xt766t0gxj58 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt766t0gxj58/data/mets.xml Peck, John M. 1843 scores (documents for music) BV381.B3 D8 1843 English John P. Morton Contact the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library for information regarding rights and use of this collection Hymns, English Baptists -- Hymns Dupuy's Hymns and Spiritual Songs, 1843 text 444, 59 pages, 13 cm. Call Number: BV381.B3 D8 1843 Dupuy's Hymns and Spiritual Songs, 1843 1843 1843 2022 true xt766t0gxj58 section xt766t0gxj58  


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HEY. J. M. PRC-ix .

A P 1’ E N D I X (7) F H Y M N 1‘3










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* Entered according [5 Act of Congress, .n we year 131:1,


In the Clerk’s unice for the Ulslnct Court of Kentucky
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Eumn S'mnma DXYI’l'Y was a worthy, pious
and devoted ininistcr ot' the Gospvl, in Kentucky
and 'l'onnossm, for many yours—much respected
by the 321;)list ilmmmintniom to which he'bclong-
ed, and h_\' Christians grin-rally.

Almnt twenty-tho ymi‘s since. he compiled the
first etlitimi (it the hymn hook that bears his
name, and which has llt‘t‘l] so widely simulated
and (‘xtt-nsh'vly known.

It hm hwn rt‘Vist-d by the compiler twice, and
passvtl thrrngh tt‘y't'ntv—hvn t‘tlitinns. Mute than
one bum/rm’ I’bnzmnm’ (‘IiIHt‘S have been put into
circulation. chit-fly tln'nngh tho ant-stern and south-
V'In Stan‘s.

The last revision hy Fir, li‘inpny, was but. 3
short pvi'iozl llt‘lill‘t‘ his tlm'msv, Sillt'k’ \\hit'h twenty-
two lzn‘qo (wlitiwns hm'u llt’t‘ll l:ii"s breast.

PRO Vi Dl‘L 7 3E.



ADDISON.) Ill. (ll‘r.
Pravidmtiul nu’rcirs rrviowetl. PS. Clli. l. a.
g_ HEN illl tliy mercies, 0 my Gad.
My rising soul surveys;
Trzmspnr‘rcd \Vllll an HOW, I’m lost
In wonder, love and praise.
1'. Unnnmbur’d comflirts to my suul
'l'liy tender c.n‘c bustoufil,
llcfin'u my inf} it heart. (:nncuiv'd
l‘rnm whom Llimc comlbrts llow'd.
3 \Vlwn in tln- slippery pulls 01' youth
\‘v'illi llC'nllQSS swim l mm.
1" ‘. . . . . n . .f
nmc .nm, umccn, convey d ”lo 8.18,
AJHl led me up to man.


 Con. 13

4 Thrnngh every period of my life

Thy goodness 1‘“ pursue,
And after death, in distant worlds.
The pleasing theme renew.

5 Through all eternity to thee

A grateful sung l’ll raise:
But, ()3 Eternity’s too short
To ntter all thy praise.




\Vniuuis’s PSALMSJ 15. L. M.
The unity of (led. Dent. vi. 4.
EVTERNAL Hon! Almighty Cause
Ol' earth, and seas, and worlds unknown
All things are snh‘jeet to thy laws,
All things depend on thee alone.

‘2 Thy glorious lJClEIfi: singly stands,

_ i" all Within itseli' pessest;
Contrell’d by none are thy commands,
Then from thyself alane art blest.

3 To thee alone «,Lnrs‘elves we owe

Let heaven and earth due homage pay;
All other LfleS \Ve disarmv,
Deny their claims, renounce their stay.

4 Spread thy great name tliro’ heathen lands

'l‘heir idelaleities dethrone;
Reduce the Wni‘hl to thy connnands,
4nd reign. as then art Gm) alone.

[(5. L. M.
The spiritualily rgf God. John iv. 24.
'I‘UUI.‘ art. 0 Had! a spirit pare.
[llVlSllJlb tn :nurtal eyes;
Th' innnortal and th’ eternal King,
The great. the good. tlm nnlv wise.


