xt766t0gx985 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt766t0gx985/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-11-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 11, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 11, 1971 1971 1971-11-11 2020 true xt766t0gx985 section xt766t0gx985 . . , .
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Bl'CAROL NlEflUS Forgy said a UK stadium architectural selection Robert lslwu \tho lx witl. the I with-Henri. firm mild ‘- ' " '

, . Kernel StaffWriter committee composed of Robert Drake. dean of (‘ollege the firm is W’tllxlllt' \Hlll the Alllit'iii' Association and 7 f ' 1 ’. . 1'

The prime architect selected for the proposed $11 of Engineering. liloyd ll. Wright. member of the Board the ('K thlllllllhlldlit'll He said .i program. it - ' I I A 1
million. 50,000 seat UK football stadium is the of Trustees, Harry Lancaster. director of athletics, and requirements tor the stadium ti: t:t wiliiii the i ‘
Atlanta-based firm of Finch-Henry. himself, recommended the Atlanta firm after reViewing a established budget l\ being compiled .'

Lawrence E. Forgy, UK vice president for business long h“ 01 Chmccs- . ‘ Sites evaluated
affairs. said UK hopes the stadium to be built on the UK . .. MOS! capable _ The outline. iiskew \Liltl. Wlli be sent. to James 1), King . ‘
experimental farm near the Nicholasville Road-Cooper Of. all the firms that expressed an interest in the coordinator of the [K physical plant. lskev; said the h" ,‘

Drive intersection will be ready for use at the opening of appomtment, lunch-Henry appeared to be the most outline Will include an cyaluation of three or tour \llc‘s '
the 1973 football season. capable of meeting both the schedule and the budget.“ proposed for the stadium. King Wlll be the one ' '
the committee said. “ev 'rvthin w ll l . 'l' .1. l l ‘ ' - .'

The Kentuck Pro ert and Buildin Com - ‘- ~ . . . ‘ i. _ . g l ic c iaiinc ct tirougli from the
scheduled to heir a r: uzst todav b UgK for srlildsrstfgrr: Loch} firms retained to coordinate “Spec“ 0‘ the UmVCTSlty Slundttoint." liskew said. ' .f 2
bonds to help finance fire new stadiuhi planning and construction of the stadium include Eskew said location for the seats. concession stands.

UK offi . . ' Johnson-Romanowrtz. who Will serve as associate toilet facilities and how the stadium Wlll look where it is - ~91

Cials said the school would sell one-year notes . - . . - .- .- - . - . . ‘ - '
instead of long-term bonds in order to retain drChlteCtS, LE. Gregg and ASSOCiates, cryil engineers. and Situated must all be decided in the deSign. “The deSign ‘
,, . Mason&Hanar-'l , 1 .1 . ' . »¢ '2 .. .. > . ,. ~ ‘- »
flexrbility m the construction of the sports facility. e1 ‘t 2. 1 Ag ‘51 as Mason Company. mechinical and Will encompass all items agreed upon in the program of ~ g .
‘ . _ . ‘ ec rica engineers. _ requ1rements. he said. . ‘ '.

Forgy said the Finch-Heery firm was 9Tgamled seven The Johnson-Romanowitz firm was responsible for the The present design must include seating for 50.000 _1 '=’.-
yearslatgczl to desrgn the Atlanta Stadium which was UK construction of the Patterson. Office Tower, White plus the end zone bleachers presently in use at McLean if '1}.
compe e in a record Sl‘weeks. . . . Hall, and the Chemrstry-Physrcs budding Forgy said. Stadium. This would bring the total seating capacity to 5 , ,. .

Desrgns of other stadiums which the firm has Since Forgy said he didn’t know of any UK architectural 58,000 Eskew said. He explained the design will allow
2:63" respohnsdile for are the Cincinnati Riverfront student involvement in the design but that a UK student the seating to be eventually expanded to 70.000. ( 1 l

