xt766t0gxc3b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt766t0gxc3b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-09-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 30, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 30, 1985 1985 1985-09-30 2020 true xt766t0gxc3b section xt766t0gxc3b I , -
Vol. LXXXIX. No. I96 Ietebllshed I." University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky Independent elm 1971 Monday, September 30, 1985 1 . ,
: I l I
Pentagon reaching '
e e ' 1 1-13
goal for curtailing ~
' ‘ | " , . ~l ' '. .7 :
‘ b "T o' ' O I-1'.'_.‘
-3 ~ “3 i ' . securit clearances
it t - ., . - . - - .12, i-‘i-‘t‘u.
. \ - ,I . -. i5 . .l A-t‘
‘. \c. ““1“.“1 ‘ t 3'; - I ~9- ,1 .3 ” ‘ -— By NORMAN Bl.\(‘l\' “elemc ("Ulilrm'loi‘\ mil "3-“- ' lift -.v'“.-..'1::
’- 1 '-I . .3 " I . 5.: 1 I ‘i ‘3, ’ Assomated Press hated 149.399 existing ('lt'ill'illit e- r' - .«Ii . "II' 331'?!
”va‘f‘ , \ "a (s . 1- :3 i1 ,‘b j H} 7 percent 0‘ the ‘Ahtllt‘ it, \('P' 1’. I~’I . , :3};
it? . W bl ‘k ...< I 1 , If “ 1 If? WASHINGTON . The armed H Snider continued Ii: shoii 1‘rI 11:11." .‘ [-1
' ‘1 1 .- 1 . " .1311 “r 1 L i l I ‘f' , services and defense contractors ap- Oi'erallolllectivchus been tiir' ' (HI-1.3? » .‘1-31-
‘ - it." x “ \ . : f t; 3:. " 7 PM; i . fl * i K pear 10.1“ meeting Defense Secre- But Snider also said the l‘eirncw: '. ' .‘ :. 3:91.11
‘ ‘ '21"); t ‘- 13:“ ) 1*In;1;;__ ‘ v ,1 1_ «in. a. “fit; dbpir {\heléldberger 51 m“? approved some exceptions 'i, i.\.- r l'; 1; .'
v,- . f? (on; “Eff-iii“. v.1 I/ef n ' 1 >17 ‘R‘e’l’ggg .. 3* mon I goa 0 r Iuclng securl -" berger's order While he llt‘t‘lllll‘ ‘ ' '- 9'1. :1 ‘ _nn' l.
‘ ‘ 2‘» -, .1 .zggt :1, I ’71s . . :1 clearances by ttlpercent _ 3 I . 1 i . . ..
s ”" ' ’ “533‘ \ “ ; Final figures on the crackdown offer flgurh‘ he ”l“ m" “M” 7: ‘ ' i
» “ Ive“ ' 3' s- r‘ 2;. -- ” . . . ‘ be met in the \iltiotiiii \et':l ‘. . ' ‘ . ‘ -' l
i 11 . s . = a. ‘ We", -2: .- A» hi}? :3“ v» .4 a» _ 1 "2,13: 3’ “" 3 which grew out ol a Navy spv scan- 1 1 ' ,. ‘ 1-.1 . i :- ' ‘i 1- . "
_ 1. - ‘4 1\ ie IlI f ,v . .. I; ‘* ~ 23311.3: ~_I dal are not ex cted until next Agent} and the Defense lllll‘ll.,_’1t'."tl - . . .~ 1 I‘
, - :K a- fig E.;§$\VT‘NVL w ‘ . pe ._ . Agency because their t‘llipill'vt‘l‘- . , 3 »_
II.. I 1 113111 ,3 .3 .. . 1. . month But \Nembergers deadline "have 111 1111 1 1 . I- , 1.: I , 1..
.3}: if? ”A ‘ '3’": , -- ‘ . ‘. l ' for an across-the—board. to percent 1 , . ii ~u “W U 'M” A” ‘ ‘- ’ f 3' ‘ .'
. , r t -a » t » . -* ». 1 _ clearance - . -. .
1 :s - L 1.. . -I »..-- x; - {33% .f‘i .I , reduction in clearances expires 1I3i I ,- --
.. . I . ‘ ' W1efl -’ wt; is}: . today and some preliminary figures Snider also noted h()\/\(‘\t‘l mm 1 - i . '.' 3
I '51: ‘11 1&0»! 33%? i“, _.1g§11jII’1,I . QR . ~” a j . have been compiled Navy Secretary John l~' Ll'lllltdli i: ,‘ZI‘. . .. 1; ‘
,I‘ . 33.5; I 1131: w,m W ‘ “ ML“. 4' .t a ,c 1 » ._ _ . a 11 t I. 3.17. A. 1,; I When the CUlS were ordered June has set a goal of reducing \a: . - . 1 '.I‘- ‘. . 3'1 i.‘
.5: . ‘ ‘M-"~r1z11.31u3193 7- I1 .. x - , 31-h: ‘ 3‘ ‘1' ‘ 1 ,i 11, there were 4.3 million Pentagon clearances by 30 percent as sum, 1h 1- . . Is" '.
I v " ' i" ’ ” g ‘ ‘ ‘ employees. congresswna] aides and possible. and “einberger nisi. ii I.
o contractor employees Wlm Clear- dered a 11) percent reduclmn t. ‘t:v- '. '. . Bi
- > , ances ranging from Confidential to number of new l‘equtkh fur \o-t it ' IJi' f ‘ _-
Secret toTopSecret clearances duting list-u} turn .-.it' ‘ i ' i ' ' '
. The idea of slashing the number of begins tomorrow "1 1 - ' V: -
. ,1 ' individuals with clearances is aimed ~‘ -. 1'. .I‘I- ‘
l ' Minimum ”mm“ at both reducmg the potential The Navy s higher wit“ it: 3.; “'1 I 1.“ '. 1 , .I
1 1 1 . I I I II . sources of information to the Soviets cent was a direct responso t-t "n- . . I. 1. ‘ , ‘-
Protesters against South African apartheid march around campus by Kappa lItIlpha PSI fraternity“, PartiCipants sang We shall Over- and ”99mg ,megtlgatorS to perform called Walker family ‘PF 11“”,311“ I : = j . .1
during a candlelight Vigil Friday evening. The Vlgll was sponsored come and We Are the World. more thorough and timely back- which erupted m 313,) -,, th ~t1, 1v - ‘- I : -~ -I ~71 -
