xt769p2w430f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt769p2w430f/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1986-09-oct14. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1986-09-oct14. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1986-09-oct14. 1986 1986-09-oct14. 2011 true xt769p2w430f section xt769p2w430f 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky, Tuesday, October 14, 1986.

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1 p.m.
(Eastern Daylight Time) on Tuesday, October 14, 1986 in the Board Room on
the 18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower on the Lexington Campus.

       A.    Meeting Opened and Roll Called

       Mr. Robert T. McCowan, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 1
p.m., and the invocation was pronounced by Mr. T. A. Lassetter.

       The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call of
the roll: Mr. Robert T. McCowan (Chairman), Professor Raymond F. Betts,
Mr. William R. Black, Governor Albert Benjamin Chandler, Mr. Albert G.
Clay, Professor David R. Driscoll, Jr., Mr. Tracy Farmer, Ms. Donna G.
Greenwell, Mr. George W. Griffin, Mr. Henry E. Hershey, Mr. T. A.
Lassetter, Mr. W. Bruce Lunsford, Mr. Frank Ramsey, Mr. James L. Rose, and
Professor Constance P. Wilson. Absent from the meeting were Mr. Ronald G.
Geary, Mrs. Edythe Jones Hayes, Mr. Brereton C. Jones, Mr. R. Larry Jones,
and Mr. Bobby Watson. The University administration was represented by
President Otis A. Singletary; Mr. James 0. King, Vice President for
Administration; Chancellors Peter P. Bosomworth, Art Gallaher, and Charles
T. Wethington; Dr. Raymond R. Hornback, Vice President for University
Relations, Mr. John C. Darsie, General Counsel; Mr. Henry Clay Owen,
Controller and Treasurer; and Dr. Paul G. Sears, Special Assistant for
Academic Affairs.

       Members of the various news media were also in attendance. A quorum
being present, the Chairman declared the meeting officially open for the
conduct of business at 1:04 p.m.

       B.   Minutes Approved

       On motion made by Mr. Rose, seconded by Professor Driscoll and
passed, the Minutes of the September 16, 1986 meeting of the Board of
Trustees were approved as written.

       C.    Resolution Supporting Constitutional Amendment on Superinten-
dent of Public Instruction

       Mr. McCowan indicated his support of the proposed constitutional
amendment on the Superintendent of Public Instruction and recommended
adoption.of the following Resolution:

             WHEREAS, under the leadership of Governor Martha Layne Collins
       and the General Assembly in a 1985 special session enacted measures
       to improve the quality of elementary and secondary education in
       Kentucky, and

             WHEREAS, upon recommendation of the Governor and action by the
       General Assembly funds were increased for universities in Kentucky
       to enhance quality in higher education, and


- 2 -

            WHEREAS, as a part of the movement to improve the quality of
      education, the legislature passed a proposed constitutional
      amendment to be voted on by the citizens of the Commonwealth in
      November 1986 that would provide for an appointive Board of
      Education that would be responsible for setting the qualifications
      and selecting the Superintendent of Public Instruction; and

            WHEREAS, the need to continue the improvements in education is
      essential for the future of the Commonwealth; now therefore

            BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the University
      of Kentucky hereby expresses its support for Amendment No. 1 to
      change the process of selecting the Superintendent of Public
      Instruction and encourages the President to apprise the faculty,
      students, staff and alumni of its importance as another step in the
      improvement of education in Kentucky and to encourage support for
      the proposed amendment.

      Professor Betts moved, and Mr. Hershey seconded, that the above
Resolution be adopted. Governor Chandler, honorary member, expressed
reservations about the Board taking a stand on the issue but did indicate
his personal support of the amendment. The motion was voted on and
unanimously carried.

       D.    President's Report to the Trustees

       President Singletary reviewed briefly some of the items in PR 1,
calling particular attention to (1) a record $51.8 million received in
grants and contracts during the 1985-86 fiscal year and pointed out that
all three sectors--Lexington Campus, Medical Center and the Community
College System--showed increases in grants received, (2) the four alumni
who were recently presented Alumni Service Awards:   Dan Van Sant of
Nashville, Doris Moseley of Atlanta, and Scott Duncan and Paul Fenwick of
Louisville, (3) the creation of a $1 million endowed chair in equine
research in honor of Frederick L. Van Lennep, and (4) the naming of Baruch
Samuel Blumberg, a recipient of the 1976 Nobel Prize in medicine, as the
1986-87 Ashland Visiting Professor at the University.

