xt769p2w4336 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt769p2w4336/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1969-16-dec9. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1969-16-dec9. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1969-16-dec9. 1969 1969-16-dec9. 2011 true xt769p2w4336 section xt769p2w4336 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky,
Tuesday, December 9, 1969

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in statutory session
at 2:00 o clock (Eastern Standard Time) on Tuesday, December 9, 1969 in the new
Board Room on the 18th floor of the Office Tower with the following members
present: Governor Louie B. Nunn, Mr. William R. Black, Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer,
formet Governor A. B. Chandler, Mr. Richard E. Cooper, Dr. Harry Denham,
Mr. George W. Griffin, Mr. Robert H. Hillenmeyer, Mr. J. Robert Miller, Mr.
B. Hudson Milner, Dr. N. N. Nicholas, Mr. James H. Pence, non-voting faculty
members Professor Robert W. Rudd and Professor Paul G. Sears, and non-voting
student member, Mr. Tim Futrell. Absent were: Mr. Wendell P. Butler, Mr.
Albert G. Clay and Mr. Floyd H. Wright. Representing the administration at the
meeting were President Otis A. Singletary; Dr. Alvin L. Morris, Special Assistant
to the President; Vice Presidents William R. Willard, Glenwood L. Creech, Lewis
W. Cochran, George J. Ruschell and Stuart Forth; Dr. Donald B. Clapp, Coordinator,
Program Budget Planning, and Mr. John Darsie, Legal Counsel. Members of the
various news media were also present.

      A.. Meeting Opened

      Governor Nunn called the meeting to order at 2:10 p. m. Following the
invocation pronounced by Mr. Black and certification by the Secretary that a quorum
was present, the meeting was declared officially open for the conduct of business.
Note was taken of the fact that the Board of Trustees was meeting for the first time in
the new Board Room on the top floor of the Office Tower and gratification was ex-
pressed at the excellent facilities now available to the Board.

      B. Minutes Approved

      On motion by Governor Chandler, seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer, the reading
of the Minutes of the November 7 meeting of the Board of Trustees and the November
18 meeting of the Executive Committee was dispensed with and the Minutes of these
two meetings were approved as published.

      C. President's Report to the Trustees

      Governor Nunn called on Dr. Singletary for his monthly report on activities
at the University. Dr. Singletary noted that members of the Board had copies of his
report in their folders and said that he would, therefore, mention only a few of the
items in the report. He called attention to the policy recently adopted by the
University which eliminates the filing of high school records by freshman applicants



for admission to the Lexington campus and explained the reasons why the change
was being made.

       The second item he felt to be of particular interest to the members of the
Board was a study by Dr. H. K. Charlesworth and Mr. William W. Davis of the
Office- of Development Services and Business Research. Copies of this studi,
entitled "Kentucky Personal Income", were distributed to all present at the meeting.
Following President Singletary's remarks about the study, Governor Nunn com-
mented on the value of the study to the Commonwrealth's economic growth. After
a brief 'review of other items in the report by President Singletary, Governor Nunn
accepted his report with thanks and ordered it filed.

       D. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       Dr. Singletary said he would be glad to answer questions relative to PR 2
which listed appointments and other staff changes. There being no questions, on
motion by Governor Chandler, seconded by Mr. Black, and passed without dissent,
PR 2, Recommendations of the President, was approved as a whole and ordered
made an official part of the Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 2 at the end of the
Minutes. )

       E. Social Welfare Research Institute (PR 4)

       At the request of President S-ingletary, Dr. Cochran explained the need for
the establishment of a Social Welfare Research Institute as a separate entity with a
Director responsible to the Vice President for Research and recommended approval.
Mr. Hillenmeyer so moved. His motion was seconded by Mr. Cooper, and passed,
with all present voting aye. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes. )

       F. 1969-70 Budget Revision (PR 5)

       Governor Nunn indicated that the Board members had already seen the budget
revisions as recommended in PR 5 and called for a motion for approval. The motion
being duly made, seconded, and carried, the Board authorized and approved the
budget revisions as listed in PR 5. (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes.

       G. Report of Secretary on Results of Alumni Member Election (PR 6)

       President Singletary read a letter he had received from Mrs. Blazer report-
ing the results of the election authorized by the Alumni Association for an alumni
member of the Board of Trustees (see letter reproduced in PR 6).