3 mm, t e. oxboro (Mass) Stadium for the New representative, Baxter Schilling is on the stadium Eskew said when the design is approved, work on the i _
England Patriots, the new Sanford Stadium at the committee. construction documents will begin If all gO‘s as Z
Universny of Georgia, Athens, the recently-begun Forgy said the project should be ready for bidding by planned, he said. the bids can go out by the middle (”2 ,'
stadium home of the Buffalo Bills, New York, and an late spring, which would allow 15 or 16 months for the May" and by July 1. after mc Mdg “'6 submitted a ' '1
Efighrirglgrllmn domed stadium for Detm‘t' Wayne County, fiiClllty to be competed in time for the 1973 football contract for construction of the stadium can be '1 i i
‘ ' 59350” awarded. '_ ', g _ t ,1
2’3; 1 - 1, an :21
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. .2 1 , “A? “6;“ an independent newspaper published by students at the univerSity of kentucky
’ .’ V '1” i W, :3: “tn?” ,s‘l’ :1; iii: V _ V , ‘ 4 . _ ‘ ‘ ~ _, ~ .‘
i -. I.” M: *fixuh . .‘ - fl Thursday. i\()\'. ll, 19/] 1E\I.\(IT().\. kE\ l l (.k‘ NIH”) Vol. L\”l \0. 3i ’ . z
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2" ... 1 i §é i By CAROL NIEHUS Tile toicc ct>llllllllt‘\. “ox M4! "W ““1 “4“”? . .
I; . 3' t J, Kernel Staff Writer T o m in 3 . r c p e a t :2 it e r lhk’li‘l‘f' , I] ‘ ,' ‘
" W‘s. 3? 1 h Fight-year-old Tommy sits in a ”1 0 - - - C 0 W b0} - - - h‘” Currently ”MU “f. M”, “H; 1 .
i “ sound-proof room wearing dog. WW ”“1”“ - , - “ U n U c r h r llld u ‘12:)“ X i] n k i . . - '2
7 9 ‘ i. . . 1 - ,_ amiroXimatey -. graiuatc ' , ~ "
W hat 8 "1) Ihprp.) ”Who-“t5: Ht Tom“ at . m“ The voice belongs to Ms. Ruth \lillidc‘l‘ilS m the wcui, mi 1. . '
reflection in the two-way mirror , . , . . - ’ ’ ' i i I V’ . ' '-
- . _ . . , Buthod. a speech audologtst at 1 ., , , ,, . .1 ,
Students passmg by the fountain Wednesday afternoon got a most in front of him. the (‘linic for Corniiiiinicative h‘mhh l h E“hhh _ , . ‘
unusual greeting. Besides the usual ripping wind, a strange series of One of his earphones speaks. Disorders at the A B (‘h'indler Need h” workers, . ; - 7
events was unfolding high up in the sky. Has someone decided to “First I’ll test this car and then \ledic'il i(‘enter Sitting on the Valyo said recent preliminary , , I.
end 1‘ all? Has superman come to save us all? Is the Board of l‘ll test the other car. Can you 6th” side of the two-wiy evidence disclosed by (.m'ernor .- 1
Trustees at it again? Tum to page three for the exciting conclusion. hear me Tommy?“ - i . . . . -, N U n n ‘5 Task l' 0”“ 1*” . ‘.
- . mirror. she conducts a diagnostic . . 4 . . , . - ,,
SIC. (Staff photo by Phil Gardner). Tommy nods. . . , l1 XL eptional ( hildren has ..
hearing test on Tommy. at indicated 'l continuing need for -' ~
patient referred to the clinic. workers ‘ in the ”m of :_ .-
OT t . The diagnostic hearing test. communicative disorders. .'_' A}
vaca e 0 r aca é! mlc use Buthod explained afterwards. is However, ValyO said mainly .‘ i
‘ conducted to determine the type students with high academic - ‘ .
. ‘ . .‘ . . and extent of hearing losses. ability are encouraged into the ft‘
By OLIVIA MAGGARD 3;“th éhdtgzldf’”: {(3er whfsth’lthm ”2; hoflhd‘” whether they can be corrected program rather than all - ‘.
Kernel Staff Writer _ with ngL “wgran t. tl )en.‘ ‘1) 4‘: fsorlne ljcu‘SMOh medically. and if they can be students,because of the issue of g ' .
If you’ve been searching the Patterson Office w ld ’t ‘. f 9 g0 W 1]: gtndcra cc mg tiat this helped by some type of hearing practical training. .. _.
Tower for the Admissions and Registrar’s offices, 0]“ “d““f‘ 0“? “‘15 5t“ - '_ _ aid. “Because 0! the need {Ur mp _ ‘
YOU can StOP looking. The_ offices are now b3Ck 1" t n mu: f” :56}? '“S to remain ”1th office Most can hear quality practical experience and ' f.
their old home. the Administration Annex. located ower,d hhlfuT tavehad mh‘l) H11“ for the Ms. Buthod said most deaf the natural limitations of “
next to the Administration Building. 82232,“: d :OOFS of Hg“ bUIflding ritzt used for people have 8mm hearing and practicum Sm... M. have to kc”, 1 .

‘ _ . c c u oscs. ere ore, e easrest . , . . ‘ .

For about a week, Umversrty movers have been solution was [in iiiove the offices back to their old can usually hear very loud tones numbc rs“ down to d Hdbh ‘
hauling boxes of records and office supplies back location ‘ ' at certain frequencies. “Very number. Val} o said.l
to the annex from the tower. Renovation of the Th ' ., . . . . _ . few people." ghc gald‘ “are Students currenty receive .

. _ _ , e offices had been in th‘ office tower for . ». ., . . .. . , ‘
annex has been going on Since last spring in about two ears ,md were ori :13“, I v d u , , totally deal. Prawn“ ”WNW“ in UN“) ”l .

' ‘ ’ f h' y “ ‘ . . g1 y ”0 e ”R - ~ . the schools and rehatilttative ‘ .
antiCipation o t e move. . _ on a temporary haSis. “We thought it would be at The Cl”‘”~ Wh'Vh “”5 .. . . 1 l . v - st , ~ St ‘

Curtis Wells. executive assrstant to the assistant least reasonably permanent about five years .. established at ”K. UK Medical unit” It] .cxington Wk 1315 - - - ,-
vice president of business affairs. said UK officials Wells stated ‘ “ (‘enter in the fall of 1070. works Joseph. (vood Samaritan. ( entral .‘ 1
knew the offices would have to be moved out of At the time of the original move. the University in conjunction With ”1,. Speech Baptist. and (ardinal llill ‘ . ‘
Patterson Office TOWer eventually. was planning to construct a Student Activities Pathology “Nd AUGH‘IWIE' hmh'm‘“ ”W lcxmgton Du” ‘_ 7

