xt766t0gxf9z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt766t0gxf9z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-02-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 20, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 20, 2007 2007 2007-02-20 2020 true xt766t0gxf9z section xt766t0gxf9z Tllt-TATIiR Rrvrrw

Evil overshadows good in UK Theatre's
update of Shakespeare’s goriest tragedy


TL’ESI) \\

‘Titus Andronicus’

Fl BRUAM Jtltl



(‘E'LERRATING it) YEARS ()l lr\l)l’l’l N[)F,\‘(‘F


Dn-campus TV station moves to student-run format

By Stephanie Durnell

news @kyketnel com

('hannel 50. a [K \tatron broad»
eastrng to on eampux l‘\\. t\ shrtting
from bemg a more ehannel to a xtu»
dentrr‘un \tatrorr wrtlr \t-adent-produeed

'l‘he ehannel r'eaehex about 7.51)“
people and t\ broadeast m eampux rm
denee halls. on~eampu~ (ireek houwx.
K-laur (irrll. the Student (‘enter and the
[K (‘handler' Medreal (‘enteri l'rrttl re-
eentl). the ehannel has shown moxrex
from a eompttter program Instead ot
bemg run b). students.

We went to the . \'atronal ( ollege
Medra ( om entron to St. Lotus and got
a ehanee to see what other eoliege 'l‘V
\tatronx around the eotmtr) were do-
rng." \ttltl (‘hip Herlman. a polrtreal \etr
enee sophomore and ('hannel 5U sta-
tron manager.

“Some ot' the mall) small teeh
\ehools had ama/mg news \t’dtlnth and
It made Ih wonder. "wh} ean‘t l'K
ha\ e thtx son ol’ thrng'" " he \ard,

(‘hrrs ’I‘hurmger'. \tudent aetrutrex
drreetor assoerate lor Channel 50. and
eo—adnxer Jodee Melilt’rexh eho~e
llerlman as \tudent manager o\er‘ Wm—
ter‘ Break. I‘he three deerded on a {our
member e\eeutr\ e board ear‘lrer thr\ a»

mexter Now (‘harrnel 5t) rx w artmg to
mme rrrto permanent headqtt‘arten m
the Student ()r‘ganr/atrorh (enter and rx
loolong tor greater xtudent rm'olxement
and more \howx.

.-\\ one of the lust pr'oreetx. Hell»
rrratr \ard (‘hannel 5H hopew to art' a dar
l) newx \how \tamng ne\t xemexter'

“l’ar't ot‘ (‘hannel 50's \LIL‘L‘C\\ wrll
he dtr'eetl} tied to tts abrlrt} to partner
w rth student~ Interested In obtarnmg
broadeastmg e\perrenee." l‘hurrnger
\Atltl. ".l;\'l‘ News has been broadeast on
(‘hanrrel i(t m the past and wrll eontrrr
ue to be m the l'uture."

Beth Barnes. drreetor ot' the l'K
Sehool ol Journalrxm and ’l‘eleeommuA

nreatrorh. and the \tatron wrll goe
rournalrxm students e\perrenee tn the
broadeaxt tleld

" l‘he good thrng about (‘hannel fit!
I\ that mam more people wrll be able
to see the work bemg done b} ~tu
dents." Barnex ~ard "We're hoprng
what wrll happen rx that (‘harrnel it)
\\rll pro\rde an outlet to \howeaw xtu
dents‘ work. not rust broadeaxt \tur
dents. but melude \tudentx lrom all
three 01 the \ehool\ tSehool ot Jotrr-
ttalrxrrr and leleeonrrrrtmreatronxt rrra

()ne \how eailed "( at \Mrlkmg" hax
already arred \e\er‘al eprxodex The
show rx made up ot rntenrews wrtlr

~tudent~ on randorrr xubreetx \tkil ax
worxt prek up ltrre\. ta\or'rte liltt\lk"
and mat btuketball pla)et'\

Studentx are w otlemg on a tillhl-e
\lltt\\ teatur’rrrg loeal muxrer ms and a
\Pwli\ show teaturrng both rrr art‘otteartt
l l\ athlttrtx and tlub sports

“hr the lutute we hope to broadeaxt
\orrre ot l'lx'K athletrex rtreludrng xome
ot our otttstarrdrng eltrb teams like the
hotlte) team or maybe exerr the dodge
ball team.” llerlrnan \ard

l‘hurmger \ard he wax torrtrdent
that enough student mxohement wotrld
\ttrttlu’ lt‘t' the elltllllk‘l to be \tlt‘t‘t‘\\ttll

“(men the rrrterext (‘hannel 5“ has

9w Channel watt: 3

I lr«:.\r<'r‘ .\.\'1) Sat.




