xt766t0gtx3m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt766t0gtx3m/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1928-07-13  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July 13, 1928 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 13, 1928 1928 1928-07-13 2012 true xt766t0gtx3m section xt766t0gtx3m THE KENTUCKY KERNEL




CHAUTAUQUA Fewer Courses to Be
Offered Next Term
AT U. R.







o U. K. Student Receives

Appointment to Teach


Miss Anna Dade Gill Takes
Position With Eastern
State Normal


Miss Anna Dade Gill, a student in
the summer session of the University,
an appointment to
has received
teach commercial subjects in the Normal department of the Eastern State
Teachers College and Normal School
at Richmond beginning in September.
Miss Gill entered the University
last fall to complete her A. B. degree.
She will be graduated at the end of
the first term of summer school. She
is enrolled in the College of Education and her first minor is social
science and her second minor English.
She is a member of Kappa Delta Pi,
honorary education fraternity and
has made a very high standing while
at the Univeristy.
Miss Gill is a native of Morganfield,
Ky., and is a graduate of the Morgan-fiel- d
High school. She has had experience teaching in high schools at
Mapleton, Mo., Port Arthur, Tex., and
Elkins, W. Va. She resigned at
to come to the University. In
addition to her work here she has
years at the
had two and
Bowling Green Business University,
training at the Greeg
and summer
School, Chicago, the University of
Wisconsin, and the Western Kentucky
State Teachers College, Bowling

The first semester of the summer
"Sheuhcrd of the Hills." One of session of the University ends toMost Realistically Staged
morrow, July 14, and classes for the
Plaj's of Year
second semester start at 7:30, July
16. There will not be as many credits
second semester as for

The department

of German


This Year Were of guages and literature offers no courses the second semester while five
MoreJl'han Usual
courses were offered in that departInterest


ment the first semester. Also there
will be no course in art for the sec(By W. A. Kirkpatrick)
ond term.
Closing' tlveir annual seven duy pro
gram on 'Stoll field Thursday night only six courses the second semester
with "Th Shepherd of the Hills," as compared to fifteen the first. The
the - Redpatkxchautauqua gave to a College of Education offers 19 courses
Lexington awKonce one of the most the next term as compared to 31 for
cntcrtr. ;utjr' am& realistically staged the present term.
plays seenkrethis season. Adapted
Following are instructors that will
from the papwlar novel of the same substitute next term for the present
namt from tkllpen of Harold Bell instructors in the College of Arts
Wnght, the drama was of especial and Sciences:
interest tejithose who had read the
Profs. G. K. Brady and A. W. Kelfcoah
ly will succeed Professors Farquhar
The old shepherd, Young Matt, his Danzler and Hickerson as instructors
.swaatheart, Little Pete, Old Matjt, in the English department. Professor
'Aunt Mollis, awl all the rest of the Yates will continue his instructor-shi- p
in that department-Ther- e
characters livid before one as Harold
iBell Wright lvA drawn them in his
will be no course in qualita.famous story. 'Each particular mem-li- tive analysis the second term, the
of the cast contributed to the course having been taught the first
ja'Hple, and giw the play a verve and term by Professor Zimmerman.
force sueS as iff seldom attained.
Dr. Rhodes will teach in the Hy
giene department in place of Dr.
The Cast ,
Tjie cast ws Us follows: Aunt Mol-;li- e, Zwick.
Professors Griffin and Portmann
Martha McDonald; Ollie Stew- rt fia&a o.f Slnmmv Tiinn PnWt will act as instructors in the journal
dy.'hite; Prechw' Bill, N. S. Scoville; ism department, taking the places of
Toul Pamdoll. Qrvi,r Miss McLaughlin and Professor Gre- Lane, Pearl Gray; Young Matt, Low-a- ll han.
There will be no changes in the
Gilmare; Dad, the Shepherd, Paul