About 50 percent 0f the money for the office Building. That building would have housed the Program in the Department of le S‘ih‘ml ”hd lh" "HWY“ . 2
tower project came from the federal government Admissions and Registrar‘s Office and other SPCCIJI ltducation. 5‘in program (minty “him“ . 1 ' ' ‘ 1
through grants. and loans from the Office Of student-related offices, but plans were thwarted by director DP RON” A~ V'alyo, \ alyo “”d ”N ( “”1091?! of _ ‘ 1
Health. Education and Welfare (HEW)- The other the lack of funds and other necessary building Dr. Valyo 53“] ”10 SPCCCh and l‘dUcdllOn "WW?“ hm k in“, i ' 2
half of the $12 million for the protect was needs. hearing program has been at UK located in the Taylor-Dickey . _
provided by UK through the sale or bonds. The costs of moving the records and small office since 1964 and was expanded In ”all complex provided ”mm"! ‘- 7
However, the HEW money was granted With the machinery back to the Administration Annex '969 to mClUdC a graduate servrces such asdiagnostic and ‘
stipulation that the building be used only for totaled about $1 500. The office furniture in the program. therapy services for the hmhmcs - 9' .
academic purposes. tower had to remain there because it was bought Valyo said SWdCMS With an M training students. ' , l

0‘" of bounds with the combined HEW-UK money. The furniture interest in psychology. science. Med'cahy 0mm“ ' 7

According to Wells, U‘K officials thought in the Annex came from UK stock, according to anatomy and physiology are The program at tht‘ UK 2.

placement of the Admissions and Registrars Wells. particularly well suited to the Continued on Fun 2. Col. 1 i . i