       E.    Personnel Actions  (PR 2)

       With President Singletary so recommending, on motion made by Mr.
Black, seconded by Ms. Greenwell and passed, the routine personnel actions
in PR 2 were approved. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

       F.    Supplemental Personnel Actions   (PR 3A)

       Acting on the recommendation of President Singletary, Mr. Griffin
moved approval of the supplemental personnel actions in PR 3A.   His motion
was seconded by Mr. Farmer and carried. (See PR 3A at the end of the


- 3 -

      G.   Acceptance of Gift from the Estate of Floyd H. Wright  (PR 3B)

      President Singletary indicated his pleasure in recommending that the
Board accept a gift from the estate of Floyd H. Wright to be paid to the
University each year from a trust established for this purpose. The
initial payment which has been received from the trustee is $219,980.00.
Governor Chandler indicated that he had been a longtime personal friend of
Mr. Wright's and recounted Mr. Wright's years in Kentucky and his strong
and lasting support for the University of Kentucky, including his services
as a member of the Board. Mr. McCowan expressed his appreciation of
Governor Chandler's remarks. On motion made by Mr. Lassetter, seconded by
Professor Driscoll and carried, it was so ordered.  (See PR 3B at the end
of the Minutes.)

       H.    Proposed Amendment to the Governing Regulations  (PR 3C)

       Mr. Griffin moved that the proposed amendment to the Governing
Regulations be received for preliminary consideration and be included on
the agenda at the next regular meeting of the Board.  The motion was
seconded by Mr. Clay and passed without dissent.  (See PR 3C at the end of
the Minutes.)

       I.   Naming of University Building  (PR 3D)

       President Singletary indicated his pleasure in recommending that the
new building which will house the University of Kentucky Faculty Club be
named the HILARY J. BOONE FACULTY CENTER in recognition of Mr. Boone's
continuing support of the University and its programs.  The motion, which
was made by Mr. Clay and seconded by Professor Wilson, was voted on and
carried unanimously. President Singletary introduced Mr. Boone who was
accompanied by his wife and her mother and asked them to stand and be
recognized, following which they were given a round of applause.  (See PR
3D at the end of the Minutes.)

       J.    Establishment of Division Structure -- Owensboro Community
College  (PR 4A)

       On recommendation of Chancellor Wethington and with the concurrence
of President Singletary, Mr. Black moved that Owensboro Community College
be organized to reflect the creation of two academic divisions:
Humanities, Social Sciences, and Related Technologies, and Science,
Mathematics, Business and Related Technologies.  His motion was seconded by
Mr. Rose and carried.  (See PR 4A at the end of the Minutes.)

       K.    Change in Division Structure -- Madisonville Community
College (PR 4B)

       After explaining that PR 4B was similar action, President Singletary
then recommended that Madisonville Community College be reorganized to
create two new divisions:  Biological Sciences and Reiated Technologies,
and Physical Sciences and Related Technologies.  The motion, which was made
by Professor Wilson and seconded by Mr. Ramsey, carried without dissent.
(See PR 4B at the end of the Minutes.)


- 4 -

       L.    Board Appointments, McDowell Cancer Network  (PR 5A)

       President Singletary recommended that (1) Mr. William Balden, Mr.
Brownell Combs II, Dr. William Cook and Dr. Warren Proudfoot be reappointed
as non-faculty members of the Board of Directors of the McDowell Cancer
Network; (2) Dr. Merle M. Mahr be appointed as a non-faculty member; and
(3) Dr. Carolyn Williams and Dr. Robert L. Lester be appointed as faculty
members with terms beginning October 1, 1986 and expiring September 30,
1989.  He also recommended that Mrs. Judy Rose be appointed to fill a
vacancy in a term expiring September 30, 1987.  The motion, which was made
by Mr. Farmer and seconded by Mr. Griffin, carried unanimously.   (See PR 6A
at the end of the Minutes.)

