xt766t0gxf18 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt766t0gxf18/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-09-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 01, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 01, 2000 2000 2000-09-01 2020 true xt766t0gxf18 section xt766t0gxf18 LEFT OF CENTER

Campus games

The game
behind the





B Scction



When the season opener
is only used for
Heinekens and Becks.
you know it's going
to be a great season.
So, in honor of our
new starter and the
Miller Lite — or
maybe Ding Dong -
tumor that he has
not yet had removed,
here's the game
behind tomorrow's

1 drink

For each point that
Louisville scores.
Points off a fumble
return count twice.
Points off an
interception count
triple toward

1 drink

For each time the play-
by-play guys say
something to the
effect of "I have
never seen a guy
that big be a
quarterback, move
like that. etc."

The rule is void after 10
drinks. I want you to
remember most of
the game.

5 drinks

For each time Lorenzen
gets sacked. Double
the amount if he
trips and falls.

3 drinks

For each time UK sacks
U of L's quarterback.
Finish the beer if he
gets hurt.

3 drinks

For each time Lorenzen
pulls the ball down
and tries to advance
the ball the running
back way.

2 drinks

For every interception
thrown by either

1 drink

For each time Mumme
yells at Lorenzen like
a spousal abuser in a
10-year relationship.

1 shot of flavored liqueur

For each touchdown
pass Lorenzen
completes. Double it
the touchdown pass
is over 40 yards or in
the fourth quarter.


5 shots of tequila

if Lorenzen puts up
better numbers then
Bonner did in his
Division 2 season
opener. (Don't worry,
it won't happen.)

10 drinks

If at any point the
camera shows
Lorenzen eating
snack food, junk food
or health food.

Better stock up. i
suggest Miller Lite 15
packs, but to each
their own. This game
is only for those who
are 21 or older and
know when to stop,
or at least pass out.

- Ron Norton

E-rnail count: 12
Yesterday was a great
day for the e-mall.

THE 411


8.3 6.9

isolated T-storms.
Make Saturday a movie
day and stay in bed.


VOL. $3106 ISSUE 89


News tips?

andidates debate health care

By Julie Nelson

For Congressman Ernie Fletcher and
his opponent. Democratic congressional
candidate Scotty liaesier. government is
the solution for health care problems.

But for Reform party candidate Gate
wood Galbraith. their other opponent in
the 6th Congressional District race, gov»
ernment is the problem.

In somewhat of a heated discussion at
times. the three candidates went liierto-tiie
Wednesday at the Embassy Suites in Lex-
ington to discuss each of their health care

Wednesday‘s debate was one of four
forums in the iiealthForums 2001) series
scheduled for the candidates primarily to
discuss health care issues.

The most controversial issue at the fo-
rum was how involved government should

Cancer detection method

By Lainln Swann

be in health care.

While Fletcher and Baesler say they
will fight to make sure government pro-
vides a patient's bill of rights and health
care for all individuals. Galbraith
promised to make this responsibility one
of the American people.

“is it absurd that Congress has to pass
a patient's bill of rights?" Galbraith said.
“Patients should have the right to choose
their doctor and emergency service and
should be able to sue whatever company
doesn‘t provide the proper service."

Fletcher said he will work to make
sure medical decisions are given back to
physicians. Rebuilding the patient'physi-
cian relationship is another priority. he

"Asa family physician. health care is
an issue l've spent my adult life address
ing." Fletcher said. “i promise to stand by
a patient's bill of rights."

State leaders gathered Wednesday morning at the
UK Markey Cancer Center to recognize a local doctor
who has made strides in detecting ovarian cancer.

Dr. John R. van Nagell Jr.. chief of gynecologic on.
cology, spoke to the group about transvaginal sonogra-
phy. a screening test for ovarian cancer he developed.

“This method has been shown to be safe and well ac-
cepted by patients." van Nagell said. who is also a profes~
sor of obstetrics and gynecology in the UK College of


“With ovarian cancer being such a deadly disease. 1
am very excited about the preliminary results of our
screening program that show the effectiveness of this


Gov. Paul Patton said he wants to see Kentucky lead
the nation in prevention of ovarian cancer.

