xt766t0gvm6x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt766t0gvm6x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1974-03-11 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, March 11, 1974 text The Green Bean, March 11, 1974 1974 1974-03-11 2014 true xt766t0gvm6x section xt766t0gvm6x y y Cops)! L
_ In , _ _ ¥ THE · . . ~
"The Executive Board of the UK { BEAN
f Library Staff Organization is ; 11 74
pleased to announce the appoint- twNw_w__mM_"_____y____"2f__f_“___“____
ment of Jessie Adams as President
of the staff organization."
g1R5g;og's morgs I 4 . l, »
— Psasomusr · p ` .
I would like to discuss briefly some personnel matters as a follow-up
to my note in the last issue of the staff newsletter. I plan to rec-
ommend the following appointments: _; ·
l)- Ruth Brown to fill the Associate Director for Operations position.
q;»2) -Bill Gardner to be designated Associate Director for Planning and
Development. Bill will continue to oversee renovation of King-
South, be responsible for planning concerned with SOLINET, and
._~ handle book budgeting and accounting. ‘
A 3) John Bryant to become Assistant Director, Technical Support Divi-
V sion as of July l. `L
4) Dotty. Green will take over the work now done by Tom Marcum. Al-
-. though this change too will be effective July 1, Dotty began work-
ing with Tom this week.
These changes bring about vacancies in addition to those listed in the
last Green Bean. Anyone interested in any of these positions (Agri-
culture Librarian or Cataloging positions) please see Dotty Green
..,(Chairman of the Personnel Committee) or me. _ »
A Committee has been appointed to fill the law librarian position.I
The Com ittee is composed of: Professor Lawson, Chairman: Professor
Goldman; Vivian MacQu0wn: Dean Hardy; Tom Meng, student; Paul Willis.
On several of the supervisory evaluation forms returned to me comments
were made concerning the lack of stated goals for the Library. I would
like to address this in a preliminary way.
It is clear to me that the goals or mission of any library cannot be
separated from those of the institution which the library serves. Our
basic mission, therefore, is to provide bibliographical, physical, and
intellectual access to recorded knowledge and information consistent
with the present and anticipated teaching, research, and service re-
sponsibilities of the University of Kentucky. Our overall objectives
give me little difficulty. I think the more difficult task comes in
_ setting out the realistic shorter-range, more specific performance -
goals. y

Few,if any, university libraries can be totally self—sufficient, there-
fore priorities must be set for the allocation of our limited available
resources(staff and book funds). _
Without attempting to be comprehensive, I would like to set out some
plans for this coming year. 4;
l) Participation in ARL's Library Management Review and Analysis
This program provides guidelines for use in performing an internal ·
study and evaluation of management policies, activities, and results.
The purpose is to provide improved library services by effective man-
agement of library resources. This process should allow us to set a
realistic set of goals for the University of Kentucky Libraries. I
am hopeful also that a program and development plan for improving the
quality of our collections and services will result from this study.
Goals and priorities cannot be established by the Director‘s Office
alone if they are to be achieved. The ARL program is designed to
permit full staff participation in this process. Information on this
program plus the Columbia study is in the Reserve Room.
2) Improve the speed of our response time to patrons. I think this
is a highly desirable goal in all areas of library activity from the
acquiring and processing of materials to the check-out stage at the
Circulation Desk. Work toward eliminating all backlogs (including
microform materials in acquisitions and cataloging.
3) Renovation and relocation of materials in King—South. This should
result in a much improved library from the users point of view.
4) SOLINET planning and design for implementation must be done if
we are to maximize the benefits of our participation in the network.
5) Begin a collection development and coordination program. Consider
assigning librarians as "library contacts" to each academic department
f not served by a branch librarian to serve as a liaison between the
K instructional department and all areas of library activities. For
example, assign a cataloger with expertise in French as the "contact"
for the French Department. This librarian could perhaps perform pf0-
fessional acquisitions and original cataloging functions plus serve
as a "back up" to reference when French language knowledge is needed.
Graduate students, new faculty, etc. could schedule appointments to
receive bibliographic or in-depth reference assistance from this person
I must point out that this idea has yet to be fully discussed, but I
personally feel that it has merit and that some form of it should be
considered even if only on a limited basis.
.6) Reinstate the distribution of a King acquisitions list.
7) Work toward a list of serial holdings.
8) Institute, if funded by the Council on Library Resources, a library
services coordinator program. Such a program would be attached to
Reference and a librarian would have the responsibility of developing,
in cooperation with faculty members instructional programs in library
use. Special emphasis would be placed on undergraduate needs.