On motion by Governor Chandler, seconded by Dr. Denham, and passed, the



report of the Secretary of the Board of Trustees on the results of the election author-
ized by the Alumni Association was received and ordered put to record and she was
authorized to certify to the Governor the names of the three persons receiving the
largest number of votes, from which list a successor to Mr. William R. Black,
whose term expires December 31, 1969, will be appointed. (See PR 6 at the end of
the Minutes. )

       H. Financial Report Accepted (FCR 1)

       Dr. Denham, Chairman of the Finance Committee, recommended that the
financial report for the four months ending October 31, 1969 be accepted and so
moved. Mr. Cooper seconded his motion and it passed unanimously. (See FCR I
at the end of the Minutes. )

       I. Appropriation of Funds From General Obligation Bond Proceeds (FCR 2)

       Dr. Denham explained that approval of the recommendation of FCR 2 would
avoid a division of fund source in the purchase of the computer already authorized
by the Board and recommended its approval. Dr. Denham moved that the Board
appropriate $1, 207, 344. 29 of General Obligation Bond Proceeds for the payment of
the construction costs of the projects enumerated in FCR 2 and then appropriate
the University Trust and Agency fund balances freed by this appropriation for the
purchase of the new computer. His motion was seconded by Mr. Black and, without
dissent, it was so ordered. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes. )

       J. Audit Report for the University of Kentucky Research Foundation
for 1968-69 Accepted (FCR 3)

       The Board members were furnished copies of the financial statement of the
University of Kentucky Research Foundation for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1969
and, upon motion by Dr. Denham, seconded by Mr. Milner, and passed, it was
accepted. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes. )

       K. Increase in Room and Board Rates Approved (FCR 4)

       Dr. Denham said that the Finance Committee had considered the proposed
increase in room and board rates as set forth in FCR 4 and, because of increased
services being provided and increased labor and foodcosts, felt that the University
had no alternative but to adjust room and board rates as indicated. He, therefore,
moved approval of FCR 4 as a whole. His motion was seconded by Mr. Cooper.

       Before calling for a vote, Governor Nunn asked if there was any discussion.
Mr. Futrell responded by saying that he believed the students would accept the new



rates inasmuch as they were receiving increased phone service and were being given
several meal plan options. Governor Nunn expressed the hope that the students and
the public would be reminded that although tuition fees in other states and other
institutions had been raised during the past year, Kentucky had been able to keep its
fees constant. He then called for a vote on Dr. Denham's motion and all present
responded in the affirmative. (See FCR 4 at the end of the Minutes. )

       L. Policy Governing Speakers From Off-Campus Adopted (CR 1)

       The 1968 Legislature requested that the University of Kentucky adopt a policy
governing off-campus speakers for consideration by the 1970 Legislature. In
November 1968 the University Senate submitted for consideration of the Board of
Trustees a recommended policy. The Board at that time received the proposed
policy statement and referred it to a committee composed of Mr. George Griffin,
Chairman, Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer, and Dr. N. Na. Nicholas charged with the
responsibility of studying the proposed policy, talking with interested groups, and
recommending action to the Board prior to the 1970 legislative session.

       Mr. George Griffin indicated that the committee had carried out its charge
and now recommended the adoption of the policy statement, a copy of which was
attached to CR 1. He indicated further that the policy statement which was recom-
mended did not differ materially from the one submitted by the University Senate
in November 1968 and that the recommended statement had been approved by the
University Senate, Student Government, and the Alumni Association Board of
Directors. He moved that the policy statement as presented be adopted as an
official policy of the University of Kentucky governing speakers from off-campus.
His motion was seconded by Mrs. Blazer and on voice vote carried. Governor
Chandler stated that he wished the record to show that while he could not support
the policy, he would not vote against a policy which was supported by the President
and, therefore, had abstained from voting. Governor Nunn said he would not call
for "no" votes since the majority obviously favored adoption but he wished his vote
recorded as a no vote.

       M. Student Code Revision Committee Appointed

       Governor Nunn said that he wished to appoint the committee authorized at
the October 21, 1969 Board of Trustees meeting. He named the following persons
to serve on the committee: Mr. George Griffin, Chairman, Mr. Robert
Hillenmeyer, Dr. N. N. Nicholas, Professor Paul Sears and Mr. Tim Futrell.
He charged the committee to hold itself available for call by the President at such
times as he felt necessary to study recommendations put before him by faculty,
students and/or administrators for revisions in the Student Code. All recommen-
dations considered by the committee will carry appropriate recommendations
from the President.