ground checks rest of John Anthony \tiiikei .i z. - ', \- V, " .
Q Q Q l. Hritt Snider. Pentagon's princi- tired warrant officer who this .14 1’ l .
pal director for counter-intelligence cused of passing \‘aiy \(‘t‘f‘t‘l,\ '2: ‘ln- ' Q ~ ’ ~ . ‘
ampus Vlgl 3 ac S ap at el and security policy. told a House Soviet L'nion oyeragoyear perm: f i ‘ ' .I .
panel last week that “it does appear -. .' 3- ’ -, ;
that il)efense- will meet or exceed Because of l/c‘hnlzin‘s special i » 1
° ' ° f' d ° h 1 l h the secretary's to percent objective crackdown. Snider said the \(‘l'HH' ‘ . .. ‘21. i >:' '
Fraternlty organlzers satls le Wlt Oca response to marC bythe first oftlctober ” had revoked or reduced the number I . ‘ ' -_ ".
"As of Sept is. we estimate that of security clearances by at ietis' .‘v f ' .- ~I -
By BRAIHUOPl-ZR “We are the solution.‘ he said. Parker said there could have been the \‘igil was a success “The people an overall reduction 0f apprOXl- percent ”In“? the “and“ ”1"” l i ’ l i .' ' l "
Staff Writer “We can no longer rely on the gov» a bigger turnout. but he would have really got fired up." Weddington "13"?13'18 percent had been HChleved \ai'} source who requested driiltiyri. , 1 , l ' - ‘
ernment. the corporations or the lib- marched if there had been only one said “I got a really good feeling ~ 5mm” d‘SClOSed "Each 0f the ”5 sa‘d ””135 ”“2 "“lu‘“ w“ ‘I'.‘ “ ' '.‘- “ .
UK was sent back In time Friday erals to solve this problem " person "Everything is going fromthis crowd “ mllllar.“ departments has advised might be as high as l.) pen en? :tu' - , 1 1 N -' ' 1
night. Weddington said it is the responsi— smoothly." Parker said "This L1. I that it expects to satisfy the requ1re- reports were still being lt‘t't'1.l“l = .. - I I
In an event resembling the civil bility of blacks _ who have suffered whataprotest march is allabout ~ The vigil began at 7 30 pm in ment inatimely manner trom the field Iv I1 . .-'. ‘I
rights marches led by Martin Luther 400 years of racial oppression and Judy Burns. a community recrev front ”f the Student Center EM" 5". -' " 7.‘
King Jr in the '505. about 150 people who have fought and died to achieve ation Junior who participated in the participant “3* 9”)“de “"‘h a "a” Speaker foresees end v ;» .' _ 1
gathered in a candlelight vigil to their human rights 3 to solve the vigil. said she was pleased that stu- die and a song Sheet “Ml [h‘ “Ml" ‘ ' ’ 2
make their voices heard against issueof apartheid dents spent a couple of h1)tll"~' pro- to “We IShall overcome and a . . . . I I. a .
SOUlh African apartheid. William C. Parker. Vice chancellor testing, although they knew it would black splrIitual “PW “It 5 “3 “.9 f rtheld OllCleS .- ' l L
Marchers circled campus, singing for minority affairs, congratulated not have an immediate result "I 5‘”) After reciting the Lords 0r apa p [I >‘ ' .
blBCk spirituals and shouting “Down the Kappas for their “guts and man- came out because i wanted people to Prayer; participants proceeded ‘ ._ . .I . ' ‘
withapartheid,“ liness to organize a march for know that blacks weren‘t the only down E.“Cl'd.. Avenue. turning right By SAILAJ\.\l.-\l.l-2.\IP.\TI merely a matter ot time new“; rhi- ’. , "
The vigil. sponsored by Kappa human dignity.” ones who care. but there are whites 0n Han-'50" Street and passing Blaz- Staff Writer pOllCV" is abolished The taint-ks wt ' ‘ . ,
IIAlpha Psi fratetInity. ICIulmininIted be- Parker spoke about the psycholo- thatcare as well."she said N Hall South Africa “know the) nrs- wm 3 - . - , ‘ I 1
ind Memoria Ha wit four v ilrpos An ther '0 ' ' . ' - ~ . - . ' ' \i l-: " ' ' -‘ .'
speeChes addressing concerns about glargllitggtfilt‘e :lgrctllutorllght mesa); Kirstin Dargsrhirrl‘. aatrnatrrl‘tilinélfifli shlallddhlgptze lIlIrIEIECeIwoanrweIr: xItIar- glgdhzsssmdthgrgfodgs 3213:5132: 211318.?“ that the “MM " m I I“ I' 1. . -' -1 .,
apartheid and the need to speak out ‘I am angry.‘ " he said “We march nior. said the turnout was really Tuggle and) mgmber 301119138121 In apartheid laws in South Africa. said A mass rebellion is rising among ' . . -I ’
