xt766t0gx74q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt766t0gx74q/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1967 2013ua031 booklets  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Fact Books The University of Kentucky Facts 1967 text The University of Kentucky Facts 1967 1967 1967 2019 true xt766t0gx74q section xt766t0gx74q Aoeuuuqd uo sleuamm 30 981121 peorq r. em suonoel ’8961 ‘CI'IVAASO 'AA NHOf qsqqmse o; pepioap (opaque); Jo eldoad sq),
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93119133 AIBJQFI [pool—5113119113111 9311105 30 “OHDQIIOO QAIS LIGI‘OIGI ‘HEDIHVH 'S KHNHH MOJSIH iaua
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enupmruoH -r[ [Broads pue Amrqn 31113 'I ismBmw ' :smoI 'auIOIpeuI m 921ch [Squ 9‘11 Jo
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Research Board of Trustees Board of Trustees
The University Of Kentucky Research Edward T. Breathitt, Governor Dr. Ralph Angelucci Dec. 31, 1968 . .
Foundation was awarded over six million Dr. Harry A. Sparks Lexington UnlverSlty of
dollars during the first six months Of 1966' Superintendent of Public Instruction Robert Hillenmeyer Dec. 31, 1970
Research at UK has been largely physical Wendell P. Butler Lexington ICCntuC/ky
science oriented. BM emphasis now is also Commissioner of Agriculture William Black Dec. 81, 1970
on education, the humanities and social Paducah Facts
sciences. . . ’ MEMBERS Term Expires 1967
UKRF admlmsters funds for 763 difterent Smith Broadbent, Jr. Dec. 31’ 1968
research and special projects distributed Cadiz FACULTY MEMBERS
among 78 departments and divisions. Sam Ezelle Dec. 31, 1968 Stephen Diachun June 30, 1968 ‘
Projects run the gamut from an appropri- Louisville Department of Plant Pathology ‘4‘ OF
ation to assist a local school board in pro— Dr. R. W. Bushart Dec. 31, 1967 Paul Oberst June 30’ 1969 63 $‘;(\ .
gram development to an annual award of Fulton College of Law (4 \L I“ 2
almost $1,500,000 in the tobacco and health Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer Dec. 31, 1970 O: m.-;:; --1
research program, which already involves 81 Ashland L“ ' . B C ,
UK faculty researchers from eight depart- B. Hudson Milner Dec.3l, 1970 OFFICERS OF THE BOARD _>_ ”I “ n
ments. Glenview Gov. Edward T. Breathitt, Chairman 2 ' L1 ‘1’ a. '
Dr. Harry Denham Dec. 31, 1969 Dr. Ralph Angelucci, Vice Chairman 0‘865 $
' - Maysville
Unwersnty Museums Richard E. Cooper Dec. 31’ 1969
Kentucky Life Museum—Waveland Somerset EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE
Tuesday - Saturday 9:00 a.m. -4:00 pm. Charles 0. Landrum Dec. 31, 1967 Ralph Angelucci, Chairman
Sunday 1:30-4:30 pm. Covington Smith Broadbent, Jr.
Wm. R. Allen, Zoological Henry Besuden Dec. 31, 1967 Robert Hillenmeyer
'Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m. Winchester Harry Denham

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“ aarsml 5o pmog searsml 5o pmog Ipmaseu
UK Hall of Fame a state institution of higher learning, the Inter f' ID W 7 my 7—D» ' 7 V 7 WV-
Twenty-one college or university presi— Agricultural and Mechanical College was P nu Iona evelopment KentUCkY and Ohio valley hiStory’ the works
dents, 11 generals or admirals and 10 g0ver— separated from Kentucky Universfiy and re- rograms of numerous modern authors, tobacco litera-
nors or senators are distinguished alumni of GStathhed on land given by Lexington and INDONESIA (AID) “He’l‘md the papers 0f SUCh DUbliC figures
the University of Kentucky. Fayette County. To provide a separate cam- The University Of KehtUCkY has been as A ben W. Barkley, A. 0 Stanley, and
KentUCky alumni Who have been gover— pus for the new institution, the city of Lex- working with the Bandung Institute of Jouett Shouse, .Wthl‘l provrde a detailed
nors or senators include Governor Edward lngton had donated its 50-acre fairground Technology and the Bogor Institute Of Agri- pllmll'rfe 0f twentleth century American Dentin
Breathitt, Governor and Senator Albert B. and Parkwhldh during the CiVil War, had culture over a ten year period in a coopera— ca Tl1 e. '
