xt769p2w417f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt769p2w417f/data/mets.xml Daingerfield, Foxhall, 1887-1933. c1909.  books b92-200-30751970 English Press of J.L. Richardson ; : Lexington, Ky. : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. United States History Civil War, 1861-1865 Drama. Southern cross, a play in four acts  : produced at the Opera House, Lexington, Ky, April 13, 1909, for the benefit of the Morgan Monument / by Foxhall Daingerfield. text Southern cross, a play in four acts  : produced at the Opera House, Lexington, Ky, April 13, 1909, for the benefit of the Morgan Monument / by Foxhall Daingerfield. 1909 c1909. 2002 true xt769p2w417f section xt769p2w417f 

non   roiLw


Bryan Station Chapter D.A.R.



            PLAY IN FOUR ACTS


Produced at (4era House, Lexington, Ky., April 1. ', I/909,
         for benefit of Jlorga;zoan Alonument.

                Copyright 19,).

                  RESS OFl
              J. I.. RICHARDSON  CO.
                 LEXINGTON, KY.



        THE MEMORY



                     -F. D



G) IR )ONCABELL            .....................M...... MR.cC(NIAS
CARTER HILLIARY (Chlarlotte's brother) . MR. HAR BISON
COL. PHILIP STUART ...................... MR. 01BERCHEIN
GEORGE STUART (his son) ...... ..........M. MR. H. YANCEY
BEVERLY STUART (called "Bev.")  ...M..... MR. ROACH
MAURICE HOPKINS (of his command) . M.R. ... MR. SALLEE
CORPORAL EVANS (also of the 12th Mass.) MR. THORNTON
BILL (a turnkey at the prison) .............  MR. MOORE
CUPID (an old negro servant).R ..... M. AI)DY
THE FIRST SOLI)IER  .R.................M. YANCEY
THE THIRI) SOLDIER  .  ..................... MR. THIESING
FAIRFAX STUART (called "Fair")......M.. ... MISS WHITE
  Soldiers of the 12th Massachusetts.
  A guard at the prison.



                         ACT I.
          ()UTSIDE TIHE STUART HOmE, MAY 11, 1864.
                    "If love were all!"

                        ACT I1.
                      "7he Si nai."

                        ACT III.
                 "7he hear-t of a voldier.

                        ACT I V.
                   LATE IN NOVEMBER.

           "'Once iorol e we fiass along this way;
           Once more, Wtis where atfi rst we met !'

   Scene-A Southern State.

Production under tlhe personal direction of Miss Julia Connelly.



                          ACT I.

Outside the Stuart home, May, 1864. The large beautiful lawn of a
    typical Southern home. On the left and partly at the back
    stands the house, of colonial build, a wide porch running the
    entire length of the house, with three broad, low steps leading
    down to the garden. Many vines, mostly wisteria, in full bloom,
    cover the walls and some climb around the banisters. The porch
    has four white pillars reaching to the second story. On the right
    is algreen garden bench, and at the back may be seen a road
    leading past the house, a low picket fence between many trees;
    box-hushes and shrubs are near the right. It is near twilight of
    an afternoon in May. On the right and through the picket fence
    a small gate leading to the garden and thence to the family
    graveyard. Over the whole scene there is a half look of decay;
    the grounds are not in order, the bushes are untrimmed, as
    though poverty had come suddenly to its occupants. At rise of
    curtain Aunt Marthy, an old negro mammy of the familiar
    Southern type, is discovered by the gate leading into the garden;
    in her hands she holds some roses and other flowers she has
    been gathering.
    Marthy. 'Clare hit don't seem natural-it suttenly don't. Dis
hyer place ain't what it was; look at dat fence and at dem bushes!
It's gittin run down, dat's wvhat's the matter; it's gittin run down.
           [Enter Cupid from the gate at back, leading into the
               lane. He is an old negro of about the same age as
               Marthy. His clothes are very old and worn, yet
               there is a pathetic suggestion of neatness in his rag-
               ged dress.
   Cupid. Marthy, is you seen dem chullen



