xt766t0gxb8q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt766t0gxb8q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-01-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 18, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 18, 1980 1980 1980-01-18 2020 true xt766t0gxb8q section xt766t0gxb8q "°" ”W“ ”°' '7 K6] 2] ”W 0' “We
Friday. January I8. ”30 Lexington. Kentucky
3 an Independent student newspaper
. ”'11:? ”W.“ a; » - ‘1 \ . 3
i . I ' "c. do‘fl“ 3.»: ...“ h‘“ ' . ‘
_. .. . . ., .33 . . - t
- New event n shuttle bUS SGTVICG -‘ “s Y~ l ‘ ' ~
- ' on»: N a“ \' \‘ ‘ I“ ,
te‘z-‘l‘w‘ ' ”t“ *7 ' \ t ' s.
I .» . “35‘ “who i .14. ‘ "'” .. ‘s ' 4 3 /
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has ”1...... . ~ w a. a; , . H;-
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By VICKI p00”; Beginning at the corner ol apartment residents would use the ~- I It, a In 3:"? ff 3 t , 3,3; g \ /
Sum wnm Columbia 'lerrace and Rose Street. seryiee. which would not iustily ‘ _ .3 - .3 Igssz‘ 3?? WI»; i’ ‘ .. I ~
the bus will moye down Columbia, making other students ride the longer ' I" “WV” «a. - , ~11 . ":3. ’ .
Students traveling around campus turn left onto Woodland Ayenue. turn route to the apartments. f “ y” 333 3 . 3 _ we - f as : f
. . . . ~ - - ' t g. r v a
- ' ' - - - ~ ri ht to l'tllto .and left to Unncrstty . . ‘- " " ‘ '. “w- y r \ . - ‘
at night wonthaw to worry so much 3 I P _- 3. Apartment “.3“de \ancy “3th 3 I 3.3,. .. 3 33. «I a . i s I3 . -~...~-. ‘ 3, .
about suspicious "strangers in the ”NW It then “1”“ “gm “l HUEUCIU . , . - _ .. .- *s’t’s ‘ “q , . 33 .9 3 \ -
. ., . Dris . turns ri ht “I Rose turns lel‘t communications sophomore. said she _ 3 , 33 I ~\ \ .3? .3 3% 3. .
“'gh.‘ when an eyening shuttle bus “‘3“ hin tin ri ht 30" Imh‘m“ heard the apartments would not be ;;_ 3% '3 r (w s?“ ‘W. was
- - ~ .. )nt ‘s . . e . ., >_ . _ ~ » ~-.. . '
service begins running Monday. (. . g . 3g included in the bus runs and gathered - $ . +¢ . x.“ f' \ 3 . “7:3; 3
. “We’re trying n during the mldcsp Street. right to Luclid. right onto Rose ltll) signatures on '1 petition requesting . , k 33;; _ I 3 M - 33 3 I, 3
. - “ ' - - . '1” then back to Columbia ’leriaee. ' ‘ ‘ " 3 “fl ‘ -‘§ 1-5“: «'1 --.--..Zs.-Q-§~ 1.1“ ' - -
darkest moods. dsaid(IJack Heath. t d the routeincludetheapanments. lhen , 3 3... £ 3 n) ., “33:3..WLM33...“ I
Chillrmdnl L.“ Itu cntItIioye3r(t)tmt.3nIts lhe one has Used for the eyening Heath and Leslie Bingham. S(i Fine IN“. 3-. ‘3 3 :3 \fe ”MW ' “ r
pu lerC ‘1!“an commyI LL ur film route will make continual runs during Arts senator. talked to Padgett about _‘ ' s g..- i 's. 3 _ 3 .r mvfie ‘ ,
H 513:) h?" ii 23”)“ prlchI those hours. alternately trayeltng on changing the route belore the bus “'1‘ ‘3 s .3 s. t” “ : ) 3
' ‘ ‘ 4 - . ,-“ ‘ , w" .. := , ,
ope u 3“ ”IIM cu “‘0 num ”0 liniyersity Driye to the (ireg Page seiyice begins Monday ,. .3 33* E - 3w 3’3 I. _ I
» s- - v ISI ‘ - I . _ v. -- ’:‘ . o v - 3.