 . -3.,
I would like to conclude by quoting six principles of librarianship
as stated by Morris Cohen, Law Librarian at Harvard. Although written
for law libraries I think the principles apply with little modificadon
to other libraries as well. You might recognize that Cohen derived
some of his statements from the English librarian D.J. Foshett and
from Dr. Ranganathan. · “ ‘ — ‘ ` “
l) Librarians must carry out the policies and purposes of the
organizations they serve. ‘
2) Librarians·must know those purposes and policies and must also
know their readers and the work of their readers.
3) Librarians must be teachers of legal bibliography and of the "
methods of legal research. · _
4) Librarians must provide access to materials through whatever
administrative or bibliographic techniques are necessary to
meet their reader‘s needs.
5) Librarians have the primary responsibility for developing and
organizing their librarias' collections and must make consci-
entious and informed critical judgments in fulfilling that
6) Librarians have a duty to advance their art and theirpmofessio
in whatever way they can be most effective.
·’ A ”P.W.
  · ° · to ` .`
"Some people like to "think" about poems--and tend to think they know
what poems are. (There is no limitation, happily: poems are what
poets make.) Others use their ears and know that a printed text on a
page is nothing more than a basic score to which they must give voice.
Others eye the words and look for signs. The poet, brought up like
- everybody else cuxnotions of growth, size, and numbers, wants as many
-. V good readers as he or she can get. Experience has taught me that poen=
' out in the open, on the walls, etc., often get to people who'd never
. crack a book and would leave it silent on the shelf as in the grave."
Twenty minutes after leaving the enchanted presence of Jonathan ·
Williams, a freaky-haired juvenile with "Give Jesus a Chance" on his
_ ·big Buick bumper convinced me of the need for preserving the elitist
art community represented by William's#Jargon Press. In William's
. words, "The eighth rate is pushing out—the first rate."° Jargon Press
" ["Jargon, in French, means the twittering of birds."] began with a
$2,000.00 capital investment and published four books; the return was
about $25.00. From then on in, the financing has been by advance sub-
scription and, infrequently, the profitable returns on books of photo-
graphs. A recent publication, The Appalachian Photography of Doris
u11man is doing well in the commercial book market. ["No poetry, just
nice, easy prose by John Jacob Niles with the pictures."] Williams
believes the small press exists, "to do what you want," and, being a
poet himself, he uses Jargon Press to bring the little-known, uncel-
_ebrated, but, perhaps, pure poetry to the world.
*"Ezra Pound,"he said, "divided_poetry in that he could read and that
j‘he couldn't; that'S fair_en0ugh." —I could read thisr~

 . -4-
pBOOKNOTES·CONT.» ~. 4 · . ,L ·
; - Cobwebbery;r;.·> n · ¤ _ » 4 ` v
the best spiders for-soup __. - __ _
are the ones under stones -
ask the man who is one ·», r ;. I A
plain white american C _ ~
(not blue gentian red indian yellow sun black carribean)
M: hard heart,cold. V y J, .; - T
mind‘s found ,
_a.home -· - V ,
in the ground . , ~
"or rolling stone, nolens volens,, A
ladles no soup? ._.; .
maw, rap them boards off
the side·of the house· , .
and put the soup pot on
»and plant us some petunias
in the carcass of the chevrolet
and let's stay here
and rot in_the fields _ ‘. ~
sit still _ , , » ·_· A_ , i I
‘ ‘ ` _-A A ¥ Jonathan Williams i _
Jonathan Williams, publisher, book illustrator, poet, and manager of
the Jargon Press in Highlands, North Carolina, spoke to the University
of Kentucky Librarians' Association on March 5, 1974. -- _
t _ _ 7 _ -i .· ALM
gulynms MAmI5mgmg5 Pngmgmg ? ?.?. - ·
I The Directorls Office has solved the problem of locating the·building
maintenance operators by designating a pick up station in the D.O.
V If you have_a problem (light_out, hot spot, door jammed, etc.) contact
the D.O. _ , t_ _ . - _ -
EACEDOORP SOUIH KLNG l -i i .i · i· -
"Please be sure old backdoor-is locked when you go in or·out!
Southern Illinois,University at Carbondale, Carbondale, Ill., Catalog
Dept., Head, open in mid—April. Cataloging operators are scheduled
to go on OCLC July 1974. Position requires a subject master besides
library degree and at least one foreign language; Apply: Sidney E.
Matthew, Asst. Dir., Library, Southern Illinois, University at
Carbondale, Carbondale, Ill. 62901

 s ·5··
Annual dues are $2.00 which may be made in 2
six-month payments.
This notice will serve as your receipt when signed
A by the Treasurer.
I Send to: Ruth Vaughan
I am sending for
months dues for the Library Staff Organization.
