xt766t0gxf5m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt766t0gxf5m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2004-07-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 15, 2004 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 15, 2004 2004 2004-07-15 2020 true xt766t0gxf5m section xt766t0gxf5m THURSDAY‘KBNTUCKY




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International heart conference hosted in Lexington

Doctors from around the world, UK attend conference;
coronary researchers discuss new trends, procedures

By Jason McAlister


About 50 world-
renowned doctors checked
the latest pulse in heart ge-
netics and surgery tech-
niques this week in Lexing-

The 46th annual World
Congress International Col
lege of Angiology met at
Lexington's Hyatt Regency
from Sunday to Wednesday:

The meeting explored ge-
netic predispositions to
heart disease. which may
soon allow diagnoses before
symptoms occur. said Dr.
Robert Mentzer. professor
and chairman of UK’s de-
partment of surgery.

“We are looking at pre-
dispositions of certain pa-
tients who develop diseases
of the aorta." he said. The
aorta is the large artery that

pumps oxygenated blood
from the heart to the rest of
the body.

Dr. John A. Elefteriades,
chief of cardiothoracic
surgery at Yale University,
spoke about his findings
from a study of a large data-
base of patients known to
have a predisposition to the
breakdown of aortic wall tis-

Elefteriades identified a
cluster of heart-related
genes that may be responsi-
ble for this breakdown.

The genes that Elefteri-
ades studies, when “turned

on," can cause swelling of
the aorta, which can result
in an aneurysm, or an abnor—
mal bulge in the wall of the
artery vessel, Mentzer said.

“It’s like when a tire is
bald, and a blister forms.
The wall becomes thinner
and thinner until it blows,"
he said.

When a rupture occurs.
the blood loss can result in
shock or death due to mas-
sive internal bleeding.

These heart disease
genes are often activated by
smoking or high cholesterol.
but in other cases they are

turned on for reasons not ful-
ly understood.

Sometimes even young,
healthy athletes wind up
with a predisposition to
artery diseases he said

Mentzer said young peo
ple should tell their doctors
if they have a family history
of heart disease so that ge-
netic screening can be done.

In the near future, genes
responsible for diseases like
heart disease can be identi-
fied early, giving doctors a
head-start on treatment op-

Mentzer also discussed

his own work at the meeting:
the testing of heart-regulat-
ing devices that supply blood
circulation to patients on
waiting lists for heart trans-

Mentzer also said a new
technique using stents, or
wire cylinders that are in-
serted in the artery and are
inflated to push plaque back
into the surrounding vessel
to prevent collapse of the
artery was discussed at the



Students build monster tractor






«We. .11. _. 3.,
§:t.,. :1}; .. 4

Agricultural economics graduate student Evan Conrad performs a demonstration of the runner-up for the 2003 ASAE international Quarter-
Scale Ti'actor Design Competition. Agricultural engineering associate Tim Smith supervises the pulling.

By Troy Lyle

STAFF Wild“?

The l'K Wildcat Pulling
team placed second in the
2004 ASAl-I International
Quarter-Scale Tractor l)e~
sign (‘ompetition held in ear-
ly June in East Moline. [11.

Tyler Mark. an agricul-
tural economics senior and
one of the team's two dri
vers. stood in the rear of the

Barnliart Building with 1.”) of

his teammates Monday as a
crowd gathered around this
homemade. 16 horsepower.
14 scale iniiii tractor. known
as 480 HTI).

“The night before we left
we put it together and start-
ed it up and it actually
moved." said Mark. “I'p ‘til
then we didn‘t know what
the thing was going to do"

This year was the team‘s
sixth year entering the coin-
petition at the (Quad (‘ity
Downs. according to Brian
Luck. a biosystems and agri
cultural engineering senior
and next year's team captain

“We finished second
overall this year. behind ()k
lahoma State. bettering our
previous best performance of
third." Luck said. "Each
team is given a lo horsepow~
er Briggs & Stratton engine


and must use Firestone 26 by
12 by 12 tires other than
that. the design and imple»
mentation are wide open."

