xt766t0gxd9d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt766t0gxd9d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-04-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 05, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 05, 1999 1999 1999-04-05 2020 true xt766t0gxd9d section xt766t0gxd9d  









0.8. institution

knows all

Quotes from the popular
”Cheers" character:

“How's it going Mr.

“It's a dog-eat-dog
world. Woody, and
I’m wearing Milk
Bone underwear."

"What's the story.

"Boy meets beer. Boy
drinks beer. Boy
meets another beer."

"How's about a beer,

“That's that amber,
sudsy stuff, right?
l've heard good
things about it!"

"What's going on Mr.

“A flashing sign in my
out that says, 'lnsert
beer here.”

"What's going on Mr.

“The question is, ‘Vlhat's
going in Mr.
Peterson?’ A beer
please, Woody."

"Can i draw you a beer
Norm ?"

"No, I know what they
look like. Just pour
me one."

"How's a beer sound

“I dunno. I usually finish
them before they get
a word in."

"What's shaking Norm?"
"All four cheeks and a
couple of chins."

"What would you say to
a nice beer Normie?"
"‘Going down?"'

”What's new Normie?"

“Terrorists, Sam.
They've taken over
my stomach, and
they're demanding

“What'll it be Normie?"

“Just the usual Coach.
I'll have a froth of
beer and a snorkel."

"What’ll you have

“Well I'm in a gambling
mood Sammy. l'll
take a glass of
whatever comes out
of that tap."

“Looks like beer, Norm."

“Call me Mr. Lucky."

"What'd you say Norm?"

“Any cheap, tawdry
thing that will get me
a beer."

(Coming in from the

"Evening everybody."

Everybody: “Norm!"

"Still pouring Norm?"

"That's funny, I was
about to ask you the
same thing."

"Hey Norm, how's the
world been treating

"Like a baby treats a

“Beer. Norm?"
”Have 1 gotten that
predictable? Good."

- Source:


THE 4ll




Cloudy tomorrow,
and partly cloudy
through most of this
week. Warm
temperatures to stay.


VOL. 3104 ISSUE #130


News tips?
Cal: 257-1915 or write:

.‘0~¢~« .,.,......~r-










Dawg days
Baseball team
uses its grit,
self doubt I 4


turns 1

In celebration: University dignitaries flock
to party commemorating library's opening

By Kathleen Ellison


Poppell owns her own


If you build it, they will

And more than a million
came through the doors of the
William T. Young Library in
its first year, library officials
said. This was a good reason
to celebrate with
punch and birth-
day cake in the li-
brary’s south en-
trance on Friday.

“(The library's
first year) was
even better than I
could have
dreamed," said UK
President Charles
Wethington. “We

It’s hard,

computer but uses the com—
puters at the library because
she can focus more there,
she said.

The Student Computing
Lab records show desktop
computer usage is heaviest
from 6 pm. to 2 am. for stu-
dents using the library's com-
puting lab of 160

Library statistics in-
dicate that loaner
laptops were
checked out about
9,000 times in the
first year.

Of course, no maid-
en year would be
complete without a
few problems.

met and exceeded when Many have com-
our goals" In the plained about inade-
firstfilear. you see a quate or confusing

eavy usage - - signs throughout the
by students was bllfldmg, building, Molinaro
one such goal. t said.

‘;’I‘liieh tcom. 0 “It‘s hard, when you
men s ear rom ' ' build a building, to
(sttlilidelztgs arithfiltl: enVISlon envision all it will

e 1 rary ISJUS ' ' entail," Molinaro
a wonderful addi- all It W111 said.

tion,” Wethington

Paul Willis,


Poppell wishes the
planners foresaw the
problem in the vend-

the university’s di- - Mary Molinaro, ing machine area.
rector of libraries. team leader. After Ovid's Cafe
agreed. William 1 Young closes there is no

“It’s become a UDFGFY place to sit down and

meeting or gather-
ing place for un-

Student enthu-
siasm and usage is apparent
when trying to reserve a study
room. said Mary Molinaro,
team leader of the library.