   Marthy. Nor I ain't seen urn since lunch. Mars Bev and Miss
Fair don suttenly tek dis place since de war brek out. I hear urn say
dey gwine down to de mill.
   Cupid. How dey go
   Marthy. I hear Miss Fair say she was gwine ter walk, and den
Mars Bev say hit too far for her; dat she got ter ride de mule; and
she up an tell him ef it too far fer her ter walk, she ain't gwine,
'cause it suttenly too far fer old Jack.
    Cupid (indignant). Jack's er good mule yet, et he is de onliest
one we got lef. Somehow I don't feel exactly rite wid jes dem two
hosses on de place sides dat ole mule; cose he's a good mule yet,
onderstan; but den I can't get used to jes dern three. I often set
and study 'bout dern hosses and wonder whar de is, and ef de soldiers
treat urn good and ef dey gits dey feed regular, and ef-
   Marthy. Ef dey gits de feed regular hit more dan what we does.
Since de soldiers bin comin' what wid de sewin' and de cookin' and
gibin' way, I wonder dat we gits on er tall. Not dat I grudge hit ter
urn-law, no. Wid us got Mars George and dey cousin Mars Carter,
and dars Mars Gorden same as one ob de fambily, to say nothin' ob
Old Marster in de army.
    Cupid. And dars Mars Bev, most pester his mar to def ter let
him go; but cose dat chile he too young; he ant more'n fou'teen.
But den I'm frade he gwine; fer ef dat chile set his head on er thing,
he good es got it.
    Marthy. Go on wid you! Dat chile ant no mo' gwine in de
army dan what I is. He know hit all but kill Ole Mistis when she
let Mars George and Old Marster go; and den-(her voice grows soft,
she looks over toward the gate (Right)-dar's Mars Phil's grave over
dar. She ant neber bin quite de same since dat ambulance wagen
turn in at de gate.
    Cupid. Hits bin more'n two years ago; but sometimes hit 'pears
like hit was only yestidy. (Marthy starts toward the gate). Whar
you gwine wid dem flowers
    Marthy. Deys fer Miss Charlotte; she love ter hab urn on de
table. 'Pears like hit mek hit sorter brighter fer um.
            [Cupid goes to gate at back and stands looking anxiously
                anxiously off down the road (Right).

    Cupid. I'm  gettin' mighty oneasy 'bout dern chullen. Dey's
terbil careless 'bout demselves.
    Marthy (stops on the steps and listens). 'Pears like I hears a



    Cupid. Go on, nigger! Didn't I tell you dey walked to de mill
                                       [A horse's hoofs are heard.
    Marthy (laughs). I hears hit all de same.
    Cupid (drops hat in astonishment). Hi ! ef dey ant trot one er
my kerrige hosses! Hi, dar! Mars Bev ! Mars Bev !
            [Enter at the back by the road Fair and Bev. She is
                riding on a big brown horse with a hag of meal
                before her. She is a beautiful young girl of about
                eighteen, simply dressed in a pink cotton gown; her
                hair hangs in loose curls about her face; her hat is
                carried loosely in one hand; with the other she is
                guiding the old horse. Bev walks at her side, with
                one hand on the bridle. He is a very handsome boy
                of about fourteen, with a gay, happy manner: He
                is barefoot, dressed in a soft white cotton shirt and
                blue homespunirousers. He is without hat or coat,
                and seems in the best of spirits. They stop at the
                gate, laughing.
    Fair (from her place on the horse). Take me down, Bev. Here,
Cupid, you take the meal.
            [Cupid comes forward too surprised to speak, lifts down
               the bag, then Bev takes her hands and lifts her to
               the ground.
    Cupid. Whar you git dis hoss
    Bev (laughs and winks at Fair). Why, out of the second stall
near the door. Where'd you think      [Marthy and Fair laugh.
    Cupid. Dis boss ant never pack no meal fo' in his life; he's er
kerrige boss.
    Fair. Well, Cupid, we had to get the meal, and Jack is so old
and stiff I thought Tony here would enjoy the trip, and he did, all
except the ferry. I don't believe lie ever crossed a stream before,
not with me on his back and a bag of meal. Was'nt he funny, Bev
Dear old Tony! (She throws her arms around his neck). I wish I
had some sugar for you.
   Marthy. Go 'long, child! You talkin' 'bout givin' sugar to dat
old hoss, when we all has to put 'lasses in de coffee and proud ter git
   Cupid. You tell Mistis and Marster dey's come.
                      [He leads horse off (Left) carrying the meal.
   Marthy. Yo' pa bin askin' 'bout you; he say he gwine way ter