, .4. .¢... .\W~.n-m-Ha


 14 GOD.

2 Whilst nature changes, and her works
Corrupt, decay, dissolve and die;
Thy essence pure, no change shall see,
Secure of immortality.

3 Thou great Invisible! what hand
Can draw thy image, spotless fair?
To What in heaven, to what on earth,
Can men th’ immortal King compare?

4 Let stLi.d heathens frame their gods
Of gold and silver, wood and stone;
Ours is the G00 that made the heavens,
Jehovah he, and G01) alone.

5 My soul, thy purest homage pay,
In truth and spirit him adore;
More shall this please than sacrifice,
Than outward forms, delight him more.


DRJVATTSJ 17. C. M. God’s Eternity.
ISE, rise, my soul, and leave the ground
Stretch all thy thoughts abroad,
And rouse up every tuneful sound,
To praise th’ eternal Gen.

9 Long ere the lofty skies were spread,
Jehovah fill’d his throne,
Or Adam fimn’d, or Angels made,
The Maker liv“d alone.

3 His boundless years can ne’er decrease,
But still maintain their prime;
Etm‘nity’s his dwelling place,
And ever is his time.
4 While like a tide our minutes How.
The present and the past,
He fills his own immortal now
And sees our ages waste.








GOD. 15

5 The sea and sky must perish too,
And vast destruction come;
The creatures—look! how old they grow,
And wait their fiery doom”

6 \Vell, let the sea shrink all away.

And tiznne melt down the skies;

My God shall live in endless day,
\Vhen th’ old creation dies.

VVAT'rs] 18. C. M.
The divine glories above our reason.
I. ()‘V wondrous great, how glorious bright‘
Must our Creator be,
\Vho dwells amidst the dazzling light
01' vast infinity 1
2 Our soaring spirits upward rise
'l‘oxvards the celestial throne;
Fain would we see the blessed rl‘hree
And the Almighty ()ne.
3 Our reason stretches all its wings,
And climbs above the skies,
But still, libw far beneath thy feet
()ur grov’lling reason lies!
«1 [Lord, here we bend our humble souls,
And awfully adore;
For the weak pinions of our minds
Can stretch a thought no more]
5 Thy glories infinitely rise
Above our lab’ring tongue;
In vain the highest seraph tries
To form an equd song.
6 [In humble notes :‘ur faith adores
’The great Inystc ions King,
While angels strain their nobler powers,
And sweep ‘h’ innnortal string]

. yin—ya. ..

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.. 4. «K ‘w9~><“‘~.~9—'.Nynu



19. L. M.
A song of praise to the evrr blessed Trinitr. (:m
the Fat/(er, Son and Holy Spirit.

LESS‘D be the Father and his love.
[, 'I‘o whose. celestial source we own
ll ‘ Rivers of' endless joys about,
3‘ And rills of comfort here below.

,i 2 Glory to thee, great Son of God, £
From whose dear wounded body rolls

A precious stream m“ vital blood,
Pardon and lite tor dying souls.

3 We give thee, Siered Spirit, praise,
Who, in our hearts of sin and woe.
Makes living stremns of grace arise,
And into boundless glory tlow.

4 Thus God the Father, God the Son,
And God the Spirit we adore,
, That sea of life and love unknown,
. { Without a bottom or u. shore.

\VATrs.] ‘30. L. M.
God supreme uni] Sill/IsiifliciI-Iil.
HAT is our God, find what his name, I
i Ner men ezin learn, nor angels teach .,
,ti He dwells eoneeul’d in radiant flame,
‘ ll: Where neither eyes nor thought can reach

“ The spacious worlds of henv‘nly light '9
Conipui‘il with him lion short they mu
They are too dark, and he too bright,
Nothing are they, and God is :ill.

‘5‘ t 3:! spoke the Wondrous word, and I“
Creation rose at his command:
Whirlwinds und sens their limits know.

