xt766t0gvn24 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt766t0gvn24/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1999-05-10 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, May 10, 1999 text The Green Bean, May 10, 1999 1999 1999-05-10 2014 true xt766t0gvn24 section xt766t0gvn24  
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Uuiversiqy of Kentucky Libraries Stajf Newsletter l ·   · V ·   May I0, `I999 wa ,
Staff Spotlight: Benita Clarke H b T _ B
wri en y errl rown
Did U k {that. M tg Each month the Green Bean wi// "spoi/ight"a g I ___:=:_ _    
H dyu no m ay you n different library staff member Our first spot/ight _r____      
n   ___ gh i W irrr finds Benita Clarke center stage.   `
· May Day 5/1/99 · - T   *  
Benita comes to us from Winston-Salem, North _,_,:_e E  e. ~  
· Loyalty Day, 5/1/99 Carolina. She has a Masters degree in Spanish    
. ele Day(Ok|ahoma),5/1/99 nent ONE dleeaewe- After Several ei me    
_ V Spanish faculty migrated from UNC to UK.   We ·‘    
· Cenatllutlen Day lialaanl. 5/3/99 eenlla felt that UK was the place to come to    °_ _ ‘_;; ; aflr ,..‘‘  
· wlpdmlll Day (Netherlands), glglgg llglglrntuleghelrgtl;/<;;e5étih; wrote her thesis and  
· Mothers Day, 5/9/99 _ _ _ A I i i;} 
4 _ _ Benlta’s interest ln Spanish began when she   _     4‘l‘  W
' NEUOOEI ME"t'mE DEW 5/22/99 was 11 years old. Her cousin married a man   __»Ag_ Z  ‘ ' T L  
. Gablows Biannual Comedy; from Costa Rica and she was fascinated with   C " __e,\ .  
Extravaganza lBulgarlgl_ has E6€lV€ l€if1gU£¤g€, ln 1991, Benita r9(;5§l_i5·d 3 i·=» *" ‘‘*‘‘l‘` * ’* ’`‘‘ S ‘-°`` =     »l·t—  
mid·M6Y (ddd Ydalsl Sgmmgr Tram! Feiiewaina and Yvgm {Q Cfma said, and encourages others to apply for
RICE} to do research on her thesis. While ln Ukadvarlce 2000. She ls also the Llbrary
Costa RICE she was able to VISIT the library and Systérrlis Wellness Program Advocate.
meet local authors. Benita presented a paper ln _ _ _
me oemleleae Flepublic for the Aeeeelellee fel Benita likes read·ne—Sne nas a penchant fer
Cal-lbbéall gludles She is Currently Sllll mysteries—and Sue Grafton, a Louisville native,
Wmklng On hal dlssellallon and WOUIG pkg lo is one of her favorite authors. She also likes
{each ln B Umvglslly Some day movies, working out, and is learning to play the
_ _ _ guitar. She and Cheryl Jonas made their
Emma nee WQFKECI at ine Hbrary Smce wg? musical debut at the LSO Christmas Luncheon.
Her current title IS Staff Support Associate ln
Plrgcggsjng Sgryjceg at YOUng   In B€l'lltBIS workstation is lOC3t€d     the
#.- .._ _- Octoben Benita graduated from the Ukadvance Staff LOUOQE; Bd SUVE OOO SEV DEMO “EXt t'mE
Happy, Happy Birthday Program. "It was a wonderful e>n Movies: LOVES THEM! Karen’s fav: "Lethal
.g . n rrip gd. in i O'd€"$- `ril€V else h€*lD Kami) with ¤DDi0V<9l Dl8¤5· Weapon 3" (she declares it is better than 4) and
$2a;nr;;g’gn;San9r§;nrag;ii’aS a THE MOVE thinks hene Russo `kteks puttin
Amgiicaiisr Peiiiaps ii is rime io I asked them what have been the best and worse Mrrsrcr Far 50 Sr6O 5 rurlas
ieiinci 8 mnmeni On Wnai We can aspects about moving to Young. The responses W k F t U
dn in ini miie inai ngni nnnni were eager and for the most part very positive. Or ac $· I 4 _
p g. Y They all liked the facilities they have to workin. Hnwlnng at UK ll Yaarsysrarrad in Samara
we 8/ISO much Ch€rrSh"‘ Joe likes being in Young because he is closer to <>r¤€r·n¤— moved IO Supérvrsm
.,.Our Chi/dren. work from home. He also likes the open space.
