xt766t0gx71z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt766t0gx71z/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1996-01 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, January 1996 text GLSO News, January 1996 1996 1996-01 2019 true xt766t0gx71z section xt766t0gx71z ' rm f” {,4an a, W .W, W ,. , W ,. . .-...
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contributed by Joshua LT. Macharlane compiled by Mary Crone . Peter: pjtayl00@ukcc.uky.edu
“After twenty minutes of chrlls, sweat, .What do you know about the radical Elizabeth: bee@mis.net
and nearly tears, I whispered the words into “Religious Right” and Its tactics? How much Tammy: sappho@mis.net
her ear. Never before had it taken so much of a threat are they? See how you do on these w
for me so say so little. I was immediately questions. (Thanks to the Unitarian Church NEWT TIME? IT'S ALL RELATIVE...
overcome with shame and regret... I had bulletin for this information - answers are “O"‘hhu'ea by Eliz‘hc‘h tha’“
put a trust in her that did not come easily. below): Newt Gingrich may be 7h”? Magazine’s
Only once previously had I attempted such I. Presently, the Christian Coalition claims Man Of the Year, hht I wouldn't get too excited
a leap of faith and I was quickly betrayed.” a budget of $20 million with chapters in 50 about that. Ad‘hf Hitler held the same
So began a personal narrative, which states and about 1.6 million members, with diSthhOhih1936'
I decided not to use for Senior English. The about new members reported joining The Gingrich family is getting a h” or
words which I whispered were, ”I’m each week. exposure lately. Ifyou are “0t already familiar
thinking of coming out.” The person a: 500; b: 2,000; c: 5,000; d.: 8,000 Whh her, Newt’s queer half—sister Candace has
whom I told had no idea I was gay, except 2. A coalition of 11 conservative Christian become a visible spokeswoman for our
for a few large hints that I had dropped in groups is calling for a broad-based constitu— community. 5° far, she is doing a good th 0f
the previous weeks. Fortunately for me, she tional amendment that would protect religious counteracting her siblings overzealousness.
is very supportive and we have gone on to expression (including prayer) in all situations Ahd’ as some 0f you may also be aware,
become best friends. where non—religious expression is permitted. the TV series Friends has a lesbian couple ‘
As I sit here in 5th period Study Hall, I a: True; b. False they lh-h had a baby last season ' who are sort
ponder the notion that statistically, there 3. Currently, the Radical Religious Right is 0f fringe characters. Well, news is, they Wih
are five other homosexual students in here, focusing on three issues: antichoice laws, S°°h be tying the kh‘h ih a Uhh’h Ceremony
who may or may not have experienced anti—gay laws, and reinstituting school prayer. (we hear it's inJanuary, bht no confirmation).
events not unlike what I described above. Last year a majority of their advertising dollars The Ceremony is to be performed by a
But who are they? DO they even know they went into which of these causes? Unitarian minister played by ’ who else? ‘
are gay? If they do, have they or will they a: Anti-choice laws; b: anti—gay laws; c: Candace Gingrich.
accept it? Will they ever tell? Do they know reinstituting school prayer Tune ih " this Sh‘hhd be a gOOd 0he- V
that I, too, am gay? Maybe there aren’t any, 4. The political tactics used by the Radical t-~—=—-"---~"e=='-—='f~:fi
maybe I’m the only one in 5th period Study Religious Right include which of the following: i thiusrurhlsadf-ligibibfsl 3:111:12}; jj
Hall, in the 12th grade, in my entire school. 1) stealth campaigns, in which candidates hide out, Contact Mary (266—5904) and j
It’s possible ——or is it? Of 600 students, both their organizational affiliation and their she’ll make it all better. it
could I be the only one that is gay? Surely real political agenda; 2) taking advantage of ww—w——————~————————~lh
not. But that’s how it often feels. low voter turnout; or 5) distributing supposedly
I don’t believe that it takes a new year non-partisan voter guides,_ especially in [INS HIDE DANMARW 8
for people to change their ways, but like so churches? 1"“ 0f Sponsors‘ ”'“""“"“'Z
, Community News...............3
many others, I have made a few New Years a: None; b: 1 and 2; c: l and 3; d: all Update: Oregon Murders ””3
resolutions. The most important of which 5. Which of the following are Radical People Who Hate You .........5
go hand-in—hand. They are to be more Religious Right groups andwhatis theirfocus? GLSO Financial Report ........8
continuedonpageB continuedonpageZ Sponsor Page 11