one-ha- lf


Summer School Chorus
Gives First Concert



Meeting to



and-cro- p



vs. O'Reilly and 'others, in
"I made a large electromagnet
for explification in a course of chemical lectures to the classes of the,
Western University of Pennsylvania
as early as 1829 or 1830."
statement, I think, refers to the same
instrument that I have given you,
and proves that the magnet was made
by my father before he came to Lexington. I am indebted to my sister,
Johanna, and Mr. Howard Evans for
searching my father's records at
Winton, and finding this reference.
Although the magnet was not operated, it was brought out once aVear
by my father and explained to his
class m elementary physics, when the
subject of electromagnetism was discussed. As I recollect it, the principal points emphasized as tending to
increase the power of the magnet
were (a) the large number of turns
of fine,
copper wire
wound on each leg of the horseshoe,
(b) the use of several strands, making separate coils, (c) the low intensity but relatively large volume of
current used (current from large surfaces of zinc and copper, but few
couples), and (d) that the core was
built up of strips of soft iron,instead
of being in one solid mass. These, I
think, are the main points in Joseph
Henry's improved electromagnets for
lifting heavy weights, which he exhibited at the Albany Institute in
1827. My recollection is my father
said that he had made this magnet
himself, but my sister, Johanna, says
my father had two magnets, one of
which was made by Henry. I think
that my recollection is confirmed by
the statement quoted above; at any
rate the magnet certainly was made
according to Henry's design.
The missing battpry cell was a
cylindrical cup of sheet copper, about
3 inches in diameter, and 6 inches
high, inside 61 which were certain
cylindrical plates of sheet zinc and
copper, alternating, and kept apart
by strips of wood. It may have been
the scroll arrangement used by Dr.
Hare. I do not recall the details of
the construction. The cell was to be
activated by filling it with dilute sul
furic acid.

Dr. Alfred Peter has presented to Morse
nfe College of Engineering of the 1849;

Jnivtrsity, an electromagnet built
It' 1,13 XttUTn, Jn. AkWUCLk
hundred years ago.
W Dr. Robert Peter and Joseph Hen- ,.;try, who first announced the principle
aui eietuiiii miuucuuii, wcic xucuua.
3&3r. Peter in the old days of Transyl- i..:i klllS CICLUUlllUgllCl. tn.
filU the instruction of his classes
This ecectromagnet has
and is now on exhi
Mechanical Hall at the Uni- bition in
verity. In a letter to Dean Ander- 'json, ol tne college 01 engineering,
Dr. Peltr gives an account of the old




V Tn..l


ear Ueaa Anaerson:
"The following is an account of what
I Jmow (and some things I dont
i ficnow) about the old electromagnet
iehtX belonged to my father, Dr.
fjtobert Peter.
JH . When I matriculated in the College
Arts of Kentucky University in
JSepterabvr, 1872, the large electro- 'wor in tke storeroom adioininc the
chemicRplecture-rooand laboratory
in Morrison Hall. This is my earliest
9 acquaintance with it. The apparatus
wat old then, and looked much as it
does no, except that it had an arm- ' feature attached to a wooden leaver
pivoted on the supports, and a "home- made" copper-zin- c
battery of con-- 2
centric zinc and copper cylindrical
sheets. The magnet was supposed to
lift a heavy weight and, naturally, I
wanted to see it work, but was told
Jthat the battery was no longer
My point is that the appara-jku- s
was old and in disuse in 1872.
JWJertainly it must have been in disuse
since the beginning of the Civil War,
and I think most likely it had not
been used since the discontinuance
of Transylvania Medical School in
1657. This is as far back as I can
tjmrmist with any certainty,
y A list in my father's handwriting,
of apparatus moved "from Morrison
gollege to the Medical Hall" in July
1838. contains the item "1 large elec- trcmagnet." Probobly this refers to
r ' the same instrument.