“The study rooms are in
use all the time," she said.
“It’s so satisfying to see stu-
dents use the building."

Amy Poppell, a dietetics
junior, is one of the satisfied

“I’m here at least once a

eat, she said.

“The only seating in

the vending machine
snack area is the window sill,"
Poppell said.

Her solution to the prob-
lem is seating in the existing
break area and a place that is
connected to the library by an
inside entrance, something
the Young library lacks.

The most frequent com-
plaint about the library is the
parking Molinaro said.

“Parking is problematic
on any college campus." she



day, every day," she said. “I do
all my studying here.”



UK President Charles Vlethington (left) and Paul
Willis, the director of Libraries. chatted at the party.

.. '31:" .. .

O \




Gail Kennedy. an employee in the Director's Office of the William T. young Library, cut the cake as part of the celebration of

See YOUNG on 2 )2!)

the library's first birthday. More than a million students have come through the building since it opened last year.



Bittersweet election

Coming to a close: Many pleased with SGA year.
glad next year's leaders are more experienced

By Jill Gorin


As the newly elected Student
Government Association prepares
for next school year, members fin-
ishing their last term reflected on
the year.

“It was a good year,“ College
of Law senator Blake Homal said.
“It was tough in the beginning,
but we were running like a ma-
chine by the end of the year."

When reflecting on this year‘s
SGA, members couldn't help but
remember President Nate Brown's

Brown appointed Matt Ander-
son to a position on the elections
committee that Anderson did not
wish to hold.

The Senate was not informed
of Anderson’s wishes until the ap—

As a result, Brown was inves-
tigated and required to write a

had already been

‘ ‘ re ~WMM0 b‘...‘ro A ~ -

weekly memo to all senators de-
scribing his daily activities.

Most said it was for the best.

“I hope when people look back
on this year, they won't think bad-
ly of the investigation, or the
‘Nategate,' as I like to call it.“
Brown said.

“I think (the outcome) was
good, and things are better now.“
he said.

Presidenteelect Jimmy Glenn
shared Brown‘s thoughts.

“We are looking at what hap-
pened this past year, with the in-
vestigation,“ Glenn said. “And
that‘s why we are making sure the
Senate knows what is going on
with the executive branch."

“Channels of communica-
tion need to be open on both (the
executive and the senate)." he

SGA worked especially hard
on making SGA's focus on the stu-
dents, and next year‘s members
hope to do the same.

The Student Newspaper at the University of W‘exington



“We're very excited." he said.
“And our No. 1 goal is to Work for
the students.“

It seems students understand
this because some are returning
the favor.

“Some students want to help
SGA. but don‘t like the whole cam-
paigning thing." Glenn said.
“Whitney and l have already had
students (who didn't run for office)
offer to help out the executive

The newly elected senators.
unlike last year. are experienced.
which many said will benefit the

“Last year. there were so
many new faces." Glenn said. “But
so many people from last year
have carried over this year. which
will help."

Another senator agrees.

“You always hear the expres-
sion. ‘You need new blood.‘ but it
helps to have experience." Hornal

“The high return rate this
year will definitely work to
their advantage. It’s good. too.
because the executive and leg-
islative branches know each

By Susan Debusca
Eontnisfiwc'fitite '

Despite the recent SGA
elections. the number of stu»
dents who know it hat the orga
nizatioti is is \lll‘lil‘lsllltlIX

The strategies lIli\ rear to
solve that included lllt' bright

1y colored posters still seen
everywhere on catiipus. the ca:
ger campaigners bombarding

students with l‘Iyers as tlim
passed. and even getting other
organizations involved to help
spread the Word.