 , 1) Youth for America, 2) American 08mm. for
6‘6 SAYS; Law and Justice, 3) Citizens for Excellence in
LESBIAN Education, 4) Free Congress Foundation.
SERVICES Am _______
ORG l: d 2: a 3: b :Er—T—fi=
-s-' " 4: d 5: all -- 1) anti-abortion group for ’9'.\“III ill-.- I.
Lexingteflifentuckyv youth, part of Operation Rescue; 2) challenges jé’flfllj-fllii E:
fl the American Civil Liberties Union 3) supports ‘gfl/x- “Ii III II
. . . \‘5/ Q III II
Christian candidates forschool boards, Opposes ‘ \. i IIIII
outcome—based education programs; 4) ,$”/, _. \ “f! :::F!
opposes civil rights and gay rights. 6.9:» ,' g 5)? “SJ I! I
61.50 News 3 ill 1:
Published Monthly by the These people have a lot of money, which l_’-:___,
, , means power. We need to continue to support ‘ ' '
Lexmgton Gay/Labia“ our community organizations with time and A A A ‘ . A A
Services Organization money in order to challenge their efforts to g ,
PO. Box 11471 oppress us.
Lexington, KY 40575 The relative freedom and security the
lesbigaytrans community has achieved in the
Editor: last two decades can be taken-away from us.
T | Our chOices can become limited, new laws
Peter ay or allowing discrimination have been passed in
cities, and we have already lost too of us to
Layout Editors/Co—Edltors: murder, suicide, and death from AIDS. But we WIT“ FLAIR
Tammy D. Strong/ also continue tO make progress. We have a lot 0
Elizabeth A. Gilliam of love and we seek justice; in this lies our
power. 7
A .
615° “"“al Dues and THE GLSO News IS PROUD TO
Newslette“ $15 ANNOUNCE OUR SPONSORS so 142‘ Smoty Seconds, "we carry
Dues and Newsletter for PAR FOR 1996: Quality Used Furniture,
COUPleS‘ $20 Sue Strong, i’li.l).. licensed Psychologist Orzg/malflrt, andflm‘zpues
355-4864 _, at [M f tbe przce ofne'wjunk.
. . . Scoi‘sono and Ransdcll Attorneys at Law
Views or Opinions expressed in the GLSO _ , -. ‘ -
News are those of the authors and don‘tnecessarily 37+) '66 . - Open M0714“), '17qu Saturday
represent those of me GLSO Board of Directors. Craig Hudson. tor 1110 Catholic group 3 77 Vzrgzma Ave.
Submissions are welcome. All submissions DIR/11! )' Lexington, KY 405 08
become the property of GLSO and must indicate 'l'ri-State (lay Rodeo .-\ssociation
full name and address of the author. The staff 'l'em' 255—5469
reserves the right to edit submissions and ads to Paul 378-8035 606/ 255-1036
meetpublishing requirements, aswellasthe right Russell Bean Bookkt‘c - , A, . ~, .- , ,.
. . . .t ping £\ lax btmcts
”releamysum‘ss‘ms- , _ . zoo-2005 SN 001W SEC‘WDS
Placement of advertismg in GLSONews ,, _ , , ,_,
. , . . Pegasus li‘aiel Rib-+33 t
denotes neitherapersonssexual orientation nora ) i . ‘ _ | H _ _ . ,1)
business’ customer preference. I l’gmm lirilt'l (Iv/mics IA” l]/_](Illl [It ,0!
(ml In (:'/..\()
GLSO News Page 2