. l
2 ——THE KENTIYCKY KERNEL. Thursdav. Nov. H. 197]
. ‘ .. EEZ§5§:?:?:I:1:I;I:I:I::::::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;:;.3:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:3:::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:535553;;:;:;:;:;;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;';t;2;2::;f::I-:;:;2::;i:=;I:I:-:Z5231:5929::-:-;-:-:-:=.’-c-:-:~:-:-:-:-:A;-:-:-:-:-:u§l°£¢~2fi$-z-:~:+:~$:~:»zcarpigig
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, . I 'II I I. it... Help With pal king
- b . u 0 25353 535325
. ( ll ( ren tear (”Id sped , _ q .3:
(‘ontinued from Page 1 Handicapped parking spaces are now controlled L4 hours 2
. . , . , 33:3: . , . ~ . ., ‘ ,. ~ i ', )' ' - V’ 2555??
_ Audiology also receive some ot palate, language. voice. and 33552 ‘1 dd} tor ”I” u“, of those ““5“.“ wl.(;ddlal 13"”: d 1d 3.3533
. Medical (enter is primarily 3 their training at the med center hearing problems ot‘ all types at H”"‘“‘“””’“ parking W85 m ”N wmdsmt. ' "flu 911.4
medically-ortented community it n d e r 5 u p e rvisj on () { both the adult and child lcvcls_“ if; vehicles Will be towed trom these spaces lmmed1atcly. Ihe
‘L‘TV'U‘ Cllnis‘ W lllCh has A S H A - c e r t i H e d s p e e c it Dr Michael Murphy director gig; signs at these spaces read “llundlt‘dl’PCd SPUCC‘ TOW 4
therapeutic and diagnostic pathologists and audiologistg, of speech pathologv in the med Zone,” and are found at various locations on the campus.
. . - ‘ services on a 1.1 ve-day—a-wee k Valyo said. center (‘lmic tor ('ommumcative 'if.::23=FEJEEE’SFEFS’53531:32?;i=55535133:‘25zfi';€si;:;::i=5;:';3;2535i535532525ii,35:33:13335535395525'Eaizi ‘.:'...:55;3;:v':355:?i352:235i335fsésizfiisfsiiisiifés35355325523353353?;:233I;325:3355533535553535355’5;35523553353552532355353552523322232:5335;
. ' . ' . ‘ has” trom 2‘ a,ln.-5 l‘-m~~ 11“ said. “Both clinics." Valyo said. Disorders said most of the
-. I , . ‘ Students 1“ ”19 program 0‘ “deal with such communicative patients Who come there are
I‘ x ) ~ I . . , . . c
, i 4 5 P k t k h l a l 1101 0g) d Ild disorders as stuttering, clett referred to the clinic by .
. _ _ . ' y ‘. .
_ i at it. M W Student boo km! for (11 1108
» = I‘ll-l..'-.= Other patients are reterred to z—
.' - ' l " l Pancake PERKINS House = the clinic by local medical UK student (‘harles Wayne Tom Sturgis said Stoddard had
' . , _ . = = doctors in Lexington and the Stoddard has been arrested in been released on bond and was
.A . 3- ’ = STU DENT SPECIAL' I surrounding communities. connection with the sale of staying With a friend.
- ,_ - ° 2 Varied motivations illegal drugs, T he Le x ington Herald
, ‘ ‘ ' (2) H b Pl 8 Reasons given for going into ‘ reported a “citizen’s complaint"
‘, f -‘ - 3 am urger ate 3 Speech and Hearing are varied. Stoddard. u resrdent 01 had been filed about the sale of
, _ , .' , ' . 8 H b F h F . O Betsy Runyan, a speech Holmes Hall. was 21”“th 2” marijuana. According to a police
’ f ' i am urger, renc I'IeS, é pathologist at the med center 1130 will TUCSda)’ €11 City POhCC spokesman, a citizen‘s complaint
‘ j . . = Coke and Cole Slaw I simply wanted to work with headquarters by Detectlvc means that someone has made
I ' l ' I. I I = children and adults with Sergeant l’red Blake. He was repeated complaints about drug
' ' - I — We serve 28 f 95 0f Pancakes — I communicative handica )8. charged With the S'dl'C “1 traffic or stran e or weird
, . . I I l .. . . .
. ‘ , = 729 SOUTH LIMESTONE l Cookie Wright. a graduate dangerous drugs (marijuana) by actrvrty at some location.
. ~ m mlllllllllllllllllllCOUPONIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE student in Speech Pathology at the City Police-Sheriff’s Narcotic Sturgis said the alleged sale
' . ' ' UK likes the set up of a clinical Division. had not been made in Holmes
L , ' _, . situation. The Holmes Hall head resident Hall.
, ,. ‘ ‘ . ’ "1 MA‘.\ RIGHTS F_\j\nL\' .__ _
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-' .1 -' ' . \ .1. (’ TODAY - ~ . ATTENTION HISTORY 108109
N . . V." . ‘1 . 0y 1‘, CENTRAL KENTUCKY THE LEXINGTON WOMLNS E ‘ ~ ‘ .' ‘
» , ~ C“ «1‘ In. CONCERT AND LECTURE sERiEs POL'T‘CAL CAUCUS "“9““ 7 STUD NTS' A “mm ”m “'1”- be
‘ , L . _ . \ . . , . .l A ‘ . s w , . N, . )1 YWCA 647 gn‘en upon request that Will satisfy
, . , , ,. \ SP] *1 \ presents Joseph C. Harsch speakim,Y p.m. ”Ihursdm. ‘ “‘ ‘ ‘ , ' ' v
