother's


When she refused to open the window, he tore dowji the screen and
opened the window. Crawling inside, he unlocked the back door and
let in a horde of about 40 raiders.
Asbury Arrested
Police arrested William Asbury, a
Scott Street Barracks resident, and
charged him with burglary and
breach of peace. The police paddy
wagon, speeding through the crowd,
narrowly missed hitting several onlookers who were in the street.
The raiders moved to Maxwell
Stret from the Lydia Brown House,
yelling. "To the Theta House! On
to the Theta House!"
At the Kappa Alpha Theta Hiue,
lights were put out as they approached, and all the girls stayed
inside. The crowd stayed only about
five minutes, and then moved toward the Kappa Delta Houe. ignoring the Kappa Kappa Gamni;..
Alpha Gamma Delta, and Alpha Xi
Delta Houses on the way.
Police grabbed Henry Altenbvr.
another Barracks resident, as he attempted to break in at the back of
the KD House. He was charged
with burglary.
Raiders Withstood At KD House
After police had withstood thn
raiders at the KD Houe. thty
gathered around the hou.se. shoutn.
and jeering at the police. When
was broueht out, the mob
roared with fury.
When Altenberg was put into the
police cruiser, a number of students
rocked the police cruiser. A policeman who was directing traffic came
to the back of the cruiser and grabbed Albert S. Fralish. of Bradley
Hall. He was charged with breath
of peace.
The mob grew more unruly, and
as the cruiser moved off. it wa.s


managing editor; Fred I'.radle.v,

pelted with vegetables and a larve
waste container. Police said the only
damage to the cruiser was a scratch
and a dent on the left rear door.
Police Lieut. Zac Carter attempted
to bargain with the moo, offeru;
to amend burglary charges against
the students, if they would disperse.

to faiie b)


Tare 2



The EJnal Summing Up

Wlien the time for the last edition arrives an
editor feels compelled to attempt to tie tip the
events of the year with a final editorial. This is our
Any thought of the past ycaj, would have to include, sadly enough, the basketball scandal. In
many ways the scandal made the year a hard one
for lxth the University and the Kernel. For our
part, the scandal and related events, such as the
SGA petitions, probably caused us more headaches
and sleepless nights than all the other problems
put together.
But with the headaches came the realization that
the Kernel was really free. Never did the Administration attempt in any manner to censor the opinions
of the Kernel, although University officials were
often in complete disagreement with them. Perhaps
that statement is the greatest tribute we could pay
to the Administration, and certainly we could say
no less.
In case we have mistakenly given the impression
during the past year that we were against everything and we have been told, at times, that this
was the case we want to straighten the matter
out. It is impossible for any paper to fulfill its
obligation to the public without taking stands on
important matters and this cannot le done without
stepping on a few toes. We have stepped on toes,
granted, but in every case we did so only when we
felt tin? situation merited1 such action. Editorials of
praise are soon forgotten while those finding fault
are rememlered longer and so we became the
Not that it really" matters, if the stands taken
by the Kernel really accomplished their purpose.
anti-boy- s.

As with any institution, the University has many
faults, but these faults while they should be brought
to light so that corrective steps can lie taken,
should not lie allow ed to distort the w hole picture.
We do not feel that we have leen guilty of this at
any time.

Our recommendations for the future are about
the same as those we've offered in the past and
stress one point: the acceptance of students as responsible members of tin.- University community.
First and foremost in our recommendations is the
building of a stronger SGA. This will have to



The vast open vault on the first floor of the library
could certainly serve a letter purpose than a place
where a deformed McYey and a tense Jefferson can
stare across space into nothingness.
Old "Stony Lonesome" could le sodded, plowed,
planted, probably with great success. Or
perhaps tobacco could lx raised for those librarians
who chew in the seclusion of their closets. Then too,
the place would make an excellent central heating
plant. With a few law y ers, physicists, philosophers
and graduate students assembled here, hot air
could be gathered in a few minutes and piped to
all class rooms (with a pipe line to the School of
rhannacy in Louisville).



spaces in buildings are surpassed only by empty
spaces in craniums.
Cannot this space be made into a study and
lounge? It would certainly be welcomed by the
students, not to mention the kick old Tom Jefferson
would get out of it.


It seems a terrible waste of space in a place where
space is so valuable. There are many constructive
uses for the room, and it certainly would not take a
"great thinker" to find one.
The University of North Carolina library lias such
a room on its first floor. Here are comfortable
chairs, couches, tables,. lamps, recent publications
and magazines. Here too the student is allowed to
smoke! But this is comparing the University of
North Carolina, a progressive, modern university,
with the University of Kentucky, where empty

Mike Dolan, manager of the UK baseball team,
has been exhibiting a cartoon from a national magazine, on which he has changed a certain name in
the punch line just a wee bit.
The cartoon shows two little boys sitting in front
of a house. One, in the Dolan version, says to the
"Aw, don't feel so Ixul,
anybody could make
22 errors in one inning."
Why, Mike, you should le ashamed.