 g} 5 gm} [EWEEY/EWEKV Wag
WORD WATCH Equal, human or civil rights for lesbigay 7:00 PM, Davina’s house. Call for title and
by George Neighbors Ir, PFLAG Field Services people directions. (271_6174)
Manager'mt’ibu'e‘l 1” Ruth ““6“” Gay Agenda implies large coordinated Sunday, Jan. 14: Monthly luncheon.
Those involved in anti-gay rhetoric Often conspiracy or takeover. Alternative: Equal 12:30 PM, Bagel Bay, Nicholasville Road.
use certain words or phrases to imply a “sepa- rights movement. Saturday, Jan. 27: Game Night. 7:00 PM,
rateness" to gay men and lesbians from daily Gay Ghetto implies poor and isolated. davina’s house. Bring your favorite game
life. We also should be COHSCiOUS to “Old Alternatives: Gay neighborhood or Gay— anda snack to share.
using them in our publications and corre- friendly neighborhood. For more information, call Davina at
spondence! . ' . . Tolerance implies forced acceptance. 2716174. 7
Shexual fife/17917709 ltmpllej:the abrlrty to Alternative: Understanding of gays and GLSO BOARD TO START PRIDE
c oose or rrec eern s owar one sex over .
the other. AltemativezgSexual Orientation lesbians. 7 MONTH PLANNING -
INTI-IRWEAVE IN JANUARY The GLSO Board meeting rnJanuary wrll
Gay Lifestyle implies perversity: is there a “onlribuled by ”“3"“ warn" be getting together a committee for planning
“gay my” to 000k, clean or shop? Interweave is a group connected [0 the Pride Month (yeah, it’s injune, but that's not
Alternatives: Gay Culture... living as an openly Unitarian Church, but open to members from really too far away). Any groups who want [0
gay person. the lesbigay community. Our activities for do events or individuals who have ideas for
Gay Rights implies 596cm] rights or January areasfollows: activities, can contact Mary at 266-5904. 7
privileges, and suggests quotas. Alternatives: Tuesday, Jan. 9: Lesbigay video night.
 < E
UPDATE ON THE OREGON On Monday, December 4th Roxanne woman was seen. Michelle’s truck was
MURDERS Ellis had an appointment to show a rental discovered missing, Roxanne’s car was found
Michelle Abdill, and her partner of 12 duplex for their property management unlocked with her purse, keys and creditcards
years, Roxanne Ellis were last seen Monday, company. Later she contacted Michelle Abdill left behind.
December 4th at about 5 pm. in northeast indicating she needed a jump—start for her Information about their disappearance
Medford, Oregon. Both were former residents vehicle at around 5pm. That is the last either and a call for help in locating them went out
of Colorado Springs, Colorado. Both women onto the Internet from P-FIAG at 6pm on
were activists in combating anti-gay ballot Wednesday, December6th and activists around
measures in Oregon. Police report the two had W E the nation responded.
received threats in the past and are investi— On Thursday, December 7th at about
gating the murders as hate crimes. Michelle 4pm, a cable company employee that had
and Roxanne were both active in combating WA M cur memorized the missing vehicle’s license plate
anti-gay ballot measures in Oregon. discovered the pickup belonging to Roxanne
It should be noted that Medford is one Ellis parked behind an apartment building
local communities where a city-wide anti-gay W. U ll and notified police. The bodies of both women
initiative was passed, as was a county-wide 0 were found shot in the back of the truck
measure in Jackson County. Neither woman AS VOLUNTEER. hidden by the truck’s canopy.
was sexually assaulted. M" (/am'y M 166-5. 904
_ continued on page 4
GLSO News Page 3