" ' » ‘ .' \“\ ’< ' an ~ f I ‘ (r on “The g! t* of the Nut qn 8'1" Chestnut St. All \vomen are welcome. YOU“ T‘~“4l‘111""“(’1"t If ‘0“ Y“ “11’0”“:
_ . .1 , , W ~ [(. ' . ~ A‘ ‘ _ A 4 10!}. fi’ V . in the College of Arts and ScienCes.
' ', . ' . WQ” /. ES p.m. Thursday. 1“)"- 11~ Memorial SOCIETAS PR0 LEGIBUS‘ Ask \‘our teacher for more
. . . _. , \A\ '/ Coliseum. Admission by Activities-II) ore-law leadership honorarv, is now information '
. ‘ ' . G“ ._.‘,_ . 1 cards. accepting membership applications FOR A'NY INFORMATIOV
, . » ~ . . . ’ ) '
, » , . ~ \0 0‘ I ll CHRISTIAN SCIENCE meeting and may . b‘ p‘Ck‘d “9 m Room CALL. g0 R f a1 g ,» ,‘
~ Q.‘ &\ J" (5 6:30 p.m. Thursdav Nov 11 Room 1415. Officee Tower and returned no - ‘ c 9" ~ enlce M
I. . ' O 5' 4;} ,( 113 Student Center. . . later than Nov. 15. 258-8531 from 10_ a.m. to 8 p.m.
, . Q‘ ‘3' \ ~] ~ . Mondav through FndaV.
.1 - , ~ 5 ‘e- — ’/ <
.2 I ' . . {‘Qk . V (O ‘10
_. I ' - , W REGA‘ 5513 k 01"]. LECAI 4’0
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_ _ _ I 1 . ‘ . WW ‘ , M WWW~’\ om’Nmmm
‘ _ 5’ .~ " a LOLDS——Part or full time JObS. Hours PROFESSIONAL typing. —- Theses, BUY beautiful Pers‘ian carpet at re“ '
: _ . 1” Stilt your _SCh€’dU19- 252-0833. ASK themes. term papers. Turabian. MLA. unable rice f s . L”—
, ‘ f '\I . I \l . . , l) - i‘om “tuderit going
} , . _ ' [.1 Or A FS- .0111. 5. 11 (2325 315p” Psvpelr’ sutpphsed. Bill Gigs-2:156 home Call 254-8766 after 6 p.m. SNII
, . -. , .- .- 1 \ LARGE National Company deSIres > ‘ L“ .V 3. er pm. '67 lMPALA _;{mg “1 . . _
. ._ . ‘ dugressive. hard working student to "W, some bodv v'v ‘k s Ina, “811' Heads
- v . -‘ g , '/ ‘\‘ ‘ work a few hours a week. High earn- I OST Call 254-d'tlt‘ 0.1!“, ‘ tfmddrd 5m!" 1“?”
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" L ‘_ ’_ ‘ 4' . ‘ ~ 7 i J _~_:_—_—rI;1r_~—_.___ RING —between Student Center and MQTORC‘ LLE 500 41'- Texaco Sta-
. . ' ' ‘ ' ‘ .b ‘- ‘ w “St one CUt PART-TIME ll arm -2 p in Mondnv “(Hit-{m Hall. Blue Stone in silver “0‘“ corner ”lgh'EUChd’; stereo
. I .‘ . v. . V' ‘ \§ 7 thru Fridai’. MacDonald's ‘DTiVC-Ill, setting. Reward. 258-2129 8N12 figul'ptmr-ntl, ”“10”,“; Encyclopedia In—
, ' _> .k/‘S' from our Versailles Road. am: am}: $05,}? ' 8W“ m A”; 2099.33:
, ,' . ‘ ., A ’ _ /, I -——“_T_.;————-——_.‘_ ‘r’N’o”W’~"’ * «—-—~~A» Hu- ..7.....~__.._ L A,____ A
, . W .' ‘ -_ , \ « . LEGAL SELRETARY» 9-1. shorthand Sliijxfins , , ““5“—
. ‘1 f" t, . . . . . [1% k z/ 1‘]? :? carefree required {or iriterwew (gill 255-3312". v,,,m£lng,,m~; AJfBJ. ‘ I.—.u‘.-1 {31:53:18 BJOULEZGSZ‘ZIQZ’Y‘
" ‘ -' . 4' i}: l, y ‘ /, ________.___________‘__"_ TUTORING sen ice for French (‘OUI‘M‘~ lfj'fv‘cfn"}54,1,l "‘9‘",- 35‘kmll $275. Mov—
'~ ‘ . 7 , -' , ) _ r - / t \\ natural L sAi.Es GIRLS—Part or fiiii-tiri'ic.~ below 4”” level (Sempt‘h'ivt B-A- “‘A 4: '0” HM“ “Uh“ 2992403 “fl”
. . ‘ ‘ ' fy’x‘t V r" l),}’\ . Xmas sensor“ Nov (SO-Dot. 24. Good Fr‘fnd‘ ‘(hn 2994”“) Jifit‘i‘ 3:30 pfh. .:M.V.. ,,_ _ W__‘__ 9N”
.7; i _ - , ' _ , ‘ 5- \4 i, r' 1/ collection p-av; runs-ibis bonus. 233-1251t Ask for Hm” ("Wk ”‘15 I‘M? attic? 1_ inn )le-j :WU j:
, \ n , \/ , _ \l'"“"' . (l I , l Ll Good Col.
._ 4 . . ." , ‘ ‘ \ ‘2?» ,, l ““‘l“"" 1 x“) “A“““- 33"" _,;- Ut‘fi offer Inquire 252
‘ . M ‘ ' l.‘ ‘ f ‘ J *7) m-~,~w~,~- ""NN”"""~ovoo~ \riln..:o:., .illtl' 9: till i. L; iono:
. _ . _‘ . \\~ . , 44/ , MISCELLANEOUS _ PERSONAL —f~-—:~~—~-~-——~-—-—_‘_
. . . , , \\\ . , -~-,-,M-W~-,, "or'ooo',--,-,--~,-- {he l'-‘.\’_i“ ertiANs (LILYZ. 1m 1; o.
‘ ’ ' '- FOR smiuvliodv'w inforrnatiorz. the kit. To KATHY "WP ~13 Ct‘iclrrntt- this an- 1;“le '» A.“ ”‘1.“'\'_"'“r7' ““1”“ ’-'-AY-T-'
. . ‘ . ten \xliosc landlord kiCkcd him out ni“~"‘?A‘r." W sour birthda). You're ("L‘D‘ “a“ “'1‘ Ball—311i}, 7‘“ “(i-l"
. . 'V »: | ‘ '1 ‘fi ( has round a good home. N11 DUNN“ Dun N“ LUCK ”INN“
._ . _ . . ~12 p t. \. . .9.an 44: *_;’TW
. ’ . ‘ . : x ‘ Q .. , .' [vs I ‘A'x-‘Ok MAM .11 MW» Plfitic 299~5247.
- , . .‘ . Q . , f! \ < NI;
. . .I - _ . ‘A "1 : s V. 1 ‘ ‘ ‘\ ~""'~~" o’~o~mo-
“ ~ . N \l\ ~ , ‘ ‘3 l ‘ ( WANTED
» - . . x : ‘ Q ‘1 . ‘5 9m o~”~’ N” WW,
, . . . .. . . \ . ' "
_ _ . _ . N l \‘ '-< ‘ '. ‘ ' l" f, NEEDFD (Ionizilt With any person
. - ' . . ' K) Mr. Jerry 3“ 3 I . , , ' \ I I rewind llilOI‘InutiDt‘. about a local
_ . , . V ' y j} x ' ‘ ‘i‘gzflr C957]; rim» 0 (‘ali Phil at 272—4702
. . - . . ~- T ’ u .. ’11}. 9N1!