The team placed second
in the pull performance cate-
gory. one of the five. judged
categories. consisting of four
different pulls at different
weight classes. said Mark.

"I was the first to pull in
the 1.300~pound class and got
lucky and picked the right
line." Mark said. “It was ex-
hilarating watching all of
the competition come up
short and hearing them an-
nounce our team the win—

The 2.3‘n1ember team
consists of faculty. advisers
and students. said Evan Con-
rad. a May graduate in agri-
cultural economics. the
team's other driver and win-
ner in the maneuverability

“We're a very tight
bunch.“ said Conrad. “l'm in
a fraternity but I‘m much
closer to this group than to
any of my fraternity broth-

“This competition is one
of the few places a student
gets a chance to actualize
what they're studying." said
Dr. Scott Shearer. professor
of biosystems and agricul—

tural engineering and one of
the team's advisers. “It cov-
ers the entire process from
the abstract of an idea to an
actual product.“

“Our goal was to move
forward and we did by tak-
ing second this year." said
Courtney Fisk. a biosystems
and agricultural bioprocess-

ing senior. "We want to get
better with every year's com-
That means first in next
years competition."
E—mail kernelui ukyedu



Agricultural engineering seniors Laurie Imam (left) and Jonathan
Iolts look on as Agricultural Economics graduate Evan Conrad
demonstrates the pulling power of the 2003 model guarterscole trac-
tor. In the foreground is the trophy the group received for placing
second in the ASA! International Quarterscde Tractor Design Compe-





parking lot ofa

the fight.



"At this time. our first con-
cern is for his health and his play-
ing status will be determined at a
future date." Brooks said.

Kentucky players are to re-
port by Aug. 9 to start practice for
the upcoming season. The Wild-
cats‘ season opener will be Sept. 5

at Louisville

ciplined He

has all the facts."




Meanwhile. Kentucky coach
Rich Brooks said he hoped that
Smith would have a quick recov-

UK linebacker
faces charges;
teammate hurt

Cornerback Bo Smith suffered from a broken skull
after a fight in Oldham County on Saturday night

PEWEE VALLEY. Ky. — One Kentucky football play-
er was released from the hospital Monday and another
remained in jail after a tight in Oldham County that in
volved at least four other people police said.

Kentucky cornerback Bo Smith was released from
University of Kentucky Hospital in Lexington. athletic
department spokesman Tony Neely said.

Smith, 21, was hit in the head with a baseball bat

Saturday about 4 am. EDT. Oldham County Police De-

' tective Kevin Nuss said. Smith suffered a fractured skull
and a broken orbital bone. Nuss said.

Michael Haire. 21. of Simpsonville was arrested
Monday and charged with first—degree assault in connec-
tion with the fight. Nuss said.

Another Kentucky player. 19-year-old Ryan Schumm
of Crestwood. was charged with
first-degree assault after allegedly
hitting Tyy Owens. 20. of Pewee
Valley. in the head with his feet
and hands. Owens‘ jaw was bro-
ken in two places. Nuss said.

The fight happened in the
business in Pe-
wee Valley after words were ex-
changed at a party in Crestwood.
Nuss said. The party was not at
Schumm‘s house and neither
player was involved in the initial
verbal altercation. he said.

Police are still investigating

ned at a
- UK toothed
coach Rich Brooks.

on Smith's head

Neely would not comment on
whether the players would be dis-
said Brooks
viewing the situation and will
take appropriate action when he

“is re

Smith. a junior from Owensboro. has been projected
to be a starter for the Wildcats in 2004. Smith started sev-
en games last season and was sixth on the team in tack-
les with 57. but missed the last two games of the season
and all of spring practice with what was originally
thought to be a pulled groin muscle.

That injury later was diagnosed as a sports hernia.
and Smith underwent an operation to repair it in May in

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UK should help LCC with transition

All around us. from our news to our en-
tertainment. we as consumers are assailed
with products that contain spectacle and
are pretty. but lack substance.