 4//%c%7/07’////Z/%§’/// dential candidate Robert Dole, denied that the made sexist and homophobic remarks about
fifiéfi® 5’? ”a”. ‘2 3/ action was politically motivated. lesbians “hurting women's golf’ and claimed
émg¢g%i%gflg%% Key West Parade Bars MCC that women‘s breasts were a handicap to
from page 3 Organizers of an annual Christmas women golfers, CBS Sports president David
One of more than 175 telephone tips led parade in KeyWest, whose population has long Kenin defended Wright on the basis of his
police to a suspect in the slayings. Authorities included a large number of homosexuals, claims that he had been misquoted and did
issued an arrest warrant Tuesday charging have taken the city by surprise, and angered nothing to reprimand Wright for his actions.
RobertJames Acremant, 27, with two counts of much of it, by barring from the pageant a Wright recently admitted to sportswriter Dan
aggravated murder. A telephone tip put predominantly gay church. The nondenomi- Jenkins that he actually did make the remarks.
detectives on Acremant’s trail in California’s national, predominantly gay Metropolitan Although Jenkins thought Wright might have
San Joaquin Valley, Police Chief Ray Shipley Community Church, which had never before been joking, Ken Doig, a tour caddy and part-
said. Acremantis believed to have moved from marched, asked to do so in this year's pageant, time CBS employee since 1977, told Michael
California to Medford recently. scheduled forDec. 2. “I thought it was time for Bamberger, a reporter for Sports Illustrated,
Robert James Acremant, 27, told The us to be in this community parade,” said the that he clearly heard Wright tell Helmbreck
Record in Stockton that an “urge” prompted Rev. Steven Torrence, pastor of the 120— that “lesbians in the sport hurt women’s
him to kill Roxanna Ellis, 53’ and Michelle member congregation. “We had a wonderful golf...It’s not reticent, it’s paraded. There’s a
Abdill, 42, on Dec 4. The fact that they were float.” defianoe in them in the last decade.”
lesbians made it easier, he told the newspaper. Wedding Gifts from Hawaii Miami Beach Vice
“It wasn’t that they were lesbians, but that According to a paper published in the Discrimination charges have been filed
made it easier because 1 don’t like them,” May ‘95 issue of the Southern California Law against the Miami Beach Police Department
Acremant said during the jailhouse interview Review, Hawaii could gain four billion dollars by a gay ex—police officer. Pete Zecchini served
with the newspaper, “I don’t feel any remorse - if the Supreme Court decides to overturn on the force for six years, for two of those he
for these people. I never have cared for people HaWaii’s current marriage statue and thus was openly gay. After his lover contracted HIV,
to begin with.” legalize lesbigay marriages. The author notes his treatment within the department radically
Acremant also told the newspaper that the economic arguments against legalizing changed. The Miami Beach Police
the Oregon murders were not his first. He said same-sex marriage, particularly the question Department is charged with violating the
he killed a drinking partner, Scott Christopher of “tipping”, whereby Hawaii, in the Americans With Disabilities Act and the
George of Visalia, Calif, and that if police had aftermath of legalizing gay marriage, might Federal Rehabilitation Act. For more
not caught up with him, he probably would be seen as a gay mecca, a perception that information contact Zecchini’s attorney,
have killed again. Acremant said he knew Ellis might discourage or “tip” other tourists, what Loring Spolter, at (954) 728-3494.
and Abdill were lesbians. He told a local she calls “majority consumers", away from Safe Schools?
reporter that he intended to rob them and had Hawaii. A fear of “tipping” prompted The Washington Safe Schools Coalition
no plans to kill them. It was the foiled robbery Pensacola, Fla, officials to protest loudly when released its second annual report this week,
that pushed him to murder rather than their the gay magazine Outdeclared the city among documenting 27 incidents of violence against
sexual orientation, Acremant said. 1 the top 10 “gay friendly” cities in the country. Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender youth
HOMOPHOBIA ROUNDUP “We are not gay friendly”, one councilman in Washington public schools. The incidents
Education Campaign May Be Toned wrote to the local TV station. The mayor ranged from namecalling to six incidents of
Down chimed in, “The vast majority of people in gang rapes. The parents of one teenage boy
American Red Cross officials postponed a Pensacola do not want to be recognized as a reported he had committed suicide to escape
multimilliondollarAIDS-prevention program gay community even if it costs them some the violence. v
until further review after the organizations economic return.” The report was written by
president, Elizabeth Hanford Dole, Jennifer Gerarda Brown, a wife and mother '
complained that the illustrations and the and a law professor at Connecticut’s
language in an instructional video were too Quinnipiac College School of Law.
sexually explicit. A spokesperson for Dole, who Wright or Wrong?
is married to Republican senator and presi— When CBS’ golf announcer Ben Wright

