xt766t0gxg07 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt766t0gxg07/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-04-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 24, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 24, 2008 2008 2008-04-24 2020 true xt766t0gxg07 section xt766t0gxg07 After more than 35 years,
a veteran returns to Vietnam as a


Coming tomorrow

UK instructor to teach students about forgiveness and the true to“ of war.




_I ll IRSI )AY

_APRIL 24 2008



Tuition hike
to receive

By Jill Lester

Whether or not UK‘s proposed tu-
ition increases will be made official by
the state‘s highest education authority
is in question. said some members of
the Council on Postsecondary Educa-

“There will be no rubber-stamping
this time.“ said Ryan Quarles. student
member of the council and a UK law

For the last few years, the CPE has
automatically approved universities'
tuition rates as long as the amount fell
under a cap set by the council.

This year an unofficial 9 percent
cap was set. and for the first time, the
CPE will hold tuition hearings with
representatives from each university.
The hearings on April 30 and May I
will be an opportunity for university
representatives to explain why the uni-
versities‘ proposed rates should be ap-
proved. Quarles said.

UK approved a 9 percent increase
for in-state students and a 6.6 percent
increase for out-of—state students. A 9
percent rise is a hefty increase that
burdens students and lets university
presidents escape some accountability,
said Mark Wattier. a CPE member.

“Tuition increases prevent presi-
dents from making some hard choic-
es." said Wattier. who is still undecid-
ed on how he will vote. He did say he
plans to vote against a proposed 13
percent increase for Kentucky Com-
munity and Technical Colleges‘ tuition

After Tuesday‘s Board of Trustees
meeting, UK President Lee Todd said
he doesn‘t think the current council
does enough to understand each uni-
versity‘s specific needs. He also said

See CPE on page 10



planned for
fall ’09

By Katie Saltz

A new housing development is
planned for downtown Lexington in
the fall of 2009. Demolition of an 8-
acre site was completed recently to
clear room for the construction of a
334,000 square-foot development.

The design for the complex. The
Lex. is made up of four buildings that
will have 266 apartments. and retail
stores and restaurants on the ground
level. The developer for the project,
Buckingham Companies. is a privately
owned real estate company based in

Michelle Sinning. spokeswoman
for the company. said the construction
of The Lex is a response to the antici—
pated growth of the city because of
UK‘s plans to increase enrollment.

“The university has growth plans
as far as enrollment is concerned."
Sinning said. “While they have plans
to increase student housing, they are
not going to have enough housing to

See Housing on page 10



Sen. John McCain shakes hands with members of the crowd on the way out of the Inez courthouse after speaking there yesterday morning

McCain passes through I

Republican presidential hopeful stops in
Eastern Kentucky on rural America tour

ELBlair Thomag

INEZ. Ky. -~ The town hall meet-
ing in Inez was more crowded than
usual as presidential hopeful Sen.
John McCain made a campaign stop
in the small Eastern Kentucky town
yesterday during his tour through rural

More than 450 people crowded in-
side the community's courthouse and
nearly I00 more gathered around its
entrance on Main Street to welcome
the Republican, whose tour bus pulled
up just after I] am.

“We're not a town that gets many
political candidates passing through."
said Inez Mayor Terry Fralcy. “But
we‘re excited to welcome Senator
McCain. and we're excited that he's
here to listen to what the concems of
Eastern Kentuckians are."

Those concerns included immigra-
tion. recession, the war in Iraq and the
rising cost of oil.

“I have concerns about local I»
sues. but there are bigger national
problems that keep me awake at
night." said Edna Williams. 46. a resi«
dent of Inez. “Just became I'm from a
small town doesn't mean that I don‘t
have concerns about gas prices. the
war and where the economy of this
country is going.“

McCain offered his plans for ad—
dressing these issues. starting with his
strategy to ensure that illegal immi—
gration is stopped. He suggested better
technology at the country‘s borders to
increase security for those people on—
tering and leaving the country.