       M.   Acceptance of Interim Financial Report for the University of
Kentucky for the Two Months Ended August 31, 1986 (FCR 1)

       Mr. Clay, Chairman of the Finance Committee, reported that the
Committee met on the morning of October 14 and reviewed the agenda items to
be presented for action.  He then recommended and moved that the Board
accept the University of Kentucky Consolidated Financial Report for the two
months ended August 31, 1986.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Griffin, and
it was so ordered. (See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

       N.    Disposal of Personal Property  (FCR 2)

       On motion made by Mr. Clay, seconded by Mr. Rose and carried, the
Board approved the disposition of obsolete and surplus equipment as
recommended in FCR 2.  (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

       0.    Report of Leases  (FCR 3)

       On motion made by Mr. Clay, seconded by Mr. Lunsford and carried,
the Board accepted the report of leases in FCR 3.   (See FCR 3 at the end of
the Minutes.)

       P.   Agreement with the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government
for the Development and Operation of an Arboretum Park- (FCR 4)

        After complimenting the members of the Finance Committee for their
wisdom and vision in dealing with the proposed agreement with the
Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government for the development and operation
of an arboretum park, Mr. Clay moved approval.  Chancellor Gallaher, at Mr.
Clay's request,  recounted the history of the development of the proposal
and indicated that it had value not only to the community but to a number
of educational programs at the University.  Mr. Hershey seconded the motion
which carried without dissent.  (See FCR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)


- 5

       Q.    Acceptance of the Financial Statements of the University of
Kentucky and Affiliated Corporations and Other Related Organizations for
the Year Ended June 30, 1986 (FCR 5)

       With the concurrence of the Finance Committee , Mr. Clay recommended:

       that the Board of Trustees accept the audited financial statements
       of the University of Kentucky including the Management Letter and a
       Report on Compliance with House Bill 622, and separate financial
       statements for the Housing and Dining System, the Tobacco and Health
       Research Institute, and the University Hospital, for the year ended
       June 30, 1986; and

       that the Board of Trustees accept the audited financial statements
       of the affiliated corporations and other related organizations of
       the University of Kentucky including The Fund for Advancement of
       Education and Research in the University of Kentucky Medical Center,
       University of Kentucky Research Foundation, University of Kentucky
       Athletic Association, University of Kentucky Business Partnership
       Foundation, Inc., University of Kentucky Mining Engineering
       Foundation, Inc., University of Kentucky Equine Research Foundation,
       Inc., University of Kentucky Humanities Foundation, Health Care
       Collection Service, Inc., University of Kentucky Alumni Association,
       and the University of Kentucky Hospital Auxiliary for the year ended
       June 30, 1986.

       Mr. Clay complimented the internal auditors and Mr. Henry Clay Owen
for an outstanding job in carrying out their responsibilities, and Mr.
McCowan expressed his endorsement of Mr. Clay's comments. The motion,
which was made by Mr. Clay and seconded by Mr. Rose, was voted on and
carried. (See FCR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)

       R.    Adoption of Resolution Concerning University of Kentucky
Community Colleges Educational Buildings Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series D
(Second Series), Dated October 1, 1986   (FCR 6)

       Mr. Clay called attention to the fact that at the meeting of the
Board of Trustees held on June 25, 1986 the Board of Trustees approved the
form of a Resolution authorizing the issuance of Community Colleges
Educational Buildings Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series D (Second Series), of
the University of Kentucky, dated August 1, 1986 and adopted a Resolution
authorizing the President of the University to fix the date and hour of the
sale of University of Kentucky Community Colleges Educational Buildings
Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series D (Second Series), dated August 1, 1986, to
arrange for the publication of the Notice of Sale of Bonds with respect
thereto, to fix the date and hour for the receipt of bids, the date and
hour of a meeting of either the full Board or the Executive Committee of
the Board to be held at a later hour on the same day for the purpose of
accepting the successful bid or rejecting all bids, to change the tentative
estimated amount of such Refunding Bonds to be initially offered for sale,
the tentatively estimated amounts of maturities of such Bonds for each of
the years 1987 through 2008, and/or the date of such Bonds and all other
dates pertaining to the Bonds, to the extent that any such changes shall be



deemed appropriate and consistent, including the redemption date, and to
approve the form of Notice of Sale of Bonds, Official Terms and Conditions
of Bond Sale, Official Bid Form, and Preliminary Official Statement, to
whatever extent is deemed appropriate in order to carry out any of the
foregoing, and in order to provide the most favorable conditions for the
sale of such Refunding Bonds, with the provision that no bid for the
purchase of such Bonds can be accepted without specific formal action by
either the full Board or the Executive Committee of the Board, acting
pursuant to recommendations of the Finance Committee of the Board.