“We want to be a leader in the national debate on
this important women‘s health issue." Patton said.

Ovarian cancer is the most lethal of all gynecological
cancers. causing the deaths of more women than any oth-

er reproductive organ cancer.

The cancer can be cured if detected at an early stage.
If the cancer is treated before it has spread beyond the
ovaries. the five-year survival rate is 95 percent and with
screening and detection methods. only 25 percent of ovar-
ian cancers are found before they spread.

With the research that van Nagell is conducting at
UK. the program must screen at least 100,000 women to
demonstrate that transvaginal sonography is effective in

detecting ovarian cancer.



The Ovarian Cancer Screening Program at the UK

Markey Cancer Center has received high support and en-
dorsement from many organizations and individuals
across the Commonwealth. including state legislators.

the Kentucky Extension Homemakers and the partici-

pants in the screening program.

“With continued support from institutions and peo-
ple like these and with new support. we can expand our

program and try to demonstrate conclusively that this

method (transvaginal sonography) is effective in detect-

ing ovarian cancer," van Nagell said.

Fletcher also answered the question of
how involved government should be in
this bill of rights by saying it is govern-
ment's responsibility to make sure every
one is has health insurance.

Baesler responded to Fletcher's
promise for a patient's bill of rights by
stating that the American Medical Associ-
ation and the Kentucky Medical Associa
tion do not back Fletcher's position.

”Ernie is going with the insurance
companies. not with you." he said.

Galbraith. who wasted no time equiv
ocating on the topic. referred to Fletcher
and Baesler's argument for the bill of
rights and quality health insurance as "a
pretend argument between parties" and
said health care was being controlled by
“government corporate leaches."

"Let's get government out of health
care." Galbraith said. "Government is the
problem. not the solution.“



League of Women Voters Debate
10 am. Sept. 23
Shriner’s Hospital

Farm Bureau's "ideasue the Caridldates" Forum
7 pm. Oct. t1
Fayette County Extension Office

Lexington Chamber of Commerce "Eggs and
issues" Forum
7:30 am. Oct. 17
Marriott Hotel

American Women in Radio and TV Debate
11:45 am. Oct. 18

Hyatt Regency



QC ".rsii

Or. John it. van Nagell Jr. was recognized by Gov. Paul Patten lednesday at an awareness forum at the UK Markey Cancer Cen-
ter for his new ovarian cancer screening program. transvaginal sonography. At least 100,000 women will be screened to deter-
mine if the new method can detect ovarian cancer.

We want to be a leader in the national debate
on this important women’s health issue,”





ATO wins two national awards

By Becky Heisel

n ity sery ice


the Greek events among other


The Mu Iota chapter of
the Alpha Tau ()mega fra-
ternity won the highest
award possible in its orga»
ni7ation this year. the True
Merit Award.

“It's our peak award
for Alpha Tau Omega. sig-
nifying excellence in each
area of the award." said
Matt Ferch. director of
member communications
at the ATO National

To become True Merit
winners. a chapter must
demonstrate overall excel-
lence in member recruit-
ment and education. scholr
arship. intramurals. chap-
ter programs and adminis-
tration. social service. pub-
lic relations and publica-

Because of its commu-

chapter was also a national
finalist for the Good Samar»
itan Community Aware-
ness Award for Outstand—
ing Service to Community.

Kevin Kyde. the presi-
dent of the Mu iota chapter
and a decision science and
information systems so
nior. said the chapter
walked in the Walk for Bi-
abetes in Louisville and
were third in overall do-

They worked the Trail
of Terror at Jacobson Park
and helped clean up the
speedway after the indi-
anapolis 300.

“We donated half of the
money we eamed from the
racetrack after the clean-up
to a charity." Kyde said.

Ferch also said that the
chapter had one of the high
est rankings in GPA. intra»
mural sports and intra

fraternities on campus.