and the convenient access to the mailroom and
work stations
fi Ulilllilltkl Ull YIIHIIH HIQ ]7(1Ut'i

 University of Kentucky Libraries . · · ‘ May I0, I999 page 3 ~ »<
Monograph Processing Team Benite Clarke
it-,nll.l..t·til Birthday: Sept 30
Born: Winston-Salem, NC
Joe Phillips Single
Birthday: Feb 13 Chi/dren: none
Born: England Pais? nene
Diveieed Hobbies: Taking classical guitar lessons
Chlldrehl hehe Books: romance, mysteries, psychological thrillers
pale; dee_ mixed eieed_ hamed Tai Baev Travel: loves to travel; at this writing was off to
Hdbbree.- Refinishing furniture Atlanta ter ine Weekendllli ii
—l-he Besi Norm Quotes Books: Likes to keep up with current events- MOVla$·' Favi Gentiel Stetien
From Heheerslli reading the newspaper Music? Lani}/n Hill
[Music Fav: levee 94_5 Food/F1`estaurant: Durangos
M ii Feed, LOVES Chggséburggrsl l have heard dee Interesting facts about Benita: Benita is also a
Whhtchn up te NOW"? is a eheeeebereei eehheieeedh teaching assistant at UK. She was approached
MY ideel Wal9hi» li I were Interesting facts about Jee, by the Spanish department for this position. She
€"’“*“ f“"‘a"~ Joe graduated from Lew sender in teas. While teeenee Srediiete Spenien Seeding end Cenver-
··l-lgwg lt Going Mr Petersen? working in a law firm in Louisville and awaiting his eetien Clasaaa ee Well ee iah$·
··l_ly€ a ··dOgeal-dOg Welldii Bar results, Joe had a heart attack and was in a
Weedv] ahd lim vveahhe Milk coma until 1985. He has had to basically relearn Work Facts? _
Behe ehdeivveair his whole life over again, howto walk. talk, and HOW {Ong et UK? 4 Yaaia Bainia UK Benite _
` deal vvllh lhe memeiv leee that lhe heah allaek worked at Good Samaritan hospital in Purchasing,
"What’s shaking Norm?" leek liem him, processing OFl materials, and the mailroom. She
"All tour cheeks and a couple dee is an amazing eeleeh also worked as a temp for 6 months at Bank One.
of chins."
Work Facts: Sharon Clark
How long at UK: Been here since 1987, in Bin'nda,V·'AU9U$t 5
Acquisitions. Born: Texas
Laura Douglas Children: none
Birthday: April 26th Pets: none
BO/·n_· Halrdii*i5bl_lyg_   HObbi€S.' CFBHS, Cl'OSS·SiltCi`l
Single mom; foster parent Books: Romance
Chlldrehi adOpt€d a elelhel/elelel group eh deli, 2, Movies: Sci-fi and action movies; Fav last movie
1998. DaOuanna, 4 1/2; Brandon, 3 seen: "The Postman"
Foster child, Nicholas, 4. still in home; waiting to Miieier levee 98-V end Caihh nanaic
file adoption papers for him else Food/Fiestaurant: Olive Garden
pale; hehe Interesting facts about Sharon: Sharon has a
Hdbblee; Ouiet time when she een find mi een-time ldd with Service Merenendieei Sne nee
,,__ , ,é),,,,   ,_, geeks; the Bible been there in the Jewelry Department for 3 years.
The Library Mushroom Society will Travel: Looking forward to family vacation to Alee. Sneren 9VaW UP in a rniliterv family- Hai
be mgeiing in June io elect new ljlehev Welld eh April 4lh_ tather was stationed in Kentucky, Texas. France.
nedemeeie There will else be eh Laura`s dream vacation without kids would be to ann tnen back 'n K€niUCkY-
outing planned for members only. ijoijgihgigrg movies Work Fact? l
Again, pleasewatch for the society MUSIC; GOSDGIY HOW/Ong ai UK', ie yearsi i
news for details in the upcoming FOOdi_A gow Sieakiii Sharon Siaried Oui as e   i
SOCIQW ngwslemah Interesting facts about Laura: Student lvoceiionei it ·,
www izwii vi Www Laura, in addition to being a single mom and a Ecanhinicai WOnnn9 in " ‘ f
Foster parent, attends Foster parenting classes, PNNL tnen rndved en ‘ -
assists in teacher/foster parent meetings for tha CSR VOUiai· end I j l
Fayette County schools. She is available for nnahil ended Uh in
respite care for other foster parents who need Acnnianlona- ‘
help. Laura also is a Sunday School teacher and ~ ·
assistant in childrens church " Y_
Work Facts:
How long at UK: 18 years. Started as an Educa—
tion major/student working in Food Services; then I I
moved to the Library. A l

 University of Kentucky Libraries · , May I0. I999 Page 4
The Month of May is alsom Calling all Younng StaffL0unge Users Just Traveling On...