       Mar. Clay further stated that he had made such determinations which
were set out in revised forms of a Notice of Sale of Bonds, Official Terms
and Conditions of Bond Sale, and Official Bid Form, and that the President
of the University had approved the fixing of such terms and conditions by
signing a Certificate attached to each of such instruments, stating that he
had made such determinations and had approved same prior to their use.

       Thereupon, a motion was made by Trustee Clay and seconded by Trustee
Lassetter that a Resolution entitled:


be adopted and that the official documents referred to therein relating to
the advertisement and sale of said Bonds be approved, a true copy of which
Resolution and the documents referred to therein being attached to these
Minutes. Upon such Resolution and documents having been fully considered,
a vote was taken on such motion which resulted as follows:

       Yeas for the Motion                     Nays Against the Motion

       Robert T. McCowan                                None
       Raymond F. Betts
       William R. Black
       Albert G. Clay
       David R. Driscoll, Jr.
       Tracy Farmer
       Donna G. Greenwell
       George W. Griffin
       Henry E. Hershey
       T. A. Lassetter
       W. Bruce Lunsford
       Frank Ramsey
       James L. Rose
       Constance P. Wilson

       Thereupon, the Chairman declared that such Resolution had been
adopted and that said documents referred to therein had been approved.
(See FCR 6 at the end of the Minutes.)


- 7 -

       S.    Sale of Community Colleges Educational Buildings Refunding
Revenue Bonds, Series D (Second Series), of the University of Kentucky,
dated October 1, 1986 (FCR 7)

       Mr. Clay announced that bids had been received for the purchase of
Community Colleges Educational Buildings Refunding Revenue Bonds. Series D
(Second Series) of the University of Kentucky, dated October 1, 1986 until
10:00 A.M., E.D.T. on this date of October 14, 1986 pursuant to a Notice of
Bond Sale which had been published and which provided that such bids would
be acted upon by the Board of Trustees (or the Executive Committee of the
Board) at 1:00 P.M., E.D.T. on the same date. He stated that since the
hour of 1:00 P.M., E.D.T. had arrived, it was appropriate that all purchase
bids received should be publicly read and fully considered, such bids
having been referred to the Controller and Treasurer and the Fiscal Agent
of the University for analysis. He further stated that at the time such
bids had been received at 10:00 A.M. on this date they had been referred
also to the Finance Committee, which had considered such bids and had
recommended the same bid be accepted as had been recommended by the
Controller and Treasurer and the Fiscal Agent with reference to the
issuance of such Bonds.

       The Controller and Treasurer and the Fiscal Agent presented to the
Finance Committee, after the analysis, the best offer for the purchase of
said Community Colleges Educational Buildings Refunding Revenue Bonds,
Series D (Second Series) of the University of Kentucky, dated October 1,
1986, and thereupon Trustee Clay moved that a Resolution, the form of which
had been distributed to the members of the Board of Trustees prior to the
meeting and was available at such meeting. be adopted, which Resolution was

       BONDS OF 1982.

       The motion for adoption of said Resolution was seconded by Trustee
Black. Upon a vote being taken on such motion the result was as follows:

       Yeas for the Motion                     Nays Against the Motion

       Robert T. McCowan                                None
       Raymond F. Betts
       William R. Black
       Albert G. Clay
       David R. Driscoll, Jr.
       Tracy Farmer
       Donna G. Greenwell
       George W. Griffin
       Henry E. Hershey
       T. A. Lassetter
       W. Bruce Lunsford
       Frank Ramsey
       James L. Rose
       Constance P. Wilson


- 8

       Thereupon, the Chairman declared that such motion had carried and
that such Resolution, a copy of which Resolution is attached to the Minutes
of this meeting, and made a part thereof as if copied in full herein, had
been adopted.