       N. Meeting Adjourned

       There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion
duly made, seconded, and carried, the meeting adjourned at 2:30 p. m.

                                         Respectfully submitted,

                                         Lucile T. Blazer, Secretary
                                         Board of Trustees

(PR's 2, 4, 5, and 6, FCR's 1, 2, 3, and 4, and CR 1 which follow are official
parts of the Minutes of the December 9, 1969 meeting of the Board of Trustees
of the University of Kentucky. )



                         December 9, 1969


      The University has dropped a long-standing admissions
policy requiring freshman applicants to the Lexington campus
to file a copy of their high school record with the Admissions
Office. Preliminary approval will be granted upon receipt of
the student's application for admission and the official report
of his ACT test. Each applicant also must file, at the end of
the school year, a statement from his high school certifying his
graduation. "The new policy is another effort to cut red tape
and provide better services to new students," says Dean of Ad-
missions Elbert W. Ockerman. He says high school grades are in-
cluded in the American College Test Prospective Student Profile
and "we seldom use the high school transcript." The ACT Profile
in the form received by colleges predicts success or failure of
a student and is based "on the well-known fact that high school
grades are the most dependable factors in estimating probable
college performance," he pointed out.


      Kentucky's personal income for 1969 has been forecast at
$9.1 billion in a comprehensive analysis by the Office of Develop-
ment Services and Business Research with assistance from co-
operating state agencies.  This represents an increase of $600
million more than the 1968 estimate of $8.5 billion, says the
report, "Kentucky Personal Income, State and County for selected
years 1929/68."  Dr. H. K. Charlesworth, director of ODS & BR and
associate dean for extension in the College of Business and Eco-
nomics, notes that during the period 1958-68, the rate of growth
of Kentucky's personal income has slightly exceeded that of the
U.S., "because of increased industrialization of the economy and
out-migration of the population." As in the U.S. as a whole, farm-
ing continued to decline in importance as a generator of personal
income. In Kentucky, manufacturing increased in importance, as did
contract construction. The report noted that an extreme difference
in per capita income exists among Kentucky counties. In 1967, Hardin
county had a per capita income of $3,785, while several counties
showed less than $800 per capita income. Ranked in order by per
capita personal income, the top 10 counties in Kentucky in 1967 were:
Hardin, Christian, Jefferson, Marshall, Boone, Fayette, Campbell,
Kenton, Woodford and Boyd. The predominance of urban areas is one of
the most significant characteristics of the personal income story.
In 1967 there were 10 counties, and in 1968 twelve counties that
generated more than $100 million of personal income each.




      The Extension Class Proqram currently has almost 800 stu-
dents enrolled in 52 classes at 21 different locations--from
Henderson to Ashland and from Louisville to Somerset, according
to James Brown, director of the program. Classes are being con-
ducted through University Extension in 10 of the 14 community
colleges and in 11 other different centers in Kentucky. Twenty-
six resident University faculty members travel from 20 to approxi-
mately 200 miles "to be of service to persons interested in
University classes who find it impossible to come to the campus."
Brown said 16 faculty members travel approximately 100 miles or
more each week to conduct classes. The other extension teachers
are Community College faculty members or part-time instructors
approved by the appropriate department chairmen and deans of the
colleges involved. The largest center for extension classes is at
Ft. Knox. The department with the greatest number of faculty
teaching off campus is the Department of Vocational Education in
the College of Education. Of the 52 classes, seven are for under-
graduate students, and 37 are of the 500 series--providing either
undergraduate or graduate credit, depending upon the students'
classification. Eight classes are of the 600-700 series, limited
to graduate students. Over 300 students are registered for gradu-
ate credit in the off-campus classes.