By Ellie Farrbanks and Emrly Coovert
. 3 r;;;z.,t.nm

Sattl \\tllranr~ drdnt :rr to to'letit m
that he eottlrl get a roh when he graduated
He went to eollege to learn about hrrnxell . to
drxtmet' htx pavron and to grow up

"I'm not dorng what I went to eolreee to
do.” “llltatt‘o \ard "But. I to thrrrk l’rrr do?
me what I‘m \rrppoxed to be tlozne "




Poet preaches about
finding true passion

a part o! the \lattrr: l uther hat: titrlttrral
('t'rrter\ eelehratron ot lilatlx ll!\hrt\
\lonth toe l K \ttrdenh pr'rtorrtred therr
own poertr~~ and \\;llrarrr\ 'ear‘ ptxtr‘ and re
\lll'kl t‘\tt’t[‘l\ l't‘Ell llt\ ttt'.\ l‘tNtlx lt\l HEL'ltl
tn the \ttrderrt ( enter \m.llr Ii rlittwr

l pr‘ett\ math > o where» r gwopl wwlt
'Yre to go' \\t ilrarn~ \ard 'l .‘ upheallt
trrrxjt lrorrr \lar'trrr l lather hare 'htotm‘l.
lilaek llrxtor‘\ .\lorrth l to on a plant- a do

is a choice

By Lrnsen Lr


llttttltt\e'\ttal:t\ ; no. l‘rofot‘aal and tan be
eharreerl, attordrng to \pealterx at. the prograrr.
"'lrttth and Iolerarrte' la\l rrrg‘rr'. \ponmtezr b\
the on earrrptrx erotsp t tperr itoor \lttlhtltt‘x

llre prograrrr. win. it took plate to a patio-d
( enter l‘heater m the \tnderrt (enter featured
t‘et‘rr'tventatnex trotrr l \odtrx ltrterrratrorral a
global rrrrnr~tr\ dealttr: rn llttflltt\t"\lr.tl I\\ll\'\
and ent outage-d hornoxexnas to me e: \trareht

"llornoxextralttt r\ a belrel. a hellet ‘hat I
am alwa_\-~. drtlerent." \ard \lr‘ne l ll\lt'\ an i
odtrx lrrtern rtrorral merrtber and .1” ex horrro
\e\ual l lentw | v ax tlrttererrt when out of all
the \troerheroew I wanted to he \M‘trrder

l'nxle‘t \artt ‘.:\ fatt‘ " ~- dx g‘erwr' ;‘.!‘,
earrxet‘ hrrrr to ltlttt . e~ {or torr'rparrrorr

\lllit .t\ .ttitr.

\orrrre age
betatrte .loxe. 'rx mom and ~r~te

‘~\lrtrr ‘ei n; .: \totx ,tl‘o'fi .. .l ...lhood ::a\
trrerrtt. \eott liakm tttt drret'o' or l \ttxllh In
tet'ltatlollal. rttrrbtrted h:~ trrtralK lro;rro~e\.ualr
'4 to the ratk ot a tathet ttsttte tlttlllt‘.’ lrr»

’\~ far a\ \t .tia
that lrtvtrrr‘\e'\.r.rr;t't

lhe Ttrallr x-tre
l‘e‘l} llk'Jl‘ l‘rtlrEl-‘VeMtt:

“l illl MN 21‘” lla\'
llv‘lll\'\i\lr.illl\ the
3“» the \hno \\;‘r
lt‘tltltrtlf,‘ \Ittt'

'e~tcw " I);
at: wrong "- ,re ' r‘atltlle erotrrnl

\tt-rrtt:r., , “ a l'.o:rro~e\t:a.".

‘ ' l,
ltort‘ \tux"\

\‘~'<"rL' r'r‘tl \Llr't,r‘\ l‘:
\:;d llewew ‘r.
l ,lr

tilt l\“l“‘t\ l.

Open Door

“rlhamx rx dome a lot ot thmg~ {tu' Her dlet rrght now '
ruxr releaxed "the head t'mtee \trolh lht \«xlrtohI-t Srmth. tttnx'or or the W M t
and an ot'ganr/er ot \\r‘lrarr.~ per'ttrrnrarrte

Students invited
to bowl for
mentor program

By Pat Dennger


loxt 'l‘eaehmg» ot llrp Hop." he‘x retordrng
an album wrth \rne lnth \'arl\' l‘r'errt at l’K. \ard \he \\tl\ honored To hat.-
anor. and he'x totrr'rng the totrntrx “Illtatth \peak

erham~ tame to l l\ laxt m;ht a\ a \top 'll\"\ one of the rnoxt pr'olrtu ‘~\l',t"t\

on hrx tour ol ‘ollegex at rtm the otarttw \\ . .
‘ * K ' erlrams :. 5


l‘lt.\1t'l::t‘ll‘\.f\ \ah.