crigtes. 855M” I‘M??? ,3 e Stadium View Apartments. according I _ 3. -. ._ 31’3”!" y .3 - .- -
. i‘ . -. r' . t) . . s . t. . . . . i . x. . _ . - -- I: . , I3“ “3
ince une ap s r to 10m ”31ng l‘Kdircctor 0‘ public l .tdgctt agrccd that analtcrn ttc trip .. _ .3 , 'Ca‘ I3 .4: 3333 3 1. 3 .s
attempted rapes have been ”PO”?d 1“ safety to theapai'tments could beincluded on 8333333333 at 'I’f‘k .; “a" .. . '. ’ \ ' 5" t,
- 3 small (OUT‘MOCR area inhabited b.“ a ' I I . . the eyening route. “We”; 3 . ' 3- . ‘ ,_,\ “.333 ,I...3 . . 33
large number of t'K students, Padgett Tsilld that 5(i President ) sews; ' 2.: es .3 . aw-w f M “New _ .3-
Bordered by Euclid and Woodland Mark Metcalt began working with .‘usoiding to3 ladgctt. student a t . h - - ‘ I sss a.‘£“;’3~“§2>."*. .. '
avenues. Fast Maxwell and Rose him last year to establish a night htts “WW" I" H“ mm bu”. ”m“? “‘H a r ,_ eggs. W " *fiw Wu” _
- streets. the area has the highest 5“”ch “Mark Metcalt'and I worked determine whether or not it continues $33373 a 3 333.333 ISM-$3318; I. .deh .333
' . , - , . , . h t y ' t . d \4. .1. "It It s a bombaltei three months. we ll . s, 3 . . " ' ~~ - we" 3 .;; ‘t’ ‘ ‘ <3 ‘
concentration ol rapes in the city. toget ct [its summer an . at .. _ .. _ e; .. "33s. . is -
. - - , ' . h “d .. h ,. d l) stop it. he said. htit tl stitderits use it w """‘"‘““ W“ ’3 .s- $53.4: 1 . ,
aceordmg [n [he Lenngton Rape presentcdt LI Ldtt)! eprtsl entt r. : _ .. 33.13 § . I
Crisis Center. ()tis Singletary‘)." Padgett said. " I he enough “f N” S“”""“‘ to Pm‘ldL ”- s“ ~ “I .52? . , fl ‘ .. .
- “ - - i x - - -- sun-15:5? \-'-;;-'-:-._; .. -_ '-. -. .. .3, .. . :‘: s-svj; \'--:::-:.-‘
Passengers on xhchussen-rcmmch president agrccd to tund xhcdcncn on ’ d ”M“ 83“”? h“; l“ ‘3 ”Ad' - ::,g - »
will run Monday through Friday trom an experimental basis. hoping it might ‘ ‘ ”H ”I: I” I 1‘ ”'5 I “‘3 “H I“ m .s\ " ' 9‘3 s \s3e\s
. - 6 pm. to ll p,m.. must pay [0 cents eyentually fund its own costs.“ ”,_ ”“3 I “.3” tr} WPPUHH k “W“W~w 3 “I 331‘ 3 .3. . .
each time they board the bus. lhe Funds to lease the bus mm... lrom (tinanciallyl ot ttsell. Heath said. 3 . 3333 55* @333. .‘
route Circles an area including the the Lntyersitys general tund, Heath said 50 can promote the ~°s " - _
central. north and south campus Originally. the etching has $Cl'\lCC night bus seryiee it its senators pass a . ' g 1 . - '
. _ . . 3 3.” , . ,I. III“ I3 333s . .. . 3., “3:53:33 .
. dormttortes. traterntty row. the dld HUI lnClUds' a VOUIC l0 ths‘ hill to proyide ad\ertistng tunds, _ , ‘ f .33.; - ‘ - .I 3° "ffififa’g... - -
sorority houses. and the Student apartments because 5(i members said Senators will mm on the h,” .11 Ms -- . .. .. 3 fix» - _ .‘ W V3 3 'er 4
’ ('enter. they thought only a small number ot Monday night's S(i meeting. - w M. WW ”“5 " "W ‘ '3 “5“” ._ If
3 , 333' ‘s;S:;:;\:33I*II3II3. ” . .. :r \FIIIH . ,
;. CM" ‘ .
O , 93;. 3 . _ =1. 33* v .
night bus route 1 - ~ - t . - . - .
Hm I ' ~~ ‘ . . ' , -
."'- [IO .-sl’.-\R'l‘.\ttj\'ts ‘ . -=- ' ‘ ’ . ’ ”
. .- a. 00 ‘3 33I33333 -. .. _ g _
Y“ .. .. I ‘3‘. 3,35, ‘ .I. ".- . In.
Q‘ 11 a. . 33 . 3 .. 33: . . .
, 3 .ts _- '.I 0 . *- . .. ., . _ g3. ... _ .3 ‘-.I 3
- Q c - -s -' - , - “e .. ~ - ~ , ‘-
. .. H. 3.. \\\. ..' "I . - I I_ . 3.3 fl 3‘ 3 a I: ,
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. . , - '~' / 't ‘ . ‘ '* - " “M 3:. r ‘3‘ A '. ‘ I.“
.. .3. / l \ II. . _ 3 3 \ ' 3 3 .wq.;...\-.. 3 II 33 33333 . .3 'I .