       The good faith checks were returned to the unsuccessful bidders.
(See FCR 7 at the end of the Minutes.)

       T.    Meeting Adjourned

       There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion
was made, seconded and unanimously carried that the meeting adjourn.

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        Ueorge W. Griffin
                                        Board of Trustees

(PR's 2, 3-A, 3-B, 3-C, 3-D, 4A, 4B, and 6A and FCR's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and
7 which follow are official parts of the Minutes of the Meeting.)



                                                Office of the President
                                                October 14, 1986

Members, Board of Trustees:

                          Personnel Actions

Recommendation; (1) that approval be given to the attached
appointments and/or other staff changes which require Board action;
and (2) that the report relative to appointments and/or changes
already approved by the administration be accepted.

Background:  The attached recommended appointments and/or other staff
changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance with
Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University. These
recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate
chancellor through the President and have his concurrence.

Under the Governing Regulations, the authority to make certain
appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President
or other administrators who are required to report their actions to
the Board. This report follows the recommendations requiring Board

Action taken:  Approved      L    Disapproved           Other

Date:     October 14   , 1986




                      COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM



              Transfer, Henderson Community College to Owensboro
              Community College

              Morris, Edward J., Associate Professor in the Community
                   College System (with tenure), 8/1/86.


              MadisonvilJe Community College

              Warren, Roger D., Associate Professor in the Community
                   College System (with tenure), Chairman, Division
                   of Physical Sciences and Related Technologies,
                   10/1/86 through 6/30/89.
              West, Marlena K., Assistant Professor in the Community
                    College System, Chairman, Division of Biological
                    Sciences and Related Technologies, 10/1/86 through

               Owensboro Community College

               Morris, Edward J., Associate Professor in the Community
                    College System (with tenure), Chairman, Division
                    of Humanities, Social Sciences and Related
                    Technologies, 9/1/86 through 6/30/88.
               Thomas, James G., Assistant Professor in the Community
                    College System, Chairman, Division of Math,
                    Business and Related Technologies, 9/1/86 through



               Elizabethtown Community College

               Hrdy, Amy G., Instructor in the Community College
                    System, 8/27/86 through 6/30/87.

Staples, Deanna H., Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.

Hopkinsville Community College



Jefferson Community College

Gibson, John M., Instructor in the Community College
     System, 9/1/86 through 12/31/86.

Lexington Community College

Baker, Keith, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
Carroll, Wesley, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
Hall, Ray, Instructor in the Community College System
     (voluntary), 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
Holland, William O., Instructor in the Community
     College System (voluntary), 8/1/86 through 6/30/87
Kissman, Rick, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
King, Patsy, Instructor in the Community College System
     (voluntary), 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
Munns, Barbara, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
Parise, Paula, Instructor in the Community College
     System, 9/22/86 through 6/30/87.
Salyer, Robyn, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.

Madisonville Community College

Grant. Glenn H., Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/25/86 through 6/30/87.

Transfer, Henderson Community College to Owensboro
Community College

Carden, Stephen D., Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
Moman, Richard V., Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
Thomas, James G., Assistant Professor in the Community
     College System, 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
Wallace, Albert F., Assistant Professor in the
     Community College System, 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.

Prestonsburg Community College

Houghton, Louise R., Instructor in the Community
     College System, 9/1/86 through 12/31/86.

Loze, George W., Instructor. in the Community College
     System, 9/1/86 through 6/30/87.

Somerset Community College




          Hazard Community College

          Larsen, Wayne, Business and Industry Liaison, 9/2/86.

          Paducah Community College

          Polashock, Michael S., Business and Industry Liaison,


          Hazard Community College

          Grender, Arnemann R., Assistant Professor in the
               Community College System, 8/23/86 through 6/30/87.