it. liro'ltth ll.” \ den

ltax ~een \\a\ a weekh :rewdtaper \\?r rv't-g '3 ftu‘ ‘ » . . i ’re heial tron: ‘t a 5‘ to
‘ ' r."latrdlin\ 'rlrL'lJt‘r"

U Pikeville arts program wins state honor

By Josey Montana McCoy \ron agent \rnte the orrern ot the proeram
Mtrxreranx qurlter». parnterx. \\ttter\ and put together b} l’rlxe »\rt\ :rrt trtl‘erx
\arltttlx other al'tlxh are rrrrtoitetl rtr the pro ‘\\e needed a \\.r\ to rut l‘;‘t rue know l’etl"l\ 'rt ‘tralt npot 2 on or tr \r w ,.
\n‘ re gram whatK gorng on. and the paper ga\e tlx a feelrmz “tr and WK"? “‘7» ~lt-ttl~\ ttttl tl‘w‘ t?” tt
“There are no l‘tttltltlatlt‘\ on art." thhar'th ot dorng \onrethrng. .r teelrng ol torratrerrng the \tl“ \ '3‘» ill ‘\.. T‘tr“ alt“ 7“! lltr‘w' t‘ tttt- It
\dlti, “Hy-M: HM] Mud tilt.) \' ' rt‘r‘ 't‘:,"\'- ' 'ltt‘ ll t} t‘l 'llc, L.‘\\ M
l'he l'K trne art~ eommunrt} wax proud that the paper eonxrxtx ot a talendat or exent~ 1“ P“ hi“! ”it -‘7‘l lllll'll' “m it ‘l‘mdll‘m l‘rl‘l
l’rke .3\rt\ wax awarded \treh a hrgh honor atter' and arm lex wtttten b} the ar‘tr~t~ ot l’rLe \rtx t" lt‘SFth‘l ‘7 "t“ \lll‘lt'm (“'Wt'tittk‘tt' ”titu‘ ”3
on|\ two \e‘arx rn k‘\l\lCllt.C. \ard l'K .*\\\Ht rate \Nha/ttp‘ has a erretrlatron or lltxm and ]\ the \ttttlt‘t‘tt ( ttl't‘t or a: \ourhland “up. Mr;
Dean ol l‘vrne Arts (iert Maxehro drxtrrbuted to Leteher. l lo}d and l’rl-te (‘otmtrex It‘ll“ \ll l l‘ ‘llem‘ “V “thm' l“ “m“
”lo we rt eome to hle. trorn a.lt r to tpera and \ere (‘ountw \a . along Route 3 i. the WM“ ‘
tron. and know that rt\ the rrght thrne we need '('ountr} \lthlt llrghwat ” WK“ “‘“ll "' .‘~"~'l "‘ 'l‘ ”l.‘ “‘ll".‘~'" \tudenh

“(NH l'l l'K (. H t l' \1 l [K to be dorng was thrtllrng." .\1tl\\.lll” \ard "l’rlte l‘he etonomrt rmpatt ot a growrng art Inter "‘ “V “”l ‘ll“‘l““l ““‘l “““l‘l‘m “mm“
‘ n H ‘3“ U m" 'l I \ "m (‘ourrt_\ was a natural trt " e~t r~ needed rn l’rke ('otrnh. llall ~ard ll" "‘l‘m “l H” “"‘llm‘ H“- \“l“r‘ “" “”‘l

('ollege ol ;\grreulttrte treated l’rke Arts wrth a thhro “In alxo proud that thharth. J ”\Ve are dune here,” llall \ard "\M' \ Mm.” pm ‘lt x a llrll \\.r\ to ta‘rw rrrone\ for a dedr
nrrxxron I” entreh the qrralrt} ol MC ”l A“ Ml“: l'K alum. was at the head ol the e\ten\ron \er tontrnue to depend on \Udl \\e rrru\t trrrrre oth
{bunt} ertr/evrx and ~trengthen the tornmtrnrt} H“, et ”Mum“ tor mum“. “”11”“, l K ”m 1‘ ”‘3.
through eoordrnatron. edtteatton and de\elop "\Mten we began there wax no rob \l(\\ill‘ flour: to hal‘t‘cn

ment "'7th ‘m‘ tron tor Stephanre." \1axehro \ard "We knew "\\e must \altre the tt‘\(‘l|l’\t‘\ \altre the

. ' Dean tol lrrre artxt Robert Sha} told ”W the parameters. and \he has done an e\traordt people .rnd burld new eeonontrt remtrrtex \r‘t
l k wasn t dorng enough to get arts rnto rural n‘lr) pyh " ,e A \altrabie re~otrree, “my rt h tott.pletel\ h.