But those brightly colored
posters and eager campaign
ers bombarding students nort-
not enough to bring one-tenth
of the student population to
the polls for the 199900 SGA

When the votes Were
counted. only 1.975 of the more



Group is still
not well-known

Polling, the debates and all the vigorous
campaigning not curing the anonymity

than 20.000 students on the 1K
campus went to the polls.
Besides the students who

said they were too busy to get
to a voting booth. man) said
thc_\ don‘t feel like they can
make a difference.

"I don't think it matters."
saiti .ll‘llillll‘l‘ i-Zskciv an ling
lisli t'rcshmaii. “SGA hasn‘t re-
ally done aiivthing eartlirshatr

tering since I've been here."

She admits it has good
intentions. but one problem

“'I hey don‘t really have
the power to carri them out."
I'Iskcvr said

For niaiiv. that sense of
powerlessness accompanies a
suspicion of ulterior motives
by SGA candidates.

“They don't really do any»

See REACTION on 2 )>>








.:._ _ 9am. we “3*"







2 I HONDAYJPRIL 5.1999 I wanna


:_ The Low-down

Workers denied vacation for Y2K

CLEVELAND — Fears that the Year 2000
computer bug will create havoc has caused com-
panies nationwide to limit — even forbid — vaca-
tion time at the end of the year. Technicians, util-
ity workers. bankers, city employees, emergency
personnel and financial consultants are among
those who‘ll be shelving their party hats and
noisemakers come Dec. 31. The Y2K concern in-
volves computers designed to recognize only the
last two digits of a year, so that 2000 could be
misread as 1900.

0.5. to send choppers to Albania

WASHINGTON u The United States has
agreed to send low-flying Apache helicopter gun-
ships to Albania, giving NATO the ability to di-
rectly attack Serb troops and tanks in Yugoslavia
but also exposing US. forces to new dangers. US.
troops also will begin manning a newly deployed

Enough Multiple Launch Rocket System in Macedonia to
fire short- and medium‘range missiles into Yu-

Of this goslavia. a senior US. official said. Several
011181 prominent congressional Republicans and De-

mocrats urged President Clinton to make the use

Shedding of ground troops in Kosovo an option. Adminis-

0f tration officials insisted no American ground
forces will be deployed for combat.

Mood!” Belgrade prepares for more strikes
- he! Jol- BRUSSELS, Belgium — Air raid sirens
,. M “- sounded in Belgrade last night, signaling the pos-
- “m '0' an sible onset of a 12th night of NATO strikes on Yu-
m “the goslavia. NATO warplanes and missiles attacked
W in “05°” an army headquarters, oil refineries and other
it "“53 targets in and around Belgrade earlier yesterday.
"$97431 Meanwhile, the Yugoslav military was shifting

forces in Kosovo to the southwest, where the
rebel Kosovo Liberation Army was regrouping
for what appeared to be a last stand, Air Com-
modore David Wilby said.

U.S., Europe to take in refugees

WASHINGTON m Amid the growing
refugee crisis in the Balkans, the United States
made it known yesterday that it will temporar-
ily provide shelter for up to 20.000 ethnic A1-
banians fleeing Serb assaults. European na-
tions will take in as many as 100,000 W but just
until they can return home under internation-
al protection.

“These people have to go back, otherwise
there are no people in Kosovo." Secretary of
State Madeleine Albright said. More than
350,000 ethnic Albanians have fled since NATO
air strikes began on March 24. and the exodus is


Kournikova still
has something
to learn about
winning. taking
the Family
Circle Cup 6-4,
6-3 yesterday
in Hilton Ilead,
s.c. It was the
second Family
Circle title and
the 22nd VITA
for flingls, 18,
the world's No.
1 player.


Grieving former
Beatle Paul
McCartney has
found comfort
in the company
of textile
designer Sue
following the
death of his
wife Linda, the
Daily Mail

reported Friday.