“Our foremost obligation to our
country is securing our borders." Mc-
Cain said.

He also proposed a “tax vacation"
between Memorial Day at the end of
May and Labor Day in mid—Septem—
ber. which would eliminate the tax on
gas during that window, bringing
prices down nearly l8 cents a gallon.
This cut. along with other economic


Veterans of World We i innit: 7hr:

made his speech yestt rday . t: on; r loci Ky

stimulations. will help bring.v the coun-
try out of thc rcccssion ‘ that the num-
bers show we arc already in.” he said.

McCain. a former prisoner oi war.
also cxprcsscd his suppoit tor the Iraq

war and the “Victory the I .S is .ic

s V . ‘A‘ _\ , _ ‘ V
Vie-main whi' sat beside For.


.im Minn

coniplishing thcrc "

"I bclicw the war is succeeding.
and if you set a datc for withdrawal.
it‘s a date for surrender."

See McCain Aid 10

Mc( ‘ain said

Dialogue focuses on diversity in disabilities


By Ross Bogue


Many students see a crack in the sidewalk on
campus and step right over it. unaffected by the
jagged ground. But for others. such as Lindsey
Newland, something as simple as a crack can cause
major problems.

Newland, a social work graduate student. must
use a motorized scooter to get around UK. She will
be speaking at tonight‘s Diversity Dialogues forum.
sharing her concerns about the sidewalk accessibili-
ty efforts for disabled students at UK.

“It is difficult for me to maneuver my scooter
around the many cracks and uneven surfaces in the
concrete. not to mention it makes for a very bumpy
ride." Newland said.

Newland will also address the need for street ac-



cess on all sidewalk surfaces. because some of the
curb cuts are in very awkward positions. she said.
The Office of Multicultural Student Affairs is
hosting its final Diversity Dialogues forum of the sc-
mester tonight at 7 in room 230 of the Student ('cn-
ter. A panel will discuss personal experiences and ct
fective ways of ensuring that students with disabili-
ties can easily participate in the campus community
The panel will include students with disabilities.
other students. staff members. a [K psychologist
and members of the Disability Resource (‘entcr
“We need to remind this institution that we nccd
to take care of the students w ho are paying tuition to
come here and get a proper education." said Mah

jabcen Rafiuddin. director of student diwrsit) cn

gagcment in the Office of Multicultural Student .-\t
The Diversity Dialogues series has hosted fo-

rums throughout the )car. ranging from topii s about
homophobia on campus. to interracial relationships.
to \khcthcr or not America is read) to cit-it .i tcnialc
or nnnorit} pit-sidcnt,

llut duci‘sit) lll\0I\L‘s more than not iacc and
sc\iia| orientation. Rafiuddin said

"Ilocrsity is not just about racial challcngcs "
shc said “'I'hcrc are other studcnts \\ itli l\\llt‘\_ likc
studcnts \th disabilities. who tacc scwrc clial
It‘llgc‘s .it I‘K.”

Raliuddin said forming the paiicl tor tonight‘s
c\cnt taught Iicr a lot about ban'icrs and challenges
students \\llh disabilities tacc cwr} day at [K

“I am c\citcd and honored to ban- \IlltIClll\ and
stall conic togcthcr to dialogue about this topic she
said "Wc must learn from each other in oidc: to
build .in inclusnc community lot all students .it I K
not just some."

New USP program to continue development over summer "What is not up

for negotiation,

51 Jill latter


A University Senate commit-
tee will work on proposed changes
to the Universities Study Program
requirements over the summer.

Provost Kumblc Subbaswamy
scrapped an initial USP proposal
in the fall after three faculty fo-
rums. in which professors ex-
pressed concern about the Iock of

increased foreign language re-
quirements. the possibility that
students couldn‘t finish their ma-
jors in four years and the potential
changes in workload.