Kentuek}. and l‘rke (“W”) ““‘k ”‘9 “‘k‘” and Vanexxa Hall ha\ been a hart ot l’rke \rtx tor new able "

‘ , . _ . i ‘ ~ .. , ‘ . ..

Stephanrt thhardx. lrkt (ount) l.\ttn\ron abotrt J >0” l I\ \ trne arts extenxron ””me wrll e\
agent l‘" trne ‘m‘ R“\h"rd‘ h‘" been the exten- Hall \ard the brggext rmpatt ol l’rke .\rt\ \he pand to (ireenup ( onnt} \tartrng \1arth l

new; dkykntnel torn

l K\ l’rke ('ount). l-,\ten\ron tor the -
tentl} r‘eter\ed one ol Kentuek} K hrghext
aw ards. the It H to (lo\ errror'~ Award or the Artx

'lhe (imernor’x Awardx m the .r\rt\ are gn-
en to rrrne reerprentx annttall} who e\etnplrf)
eommrtment to enhanerng the \tate‘x arts

'l‘he l’rke (‘ount_\ l:\ten\ron tor the Arts.
better known as l’rke Arts. beearrre the lrrxt pro
gram ol rtx lond wrth rtx ereatron rn lleeember

tated orearwatror, torrrrrrrrtea to .rrzproxrng
the \otrrrtrtrrr'H'

lath tea'” rx .txked to 'rraLe a "\ltliltltllt‘:
< donarrorr to Hr; llrtrtht'h lire \rxtetx of
'l‘a‘ liltregran \tter dorrattrt: eath 'earn
rt errrber wrll rtttr‘xt a liowl tor Krtlx' \alte l
\hrrt, and tot an addrtronal \itt donatron a
rrrerrrber wrll reteru‘ l l\ l' \hrrt ax well



Bowling ' " treat: 3

First issue tru. Subsequent issues 25 com. Newsroom: 257- 915 Advertising: 257 2872



“PAGEWZ‘Liuesday, February 20, 2007











9i .5
3 57 91 4
4 8






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LIVE PAT") ' ’ " Q s trNiiim NEW


s a 7 You're mi: :na about new auntiriity Will not last forever' Get on

Hargscepes" plates to or: and your tiiiarsity is it’

W. pinned l‘v-i"? start mt .‘tl Tii'nar Sagittarius (Nov. 22 Dec. 21)

"w ".(IM‘w".:" \. ; um ‘t'iw Y’ii'igis like. s a 7 Cn'iti'iue to express


T" st" tlist war hue and absorb. the have others

Bt , , 41,. 8 fl Leo (July23 Aug. 22) ? Iii s a y: .i has Wilé "it: tie vnu :lnv.”
c‘ :LA . t it '< . _ . . . . e

' ‘ Mm . ' ,v x .1 watts .. it: new i. T‘w t >"trarv . it all: set yi a

T, n m: . it 7rif‘h s m» i.’ “x!
M iii” ‘ t Jim “U: i i" i L L matte“. Art" “:11" Li.-ltllil‘l'i.\ 2",: a" “it.
. y i. :t m t it: .2 HT Capricorn (Dec.22Jan. 19) , in

. . s'~., .r‘
Jilis (UK/’5] ‘1' us i’lt‘ rds t'N' tilt t'

3’79 ”ltlb‘i (”iii/("7577 'ltr'


. . . am» Lint" ,. w in '$ 0. 6 the more you learn.
Aries (March 21 April 19) . . ., .
{iv 1\ . a lo (r ‘ it t, i ‘3 ‘ \\ ”ls: .‘t rvli‘c‘ \l iii i)l’t*t\iliiu‘8 dSSU'iithUUS
ti: ., t1 / .. . .t,‘ .itlubb ._ ’7 ‘m’ . ‘

Virgo (Aug. 23 Sept. 22) i it?» are r'rgilieaantl The next phase, puts

.~. mm m writs wz-r nazrrvtvs to rest, as you discover

\zl' L

the path to your goal is uet‘vx; *rii.‘
312 Y' : " .1: i 3.1:: "in

\i s ".m'vi ) r .v. , lull.» F .
eth Um 1.): Humour .~ in , , , .. .. . ,..,.;.
M. ii: Ll innit/.11“

'ila" Latina rs E'\>T:“-T"“"t] .
‘ '. ' . .zti' i, ' ."‘.1".f’. . . Ti
Taurus (AprilZOMay 20) tax ‘: _ . __ ~ , f h ] Aquarius (Jan 20 Feb 18) l

. ~ 1,. , ,. ,. , , .. ' " l' Li. r" are flt)"ltl walk but
5 d 1’ (A‘“.~‘dw“"‘“ " L M“ . .. . i . v».