 out EMB ARGO TIME: LOCAL trying to make everyone live and believe only 2540800
”9d BUSINESSES Wno FRI-EACH as they d0~ Dr- Terry Galbraith, Chriopl‘actor
i0 AGAINST YOU Don’t call to harrass these people. But if 254—9401 340 Legion Drive
tvid compiled by Elizabeth A. Giliiam you give them your business, you may want to Larry Springate, Psy.D., Counselor
his Three years ago, a local company ask them if they know just what sortof hate- 277—0022
did advertized in the first edition of the Pink mongering goes on in the so-called Robert Humphreys, M.Div., Counselor
)ns. Pages. The company’s owners are straight, but “Christian” newspaper. If they do know, 266-9021 3349 Tates Creek Rd
MD are very extremely supportive of the lesbigay perhaps you should seek other places of StephenJohnson & Assoc., Counselors
rks. community, and not only hires homosexuals businesses, because you are evidently not 277-2588
ave but protects them from any customers who wanted, anyway. George R. Ross, Ph.D.
art- would harrass them. 223—5126
me] As soon as the Pink Pages were issued, Crown Motors, Inc. Focus on Relationships: Chuch &
ted, the company's owners received numerous - 233-1824 633 S. Broadway Charlotte Melcher, Ph.D., Counselors
BCk and I mean numerous - calls not only at work Educator’s Delight 223-1141
en’s but in their own home from persons who did Eastland Shopping Center & Southland Drive Christian Counseling Services: Jerry
'3 a business at their store. In fact, this company The Kentucky Inn Leach & Sandra Sawyer
received a letter of protest last week - years 525 Waller Avenue 277-4941 2134 Nicholasville Rd
after they ceased to list in the Pink Pages. Room Service, Inc. Consumer Credit Counseling Services
iled These people were members of churches 226—0423 933 Liberty Road 272-8028
rent who participate in ongoing hate-filled Jon Millard’s Fine Art Gallery Dr. Susan Burton, Dentist
ved campaigns against you, personally. The Fayette Mall 255—6161 431 S. Broadway
2 he churches passed out copies of the Pink Pages Iii-Tech Transmission Center Thompson’s Decor & More
HIV, and asked their members to harrass the 276-4775 169 Southland Drive 873-3311 223 N. Main, Versailles
ally companies who were listed therein. Debra E, Walker, CPA Old Kentucky Candies
lice The Kentucky Christian News is a 885—7798 Nicholasville 278-4444
the publication - much better-funded, I might Cockrell’s Auto Body Aaron Smith Funeral Home
the add, than we could hope the GLSO to be - 255-7714 1056 Eastland Drive 2541375 East High St.
lOI‘B which openly preaches against you. I have yet Robinson Auto Body Impact Graphics
ney, to see an issue that doesn’t carryr some anti-gay 887-2 500 Nicholasville 254-0122
message. It often drums into the reader Servicemaster of Central Kentucky Diet Works Total Image Consulting
messages about ”family” and “morality” 223—3063 431 S. Broadway
iiOIl which are pointedly directed against the . ' . ' Stweart’s HeatingAC
96k. homosexual community, since we aren’t Are you being dISCl’lmlnai'ed 252-4945 482 Curry Ave
inst “traditional” or “moral ” or possessing of these . . Caudill’s Climatemaster
'Uih everelusive “family values” of which we hear Ogfllmi In KeanUCkY due i0 231-9618
ents so much lately ' ' Claude Singleton, Insurance Broker
5 Of The following is a list of its advertisers for your sexual orlenialton? 276—2760 160 Burt Road
bOY its December issue. Now, Iwon’ttellyou to call Robert Goh, State Farm Insurance
1396 and harrass these businesses, because that Repo ri‘ H Now 873-7777 Versailles
would be political intervention, and the GLSO Tim Hamilton, Nationwide Insurance
cannot do that. If we did, we would be subject (0” lhe GUO Discrimination Project, and 276—1234 1099 S. Broadway
to taxation — as, Ipersonally believe, churches . , . , The Lamp Place
who indulge in the ‘pulpit politics’ should be. help *0 put our dw'm'mm“ on the books. 255-8717 212 W. Maxwell
It upsets me to see that these types of ‘ 1 Douglas D. Durbin, Orthodontist
Christians who could do so much good with 276-5393 i 223-3939 800 Corporate Drive
their energies instead are running around i '
——#———~—- contmued on page 9
GLSO News Page 5