    Fair (anxious). To-morrow!
    Bev. Where is he
    Marthy. He an' you ma done gone for walk round de quarters.
                                      [Exit Marthy into the house.
    Bev. Fair, did you know father was going back to his regiment
    Fair. I was afraid of it. The wound is almost healed, but
mother can't bear to have us mention his leaving us again.
    Bev. Why, I had hoped to go back with him; I hate to be
young. Why, Fair, do you know sometimes I feel so crazy to go off
with the army I believe I'll run away, except-
    Fair. Yes, I know; you mean mother. When father and George
are gone, we're all she's got.
    Bev. I wish I'd been twins; then one of me could go.
                                                 [Fair laughs.
    Fair. But if you had been, 'twould be just twice as hard for us
to give you up.
    Bev. I say, let's go find father. They're waiking in the lane
down past the quarters.                       [Fair hesitates.
    Fair. You go, Bev; I'll meet you near the gate. (She smiles at
him). I'm tired, I reckon.
    Bev (slightly disappointed). I won't go unless you come.
    Fair (sits quietly for a moment, then looks up quickly at him).
Go on, Bev, don't mind if I stay here. (A slight pause). Was there
any news to-day
    Bev. Nothing new. But won't it be splendid if General Mor-
gan brings his camp near enough for George and Carter and Gordon
all to come by and see us. Gee! I wish they'd come.
    Fair. Oh, Bev, do you think they could 'Twould seem too
good to be true. (She is silent for a moment). Bev, did you know
Stephen Winthrop and his command had been ordered to the South
Doesn't it seem strange for a man with Southern blood to fight
against his people Of course he is our cousin, and that ought to
make some difference, and then he was raised in the North with only
visits here. And I suppose-I suppose its natural, but then- I wish
--Oh, I wish it were different.
   Bev. I don't feel like he was our cousin any more. Didn't it
seem strange that he and Mr. Hopkins should have visited here just
before the war I liked them fine. I believe I liked Hopkins best.
I was awful sorry when they went away.
   Fair (quietly, without looking at him). Does that seem very long
ago to you, Bev
   Bev (surprised). Why, no: not longer than it was.



    Fair. I was thinking-I can't help wondering if we shall ever
 see him again.
    Bev. Who do you mean, Hopkins
    Fair (softly). No; Steve!
    Bev. We may, though I hope not.
    Fair (surprised). Why
    Bev. He'd be our enemy now.    [Fair seems greatly troubled.
    Fair. Somehow I can't help thinking that we shall see him
again. I often woonder if lie's changed. He seemed so different
from our boys--so very different, somehow.
    Bev. I wonder why you never like to walk down through the
lane any more I don't believ-e you've been down there for a long,
time, not since Hopkins and Winthrop were here.
    Fair (quickly). Oh, yes, I have, lots of times. When Aunt
Sally was sick and when Uncle Joe died, don't you remember
    Bev. So you have; but I was thinking of the last walk we took
down there. Hopkins and I went off through the woods bunting,
and you and Wintlrop walked down to the bars and waited for us.
'Twas ni-lit when we got hack, and you and lie were still standing
near the bars. The moon made you look so white, I was afraid you
were sick. That's wlhy I remember.
    Fair (with an effort). Don't let's talk about that any more, will
you, Bev
    Bev. Of course; I didn't know you minded. Was that why you
didn't want to walk there just now
    Fair (rising). Let's go and look for Charlotte; )erllaps she's
heard some news.
    Bev. I reckon she's in the house; I'll call her.
            [He runs towards the hourse, callingr ''Charlotte ! Clhar-
                lotte ! "  Exit into house.
    Fair (sits (quietly on the bench looking off before her, greatly
troubled). I couldn't, someway I could-n't go thlere--to-day. TIwo
years ago this night  And yet how long, how terribly long ago it
seems! He told me he'd come back. I often wonder whlly I care:
but it was such a happy time!
            [Her hlead sinks wearily down on her arm on the hack of
                the bench, covering her face.
            [Enter from the back Col. and Mrs. Stuart. Col. Stuart
               is a large, handsome, soldierly man of about tifty -
               the typical Southern Colonel. He wears his uniform
               and -walks with a slight limnp. Mrs. Stuatt is a pretty,
               dignified, matronly-looking wonman, some few y ears