In March. the University Sen-
ate approved a list of eight general
education principles and a
timetable that calls for the Senate
to look at the General Education
Steering Committee‘s recommen-
dations for curriculum and Icem-




ing outcomes by the fall.

Kaveh Tagavi. president of the

University Senate. said while he

. wasn‘t certain. he thinks the Sen-
ate could reach an agreement on
USPs if a proposition was brought

“If I had a dollar to bet. I
would bet that in the next proposi-
tion. if that comes to a vote in the
Senate. they will converge.“
Tagavi said. “That could be 2008-

09. that could be 200940.“

Susan C arvalho. the head of
the University Senate committec
charged with developing USP
changes. said if little revision to
the current USPs is needed. the
program could begin in 200940.
However. more work would mean
a longer wait until students have
to take the new USPs.

Going back to the drawing
board and creating a new proposal

most likely won’t happen. Tagau
said. What could happen is that
thc I'nivcrsit} Senate could rcjcct
a committee proposal. and the
committee would return to the
eight principles to begin work
again. he said.

The general education princi-
ples echo some of the require-
ments in the old proposal. In both

See USP on page 10

at least in the
future, is the
general educa-
tion principles."

tln'versvtv Senate oresopnt

Newsroom: 257-1915; Advertising: 257-2872




 PAGE 2 I Thursday, April 24, 2008

your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun W WI






















"it i -
Wreck your room.:~.Nol your car



By Linda c. Black

To get the advantage, check the
day’s rating: 10 IS the easiest day, 0
the most challenging

Aries (March 21 - April 19) Today
is a 7 — Your job doesn't exactly
match your passions yet, but don’t
despair. Do what y0u love as a hobby.
if necessary. lt'll help keep you sane
Taurus (April 20 -— May 20) Today
is a 7 -— You have something that
another person wants. Just knowing
that should make y0u feel more con
fident. You don't have to sell it or
give it away Keep it somewhere

Gemini (May 21 — June 21) Today
is a 7 — Once you and your partner
figure out who's in charge of what,
you'll start to increase productivity
exponentially Work toward that


happy day

Cancer (June 22— July 22) Today
is a 7 — OK, you can get back to
work You can even go shopping
The congestion should have cleared
by now, so you'll be able to make
good choices

Leo (July 23 -— Aug. 22) Today is an
8 — A lover's dream could actually
come true, against all odds. You're
such a natural romantic, the game is
bound to turn out in your favor
Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept. 22) Today is
a 7 — The answer you've been
seeking comes in a quiet moment
You may not even realize you have
it, but the problem Just fades away
lt could be a change in your {llllr

Libra (Sept 23 — Oct. 2) Today IS
a 7 7 There are hassles to deal
with, but you can overcome them
Set up a romantic evening as your
reward for a challenging day
Scorpio (Oct. 23 — Nov. 21) Today
is a 7 w It's another good shopping
day for household items Check out

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the latest entertainment technology
Odds are good you'll find the perfect

Sagittarius (Nov. 22— Dec. 21)
Today is a 7 Your supposrtions
have been proven correct, much to
your delight. An area that was ob-
scure has become clear. The fog has
lifted, or it soon will.

Capricorn (Doc. 22 — Jan. 19) To
day is a 6 i. Finishing an old prO‘
rect brings in a welcome bonus Use
it to get a special treat for the peo
ple you love

Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) Today
is a 7 You can overcome feelings
of repressed hostility Don't let a co
worker's rude remark cause a nasty
reaction Think about a person you
love and you'll forgot all about ll.
Pisces (Feb. 19 ~ March 20) To;
day is a 6 - You're gaining status
and respect You may not know
what you did You were just follow-
ing through and keeping your word

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Natalie Portman introduces
her new boyfriend!