‘ I.» \3 v ...- I‘IRSIT} , - . . , I‘ 3 u ‘3 . .. . .4» I3 ...-" I . “I
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. .' Q ._ . V , V 3 ,
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d -' 2 c \ 51:" t ,.,.s\\ . w
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. . .'. . E E \\\ ‘ 3' .‘ — — ” ~}“‘\
' . {g \ i _} \lternflti": R ff 'd' at my to t mt! min: sort
. . ”MES’l'ONl-L : 5 s. Routes u I1 "19 -
. '. \ I. .
‘ ‘ ““ “A " ”MW” * 0 Bus Mops . . . .
- - Students swarmed outdoors to enjoy the warm and junior.was no exception. Board was skateboanlirigoita I _
sunny weather yesterday and Keith Board. horticulture sidewalk in the north campus courtyard.
, . I I
. sytthARBARA WARD Hallrecalled comingdownherelto abuse ol it is hideous. and it ts so like to be drunk; he satd he would or liquor stores or his lflt’lltis toi his on tll the-1 b t on .;y .wr' \l i-iirig
' #:d m” UK) and wantmg I0 be 3 WCCCW and Ignorant." nc\er do it again. drinking problem He wants to make on .. Ip.tl :. . :1il k. : li‘ ci;.'
flopping flopping studying so He sees the problem ol alcohol Howcyer. he entered [K the young people reali/ethatwliatstiiited It 3 I I . ll I,‘ I I
. . . . - . -.- . , .. I _ .. _ . ‘ , . 1 cu. ft sum: .- ‘ 'l‘,’
DEBBIE WHS instead ot studying. Id go party. abuse today as a younger crowd lollowing tall iii No l. and out to beam social drinking. in order III p *t I .. 'i. I ... _ 3‘},
. _ domralvl—y» )3 s 's t . . s 1‘s .' ~- . '3 . " .. tn . .t l}: .' ‘UI 1‘ I “‘L 3“" i " ‘:
chmm A native 0' Hazard. Ky’.. he Surptieinglfu d:us:hmorc frequently rcptctnIlIcichI bcinIgd irIt‘doctrtIpttchd to htktlltstpttd by Ill; tiitnds. lI mp then I3 III 3 I 3 I 3I _I .:
I . . . . . . I I 'I .I . . I' cm 3 . young peo e ino co ege ieant iin ingw en is Llllltl' y into a (l\L'/lst‘ \klllt'.l .. . . IV , , ,
, Thurs (he secondpar! ofafour-part- admitted being a retormcd alcoholic I)d' II I .. 3 p. .I , . , .. . . . . . . . 3I . I It \ “k. ..r 3 . . . _ , . I.
. , - . h l b . I . and said “I know I can neyerget rid ol s d) «re more concerned about their lrtcnds took him to a local bar. culminated iii his tltidlcllttn to .ilcolio. thine ‘lH ,. , . , .
3V. , . . ‘ . _ . , . , 3 . t t iilt'M rte .l”-- r'
. genes onTtlzllco 110'; use or In; Lntled it I have it II ttiture. about ltnding their placeinthis "I went to bars down here with no [N , il \ I l
, ‘ , t - , V - .. , ti ttsiiI‘J.‘ t4 Lti“f.t“_ . ;.
”3:0"; 9 ’ " Pa" "1’ “PPM! world. than my generation was atthat problem whatsoever. Hall said. He Hedoesnotthinkitistotally bad lot 333 ”I33 r. , ‘
. -V . . , . - , , I ,. . . . . . . _ , . - “ti." on: tr: w- 'Vg' ' -
. 0" ay- Hall does yoluntecr work with age Hall said alcohol IS a way tor thinks this issttllthe casewith many ot young people to drink,‘ lhe thing to
_ ' “l 1' ll . several alcohol-related organizations them to relieve this added pressure. the bars around eampustoday.“ l'here me is not age; the thing to me is the “Is RR"- '” H'li'l "it-“f3 - “3
II Itera y drank my way out of in lexmgton. | .lo not hate the Hall lirst "experimented" with 'are places you can go etcn il you are ignoranceanlX-year-old oi a 30-3ch drinktne. llai- said i r» g
3 c0 degc. ”said former liK pre-mcd substance of alcohol at all. I don‘t alcoholthe summerhe graduated from under age, Anyone can do it." old hate. lhey'aregoing out. likeldid. "'rli. v.3 13 m. oat. 9.1.1.. -i.. ,Viim
. stu ent a/ Hall. think alcohol is bad at all; I tltmk the high school in NM to see what it was Hall does not blame ttntyersity‘ lite. with total ignorance ol what is going (ontinued on page .‘
Oday J h S 7 lans
. office. said Thursday that (‘hausin was “a little more WOl‘ld '
S ta than hallway finished“ with the l'CHCW
3 ta Wotring said (‘hauyin had not commented on
. , NA ' ' ‘ . ; .' ‘ ' '
oov. JOHN r. arrows JR. announced the ”m“ “”-‘ “' m" ”‘e‘ ”m“ ““"“°”“““”‘ "u‘ h“ t'rsi‘ihgt‘Triif l s“ ”Ts “ 10"”)
~ . . , , V added. “I imaglne there will be some.“Wotrin said he 0 ” ‘ ‘ au ‘ 1“ artney yesterday aboutthe . ,
apporntmcnts )Chterday of a number of cute leaders , 3 h' It , , , , - - , .,i , . , .. _ . . ., .
