xt766t0gxb5z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt766t0gxb5z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-01-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 10, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 10, 1977 1977 1977-01-10 2020 true xt766t0gxb5z section xt766t0gxb5z d

Registration, classes delayed by snow!

Vol. LXVHI. Number 84
Monday, January 10. 1977

JAN 1 1 1977
University of Kentucky

an independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky

Controlled madness

Drop-Add procedure begins Wednesday


Corrected registration schedule

Registration, Drop-Add and classes

have been delayed by inclement
weather. Below is the corrected
schedule for these activities.

m. "iii-5’

Kernel Reporter

Yes Virginia, there is a method to
the madness of DropAdd.

Although the prevailing attitude
on campus is thatDrop-Add is still a
royalbear. the facts are that George
Dexter is receiving fewer com-
plaints than he did four or five years
ago. Dexter. advising conferences
and registration associate registrar,
believes that it is because more and
more people are learning how to use
advance registration.

“We are now able to fill ap-
proximately % per cent of the
student’s class requests,” said
Dexter. “They have gotten into the
habit of advance registration and so
very few need to go through drop-

For those who do need to use it
(like those who requested non-
existant courses this semester)

things have been simplified through
the centralization of dropadd that
occurs Wednesday, Jan. 12 in Mem-
orial Coliseum.

The centralized system is fairly
simple. it uarally lasts about 10
mimtes and rarely will it take more
than an hour. The procedure is as

1. Students should obtain a drop-
add slip from his or her college (Arts
and Sciences, etc.).

2. Students should report to the
Coliseum at the proper time that
their letter of the alphabet will be
accomodated. A student’s change
will not be processed until the proper

3. If the desired class is open,
students should then pick up a class
card at the department table.

4. Students should then return the
class card to his or her college.

That’s the method to the madness.

Wednesday is the only day drop-
add is centralized. After that the

student mu stdmp and add classes at
his or her respective college. This
process rrrns until Jan. 18.

Students who didn’t advance
register go through late registration.
This program begins at 8:30 am.
Thursday on the Patterson Office
Tower Mezzanine. The students
receive their directions. go to their
departments for class reg'stration
and then back to the Mezzanine.

Dexter cautioned students about
checking to make sure that their
class additions have been processed.
Class roles are given to the teachers
several times during the semester
and students should check to make
sure they are on them. The
corrections should be made esrly,
rather than at the end of the

if you‘re still in doubt about the
system, take two Alka-Seitzers and
call George Dexter, Administration
Annex-Room 110, 257-1966.

For new students who are register-
ing late, there will be an advising
conference at 7:45 am. in Class-

room Building 118.

Registration :
1:00 A—CHE 3:00 P-SM
1:30 CHFa—F 3:1!) SN—Z
2:00 G—KH
2:30 KI—O


registered students only.
10:00 DJ—F 1:00
10:30 G—HEN 1:30
11:00 HEO—KH 2:00
11:30 KI—MB 2:30
12:00 MC—-—0 3:00
12:30 P—RI 3:30



Classes begin.



Late registration for returning stu-

4:ms:oo Misc.

Centralized Drop—Add for advance


—.ill Kiqh'



Format changes mark Drop-Add history

Kernel Reporter

Centralized drop-add doesn’t go
back very far. Specifically, it first
appeared in the schedule of classes
calendar in the fall of 1973. Before
that, dropadd procedures guided
clambering students around campus
not unlike the way Virgil guided
Dante through Hell.

Jack Delap, director of records
and registration for the College of
Arts and Sciences, and Dr. Ben
Black, assistant dean of that college,
were the original experimenters
with centralized drop-add until it
was activated in 1972.

“The difference was a mechanical
thing really,” Delap recollected. “In
the old days, the drop»add slip was
the same. What a person had to do
was get the paper from his advisor
and have him sign it, then go to the
department where the course was
taught, notify them of the drop, then
process it through his dean‘s office."

Delap explained the Arts and
Sciences situation and how it con-
fronted the problem amidst un-
certainty. “The thing that triggered
the awareness of the need for cen-
tralized dropadd was the Patterson
Office Tower. After it was erected,
when masses of people rode the
elevators up to the history depart-
ment on the 17th floor or geography

on the lith to get signatures, the
building ceased to function.”

Arts and Sciences brought cen—
tralized drop-add to life in Jamary
1972 with a three-day operation in
Buell Armory. “The first day was a
bit trying," said Delap, “but by the
afternoon of the third day, waiting
times were minimized. For handling
such a big crowd, we were moving
along. The dean was there and
someone acted as an advisor to sign
routine changes."