‘I‘Ile DiSI-l

Scrufl’y singer Dcvendra
Banhart may seem an unlikely
love for Hollywood hottie Na-
talie Portman. but apparently
there is a greater. uh. force at
work in their romance. “His
nickname was Obi v~ as in Obi—
Wan Kcnobi 7— all through high
school!" says a friend of the folk
musician. 26. who began seeing
the "Star Wars“ vet. 26. in re-
cent weeks. The duo already
have a couple of collaborations
under their belts: He contributed
a song to her fall charity album.
“Big Change: Songs" for FIN-
(‘A. and she starred in his video
“(‘armcnsita" in March. “He
sparks her artsy side." says a pal
ot' the actress (last linked to dc-
signcr Nathan Boglel. "She‘s rc-
ally' a theater kid inside. and he's
a true hipster so it works!"

Bret from 'Rock of Love':
'I made the right decision'
When Poison‘s Bret
Michaels chose actress Ambrc
Lake. 38. over aspiring singe‘r
Daisy l)el.aHoya. 25. on \'Hl's
“Rock of Love 2." the winner
tells Us. “l cried like a little
baby because I was so happy!"
What made the couple ~ who'll
rcunitc on the reality show's
April 20 special 7— click‘.’ “We
definitely have chemistry." says
Chicago resident Lake. The mu—
sician. 45. agrees. "She's an
amazing kisser?" Michacls gush—
cs. hcl'orc admitting that his
head had as much influence as
his heart in picking Lake.
"We're mature enough to know
it takes time to find lore." he
says. “You can like somebody

KHQ‘ 1 U.(. ‘jKy [BANDS

and then you just see what hap—
pens. This year. I think I
made the right decision. lt‘s' go-
ing good!"

Naomi & Liev go the

“We've only spent three
weeks apart." Naomi Watts re-
cently said of life with Liev
Schrciber. And the NYC-based
parents of Alexander. 9 months.
kept their record strong April
ll. hanging together in Sydney.
Australia. near where the actor.
40. is filming “X-Men Origins:
Wolverine." But. with four
flicks of her own in the works
for next year. how will the
mom. 39. balance family and
filmmaking? She says. “The
questions I want to ask first
about each project are: How
long and where?“

How Paul met his wile

"My family is the best thing
about my life." Paul Rudd
boasts about his wife. Julie
Yaegcr. and son Jack. 2 —
though the actor. 39. admits it
all began a bit randomly. during
a visit to NYC. “I ended up
staying at her apartment. and
that led to my living there." he
says of meeting Yaeger. "We
didn't datc. ljust moved in!"

Ryan 8: Scarlett lighting in

Scarlett Johansson and Ryan
Reynolds have kept their rela-
tionship low—key since they be-
gan dating last spring. But that

mummm» mm cam.» t... ...,,.

Where have yo (4

W 0|:on Foyttteville AR UKvs Georgle Athens. GA UKvsSoutbcm

linear Manon” In"


all ended with a public spat dur-
ing an early April outing in
Boston (where the actor. 3|. is
filming “The Proposal" with
Sandra Bullock. 43). A witness
told the Boston Herald the ac-
tress. 23. “kept grabbing his arm
and he'd yank it away and she'd
keep saying. ‘Ry. come on. Ry.
Stop.’ “ Was this a sign of real
trouble? “She‘s emotional and
isn‘t easy. but they are happy for
the most part." a Johansson
source tells Us. adding that
Reynolds “wants more of her"
but “she is definitely not ready
for marriage yet."

Mila & Mac's connection

"I admire him and think he's
an incredible human being."
Mila Kunis of “Forgetting Sarah
Marshall." 24. told Parade of her
boyfriend of six years.
Macaulay Culkin. 27. Though
he was a successful child star
and she grew up “incredibly
poor." she revealed they con-
nected because “his goal in life
was the same as mine.“

America's love nest

It’s domestic bliss t'or ”Ugly
Betty" star America Ferrera, 24.
and her longtime beau. film—
maker Ryan Piers Williams. 26.
who bought an airy $1.4 mil—
lion. thrce—bedroom house in the
Hollywood Hills. (Calls to Fer-
rera's rep weren‘t returned.)
Says a source. “They wanted
something unpretentious and


been 1/) . ‘

W‘ '
Omani! Men's SEC Basketball Tournament; Atlanta GA Warned s SEQWW

NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament. Anaheim CA


( or 6:2: Eng/sine







April 24.