1' . . \ . . , . ‘ - ‘ i l‘ttllW Sltjtltd/ (‘1.
tot: es.» . is as . ' s' '

Libra (Sept. 23 Oct. 22) ;. n. N . ‘t “w ‘Lirtliatians h‘. 'l:‘

"‘«1 an i.’ w-nis' :» : i



. .2“. t "i" it ~iiv1‘y

asthma» : . . .

. . . ' :i y : ~. > .a’f w Pisces (Feb. 19 March 20) It
Gemini (May 21 June 21) . ._ ,. . . .t .,. ,r. rs n. Wants may...
‘ ‘ ’ 5‘ r“. y", 2W.“ .. u . ... . .. --A . Hit (in. \ . . l« Mic. Vi ...,
“til «‘1‘ i" i“ ‘i l i “ ;.~ 2. .. '« was. a twin. u "dam
'Tiii . ' til.‘ \r i " i 7 i 'i' . . . ‘
a (L... o. .a. . . . .. ScorpiolOct.Z3Nov. 21) . ’lm i. .ii"sa“"u ritzzrarft’rew
M U" ”A iifl'wiifli - l - :' ‘5‘ ' \ ’Mi‘olttl‘mi ' W'Hittil
'Lai‘s .l't.l Ii '31,.1'”. , . i, . .V .. .
Cancer(June22July22) ‘y . . ' H . w- .

.t ‘ c ‘. . . : in .i . "t‘ .’ .t,ll‘« \“W i

“days CHARL'E— , it . Warm
Horoscope Mi- lot It Au.


Sponsored By:


\ staiii iiii .tllli loiiiiui'





we visit

Bv “at? WNW“


Joe Francis isn't sh)
about broadcasting bedroom
secrets. ()n Jaiiuai‘} 3|. the
(iirls Gone Wild mogul. 33.
said on Howard Stern‘s radio
show that ol' all the celehs
he's slept with. while Paris
Hilton. 20. was "better than
an_\one." Tara Reid \\ as the
worst. ()iich! It's no wonder.
then. that Ill days later. liran—
cis‘ got dissed b) Reid. H. at
(‘live Davis' pre—(‘rramm)
party in Bexerl} Hills. When
the actress saw lirancis. she
snapped. “(iet awa) from me?
Newr talk to me again?" (A
rep for Reid didn't return
calls. while l‘i‘aiicis tells l's.
"i stand it} “hat I saitl.”i

WlNNl:R lS Reid S.i_\s
Hogan. “.loe shouldn‘t kiss
and tell."


Another star has ioincd
the ranks ot‘ Scarlett .lohans—
son enemies. According to
the NC“ York l’tisl. King l‘i
Queens" Leah Remini. Vi.
snubbed the actress. I: 1“ ho
has also draun the ire ot
landsa} l.ohan and ('anicron
l)i;i/.). at a [ii‘c'~Siiiic‘i‘ Houl
bash in Miami. Alter .lolians
son utoed at Remini. "Leah
gaVc her a nast_\ look and
said. 'We‘ie ne\ei‘ met her
lore.~ and \.\alked ott." said a

YQH' d?l,'Y dose 9f entertainment; 9"? Fulfil”? and W“ . ”4mg E GI


Hulk Hogan weighs in on
the latest star smackdowns

witness. "She was so rude.“
(Reps for both didn't return

WINNER lS Johansson,
“She was just trying to be
nice." Hogan says.


Didd)’ must not be a big
(ii'e_\'s Anatom) tan. At
Rolling Stone‘s pre-Gramm}
bash in LA. February 9. an
eyewitness tells L’s schral
cast members ot‘ ABC‘s hit
medical drama were uprooted
to accommodate the rapper in
a VIP area. Though l)idd}'s
rep denies an incident and
cum organi/crs had no com«
nicnt. a source close to the
hip~hop stai' tells L's. ”'l‘he
tire} is cast spilled o\er into
l)idd) 's area. and the) had to
make room,"

WlNNi-lR lS I)idd). “if it
was his table. the) needed to
mm c STAT!” Hogan says.


.\o more Ms. Nice (iirl'
in the March issue ol~ W.
lillen ltetieneres calls l'ello\\
comic Kath) (iritl‘in “\er}
mean" for sa)ing she was
banned l'i'om DeUeiicres' day
time chatl‘cst. Wh) was she
persona non grata'.’ The M}
Lite on the Dil.ist star. 4o.
sa_\s DeGeneres didn‘t want
her “trashing celebrities." But

the Oscar host. 4‘). denies
ever blacklisting Grit‘lin: "We
didn't book her. . . . You hate
to be on the show to be
banned.‘~ (DeGeneres' rep
had no comment. while Grif—
fin. through her rep. tells L's.
“l have always been a great
admirer of Ellen")

WINNER IS DeGeneres.
"Sounds like Kathy's imagi-
nation is running wild."
Hogan sa_\s.