- . - . . -' 0 recommends / ' ' ' , . I, -~—~— 4; ——————————
. ‘ ._ - . ._ .~ § ’7 ’ ./ ,. F‘iniii‘iLE roommate needed to share
A‘ . , ‘ -. ,_ g ~ - ' ., , ,, I :N" TONY“ :ipni'tmpnt With 3 others.
.‘ , , .. . < the Liberated 28K \. '%I I $31.25 per month. Phone 253—2151.
. f , .. = .- _ . L; 9N11
.' V. . -_ , . . Looks for your Ki; (1 ‘- (
. ~ :. m e»- M i I ~ ' '
‘. ». _, .‘ ‘ ., NY: Holiday Fun. /’ . — ,. -
.' ~ : ‘ ‘ / . K I
‘ > .. .' It It s not too late to enter the ARMY ROTC program here _ . Helzberg EJK
f , - . \ ‘ ' \ 5’ UK and WW” VOL” military Obligation as an officer. I Sells ’ f
. , ‘ . l , .' Tell you what, we‘ll give you two yoars to think about .. f \l ‘
‘. 1 l. . - . . ‘ Jerome boutique VII” deliver the gOOdS . . . being an officer and a military deferment while you’re Certlfled ' ’
. . , . ' Z , . I . . making up your maid! See us now, before advance . P f f
4 ‘. .. _ ‘ ' , "T ‘. just 00k US up Of 64] East MOI“ Of Imperial P‘OZO. registration, at Room lOl, Barker Hall, for details, ' er 6C, ‘ ,
I V 2 . ' s . . 1" ‘ VJ ,
.l , - , " . Open 9 ml 9 daily. D'amondS! -:
, ' , . - . y ' '.I "Elegance" . . . $145
. 1' '. _ ~——————_ :-
_, . g 1‘ _ _——————_—§____ ‘31 "‘a‘Ched band, 325
, , . , .- The Pertwillab P HELZ
. 7 4 , Y apers b Don Rosa and Ron Weinb _. BERG V
,. ' . ,, '. . g , _ , , . . , Y erg FAYETTE MALL
, ‘ ' . . . ’ ' _ ‘ ‘ ‘ .. A » "y" L‘ ‘ .1 . 'v 1'", ', < A "If. A1: :7 ' y . .: 14L ‘4, . 1 . f M
j ,- ‘ ’. - .' I .1 ' Z -‘. ".' .~ .v‘ 7,: 1-; - . '_i “It. . ”.Js.‘ . . A: L if,” A, h
,~ .. . - ' . .. ,l . _ ... ,. .L . , ' ‘-~ ~~ , T chmuck'J Kernel
,. . ' - L . >«i._ .. , - - -.v ' -y g. I,“ H‘. A . f, . V
. 1’ , _ _ 7 7 . .. . L ,. , , , , , , _ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ’ ‘ ' r’: x ‘ ‘ ,_‘ ' A 4; ,T"“ Kf‘nflllkb' Kernel University
. ' -' . ' ‘ '. K ' " '. »' , i V "f e' I." ’ ‘r ‘ A. ' I 1 Av . . L “lililnn, Univ * N“ ‘ . ~
— , , - ; A > . . ', , , ~ , . r L A. . 1 .. . , m ,f ”WU 01' Kentucky. Lex—
‘. ~ " ~ -. A‘ 4' “ ~ 7‘ ' L f’ L . f ‘ . - ‘ ' ' i: I 1 ' t4 /- , . . . -‘ , .. ' f I V“ i>t:~"‘.:t~ Ki"”“}‘k.\- 40506. Second class
. . . ' ' . , ~ . . 14. ~ ‘ A “i ' . i‘ , : ."z ~\ ",A‘ ‘. _ \ " W'd "‘ I-t‘xlnizton. Kentucky.
.' . ‘ I ‘. ~ ., l A . P ._ , . 0.7." , 4 ‘ / ‘1 (A, ’ V .:",’_‘.,C" . » r£(» Nialll'd (”-1. [”1le “'(‘CRLV during tht?
. ' . , .v - , , . , . , L , 7 ,‘./ . ‘~ l. .A y ; A' ':.:I-. 97": “it y “ hf” 5“” ”Wm ho“dayq and exam
, ' . 4 . , , . - . ~ A -s _ : “L . ‘ ( . , ,7 :5; .=-. ~ .rfi. £525" “NW!“- ”“d ““W during the summer
'. . , * . . , . . . . .. , ‘ v 1 A “l5 ‘ t ' A i”. if V ' ‘ i" “"W‘” ‘
. , ~ .A L ~ . .A ' . t .. .» . l ., - -' ' . 72.3 " ‘ I‘Uhllshed bv th‘ B .
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, ' . ' L '3 h' v ‘11". .f‘ >' {:7 ‘ ‘ ' ‘ "" ‘ " , ”I r 4 x ' " 'P ": .:7 ._ ”vi-{UH its - ‘> ' '
‘ , , . . i ‘ ['- v _ WI. . > u, ,r y c. .1. mt Lndet In 1894 and
.A V l! v . Wm n , , ‘ ,9" ,-. , ’ \‘ ‘ k ” ' N ' N -~- w ““Ml‘m‘d ("'l‘llinuouslv as the Kernel
' ‘ ' , it ‘ I ’ ‘ gal" / "”' I‘l- 1.‘ ': '. - ‘ . '1' . . x . * V P -."=" t: > 1’ '22:.-:..- ~ I me 1915‘ A V
' ' . . ~-‘ @M 3sz \ ' i s 4.4 ' I .~ fit: ‘~' .' 3,3,. l ’ y” F‘ "/u",.‘«"‘ 4% I ' i t Adwm‘iw pl‘"‘ll‘h°d hem" ‘5 in‘
' ' ' - L’) A r 1% ‘ \ . . g t» ’ “ i w \\ 6‘. “M " . “to"; ,, “WW” ‘” “Pm tho rWider buy. Anv
Vi“: , emu ~- . a ,, , "' x’ y , 7:», ‘1‘...” ~ ' I». 4 W a ‘ o "1"“ ”r "NP-“dine advertising shouia
, t “ ' / \ “5N : ’3"th . it. . ‘ . hf“; \ -\ r“ 114” r- » . . m ”WWW“ to The Editors.
. , kl . » . {F rsuciflgt g r ,t , i n _ )r‘ / 7% ’«n/ l ‘3" , g l ,! J it ~ §URISCRIPTION RATES
» E ' ' ~~ \ “ ' 0: '. - . ..
. . Q i, 7 , g _ \~ < MW , ¢ , f" w/0 4 s.) f 5 1 , 2,24 I,” (1::le nml $10.50
0 , ,‘ w .- ‘ t- _ ~ , , ,‘ 4 , A g, - .‘f, _ {mteén ‘(x\ 3L r . 4' .Ay ~ if H' from mes ‘ 3'10
. (I) A. it", ,; , I, ’ ('1‘1‘1\ 1;. - , ,i . . . ’- ‘. ,I , «l A3,),‘5. 4‘ [4 7/4/ ,{ , ,. {/1 ‘5 Fl KERNEL TELEPHONES
. ~ & ,A A ( . . , ,1 " " 5‘ lm W-r/x ,2 “, "1:! i fin ' .-’ ‘ -7. g: . ;~ '2 a. 9” Ehi'mn;;1i“?,numg Edit” 2574755
‘ l’ , , 7 4., .. ~ ’ i v . 1w .5 . ‘ . My”. , 1;, . v ‘
I “I 'l ', ‘ ’ W!V/ ’w ‘2" 3 ‘ 6" Ur « i. 17'“ v t 4’ :25; .3 "‘ A“memeqgltfigimgborts 257 mo
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r , \ ., 9. , ,/ U ... ‘a .. , 2\I . ‘ _ H , . . . .- r 1" (11:0wt‘smg- BUSHK‘SS. Circula—
, . . ' ..._ -- -.... .L........ 258—4646