Prayers for peace on Easter

VATICAN CITY - Easter prayers for peace
in the Christian season of joy and redemption
mingled yesterday with the weeping of Kosovo’s
dispossessed and the appeal of a saddened pope
for an end to the bloodshed. "When will there be
an end to the diabolical spiral of revenge and
senseless fratricidal conflict?" Pope John Paul II
asked in an emotional departure from his usual
words of hope at Easter. “Enough of this cruel
shedding of human blood!" he told the tens of
thousands gathered in St. Peter’s Square.

Muslims, Christians clash

NAZARETH, Israel — Easter Sunday turned
violent in the town of Jesus‘ boyhood afier clash-
es erupted between Christians and Muslims who
are angry over the planned construction of a
plaza for millennium pilgrims near a mosque.
Thousands of young Muslim men gathered near
the Church of the Annunciation, insulting Chris-
tian worshippers. Other youths, wielding clubs,
smashed Windshields of parked cars with crosses
dangling from the mirrors. More than 70 Israeli
police in riot gear were brought in.

Arabs to witness handover

CAIRO, Egypt -— Arab dignitaries headed to
Libya yesterday to witness the hand over of two
suspects in the 1988 Pan Am bombing, a further
sign that their promised extradition is on track.
A delegation led by Ahmed Ben Heli, the Arab
League’s assistant secretary-general, flew to
Tunisia, where delegation members were then
driven to the Libyan capital, Tripoli. The bomb-
ing of the jet over Lockerbie, Scotland, killed 270
people. The two Libyans were suspected of plant.
ing a suitcase bomb on the plane.

Padres, Rockies to open season

MONTERREY, Mexico —— The National
League champion San Diego Padres, stripped of
stars Kevin Brown, Greg Vaughn and Ken
Caminiti, begin defense of their crown tonight
against the Colorado Rockies in the opener of the
1999 baseball season.

It‘s the first time the national pastime will
start a season outside of the United States and
Canada. Colorado’s Darryl Kile faces Andy Ash-
by in baseball’s only game of the day. The other
teams start play tomorrow.

Hawaii lands ‘Baywatch'

HONOLULU —— Hawaii Friday celebrated
victory in luring the television series “Bay-
watch” to its beaches after a last-minute cam-
paign to keep the popular lifeguard drama in the
United States. The series nearly traveled to Aus-
tralia, but an 11th-hour deal with Hawaiian
truckers rescued negotiations to bring it to the
island state.

Compiled from wire reports.



Continued from page 1

thing for us," said Jenny
Chase, an accounting junior.
“They only run so they have
something to put on re-

Rachel Crider, a clinical
science sophomore, said she
doesn't think the candidates
will to do their jobs if they
are involved in their Greek

“They just don‘t have
time with everything they’re
expected to do," she said.

Some, like Rebecca Crid-
er, an accounting sophomore,
were annoyed by candidates
shoving flyers in their faces
and begging them for a vote
when the flyers volunteered
little information about the
people whose name they

“The material put up
around campus really should

be more informative so the
students could make a better
decision," Rebecca Crider

Many students were dis-
mayed when the first round
of votes were thrown out last
year because of discrepancies
in the voting process.

“Last year’s problem af-
fected the turn out,” said
Joe Schuler, chairman of
the SGA Elections Board of

Despite the apparent apa-
thy of the student body, there
were 200 more votes this year
than last.

“It’s not ideal, but it’s
pretty good for a college
campus,” Schuler said.

And not everybody
skipped the election.

“I got to talk to the candi-
dates and was able to hear
their views and ideas be-
cause I knew a few of them,"
said Clay Cecil, a biology



Continued from page I



People take advantage of
the uncontrolled parking in
the visitor’s lot near the south
entrance of the library to go
to class or visit nearby
friends. The lot may charge a
dollar per hour for parking in
the future.

With the infrastructure in
place, Young Library has
more electronic capabilities,
Molinaro said.

“There are a lot more
grants we are applying for
and receiving," she said.