for key osts I th . . 3 . did “01knowwhaltactorsChauyinwasconsidertngin a ~pound ol marijuana he allegedly brought into B) JA‘ FOSSETT l.igli..t pioltssii. .i . nt. \\l.t
finan 'n p f" l n l: construction. operation and the reyiew “It‘s h“ resiew." he Wd Japan. then ollicers led him past a crowd olshoutiiig Associate lditor :ii:e~ ted tot tli“ iiptitii- : sn-w ‘i by
In ”ft is .0th es proposed Kentucky (enter fans to his second ntght in tail ( l\ t) I. 3 a, myth-t. 3.; I My»,
r C r 5' lhe l7 year old lorin- , - ' - I 3 - I , 3 ‘
- ‘ ‘ r nti‘ H . 'l‘ , s ,. .,‘ i.» v» t . r‘l tV I y,-
Brown also Sdld that llumana. lnc,.a locally-based Wednesday' shortly alt: h-B“ ‘ I‘I “3 ”3‘1“, .lohn Smiley. the Motto-old \lt, lain.~ . so,“ .\.i i. .. . l (Li yt.._i
hosrtital management firm had made a "challenge . Internal! snil Air ~rrt 13‘s Li ‘imm in 0 'm Sterling. K)’ resident whoyisited lian N‘s in lilt \tinl t -’t‘.‘.." Haw-mm
3 3 ” . . t i . t d an at ( ‘ “ l .-i ‘
gift of SI million in the driyc to collect a $6 million natlon which now has he‘ln “"3de or I mm” to '11-“ month. 5“"! he '5 plannlng‘d rctttt n . 1 l
t . - - - . ,V‘IV tV‘," t . 3 y
cndownment fund '. . , ~ to that country next month “to try to I" " R" l" “ “ ‘* \ ‘ ‘ “"" ”5
Brown said W d llCh . . I . . ()lTICIdls said customs olticers totind 2l9 grams. or ' , .. ' home. bmtley said he was encouraged
- w'll IIen e erry. president ol Humana. PRESIDhNT ( ARTER YESTERDAY ['RGED 7 7 ounces. ot'marituana in plastic bags in hi.s suucase ngthc hostages released. h\ .3 “mm ”M .:i ”I pal/I", [mm to
I ”"7“ as " airman of the private. nonfprdfit the prestdent ol the nation‘s dockworkers union to during a routine inspection. He is said to have told Smiley and h" “lfc' louise. spent '- ‘ ti Il' ' i "ilks WW
3 IcItItrporation that will have overall responsibility lor end a nineday boycott ot .‘s‘miet ship cargo. which them the drugwas for his personalusewhileinJapan 1“ dd,“ 'n lchran '35! month ”1 an mm” ( “(2%th :‘ M: ,H 3
‘1 I . _ . s , 'l‘. | v ‘ ‘3'. u 4 3“
e ans center, Carter said is snarling transportation in this country. More than 200 tans shouted “l‘aul' l’aull‘as attempt to talk with Ayatollah km'm'm- “NI‘UL ll ’\( s tII't t tI”
. “‘“WC‘ ““1 McCartns‘) came out ot the narcotics control Riihollah Khomeini about releasing h‘” bun “‘3’” "‘t ”W ”MI-h W‘ ”s
AN OFFK'M‘ 0" THE [‘5' Immigration and White House sotirc-s s' d lbs (‘I i mm'g‘m)“ 0"“ I" h” [m‘m'id 1" ”‘0 Ink)“ tall the 50 American hostages held in the ".‘F‘CVI‘ ‘” "M" "“ [Mil WNW ht‘
Naturalization SCH'ICC said yesterday in l.ouisvi|le ‘ t 'd' . imas 'flmn “[343 l.‘ s embass‘I Howcycr. 1”" “Wk ”1 h‘hlthl“
thata renew “[th cases ofsome 70lran' n t d t‘ president ot the International longshoremcns - . - ”I \II’ hr ,3 onln‘t M 3“. “WI y“.
‘ ' .m 5 u c" 5 A d -. . according to Smiley. a close associate * r ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ '
who face Posmblc deponation hearings in Kentucky ssocntion. 'd "01 promise (Mm m end ‘he Wfiathel‘ ' « dbl“ 1" ”W“ “ Y" “WP" :" " IN”
was morethan half completed ' boycott. but said he would reply promptly alter ‘0 Khometnt “35 k'HCd during ”h” 1 th k hi I I I \
' , ., ant to s some: i .' t.- m w! .tt: e
Ed h - - , . consulting with hl\ union. . I time and his scheduled meeting with .