                younger than her husband. She is dressed in a
                simple black dress of good material, that has evi-
                dently seen better days. Fair rises quickly, going
                to them. She places a chair for her father, who sits.
    Fair (slipping one arm around his neck and pressing her cheek to
his). Dear father, Bev and I were just coming to look for you.
    Mrs. S. I)id you and Bev go to the mill 
    Fair. Yes, to get the meal; and 'twas such fun ! I rode on
Tony. And if you could have seen old Cupid when we got hack: he
thought of course we'd take old Jack.        [She laughs.
    Col. S. Dear little girl, what would we do without you It's
hard for us to see you do the work meant for the slaves. You go to
mill and help them cook and work and sew; and if you and Char-
lotte ever grieve or worry-whv, we don't find it out.
    Fair. Oh, you're praising us too much. We girls can't fight; I
sometimes wish we could. But we can work, and when that work's
for General Morgan, there's nothing that's too hard for us to do.
    Mrs. S. We seem to give so little to the cause; we have so little
left, only our work. That's such a comfort to feel we can do some-
thing. When the fighting's near, and all night long we hear the mus-
ketry and cannon, and when the thought comes that you and George
are going to the front, it seems more than we can bear. I fix a light
out there on the front porch, and wonder how the fighting's going on.
Bev always stands out by the gate and listens for the sound of firing
coming near. 'Tis hard to keep him then, he wants so terribly to
fight with you and George. But through those nights that come so
often to us now we have our work, and all night long we sit and sew
and knit and listen. Oh], then the work's a comfort-to feel and
know we're doing it for you.
    Col. S. And we out there, who fight, are called the heroes.
    Fair. Father, must you go to-morrow The wound can't quite
be well. Stay for a few more days. Why, I feel as though I'd hardly
seen you for a moment.
    Mrs. S. (who has quietly taken his hand in both her own during
Fair's last speech). To-morrow, dear, and we should thank God he
can go. But let's think of to-night; to-morrow's not here yet, and
we have still to-night.
    Fair (rising, starts to the house). I'll go and look for Bev and
Charlotte and bring them here.                [Exit into house.
   Mrs. S. (softly, with a great effort). To-morrow-it must be


   Col. S. To-morrow. (A pause). Yes, then I must go. WVord
came to us that Morgan's camp was moving on this way; and as we
fight in battles there, so must you here. Perhaps before so very long
I'll come again, and bring the hovs home, too. Why, George is
Morgan's right hand man. They say when 'Morgan wants a man of
special courage, he always calls on George. When you think of all
the trust that Mforgan puts in him, it ought to make us glad we have
our boy to give him.
   Mrs. S. Yes, glad; I am glad, Philip. I'm proud of every way
we help the South. And what of Gordon Cahell and Carter Hillary
Are they with Morgan, too
    Col. S. Thex"'re MIorgan's scouts. They, with five other men,
have saved the army more than once. They know the roads for
miles and miles. Sometimes they are away for weeks, and then they
turn up with some news that means the life of Morgan's army.
    Mrs. S. (looking up). But Phil, the sun has almost set, the dew
is falling; we'd best go in. You musn't take a cold and on the last
day here.                                          [They rise.
    Col. S. We'll walk down through the garden: we must go there.
    Mrs. S. I left that for the last. I knew you wanted to go down
to-the grave.
    Col. S. (quiet for a moment, then with an effort). He loved this
home, didn't he, mother
    Mrs. S. Yes, lhe was very happy here. That tree near by the
gate-the one we call "Phil's tree"-is the place I love best now.
            She takes his hand and quietly they exit (Right) by gate
                leading to graveyard.
            [Enter from the house Aunt Marthy with a small bell in
                in her hand. She looks about as though to ring the
                bell. Stops, as she glances toward the graveyard.
    Aunt M. I)ey's down dar by Mars Phil's grave. I know'd
dey'd go dar las' thing, fo' de come in fo' de night. 'Pears like Mis-
tis got ter go dar every evenin' 'bout sunset. 'Pears like hit comfort
her mightily, arter she set dar fer a while by de grave and smove
down the grass wid her hands and spred out de fresh flowers she
bring him. It seems like she happier den she bin all day. She just
come out smilin' ter herself, like she ant smile since fo' de war brek
out. I reckon (le supper kin wait.  [Exit by side of the house.
            [Enter from the house Fair, Bev, and Charlotte Hil-
                lary. She is a young girl of some twenty-two or
                three years, tall, slender, and very pretty, with
                somewhat premature dignity. She is dressed in a