“I‘ve met a handful of
the men. and they are real-
ly quality guys." Ferch

Not only did the chap-
ter receive a trophy for the
True Merit Award during
the National Congress in
Florida. but it also was fea-
tured in the national ATO
newsletter. the “ATO
Palm." and on the fraternis
ty's Web site.

“They are also used as
examples to chapters who
are lacking in certain areas.
so l'm sure their report will
be reviewed by other chap
ters." Ferch said.

Kyde said other chaps
ters could take lessons in
the friendships among the
fratemity members as well.

"We have a really
strong brotherhood." he

Crosswalk may

By Kristi Martin

fivrmeurmc wmitn

The Student Government Association
proposal to build a crosswalk at the South
Limestone and Euclid intersection will
most likely be passed. a city official said.

SGA senators .lacquelynn Russell and
Edwin Orange began working on the pro-
ject over year ago in response to the death
of UK student Stanley McGowan. Mc-
Gowan. who was in a wheelchair. was
struck by a vehicle in the area and died
the. next day of related injuries. The dri-
ver was not speeding: he was just unable
to see McGowan. SGA would like to eradi-
cate any more ofthese incidents from hap-
pening. Russell said. The crosswalk
would benefit the high number of north
campus and disabled students that cross
that street. They plan to give the proposal
to the city in October.

The estimated cost for the Lexington-
l-"ayette lfrban County Government to
build the crosswalk is 315000330000.
Scott Crosby. Urban County Government
member-at-large. is the contact person for
the project. Crosby said that the plan. if

become reality

passed. would take over a year for con-
struction to begin due to it having to be
budgeted into the fiscal year. Crosby said
the proposal will most likely be passed.

in the past three years. there have
been 18 aCCidents in the Limestone and
Euclid Area caused by abrupt stops be-
cause of pedestrians. Crosby said.

South Limestone and Euclid Ave.
both one-way streets. are heavily traveled
at all times of the day. Students who trav-
el the South Limestone and Euclid Ave.
area find the traffic to be very dangerous.

“As someone who has had a loved one
that was hit and critically injured by a
truck. I understand the danger." said
Amelia Brown. family and consumer sci-
ence freshman. “i would never want any-
one eise to have to go through that experi-
ence. One person has already lost his life
at this intersection. that is one too many."

Russell said student support is key to
getting the proposal passed. Approximate
ly 500-600 signatures have already been
collected in favor of the proposed cross-
walk. Letters are being received from the
president of the SGA. director of capital
projects and families of victims.



Call: 257-1915 or write:



 Tim Staley
Scene Editor
Phone: 257-1915 I E-matl: kernelartoyahootom






























h m m h Crossword solutions P!
“ KI” 1 2 3
co Intense 1. scam I“
1. WyclefJean. Eclefik:2$ides "I
2. Nelly, Country Grammar
4. Papa Roach, Infest
5. (Ned) PE. Broke
6. De La Soul. Art Offic‘Iai Intelli-
CONYRIBUllNG “mom“ Gemini (May 21-June 20) Ultra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) 7. Disturbed, Sickness
Your mischievous streak You have a need to share 8.Plnli. Can’t TalieMeHome
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ‘ comes out this week. Be sure this week. but be careful not to 9. Jerry Garcia, David Grisman,
Your communication skills you do not use your sharp wit reveal too much to a person Tony Rice, Pizza Tapes 18
are astonishing this weekend. and sense of humor on friends you do not know well. Too 10, Ben Harper, my] to Live F
Take time to chat with friends who are very sensitive. much information may 23
about current events; an unex Try not to be overly scare them. You re- co and 1'” 5"." A L
pected surprise may result. (.rmml while as ceive compliments 1. 9°,“in CoPilot, Madagascar
Lucky number: to NMmg other on your looks 2. Nelly, Country Grammar 28
mph. later in the 3. De La Soul, Art Official/nieIIi- E N K A 5‘
Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20) week. gence 30
Life seems almost unreal Cancer (June Lucky number: 4' Shellac. 7,000 Hunts E A T E R
the next few days. You may 21-Jul 22) , - 12 5.DaveAlvin,Pub/ic00main
feel confused when those clos- quu ,m‘ " 5. Jimmy Page and Black
est to you seem not to under , I ‘ 1 1‘ , Scorpio (Oct. Crowes Live at the Greek The winner of the first weekly Scene crossword puzzle was Lean
stand who you really are. Re I,“ i ( ll 23-May. 21) 7 Incubus When Incubus At- Stern, winning two he. passes to the Kentucky Theater.
member that you confuse 3m“ "m” You loathe tacks '
yourself at times. Your zodiac {,1 " n “ deception 8 Elastica Menace "ll
symbol is of two fish tied to- 1‘ i‘ ,“1 ‘1 I V and need to 9' Johnny 'Cash Murder
getlier, one swimming up 5‘ l f ‘l l l' 5 ' e treated I") Deftones White Pon
stream and one downstream m'”“”“”:\‘ 'ith respect. ' ' y
Have patience. your “'1‘“ '- You will get
Lucky number: to “l‘ 8111‘“ l“ to the bottom immoraon’tmmar "ll
re them her _. _, of a situation 2Britrie S ars 00095’ ,
Aries (Mar. 2‘1”. 19) yoni‘lmany oth that as tee n bothering you. Did/tAqa/ny pe '
[lo something ditl'erent er o 1 igatiotts. Ilse your talent for dealing . _
frotii your usual routine this Lucky number: i 2 with ”flying“. people. ”Si-PENN“: ”’9 Marshal/Math
week. Eirioy the fresh air. Lucky number: 1023 . .
meet new people or try a Leo (July 7-3101} 22) ‘ 4. VariousHArtistsijowzt
new activity You will .\ Sagittarius or Aries Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) 5‘ greed, uman _ay _
feelIi't‘t'i';'slfit~il atiid re- has a major crush Your active lifestyle “'wa Sync, Na Strmqut
\‘ita ixei a ‘ter t ie en» (in you. It you are makes some people get tired Cal
(“W-I‘ll"- k l interested go watching you. Do not Worry Life]. 3 0°05 Down, The Better
.uc 'y num ierza for m A Ireat about them; there are those
. relat 1”“th who think your exciting life is 8' Papa Roach. Infest ‘ _
T a u r u 5 could bios intriguing. Invite someone you _ 9' "Yd“ Jean, "'9 Ecleftic. 2
(Apr. 20-May som are interested iii to do some- Sides ”A300"
20) l ucky nutn- thing crazy with you this 10. Soundtrack. 5070"? Ugly The
S h (l “' A . N \\'(l(lk' ll. Stlnq. Bland NEW Day
your artis .. hp" ' Lucky number: 1 12.Destiny'sCliild, ”'9 Writinq’s
tic flair , anthems/I
this week. “’9" “"9' 23' Capricorn (Dec, zz-Jan, 19) 13. Red Hot Chili Peppers, Cali-
whether in Sept. 22) Try to save your money fornication
Ill“ kllt'ht‘tt. if)” MW “Wk".d this week. as unexpected fi- 14. Soundtrack, Nutty Professor
on a canvas. 1‘1”“‘51‘ ”“ll‘t‘ll’ ”“5 nances are needed. Concen- II: the Klumps
iii the gar “'“l‘k- 121k“ 3 “full” trate on the work at hand: once 15. 8.8. King and Eric Clapton,
den. or with Sl‘l'l'ml lll'fi‘l‘k ”715 WW}? you finish you will be able to Riding with the King. .
friends. You will feel gratified 1 end to L'elax. You will 11»; relax. ()thpm see you as 51m: “we”; co yum“, CD Midn§%;iig mania?!
Willi YUUI‘ (‘Xpt’l‘llllt‘lltllllttli l‘t‘llt _\' It) ill '0 (ill ilt‘ \l'tit‘t 80 be sun) tr) sntile and take Cmefl'm :llme- _
“Nd SUCCPSS again on Monday the time to talk to your friends. u.u,¢.m/:m,/nzoo,.,, 2; :tmggmfi 11?: mimfgetmkz':xm:°m "m F"

Lucky number: 86

Merrill Lynch

Student interns needed.
Work around your schedule.
Real world finanCial sen/ices

employment opportunity.
Joe Pulliam 231-5217 or
Jeremy Wallace 2315268



Lucky number: .‘i‘.’