0 d SathIp. district director for the senice. was IT WI”. I". PARTI.) ”3030‘. through Khomeini wag canceled ma\ come trotn the m: 3. III3 \l. lit. II I
c n uc mg I c renew under an agreement reached lhe II A boycott has presented the shipment ot } tomorrow. with highs today in the upper 40s to low - - 4 i was there last month " h- “in! "I got
last week in US, District Court. million metric tons 0! grain prcyiously committed to $0s lows tonight in the low to mid ‘0‘» Highs Smtlcy I‘ also known. espectally m [h 3m resstott th nihit \‘ r t ud ind ‘
. . . , . ' " ' _ _ ' . I ‘ . . 3 . ‘30 I. I . I
DCWCY Wotring. head ofthe Lomswlleimmigration the boyiet linion. the sources said tomorrow in the mid 40s to ariind $0 the l’ K community. for putting up LII- P 1 3 (tl I ‘1‘ W, ,
Sl25.0()(l bail for eight Iranian rca ‘5 “‘mm x‘ P“ “ h 2‘ ‘
students and a lormer l‘K assistant ('ontinued on page 8
n I
-—-— AA_‘- -- n— -_ --- —

. KENTUCKY Debbie Melhniel
r Iifiior iii ( filer erk (he... Kim Aubrey Thom-s (1.“ John (It) (If! Link"
2 e J.y Foam lob Cochran: [fluvmmnwm Mum Spollx Edi/or Director of Photography
( I!) Willis 451mm]? Editors Poul Mann
Wufluxlnx ltlriiir Cindy McGee 5.5. 1"..." Man Ricketd DMd Maynard
Jacki Rudd Aim/um 4.\\l\lflnl Spam Edi/or Photo Manager
Lil Dom“ ("‘I" [It/mm ktiIerIuiIiIiii-m I. nor
editorialsfiicomments We” "
(um/tut h/iiur ,
‘ _. ,. ”hue ,, ,, ,HW _ . WW- , . . ,, .,,_, ,-_,,_,A, _~__._~-~———‘_—“
' R ' ' 'Ik ' h I II l
alsmg MI pr I068 8 p8 sma ; V
. . . LOOK; “e ”M fl-
busmess consumers m long run l.k
. I V
[be recent milk price war in lesiiigton and the rest gosernment isindeed helpingthe consumer in thelong V,
'. ' . ' ‘ z i if ‘) oyersy. and run. l —‘
V . of the state has stirred up i ltt t Lt ntr . (‘uw VVV VVVVVVVVV 0 \[ O O
anger. among consutmrs. . V V , l V tfi .
‘ . , Much of the anger is focused on agoyernment order In I972. the gas companies were hayinga price war. 1 C\ in {5. , Q
_ calling for the Atlantic and Pacific lea (o. »\ & l’ consequently. consumers were getting a break from l $.53 ?‘ ‘ / O
V to increase its price for ttiilk to guidelines what. at the time. was considered a high price for gas. l 0 v: N“ \j 1‘
~ ' established by the 1960 state legislature. lloweyer. the price war forced a number of small. l K ) W) J Y t.“ .
ln the [960 legislation. the guidelines were set so independent gas companies out of business. which i . 1F" V. _"i '
that laiger grocery chains couldn‘t sell milk at a loss. resulted in a significant percentage increase in profits 3 «a \ i" . sac l
thtis forcing small. independent groceries out of the for the major oil companies. _ ) V ' O 7's “ m
V 'i milk business, lhe law wasoriginally aimed at firms in 'lake [{xxon. for example. Between l97l and I972, l \9 i i\ €\ 6 l\‘ l \ .'V
. - " the northern l'nitcd States who dumped their milk l \.\on reported slightly more than a | percent h ‘. f), t V‘f \.9 4:
. . surpluses ln Kentucky at prices lower than the increase in profits a fact attributable to the price i \i :7 _ .“t. tu )
-' Kentucky market. i‘atherthan taking a complete loss war. But with the abolition of several small oil l j t! y 4 fl "tilt . \)/
' 4 if the milk were left to spoil, companies in l972 because of the war. Exxon had a ‘ ‘ Wfil i‘ {k‘v t ‘fii V V .
. _ ‘ . But last week. .\ (it P dropped its prtce fora gallon significant percentage increase in profits a little pf ‘ . K T .i \.x it
» i of homogetii/ed iitilk to Slfi‘). prompting other met of) percent. l \U’ \’\. ‘ I \ 5V-
, . grocery stores to follow suit. Preyiously. A & P was »\nd. to some degree. thelarge increase inoil profits l 4 \ / 3 O l 'J t -
‘ selling the milk for SUN were ineyitably felt by the consumer in the form of Q'.‘ h -. ' 1"} l y / 3‘s. ’V
‘ " ('onsumers welcomed the lower milk prices. as was higher gas prices which the consumer had no control !i' lg“ , .3 " .'