Round in flu! lmllmn ~" hit ‘vmd,




con. 1-: ~

( There rests the earth ; there roll the spheres
(im There nature loans, and feels her prop:
But his own self—sutiicicnce bears
The weight of his own glories up
if" 5 The tide of creatures ebbs and flows,
Meas’ring‘ their changes by the moon:
N0 ebb his sea of glory knows;
His age is one eternal noon.
" 6 Then fly, my song, an endless round
The lofty tune let. Gabriel raise;
All nature dwell upon the sound;
But we can ne'er fulfil the praise.

_, , .«rhw ”wk. ,—

VVATTSJ 21. C. M. Infinity.

7 HY names, how infinite they bel'
Great, everlastingflnc!
Boundless thy might and majesty,
And uneonfin’d thy throne.

9 Thy glories shine, of wondrous size, ,
And wondrous large thy grace; ‘1'
Immortal day breaks from thine eyes,
And Gabriel veils his face.

3.1710, 3 Thine essence is a vast abyss,
:aeh. Which angels cannot sound;
An ocean of infinities,
each Where all our thoughts are drown’d.
a The myst'ries of creation lie
rim Beneath enlighten'd minds;
, Thoughts can ascend above the sky.

And fly before the winds.
t Benson may grasp the messy hills.
And stretch from pole to pole; ,
But half thy name our spirit fills. 3“-
.And overloads our soul. 3‘.




6 In vain our haughty reason swells, -

For nothing ’3 found in thee
But boundless ineoneeivables,
And vast eternity.


Wurs] 22. L. M.
God exalted above all praise.
TERNAL power! whose high abode
Becomes the grandeur of a God;
Infinite length, beyond the bounds
Where stars revolve their little rounds.

2 The lowest step about thy seat

Rises too high for Gabriel’s feet;
In Vain the tallest angel tries
To reach the height with wond’ring eyes

3 Lord, what shall earth and ashes do?
\Ve would adore our maker too:

From sin and dust to thee we cry,
The Great, the Holy, and the High.

4 Earth, from afar, has heard thy fame,
And worms have learn’d to lisp thy Name
But, 0, the glories of thy Mind
Leave all our soaring thoughts behind:

5 God is in heaven, but man below;

Be short our tunes; our words be few;
A sacred reverence checks our songs,
And praise sits silent on our tongues.


S. STENNETT.] 23. C. M.
Mercy and truth met together. Ps. lxxxv. IO.

WHEN first the God of boundless green

Disclos’d his kind design
To rescue our apostate race
From mis’ry, shame and sin,




COD [9 ,

2 Quieh through the realms of light and bliss
The gospel tidings run;
Each heart exulted at the news‘
That God would dwell with man.

3 Yet, midst their joys, they paus’d awhile,
And ask’d, with strange surprise,
‘But, how can injured Justice smile,
‘Or look \with pitying eyes?

4 [‘ Will the Almighty dcign again
‘ To visit yonder world,
‘And hither bring rebellious men,
‘Vthnec rebels once were hurl’d?

5 "Their tears and groans and deep distresu
‘Aloud for mercy call;
‘But, ah! must truth and righteousness
‘To mercy, victims full .7‘

6 So spoke the friends of God and man,
Delighted, yet surpris’d,
Eager to know the wondrous plan
That wisdom lied devis’d.}

‘c The son of God, attentive, heard,
And quickly thus replied;
‘In me let mercy be reviv’d,
‘And justice satisfied.

8 ‘Behold, my vital blood I pour,
‘ A sacrifice to God; -
'Let angry justice now, no more
‘Demand the sinncr’s blood.’

9 He spake; and heaven’s high arches rung
W'ith shouts of loud applause;
“He died 3’ the friendly angels sung
Nor cease their rupt’rous joys.





A summary flaw of the Creation. Gen. i.

E 00K up, ye saints, direct your eyes.
- To him who dwells above the skies
With your glad notes, his praise rehearse,
\Vho t'onn’d the mighty universe.