The digitizing projects,
for example, are possible be-
cause of the electronic re-
sources in the library, Moli-
naro said.

“Endowments, new mon-
ey, are not arriving because
of the building, but (because)
of the work we do with it,"
she said.

This work enhances the
University and raises it with-
in the ranks of other bench-

mark institutions.

Settling in, making sure
books are in the right order
and refining the collection are
some goals Molinaro has for
this summer.

The merging of four dif-
ferent sites into the working
collection of the Young Li-
brary was quite a challenge.
Now, Molinaro and Willis
must contend with the King

Willis plans for special
collections to move into King
South, the oldest part of the li-
brary, this summer.

The Lucille Little Fine
Arts Library will be built in
King North, though it’s likely
to be next summer before the
collection is placed there.
Molinaro said.

Willis said as the reloca-
tion of these collections to
King come about, the Young
Library will expand.

The library will undergo
another change by this sum-
mer. Limestone signs bearing
the building's name will be
hung on the walls of the li-
brary’s entrances.











Best Greek event:

Best clothing store (women):

Best local band



Best classroom:

am when



Best place to study:

Best hotel in Lexington:

Best pool tables:







Best apartment complex:

Best coffee house:






Best show in syndication:





Best tanning salon:

Best Kernel writer:

Best barbecue restaurant:



Best place to get a haircut:

Best "M‘

Best UK professor:



Best hamburger:

0 Lobbies o

Blazer, Don





Best place to meet people:

Best easy "A" class:



Best Women's sport:


. rm; i~ -‘M


Best place to eat on campus:

The lower A



Best Bar to watch sports games:




Tickets to al
Basketball 0

Keep watching
further details.






UK students, drop your
completed ballot in the
collection boxes at these
campus locations by April 10:

Blanding Tower, Haggin,

0 The Classroom
0 The Student Center

Or enter on-line at:

Ballot must be completely filled out to be
registered for the Grand Prize of:

’Must be a full time student

f Kirwan and

ovan and

ran Student
l of "K's Home
ales llext







for KB










1-‘c0..“"~&-W“u-»p ...







Legislator blasts UA cfl'EINDAR .

That's dirty: English class' readings under
fire from politician for being too provocative

By Brett Erickson

PHOENIX ,, A University
of Arizona English class that
uses sexually-descriptive read»
ings has drawn the wrath of the
state Legislature for the second
time this year.

Sen. David Petersen. R-
Mesa. introduced a bill last
week that would force state uni-
versity classes to provide stir
dents with an accurate syllabus
describing each course's mater—
ial in depth.

Although University of Ari—
zona officials say such a policy
already exists. Petersen said he
drafted the bill after reading a
letter from a parent of a UA stu-
dent who was upset about the
graphic nature of her daugh-

ter‘s "Women in Literature”

Petersen said Melanie
Sahli. mother of LA junior

Amanda Sahli. complained that
the material outlined in the
course syllabus was not consis-
tent with the actual content of
the class. English Senim' Leo
turer Yvonne Reineke teaches
the course.

“I think up front. they
should say ‘We‘re going to
deal with gay and lesbian is
sues."‘ he said

Sahli said her daughter
withdrew from the English 418
class earlier this semester be-
cause the class content was
“contrary to her moral and reli-
gious upbringing.

“Imagine being in cIaSs
one day and the instructor

passes around a book with
graphic diagrams and descrip-
tions of masturbation. imagine
reading a book which de-
scribes a young woman's first
sexual encounter with another
woman. If the course was
about lesbian women. it should
have stated so in the descrip»
tion." Sahli wrote in a letter to

Instead of teaching these
topics. the class could have "ex-
plored the contrast between
women portrayed by female au-
thors and women portrayed by
male authors." Sahli wrote.

Petersen said the bill. which
also would have prevented
teachers from requiring legally
obscene material. was with-
drawn from consideration after
LIA officials promised to review
their policy on class syllabi.