 1’ " J 1996
| ml anuary -
t . .. /’
,7, ,. :
win Happy New Year from GLSO! \ , g _ .
- , :.
. JI/I/ I -n -
Wednesday Saturday :, ,3} “.9
1 2 3 4 5 6 . , . . - . .
12:00 PM GLAA AIDS/HIV Sppt.GTp. 7:00 PM Lex.Men's F‘f" M°°" . 9:00 AM Frontrunners '
‘ ' N—-—----M Year s D 7:00 PM MSU Student Grp. 6:00 PM Frontrunners Chorus Rehearsal 7'30 PM Gay/Lem”
7300 PM GUESS (EKID 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian Al- (Woodland Park) 7:30 PMUKLambda AA _ . R E s T A u R A N T
7:30 PM Pride Ctr. Anon 7:00 PM Ebony Male Mtg, 231 Stud t Ctr ) 8:30 PM LOUISVIHC
Taskforce 8'45 PM Rainbow Bowlin 7'00 PM MCC (Rm en I Youth Grou (Fairness '
- (Jo 1 d 8 g . 8:00 PM HIV/AIDS Sppt. P 5 5 7 S L. t
y an Lanes) 8.00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA Gm Ofc) . I m es on e
I Lexington KY
7 8 9 I 0 1 1 12 I 3 I
1 1:30 AM Metropolitan 7:00 PM GUESS (EKU) 12:00 PM GLAA AIDS/HIV Sppt.Grp. 7:00 PM Lex.Men's 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian 53132330 Gender Society 25 3-001 4
' ~ : AA
(mugging; elm lwoi‘da’fii‘i‘fnmf" 15320511123110 Mtg.
'(Fishnet) ' Anon b0 BO 1 7:00 PM MCC (Rm. 231 Student Ctr.) 9:00 AM Frontrunners B
. . 8245 PM Rain W W ing 8.00 PM Ga /Lesbian 8'00 PM HIV/AIDS S L Grp .
7:00 PM Drgmty i l dLan - Y - , 4 PP ' . . t . , , t :, ,1 Renowne 66 en mnc
7:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA ‘ °y “" “) AA bl [7 b /( I, f .
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 {WV/Hg UC" erry UC W 6‘0
‘ 1 Ct. SC Mt . 12:00 PM GLAA AIDS/HIV S t.Grp. 7:00PM Bluegrass NOW (Planned Integn'ty (St. Augustine's) New M°°n k b d, It [0’
WSW Millennial? rT—e—lezggssm 7:00PM nonunion. stoonnmfiim 7958;333th new owner, 9:00 AM Prontrunners panca e3, eggs ene IC arno ,
Community Chutch 7:30 PM Fairness Meet- 732$)?!" Gay/Lama“ Al- 7. gzmaflgaék) 731331;:an 83%?M Louisville Youth 1000 AM Men S Network a n I' 5 I, am 8/8143;
7:38APM Gay/LCSblan mg (Alfalfa's) “5 Pi“ fining“; B°W1ing 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian sigma-m2? 3”“ m" ' Group (Fairness Ofc) IP ,
(by a“ *3 AA 0!
21 22 23 24 25 26 2 7
11:30 AM Metropolitan Com- 7:00 PM GUESS (EKU) 12:00 PM GLAA AIDS/HIV Sppt.Grp. 7:00 PM mMen's Chorus 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian 18‘ Gunner .
munity Church 7:00 PM MSU Student Grp. 6:00 PM Frontrunners Rehearsal AA 9300 AM Frontrunners Wednesda 1s
2:33 £1011 Lfiblnnll’olll‘lgk - 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian Al- (Woodland Park) 7132(l311’lrslt‘fllénlncrnrbfa (Rm . y .
2: .. .. . _ .
Guild) mo '( on 8.3% - b0 Bo 1- 7'00 PM MCC 1 8:00 PM HIV/AIDS Sppt.G1p. p A .- . ; Ski week Internatlonal N lght
7:00 PM Dignity ' (Jo lmdaflng w mg 8100 PM Gay/Lesb1an 9:00 PM COLTS Mtg, ‘ , x
7100 PM Gay/lfibian AA y AA
28 2 9 30 31 Breads and desserts
December 95 Febmary 96 , , , .
Imperial Ct. (RISC) Mtg. 7:00 PM GUESS (EKU) 1?:30pianfs%AéAnnn AIDS/HIV Sppt.G1'p. s M T w T F s s M T w Ti 1: s; baked da 11y m our kitchen
11:30 nMCItgetrolpolitan Com- 130 PM Gay/whim SP- 6200 PM Frontnmners 3 ‘ 5 6 7 fl 3 ‘ 5 6 7 8 9 10
mum?!“ Ff . l .An (Woodland Park) '° “ 12 g g: g g ll 12 13 14 is 15 17
3% :3 GLSOIt: (Agor'm‘i) 845 13:11an Bowl' (Io land 7:00 PM MCC 2: 2g 22 27 7.8 29 30 13 19 2° 21 22 23 24
nominatxnm m.) w "t ’, 8:00 PM GaynenanAA n n n 27 n 29 FREE EVENING PARKING.
l " Ski Week"; ‘4“‘3;
' 11/12/95

 assertive and more selfexpressive. In other news that you so desperately want to tell? Quote of the Month:

words, to 0 after what I want, to tell people Would the re'udice and resistance be more “I don’t discriminate. I’m ust discerning
g P 1

what I think or feel, and to not be so than you can handle? Yes, I may have had about whatisrnorally right and morally

closeted. For several months now, I have a good experience telling my friend, but wrong.”