Whitney Waters
Asst. Features Editor

Phone: 257-1915

,. kernel “


of the day. when you look in the
and you think you look hot. you'
got to go with it.”



I like to push the envelope, and some-
times people respond to it and love it.
and sometimes they hate it. At the end

ve just

—— Heidi Klum, model and host of "Project Runway"

Students use storytelling to play games

By Cathy Barnes

In the early hours of the morning.
crushed cans of Red Bull and Mountain
Dew littered the floor. Nearby. four
bodies lay in various positions on the
carpet and on couches. passed out after
caffeine highs left them at rock bottom.
Cheeto dust coats twitching fingers as
they dream of grolls. wererats and other
magical beasts.

This wreckage is found after a
nightlong session of Dungeons and
Dragons, a tabletop role-playing game.
These college students may awaken in
a few hours and resume play for anoth—
cr day, or the “Game Master“ may call
it quits.

With an average session running
four to five hours, some gamers of this
group have been known to go for as
long as 18 hours on a sugar-driven. en—
ergy-filled marathon of fantasy imagi-

The 30-member coalition calls itself
the Miskatonic Student Union. The
campus organization provides tabletop
role-play for UK students with a focus
on board games. card games and video
games. Their name. Miskatonic. refers
to the fictional university created by
HP. Lovecraft. an American author of
horror, fantasy and science fiction. The
club will celebrate its 20th anniversary
this fall.

Chisa Puckett, a philosophy senior
and current president. said the group
was even more popular when it was
first founded. The president-elect is her
husband. Jeremy Puckett. an English

Whether for social experience or
the gaming opportunities. most of the
members come together
for the same reason: It‘s a
place to find commonali-

As laughter erupted at

"This is one of
ties. the last


dle school. The hobby draws people in
and doesn‘t easily let go.

Jeremy Puckett believes the com—
munity of storytelling is what keeps
this tradition alive. Tabletop role-play-
_. ing games have been around

since 1973. when Dungeons

and Dragons was first creat—

ed. and it continues to draw a

following of 5 to 6 million

Jeremy Puckett's jokes remaining venues gamers.Puckett said.

about the stereotypical
"gamer physique" — ei-
ther doughboy pudginess
or skeletal gauntness —
Josh Henry, a mining en-
gineering freshman and
fellow member. smiled.
“This is why I like
this group,” Henry said.
Henry joined in Janu-
airy with his roommate.
chemical engineering
freshman Zane Eggett. af-
ter discovering the club. Both have
been playing Dungeons and Dragons
for several years -— Henry for four
years. and Eggett since he was in mid-

for expresswe.

{raga-g“ 5.7;)hgngw

“This is for people who
are tired of the pre-pack-
aged, 10-second morals of—
fered in current media."
Puckett said. “This is one of

' r v .‘
ucrrm P. ~ - >

In an average game of
Dungeons and Dragons. two
to eight players will gather
around a table with dice and
a handbook with suggestions
for storylines. However. players can
create personal stories and rules based
entirely on their imaginations. A cho—
sen person acts as Dungeon Master or




Game Master. determining the chal-
lenges and difficulties that other play—
ers can work through based on the

But not everyone appreciates this
pastime. Gamers have consistently
been painted as awkward and anti-so—
cial. sometimes even being accused of
Satanisni. Puckett said. hi reality.
gamers often need social skills to con
neet with other players.

“There is a strong bias against us.
but all we're really providing is a com—
munity for people who enjoy meeting
others through problem-solving. story-
telling and imaginative games." he

Miskatonie will host the “Super
Smash Brawl Tourney" in an effort to
relieve stress of dead week and the end
of school. Puckett said. The toumamcnt
is tomorrow from 6 to 10 pm. in room
206 of the Student Center.