UA interim Provost
Michael Gottfredson issued an
email Monday regarding syl»
labus content to university




Bottled not necessaril

Just as good from the tap: New study finds
bottled water not all that, just repackaged

By Y. Peter Kang

BERKELEY. Calif. w Eight
brands of bottled water. many
of which are sold around cam-
pus. contain contaminants that
may make them no better than
tap water. a new study has

After a four-year study of
103 brands of bottled water. the
Natural Resources Defense
Council has alleged that eight
California bottled water compa-
nies may be selling water that
is not as pure as advertised.

Researchers who tested the
brands of bottled water found
that one-third of those tested
contained high levels of harm
ful contaminants that exceed

state health standards.

In addition, the NRI)C
found that between 25 percent
anti 40 percent of water tested
was merely repackaged munic-
ipal tap water.

In response to the findings.
the Environmental Law Foun-
dation filed a lawsuit in the
state superior court Monday.
accusing the eight bottled water
companies of violating state
health standards.

The Oakland-based envi»
ronmental group named the
Crystal Geyser. Alhambra.
Apollinaris. Safeway. Lucky.
Ralph‘s. Vittel and Volvic hot-
tling companies as defendants
in the lawsuit

The lawsuit also alleges
that the defendants engaged in

deceptive, advertising.

“We want them to correct
the mislabeling of their prod
ucts." McKinney added. "Safe-
.'ay‘s bottled water should not
be called spring water because
there are levels of chlorine in it.
which most likely means it

comes from a tap water
According to the study.

some Crystal Geyser watei. the
most popular brand among stti»
dents. may contain levels of ar
settle in excess of (‘alifornia
and World Health Organization

Some UC‘ Berkeley stu-
dents said yesterday they
were outraged over the

study's implications.

"This is bullshit then. if it's
true." said junior Jared Mack.
as he pointed to the words “Pu~

rity Guaranteed" on the label of

his water bottle. "Knowing that
now. I'm going to stay away



Read the paper,
don’t eat it







5 Kit?


lle'll rock your world








deans. directors and depart-
ment heads.

In that message. (lottfred
son re-emphasimi that l'A poli-
cy requires teachers to list cer—
tain information in their syl-
labi, such as oilice hours. grad-
ing policy. a list of required
textbooks and any special mate-
rials needed i‘or the class.

(iotti'redson. the [As vice
president for undergraduate ed—
ucation. also requested that
university officials consider
adding a new requirement.

“i am asking that consider
ation be given to adding an
eighth required element to the
course information sheet that
would provide notification of
course content that may be
deemed objectionable by some
students.” he said.

[TA state lobbyist Greg Fa-
Iiey said he was pleased to see
Petersen give the university a
chance to straighten out its


from those companies."

The lawsuit also charges
that some bottled water prod-
ucts contain levels of the car
cinogens arsenic and tri-
halomethane. a byproduct of

Representatives at Crystal
Geyser said yesterday that many
concerned consumers have been
contacting (‘rystal Geyser.

But the company has made
no plans to recall any of its
products. she said.

“Our products are safe and
they meet all state and federal
standards." Davis said

She said arsenic occurs nat»
urally at water sources and Ieyv
els In Crystal (leyser water are
well below state and Food and
Drug Administration regular
tioiis for arsenic levels.

Other I'(‘ Berkeley stu
dents who learned about the
study reacted with indifference
to its findings.







“A First Amendment for whom?
Giving voice to the powerless”
Wednesday April 7 6pm
Student Center Room 228
First Amendment Week

7 err. at '§~.'l'i’l>f»;i1i w

LE!!! 5...; a on mg“

school oi Journalism
and 'lelecommunications


' " 1&3’»2.'.-.‘ ‘- .