Just as it was the first college to
use the centralized drop-add, Arts
and Sciences abo first proposed a
University level drop-add day.
Knowing that the armory was too
small for the stupendous setting, A &

S decided that if late registration
could be done for the entire student
body in one arena, so too, could a
centralized drop-add. The
University took the bait and got

“The crux of the matter was that
there are some 25,000 drop-add
actions altogether,” said Delap, “so
a lot of people had to get involved
and cooperate. We would have it on
one day, Tuesday, and if students
missedit, they had to do the pillar to
post thing.”

Dr. Black reflected profound
satisfaction with the new procedure.

0f the old one he said disap
pmvingly, “It was a nuisance.”


to registration

Registration is overwhelming, frustrating.
intimidating — and necessary. Here. a
student takes a break. surveying the furor
from her station in the stands.




Lovely to look at

The snow is ended. for a while at least. but its left an eight-inch
reminder. Adding to Drop-Add difficulties are winds gusting at 10-
20 m.p.h., and a high temperature in the upper 'teens. Decreasing
cloudiness should make cross-campus travel a little more scenic.



Choose quafity classes,

dean urges students

Kernel Reporter

During registration, a student
may feel that organized chaos and
confusion have been plotted against
him. But then he discovers drop—
add. The most wonderful invention
since thermal underwear. The chaos
is not over. it has just begun. Now it
is time for secretaries, professors,
and deans to examine a schedule for
the oncoming students.

The drop—add procedure is ab-
solutely necessary,” said Warren
Walton, assistant dean of
engineering. “Though it is a hassle
to change schedule cards, it still is
better for the students. The problem
we lave with this procedure is that
this holds up class space for the
students who really want to be in,"
added Walton.

in a course such as surveying,
enrollment is highly subscribed.
Only 25 students are allowed in this
class due to the limited amount of

equipment. When students enroll in

this class and drop out, the students
waiting for this class do not get in
unless they talk to the professor.

Many students do not realize this
and mis the course for the

“It’s not difficult to go through
drop— add in engineering,” said
Vickie Wittwer, freshman
engineering major. “They have a
tentative schedule. Usually they do
it to lighten the load. The drop—add
procedures mostly involve changing

The biggest problem with drop—
add for the College of Engineering is
that almost every student tries
drop— add “Most are swapping
classes. We urge the students to
choose quality. ltworrld be better for
them it the future," said Walton. “It
disturbs me to see students signing
up for an excess number of classes
when they know they can’t handle it.
1 thirk this is when drop—add is

A W is given when a student drops
a course passing. 0n the other hand,
when a stuthnt is failing and drops
the course he receives an E. No
grade is given if the student has
never been to class. The ad-
ministration takes it for granted that
something went wrong with the

Students not alone in bearing Drop - Add bureaucracy

Kernel Reporter

The next time you fill out a
schedule card, or have a hard time
going through drop-add, just think-
you may lave the easy end of the

The university end is a complex
and time-consuming process that
involves much of the admhristration
and academic staff, according to
Robert Larson, asistant dean for

research and data management.
The research and data management
department is the coordinating force
behind the various activities needed
to prepare for registration and drop-

“The first thing we do is to
establidi a schedule of courses.
Each academic department makes
up material for the schedule, after
findim out how many new freshmen
are expected to come in the next

semester. Then they estimate how
many sections of courses they’re
going to need," Larson said "The
college of Arts and Sciences par-
ticularly has problems because they
teach about eighty percent of the
courses offered by the University."

Tire next step involves the student,
who selects the courses he wants and
hasthecardappnovedbythe dean of
his college. The card then goes to the
data procesdng center for the Mt
run~through, and keypunch

operators figure the “dean's count"
that shows how many requests have
been made for all courses. After the
colleges make adjustments between
the number of courses and the
rumba- ot dudents, the requests are
run throrgh the computers a second
time and scheduled accordhg to
certain priorities.

“iiandicaped strrdents are given
first prirrity because mey know
what buildigs are accessible to

them," Larson said. Athletes and
students with the highest grade point
avcage (GPA) are processed next

Freshmen registering for their first

semester are given priority ac-
cording to that high school GPA.

The computers are also used for
the dropadd process. ”One-third of
the students we register go through
drop-add. Drop-add cards are
proceued abrxrt two weeks after
drop-add and then the final records

are made and class rolls sent out.”

Larson's office also coordinates
t e ciasss offered and the available
classroom space. "if a buildingVas
designed for a particuhr depart-
ment, then that department has
priaity,"'Larson said. it’s difficult
to me space efficiently, especially
when there are only about zoo
classrooms on the entire campus.
The mail wobiern is that people all
try to schedrb that clause at
prime times, from 9 am. to 2 pm."


 l—l‘ih KENTUCKY KENNEL. My. Jury IS. I"?

F—_—_ORIENTAL Supplement to

3323' Spring Schedule 197 7

276-201 3

“’5‘ 5° “‘9“ 5‘ 357 Southlond Dr. INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS
266-8414 Lexington, Ky. ,

40503 This Supplement must be used in conjunction with the regular schedule since the days when classes
meet. times. and rooms are listed only [or those courses (or sections) which have been added or where
there has been a change in the original information.