had almost uncontrollable urges to be out; will you? Only you know when and even if -U.S. House of Representatives Chaplain Rev.

to simply come storming from the closet coming out is something that is right for L011 Sheldon,whose recent appointment to

and never look back. But like most people, you. v the position by New Gingrich led to many

I am making small advances towards that protests from gay and pro-gay members 0t

and stepping out every now and then. This Congress. $heldon’s group “Traditional

column is part of that, my New Year’s Values Coalition bashes everything from

resolutions are part of that, my prom plans lesbigays to abortion. hyidently, Haters now

are part of that. a moral.

IfI g0 to prom, Which I would like [0, '0'3...DI.II0.0In...
it will be with someone of the same sex. GLSO FINANCIAL REPORT month). If we do not get twelve sponsors, we
Except that poses a few problems, most 0f submitted by Mary Crone have a cusion in money from other advertisers
which are related to coming out. FhSt» how The steps we are implementing to put and more subscribers.
would I go about telling people? Second, GLSO on firm financial group are beginning
the reaction to my coming out. Third, the to show results. This month we begin with our Sponsorships $175.00
resistance 1 might encounter by trying to first sponsor, Sue Strong, helping us to pay the Memberships—Subscribers $150.00
bring a same-sex date. Fourth, Who would cost of printing the newsletter. We have several Advertisements $75.00
I take and would they be willing to be in the sponsors signed up and a number of sponsor— Donations - $50.00
spotlight that would surely come? Seeing ships pending. If you are interested, there is
35 there is no one right now that I am still time to sign up for 1996. Call Terry Tom Paolscrna Mommy INCOME $450.00
interested in, and I don’t know that my Mullins (255-5469), or Mary Crone (266-
semi-closeted, semi-rural life will allow me 5904), If this continues to go smoothly, we will have
to meet someone by prom time, that seems The following is a projected newsletter money for supplying resource materials for
to be the first objective. Even then, would 1, budget for 1996. our pubolic speaking engagemenrs (such as
could 1» sublect myself to the preludice and Mom-my NEWSLEmR EXPENSES for school counselors), for enlarging the size
Sesrstance thpat lS bouind to tcolrne crushlpdg Printing (550 copies) $175.00 of the newsletter, for fun activities during Pride .

own on me. Some aysI e1eve I cou - . . _ Month injune, for placing ads in other lesbi—
T d . (extra 1nsertwhenpossrble. $45.00)
0 ay 15 one of those days. Some days I Envelo gaytrans publications such as the Pink Pages
, pes (250/mo. @07) $17.50
want to tell the world that I m gay. Today _ , and the Men’s Chorus programs and for a
. f b . f Mailing(bulk non—profit rate) $30.00 ’
15 one 0 those days. But erng out—o -the— Annual Bulk Mail Fee ($85) $7 00 variety of other projects now funded by
closet is not a day-to-day thing for me. Mailing Labels $300 individual members.
. .If I do 3011.16. OUI’ it. WI“ be aflasting Post Office Box Rental ($40) $3.34 If we get only 8 sponsors, our monthly
decrsron. A ecrsron Wthh W111 3f ect my . . income hould still be over $400, ensuring the
h . f . f f h h Advertrsrng Expenses (stamps, etc.) $3.00
W ole h e, as 1t a fects most 0 t ose W o Mailin . . publication of the newsletter, but with less
0 . . . g in Fairness Newsletter ($72) $6.00
come out 100%) (if there IS such a thing). money for other programs.
As I (gather my things to go to Latin 11’ I Total Monthly Newsletter Expenses $244.84 Remember, you only have a few more
won er how many other seniors, hlgh . . , weeks to renew or start a subscription to the
. (wrth insert. $290)
schoolers, y0UthSi are contemplating newsletter at the “newsletter only” ten dollare
coming out. tf you are one of them of Mommy “COME rate. AfterJanuary 31, 1996, the newsletterwill
know one, think about everything that , come with a GLSO membership: $15 for an
could result. Sure, it may feel great not to These figures are based on past individual and $20 f0 a u le pl ase
. . experience and our determination to get 12 ’ r C0 p ‘ e
have to keep this secret, butts your school, subscribel v
. sponsors for the newsletter (one '
your church, your home, welcoming to the _ _ ,
group/person/busrness wrll sponsor per
GLSO News Page 8