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Isle of You
offers trendy
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5 pm.
Price: Mid-range

Location: 59] W. Short St.
Hours: Monday through Friday. N)
am. to 6 pm: Saturday. 10 am. to

Why it's cool: Isle of You has a $/.
great selection of unique and col-
orful clothing. The boutique fea-
tures cocktail dresses. Juicy Jeans
and Molly dresses. lsle of You re- Webb
ceives new shipments of spring
dresses every other day and cur—
rently offers bathing suits for the
upcoming summer season. C loth-
ing. jewelry and accessories are
priced from $21 to $200. making it
a perfect place to go for a little
splurge or to find a good buy.

For the week of
on a p Aeeit 24 » Asian. 30

. , . dervvood
8_p.m.. The Dame Tickets COSI 8 pm, Ru p Arena, Tickets cost

$38.50 [0 68 50.
FRIDAY And 25 .
Ramel Bra’dlely and Jonathan Nappy Roots W/ Mudkids. 9 pm. The Dam

Main Event and Nate FX $7
9 pm, The Dame. fickets cost $5 10 pm , The Dame Tickets C03!

J k R‘
SUNDAY April 27 3:29. $597K;

Blue Man (hoop Warmer Milks

Cartel w/ Secondhand Sere-
nade and Hark The Herald

8 pm, Headliners, Lonisvdle
Tickets cost $15.

SATURDAY, April 26

cost $45 and $70

and Hel i and lration 4 In Endeavors
7 p m, he Dame. Tickets cost 8 p m, Bogarts, Cincmnati Tick» 9 pm . The Dame





Open till 3am Thurs

Ult Campus . 544 5 Up


(From the left)
Chisa Puckett, a
senior and presi-
dent of the club,
Zach Purol, an

‘ freshman,

Mayling Yap, an
English sopho-
more, and Josh
Henry, a mining
freshman, gather
for the weekly
Miskatonic Stu~
dent Union



Mayling Yap, an English sophomore, examines a 20*8Ifled die that is used to play several
The entry fee is $5. and there is a games at the Miskatnnic Student Union meetings

$50 gift certificate from Gaincstop for '

the winner. GameCube controllers and bring their o\sri Nunchuck or Wii Re~ at wwwukmsuorg or e-

Wll remotes will be provided. but pco- mote. Anyone \\ ho has additional qucs‘ at chihikijuGI gmailcom.

ple planning to attend should try to tions can \‘isit the Miskatonic Web site

mail the group

e Tickets cost

TONIGHT $7 ets cost $16
Griffin House w/ Sons of . , Earth wflight Leather
William Keith Urban and Carrie Un- 96pm, tie Dam

MONDAY, April .28
The Rosebuds w/ Noisycrane

9 Tickets cost

$15 TUESDAY, A ml 1‘)

D. Chades
Hehx and

730 D m, RUDD Arena TleelS 9 pm, The Dame Tickets cost

Teitur w/ Brook Waggoner Pepper W/ Redeye Empire WEDNESDAY, April 30

Tickets cost $3


- Sat
per St


 PAGE 4 | Thursday, April 24, 2008




t. FreeKY Fest

WRFL. the university's student-run com«
niunity radio station. will celebrate 20
years of commercial-free programming
with a 12~hour free festival of music. art
and eclectic culture. The festival will take
place on the roof of the Downtown Lexing-

ton Transit Center. located at the comer of

High Street and Martin Luther King Boule-
vard. from ll am. to II pm. For more iii—
formation. call 257-4636 or visit the festi»

with seating from 6:30 to 7 pm. Tickets
are $15 adults. $l3 students and sclllnl‘s.
Reservations are required. For more intor
mation. call 259—3754 or visit the
Natasha's (‘afe Web site (wwwnatasliav

2. Cat On A Hot Tin Root

Join Brick. Maggie. (iooper and Big Mama
in a drama—filled celebration of Big Dad
dy ~s 65th birthday at the Lexington ()pera

is‘fés‘té. Riff. 1 TNT
Most-played albums of
the week

3 Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks "Real

Illlllllll".li hash"

Look What’s On Tap

1 1”!
M 11-3
81“ flit-u


. ifiaan’ 5 ilBuh

Over '50 Bottled Beers!



val‘s W‘b site tww w.freekyfest.coni).