The format of this Supplement is the same as the regular schedule. i.e.. the colleges are listed
alphabetically. ,





American Cancer Society. ._




NOTE: Advance registration dates for Summer and Fall I977 are A

pril “-20, 1977. Advance registration
is required for all continuing students.


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"he or 1000 woe-em









0—1111? KENTUCKY KERN EL. Monday. January 10. 1977


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Your share from $290. A
Write Cap'n Mike for your free adventure
booklet in full color.

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Hit the deck in shorts and
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A big. beautiful sailing vessel
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And you‘re aboard. having
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intimate group of lively. fun-
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happy about that.
Spend six days exploring
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other vacation like it.
new cruise is forming now.







C011!" 0! Arts and SCIcnces — cont MIDDLE £51 “VII-”“10
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+ri1 202-6 Inter-adieu Fund 3 WP 2-2:50 Cl '137 Staff
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1151 51!; icon m we 510 P51! 106-14 IPSY 330-11
*iPSY 106-10 Basic Psychology 11 3 ’I'Th 11-11-50 Kastle 213 Holch
MAHIEMATNS '1 3-450 KastIe 206
*PSY 106-11 Basic Psychology II 3 rm 11-1150 Kastle 213 14:11:15
HA 108-2 HA 109-11 ‘0 113-20 HA 123-91 MA 261 HA (183 MA 651 F 3-9250 Kasr1e 206
11161 1011-3 111 102-12 .1111 113—21 101 199 HA 361 1171 502 m 655 *PSY 106-12 Basic Psychology 11 3 m 11-1150 Kastle 213 "em,
”Ha 103-3 HA 109-13 MA 116-7 “MA 201-1 MA 362 MA 503 MA 661 F 12-lz50 Kasrle 206
#MA 108-6 MA 109-91 +HA 114-14 *HA 202-1 MA 371 MA 523 MA 670 ‘PSY 330-14 Laboratory for PSY 330-3 0 H 7:30-9:30p Kaere 2076 Staff
HA mil—8 INA 112—2 w 118 HA 202-l HA 399 HA 525 MA 682 *PS‘I 330-15 Laboratory for PSY 330-3 0 H 7:30-9:300 Kasrle 2076 Staff
“A 105-9 +101 117-5 .“LA 122-2 HA 213-1 HA 610 HA 538 MA 715 npsy 336-3 App Stag 1n psy 3 m 11-12:” C? 220 Calvin
HA 108-10 HA 111-? MA 122-? HA 213-2 MA “1 NA 562 "A 721 *IPSY 5114-3 Social Psychology 3 Th 2-3:15 CB 238 Sensenfg
MA 105-11 1171 113—3 MA 122-12 m 213-3 MA 416 MA 585 MA 732 +PSY 617-1 Prect Psychorh Beh Chg 1-3 H 2-5:00 Kastie 011C Helnick
M 108-12 HA 113—5 HA 122-21 HA 213—4 HA 417 HA 615 HA 751 +p5y 637-2 Pract Psychoth Beh Chg 1-3 TBA Staff
MA 108-13 l-fA 111-13 61111 123-6 HA 213-6 MA 423 MA 619 MA 765 +p5y 730-4 Problems In Psychology 2 1-“ Staff
#1421 105-14 HA 113-15 161 123-10 #1471 214-7 HA 433 MA 621 HA 768
HA 108-15 HA 113-18 #HA 123-24 7HA 214-8 MA 671 HA 632 RHA 769
‘7HA 109-10 HA 113—19 *MA 123-25 MA 218 HA 681
PM 109-11" College AIgebra 3 WP 3—350 CB 3141 Staff
+HA 112-5 Trigonometry 2 “1111 2-2150 HcVH 206 Staff +Added course
+HA 111-14 Calculus 11 ‘ I. mm 8-850 Corn 217 Staff *Changod course
*HA 123-25 Ele C31: 6 Its Applies 3 H"? h-hz50 McVH 103 Staff CF1V‘ or 195‘ vacancies
ma 202-1 11am for E1e Trhers 11 3 1m 9-9:50 McVH 206 Staff See departmental listings for open sections











‘- .“t‘ ..
\“IA 2"; r- I spa
1 _t .. . fit


When an infant becomes seriously ill because of a birth

efect of body chemistry, rapid diagnosis can often pre-

vent brain damage and might even be the difference be-
tween life and death. A special problem arises when the

elect involves rare or complex chemical changes which

cannot be identified by usual laboratory methods. In many
cases. no physician can be expected to guess what to test
for. and the critical nature of the illness does not allow

me for a trial and error approach. Now, a newly opened

laboratory at Children’s Hospital, Philadelphi