 _________________________________ THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thursday. Nov ll, l97l -3 f '
genomi’eoon‘flMi\”“ ,- , » V i
Cam us briefs ' ' ' V
’ if? «“oi‘au *, _ . ‘ ‘ I. V '
t ‘ EA S as,» ”an: s.-.::.- 5.. ., {::-‘.m&::>2: 31“..” T1? W}? VV.\- :3??? .' . ' I i .I v,
Representatives of the Environmental Awareness Society ”swim use. , * ' ( ; a 7 ‘- t
(EAS) and the Campus Friends of the Pike «a ,_ , t ., .. . WWW .. ~-»~inasmww, w ‘. . .
i County Citizens Association (CFPCCA) will attend the » , w" ' ”WWW , _
hearings on proposed strip mining legislation in Kentucky , ~ -., -M fame” 1 ~ t . _ _ . '
in Frankfort Thursday. s . ' ~ -. ~. -, *; Enos: .' _
Conservationists will have the floor, and the CF PCCA " ' ' t v.;;::'é:‘-' >:j3€j§:3€§‘s.:s=' ’ gm), fl g ' ' “ ' .
intends to conduct a “eulogy for the dead streams,” Ma at“??? .7 '. '
featuring posters listing streams and the kind of pollution - ' " ”W .. . ,._- “ ‘ . .
that destroyed them. Speakers will also express the , "l w ,. , g g , I
opinions of the two groups. it: get i W '. i ‘
DNA 1' 5 “"13 ' ' ' Shop DOWNTOWN... j: g
, d h d 'd d k - - - :. "
In attempting to solve some of the problems in biology 1:1: gaggeyyefsanflc‘s:pe:r(hdg i: Where the FOSthn ACt'on IS!
101 classes, the Demand Needed Action (DNA) group still hanging out as the mild, ' h
decided Wednesday night to hand out evaluation mannered reporter in the Kernel W4, ._j_.
questionnaires to students in classes. The results will be sent office. Actually it’s only a .. ‘
tOline fiafiéflatfig Karen Kantner, co-chairmen of the 3?,132333321131 lagthrfelgkrc burgh]: Complete Third Floor of Collegiate Fashions , :1
a: , 1 t 't t' d) 11' 't1 t a t - . .- 4
Eli’t‘lfiofsagn ‘13:“pié’s‘én‘luiiit%‘itsi333“ait?nlligwwtloILLS; fjfl‘fifng Liwftfemfi‘f‘iwliifi‘; e133, 2 ”WS FREE PABK'NG - - - t -
theA‘fih h .f, t, t, d u it’s good for the neck. (Staff at the Ben Ah Garage -
325:3 ou no 5 at 1C ues ions were men lone , 1e - _ - - I __ - , _ .. 1..
project’s gfocus was) said toqbe on the teacher-student ratio. photo by Phil Gardner) lust behmd Embry S With PurChase' .' .I ,_ '- i f '
adequate or inadequate facilities, and general relevancy of .1 ' g. . ‘ ~.
the COWS?- ' O {twlllllllllll ' -W:to..tt. s ~ ~ " . '
222:2; A d M . K , l i 1 d « I I -l llllllllllll“ a
“1623233? ttoo Lsewiimé'oiiuif $§?%f§§ioeileitlos?33§§: 32;: llllllllllllllllllllllilllllllll / .lllllllilllllllllllilillllll 1.“? . _~
affairs. Sending them to John Stephenson, dean of _=_ E . “‘Qflr'
undergraduate studies, is also being considered. E g -_ g .‘
gigs:sass;2:222a?:2sags2252ssgagsgsg2asgassesses;as;gags22222253225222;5223252252:2:33:22:alas;s2sizzsszétsszézzsasssztasisEases592532222225233252%2223252335252525:325:32553252isisiéziiisfésiiaaiaéésisitisi’s'ésésiiiiiafsi‘:525252?ifs?i53355§53§33§3333§§3§§ :5: The U '5' MI n1. E :
E | R II All =
g s eca mg . .,
° =
Assoaated Women 2' l M. R - l = '. A '
g ts Int e|ec s _
St t g g ‘
”den 5 g N I C' l ' -,__-.
g ow n Ircu atlon -=___.-
E: *The University Shop g
.=.. ‘ I 5 , . g ,
.— \ " .
E: A ‘ 1/; :A C e g .- .
this year’s theme will be 2 N ( Wooden g ;
.5- : m \\ g ' 5 .
n - ' n = i .\ ° — _ t
Women in the Community ._.=__ , C \‘m Nickel E . _
= ‘ gig; ._ . 3 .-
E l N E ,
a ' l. u g
”\ p y ;:§3§:;._ ' - '
NOVEMBER 12-13 " art
- ' , 1
Registration Friday—3:00—4200 . a. ”0 Nov. 1:, 19:13.0 ‘. .
, , . 12:0 to : —__— ' . . r ‘
18th Floor of Office Tower _=_ t . o ; ’ === j t ,.
= u 5-: 3
4:30 Friday—Ms. Anna Bolling § Remember those wooden nickels we 5;:
Of the Human Relations § told you would be valuable? Well, 3 ,_‘ .
‘ Department Will be speak— 3 bring them to the U-Shop on Friday, 2
' E . 5 ‘ .’
ing g Nov. 12, 1971 and cash ’em in'. Every— 2
"3' 2 body will profit— So come in and g:
. . e - m _ ' nI — E -
_ 8;00 Friday—Ms. Nancy Ray, 3 check It out. . . Good Friday 0 y g g
, Dean of Students will be '— . m . . g a ,
speaking Ellie muermtg hon __
t E mas‘elchalge Student Charge Accounts Welcomed TA— 2 -. ~
1‘ Saturda —Discussion Grou s a "I ~- ~’, l— g i _ ,
; d C, h p 2 L“ 407 5. Lime Phone 255-7523 2.. film-— __=——_:_ _ _-
1 n _=_ = , .'~
On unC e0 g HOURS; Monday, 9-7 pm. —— Tuesday thru Saturday, 9-5:30 pm. a j .‘
= = '-
= O . — .
5 All Women Students Are Invited! g — FREE PEPSI compliments of Peps: Cola Co. — g” . , ,
2 ~‘ s l lIlllllIIIIIIuulmumuuuur-lumtmimmmmmllllllllllllllll 7 ‘< » _‘ ,