      The University chapter of Phi Beta Kappa initiated 16 students
into the society November 17. The nation's top scholastic honorary
is open to upperclassmen with a B-plus average, who are recommended
by faculty members.  A number of hours in liberal arts courses are
required.  Lexington students honored were Ellen Eades Fore, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Erbert Eades; Deborah Anna Sherley, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Jack M. Sherley; and Loretta Ann Cramer Williams, daughter
of Mrs. William L. Cramer. Other Kentuckians were Shanklin B. Can-
non II, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Boyd Cannon, Bethel; Wendell Bruce
Carver, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Carver, Hopkinsville; Veda
Alison Cobb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Cobb, Lily; Sara Jane
Poe Davidson, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Poe, Fulton; Vicki Lynn
Fudge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Preston Fudge, Glasgow; Julia Allison
Gilmore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Allison, Owensboro; Jayne
Lee Hollander, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hollander, Calhoun;
Mary Catherine Seelie, daughter of F. J. Seelie, Ft. Mitchell; and
Sara Judith Smiley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Smiley, Prestons-
burq. Students from out-of-state are Lynn Marie Betzler, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Betzler, Naperville, Ill.; David Nanco Fealty,
son of Mr. and Mrs. David N. Fealty, Cleveland, Ohio; Wendy Goodrich,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Raymond Goodrich, Hendersonville,
N. C.; and Sharon Anne Warner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William R.
Warner, Red Bank, N. J.


- 3 -


      A Mid-South consulting firm has been conducting a traffic
and parking study for the University. A questionnaire was dis-
tributed to faculty, staff and students last week, asking such
questions as the origin of the trip, where the person parked, and
the destination of their first trip of the day. Other questions
sought information on vehicle registration, use of the campus bus
system, and the person's affiliation with the University. One
question concerned basic campus attitudes on aesthetics vs. parking
convenience. Results of the survey are expected to guide the con-
sultant and the administration in the development of plans to re-
lieve the present situation, which has been called inadequate.
Projections of future student and staff populations and existing
building programs will be used to plan future parking and traffic


      Three students in the College of Law have been named recipi-
ents of Dorothy Salmon Memorial Scholarships. The recipients are
Jerry Schwartz, 2925 Nepperhan Road, Louisville; Edward Lusk. Cyn-
thiana; and Herbert Ponder, 633 Second Street, Henderson. The
scholarships are in memory of Dorothy Salmon, associate professor
of law, who died in 1968. She also had served as librarian of the
College of Law.


      John Herman Roth, Elsmere, a 1969 graduate of Thomas More
College, has begun graduate study this fall at the University as
an Atomic Energy Commission Special Fellow in Health Physics. He
is one of 94 first-year graduates across the country selected for
AEC special fellowships in either nuclear science and engineering
or health physics. The two programs are administered for the Com-
mission by Oak Ridge Associated Universities, an educational and
research corporation of 41 Southern universities and colleges, in-
cluding the University.


      The Legislation Committee of Consumers' Protection Council
has been working on fraud and other social and legal problems in
Kentucky, according to Robert M. Viles, assistant dean of the Col-
lege of Law and chairman of the committee. Professor Viles says a
proposed bill, entitled Business and Consumer Protection Act, is
designed to protect businessmen against the unfair competition of
unethical operators at the same time it protects consumers against
swindlers. The General Assembly will be asked to enact the bill
into law to re-enforce existing fragmentary laws concerning consumer


- 4 -


      Dr. Mark M. Luckens, associate professor of meteria medica,
College of Pharmacy, and his research team have been monitoring
a large area of farm land under cultivation for several years to
determine the level of pesticide in field animals, and comparing
findings with laboratory animals. He has found that field mice
have been picking up pesticides, insecticides and fungicides in
their food, and passing the poisons on tonmy different flesh-
earing creatures such as foxes, hawks, owls and varmints. He
says all Americans have organochlorine pesticide residues in
their bodies at a rate of about 12 parts per million, and while
this amount is not presently considered dangerous, there is no
established tolerance level for humans. In his appearance last
July before a Kentucky legislative hearing on persistent pesti-
cides, Dr. Luckens made several recommendations, including con-
trol and regulation of the use of pesticides, an education program
for farmers, dealers and others who use pesticides, a continuous
monitoring of the food supply and the environment, an effort to
produce less hazardous compounds, and an expansion of research
on the toxicology of pesticides and their by-products. In his
research he has found a significant difference in the amount of
pesticide required to be lethal for the lab animals and for those
that live in the open fields. He says the problem "doesn't mean
we stop using pesticides. We must learn to use them wisely and
properly. The earth's built-in life support systems are highly
integrated and delicately balanced and we must be careful not to
do anything that will cause a radical disruption in the systems.
Therefore, pesticides are just one of the many aspects of environ-
mental contamination."