 L,_._.-...- -. written bythe Lounge Lizards _
l National Anhhhs Mmm We/come to the new Green Bean co/umn dedicated
~ Pl Qasg leteuetekeeetteSetreuree  ’%T’2Zli2il"lCL?§”lL‘il?ZE’§$,“5iil2°”§ii.i‘l Tilfiilile
' Nemnel Barbecue Meme Posted on our new bulletin board in the lounge is y Ur , U . Y ,9 . y ‘
(cgmbn {arg fire [hem . . . ., ,, . Whether lt be local, national, or international, we are
k · I a slgn·up llst for cleaning partners. The kitchen imgrgsfed and Wamm hgarfmm you
ers up,) · · ·
Sue IS to be cleaned every other Friday and many
· Bike safety Mryrrrh dates are stlll available. If everyone DITCh€S·|l'l, A Few Tips I0 Help Make Your
then the cleaning lS not left to just a few bodies _
The birfhgfong for Maj/[5 {hg who BTS Wllllflg to do their share, T}`lZV€lUlg AdV€IItllI'€ (I PIEGSQIZY Ollt?
emere/(/~ and the tlewerie the H/Y et The Staff Lounge is a place for all of us and the Decorate YOU? lU99a9€
//79 V5//6% Ol /law//VO/ll rgsporrsjbjjmgs Oi Using ji are {QW; Beautiful, matching black leather bags are to
_ baggage handlers what a new rug is to your cat or
Remeve yeereneeten feed eefere 9"eeeemee dog. An opportunity. And despite the fact that in
e eelenee p'°l€°l· the Sharper image catalog they stood out like a
Clean up after yourself. Mercedes parked in a poor neighborhood, in the
Do your share of the bi—weekly cleaning. gjggyegshgeggigIglijygg/!g;tre;(?re;¥at¥§T;]Sn;n Wim
Wand please dent eat ettverpeep/ee feede. success and easy spotting travel vvlrrl study
luggage wrapped in duct tape, preferably with a
bumper sticker along the side that says something
like, "I’d rather be square dancing." Bags bundled
1 TGLD y°°* in bailing twine and electrical tape will be treated
ism, Exc 5/&‘i;££J'/ with kid gloves by handlers who fear the damn
Hey, The Sprouting ofa New Bean! W things will spill their guts at any moment.
_”,—M L \
\ . .
. Q ,j t Dress as lf you were fleeing the country
Our congratulemns go out te"' G    (Eg? There is no such thing as a "friend|y sky". The
Steeey 8 Steve Sterle fer the birth ef ~ *     seats in your average airplane are nail the Width
ti`l€l|' G3UQl'll€i MiT5ViClG Grace SACHE, · ‘/ \   M" ‘* they lygrg yyhgn your parents [OCR you to Disney
4/29/99 at Will Dm-l — K   l * ` _, World. Calling the two-inch adjustment "recline'” is
weighting 7 peunds. t2 ez at birtti. R, .>~.\  \   ,,.. axg like saying airline reed is ··rlulrllleue.·i sweal
and 20 l/2 inches lellg. " \\ ”"r_ _   \\\//’ pants, a T-shirt, a flannel overshirt, old sneakers
Baby and mother are mh heahhy xi `;./   .   S  ahd a light cotton jacget fiastoonegq vlqth pockets
(bu, 8,9,,8 doesnmok SO dam 0.,.. a . . . at ow youto layer ani un ayer wlt t e spastic
good) CBHOOH by Dennis Davghmn alr-conditioning, run rom gate to gate, slt
_ comfortably, and, as an added bonus, scare the
e'°lh?l WX has Sale that his babY Ck other travelers just enough to keep them from
$l$l€l 'S PVGUY neat · engaging you in conversation.
While you are in the air, have the flight
attendant verify the gate and departure
Ah Tw/.],,,0]0gy___ times of your next flight.
Writer eriem Bere Q2?Q2?l,£Ll’lC1I§“il¥e“‘i§’Zr22R,°l,i‘1.’ L?l;i§°""€
In the ever—changing world of technology, we must Hgmmng Strike
constantly update our skills. Please take a look Keep your tickets, passport, birth certifi-
at the list below and let us know which classes goto, oro, on your porsorr
YOU would llK€ te SSG eltered. Jackets favored by duck hunters are best and are
_ loaded with inside mesh pockets big enough to
LIUON A-'9Jq!`I 5U!}| LZL