. , e\idcnced b} the significant increases iii the yolumeof mer. i 5 . ‘1 \‘ 4“ . . .\ ~
‘ . ‘ tiiilk being sold by all groceries who had lowered their lhis is why consumers should think twice before i ' J ' /_
. " prim-e screaming obscenities at the state order to increase ' . A A s.‘ ‘z i
So when l-ranklin ('irctut .ludge Squire Williams milk prices. As was shown with the ()ilcompanies.the .o. :5. '. u ‘ / ”WM .
. . V ' ordered »\ 84. P to increase its prices. consumers were small business needs protection if it is to survive in the ‘ ' ’i ,
’ ‘ ' upset. lliey argued that the goyernment was adding best interests of free-enterprise. V ,
i “ . to. instead of fighting against. inflation, If not. then the loser in thclong run will not only be _ 7 .,,._a.,._i._.,‘.avh._
, But a closer look might indicate that the the small business it will be the consumer as well. V
. \ i t e s_ \ ‘
. O Ulllnls con ron S SOCIO OQIS S \ s g) - - \ \._\V. -- .
' i ' 'm dWWlll ‘ ‘M‘eg
. 3. . \ V \,.v \{\ Q
and ba ance, unionis an t .- mg $0. s a“ Q ._
._ \.. ®o0 8-0! all
' ' ' . By RALPH i:. Jours'sos said lnlhc Rubaiyati“Wh_\.lftheSoul u... mum “midi . ~ % 0 6% «C W (m t:’.'
' ‘ , can fliiig the Dust aside. And naked . ‘ 0$\ « § (1. $ . , ‘V V
' , . V . , ' lhere's a battle waged on all fronts on the Air of Heayen ride. \k'ere't not . \’ y Q%\ ‘\ i ‘ 3" ‘.
C V ' ideological as well as physical to a Shame werc't not a Shame for I am constrained to say a few words ‘ l‘ $® $ ® . i
. i . . .V bring e\erything into balance. it'. him In this clay carcass crippled to about the Russians. Now. I looked up 4 l % $ 6 ‘9 < ‘.
‘ .. . " CLlttthhrlttm lhat‘ll be the day abide?" that word "constrained" before I used ‘ 2’ x V .
i : lti fact. that‘ll be the day when . H to make “n.“l" that n 5‘3“ exactly ‘ fie)?‘ «\AY‘ / i l
. . '. V eyerything cotties to a dead sfop' , V what I wanted it to V and it did You t 2’ q ; l
. '. ' ”C‘PW ”‘ great appeal ‘0 “(’tl‘t‘th- see. the word has a hint of restraint in 1% $ \\ \ , / ,/ ‘
,. ’. . V _ When eyerything comes into unionism tsadeyicetoleyeloffhuman it. as though I were obliged or av Q .. / /_,_l VV/d‘. V
. V. balance. nothing will mote, Risers will endeayor lt discourages. yea. it Cgmpcnch So. m otherwords. here‘sa \. . §\ ?% .5 w v . .
. » ' cease running to the sea. tides will no precludes anything that smacks of case where l can't help myself despite ’ \ O? , /\ .
_‘ .' . l . longer ebb and flow. not will the winds indisidual endeayor. smearing it as a certain rcwnmmng l \ / V {R
_ ' ‘ , blow deyice whereby one worker seeks to ' . / “it; \_
M .' gain adsantage met another What l can‘t understand dbUUt OUF \ ( Wu . V i’
' ’ i " ; “HM and “a”. rClUmkM-l “ilk-h 1” l nionisitt discourages productiyity. itPP'dFCht ttttts‘litl attItUdC toward tht‘ \ ..V ,V l ~ _ ‘ ‘ 1.5 \
: l . reduce mountains I” “mm“ mm“ all the while demandmgthe rewaidsof RUNithS l5 “h_\ “C hit‘t'h‘t hCCh 3th W W ‘\:. W;“"Tta§\ r‘:-"§'\~. \‘sz’v‘fl .4 ’
V . . . ‘ .~ Restlessforces beneaththethinskinof prodtictuity ‘ to learn in all the years during and (gmwmfnmm ‘ ‘ " mien: -‘ i."*-’:;ij_;;}:.,"*'z‘v/«i
VV ' the earth work to counteract wind and h ' 5m“. World War ll that the Russkies \V
_' ‘ waye Mid 1" “\‘SmVNV‘ PVVlumh 1h“ are determined to conquerthe w'orld. ' if ,.,,,..,s.,-....._.su_-,__..u..._ AWER““—‘_—_
' unisersc t ley arisiousy .oo for st ‘ns ' ' KM
_ . ' of these \olcanit. actions It the si:ns DOS/UVE Wt" hardly had gotten met the I
' ' ' . j .' are absent the scientists conclude the negatlve shock 0‘ seeing them occupy and r
. , . . planet H dead forcibly hold eastern (iermany.