9 He spoke, and from the womb of night,
At once sprung up the cheering light;
Him discord heard, and :it his nod,
Beauty awoke, and pmise’d the Gen.

3 The word he gave, th’ obedient sun
Began his glorious race to run;

Nor silver Moon, nor stars delay.
To glide along th’ ethereal way.

4 Teeming with life, air, earth, and sea,
Obey th’ Alrnighty’s high decree;

To every tribe, he gives their food,
Then speaks the whole divinely good.

3 But to con‘iplete the wondrous plan,
From earth and dust he fushion’d man:
In man the last, in him the best,

The Maker’s image stands confiss’d.

'3 Lord, while thy glorious works I view
Form thou my heart and soul anew;
Here hid thy purest light to shine,
And beauty glow with charms divine.



. «(-9. . ,. . v.



DR.DODDR1DGE.] 25. L. M.
God's goodness to the Children of Men.

E Sons of Men, with joy record

The various wonders of the Lora,
And let his power and goodness sound
Thro’ all your tribes the world around.

\ , . 4~.~—W 1..“

$3.. .





2 Let the high heavens your songs invite
Those spacious fields of brilliant light.
Where sun and moon and planets; roll‘
And stars that glow from pole to pole.
But 0, that brighter Worhl above!
Where lives and reigns incarnate love!
God’s only Son, in tlesh array’d,

For man a bleeding vietirn made!
Thither, my soul, in rapture soar,
There in the land at praise adore;
The theme demands an angel’s lay.
Demands an everlaxting day.



’7 -

Tl ll‘l ,lt‘.’\Lli..
DR.‘VA’1"I‘5‘ Lyric Poems. 243. L. M.

Original sin, or {I'm first and SEMI/Ml Adam

. DAM, our father and our head,

L 'l'ranggrz'ss’d, and justice (looin’d us (lei-Al
The tlery law speaks all despair,
There ”s no reprieve nor pardon there.


Iall a bright eouneil in the skies;
Seraph.» the mighty and the wise,
Speak, are you strong to bear the lead,
The weighty vengeance ot‘ a GOD?
In vain w: ask, for all aronml

Stand silent through the heavenly grounch
There’s not a glorious mind above,
Has hall' the strength, or half the love.
But 0! immeasurable grace!

Th’ eternal Son takes Adam’s place;
Down to our world the Saviour tlies,
Stretches his arms, and bleeds and dies.
Amazing war/c! look clown, ye skies,
W’omler and gaze with all your eyes,
Ye saints below and saints above,
All how to this nwsferious love.




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 2.3 T1 1E F A LL.

Dn.DonnRIUGi:.] 27'. L. M. 3
Wm aflects of the Fall lamented. Psalm cxix.
RISE, my tenderest thoughts, arise;
To torrents melt my streaming eyes
And thou, my heart, with anguish t‘eel
Those evils which thou canst not heal.


See human nature sunk in shame;
Sec scandals pour'd on Jesus’ name,
The Father wounded through the Son
The world abused; the soul undone.


See the short eonrsegf vain delight,
Closing in everlasting night;
In flames that no abatement know,
Though briny tears tor ever flow.
4 My GOD, I feel the mournt'ul scene;

My bowels yearn o’er dying men;

And fain my pity would reclaim,

And snatch the tirebrands from the flame.
5 But feeble my compassion proves,
And can but weep where most it loves;
Thy own all-saving arm employ,
And turn these drops of grief to joy. 2


DR.‘VATTS.] 28. L. M.
The fall and recovery of man,- or, Christ and So
(an at enmity. Gen. iii. 1, 15, 17, Gal. iv. 4 8
('01. ii. 15.
] ECEIV’D by subtle snares of hell,
, Adam, our head, our father, fell,
W'hen Satan, in the serpent hid,
Propos'd the fruit that God forbid. ‘
2 Death was the threat’ning; Death began
To take possession of the man;
His unborn race reeeiv’d the wound,
And heavy curses smote the ground.