againstit, because we believe someone will tell good but it was unfortunate that the ”0691.510" passed ' Keeneland Charles Barron. an organizer of a the youth of South \fl‘lt‘a ht- \tll-l I. , , "
“I‘m here tonight to say that we someone in a community 5.000 miles more people didn‘t show up to take a Hall. the rtiarcherslwgan chanting Civildisobedience group “There h; not Jug-t one lead”: out I I , ~ , .
won‘t stand tapartheidt anymore." away from here that a small com- stand for something they believe in "Down with apartheid .- ‘ "Sadness because of the bloodshed the feelings are engulfed m 33 mt; . I ' 'I
said Vince Weddington. vigil coordi— munity in Kentucky cares “I am disappomted in L'K students and gladness because it is finally lion people . ,' . I ’1 I; 1 .' >
"atop “We must show the world “1 march because I care." Parker not coming out to make their v0ices The vigil concluded with Marshall over." Barron said in a lecture Fri- "I firmly believe that .lpdrthonj I I 1; ‘ . ' '.
that we care about what is happen- said, Whites march because they known."Darbyshire said. saying. “I challenge you as free dayatthe Student Center will be abolished in nanle but the _. ' . I I I
ing to our brothers and sisters in believe in human decency. Race or Weddington and Kappa President Americans to listen and take heed to He said he thinks the struggle is game will be the same" Barron .. _ t j", "; q »-
Pretoria, sex meats nothing here “ Djuan Marshall said they thought the words said tonight " finally coming to an end and it is said. :I' .' . ’I1
Many people are thinking of iitw f, ' Z .
-. II _1 I I llshing apartheid but establishing ii - . I '.' ‘. -.i - 1
e e ‘ ' " ‘“ ' ' i i ' ' ‘ " new type of government called mer 1 1 1' #1"
Fair aims - -~ . e enter mar s .. .
'. have a weighted vote The weighted i. -. 1.1" .'
- - vote would depend upon the amount I‘ r -I L 1 -
at health “new“: 25 . of education one has "This would '. . 1? ' .-I‘ " .-I
/ \k years W1 ar y still give the white minority power 9 I . . " ‘
' f ‘. "‘ Barronsaid ‘ ’- -I'
I J yr: 1 1 _ That is why “apartheid can? he I; ' - ,.‘ .‘.lI
awareness ‘ Singletary, Hopkins praise advances regggigdéagménfibe1:21:8ng II .
I l . I as "i I I.IIiI1Ii,-I
1 1 . WW .. colleges have made in quarter century exnstence now are elm-w .1 . -, 1- .
By BETH LAWSON / andk discIrimiInatory toward the 1- 'I _ I, I!
Contributirg Writer . 1 . . I . . ,I - blac s w o ive in South Alicu 1 ‘ -' ' "
._, - " . Stagulrll‘elr‘ “ALL“! .\TI The MCdlcal center Travel laws require blacks to carry 1 - IV 1 , ‘II .
Free blood pressure checks, ,~ I” ~ » . “has had a great a passport whenever they leaie 1 - .i I I- .1
bumper stickers and brochures ., .. ., I The 25th anniversary party cel- im act on fellow their home The}. can be ”“er . I -.
were Just some of the health - 1 . I ebrated a milestone in the history p . oned if they are Just to inches from . . 1 . . 11
mallllmme awarllms "em? , .. 3. .. of the UK MedicalCenter. Kentuckians. Where the" mm“ “mom a 935590”- . 1 ‘ -.
available at the Medical Centers . » I .- 1 vale- , The kickoff party Friday af- . .' Barron said . . _ . '1 . I .‘ t .‘
HealthFalr. 1.. :3 . m“ «Vt 1911110011 was just the beginning of would We be vuthout The schools. transportation and w 1 . ' ~ -
The fair.I held at Common- " g ‘X a year full of events that the Ihle .l-I ,9" restroom faCilities are all segre ' I '
\ wealth Stadlum Saturday before I r " fl 5 If“ Medical Center has planned to I gCl l )- gated Twenty-two million blacks ' .
31:11] figgxhzglligingfilfiatighstgzl ;, 1 : Int": 3&3 \l a "fig" celebratIe Itts quarter century of L '5' Rep. La") Hopkms \t-csl’lAktR. mm 1 . ' - _‘I '
, . 3 l “ ‘ ""«5'; , accom is ments. _ ‘ . ' ‘ .'
adVlce ‘0 about too people. said "so .i .. ' 11V11- , ‘ ' " ”It'speasy to forget how far we Where would we be mthout this INSIDE I " ' -.
18$:utl‘eiiefitrgglflgfirflugeu: . . ' l " ’ have come." said President Otis facility“ '
Medicafi’laza. pa - . ' '1', .3 I II; .15; A SlllgleIlal‘)’ hdurlngII the 319' He said former governor Albert - ' 1' :
“Basically what these health .5 . " t" ‘ 4.1.. I as, ”am", “I {ave “Ems a 3 “Happy” Chandler- Who 60““ '
- ~ - aw »-:;.. ' ““ - ’ no aen t ceeraion e o .. . - -