Chandler, Senator Virgil Chapman (de— been utlhzed as a bivouac area for Union tive eflort to strengthen these institutes. 1 .ierefare small, hlghly selective CO]-
ceased), Governor and Senator Earle C. tr90ps. Lexmgton and Fayette County con- THAILAND (AID) eCh‘On’s 'Or use Of undergraduates at Uni-
Clements, Governor and Judge Bert T. trlhuled $60’000 for the construction Of The UhiVBTSitY 0f Kentuck 1 lihmt? 'Lenters and Specml departmental
Combs, Governor Keen Johnson, Governor hilllldlngS, ahd President James-K. Patterson, started working with Thais in dzvelhzcihrgt: l mms‘
and Senator A. 0. Stanley (deceased), $23958 563/109: t0 the instltution began in regional Agricultural Research Center in Ar ‘- It lE ' '
Senator Thomas Underwood (deceased), all , use his personal 53“th *0 Sllpple' Tha Phra Northeast Thailand 52“?“ um Xpehmeht 3mm)“
0 f Kentucky; Senator John E. Miller of merit the building fund. Thirty years later PFAC‘ I ATChlteCture
Arkansas, and Governor and Senator James ,the lengIature Changed the name 0f the J; E CORPS - A’rt and MUSiC
scmgham (deceased) of Nevada. Institution to State University, Lexington, ] lcacc Corns Volunteers from several coI- Blological Sciences
Winners of awards of national and inter- Kentucky, and gave it additional financial .cgcs and univcmtlcs come to UK for train- Chemistry and PhYSiCS
national reputation include Don Whitehead support. In 1916 the name was changed to mg to work m rural India. commerce
twice winner of the Pulitzer Prize, and the University of Kentucky. The University Education
Thomas Hunt Morgan (deceased), winner gfl Kentucké has had only Six PIGSidehtS- Libraries Englneenng
v I n I I . GO
of the Nobel Prize 1n medicme. 103:: perro 5 0f serv1ce have been as f01' The University library system includes the HomZgEconomics
.. _ Margaret 1. King Library and special 11- H ‘
Brie f History LAEMES K. PATTERSON, 1878-1910 braries of over a million volumes- an exten Lorthlllture
NRY S. BARKER 1910—1917 sive coll ' . _ aw
’ t f . _ . .
tu0:116 SCI-1001 ‘was started as part .of Ken- FRANK L. McVEY, 1917—1940 printed agdlgangscdsogicr? mmaterhalil bhth lerary sc'lence
y. n1vers1ty under a cooperatlve plan HERMAN L. DONOVAN, 1941-1956 Cludin co lt P f any '6 5:_m‘ Mathematlcs
authorized by the legislature. In 1878, when FRANK G. DICKEY 1956-1963 t'fi g' mp e 6 runs 0 1110“ malor 501611“ MCdlCfll Center
the people of KentuCky deemed to estathh JOHN w. OSWAL , ' ‘ 1 c. serials and many others. Among the 001- Middle Eastern
D, 1963 l t . '
ec ions are a broad range of materials on Pharmacy

 ACADEMIC CALENDAR Admissions Enrollment—Fall Term 1966 Student Fees
F H S 1967 All entering freshmen and transfer students UNDERGRADUATE MEN WOMEN TOTAL Full-time Student: Resident Non-resident
a_ emester . . are admitted to the College of Arts and Pharmacy 127 18 145 All Ogileges exgelgt .
Orientation & Registration Aug. 28, 29 Sciences except those entering the College Engineering 938 10 943 Mesmme “F ”mm" 140 00 410 00
Classes begin Au . '30 4 . . . Ed . 380 1246 1 626 emester 66 $ . $ .
. . . g of Law, Dentistry, Medicine and Pharmacy. ucation a ’ Summer Term Fee 80.00 220.00
ThanksgiVlng Holidays Nov. 23, 24, 25 Admission iS based upon the student’s prob- Commerce Colleges of Medicine and
Classes end Dec. 12: ability of success in his chosen field of study (Business & Dentistry—
Final Examinations Dec. 14-20 as indicated by: Economics) 728 113 841 Auriga; F63 $8.38 123(38)::
1, The high school record Arts 8 Sciences 3,682 2,837 6,519 R°°m “" °‘“ ‘ ’
2. Results of the American College Test Agriculture 51 Home Part—time Student:
3, Recommendation of the hiin school Economics 344 261 605 A11 Undergriduate Colleges
4. Previous college record, if any Nursing 140 140 except aw.
Spring Semester 1968 Architecture 164 8 172 232:2? g $121131: 5:; $1250 $3100
Orientation & Registration Jail 157 16 Schools and Colleges TOTAL 6,358 4,633 10,991 Fee 14_00 37.00
Classes begin Jan, 17 Dates established Coiglege 0f LEW 14 00 41 00
' ' l ‘ emester ee . .