8 But Satan found a worse reward; ‘

'xix. Thus saith the vengeance of the Lord,
' 'Let everlasting hatred be

'Betwixt the woman’s seed and thee.
:E’es 4 "The woman‘s seed shall be my Son;
:el ‘lle shall destroy what thou hast done;
Ll. ‘Shall break thy head, and only feel

"l'hy malice raging at his heel.’


[He spake; and bid four thousand years , .i
n Roll (nu—fut length his Son appears; i~
Angels With Joy descend to earth,
And sing,r the young Redeemer's birth.

Lo, by the sons of hell he dies;

But as he hung,r ’twixt earth and skies,
He gave their prince a fatal blow,
And triumph'd o’er the powers below.




HATE the tempter and his charms, ‘
I hate his flutt’ring breath; ; i‘
65} The serpent takes a thousand forms,
To cheat our souls to death.



He feeds our hopes with airy dreams,
Or kills with slavish fear;

And holds us still in wide extremes,
Presumption or despair.

3 He. tells the aged, "I'hey must die!
‘And ’tis too late to pray;
II, ‘In vain for mercy now they cry,
‘For they have lost their day.’

i Thus he supports his cruel throne,
By mischief and deceit,

And drags the sons of Adam down

To darkness and the pit.

1d Sa
iv. 4



l Almighty God, cut short his power,
Let him in darkness dwell;
And that he vex the earth no more,
Confine him down to hell.
WATTS.] ‘29. Stzcoxn l’ittt'r.
HAT mortal pow‘r. from things unclear:
Can pure productions bring? 6
Who can command a vital stream
From an infected spring?
2 Yet, mighty God, thy wondrous love
Can make our nature clean, 7
While Christ and grace prevail above
The tempter, death, and sin.
8 The second Adam shall restore
The ruins of the first: 8
Hosanna to that sovereign power
That new creates our dust!


The incarnation of Christ. Luke ii. 14.
ORTALS, awake! with angels join
And chant the solemn lay;
Joy, love, and gratitude combine
To hail th’ auspicious day.
2 In heaven the rapturous song began,
And sweet seraphic fire
Through all the shining regions run,
And strung and tun'd the lyre. 2
8 Swift through the vast expanse it flew,
And loud the echo roll’d;
The theme, the song. the joy was new,
”Twas more than heaven could hold. 3
4 Down through the portals of the sky,
T h' nnpetuous torrent ran;





And angels flew with eager joy; ‘
To hear the news to man.
5 [Wrapt in the silence of the night,
Lay all the eastern world,
When bursting, glorious, heavenly ligm

r ... t
i U”’““- The wondrous scene unturl‘d.]
5 Hark! the eheruhic armies shout,
And glory leads the song;
Good-WI“ and peace are heard throughout
9 Th’ harmonious heavenly throng.
'e 7 [O for a glance ol‘ heavenly love,

Our hearts and songs to raise.
Sweetly to bear our souls aboxe,
And mingle with our lays 'J


\Vith joy the chorus we’ll repeat.
“Glory to God on high:

“ Good-will and peace are now complete- ’
. “Jesus was born to die. ” 1V
9 Hail, Prince of 1.111», for ever hail! ‘
Redeemer, Brother, Friend!
14- Though earth, and time, and life, should. fail ‘ ‘
join Thy praise shall never end. .3-

31. The song of [lie ANGELS. 7s.
ARK, the herald angels sing.
y, - “Glory to the new—born King;
“Peace on earth and mercy mild,
“God and sinners reeeneil' l.”

. “Mam“?! ’W. . «”14“ -

2 Joyliil, all ye nations, rise,

‘ew, Join the triumph of the skies;
Hail the heaven-horn Prince of Peace.

new, Hail the Son of Righteousness.
01¢ 3 (Mild he lays his glory by,
(3!, Born, that man no more might die,
Born to raise the sons of earth; _
Born to give thmn second birtlm !


, , our -Mi\,.._ anew—2 ~——_: My.


”aw’m- .