The Campus Calendar is produced weekly by the Office of Student Activities.
Postings in the calendar are free to all registered student organizations and UK
Departments. Information can be submitted in Rm. 203 Student Center or by

completing a request form on-line at mummwfimggmmm.
Posting requests are due ONE WEEK PRIOR to the Monday information is to appear
in the calendar. For more information call 257-8866


. . .
ICareer Workshop. 3pm. Rm 109 Miller Hail
~Reguiation of Telomere Length and Teiomerase Activity During
Lymphocyte Development and Activation. 3pm. UK Chandler \ I
Medical Center Room MN463. call Dr. David Wekstein at 3—6040 ‘ '
for info T
atom»; ‘ ""‘“‘“
IPlzza Theology 4pm. Newman Center

IvGrace Bible Study. 730pm. Rm 115 Student Center

nMorter Board Senior Honor Society Meeting. 6—7pm. W.T. Young Library



0EXHIBIT: "Made in Kentucky: Regional Artists. Part II: i980—i 998". UK Art Museum
call 7--571 6 for info

DEXHIBIT: "Mark Priest: The Railroad Labor Series". UK Art Museum


IIA'lkldo Classes/UK Aikido Club. 8—l 0pm. Alumni Gym Loft. call Chris at 245—5887 for
n o


I.Senlor Piano Recital: Shelley Surgener.i 2pm. Singietary Recital Hall


I'Kathy Kelley ofVolces In the Wilderness speaks on Opposition to the Sanctions
imposed on the Nation of iraq. 6:30pm. Worsham Theatre

-"Free the Radicals" Insights to Alzheimer‘s Disease by Dr. Allan Butterfleid. 4pm.
Singletary Center Recital Hall


'Celebrating Undergraduate Research and Creativity. 5pm, Singietary Center.
Performances and presentations by award winners!

-Rasdail Gallery WWII Exhibit Opening! 1 l am—Spm. Gallery located In Student
Center. (Exhibit thru 4/30)

DRape Awareness Week Speakers from Rape Crisis Center & Ky Clinic. Sponsored by
elta Delta Delta and Sigma Pi. 7:30pm. Rm 245 Student (enter





nMath l09 8-123 Tutoring. 203 Fralee Hall. FREE. call 7-6959
for more info

-lnformal Creative Writing Workshop 8-9z30pm. Rm. 3108C
W.T. Young Library. Free

'Chemistry 107 Pro-Exam Review. 5—7pm. Rm lO3 Barker '


IAipha Phi Omega meeting. 7:30pm. 359 Student Ctr.
Itintervarsity Christian Fellowship Quest Meeting. 7pm. Rm 230 Student Center
iGreen Thumb Earth Day meeting. 7pm. 106 Student Center


-UK Ultimate Frisbee Practice. G—Bpm. Band Field, call Nick at 281 —l 256 for info

-Reading by Marilyn Nelson. Singletary Center

DPanel Discussion of Current Political issues. 4pm. Rm 230 Student Center
I-Keeping Humanities Human by Dr. Ken Kltcheil. 3pm. W.T. Young Library

OUK Opera Workshop Performance. 79m. Memorial Hall

ITennis Doubles entry deadline for tournament on 4/10 and 4/11 today at 4pm.
sign up in Rm. 145 Seaton Center

DSwim Meet entry deadline today 4pm for meet on 4/14. sign up in Rm. 145 Seaton


ORape Awareness Week: "The Cause". 730pm. Delta Delta Delta House





. . .‘2—250. Rm 203 Frazee hail
Lam a Sigma Theta Interest/Return Meeting. 8v9pm. Rm 205 Student Center

Fellowship of Christian Athletes meeting. 9pm. CSF Bldg. (corner oi Woodland 8c

Student Meal and Discussion 5pm, Newman Center

French Conversation Table 4:30~6pm. Ovid’s Cafe

Holy Eucharist at St. Augustine's Episcopal Chapel. l205pm a. 6pm

SAB Spotlight Jazz Committee Meeting. 795pm. Rm 203 Student Center. call
ames at 7-8867 for info

Russian Table sponsored by the Russian Club. 4:30-6pm. Lynagh's. Knowledge of
ussian Not Required!