                soft blue cotton dress, much like Fair's. She enters
                smiling and evidently inspired by the gay mood of
                Fair and 1ev.
    Charlotte (laughing). So I'm to he told tile great secret, am I 
What can it be  A new dress for Fair, or have some of your soldier
friends made you happy with some trophy of the fight. Bev
    Fair. She came near it, didn't she, Bev But you couldn't
really guess, not if you tried all night.
    Bev. Remember you promised not to say a word to any one.
    Char. I promise. But really I can't wait another minute; do
tell me, quick.
    Bev (who is searching behind a bush near thle house). I say,
Fair, where'd you put it  'rwas here last night.
    Fair. I found Cupid digging round that bush and I knew he'd
find it and tell, so I hid it here. (She reaches tinder the steps, draw-
ing out a small paper parcel. She unrolls the l)al)er, drawing out the
half finished coat of a boy's uniform. It is made from p)ale-blue
flannel, very soft, and evidently from some dress of her own. The
armlets are embroidered in red cotton). Here it is. 'Nuw guess,
Charlotte, before we tell you
    Char. I've seen the cloth before-the dress you had last winter.
But what-I don't quite see-what is it now
    Bev (who has been trying to contain himself, comes nearer,
speaking in a glad, excited voice). It's my uniform. I'm going to
filoiut before so very long-, and Fair is makings it for me.
    Char. (taking the little coat tenderly in her hands). But your
mother, Bev!
    Fair. 01, we're oing to tell her, but not now. She'll let Bev
go when lie is needed, and so I am making this to have it ready. It
isn't very nice, I know. You see, I never made a coat before, arid
thc cloth is old and thin and not the right color; but it's all I have. I
wish I had the finest uniform in the world for Bev, but this will have
to do. (Her voice falters for a second). And-I'm making it myself.
    Bev. Why, Fair, you know I wouldn' t wear any uniform but
this, even if I had a dozen. Tire buttons are those tire boys gave me
off their coats, arid the rank on the sleeve is all emh)roidered. I
wouldn't trade withl any of them-not even General AMorgan.
    Char. (putting her arm around Fair). You precious little Fair,
there's not a better uniform in all the South than this. But can't I
help you with it I'd love to; may 1, dear
    Fair. If you'll show me how to put in tile sleeve, I'd love it;
but I'd rather do tire work all hiy myself, please. You see, Bev''s
goingi to be such a ereat, hrave soldier in this coat, I'd like to think