 Embargo: continued from page 5 - 1
Plant Masters I
276-1229 108 Bradley St. I
The King’s Helper Plumbing Everyth I “9
225—1970 846 Angliana Ave. d
Cox Printing 0" _ n ,. .. V .
2544424 810 Contract Street y 93 was?
277-1395 1995 Harrodsbul‘g Rd. to Start 44":
The Booksense Service Group, Tax 555%”
Preparation your own 4
224—9 562 853 Arrowhead Dr. - j i’ f ‘ p
_ Wild Birds Unlimited buSIness_ ,.
‘ 268—0114 154 Patchen Village . ' I, '5‘?“
‘. The Dish Barn _, V.
8854212 Nicholasville Rd.
Home Accents . . , . . -
268—0682 lexington Mall At Excel Telecommunications we .ve made starting your own busr-
Shouse Optical ness easy. We ve placed everything you U need into one small box.
37:92? 1‘0v1 Mshbu Dr. Contents include; No capital investment. No inventory. No delivery.
e 5 ar as .
277-0160 Nicholasville Road No quotas. No employees. No experience.
Carol-Lynn Originals For more information about an opportunity in one of the world's
25305sz 64?- [32.1“an St fastestgrowing industries, call today.
3 Precismn Tinting .
_‘ 272-8468 3735Nlch0133Vl11€ Road =¥r=: ’—
5 Phillips Mitchell Studio —'..':m—.;: 3
3 253-9609 645 East Main St. The Opportunity is Real. The Time is Now.
3 . Carolyn N. Wheeler, Insurance Broker
_ 27611811 ‘ '
s Sloan’s Locksmith GLSO-Associates Excel Independent Repmenmmz. , , , ;
1 263-5363 CarrieStraub, MR.......................606.233.3462 _ Gina Baker; MR........................606.289.8305
y Ham’s Drycleaning Denise Peskar, MR, AC 6062333462 Karen Stombringer.................606.252.soo9
numerous sites, Lexington (Certg’ied 2mm) Lee Storinbiinger.....................606.Z77.9365
5 [am E. Kaplan ELM—.—
Licensed Clinical Social Worker AIL
e HIV/AIDS I Personal Growth ‘IV Cale
11 Relationships IWomen's Issues SPECh'a
n - Pioneers in Alternate-Site Health Care
I 1510 Newtown Pikc,Suitc H Phone (606) 253-0300
‘. 505.254.1590IPager.232.0813 umm'xemky 405“ Fax (606) 2314214
_ __—________—_—————-——-—
GLSO News Page 9

ENGAGEMENT 214E. Main SI. lexinfiton. KY ~23I-6997-53.75 ea. film ‘- PREMIERES!
., I
. . . /.  I
.v+::=5'_ '5: 1135 ex». f " NG " ‘
'- ‘i=:=‘;§:: .fi , awn s‘““ . ,
5% ~ "TRON§§Y§3E\3N1}CXS\\..’. '
g . \f Call Theatre orsee
r 'fiéi calendar for showtimes
—L'mmum1 /.<':'I/. 'n it: .-—\D\'0Cr-\TE g: lg
I‘rr’r/r’rit'lt Kri/I/r’l: Sl::\'l"l'l.li(i.-\Y .\'li\\‘5 S _' g
, 5
_ Dam—__ a FlL.\l BY ANDRE TECHINE 7..-“... fi 3%

 The January, 1996 edition of the GLSO Newsletter was
sponsored by:
I; g
I? S 1
PhD. ,
licensed psychologist
i 535 W. Second SL, Sullc 207
{ Lexington, KY 40508
Office: (606) 255-4864
Fax: (606) 255-5385
. miv GLSO News Page 11

G130 Board (Mary) 2665904 Bluegrass COLTS (Mark)............................l........t............253-7266
also Digerimmafion Project gefi) ...............................2765385 Country DchS (Debbie)........................................(606) 871-7452
G150: News (Peter) 2735845 Cumberland Cares(606) 678'0587
Advertisements (Tammy) ...........................225—3953 E-Male (Juno) 252-2355
(Sue) 2554864 Fairness of Lexington HOTLINE 2757812
Calendar Oem2765385 Fairness oflouisville...........................................(502) 893—0788
Folding (Mary)266—5904 Front Runners (Keit