2-: ..«,-.e-v-a.v~».-.> -.,—«

r - iamsmA-«em 1.;

1v; ,









Come, desire of' nations, come,
Fix in us thy humble home;
Rise, the. woman’s prornis‘d seed,
Bruise in us the scrpent's head.
Glory to the new-born King,

Let us all the anthem sing,
“Peace on earth, and mercy mild,
“God and sinners reeoneil’d.”


STEELE] 32. C. M.
The Incarnation. John i. 14.

\VAKE, awake the sacred song
i To our incarnate Lord:
Let ev’ry heart and ev’ry tongue
Adore th‘ eternal Word.
'l'hat awful \Vord, that sovereign pow‘t
By whom the worlds were made
(0, happy morn ! illustrious hour !)
W'as once in flesh array’d.
‘hen shone, almighty power and love
In all their glorious Forms,
W'hen Jesus left his throne above
To dwell with sinful worms.
To dwell with misery below
The Saviour left the skies,
And sunk to wretchedness and woe
That worthless man might rise.
Adoring angels tun’d their songs,
'l'o hail the joyful day;
\Vilh rapture, then, let mortal tongues
Their grateful tribute pay.
\Vhat glory, Lord, to thee is due!
With wonder we adore;
But, could we sing as angels do,
Our highest praise were poor



THE 1.11‘1: ()1" (7111“ "1. ‘27
33. 11. M.
Song 0f"!1’ angels u! //111 Lid/1 ‘11 Christ.
1111111' ii. 13, 111.
EEA 11’C 111111: 1111111111111”,111:“1111111'song,
1:1'1'1s1111r 11'11111 y‘1111'," 11111.; 1111111;{

901111 111 11111 1111 41111111111111 1111:1'3;
171:.11"1i111 (:1111113 1111: notes i11111'111'1.


'111111‘}' 1111 high,” 1111111 si11g,'t11 (11111
.\1111 peace 1111 11121111,” [111:1 5111111 11' 111"',111111d
‘11111'11'1—11'111 111 1111'11;' they 1111111 pi111"1:1im,
"111111111311 1111 1110111111111: S.1\'i1>111"5 11111116.’
3 My 911111, 1:11:21) 111111 i11i11 this 11051,

B11151 511111;, 11111:: tidings to the 10:11;
VS'ith 11111511 11111111< 111111111 112111111111

""111: $.11'111111' ’s 11111'11 111 111'11'1111111'111

MM '1 1.1.1 1.111: Q1111 1111111112; 1'1:110 1‘1111111‘2:
1‘ 111111111 11111:} 11111111 111 11111111 1111' 511111111,
11111‘ 1111:1111'~11111,', 11111'11(111'i.4? 1::11111'11011/11.
1'1) 111'1111: 111.91 1111'1: 10 1111111115 1111011111.

:6 5 Singr 111' 1115 11111-111 s1v1511',’ >111",
‘ '1'0 ( 111151, 11111 1"1111i1'11u', (11011 and King.’



DR. \V.\'1"1's.j 524. L. M.
' '1’1'1.’ (.’.”l:(lll1]}z'.(f (1] Ch r1111.
“9, ‘EY1 (1CZII' 111111'1'1111'1'111111 1111' Lord!
J' - : 1 r1'='1(1 111" 1111111 in 11111 word;
But £11 1111' 11' '1' 1111 111111 1111111'115,
11.11111. out in 111ii11r c1111r11311' '


0;” :31

11511 ":81: thy t111111, 111111 such ‘11}! 70.111,
uch 11111 rcnce to thy I1 anvr vvi11y







Such love, and meckness so divine,

I would transcribe, and make them mine
Cold mountains and the midnight air,
Witness’d the fervour of thy prayer,

The desert thy temptations knew,

Thy conflict, and thy vict’ry too.

Be thou my pattern; make me bear
More of thy gracious image here;

Then God, the Judge, shall own my name
Amongst the follow’rs of the lamb.




WiurrmLu’s COLLEC'rIoNJ 3’25. L. M.
Behold the man. Job xix.
E that. pass by, behold the man,
The man of‘ grief, condemn’d for you