 . . l 7
"‘ ’ “ L [X ' l
t 0 Edut ation lags as i us 168
. to buIId a oot a lo (
\\ ‘ 19.000 students still for that matter any new classrooms. The new field has only to face on or [Witt SCthUlC-
laiig. in overcrowded and This is not surprising if one two more hurdles before its And as the graduating class of
dilalr.‘ l classrooms. our UK accepts the notion that the construction is insured. The 1972 gets it diplomas. which may S/fir‘
. admi: tration is moving right t‘UItCtiOH of the University 01‘ contract may be way over bid or have to be prmtcd 011 Wild paper Am“
'I ' H , ahead with the new football Kentucky is not education but even less likely the Kentucky because of budget restrictions. it him .
. , ‘ , ‘, ~ Small,“ producing winning football teams General Assembly may refuse to can gaze londly in the direction ot ivimj
. I. .‘ ' Just two days ago the prime and that this UhiVCtSity CXiStS not pay off debt service fees on the the Agricultural Experiment Farm Sespt-
I ‘ architects for the S] 1 billion sports for the students but for the alumni stadium. where the new stadium Will be the a
, _ .3. palace were announced. It all goes and politicians who can bask in the But this probably won’t happen nearly tinislied and know where its It
i ' . . 7 well. Vice President for Business glory of a winning football team. and the new field will be completed education went. 81;;
I' ' l Affairs Larry Forgy assures us. bids were
, . . . . o o .
’.. I- . ‘ can go out by the middle ot May B l . d t ht l t Pirat
. 'j .I . . and a contract awarded by July 1. r(:c {6111.1 g6 S ralg Jae {e S Th
‘ . . . .. . . . - , ' ra e
. 2'. ' \t hat is interesting about Porgy s - . acgo
. ' _ - scenario for the stadium 0 0 both
. ~‘- .- construction is the rush the pu lC IntereSt an t ‘ l P. ‘ :88 and
' ’ _ ': administration is in to finish the thfte
- '2 ' ‘ ‘ i ‘ - s Q 7 ‘ - ~ . - - ' .
' ‘ . I . thing in time toi the 19/3 football The latest freedom ot the press the press is entitled to a general investigative powers and the sealing fem
I . t ,. . . ‘ - ‘79 ) . ' \ '
. , II season. . . s t a t e m e nt to come trom search of court records or state 0f “PUbllC records from the WM” Lott;
I . . . _ .. I.I Apliart‘titl) tliLII [tunic eribOn lOI gOVL'rnmcnt has been handed down records 0f LlnClainlCd prOPCI‘ty 11‘ eye. It is lC'dVIHg the dCClSlOli of wea
. . . \ ‘ x - ~ \ ~ ‘ ‘ I ) v _ . . . ‘,,
. .- . II ““0951“? ll“ drkllltul‘ I15 11“” “‘I‘.‘ by no one less than Kentucky’s such a search 15 not deemed to be m who shall see such “public clot
. ' . “'35 timSth 1” ‘d NCOFd 5l WWKS- Breckenridge. And true to form . . . records keepers~none of whom.
. 'L. _' . I This L‘niversity seems quite with the current Agnewistic tenor Legally defined. that interest is we’ll bet. will have thought any F
II I . :. willing to rush pcllmell into a of the nation. the opinion would whatever would enable a citizen or more about the impact of their 321:1
' ‘ ' l .. c . . , 2 , s “\ ‘ '. . “ - I 1 1 v I _ ‘
II I. II . costly. and we chl toolisli. bring tears to the eyes of most any reporterII to maintain or defend an denials than Mr. Breckenridge are
. 2‘ II ’ ’ I 'I I UllLlCl‘Idklllg lll\C ii llL‘\\' lOOtbLill strict constructionist aroundI HCthll (In Court) {Or WIUCh the lllmSle appears to have. WO
‘_ ; ~, I 2 field while it continues to drag its Breck