Lucky number: 13




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(“tr ’it; . will?

not really

postal" is a myth,
according to a
commission formed


Editorial Board
Amanda Thompson, dialogue co-editor Andrew Grossman, at-Iarge member
John Wampler, dialogue co-editor
Amanda York, editor in chief
Christopher Emmick, senior columnist

Patrick Avery, assistant scene editor

Jennifer Kasten, at-iarge member
Jenny Robertson, at large member
Alan Sione. at- large member



to study violence at
the post office. The
panel found postal
workers are no more
likely to face
violence on the job
than workers in
general, and only
one-third as likely to
be murdered there.

A series of killings at

post offices since the
late T9805 drew
attention to tensions
in the postal
workplace and raised
concerns about the
safety of employees.

In the vernacular. a

violent attack in the
workplace was
characterized as
"going postal."

In 1998, postal officials

asked Joseph
Califano, director of
the National Center
on Addiction and
Substance Abuse at
Columbia University.
to head a panel
analyzing the issue.

Califano concluded that

postal workers have
gotten a “bad

rap" from the
reports about
violent incidents.

The commission's report

did find a high
number of grievances
by postal workers.


Like the girl
above we can
rest safe in
postal peace.



Web site

DE PERE, wis. ~ A
confrontation With a
nasty young driver
convmced Jay Van
Zeeiand there should
be a way to inform
the parents of
youthful motorists
about their behawor
behind the wheel.

The answer he came up
With? “Tell-My'

Like the "How's My
Drivmg?” stickers on
some trucks, Van
Zeeiand is offering
parents a bumper
sticker for the car
their teen will
be drivmg.

Anyone who sees the car
speeding, driving
erratically or
committing some
other infraction can
log on to the Web
site to make a report
or call a 24-hour toll-
free number.

Van Zeeiand. an
emergency medical
technician, said the
idea for the service
started with an
incident a few weeks
ago. when a motorist
blew through a red
light and almost hit
his vehicle.

He caught up with the
teen at a service
station. and she used
"a lot of words that
would make a sailor
blush," he said, "I
wanted her parents
to know what
happened," he said.

The service is expected
to be fully
operational Friday.

-Source: AP Wire
-Complled by:
John Wampier














J—u wrote "noun, an: i


rm REALLY concerzneo
moor was; PEOPLE
lNVAOlNC: root: Praivacx!










w : ,.{;


The need for a fix

-\nd so i smoked a ('aniel Wide iiglit on the steps
of l’atterson llall. fleeing the echo that i'esoniided in
my ears. something about a "Survivor." \\liiie\’i‘i‘
that is. it certainly isn‘t me. The mass t-Vitlils to
dorm rooms. the clicking of metallic dials to (‘BS and
the sighs of voyeuristic i'eliefai precisely H p in Were
too much for my weak disposition.

lget enough reality Without haying to View it be
ty'w e if ioimiie it i ils l fle d l’atte isoii's eniombe d
souls sand liltit kt d the it (ie pe iide iitt as l puffed on my
own ind stiollt d past empty (ais Whose oc c up nits
yyeie on liiSillit'.t‘tiiil taking a poll. trying to guess
who would Win the million dollar prize giyeii by
their esteemed show of shows.

1 walked south and thought about mauliiig i
thought about the scene Russell f‘roWe left out. the
one Where the audience watches and laughs as the
boy is torn to shreds by lions

The Romans loyed ll. They had moved on from
tireek imported tragedy to (if't‘t'krliiliitii‘it‘fl tragedy
(with e\'tra death) to cutting out the Greek and the
tragedy altogether, leaving only the elegant siinplici
ty of a stadium and a man about to be killed While
eyes discoyer the truth of mortality.

They had it right When they flooded the ('iillst'r
uni to present iiayal battles to the death as silkliiied
ladies and boys dropped grapes in their months

The lion pounced. the people laughed and a cast
away was cast onto the television crew's pontoon
boat as I Walked soufl‘i.