fall's do Is draw peoples atten- ." > i K 1 3 _ ‘ lemma “1:”13‘ and 9 P5? t tt d be i b t' du t .
tion to preventative health care.“ i fl. Q; ‘ ' ‘3‘ ‘ . i ”8:51.113! 8: 5102151218 gum e ‘another commitment. WOUId 533' The Wildcats mauled Cincinnati on =
Lee said. “I guess rising health ,. ‘ a L, - l Pas ”39ml 3 “8' . 1 that this is the accomplishment Saturday. For a story on the ball . -
k - t I " A great number 0‘ achieve- in which he takes most pride," me ”5,0313 34 ~-
:g’ercll’stisllnrgs eitnpllgcsifigrytt': ‘ * i ‘6 i t " ments have been made Since [he The th D R bl ' ‘m A i
. . : . - 5' " ‘\ ~13 first students. were admitted to 6 istrict epu ican
easner to treat something in its _ I I 4 . I ’ " .. the College of Medium and Nurs. presenteda US. flag to President 31““ 9:11"“‘1.“°"‘°‘°'"'"8 “3’
early 59389- 1 ' ' I1 '0' of."- . w inginthe fall of 1960. Singletary and Peter Bosom- For “I: S: lfioagé%;]s:)(l . .
Several bootls were set VP to , ‘15-: «2 I a‘ c). . :1. Since its beginning the Medical worth. chancellor of the Medical ‘8 5 ' ‘
”02’1“” people “"1 hes": infor- s‘ ?~ “'13:" It}? ,. ‘ ‘ (‘enter's five colleges have Center. to commemorate the 'N ‘
gig: mflggfisagaveugm ' x'l ; -’ " ‘21». 1"‘4 ’ . ’ awarded almost 16,000 degresS. 9V9” WU! Infill Silurdll nishl. mam’
smr éoums for memes and - I _ .. lg}. I_ 1. .. - » .. -, a some «to certificatwand trained During Ithe celebration. the students missed the concert of la}
blood pressure checks, They also " " . 2f 3‘ i ' . .1 i » - abou”-?°9F"".‘¢?'hr1):5'.d°']“:1 d most senior faculty and staff chtinetlst Pete Fountain. For a re-
provided checks for body fat per- _ , ' st -‘ ‘~-..~ 'fi ;. item?- e.- The “New“ PM .5 a ' were recognized. All employees vlew.seeDlVERSl0NS.m¢3-
centage and information about ?_-»’.5" -" z . :A‘ 1"“ J " iw‘-“"r“v,'l _‘T i’wt' “1 m'lted almost 300,000 patients. We“? ”5"“, ‘0 Slsll a scroll that
self-examinations for breast can- '3‘ ' "V ' ' ‘ ’ ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ “I've-red 32‘0“) Pal?“ and Will be put in a time capsule. The
cerandcarsafety. ""“Iflm "Home“ served nearly 2.5 million outpa- capsule will store many impor-
Pamphlets given out included Sandra Branham (left) and Anne Vincent, registered nurses at tients from evel‘Yd county; 0‘ the tant documents and some trivia
information on good dental care. the UK Medical Center, sit in front of the center's birthday cake. commonwealth an beyon ~ information about thecenter. m
UK’s health plan and over-the- anniversa celebration. had a Yours). worked t r M ical Center w s estab- Thelime capsule will record in-
counter medicinelabels. good tux-nan considering all the Eloy booth. They er: mil-fetish IlsThzfl widen a growingademand formation each of the five col- My VII be lam-lady cloudy.
Cheri Tudor, clinical nurse activities gain on for homecom- working to pass a mandatory arose in the community. “The legs of the Medical Center we m N “a "ll“ ' 3° WM“
manager of the outpatient depart- "18- m” {airs have been seat belt law in January. people from the grass roots sented 0‘ "l9 “08755 they have M °f Mm l" the mm‘
merit and organizer 0‘ the fair. held over the past five years in wanted to know why they were made thus far. 1"“ Wm '9 "0m 75 ‘9 w- T“
said the health fair was a good Fayette Mall and the Medical “I think the more education we denied medical care." Singletary 1 1 “I till be my "'6 "‘M W“ '
way togive pertinent information Center. can do for the public, the more said. IThe celebration was high- ‘70 "out chance of shows. The
to tan and give publicity to the Artie Norton and Carol Riker. people will buckle up and lives 1 1 lighted by a "1““ °f blue ”d I" lla- 5’ '° ‘0' Tm "H
Medical Center atmum time. cmmtm of the Winston c0~ will be saved," said Norton, 3 UK Rep Larry Hopklm said the white balloons and a 25-foot cake h duty fl coder with I «l per-
use said the fair, which is a alition Kentuckians for SAFETY nursirg student who is mat-ch Medical Center “has had a great placed in the middle of the court- o- led-n of not: w. m
pert of the Medical Calla-‘3 25th (Seat belts Are For Everyme, coordinata'ftxneurosurgery, impact on fellow Kentuckians yard. uranium-domes.