=.. . .v 1 . Poland. (‘Iechosloyakia and all those h‘
, . t, , ' httt hs‘rt' «ill earth sociologists and E'““ other little countries in eastern Europe . _V '. . ___ . .
‘. I V V other idealists sCL‘lklilTCtillgcstsCK-u m lhe battle between management whentrouble broke outinGreece. l‘he Should be thankful engaged to. You can‘t fault me for athletes have been training long and
. J .t .. the human element oi nttlhlngncss and worker. therefore is the battle of Russians immediately mo\ed into the _ . that. I also don‘t condemn you for .hard forthe past four yeaerland some
.. .V 'I . ('iosest thing to nature to the mechaiti/ation to replace the worker. ttttUthd area and “0 had tobcatthem Mr. Lincoln. youeromments from your lifestyle. A“ 1 35k is that you even longer) _m preparation for the .
' ‘ .' .‘ sociologist‘s heayen ts the ant hill or off with a stick. lat“ SC'heStet and thts semCStet have don‘t cram it down my throat and try I980 Olympic Games. Preventing
' .V V- : im- mhm cwmmc Mum] m u During certain periods In my _. . _ _ been taken into account 1 Still don‘t to make me accept it ifldon‘t want to. these athletes from participatingis not
- v‘ ' mindless “om-r In “um “("ch the mall“ I htt‘t‘ httd ‘0 tt.‘ m.‘ hand tit (”PM”) me Amcr'w.” ”WM“ 5“ how YOU can. by your PaSt letters I know that this Ietterwillprobably going to solve all the recent world
. . T'i ~ V' Ps’t'ls‘ct mac“ would base to be a selling and in eyery single instance if I under lruman. 85 l ”Cit“ ttV- “33 that and opinions. expect the majority of offend some people. but I‘m nottrying problems. »
' A; world peopled by dolls mll‘ldlesh “mm mm“ that Ih“ mHCh'm‘ l “i“ “C fought a “M of containment '0 the people to accept your lifestyle to please all of them. I think you One thing I have always enjoyed *
. 7' " tollowint: to the death the dictates oi “”‘nt’ “““ld d“ ““115 “1th Mrkcrsl ts‘ds‘h the “11’5”,“ fmd 3” when you seem to be cramming it should be thankful for the straight while watchingthc Olympics is seeing
. t - . an ”mum,” m, m. pcrmmmm V), a would instantly ha\e an interested uts'tzrt‘SWH that It down Pat ‘0 down their throats. It would be friends that you said you had in your athletes from so many countries ,
; , ' ' society of doltt prospect. My prospect could enyision Phi} at that game. unrealistic at this time to expect last opinion of Jan. l7. With the way participating together pcacefully.U.S.
V . ., . VV .' ’ produetuity without sick lea\e. sans Weappcarcdto hayewonthe battle complete social acceptance in this attitudes have changed in the past athletes see these foreign athletes as "
.-i f E V V i lhe oomitiunisttc stiulcllc‘s find that \acations. pensions. slowdowns. or but we were beginning to lose the war. society. Rather than getting the decade it‘s probably more than you opponents, not as enemies.
-. . ' out and to keep eyerything from strikes He likewise probably could a war waged on as mam mm“ a; acceptance that you want you are would have had ten years ago. For many ofthcsc U,S. athletes, the
V . :‘ -." - coming to a dead stop an infusion of count on superior work from the could be fomented bV (:ommunists creating a controversy and thus l980 Olympics may be their last 01' I
.V VV V V Tips:lilrnVVVVrnVVtViVthVVVVVbe proyitled machine \‘vhat an indictment? around the world 'Cuba. Korea. gauging further condemnation of the Don DIVidsVonV only chance m participate. It is
'i I ‘ ' But lest you think l ant anti~itnion Vietnam 10 name “"I.‘ the top three. hurt“: ”:23 yo: iiclffhkihofnk l't ) Psychology junior ' fame?” [they tlzvtfegrteraa'gneedjy 3.2:]:
" s. .r' -i s . . . ' . ,, _ , , .008 eps. mseuaiy - eirivcs. wou
. A] lr caif‘iI :ilrilekrnfhterif Itiitrnbh ”animrrffttllll‘. littenxntt:i'lic\'i)ril‘l\he‘:: sl :‘trdgiiiiliihfrriiii ‘ “C “on the battVch of the missiles m is ”m '00de down upon as ”mm as it Olymp'c dreams athletes were refused the Chance to
V 4' it\dllahlclofhcmunducelllcnttogrtiw IhcfhmlMick.,,m;ll£pr.,\n.cnl“(lttl (”ha mm “c' 0"“ “af- Sarcasm ”Out ",Sttalght" The purpose of this letterVVis to pa'ticipatc "IV the 1980 Olympics
'V . enough writ-artist instance-.tosusttiin lhe twwmlcd pm“ ‘mm m) We lost half of Korea. at least PCOPlC‘HV””OtthflPhtatVtestetthCFlth answer fomVBradcnsquestion. Why because of politics.