interrogations jn tne suit oi

Summer session students are particularly interested in the career of
one member of the faculty, William
S. Taylor, of the College of Education, and director of the summer session, to whom is due much of the
credit for the rapid and consistent
growth of the summer school.
William S. Taylor was born January 20, 1885, at Beaver Dam, Ky.
His early education was received in
the rural schools of Ohio county, and
at the high school at Hartford, Ky.
In 1910 he was graduated from the
Western Normal School and Teachers' College at Bowling Green, where
he was president of the senior class
and prominent in various scholastic
activities. Two years later he was an
honor graduate of the University of
Kentucky. He was associate-edito- r
the Kentuckian year book. In 1913
fel- Dean .Taylor was the holder of a

lowship at the University of Wisconsin, at Madison, and was granted with
a master's degree.
Dean Taylor taught five years in
schools and high schools.
From 1913 to 1917 he was professor
of education and high school visitor
at the University of Texas, with the
exception of one year, when he was in
charge of 'vocational work in agriculture under the Federal Board for Vocational Education. For two years
he was head of the department of
rural life at the Pennsylvania State
College, and for three years was with
the department of public instruction
training and certification of high
school teachers.
In 1923 Mr. Taylor was appointed
dean of the newly created College of
Education, University of Kentucky, in
which capacity he has since served.
In 1924 he held a research scholar




Will Be Held Tomorrow; Only



lElectromagnet Made About 100
to University
Years Ago

(Continued on Page Four)

A concert was given Sunday afternoon in Patterson Hall by the Summer School Chorus under the direc-



Terhune; PeteBetty Reynolds; Wash physics department.
Professor Vandenbosch will be reGibbs, Lows Xamsdell.
lieved by Instructor White 5n the
I (ad Sweessful Season
political science department.
TJie prsfTram; presented yesterday
Instructor Holmes will succeed
afternoon fey Reno, the magician, was Mrs. Server and Professor Zembrod
viM atteR4edand all were satisfied as instructors in the romance lanwitJihe entertainment. All pro- guages and literature department.
grams iii magic have a tendency to
Professor Allen will discontinue his
draw a tegefcrowd and this was no work the next semester in the zoolCKoepUoH.
Other than
' Officiate Wieve this to be one of ogy department.
there will be no other changes in
?the roast sadeasful seasons ever held that department for the next term.
- in LexiHgt, and patrons seemed
well aware ef the excellent programs
offered by the chautauqua this year,
judging fraw the large attendance
Performance through- Zi?T:ir'
The Experiment Station announces
atiracuons mai wjii that the annual soils and crops meetembered are the pre- - ing will be held August 3.
TJiejnorning will be devoted to an
d "The Cotter's Sut- - inspection
the" soil
JSas given by the Scot- on the farm, and during the
of afternoon a program will be given
Tte lectures, too, were of in the judging pavilion. The. soil ferBoston
aaofe tbmrHsasl interest and covered tility experiments with commercial
, f. variety ef topics.
fertilizers and with manure, fertilizer
tests with manure, fertilizer tests
with tobacco and the rotation experrCOLLEGE OP AGRICULTURE
SEEKS .TO AID FARMERS iments with various crops will be inspected and the work explained by
The College' of Agriculture of the the men in charge.
Tests with red clover strains, var--Universityhas distributed through
"'county agents several thousand leaf- - ieties of lespedeza, soybeans, alfalfa
variety tests, disease studies witfh
Wii containing suggestions ior
plants, clover
for the benefit of farmers tobacco and other many miscellanJin. western Kentucky where floods breeding work and
"have destroyed crops or excessive eous experiments will be seen on the
jfarm tour.
irains caused Itheir abandonment.


KY. July 13, 192fe8

Numerous Changes in Personnel
of Teaching Staff Are

offered for the


Star University Trackman Loses
in Hard Run Race at Harvard
Stadium; Comes in Sixth in
Olympic Trials.

Bill Gess, the man that Kentucky
had hoped to have as her representative in the Olympics, has been defeated. The defeat came at the Harvard
Stadium last Saturday, when Lloyd
Hahn, Falls City, Neb., representing
Boston A. C. came in ahead of Gess
by a 25 yard margin in the 800 meter