      Plans for University law seniors to practice law and earn
class credit while gaining courtroom experience currently are being
completed by the College of Law. The action follows a Court of
Appeals ruling announced November 11 that allows third-year law
students to defend needy persons in any of the state's courts on a
no-fee basis. The ruling also requires association with a legal
aid or law school clinical program, making the University the only
school eligible to begin such a course at this time. A cooperative
association withi the Fayette County Legal Aid Corporation was begun
five years ago. According to Robert Lawson, assistant professor of
law and a board member of the corporation which originated the
ruling, plans for a classwork-courtroom course are certain to be
completed in time for the spring semester. Approximately 90 students
will be enrolled in the senior law class next semester. Not all, how-
ever, are expected to elect the course. The college's current asso-
ciation with the legal aid group involves investigative work for the
corporation. Prof. Lawson estimates that students now process more
than 1,000 legal problems annually. He anticipates most cases under
the new program to be referred through the legal aid corporation and
welfare agencies. Prof. Lawson says the ruling is a partial answer
to the "need for additional help in providing legal services for
poor people." He sees its potential as a valuable instructional de-
vice and an opportunity for students to make practical application
of three years of legal study.


- 5 -


      "The City: Urban Crisis," is the theme of the 1969-70 Bl;izr-r
Lecture Series which began last Friday with a public lecture by
Richard C. Wade, University of Chicago professor of history,
speaking on "The Ghetto: Its Origins and Consequences."   The s,:cn!
lecturer in the series, sponsored by Mrs. Paul G. Blazer of Ash],-indl
and the Stuart Blazer Foundation, will be Barry Gotteher, chairman
of New York Mayor John Lindsay's Urban Action Task Force, and an
award-winning journalist. Gotteher will speak on "Problems of the-.
Ghetto," Tuesday, February 3. The final lecturer will be Mayor
R. C. Hatcher of Gary, Indiana, scheduledfor Thursdav, April 30.
The Blazer Lecture Series was launched at the University in 1949.
Since that time the series has provided opportunities for students,
faculty and public to hear distinguished scholars discuss a broad
range of topics within the humanities and the social sciences.
Blazer lecturers have included John K. Galbraith, diplomat and
Harvard economist, Ralph Bunche of the U.S. mission to the United
Nations, and Jacques Barzun, man of letters and academic leader
at Columbia University. Speakers for the series are selected by
a committee composed of students and faculty chaired by Dr. Margaret
Lantis of the Department of Anthropology. "An emphasis upon under-
graduate education seems especially appropriate since many graduate
students now benefit from frequent visitors for seminar presentations,"
a committee representative said.


      Limited access highways have their impact on both small and
large Kentucky cities, a University geographer has found. Dr. W. A.
Withington says that "in Northern Kentucky near Cincinnati, the
larger centers of over 10,000 are decreasing despite the completion
of I-75 and the recent opening of I-71 to Louisville. However," he
adds, "Florence, Erlanger, and several other smaller communities
served by these highways appear to be growing rapidly, possibly re-
flecting a suburbanizing movement of the older, Ohio River-oriented
cities." He notes that in the Bluegrass Basin, "both cities and
counties served by I-75, I-64, and the Mountain Parkway, as well as
the relatively high-speed connecting link of U.S. 60 between Frank-
fort and Lexington, are in most instances growing at rates well above
statewide averages. "Lexington may well exceed 100,000 population
by 1970, though listed at 87,300 in a 1967 estimate. Winchester,
where I-64 and the Mountain Parkway connect, has been growing more
rapidly than any other large urban place, except for the Louisville
suburban communities of Shively and St. Matthews." Dr. Withington
also cites the growth of Richmond, which was third behind Winchester
and Lexington (outside the Jefferson county area), although the in-
fluence of I-75 may be less potent as a factor than the rapid ex-
pansion in recent years of Eastern Kentucky University. The UK
geographer also believes the various colleges in the Community Col-
lege System and the growth of the regional universities also have
had some impact on population in those communities, although he says
figures are not yet available to support his premise.