Spnng vacatlon i\Iar. 16-24 :gricultiiire 1865 Summer Term Fee 16.00 4400
Classes end May 4 Its an Selences 1865 PROFESSIONAL Graduate School
Fina] Examinations May 6-11 Law 1908 Medicine 248 27 275 Semester or Summer Term
Commencement May 13 Engineering 1918 Law 408 19 427 Credit Hour Fee 17.00 46.00 ,
Business & Economics 1920 Dentistry 168 5 173
Education 1923 TOTAL 824 51 875
Graduate 1924
Pharmacy 1947 Degrees Offered
Summer Session 1968 Medical 1954 GRADUATE SCHOOL: 22 Bachelors
Registration June 10_11 Nursing 1958 Total—1,320 MEN 18 Masters . .
Classes begin June 12 Eeiititstry iggg 596 WOMEN IIgoctor off EEIIOSO-phy (in 29 fields)
End of Summer Session Au _ 7 rell ec ure d l 1 916 octor o ucation
g Allied Health Professions 1966 Gran Tota ’ Doctor of Musical Arts in Music Education
Home Economics 1967 Specialist in Education
Administrative Executive Officers Community Colleges Faculty and Staff Physical Plant
John Wieland Oswald, President Dates established TEACHING FACULTY LAND
Arnold DeWald Albright Northern (Covington) 1948 F1111 time 867 The University is a small city in itself. It has
’ Executive Vice President Ashland 1957 Part time 100 its own post office, bookstore, radio station,
W111i? BETTE “:dfla‘dh Alb B Fort Knox 1959 NON-TEACHING ACADEMIC STAFF newspaper, printing plant, cafeterias, theatre,
Ghee diemhind'mltce ert ‘ Henderson 1960 Full time 842 police force and hospital. The University
Robert 2? Keel-Ileye ica enter SIUflbeaIit (Cumberland) 1922 Part time 464 community, including students, faculty, staff
- Eiza et town 19 , ‘ - f ‘1’ b b t
Vice President-Business AEairs Prestonsburg 1964 NON—ACADEMIC STAFF gaggers find their amlles, num 61‘s a 011
Glenwood 1" Creech Hopkinsville 1965 Full time 4157 , .
Vice President—University Relations Part time 900 Central Campus 315
Somerset 1965
Robert L- Johnson Louisville, Opens in January 1968 TOTAL FACULTY AND STAFF Campus Farm 275
Vice President—Student Affairs and Paducah, in July 1968 Full time 5866 Experiment Station Farm,
Dean 0f 51:11am“ Hazard and Maysville, Fall 1968 Part time 1464 including Coldstream 1,130
Lewis W. Coc ran Spindletop Farm 9 0
Provost Institutes and Centers TOTAL’ ALL EMPLOYEES 7330 South Farm 202
. Institutes and centers which concentrate Student Financial Aid 1966-67 Poultry Farm . _ 89
The Herman L. Donovan Senlor upon certain specific subject areas. Scholarships and Grants Sub-experiment Stations at Princeton
Citizens Fellowship Program The center for Developmental Change Number 1,435 and Qu‘Cksand . k d 14 388
Any man or woman who is 65 or more The Water Resources Institute Amount $772,000 Forest Reserve at ch san ’
. . . . L . Eden Shale Farm (Owen County) 984
may enroll for regular courses at the Uni- Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 03115 F , W df d C nt 140
versity without the payment of fees at the Lexington Technical Institute Number 1,280 Farm in M00 OE on y 400
Lexington campus or any of the Community Tobacco and Health Program Amount $844,000 Carm m 182811.] ounty 652 9
Colleges. Courses may be taken for credit Dental Continuing Education Student Employment ommuni y 0 eges ‘
toward degrees or audited for no credit. Medical Continuing Education The number of student jobs varies Grand Total Acreage 20,7079
All prerequisites and entrance requirements Bureau of Business Research throughout the year, but averages 2,200 per
are waived for auditors. This program is ad- Bureau of School Service year. Hourly rates range from $1.25 to BUILDINGS
ministered by the Council on Aging. Geological Survey $1.75. There are 103 major buildings.