I'd made it all myself.          [She begins to sew on the coat.
     Char. I suppose I needn't ask in whose command you are
 going I know you will say Morgan's. But how about your rank-
 will you he just a private
     Bev. Not just a private; thoughi, of course, I'll be that if I can
 be nothing else. George told me when all was ready and my mother
 said I might, that I could come with him. I'd be one of the scouts,
 the color bearer: that's the place I want-(he grows more and more
 excited)-to hold the flag; to feel it wvas my own, my very owIn; to
 feel and touch and carry. I)o you know, Charlotte, I believe I'd
 think George most as great a man as Morgan if he'd take me with
 him in his company and let me have the flag.
     Char, Perhaps lhe will. I'll speak for you; he loves to do the
things I wvant; and, yes, I'm sure he'll take you for his color-hearer.
    Bev. Where's father, Fair I must go tell him now before he
goes away. He'll say that I can go; I know lhe will. And mother;
I'll tell her, too. Where are they
    Fair (quietly). I think they're in the garden by Phil's grave.
They always go there near this time.   [Exit Bev through gate.
    Char. Oh), Fair, it's hard, hard for us all, and most of all for
vou. I sometimes wonder how you can he so brave. \We've given
Phil, and now your father and George and Carter and Gordon-all of
theni in the army. Now that B3ev wants to go, 1 don't see how we
can lear that.
    Fair (quietly). I sometimes think of it, and then a great wvave of
terror seems to pass over me and leave me frantic at the thought. I
feel as though I must tear thin-s with mn hands and scream, and geo
out too with them and tight-just to be near them. And then I feel
ashamed to seem so weak. And then I think about the day they
brong'it Phil's body home, and how mother didn't shied a tear. She
lhoked so strange and white, as we walked down through the garden
to the grave, I took her hand; it was like marble ! Then she looked
dhoxwn at B3ev on one side and at me close by her on the other, and
softly smiled-smiled as she does -when she is very proud and pleased.
Slhe spoke just as w e came close by the grave. We three stood very
near to Phiil, and as they lifted hinm, she spoke: "He was the first,
and I have loved him best," and then she smiled again, and softly
drew away her hand and laid it for one moment on the coffin, as
though caressing it. 'rhen bending close dowvn bv his side, she
spoke, as though to him: ' 'Well done, my own soldier man ' The
heavenly hosts are proud of your enlistment '' (A pause). You
wonder then that I'm ashamed to show my fear of losing Bev
    Char. Heroes like that are horn-not made.



            [Enter from the garden 'Mrs. S. and Col. S., and Bev
                who walks between them. He is talking eagerly, as
                though afraid of opposition. Col. S. looks troubled.
                Mrs. S. looks strangely pale and quiet.

    Bev. And, father, you see it's nearly finished now. Of course,
I'll wait till George has a place for me; but Fair and I just wanted
to he all ready. She did it all herself. (He holds up the coat). And
it fits too, all except one place, and she'll fix that. Oh, father,
mother, you'll let me go-sometime-of course, not now--but when
I'm needed.
    Col. S. You shall go when the right time comes. When George
comes, have your talk with, him. First, your duty as a soldier is
always to obey. Do as he says. Ride straight; you can do that
already. Shoot straight; that you can learn. Live straight; that you
will do. And last of all, if need be, boy, die with your face straight
to the front.
    Bev (clasping his hand and looking up inc his face). Oh, father,
if I only get the chance, I'll show you I can do them all !
    Mrs. S. And when you've ridden and fought and lived as
straight as I, your mother, know you will, there's one thing more for
me to ask-(she softly lays her hand on his hair, looking down into
his face)-Oh, little Bev, my own, own little boy, let your last ride
be straight back home to me.                 [She kisses him.

            [During this last speech Aunt Marthy has come out on
                the porch with the supper bell in her hand. She
                is about to ring it when she pauses listening, looking
                off down the road.

    Aunt M. 'Pears like I hears a hoss, er lot oh hosses. I)ar de
is, galloping on de gret rode!     [All the others turn to listen.
    Col. S. They're cavalry, as sure as I'm living!
            [Fair and Bev run to the gate and stand, eagerly looking
                down the road. The sound of horses' hoofs (off
                Right) grows louder and more distinct.

    Bev (excited). They're some of our men, sure. I see the gray!
Look, look, Fair ! They're turning in the gate. See, now, they're
in the avenue !
            [Enter, hurriedly, Cupid (Left) by the road.
   Cupid. I hears dem hlosses, I does sho. I knows dat sorrel's
gallup fer as I kin hear hit; dat roan's pace come to me fo' she turn
off de road.