Television news gives us glitzy cover-
age of elections. complete with everyone

with a name you might recognize giving
their opinion and enough forecasting to
make the Weather Channel jealous. After
the elections. coverage dies down. Actual
governing gets nothing more than a curso-
ry segment on the evening news. Because it
happens every day. government is portrayed
as old hat and given none of the glamour
that election coverage gets annually

In SportsDaily. Michael Brent wrote
about the lack of fundamentally sound play
that has led to less quality sports than 15
years ago. It's all about getting on Sports-
Center now. getting your image out there.

Pop music sung by today's musical icons
is contrived for them: it plugs into an image
doctored by marketing professionals and
record producers. Image and spectacle are
what pop music is all about. not singing or
songwriting ability. How else can you ex‘
plain the popularity of Britney Spears?

The highly publicized LCC transfer of
power is in this mold. It did nothing for
LCC except make it a separate entity from
UK. UK did everything it could to get people
excited about the transfer. which should
have been an exciting enough subject as is.

but now LCC is floating around, seemingly
confused with it’s newfound sense of au-
thority and unsure of what to do with what
it has acquired.

It was a good start by the Board of
Trustees to give LCC control of it's future
and its merger with Central Kentucky
Technical College. But with the merger and
separatism of LCC come problems for the
fledgling campus.

The flood of students into technical pro-
grams and associate degree programs
means LCC will soon have the same prob-
lems UK should have seen in its future five
or 10 years ago that it is just now beginning
to rectify These problems. including lack of
funding for teaching salary increases, up-
dated. more technologically capable class-
room buildings. and the lack of physical
space for dormitories and other necessary
buildings. are all problems UK had or is
currently having.

UK should use it‘s experience in these
situations to advise LCC and give the new
university an easier road to becoming a
productive institution and realizing their
future goals in research and graduation.
not just publicly congratulate itself for cre‘
ating a new university and then moving on
to other things before making sure the new
university was fine on its own.

Moira Baqley, Editor in chief
Jason McAlister, Managing editor
Chris Johnson, SportsDaily editor


Editorial Board

Troy Lyle. Staff Writer
Ryan Ebelhar. Scene editor
John Duncan, Staff writer

Coshy's speech
should inspire all

ng’anya Rodeos

tourniautmo coiumiist

Thursday nights used to be a big deal in my house
during the 19805. That was the night “The Cosby Show"
aired. Like my family. I had been intrigued as the charac—
ters drew me into a world that society believed didn’t ex-

The Cosby family consisted of a successful mother
and father lawyer and doctor respectively Their only
son. Theo. was neither a thug nor a gangbanger. None of
their four daughters had been teenage mothers who had
succumbed to abusive relationships. Each child enrolled
in college after graduating from high school.

The Cosbys were a cultured family who embraced
people of all races. classes and religion. There was no
lacking of love. communication. or support in the house-
hold. Cosby had caused many individuals to think, “If
only I could live like that." So. it is no wonder he is
deemed America's “favorite" Dad

And like a father, Cosby took a stern approach when
he addressed certain problems that plague the black com-
munity at the Rainbow/ PUSH Coalition & Citizenship Ed-
ucation Fund's annual conference earlier this month.

An overwhelming number of black children-—rich
and poorwgrow up in a single-parent home each year. Ac-
cording to the US. Census Bureau. 48 percent of all black
children lived in a single-parent home headed by the
mother in 2002. Therefore. it is an advantage to the black
community when prominent men, like Cosby. step up to
the plate and offer something useful. like good advice.

At the recent conference in Chicago, Cosby told black
men to “Stop beating up your women because you can't
find a job."

The truth is there are jobs to be had by black men, but
since many failed to prepare themselves for a successful
career by dropping out of high school and not obtaining a
college degree. their opportunities are limited.

Cosby also accused poor blacks of “squandering op-
portunities“ provided to them by the civil rights move-
ment. Some black individuals “squander" opportunities,
period. For instance. a number of companies offer em-
ployees the opportunity to learn new skills as well as im-
prove the ones they have. Free computer classes and tu-
ition reimbursement are a few benefits individuals have.
but rarely take advantage of at the workplace.

Cosby also expressed the need for today's black chil~