2. The Pillowman

The Balagula Theatre presents Martin Mc-
"The I’il»
low man" at Natasha‘s Cafe. This spellbind—
ing dark comedy is set as a dream se-
quence in which the writer is facing his
own inner problems embodied in other
characters. The play will start at 8 PJII.

Donagh ‘s aw ard—winning play

House in Tennessee Williams‘ play "(‘at
()n A Hot Tin Roof."

The production

.2 Be Your Own Pet
.4 Kaki King

'Get Awkward"
Dri . iiiiiiql )tllevnnrir

shows a 1950s family dealing with themes 4 Mahiongg lviiiitiiali'

house .com l.


that are still relevant and pow erful today.
The play runs at 8 pm. on Friday. 2 pm. 0 Vampire Weekend
and 8 pm. on Saturday. and 3 pm. on Sun /

day. Tickets cost $30 to $05. For more [It ‘ H Coconut Records
formation. call 2333535 or visit the opera 3
houses Web site rwwvv'.le.\ingtonoper.i I



in Various Artists

:i Black Mountain

Del The Funky Homosapien

'li‘ l‘ie Future"
V/tllllllllt' Weekend"

Destroyer “liriixiirz In Dreams"

"lltli Hour

'iiviiiii Bridge

‘Lifecasting’ can make anyone a reality star

BLEtan Horowitz

The Orlando Sentinel

In December. Dana Neil
()aklund of Fort Lauderdale.
Fla.. began streaming live video
on the Internet from a laptop in
his SUV to assure his customers
that their cargo was safe. What
he didn't expect was that dozens
of people would get a kick out
of seeing him stuck in traffic in
Califomia or cruising between
snow -covered mountains in Col-

“It just blows my mind."
said Oakland. who escorts over—
size loads. while parked in San
Diego. “Right now there are 33
people who think this is interest—

ing enough to watch. A lot of

people tell me. ‘Oh. wow. this is
cool because I am getting to see
the country without leaving my

Oaklund is a "lifecaster."

one of a growing number of

people creating their own reality
shows by broadcasting live for a
few minutes or hours at a time
from their computers or cell
phones. Unlike videos uploaded
to YouTube. lifecasters are invit—
ing viewers into their world to
see what they see. comment on
it and ask questions. all in real

Broadcasting live from a
webcarn is nothing new. but
what makes services such as
.Iustin.tv. Ustream.tv and Yahoo
Live tIive.yahoo.com) different
is that technology has evolved to
the point where practically any»
one can stream live from almost
anywhere and interact with peo»
ple who are watching.

You don‘t need to be a tech—
nical genius or even have your
own Web page. And with the
spread of wireless Internet and
the fact that webcams have be—
come a standard feature on
many new computers. you
might not even have to buy any-

()aklund. 40. Uses a mobile
broadband connection to broad‘
cast as the "Master Roadcaster"
on Justin .tv. People tutie in from
all over the world to laugh at his
jokes. make comments about
other drivers. tell him to slow
down or suggest hotels for him.
While driving. he glances at the
computer screen when it’s safe
and speaks into a headset to rcr
spond to questions and com—
ments. Hc ustially has I5 to I00
people watching.

"People are already looking
at video online. so wouldn‘t it
be funny if you could watch a
funny video clip and you could
tell the person doing it. ‘Hey. do
that again“"' said Michael
Seibel. CEO of .IllsIlIl.I\.