Others that beat Gess were: Earl
Fuller, of the Olympic Club, second,
Ray Watson, of Illinois A. C, third,
and John Sittig, of Chicago A. A.,
fourth. Gess came in sixth.
Gess was captain, and one of the
most prominent men of last year s
track team of the University.
each interscholastic meet held during
numthe year Gess won an enviable
ber of points, which helped to raise
the standing of the University track
Since leaving the University in the
spring he has been preparing for the
When he was not at some
track meet where the
being- held he was on the field at the
?;he final
University preparing for
He went to Chicago June 8, where
he won second place in the half mile
race, but because of an alleged foul
was disqualified.
In the first 100
yards, the nine finalists were milling
about trying to get choice positions
and Orval J. Martin, Purdue University runner was sent sprawling out
of the bunch into the infieid.
was nearest Martin at the time and
was charged with roughing the Purdue runner.
Gess qualified at the meet held in
Cincinnati a few weeks later where
he won the half mile race by a margin of 15 yards over George Gibson,
formerly of Yale, in 1:56
was considered good time on account
of the condition of the track and the
rainy weather.
The results of this track meet gave
Gess the right to enter the final
at the Harvard Stadium Saturday.
try-ou- ts


try-ou- ts

The big tent of the Redpath chau
tauqua, on Stoll field is no more. Im
mediately after the final program last
night the property men began taking
it down and preparing it for shipment
to the next location where another
seven days' program will be held.
They will leave Lexington this afternoon for Logansport, Ind., where
the next seven days will be spent.
The personnel of the crew is made up
entirely of college men.
Some of
them spend each summer vacation
working on the chautauqua circuit,

One Hour Allowed for
Each Test

W. S. Taylor, director of the
summer school has announced that
examinations for the fir'st term
summer school will be held tomorrow, July 14 at the regular class
periods. Only one hour will be allowed for each examination and
students are expected to be able
to concentrate their knowledge in
such form that they may be able
to write the answers to the questions of the. proftessors in that
period of time.

George Ragland Jr.,
Receives Scholarship

From Michigan
George Ragland Jr., son of Dr. and
Mrs. George Ragland, of Lexington,
and a graduate of the class of 1928
of the University, has been offered a
fellowship in the law school at the
University of Michigan at Ann Arbor.
The followship carries with it a
stipend of ?1,200 and enables Mr.
Ragland to do post graduate work in


Mr. Ragland has decided to accept
the fellowship at the University of
Michigan as he had previously declined a scholarship offered him at
Columbia University.
Mr. Ragland graduated from the
College of Law of the University in
June and at that time received the
Lafferty medal award to the senior
in the College of Law making the
highest standing for the three years.
He was a member of the Henry
Clay Law Society; on the tennis team
of 1926 and 1927; member of the
English Club, 1926; member of the
staff of the Law Journal in 1928.
Mr. Ragland will begin his duties
at Ann Arbor October 1.

Welch Demonstrates

Spreading of Marl

Earl G. Welch farm engineer for
the College of Agriculture of the University will demonstrate simple methods of loading and spreading marl in
23 counties this summer, in cooperation with county agents. Mr. Welch
states that marl can be loaded and
spread from beds as cheaply as crushed limestone can be applied to the
land from piles.
In these demonstrations the marl is
loaded by means of slip scrapers
which are pulled up a sloping loading platform and dumped into wag
ons. An ordinary manure spreader
can be used instead of a wagon for
spreading the marl. Where the marl
is fine and dry and contains no large
lime spreader
rock, the
works satisfactorily.
spreader has been
built by the engineers at the College
Jf Agriculture and will be demon
struted at the meeting.






Students Take Advantage
of Advance Registration
Held Wednesday

Number of Students Will Not
Continue Work? Others
Get Degrees
Advanced registration for the second term of summer school at the
University began at 1:30 o'clock Wednesday in the Administration build-

ing with the registration of students
who attended the first term. This
registration was advanced from Friday to Wednesday in order not to
interfere with preparation for examinations which will be held at the regular class periods tomorrow, the last
day of the first term of summer

The total number registered Wednesday was 175 and many more are
expected to register from 8:30 to
11:30 and from 1:30 to 4:30 Monday,
July 16, which is the regular registration time for the second term.
There have never been as many tb attend the second term as the first but

indications point toward a larger attendance this year than last. The
number that registered last year was
Some of the reasons advanced for

not having as large an attendance
during the second term as the first
are that many students finish their
degree at the close of the first term.
Also a large number of students teach
and their schools begin before the
end of the second summer term.
Other students who are attending the summer terms in order
to shorten the time they must attend
college want a vacation before they
begin the grind of the next year and
do not come back for the second term.
Thus the number of students is cut to
about half that of the first term.