 Z-KmVKML m» M”. 1“
information on this calendar of events is collected and
coordinated through the Student Center Activities Office.
203/204 Student Center. University of Kentucky. The inter-
motion is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor,
with editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of
expression. For student organizations or University depart-
ments to make entries on the calendar, a Campus Calendar
form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activ-
. ities Office.
. m u s a e n r Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Mon-
. I day preceeding the publications date.
. : “ - ' Other Sign up tor Teacher Ed. intemews 166 Taylor 0 Exhibitions lsnardi Exhibit: Rasdaii Gallery; Call 254- ' Meetings: SAB Concert Committee meeting, 228 SC, 5 ° Lectures. Protessor Raymond Betts Distingmshed Pro-
- - Ed. Bldg. 8-4 30 p m. Cal 7-7971 6026 p.m.; Call 7-8867 tessor Lecture. Center ior the Arts. 8 pm (0117-5823
: -‘ . 0 Exhibitions, isnordi Exhibit; Rasdall Gallery. Call 254- 0 Meetings: American Marketing Association meeting; 0 Movies; Tootsie; $1.75 w UKID: Worsham Theatre, ' Meetings: UK Fencing Club meeting Alumni Gym 7'30
" _' 6026 SC, 7:30 p.m.: Call 7-3388 7:30 p.m. p.m.. Cali 233-5201
‘ ‘ 0 Movies Goldfinger, $1.75 w UKiD Worsham Theatre. 0 Meetings: SAB Public Relations Committee meeting; 0 Sports: UK Football ticket distribution for game against ° MOvieS' Toctsie $175 w UKiD. Worsham Theatre
" ..' I . _ 7 30pm. 115 SC; 4 p.m., Call 7-8867 Clemson; Memorial Coliseum; 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 7 30 p.m
. ' l. 1 ‘ 0 Other Sept 30» Oct 4 Interviews Open Schedule Sign 0 Movies. Goidtinger $1.75 w UKID; Worsham Theatre; 0 Meetings: Natimal Organization for Women meeting. ' Plays Bedroom Farce Examination oi maiiiage on the
' ‘ . / . up 201 Matthews Bldg. 7:30 pm. 106 SC:7p.m.:Cal|231-7985 butcher block- SS-pub. Sd-stu Guignol Theatre: 8 p.m..
‘ , - - : _ ' Sports UK Football tvcket distribution for game against ' Sports: UK Football ticket distribution for game against 0 Meetings: Emergence-A Feminist Women's Press meet- Call 7-1385
’ g. ;. - . ~ .1 ' Clemson MemorialColiseum. 8a.m.-8p.m Clemson; Memorial Coliseum: 9a.m.-4 p.m. ing; 106 SC; 6p.m. Call 231-7985 ° Other. International Folk Dancing- Beginners welcome.
ll ‘7 . ’ ' ' . 0 Other Dept at State Foreign Service, 103 8 Matthews 0 Sports: Entry deadline tor Intramural Swim Meet; 135 ' Other: Oct.7- Oct. 11 interview Priority Lists sign-up BuellArmory 812m. Call 276-4066
’_' . ’ . 'i ‘ Bldg. 2 p m .Cali 7-2746 Seaton; 4 p.m.: Cali 7-3928 201 Matthews Bldg. ' Concerts 'Out to Lunch concert With Rebel Without a
‘ ' ‘ - z" 9 .' ‘ 'Other Apply for Oct 28- Nov, 1 on-campusinterviews 0 Concerts UK Jazz Ensemble 1- tree; Center for the ' Workshops: Resume Writing; 103A Matthews Bldg 1 C0059: between SC 8 S Limestone 12-1 3O p.rn Cali 1
f " l : l' ‘ Arts, 8 p.m.; Cali 7-4900 p.m. 8867
l: 'i ‘t ' ‘ ‘ 0 Sports: UK Baseball vs. Marshall (2) at home: Shively ' other On. 7- Oct. 11 interviews Open Schedule 5190-
: '. . - . . > J Field:1p.m. up. 201 Matthews Bldg. 8 pm.
. ‘. . -‘ .fl ' ;. 0 Films: Film presentation: 'The White Laager’; SC . Other Leclure‘ ‘Mlddle East l982'l985 by 0' RObe"
,3 . ‘ - Theatre;7:30p.m.,Call7-5641 Wilson, UK History Dept. supper also 21 8 older K-
Y, 1 '- 0 Other: Apply for Oct. 28- Nov. 1 on-campus inter- H0115" ““3059 5'- 5 3011'" C0ll254:138l
' . " . g I views; 201 Matthews Bldg; Ba.m.-4 p.m. ° Other Baptist Student Union Student Luncheon-$1 429