The Kentucky Kernel
University of Kentucky

Entered at the ?ost Office at Lexington, Kentucky, as lecoad
class matter nndfr the Act of March 3. 1879.
11.00 per semester


Bru. Mansfikld



.... Managing Ed.


feature editor; Xoi Peers,
sistant news editor; Jack
McCord. Barbara Hickey,





EfUcflM May 1st.


Ci, 522.00








Dow Gaors:... .Business Mgr.
Dodmah bouttu....Newi Editor



m plana







4 St


The Knappsack by Paul Knapp

Students Make Great Sacrifice
To Keep Eucsef 13 Plant Alive


Eucsef 13 was not as the other plants in the
greenhouse. This first became evident when the
professors tried to nurse the little sprout with the
that the other plants enjoyed.
It was a student that painfully discovered what
the Eucsef 13 would really thrive on. He attempted
to feed the plant Essence of Manure, but instead of
receiving this botanical delicacy graciously, the
bite out of the stulittle spring took a child-siz- e
dent's finger.
For 30 minutes thereafter Eucsef 13 waved contentedly, aixl grew a full inch the next day.
This gave the professors reason to think that the
proper food for Eucsef 13 was indeed blood, and
was a hereditary craving handed down by one or
more of its carnivorous ancestors.
But they were soon to notice that just blood
alone was not enough, nor was the flesh of. uneducated animals satisfactory. When the flesh of
an imported orangutan from the South Pacific was
refused by Eucsef 13, they knew that human flesh
was the last resort, if they were to continue their
observation of the growth of this new species of

They figured out that the demand would be
relatively small now that it was a mere infant
probably not more than a finger a week.
The procurement of these fingers was simple.








Think back to your last party . . .
who had tht beat time? The good
dancer, didn't they? Don't let poor
dancing rob you of popularity. Come
to Arthur Murray' and find out how
quick and easy it it to be sought-afte- r
partner. Arthur Murray's exdu-aiv- e
teaching methods can bring out

These are the things well


Nights until two and three
anil four in the morning spent in
the Kernel office, putting out the
paper, studying, but mostly talking.
"Shaky" Mansfield, w ho never went to bed. And
his car (?) Mainline, who performed all the odd
jobs such as going to the engravers and going out
for sandwiches and coffee.
"Troubles" Wilborn, who always cried on Tuesday nights, because there wasn't going to be anything to put in the paper for Friday w hether there
were two galleys of type or two hundred.
Bonnie Butler, who kept us informed on flying
saucers, and always put little things on the Kernel
like his fescue
bulletin board
SGA and our fight with Bob Smith over tlie
Fighting with the printers every Thursday. And
the headlines still came out differently from the
way they went down.
Printers note: We wanted something in the
Kernel correct.
All the professors who wanted their pet news to
be sure and get in the paper, because it was the
"biggest thing to ever hit this campus."
The basketball scandals who could ever forget.
Chuck Tilley and his cliche connissenrs, who
thought news was only something in the way of the
sports page.
Don Armstrong, and his "summer edition" of the
Kentuckian. And his favorite method of starting a
sentence, "Boy, when I get married this summer."
Waiting until 2 a.m. on Wednesdays for Cherry
to draw the editorial cartoon.
The week after Judge Streit's attack, when every-Ixxl- y
"misquoted" us.
And well always remember that this seemed to
us just about the swellest and best bunch of guys
and gals ever assembled in one place that bunch
at the Kernel.
In closing, it might be well to warn freshmen,
sophomores, and juniors. Butler has threatened to
w rite a column, probably to be called the "Smudge-pot.- "

The teachers simply asked healthy students in their
classes to donate one of their fingers to the cause
in return for receiving an "A" in the course. The
supply was soon far surpassing the demand.
But as the supply increased, so did the demand
for nourishment on the part of Eucsef 13. Within
a few months it lxcame impractical for them to
bother with just fingers, since the plants capacity
was up to 50 fingers a day, and increasing daily.
In a lengthy meeting of the faculty of the college,
they debated as to which was the most important
thing to the University the students themselves or
the wealth of know ledge that would be gained from
the furthur study of Eucsef 13.
The decision was that since the students had already paid their tuition they were of little good
financially to the University unless they became
wealthy later on in life and donated money to the
This was highly improbable due to the kind of
education they were getting in the first place. So
science was to benefit.
Little did the professors realize that the students,
or at least the greater majority of them, were not
w illing to become martyrs to science or any other
offspring of science.
Most of the male students were in school in order
to keep from being an experiment in scientific warfare over on some oriental peninsula.
There were a few of them w ho had come to col- lege for an education. And it was to this chosen
few that an announcement was directed in the
following week's Kernel.
The announcement went to the affect that any
and all male stude