ship at Columbia University and retion of Professor Carl Lampert, diceived a doctor's degree.
rector of music of the University.
Dean Taylor is a member of the Mr. Earle Bryan and Miss LaUna
American Association for the Ad- Ramsey, prominent Lexington singvancement of Science; the National ers, gave a group of vocal solos and
Society for the Study of Education; Professor Lampert gave a violin
National Educational Association and solo.
American Vocational Association; AlThe program was beautifully renpha Zeta, Phi Delta Kappa and KapThe
pa Delta Pi, honorary educational dered. Bryan exceptional tenor voice
of Mr.
fraternities; Acacia, social fraternity by Miss Ramsey the numbers given
were particularly
for masons, and Kiwanis, being pres- striking. Miss
Ramsey was winner
ident of Ihe Lexington chapter in of
the Atwater-Ken- t
prize last
1926. He was elected president of
the Kentucky Educational Associa- spring.
The numoers given by the chorus
tion at their meeting last spring.
Dean Taylor is a writer of note, is were:
editor of the High School Quarterly Greetings to Spring .. Mendelssohn
of the University of Kentucky, author Selection from "Tannhauser" Wagner
Patterson Hall, the oldest women's
of "Professional Education" and var- Serenade
Traditional dormitory on the campus, is being
ious contributions to periodicals and Londonderry Air
modernized for the opening fall sesbulletins for schools.
The members of the Summer sion of the 1928 winter terra.
School Chorus who took part in the
A complete new buzzer system is
program were:
being installed which will connect
Sopranos Sienna Fried, Rose Ellis each room with the office on the first
Ball, Jessie E. Ball, Maude Head, floor. The installation of a frigid-air- e
drinking: system which will furBeulah Lowe.
Altos Anna Powell, Lola Robin- nish each floor with running ice water
son, Catherine Murphy, Mildred Wal- is the first of its kind on the campus.

Patterson Hall

Being Improved
For Ensuing Year



In the basement there is an entirely
Dean of College of Engineering
new arrangement. The old boiler and
Famous E.Tenors A. S. Rudolph and Harry furnace has been removed and new
Reviews Lives of
hot and cold water pipes are
Inventors Before Students Basses Paul Mathews, E.
W.. Giband the entire basement
and Visitors.
son, M. J. Sea and Prof. L. C. Robinbeing-installe-

Dean Paul Anderson of the College
of Engineering spoke on the inventions of Thomas Harris Barlow and
John Fitch, prominent Kentucky sci
entists, in the auditorium of the Edu-cati-

building Wednesday.
Fitch in 1785 made a steamboat
that made the trip upstream from
Philadelphia to, Burlington, a dis
tance of 20 miles in a little over three
hours for an average speed of 6 miles
an hour. While all the honor of the
invention of the steamboat is given
to Robert Fulton, Fitch built one
several years before the "Cleremont."
Although Fitch's boat was only 30
feet long in comparison to that of
Fulton's which was over 100 feet in
length, yet Fitch's boat was nearly
perfect and was of sufficient size to
claim the honor of the first steamboat. However, the man that puts
the discovery into a useable form
that is representative of the modern
article is regarded as the inventor.
Fitch did for the steamboat what
Marconi did for the radio, for no
man stands alone in this world's
Fitch was born in Connecticut but
was buried in Kentucky at Bards- town where the Daughters of the
recently unAmerican Revolution
veiled a monument to his memory.
Thomas Barlow, a native of Ken
tucky, was one of the greatest en
gineers and scientists ever in the
state. In 1827 he developed a locomotive in Lexington that transported passengers for 50 cents. It is interesting to note that men of other
countries were at this same time experimenting on inventions of the
same- type.
In 1835 he produced a
planetarium, a machine of great precision that has remained unchallenged. The planetarium, besides being
a model of he solar system and
showing the movements of the heavenly bodies, was able to predict eclipses. The machine in itself was valuable, but more so as a forerunner of
more important inventions in the

same field.