Forget the Republicans.
Hillary ('liiiton‘s harshest
critic might

be designer Donatella
Versace. \\ ho recently told a
German newspaper that.
though she ”admired" Clin»
ton. 5‘). she didn‘t low the
presidential hopeful's man—
nish wardrobe. "I understand
[pants] are comfortable. but
she‘s a woman. and she is al~
lowed to show that." said
Versace. 5|. “She should not
try to emulate masculinity in
politics." (Versace's rep had
no comment. and a Clinton
spokesman didn‘t return

WINNER [S Versace.
Says Hogan. “She calls ‘em

like she sees 'em."




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”liilt‘ KCHLIH'LU KI‘I‘TIPI i8 Ilil‘illq.

\\ t' .ili itHILIiHi liil liriiiiilid tit"'~lllllt Is in i Hwtlt‘ (His In! lilt‘llis'. al¢i\(‘lll\'llHJ
l l il'lll‘li --i l~\\' ,L
St] (\ lint til it“ ltlt lt H | it H' at lHH‘ 's it ”It Ill N l\. i in" \s 0|

nrnunrl iitIltl iltiss st lit iliili . iiliis iioii iii-i 'htil .

Krisi tit "i. Ktfiltbjlfi-
Cay-Mr: 4;: ~ sit-Missy
iiill \ I” )H ”H i l"‘ mini: iiiiniiiiiiliuii

Hi ‘i"ll lit. Alt“)!!! Ali in llii {Ill imii Inlllllutll\lli iiilililltill iii .tpiilil





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' Februaryzo


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3 - 4pm
Room 230
Student Center

Free refreshments
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OPEN Door:



Continued from page 1

He went to [imdus
sought \pll’llllal ltelp

“It \xasn't like I could drop that thus
moseural lllL‘\I)lCl and ptelx up Jesus."
linsle) said. “It was a sit)“ process that

took lll sears."

linsle} said he has been ll\ mg a
straight lite tor the )e‘at» He has pursued
heteroseutal relationships. but "it‘s not tot'

e\ et'_\one,"

"l ha\e telt legitimate attractions to-
xsard women." he said. “But at the same
tune. I \Illl ha\e l1t>IttU\C\lldl teelings l’an
ol' the |\ al\\a)~ going to t'entettthet in)


l)a\ h said as good Christians. people
should help their ga) li‘tc‘nds change their
litest)le. hut tn a non~eont‘rontattonal “at

“You ha\ e to he earetul not to he otl
t'en\i\ e. ne\er condemn." l)‘a\1s \aid “.\t
the same time. it's important to tell _\out'
triend the truth. .‘\\t)l\l‘.l1g it \\ lll onl} hurt

)ttlll' t't'tend."

,\ number of. the people in the audt
enee did not agree “llll the speakers.

When asked it the I\\LIL‘ ol hotttosextt
al1t_\ can he eompared to that ot‘ gender
equaltt). l);l\l\ ‘an\\\ered that II “as a
question better discussed in person,

“I lust \\I\l] that people \sould accept

her sins Just like an) other person
"(kid's call to holiness and promise ot
redemption is tor eter}one.” l)a\ts said.
Like man) others. lattsle) “as in der
tttal ot' his homosexualit) at the beginning
"I pruned to (iod to make it go .ma).
and ohxiousl} nothing happened." l‘.l|\lL‘)
said, "I thought tltat (iod had reteeted me."
But \\ hen linsle} decided to emhraee
homosexual”) and [He a gay litest}le. lte
said he tound that it “Ah \[lll not tulttlling


St wt! Dam

Sl tilt}


Jesus aecepts e\et'_\onef‘ said Katie Mair
tine/t a nurse at the [K (‘h'andler Medical
(‘enter and the mother ot a lesbian

“I don't agree \Hllt in} daughter‘s
lllc'\l)l&‘. hut l \llll lo\e her all the same.”

\lat'tine/ \dltl.


egocentristn "

each other “IIhUllI tudging. iLN like hots

ftt'vusi. .- t.



Become» at ten {3:15; \


lilr‘titt' H? strident fttiftntlit‘s‘ ltll
Er :atm Ne'ttat nta \tiea

itl'll'tly t .P'W'Mj {IT T’It‘ lvtf'ilt‘l l’tt‘dtt” 5" (":3

Keith latekett, a ttitit'th~}c‘.ii medical
student and an openly ga} man. \dltl he
“as appreeiatne ot the speakers.