' ‘- '_ h 9 Meetings: Personnel Association (ASPA) Public Rela- C°lUmbl°AVe ”N00" C0ll7:3989
' , 5. i . . ' tions Committee meeting; 106 SC; 5 p.m.: Call 7-8867
9 ' l ' Other: Oct. 7- Oct. 11 Interview Priority Lists pub-
' ‘ ' . iished; 201 Matthews Bldg.
I - ‘ 0 Workshops: Careers in Business: 103A Matthews Bldg.
. - , . . - ' Other: Dept. at State Foreign Service informational
- _ ' l ' Session, 103A Matthews Bldg; 11 o.m.: Call 7-2746
' ‘ ' " 0 Other: TNT- Tuesday Nite Together- Baptist Student
, ‘- ._ I - . Union; 429 Columbia Ave.: 7.30 p.m.; Caii 7-3989
‘ .' . - " . . . . - . - . Ki ; Worsham Theatre, 0 Recitals: Faculty Recital: Suzanne McIntosh cello- Lu~ ' Olhe' Rolling 5'0”? C0196" EXP0 Free SC 0190?
, _ / .- 7 3oxl’tllriivies. Tootsie $1.75 w UKID. Worsham Theatre: 7230:9211”: TootSie. “'75 w U D cien Stark, piano: Free: Center for the Arts: 3 p.m.: Cali 7- Ha.” I.” :11“ -4 pom. Cali 183675 k P
. ‘ . Pia s r _ 4 . . th r: 1 Ashland 0 en Vlii: Chess: 54 and a USCF 49m ec ures is inguis e pea ers rogram Mr Mi
,‘ l. I' ,- butcheryblgc‘: 3:5:rc;.EsjglnlrngsonlT'ifizmseaon Lhe memcberzhipzqubim AshlandeC; B a.m.-1O p.m.; Call 329. 0 Sports: UK Baseball vs. Clemson (2) at home Shiveiy Ch°€l NOVOK writer 8 nets-economist Newman Center
.' ‘. - Call 7-1385 ' p. " 2999 Field; 1 p.m. 7 30p "1 C0“ 7553566
_ ‘ ' . 7 ' Meetings: UK Badminton Club, Seaton; 5:30 pm. Call ' Plays: Bedroom Farce: Examination of marriage on the ' Meetings: UK Badminton Club, Seaton. 2:30 pm Call ' MOVIES F'TS’ BlOOd $1 75 W UKlD Worsham Theatre
' " 278-7138 ‘ butcher biock- $5-pub.. $4.5m; Guignol Theatre: 8 p.m.: 278-7138 7 3°? "‘
" ', Caii7-1385 ' Worship: Celebrating Worldwide Communion Sunday ° Rectlals Octubafest UK Tuba and Euphonium Student
I ~ “ 0 Sports: UK Football vs. Clemson at home; Common- in the Chapel supper served; K-House 412 Rose St. 5 R901!“ Centerior the Arts 8pm (0117-4900
" - ‘ ,‘ wealth Stadium p.m.: Call 254-1881 0 Sports UK Football ticket distribution tor game against
. ' Sports: UK Baseball vs. Clemson (2) at home; Shively M'ss'ss'pp'sl MemoriaICoiiseum 8° m ~8p m
‘ ' - - . Field, 11 am.
' ' 0 Other. Dental Admission Test- $35: MN 363 Medical
1 Center;8:30a.m.-1p.m.;Call233-6072
. C
. "x ‘ ' 1 'r
- . l j 9 30: Goidfinger: $1.75w UKID' Worsham Theatre, 7:30 p.m. 9 30-10 18: lsnardi Exhibit; RasdallGallery; Call 254-6026 9 30- UK Football ticket distribution for game against Clemson Memorial Coi-
- ' , _ 10 1 Goidtinger; $1.75 erKiD: Worsham Theatre. 7:30 pm 10 1: UK Jazz Ensemble 1- tree: Center for the Arts; 8 p.m.; Cali 7-4900 lseum: 8 urn-8 p.m.
‘ ' ' ' 10 2 Tootsie:$1,75w UKiD' Worsham Theatre:7:30p.m. 103' 'Out to Lunch' concert with Rebel Without a Cause- between SC 8 S. 10 1-2' UK Football ticket distribution for game against Clemson Memorial
.‘i . I " . ' - 10 3: Tootsie $1.75w UKID. Worsham Theatre; 7:30 p.m. Limestone; 12-1 :30 p.m.: Call 7-8867 Coliseum; 9a.m.-4 pm
‘- » - . I: . g 10 4 Tootsie; $1.75w/UKID; Worsham Theatre: 7:30pm. 106 Faculty Recital: Suzanne McIntosh, ceilo- Lucien Stark, piano; Free: Cen- 101: UK Baseball vs Marshall (21 at home Shively Field 1 p.m
‘, f . . , l ' -- l- . _ 10 5- Tootsie; $1.75 w. UKID; Worsham Theatre; 7:30pm. ter for the Arts; 3 p.m.; Call 7-49“) 10 5: UK Football vs. Clemson at home Commonwealth Stadium
‘_ ‘, I. _- ‘ ‘ t 1‘ 10 7- FirstBlood. $1_75w’UKID; worshamThgatre;7:30p.m. 10’7: Octubatest: UK Tuba and Euphonium Student Recital; Center for the 10 5: UK Bosebailvs. Clemson (2,1at home Shiveiy Field 11 a rn
"j‘i - ‘ ,3 -_ '_' Arts: 8 p.m.; Call 749(1) 10 6: UK Baseball vs. Clemson (21 at home Shiveiy Field 1p.m