My thesis Would be giyeii a metaphor if only
there Were :i car wreck complete With entranced on
lookers and metal. but the only literary support of
fered to me and the only literal support offered to
sorority cheeks Were butt pants.

lalloWed my hat to block out the strobe issiied
from frat row. beckoning those Who Wished to gyrate.

(‘luh mixes merged With liottle lilonde (‘ltiilf's of a

iiiAiciGIii CO ih‘irin

selfiiinposed t’eiiiuiine stereotype to form a generic
Tommy llllilLIt'i‘ ad. all inyolyed haying been more
than happy to pay a i'etailei to Wear adyertisiiig in
their own personal reality product placement tie in

l scoffed. allowed the (‘amel biiti to drop and
walked past the gawking freshman boy with the
frosted tips and stopped and looked . .

and in front of m»- daiiciiig to I‘t'iiilV'fl Vanilla

ice was i new of sorority mediocrity. uniformed and
thrusting .iiid t:ii)li‘.'ftllilL’ my 'itteiiiioii as i fell into
thi iii' iss of; i ii stiisti- ioiie midi (Til. tiiilli (l sole .\ li\ .'i
de siir to si ue it ip» l\ is oiliei th in the ii oWii

lll‘ lli‘ .ists ri. llli e d ind thi 'iils smile d and
there Was ioy iii .\iudy die .is l in up another cigarette
and WIiikr-d on. again binning tele\ ision sets click
from static to clear symphonic bi illiaiice

Why go to the library to pick up copies offenii
iiist literature When it boils down to this mandatory
submission to staring at The Nitro lilt‘ls. America's
lininbest Home Videos. tops and not so empty Win
doWs across from a tltii’ii'. iooni

Rome is burning i.»~t‘s drown it by casting a re
ality shoyy set in a Russian Submarine starring lloot
ers waitresses .ind French diying maids Who cast
lots to decide who gets to wear an oxygen mask and
Who is left Without a thong rind Whether or iioi any of
the gyratiug girls left inside Will escape and Who
knows if the esc ipe hatch eyen Worked in the
first place

’iut college is to fear n. right" UK. Let's talk about
Kant and Sartre and architectural masterpieces
throughout the ages before We admit to the T\' (iiiide
in a brown paper bag under the mattress With the
time circled nest to the listing 'l‘si‘cicab confessions.

Hey. people 1” their iii; any way they can.

Kernel Columnist Chaz Martin is a journalism Junior. His
views do not necessarily represent those of the Kernel.

Go hear preachers for
true UK entertainment

for 'e i the ne ‘\ foothill se asoii i'goiteft iei lllli\lt s
fioni S.\ls l K \ gie lit si stililti of e nte it iinine iit has ti
iially returned. That's right folks. you know ‘em and
you love 'em. l.et's giye it up for the Free Speech
Area l’i'ezii hers.

UK. UK. so not everybody loves them. lint no mat
ier What political \ iews a student may hold. its hard to
deny that these guys (and sometimes gals) are
barrels offuii

livery year. tit-tipl" claiming to loye ( ile and W‘anti
iig to saye souls iiiyade this campus With loud voices
and signs. The messages vary a little from preacher to
preacher lint With one or two exceptions they are pret~
ty much the same

They tell students that inst about everything about
the typical college lifestyle is wrong. from drinking to
premarital sex. and that they Will go to hell ifthey don't
repent and find .lesus.

Students can't escape them. Anyone living on
North (‘ainpUs has to pass them going to class or going
home. Even those from South (‘ampiis encounter
them if they go to lunch or buy smokes in the
Student (‘enteiz

With such a captiye audience. a crowd inevitably
gathers. And then the fun begins. These preachers
rarely have any fans so most people stand around with
their friends making fun of these people they ix‘rceiye
as narrow-minded idiots. bigots‘. wackos and so forth.