mot important contribution

made to engineering by Barlow was
the rifling of a cannon. The cannon
was made in Pittsburgh, material and

workmen being there at hand for the
process, but it was sent to Kentucky
for rifling. Baylow performed the
feat and thus besides making a name
for himself, contributed much to posterity.
To Miss Florence Barlow, granddaughter of Thomas Harris Barlow,
who was present at the lecture, Dean
Anderson expressed indebtedness for
the "sentimental" information concerning the scientist ha had obtained
from her scrap-boo-



Immediately following the program
a delightful tea was given in the hall
with Mrs. Holmes receiving, and Mrs.
Ezra Gillis presiding at the punch

New laundry equipment,
such as tubs, clothes dryers, and hair
dryers will be available for the use
of the girls in the hall. The reclamation of the dusty old dark basement
will add to the attractiveness of historic Patterson Hall.

Frank. Jewett Mather Suggests
New System of College Education
In the upperclass years of a modern college the average undergraduate simply has no place. . . . The
problem seems to be to exclude him
from the upper classes without unfairly discrediting him, and to make
his sojourn in the under classes more
secure, dignified, and profitable.
Theoretically, we might keep his
college life at the traditional four
years by borrowing from England
their obsolescent pass degree. This
would be a 'realistic solution as regards the unstudious student himself.
But the limitation of membership and
sharp competition for admission make
this plan impracticable.
We are ready for a program, and
let it be noted that this is only a
program and not a technical table of
organization. That is for deans and
the college
should decide to deal realistically
with its students. It would put in its
catalogue something like this:
"X College deals in fairly equal
proportions with two radically different types of students
those who
wish college life with serious study
who wish only college life
and those
with study at a minimum. X College
accepts these diverse aims and frames
its organization to meet the needs of
the two classes.
"For the studious class the traditional four years' course is adapted,
and needs only such safeguards as
shall prevent its impairment, and
such improvements as the better
quality of its student personnel shall
"Since upperclass aims and instruction differ radically from those of the
underclass years and are adapted for
students of exceptional capacity and
diligence only, the unde-cla-ss
become a probationary period for
those who mean to work four years,
and the entire college course for such
students as will not or cannot work
seriously. This means that X College
is no longer able to concede four
years to the Campus-Alumideal of
college life, but gladly concedes what
it can, without impairing its main
purpose of fostering scholarship
namely two years. To effect more
perfectly its double aim, X College
abolishes the traditional class names
and s henceforth divided into a Jun


ior and Senior College, each offering:
a two years' course.
"Undergraduates who desire much
college life with little academic work
are admitted to the Junior College on
easy terms and are dismissed only
for gross dereliction.
The College
desires to retain them for the full two
years and with the slightest cooperation on their part will do so. The cur
riculum of the Junior College is pre
scribed, comprising surveys of all the
main branches of knowledge, and af
fording the minimum of information
which may reasonably be expected
of a liberally educated man. The
methods of instruction are of that
disciplinary character to which the
student personnel is already accustomed in the preparatory school and
which are appropriate to his actual
capacity and aims while in the Junior

"Since X College believes that the
educational results of a
two years' course, as above, will
fairly compare with four years of the
studies, it will confer
upon all students who successfully
complete the work of the Junior College the traditional Bachelor of Arts.
In so doing it ranges itself with the
standard European precedent.
"Any student in the junior College
may become a candidate for the Senior College either by showing a promise of real scholarship on entrance
or during his two years of residence
in the Junior College.
"Membership in the Senior College
is limited to candidates in good standing from the Junior College and to
students from other colleges who offer equivalent qualifications. The
Senior College has no fixed program
or curriculum that can be described
briefly. . . . The method to be followed is that of independent study
under faculty guidance. The student
according to his bent is free to
browse or to concentrate, and is relieved from all disciplinary requirements as to attendance and the like,
but a superior degree of scholarship
is expected of him always. He will
be summarily dismissed if he falls
short of such a standard, and he will
not be graduated unless he maintains