‘. h . .- . 10 7: UK Football ticket distribution lor game against MlSSiSSlppi St Memori-
Cf .' '.;:". alColiseum:8ct.m-8pm
i . .
. ‘ i .. . ..
, . . x
I. 1.“ . ‘3' . '1
'- ‘11,: ‘;> i ‘ 10 3: Professor Raymond Betts, Distinguished Professor Lecture: Center tor 930-10 4' Sign-up for Teacher Ed. interviews: 166 Taylor Ed. Bldg; 84:30 10 Si OC'UbOfeS’ UK Tubofuphonlum Skip Gray director Center tor the
.‘. '- _ fl '. . the Arts a p.m.; Cali 7.5323 p.m. Artsz 8 p.m.: Ca" 7-4900
. -' l " . 1 ' 10 7 Distinguished Speakers Program. Mr. Michael Novak, writer 8 neo-econ- 9 '30' Sept. 30- Oct. 4 Interviews Open Schedule Sign-up; 201 Matthews Bldg. '09 lp°lllng 5'0"? MUS": 5h°W<°Se Concert Lone Justice W the dB s. $8, SC
""l " I. : ' ."i omist Newman Center. 7:30 p.m.; Call 255-8566 9 30 Dept. of State Foreign Service: 1038 Matthews Bldg: 2 p.m.; Cali 7-2746 Grand Ballroom, 3 pm. Call 7-1378
1.3 ’. ; . .' ’- 'l 10 1 American Marketing Association meeting; SC, 7:30p.m. Call 7-3388 930' Apply for Oct. 28- Nov. 1 on-campus interviews; 201 Matthews Bldg; 8- l0"33 UK “015°" ticket d'5"'bU'l°" '01 game °9°'"5' M'SS'SS'PP‘ 5’ M61110“-
"' ‘I , 1‘ 10 1 SAB Public Relations Committee meeting; 115 SC. 4 p.m.. Cali 7-8867 4.30 p.m. 9' Coliseum. 9 0 "1'4 P-m
:- l' - - 1. i, 10 1 Personnel Association (ASPA) Public Relations Committee meeting: 106 10 1' Apply for Oct. 28- Nov. 1 on-campus interviews: 201 Matthews Bldg. 8-4 '08? E""Y deadline lOr intramural Racquetball (Si 135 Seaton 4 p m Call 7-
. _‘ -' ‘, ' sc 5pm. Cali7-8867 p.m. 3928
.g ,5: ‘ , -, 10 2- SAB Concert Committee meeting; 228 SC; 5 p.m.. Caii 7-8867 10 1-2 Oct. 7- Oct. 11 interview Priority Lists published; 201 Matthews Bldg. ‘0’": 000501951 Guest Recital Fritz Koenllg. tuba. Center lor the Arts 8
- -'. , . - 10 2- National Organization for Women meeting; 1065C: 7pm.. (0112317985 101 Dept. at State Foreign Service informational Session. 103A Matthews p.m.; Coll7-49OO
'1 r l ' . ‘ ’ 10-2 Emergence-A Feminist Women's Press meeting; 1% SC: 6 pm . Call 231- Bldg.; 11 a.m.: Cali 7-2746
' ,‘ ' 7985 10 1: TNT- Tuesday Nite Together- Baptist Student Union: 429 Columbia Ave.
./ ' ' I, .v 103: UK Fencing Club meeting; Alumni Gym; 7:1!) p.m.. Call 233-5201 7:30 p.m.; Call 7-3939
' 104 UK Badminton Club: Seaton; 5:Wp.m.; Call 278-7138 10/3: Oct. 7- Oct. 11 interviews Open Schedule Sign-up; 201 Matthews Bidg.;8
_‘ . ’ , I . . _ 10 ’6' UK Badminton Club; Seaton: 2:2!) p.m.: Call 278-7138 p.m.
' . ‘ -, g 10/3: international Folk Dancing- Beginners welcome; Buell Armory; 8 p.m.;
’ ' 2, Call 276-4066
. '_ . ' . . 10/3: Lecture- 'Middle East: 1982-1985 by Dr. Robert Wilson. UK History Dept.-
' -' . . ' supper also; 21 Bolder; K-House; 5:30 p.m.; Call 254-1881
' .- ' - ; 10/3: Baptist Student Union Student Luncheon-$1; 429 Columbia Ave.; 12
. ' ;. - Noon;Call7-3989 .
- . _ ; 10/5: 1986 Ashiand Open Viii: Chess; 54 and a USCF membership; A106 Ash-
, ' ' ‘ land CC; Ba.m.-10p.m.: Call 329-2999
. . ' 10/5: Dental Admission 108'— 335; MN 363 Medical Center; 82:!) a.m.-1 p.m.;
. . «112334072
, 10/7-8: 'Roiiing Stone' Career Expo- Free; SC Great Hall: 11 a.m.-4 p.m.; Coil
' - 10/1: Film Presentation 'The White Laager' SC Theatre; 7:30 p.m.; Call 7-5641
. 10/3-5: Bedroom Farce: Examination of marriage on the butcher block- 35-
' pub., $4-stu.; Gutgnoi Theatre; 8pm., (0117-1385
10/6: Celebrating Worldwide Communion Sunday in the Chapel-supper
- served; K-House/412Rose St.; 5 p.m.; Call 254-1881
10/ 1: Careers in Business; 103A Matthews Bldg.
10/2: Resume Writing; 103A Matthews Bldg; 1 p.m. ;
l t

