xt766t0gxb01 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt766t0gxb01/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1973-02-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 01, 1973 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 01, 1973 1973 1973-02-01 2020 true xt766t0gxb01 section xt766t0gxb01 The




COOper reminisces

Retiring senator reviews his years in Congress

Kernel Staff “riter

Syndicated columnist .lack Anderson
once described lormer Kentucky Senator
John Sherman ('ooper as being “the tttost
respected itiaii in tire ('ongress " lndeed.
iipoit meeting Senator t‘ooper one can find
only oite phrase to describe him. "dignity

t‘ooper was born tit Somerset. Kentucky
ltitil He has served tn many
capacities ttll' tlte l titted States attd
Kentucky. including l' S aittbassador at
tlte l nited \ations (ieneral

under 'l'ruiiiati. l' S
l'jisenhoyu-r. aitd tlte t'oitgressional
tor the l S delegation to the
l \iCSt'tl conference .it l’arts tit 1938 He
is, however. held dear to the hearts ot all
representative Hi the l S senate ill
yeal's ltllti 48. l‘lftl 3.3. and 19.37 ltlTI

'I'lll-i It'tllHlElt legislator visited l'K
l’rtday afternoon to speak before tlte lit—
ternational Hook Society an
organization of honorary

on Mtg lit.

large to
.\ssciitbiy illlt'


hassador to India aitd



'ttl \t‘l‘\ll‘.L‘. .‘ts

which he is

(‘ooper was itot prepared to make a
speech. “l thought it was to be a small
luncheon gatltertng. nothing like this.” he
explained to the large crowd. (‘ooper
succeeded tn keeping the audience's rapt
atteittion. however. wbeit speaking on the
society's project to distribute books
throughout the world,

At the conclusion of ltis speech. following
the standittg ovation he is accustomed to
receiving. the Senator consented to ait

interview after he was through greeting his
many trtends in the audience .\ half hour
later. t‘ooper strode out of the (irand
tallrooit. itito the Lounge area prepared to
tackle any questions

He lit up a cigarette and leaned back
coittlortably on the couch “I can only stay
a tew minutes.” he “I have work
back at Somerset " The tape recorder was



vm.LXlV No.84
Thursday, February l,l973

shoved iitto ltis face to make sure every
syllable ol his grutt. yet qutet voice could
be lteard


last out‘

lll the month two of
l’rcsidents. Harry S Truman and Lyndon
’nllllt'S .lohnson. ltad died t‘ooper had
served ititder botlt of thettt aitd I wondered
what his reactions were towards the two


So that's how
it's done


\nderson contemplates the


Wednesday at the Seatoii Sports (‘enter while his
lather \iewed the Hush) girls basketball team
iii action tabovet. aitd theit he decided to try the
sport himself (right). tKernel photos by (‘harles