(Continued or Page Four)





The Kentucky Kernel

o- -

o- -

P- -

rulers of that time, but He stood
alone. He walked on that stage of
history and, in fact, of all history,
Local Shows
putting His hand on the lowest, least
and the most regraded speci(BETSY WORTH, Editor)
O and last humanity,
mens of
and said, "As you
"Forbidden Hours"
The Kentucky Kernel is the official newspaper of the students and alumni
touch this soul you touch God." That
Published every Friday throughout
of the University of Kentucky.
Ben Ali Sunday
Christianity is no
(J. Stitt Wilson. Berkeley, California) is Christianity.
the college year by the student body of the University.
doctrine or ism. You can be baptized
Ramon Novarro, who has given the
Was Jesus silent about social and until you are drowned, you can drink
Long lines of hills that billow to the sky
Entered at the Lexington postofTice as second class mail matter.
world the young hero of
economic problems?
until you are
In ragged clouds of morning's moving mist;
the pathetic prince of "The Student a moment. What wasLet us look sug- sacrament will not be a worn out,
and still
A tint of mellow gold and amethyst;
many other historic roles gestive fact of all the the most
Prince," and
paKan world? Christianity is something that comes
of the screen, appears at the Ben Ali I will give it to you in
The song of birds, a bit of heaven's blue,
three verbs into your hearts that makes human
Byron H. Pumphrey
Melvina Heavenridge
Theater in one of the most interesting and two nouns. Paganism
And cool, deep shades where sunbeams
disreLportrayals in his career, in "Forbid spected, poor, miserable human be beings the one sacred thing beneath
trickle through
the stars. God help us to find the be
den Hours, his newest
ings. The pagans disregarded human ginnings of Christianity.
And it's summer in Kentucky.
starring vehicle.
rights. They did not know there was
W. A. Kirkpatrick
If any young man in
Novarro appears as a young king such a thing a human rights. In all tonight, from the humblest this
The smooth, white highway stretches over
college of
Literary Editor: Betsy Worth
in a modern kingdom in Europe; a the vocabulary or language of the the South, or
Rolling hills by beds of clover,
Society Editor: Ellen Minihan
problems ancient world, there was no word for home; any freshman, the humblest
monarch facing present-da- y
the lowliest man
Fields of rich and revdant soil
of the world in a gripping romance of human rights. Paganism heaped up- in this gathering,
if he will
Tilled by sturdy sons of toil.
things of the present time but no on their heads all the oppression of even the beginnings of the stand and
Cattle drowse beneath the shade
less romantic than any play of olden the land, and these human beings the sacredness of human beings that
Moss Daugherty
Elizabeth Billiter
Of spreading oaks and maples tall;
whose rights were disregarded car- Jesus Christ stood
A. J. Lawrence
Martin R. Glenn
for, he not only
The bees
on drowsy wing
will be valiant among the names of
The love story revolves about the ried burdens of mighty oppression
Derond Deweeso
Marshall. Kehrt
Are sipping at the dewy grass;
king and his sweetheart, a commoner, hard work and toil and they built a this day, but the world will have to
Margaret Conlon
The heart of nature leaps and sings
played by Renee Adoree, and shows world like that. Who built the hang- recken with him as they did with
Babylonian slaves. Jesus Christ; while the men who have
how the wearer of a crown is torn ing gardens?
And smiles upon it All.
between his love and his duty to his Who built the pyramids? Egyptian the lust for gain and power and disThen it's summer in Kentucky.
Fred Conn
country. It s a bold theme, magnif- slaves. Who built the Roman roads? respect for human beings and disreDon Grote
The timothy's a burst of flame,
Assts.: Martin Wilson Stella Spiper
icently worked out in spectacular set- Human beings, chained together, not gard for human rights, and heap up
Blackberries are
tings, depicting great court affairs in by twos, but by the thousands. The gold by oppressing human life, will
And by the pond across the way
the royal throne room, a gorgeous world was a slave market. Three be los