Things are just getting staited. though, Sooner or
later somebody in the audience cracks. They can't
stand the preaclier's rantings anymore. They yell some—
thing back. The preacher stops and responds. often in a
derogatory or insulting way And they maintain they
are right. Never have I seen a preacher say to a student
"You know. you are right. i am completely uninformed
and biased in this issue."

The best is When they start singing. i remember
one time When a preacher started a hymn and an andi
ence member started singing back satanic rock lyrics
in a Weird stil'i of good vs. eyil duet.

l Want to make it clear that i do not Wish to make

ftiii of i hri 1in ms in 'e mi a.l iioi do i set the it religion
as a Joke lhis Hilii‘ s from thi fart fit it i h ippr n to
be one

What i really hayi- to ask myself is: Why is it only
(‘hristians that hate this radical element'.’ Why don‘t
We haye any Hindus out there decrying all of us who
eat at McDonald‘s or Rastaf‘arians knocking those of us
Who don‘t smoke pot‘.’ You don't see any practicing
.leWs out there yelling at us for breaking the Sabbath.

fine of my friends lii‘fiiit)\i"(l a theory as to Why a lot
of these preachers speak out against all the things they
perceive as siii.

While it is possible that every single one of these
preachers is as White as the driven snow. my friend
thought some of these pet iple came, as a matter ofatone
ment. These people had smoked pot. had premarital
sex. listened to punk rock or W hateyer else and now
that they are (‘hristians they feel guilty.

So to apologize to God. they show up on ['K's came
pus and start telling students they shouldn't do those
things, i have to say it is the best explanation l have
heard so far for these religious sideshows.

While some people think standing around arguing
or listening to these preachers encourages them. i am
not sure that is the case. i hate a funny feeling that half
of these guys would preach to a brick wall just to hear
themselves talk. So since we cannot get rid ofthem. we
might as Well enjoy them.

Some of the most fun afternmns l have had at (K
have been standing around With some friends after
classes watching people talking loud and waving their
arms and both sides yelling at each other.

in at least one case an actual fight broke out if for
some reason you haye missed seeing a performance
yet. head to the Student (enter the next time you have
a couple hours to kill. it is free and guaranteed to make
you laugh or at least to hold your attention. Just follow
the noise and bring along sortie popcorn

Dialogue (to-Editor John Wampler is a Spanish junior. His
views do not necessarily represent those of the Kernel.


(iii set Word

iii» {titres it


As you may have read on Monday, the SGA is
pushing for an earlier school year. They are
proposing that we begin classes on Monday as op-
posed to Wednesday in order to give students
more time to prepare for finals. Will these two
free days really give students a chance to catch up
on time they seem to be lacking now‘.’

ass ,

Will adding two days to
our schedule really
help? Nah... if the rest
of this campus is
anything like me, it's
just two more days to
put off studying for
finals. Besides, I like
having my half-week at
the beginning of the
semester Makes me
less ornery during the

first week of school.
- Candice Jackson Senior Kernel Columnist


It is no real surprise to me that the
SGA has come up with another plan
that mirrors how in touch they are
with the student's at UK. Return to
your home planet and stop pestering
us with your nonsense!

- Joshu Goebeler, Kernel Columnist

Shorten my already too brief summer
vacation? Proposals like this seem to
be thought up only for lack of a grasp
on REAL issues, such as the
presidential search, campus
environmental and social justice



issues, better basketball
seats for students
- Mark Vanderhoff, Senior Staff Writer

If two extra days fell from the
sky and everyone was
around to use them,
would anyone study?

- Ancl'ew Grossmai, Contiiut'mg Columnist

Two extra days may not seem like
much now, but the week before

finals they could make a vast

difference, especially for those of us

with many Monday and
Tuesday finals.

- Jennifer Mueller, Kernel Columnist

Any days without school but access to
our professors and teachers can be
seen as nothing but beneficial.

- Keisha Carter, Contributing Columnist

V The schedule change
‘ leaves new (party) time
for students while not
cutting out any precious
(party) time.
Let's celebrate!

-Christopher Emmick, Senior Columnist
These views do not necessarily represent

those of the Kernel.

» 1."...





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