v. Vi V. ’V’.VV' ‘ their 350 million people (in the other retirement 26 years later During that temporarily. 'l he rest may fall extremely happbeeing a eterosexual are we planningto send ourVathchtesto _ ,
.V iV . . . 7 hand. despite the yagaries oi weather quarter 0, a ((6an mo“. ”“4“th tomorrow. MacArthur may hate been and Im lVOOkaE forward ‘0 Va Moscow for the Olympics? One Karen Smith .
; V‘ ;V . ”ml market. .tmuwn and ( {madmn than ‘nm l “as an officer. either local right when he defied lrumanin his bid wonderful life With a girl that lm reason is that a large number of Undecided sophomore
. V ‘ V '. farmers. with a profit mouse and hope or regional to cross the Yalu into (him.
VVi ,.j » to inspire them. anually raise . ..
V , .. gargantuan surpluses of not only While l dCl'tlorcthe need fora union. lhere s no dotibt we lost Vietnam. L l.
'3 ' i V. . “.th but rse. de ”a” and barle\. eycn morcso do i deploretheabsolute " ”“Sht- place a "d show. 6116’s p0 Icy
W i. -. and corn. and soybeans. and more I "“9““ ’0' them ignominiously!
, - lhe mmc “mm” be said for (‘hina In my I Mme ,l ”u, “Wm 0, WC his! leddy R00sc\elt's big stick 'I he Is'enturler Kernel welcomes all contributions from Letters: . d
. V. de any other nation wherein thestate iurisprudence could dense a rational when we began Pl‘5‘3'll’mlhg 1“ 0|” the th'K community for publication on the editorial and . Should bc30 lines or less anano more than 200WOI’ VS
_ . mm“ [hm hm ”hllgimom an. m the method rm (lfhltranng dlepum tt’tetgh Ptthcy “tth the RUWSHS- opinion pages. They should concern particular issues.conccrns orcvcn s
. VV ' . state between worker and management. (iod help us. but I am connnced Letters. opinions and commentaries mustbetypcd and relevant to the UK community.
V VVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVV “mm VV tVrVerVi:VVt;Vl:VyVViViniViVng:lViVeVthVrViVth:VnoVonchVtVtuld that aVthVother w'orldVVwar looms V and triple-spaced. and must include the writer's signature. .
V'.- V V rV threatening VVV wrthihat mm; demand that representjlabor in theiiiiitltdrlylii “8 Vt“ not d‘fth VtV 1* “"9 unless he address and phone number. “(students should include Oplmons: . . V
, .' , , . de that. “V” be the CM of a” this humankind s t Elizeiaiimhii: )VVVeto counter the their yearaVnd major and [inlvchlly employees should list Should bc9V0 lines or lcsVsaan should giveand explains
, , l iery man womm and child must Midzle Fast when thelrahitiehklie'hgaig: the” p05itlon and department. Egfitlfinngcrtalnlng to tchal issues dimer"! tothe UK
true that most of us liye liycs of qUict failingtoproduct-.orby cheatingor b" [be Reds will be "fustcst with the V??? w” erstayVVV 'm'Ve ' ' itorsriservet cdr'Bh‘
i desperation. M lhoreau wrote. the stealing. lhe\ should be Punished ina mostcst" when that day comes not far (i letl lgrfonect Stpemmtg‘ grammar“ C arity.an may commm“fl“ . .
, , one thing ihatsUstainsis hope his not measure M'l‘mn , the mmc hence. e e e 'Ve 095 s a e en 5‘ . Should be 90V lines or less, With no more than 800
, . ’ thoughts of .i lite hereafter If that were A. . Contributions should be delivered to Room lluour- words. These articles are reserved for author! wh0.VInthe
V, m M. ”mum a“ Mhmcm“ by ending Surely there are instances when 5412;”; $0 .3201“: 'g::;: nllism. University of Kentucky. Lexington. Ky. 40506. editor‘s opinion. have special credentials. experience.
We mm,“ hem and mm and (“m the! management crrs we all know that . . '. . For legal reasons. contributors must present a UK ID training or other qualifications to address a particular
gum ,m “Mm _, and they must be made to ' .Whid' ””3"” his "'."'""‘°"‘” and before the Kernel will be able to accept the material. subject.
“ l‘mh‘mh ’ pay. Instghts into the l K and world
Rcmemhet ()mar“ Here‘s what be But the dread strike has no place in community appears every Friday.

. m 1m kl\l1(|\\ htR\H.lml4}.Junmry 111.1935} ' . ,
. _ .‘J‘ J‘Jgéw-A. . , . . I I .
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