"I don‘t apprme ot \\ hat the) su}. but
I aeeept the tact that it's then \\.I_\ M
thinking." luckett said, “Their presenta»
tion was not oI'Iensn e to me. and 1 thank
them tot presenting their opinions ”

When asked him l.uc kett's opinions~
dittet'etl ttoin the speakets. ins at‘i\\\et‘ “as

"Accept ithtngsi that )ou might not
understand." lettclxett \.tI\l
)out’ laeltels upon others het‘ause ot _\ot_ir


Continued from page 1

Bowl tor Kids' Sake 1\ Big Brothers Big
Sisters ot' the Bluegrass‘ biggest went. and
l.e\tngton raised $9.400 at the e\ent l.t\l
)e'ar. J'he cit) ranks second in the countr)
tor to 11 inone) raised \IIk'L' the men! start
ed tn out. said l)a|e Suttles. dexelopnient
and rt‘rttittnent ottttei tot Big Brothers Big
Sister ot the Bluegrass

U “nuld he gt'eat to \CC [lie tlt)ll.lll\)ll\
reueh SINK)“ this )eai." Suttles said

Door prizes “Ill be announced e\ei‘_\
hout. and the teams “till the best I‘Wls
st)le costume \\ Ill \\ in cash pri/es. The [K
l.()lll\l.ln.t State basketball game \Hll he dis
pla) ed on screens at the hooling lanes

"Students at L'K ha\ e al\\ 'd_\\ heen eotttr
tnttted to the Big Brothers Big Sisters pro
gram on campus and ha\e helte\ ed in it."
Suttles said "I atn e\tt'entel_\ proud ot the
ettons m the past and exerted to ho e anoth-
er great _\e'ar ot Houl tor Kids' Sake "

'l‘oda} is the old) da) designated tot
college students to participate (‘otninuntt_\
members can partieipate on Saturda} and


Continued from page 1



re, lt‘ students was


generated tn its tit'st )eai‘ ot eustenee. l detir
nttel_\ thinlx it ean and “Ill stiixiie."
’l"huringer said

liltose interested tn creating a \ll\‘\\ or
helping Channel 50 can contact l‘huringet at
epthtintm entail uk}.edu or at r350: 35"»
(‘5‘)8 Statt itteettngx are on littesdah at S
pin. in the Student ()rgani/ations (‘entet in
the Student (enter and ate open to all stu

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0 UK Students for Life
Meeting, 8:00 PM, 115
Student Center

0 Cheap Seat Tuesdays:
"Bobby", 8:00 PM,
Worsham Theater
(Student Center)

0 YMCA Center For
Achievement Tutoring,
5:00 PM, YMCA Center
For Achievement

- Students Taking
Action Globally (STAG)
Meeting, 5:15 PM, 211
Student Center

0 BBBS Bowl 4 Kids
Sake, 9:00 PM,
Southland Bowling


0 Universrty Christian Fellowship, 8 00

PM, 230 Student Center
- Comedy Caravan wrtl‘ Sparky

Brown 8 00 PM Student Center Cats


0 Bryan Station Middle Tutoring, 4 00
PM, Bryan Station Middle Srhool

0 L E C M Food for Body and Soul,

5 05 PM, St A‘s (472 Rose Street)

. UK Budo Karate Club, 8 00 PM,

Barker Hal! Dante Studio
0 Late Night Film
nt Rhyme" 10 00 PM, Center
Theater (Student Center)

' Evolution of War It History (from
past to present) 8 i0 PM Ingles Hall
0 Helping Hands Meeting 7 30 PM,

Student Center Room 1 15

0 Helping Hands Dinner at (athnlu
Artron Center, 5 15 PM, Catholir

Attiran Cpntpr

0 The Beatnik Ball The Dialertit s

8 00 PM Student Center Grand


Freestyle The Art

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0 Family Fun and
Learning Nights, 4:30
PM, Carnegie Center

0 Responsibility of the
Media in Time of War,
7:00 PM, Temple Adath
Israel, 124 N. Ashland

0 Late—Night Film: "Do
the Right Thing", 10:00
PM, Center Theater
(Student Center)

- Late~Night Film: "In
the Heat of the Night",
10:00 PM, Worsham
Theater (Student

~ LSAT Prep Weekend,
6:30 PM, 208 CB

0 UK Budo Karate Club,
4:30 PM, Barker Hall
Dance Studio




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PAGE 4 | Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Students get chance to tell teachers ‘thank you'

By Rebecce Sweeney
newsiOkykernel com

Teachers stimulate thought.
encourage success, challenge
minds. give suppon and guid-
ance. and inspire students to be-
come who they want to be
and some UK employees are
making sure those teachers are
rewarded for their success.

"It's not too many times in
life that we stop to say ‘thank
you.‘ but that‘s all a lot of peo-
ple really want." said Mary Ann
Vimoiit. director of alumni and
student relations in UK's (‘ol-
lege of Education. and founder
of Teachers Who Made a Differ~
ence. "This program is a pure
and simple ‘thank you.~ For a
teacher. it‘s very special."