     Char. George! Oh, can it be George coming home 1
     Cupid. F()' Gaud, ef it ain't Mars George and Mars Carter and
 Mars Gordon !                   [The sound of horses is very near.
    Mrs. S. Oh, George ! Is lie really here 
    Bev (gives cheer). It's our boys, sure as you're born!
            [Noise of horses feet stops. Sound of voices: 'Whoa,
                boy ! whoa there \ ' Cupid runs off (Right), the
                others start to the gate.
            [Enter (Right) by the road, George Stuart, Carter Hil-
                lary and Gordon Cahell. George is a handsome young
                man of about twenty three or four; tall, well built,
                and with a gay, cheerful manner. He rushes into
                his mother s arms; she holds him for a long em-
                brace, while Fair and Bev clamor for their turn.
                Carter Hillary is a youjig fellow of about twenty-one,
                Charlotte's brother, somewhar smaller though much
                like George in manner. He rushes to Charlotte,
                who throws her arms around his neck. Gordon
                Cabell is a boy of some twenty-five years, with a
                quiet, serious way about him. He stands slightly at
                the hack during the meeting of the others. He then
                comes forward and greets all the people in the
                scene, not forgetting the negroes. All three wear
                Confederate uniforms of different rank, and all are
                very dirty and much spattered with old mud stains.
                I)uring the following scene the sunlight begins to
                fade and the twilight to gather. After greeting all
                three young men with a warm hand-shake and a
                hearty "Gaud bless you, honey," or "Gaud be
                praised, yous here," Aunt Marthy exits into the
    Mrs. S. Oh, my boys! M\Iy dear boys ! It is so good to have
you here!
    George. And, father, how's the leg-nearly well again
    Col. S. How have you boys come We had no idea you were
even near us.
    George. We've only a short time. My company is reconnoitering
and is camped a mile down the road. We must go on to-night.
Carter and Gordon are with US for a day or so. They're trying for
some information Morgan has to have.
    Carter. We got word only yesterday that the Twelfth Massa-
chusetts was ordered South. Morgan thinks the report true and sent
Gordon and myself to reconnoiter.


    Col. S. You think the Twelfth Massachusetts is coming to this
part of the state How did he hear it (Turns to Mrs S.) Stephen
Winthrop is in command.
            [Fair, who has been talking to Carter, turns quickly,
    Mrs. S. Not Stephen, our own cousin, in arms against the South!
And coming here!
    Col. S. His father is a Northern man; we must not judge for
    Fair (to George). Why must you go back to the camp to-night
    George. We have a long march for to-morrow. Our leave of
absence is only for two hours.
    Mrs. S. Then we must lose no time. You boys are hungry; I
am sure of it. Come into the house and we'll talk while you eat.
            [They start towards the house. George and Charlotte
                are behind the rest. He takes her hand, speaking
                softly only to her.
    George. Wait wvith me here for just a moment. ('Then to his
mother): Ve' 11 come, in just a moment, mother.
    Mrs. S. (smiles at him then, as the others enter house). I'll call
    you when we are ready.                              l lxit.
            [Charlotte turns, facing him; he takes her other hand,
                looking long and lovingly into hoer face.
    Char. I can hardly think you're real. But you are here; you
have come hack to me.
    George. And if the time has been long to you, how about me
there in the camp
    Char. I try not to think about that part-only of how I love you!
That makes tip to me for all the rest.
    George. \e can't think of ourselves in times like these. But I
may think of you. You're in my heart each moment of the day and
in my dreams at night  (He bends over her). My own sweetheart,
I wonder if you know or even guess how dear you are to me !
   Char. I measure your love with my own for you. That' s fair
enough, and so I think-I think I know how much you love me.
           [George has beel, leaning tenderly over her as she sits on
               the bench. He now comes and sits beside her, tak-
               one of her hands in both his own.

   George. I want your promise for one thing--one thing that will
make me the happiest, proudest man in the world.



    Char. What more can I promise you I've given you myself.
What more-
    George (impulsively leaning closer to her). Marry me to-night!
    Char. To-night! Why, I-I-
    George. Yes, to-night! We may go for a long campaign South.
I may not come again for months. Let me be sure you are my own
before I go. I'll get the chaplain here in half an hour.
    Char. To-night! But, George, I-I-of course, I'll marry you
if you think best, but-
   George (delighted). But what  Nothing in all the world can
matter if you marry me to-night.
   Char. Blut I haven't any dress.
   George (laughing). What does that matter Why not the one
you have on now I never saw you look more lovely.
   Char. Oh, I have one other: a nicer one than this (happily).
Well, thi