Homecoming l999 Committee Member Recruitment Meeting. 7pm. 206 Student
enter. Free Food!. Sign up to work on a committee!. contact Kelly at 7-8867 for



Alkldo Classes/UK'Aliddo Club. 630-8130pm. Alumni Gym Loft. (all Chris at
Movie: The Waterboy. 7pm. Worsham Theatre. $2

' 45-5887 for info 5T3


Piano Recital: Alan Hersh‘s Studio. 8pm. Memorial Hall

Good Rhetoric Makes Good Writing by Dr. Nan Johnson. 12pm. W.T. Young Library
- uditorium


-Campus Crusade For Christ weekly meeting. 7:30pm. Worsham Theatre

IUK Lambda meeting for Lesblgaytrans people. 730pm. Room 231 Student Center
OThursday Night Live. 7pm. Christian Student Fellowship. call 233-031 3 for Info
Mppalachian Student Council Meeting. 4:30pm. Rm 119 Old Student Center

IPre-Law Assoc. Meeting. 4pm. Miller Hall


IUK Ultimate Frisbee Practice. G-Bpm. Band Field. call Nick at T , _ .
281 -1256 for info


DRussian Film Series. 2—4pm and 7-9pm. Rm 340 Classroom Bldg.. English Subtitles!
IPiano Recital: Alan Hersh's Studio. 8pm. Memorial Hall


Traditional Russian Foikdanclng Lessons. 4—6pm. Barker Hall


IRape Awareness Week: Presentation on Personal Safety by Lex. Police Officer.
7:30pm. Rm 230 Student Center




Peal Gallery Series Presents a Recital by Matthew Young. Alexander Bingcang.
». nd Alan Hersh. 12 noon. King Library

IMaster Student Program. Sign up In advance. seating is limitedi.
call 257—6959 for Info

Catholic Mass 6pm. Newman Center


UK Dance Ensemble Spring Concert. 8pm. Slngletary Center. Tickets 37 students
«. nd seniors. Si 0 general admission. $2 children. call 257—4929


international Student Council Basketball Tournament. 10am. Alumni Gym. entry
ueadline 4/9. call Jerome at 252—8953 for info

"Celebrating the Female Body“ The First Annual Women's Studies Graduate
.tudent Conference. Sam-5pm. Student Center. Speakers. Workshop.
erformance. Art Exhibit. Discussion!


Master Student Program. Sign up in advance. seating is limited!. call 257—6959 for
'Cathollc Mass 9am. 1 1 :30am. 5pm. 8:30pm. Newman Center
ISunday Morning Worship. 1 i am. Christian Student Fellowship
DHoly Eucharist at St. Augustine‘s Episcopal Chapel. iOBOarn 3. 6pm
IPhi Sigma Pi meeting. 7pm. 230 Student Center
IAikldo Classes/UK Aikido Club. 1 -3pm. Alumni Gym Loft. (All Chris at 245—5887 for
ngdent Recital: UK Percussion Ensemble. directed by Marcus Reddik and Doug
Patko. 2pm. Singletary (enter
bGuest Ensemble Recital: Klemperer Trio. 3pm. Singietary Center
-Student Recital: UK Guitar Studio. directed by Rodney Stuckv. 7pm. Singietory
Center . _ ‘ . . . a '7 C . .. ........_ ,._ "7W .. _7 -4
Tickets still on sale for Widespread
for show on 4/23
Si 7 with UKID
call 257—TICS









9-0-& 6'». o


Matt Nay
SportsDaily Editor



Phone: 2574915 | E-mail: minuyOGpopulryMu



4 IMONDAY. APRIL 5. 1999 I mm

Raining hits
on Dawgs

Cats use an onslaught of homers to ta