The idea of the Teachers
Who Made a Difference pro—
gram was born in 1998 after
men‘s basketball coach Tubby
Smith told a group of inner—city
school children that teachers
want to help them and that
teachers will make A difference
in their lives.

Vimont was moy ed by

Smith's sincerity.

"There weren‘t any cameras;
he was just talking to the kids."
Vimont said. “it was very touch—

Vimont wanted to "create a
platform for someone to say

from a pool of nominees, the
program honors the first 100
teachers officially submitted for

"We limit the honors to [00
primarily because we want to
keep the ceremony on UK‘s

thanks for whatey- A___,e.,_..w.,#_...v.c campus," Vimont

er reason their
teacher made a

"This program

The College of

difference." When
Vimont asked
Smith to serve as
spokesman for the
program. she said
he quickly agreed.

is a pure and

simple 'thank
you.’ For a
teacher, it's

Education has hon-
ored more than [.000
people since the pro—
gram began.
“lnitially‘. this
was a program that

The program
didn‘t have much

very special."

touched primarily
Kentucky teachers.

funding when it MARY ANN VIMONT but it is slowly be—

began. but soon
grew. \"imont said.

“We started
out with paper cer~
tificates for our nominees. but
now we haye nice plaques." she

[-uiiding allowed for adver—
tising in newspapers and a cere—
riiony that quickly outgrew the
W. T. Young Library auditorium.
which only holds about [50

Instead of selecting winners

directO' cl alumni .. , ~ _
Li's College cl Education a" .\‘dtd EH“

coming more nation-

Pittman. College of
Education informa-
tion specialist. “in 2006. hon-
orees represented 41 Kentucky
counties and [0 states."

Beth Randolph. a teacher at
the School for the Creative and
Performing Arts in Lexington.
was nominated by two separate
students in 2006.

”[ knew several people at
the ceremony." Randolph said.

"Some of the teachers honored
were teachers of my own. so i
felt especially proud to know I
was honored at the same time
that my former teachers were."

The Teachers Who Made a
Difference program accepts
nominations of teachers. profes-
sors. principals or other educa-
tional professionals in the state
who have inspired and motivat—
ed students.

"Anyone can nominate a
teacher." Pittman said. “The
nominees can be retired or cur—
rent teachers. and there have
been occasions where teachers
haye been recognized posthu-

This year's program iii—
cludes a recognition event and
reception to be attended by both
the teachers and their nomina-
tors. which will be April 28
from () until ii am. at the Cen—
ter Theater and Great Hall in the
Student Center.

To nominate an educator.
complete the online fomi by yis—
iting the College of Education's
Web site at www.uky.edu/Edu—
cation. The nomination deadline
is March 5.

[HOP flips flapjacks for UK Children’s Hospital

By Robin Pircher

n érivsfikyliérb’el c o m

cakes restaurant will be turning pancakes
into charity dollars for ['K Health ('arc's
Kentucky Children‘s Hospital today.

All guests can enioy one free short
stack of three pancakes for dine-in only
w hilc supplies last from 7 am. to [0 pm.
A “Will international H011“? ”l PM" While recening a plate. guests are encour-
aged to make a donation. All donations and
funds collected at the [HOP Lexington
store will benefit the Children's Miracle

.\s part of National [.incakt Day. Network program

[HOP works with their national charity
partner. the Children's Miracle Network. to

raise money for hospitals.

This is the National Pancake Day 's
third year. and the escnt is held in few sL"
lect [HOP restaurants across the country.
[.e\ington had its only [HOP built in 2000
on Palumbo Dri\e. and this will be tiic lirst
year National Pancake Day will be held it»


Kentucky (‘hildren‘s Hospital.

"The great thing about it is the money
goes back into the same community it
came from." said Aimee Baston. manager
ol annual giying and stewardship at the
Kentucky Children‘s Hospital.

The Children's Miracle Network part-
ncrs children‘s hospitals around the couri-
try willi national business sponsors. There

are 170 Children‘s Miracle Network hospi-
tals nationwide.

in 2006. National Pancake Day raised a
total of more than 5340.000 for charity.
and their goal for this year is 5500.000.
Baston said there w asn't a set goal for the
Lexington [HOP since it is the store‘s first

[3K HealthCare‘s‘ year participating.

“Our main goal is to get the word out
to see how many we can get into the store
that day." Baston said. "We just need peo-
ple to come out and support the kids."

Some of the other businesses in support
of the (‘hildren‘s Miracle Network are
Speedway. Kmart and Wal—Mart. all of
which display red and yellow balloons that
can be purchased for extra support.



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