( ontinucdlpiiit page uIlt‘ '

l l J K taffers ‘ are expected to occupy 13 percent of .
0 a S the land. while 87 percent of the land

I is occupied by 4 .3 million whites . .
By KARI-3N MILLER and selection include job perfor- . Most people agree that the apart
StaffWriter mance, exemplary attitude, initia- 'i held winks are “mg. Bdrm“

tive, creativity, more efficient oper- i said, but the). are worried about . -

All regular full-time UK staff ations and relationships with their / what will happen if the blacks are - .
members are eligible to be nomi- associates b‘ given power to govern themselves ' ' I ‘
natedtorasatiocash award. Green added that the award is de- ' hi “I am concerned about the people . . ' ' .

The A- Paul Nestor Quasi-Endow- signed to recognize employees “who ‘1 who worr) about what will happt‘n ‘ . - , '.
ment for Employee Creativity come up with good ideas or are out- ' later instead of almllshlng the wrong a . I'
Award will go to one of the staff standing and exemplary in their per- that is gomgonnow he said 7 ' .-
members nominated by a fellow formance.“ : .. ' ,
staff member. faculty member or u" might be outstanding service Barron called on film it \lutlk'llls to : '. .,' , ’
student for outstanding service in to students or they may come up get more ititolwd ill the moral ; TI!" 3; ,
theperformance of their duties. with a novel idea that‘s not in their mmement against apaltticid This , __ 7‘ _ ' .

The award was approved by the normaljob boundaries."shesaid. is the first time r: this tiatior; . ills _ 10‘ '2. 1 :2 'I' if .
Board of Trustees in Septembeer The winner will receive the $200 tory that an issue has come up m .‘_ z , . -.
and named in honor of Paul Nestor, cash award and a special plaque at which the lilal'k pop.- I,.-,. I, .IHI 3 ,4.- :23.) . .I
who retired from the University last an awards ceremony Nov. 5. The trol .1" i_.’ =3! I.“ .7‘
year as director of campus services. second and third place winners will , h I“ [M Ir”... ” a“ IHWM I r.
The funding for the award began receive framed certificates, and all a the WW he saw. ll r» '.Ilit‘ $13.“. "4,1,: 'C'Irr I
with the $1,000 in prize money Nes- Staff members nominated Will re- s“ _ ’5. . , . ('9' 5mm 1.3.1: t.
tor's department had won for cost- ceivelettersof recognition ‘1. ' 2' ,. 3 , . ‘ [lip-i i ’v .r
savingideas Donations have been added to the , fi A .9 ,0- “‘ f f f: ‘. . . ; .73], ‘1 ”In; ‘-

Nestor said he was very honored original amount of the fund. which I ‘ a i -%‘J " . ‘vfi “ s. M dla t0 ",;.-14lr«’;:_“‘ .' i
to have the award put in his name currently stands atsiooo ‘ " I ' t w "em . I’v‘gifi‘ a. e .; I. ": it"? "-2:
and hopes n m” encourage crea- "We‘re using the interest from the ‘- x V q ¢ 5' “f “A: " x i we ~.~. . 3-." ri,'. ‘7'- Iv
tive ideas from employees and en- I . .. . . ,1. 1 ‘— ,. ., , - . 32““- . s,“

, . . . money to make the award so the » :. . I. h. «a th . ,3 2, -.
courage them In the" attitudes, per- ' I t w" rded Will increase each t' ”v ’ * ‘ fir ‘ y ' “Q i a“? meet WI ‘ 3,5. ill" Z .‘.-~
formance and conduct and generate amoun Va ”‘1’ fund rows Creen _;. " ~ -. 4‘ _. ‘64 9 If . «W v: r '5', E ‘
an enthusiasm for them in their jobs :31“; as e g " ' fl " ’ " ’ ’ 3:3 2. 5-1.].
at the University " ‘ , nun-cam lam-ism“ h t g {'72: ..-.j' T76

Marsha Green. manager of Nomination forms can be picked Flag em down 0S a es _“ I“ l I :- air-'1‘.
Human Resource Development and up m In M‘fmor'al Hall and must be Don Shields, 0 business freshman. shows his Homecoming queen escorts Kecio Flege o ‘ . . . . , , i} ft“: Th"

a member of the advisory commit returned by tomorrow For more IIl~ f I‘ D f th I985 h ‘ h hialRl I, lAlJaliUIi \l mu... . '. x 5,.
'90 '0 \‘PlH‘l the award winner. said formation, call the office of Human SUppOIi of If“ Owner, one 0 e p ormocy senior wOS C osen queen of >IX Amer t'alb lira} {UH-d“. g t. ‘ ,.‘ (to. 5‘ 3.6..-
some of the criteria for evaluation Resource lleyelopmentatZST-ISSI _,_____.____——————————-—-—- Shiite \loslvrr» .izl' 'n- «war: -., t '1.."_‘I‘.I_.I

new'smen. but tim» .\ :‘ulll'mlg out .' _ (3";

. . . . for the l 8' gotrt‘niimrz’ rim-t ’tic .l‘.’;t_.f'vi"r 'T_ tit}

e erson ounty p0 ice 0 icer 1g ing su poena W .
caller claiming To spun. 3w 2m and =‘ 37.}. j . fil'IfI

LOUISVILLE tAPi — A Jefferson deposition and hand over the infor- case,“ said Morris Dees. one of the has been used as a mailing address the information would infringe on “We” ”al‘l-‘fll‘l'idi‘ . ‘ .. ‘ ., Il'vfy: .‘ f if“

County police officer is fighting a mation. lawyers. for the Klan his and others rights to “engage in H the ”paw": ‘ r""'“""" fI " .r‘I-H ’.

subpoena that directs him to give The subpoena was filed by law- A few hours after the fire. police The box also has been used by a lawful association in support of their “h M'me'r ff" pl“? "l”"i‘zf‘n‘" '. [I

lawyers in a (-iivil rights case all of yers representing Phillip and Mar found signs on trees and a street group called the t‘onfcderate Hill- common ixiliticalbeliefs ”W“. “h“ “‘“MPP "V "“N