- 6 -


      Woman participating in the Continuing Education for Women
program at the University are highly motivated--excited because
of the exposure to an intellectual environment and introspective
about their own achievements; their grades are above average with
more than two-thirds of the full-time enrollees earning better
than a "B," and 12 per cent earn a perfect "A". Directed by Mrs.
Celia K. Zyzniewski, the office's functions are shared by a
single secretary, Mrs. Sheila Judd. The two-woman office assists
the 475 women-over-25 enrolled in 13 disciplines this semester at
the University. Mrs. Zyzniewski said the most difficult problems
faced by the returning "mature" student were "adapting to the
study process, and over motivation--where the women set very high
standards for themselves and push extremely hard." The Center
currently is engaged in applying for fellowship grants for house-
keeper and babysitter fees that will allow women to go back to
school, Mrs. Zyzniewski said. Not all women returning to class
seek degrees. Fifty-one enrolled this semester are auditors and
will not earn credit for their work. An additional 17 are not
candidates for a degree, although their work will earn them credit.
The majority of the returnees will seek degrees and the largest
enrollment is for the advanced degree, with 241 women enrolled in
graduate programs and 221 enrolled as undergraduates.


      A program designed to reach "the college-shy kid--the kid who
can do college work but doesn't think he can"--has been inaugurated
by Jefferson Community College and the Chestnut Street YMCA, Louis-
ville. It will be a new effort to encourage Negro adolescents to
try out college work, and if they like it, enroll in a full course
at the college. Most of the leg work will be done by Jefferson
College students. An accredited college course in psychology will
be taught at the Y by a Jefferson College professor during the
spring semester. The thrust of the course will be "practical,
aimed at motivation to learn the good study habits," according to
Dr. John T. Smith, director of the college. Negro students, most
of them members of the Black Student Union at Jefferson Community
College, will recruit the youths, counsel them and encourage them.
Only 177 of the 2,179 students in the college this semester are
Negroes. Dr. Smith sees the program as "a new way of extending
the college's services into the community. We're a community
college," he said, "and we have an obligation to the community.
If we're going to serve the community, we have to move outside the
walls of the college."


- 7


      New women's residence hall hours will begin next semester
on a trial basis. Jack Hall, dean of students, announced the
policy change is based on recommendations from the Associated
Women Students, and AWS, at Dean Hall's request, will evaluate
the program after spring break to see what problems there are
and what can be done about them. Under the new program women
students above the freshman level will regulate their own hours.
If adopted permanently, the program provides (beginning next fall)
a three-month "adjustment period" for freshmen women living in
dorms. Starting next semester night clerks will be on duty in
all dorms from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. every night. Dorms will be closed
and locked at midnight. Men visitors will be required to leave 30
minutes prior to the midnight closing. Admission after closing
hours of coeds with unlimited-hours privileges will be worked out
separately. Coeds will have to show their ID and activity cards
to the night clerk, who will check them against a dorm roster.
Current sign-in and sign-out procedures will be reduced to a
voluntary status. Coeds who will be gone for extended lengths of
time are requested, but not required, to leave some means of
reaching them in case of an emergency. A nigh log will be kept as
a security measure by the night clerk on duty. Men's residence
halls also will be affected by the new system. They will be locked
at midnight and night clerks may ask male students or their guests
to show identification. Guests may be asked to register. Dean
Hall emphasized that the new system was "in no way an attempt to
limit the movements of male students, but an attempt to limit
theft and vandalism in residence halls." The new system "beefs
up security through the use of desk clerks and locking dorms," he


      The role faculty members should assume during student con-
frontations was the topic at a recent seminar at Carnahan House
sponsored by the American Association of Univeristy Professors,
local chapter. Panelists included Board member Robert Hillenmeyer,
Vice-President Lewis W. Cochran, Joseph E. Schwortz of the AAUP's
Washington office, Fred Karem of the governor's staff, and Jeff
Pope, a junior history major. While numerous views were expressed,
no one disputed one speaker's argument that campus violence could
not be tolerated. Mr. Karem said all students should be given
maximum opportunity to express their opinions, but that ultimately
the decision-making power on campus rests with the faculty, adminis-
tration and board of trustees. Mr. Hillenmeyer said that while
there obviously are times for disagreement, "I would hope your
position (during campus disruption) would be one to encourage temper-
ance, self-discipline, moderation and certainly arbitration." Dr.
Cochran saw a need for the faculty to "reassess and redetermine
your relationship with students and prevent or eliminate the need
for confrontation." About 60 University professors were in attend-


- 8


      Dr. Harriet Rose, director of the Counseling and Testing
Center, recently was named as the American College Personnel