Seibel started Justintv in
2006 with three friends to live
broadcast co»founder Justin Kan
247 as he walked around San
Francisco with a camera at-
tached to his hat. In October. the
site opened to everyone. and it



Justin tv began as the crazy brainchild 01 its Itlll iiii ilrir Jiistii Kari v~iiivl

could broadcast his entire life, 24/7 to the liiteriiet

now has iriore than 430.000 reg»

istered users. about 34.000 of

whom are broadcasters.

Britta Seisums. Its. typically
streams live from her red-polka—
dot‘covered bedroom for about
four hours after school each
weekday. She plays games with
viewers. dances to pop songs.
hangs out with her friends. talks
about school and curses out peo—
ple who come into the chat
room and are rude.

Scisums has been creating
her own Web sites since she was
about 10 and wants to work in
Web development. “I keep the
camera on as much as possible.
but I like to have privacy. If I
don‘t want to be on camera.
then I ptit the camera on my art—

In recent episodes. she has
bathed her gttirica pigs. painted
a videovgaiiic console and ttL‘L‘l'
dentally spilled soda on her lap—

Seisums is carcftil not to re-
veal too many details about her—
self or where she lives and has
ll](KIt‘I';tl(n‘s who ban people who
are vulgar. Her typical audience
is about the same si/c as ()ak-

()aklund thinks his broad»
casts are popular because he‘s
always somewhere different.
and because he spends so many
hours on the road. viewers don‘t
have trouble finding him.

"It's a lot of fun: they keep
me in stitches." he said.

At ()1. Don Browne of La"
Belle bills himself as the
"world‘s oldest lifecaster." A re—
tired teacher who loves technol—
ogy and blogs about local news.
Browne spends about six to
eight hours a day in front of the
camera while working at his


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A literast :"r rri‘ airs I1“? w iiai‘
few iiiiiiiitris iir Iillil" it .i lw'l‘é l: '
Brri itlc astiiig livii lriiii' 'l mitt! .ini ‘2 . " "

was such as .ltlhlll‘ l.ls">‘..iui iv

intent is Illrll tirartii (lliv/ .ii (MW i d!

He has daticcd to Hannah
Montana and rap music. playctl
the ukulele. lookctl loi ground
hogs in his backyard. biiislied
his cat and taken talls from
someone claiming to be (‘BS
(‘orp President and ('I:(l I,es

"It‘s inst so novel that you
can look into soiiicbody 's Iltillss
and they don't know you are
watching." Br’oiviic said "You
are like Supct’iiiaii vvitli \ ray

To get a glimpse ol the in
true of live streaming. look no
further than ()ik.coiii. thc Web
site of a ('alifomia company that
has developed free software to
stream live video from cell
phones to the Internet and dis
play live chat on the phone and
the Internet.

Florian Scroussi. 3". a I‘llIs
user and the (lat) til a Miami
teleconiiiiunications company.
has used the service to stream
the takeoff oi the Airbus A180

y l iriiiiliastiiiu live for a
‘:‘i;liii< ii iiil‘ iilioiies
t tut that makes ser—
: . t“"l' l W lll'.tf v itiiiii cum) dlf~

..4)i:i It. ti


it's a live, ongoing video
Ii‘ltltlilf'vERI of someone's life
.stiuiiiiierl v‘ivri till the Internet.
\‘iii'i no: iiiln 'issriciate lilocast
i it; Vvl lli streaming 24/7 from a
we liLllill. mm in, but the term
ilsri tttt inn is people who broad
i.:.i.t two 955 lreriueritly Viewers
mi iritniartt vvitl i the broadcast
or through a chat Window. Al-
though miist lilecasting is done
hunt a computer. people are
starting in use cell phones.

and his son‘s second birthday
party so Scrottssi’s mother in
Paris could watch it live.

Sci'oussi said streaming
from .t mobile phone is about
being a witness or a reporter for
t'\s‘IlI\ and places.