          Lexington Community College

          Brandenburg, Sara S., Instructor in the Community
               College System (voluntary), 8/1/86 through 6/30/87
          Brown, Thomas K., Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
          Bruner, Robert A., Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
          Collins, Barry R., Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
          Eads, Joe L., Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
          Farmer, Dianna V., Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
          Heath, Anne L., Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
          King, Darryl W., Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
          Little, Stephen, Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
          Magoun, Sylvia, Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
          McAllister, Ruthalee, Instructor in the Community
               College System (voluntary), 8/1/86 through 6/30/87
          McCrady, Rosemary, Instructor in the Community College
                System (voluntary), 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
          Scully, Bridget S., Instructor in the Community College
                System (voluntary), 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
          Stipp, Vickie, Instructor in the Community College
                System (voluntary), 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
          Vice, Leisha, Instructor in the Community College
                System (voluntary), 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
          Wierzbinski, Becky, Instructor in the Community College
                System (voluntary), 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.



         Wilcox, David G., Instructor in the Community College
              System (voluntary), 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
         Wolverton, Lloyd, Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.


         Madisonville Community College

         Bellarmine, Thomas, from Assistant Professor in the
               Community College System, 8/16/86 through 6/30/87
               to Assistant Professor in the Community College
               System, 8/16/86 through 11/20/86.


          Hopkinsville Community College

          Carter, David E., Associate Professor in the Community
               College System (with tenure), Sabbatical leave at
               one-half salary, 1/1/87 through 6/30/87 and 7/1/88
               through 12/31/88.

          Lexington Community College

          Kelly, Debra H., Assistant Professor in the Community
               College System, Leave of Absence without pay,
               11/1/86 through 5/31/87.



                               LEXINGTON CAMPUS



            College of Agriculture

            Kandra, Gyorgy A., Visiting Professor, Agronomy, 8/15/86 through
            Kandra, Lili B., Visiting Professor (part-time), Agronomy, 8/15/86
               through 6/30/87.
            Pescatore, Anthony J., Assistant Extension Professor, Animal
               Sciences, 8/11/86 through 6/30/87.

            College of Architecture

            Galliano, Enzo, Visiting Professor (part-time), 10/1/86 through

            College of Business and Economics

            Kane, Michael, Assistant Professor, Management, 9/1/86 through

            College of Engineering

            Lee, Tsu-Tian, Visiting Professor, Electrical Engineering, 9/15/86
               through 6/30/87.


            College of Agriculture

            Pass, Bobby C., Professor (with tenure), Entomology, and Chairman
               Entomology, reappointed Chairman, Entomology, 7/1/86 through
            Smith, David A., Professor (with tenure), Plant Pathology,
               appointed Chairman, Plant Pathology, 10/1/86 through 6/30/92.

            College of Arts and Sciences

            Breitbart, Yuri, Professor (with tenure), Computer Science,
               appointed Chairman, Computer Science, 8/16/86 through 6/30/90.

            College of Business and Economics

            Shepard, Jon M., Professor (with tenure), Management, appointed
               Chairman, Management, 10/1/86 through 6/30/91.

*Special Title Series




           College of Education

           Guskey, Thomas R., from Associate Professor (with tenure),
              Educational and Counseling Psychology, to Associate Professor
              (with tenure), Educational Policy Studies and Evaluation,
              effective 7/1/86.
           Kifer, Edward W., from Associate Professor (with tenure),
              Educational Counseling and Psychology, to Associate Professor
              (with tenure), Educational Policy Studies and Evaluation,
              effective 7/1/86.


           Vice Chancellor for Administration

           Byers, Ralph A., Supervisor, Heating and Cooling, Physical Plant
              Division, after 25 consecutive years of service, effective
           Marks, Jean M., Account Clerk IV, Student Center Cafeteria,
              Auxiliary Services, after 18 consecutive years of service,
              effective 10/24/86.


           Vice Chancellor for Administration

           McCormick, Dora H., Cook Baker I, Blazer Cafeteria, Auxiliary
               Services, to transfer status from II.E of AR II-1.6-1 to II.A.1
               of AR II-1.6-1, effective 10/1/86.


            College of Agriculture

            Allen, Steve, Consultant (part-time), Agricultural Econcmics,
               11/11/86 through 12/5/86.



            College of Agriculture

            McIlwain, Morgan, Instructor (part-time), Horticulture and