xt766t0gtv7v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt766t0gtv7v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1971-08-aug17-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1971-08-aug17-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1971-08-aug17-ec. 1971 1971-08-aug17-ec. 2011 true xt766t0gtv7v section xt766t0gtv7v 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees
of the University of Kentucky, Tuesday, August 17, 1971

       The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky met at 2:00 o'clock (Eastern Daylight Time) on Tuesday, August 17, 1971,
in Room E on the 18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower on the University campus
with the following members present: Mr. Albert G. Clay, Chairman; Mr. Thomas
P. Bell; Mr. Eugene Goss; and Mr. George W. Griffin. Mr. Richard E. Cooper
was unable to attend. Representatives of the University administration present
included President Otis A. Singletary; Vice Presidents Alvin L. Morris, Lewis W.
Cochran, A. D. Albright, Glenwood L. Creech, Peter P. Bosomworth, Lawrence
E. Forgy, Jr. , Robert G. Zumwinkle, and Stanley Wall; Dr. Donald B. Clapp,
Budget Director; and Mr. John C. Darsie, Legal Counsel. Representatives of the
various news media also attended.

       A. Meeting Opened

       Mr. Clay pronounced the invocation. After a report by the Secretary that a
quorum was present, the meeting was declared officially open for the conduct of
business at 2:08 p. m.

       B. Resolution Adopted on Dr. Robert W. Rudd

       Mr. Thomas Bell read a resolution on Dr. Robert W. Rudd expressing
appreciation for his contributions as a non-voting faculty member of the Board of
Trustees and moved its adoption. His motion was seconded by Mr. Goss and
passed. (See resolution at the end of the Minutes.

       C. President's Report to the Trustees

       Inasmuch as copies of the President's Report to the Trustees were available
to members of the Board, President Singletary said he would not review the items
in it but would be pleased to answer any questions which Board members might
have. There being no questions, Mr. Clay accepted the report and it was ordered

      D. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

      The recommendations in PR 2 b eing routine in nature and there being no
questions, on motion by Mr. Goss, seconded by Mr. Griffin, and passed, PR 2,
Recommendations of the President, was approved as a whole and ordered made an
official part of the Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.



       E. Elimination of Mandatory Graduation Fee (PR 4)

       President Singletary called attention to the background statement of PR 4
which explained the items covered by the present mandatory graduation fee charged
all graduating seniors and explained that many students felt they were required to
pay for certain items in which they had no particular interest. The Student Govern-
ment Board last year and this year have recommended that the fee be eliminated and
the University administration, after considering the matter carefully, recommends
that the Board of Trustees approve the elimination of the fee. He added that those
students who desired the services provided could still obtain them by payment of the
fee established to cover said services.

       On motion by Mr. Bell, seconded by Mr. Griffin, and passed, the mandatory
graduation fee was eliminated. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes.

       F. Budget Revisions for 1971-72 (PR 5)

       Dr. Clapp explained to the members of the Board that item D in the proposed
revisions would authorize the University to expend the funds generated by the tax
proceeds on tobacco in accordance with a budget already approved by the Kentucky
Tobacco Research Board. Other than this the revisions recommended were of a
routine nature. There being no questions, on motion by Mr. Griffin, seconded by
Mr. Goss, and passed, the proposed budget revisions in PR 5 were authorized and
approved. (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes. )

       G. Proposed Revision of Governing Regulations (May 1970) (PR 6)

       President Singletary indicated that there were certain changes which needed
to be made in the Governing Regulations adopted in May 1970 and, inasmuch as such
changes must lie on the table for a month prior to adoption, he requested that the
Executive Committee accept the document presented to them for study and consider-
ation and for approval at the September meeting of the Board. He indicated that
copies would be distributed to all members of the Board following acceptance by the
Executive Committee.

       At the request of President Singletary, Dr. Paul Sears reviewed those
changes which were substantive in nature and which were included as a part of
PR 6.

       On motion by Mr. Bell, seconded by Mr. Griffin, and passed, the proposed
revised version of the Governing Regulations of the University of Kentucky was ac-
cepted for study and consideration and for final approval at the September meeting
of the Board of Trustees. (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes. )



       H. Interim Financial Report (FCR 1)

       There being no questions relative to the interim financial report, on motion
by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mr. Bell, and passed, the interim financial report
covering the period ending May 31, 1971 was accepted and ordered made a matter
of record. (See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes. )

       I. Appropriation to Division of Auxiliary Services Approved (FCR 2)

       At the request of Mr. Griffin, Chairman of the Finance Committee, Mr.
Forgy explained briefly the uses to which the $123, 000 appropriation requested
for the Division of Auxiliary Services would be put and on motion by Mr. Griffin,
seconded by Mr. Bell, and passed, FCR 2 was approved. (See FCR 2 at the end
of the Minutes. )

       J. Report of Investments (ICR 1)

       Mr. Clay called attention to the quarterly report of investments (ICR 1),
accepted it on behalf of the Executive Committee, and ordered it filed. (See ICR 1
at the end of the Minutes.

       K. Meeting Adjourned

       There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion duly
made, seconded, and carried, the meeting adjourned at 2:25 p. tn.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                              Lawrence E. Forgy, Jr.
                                              Secretary, Board of Trustees

(Resolution on Dr. Rudd, PRs 2, 4, 5, and 6, FCRs 1 and 2, and ICR I which
follow are official parts of the Minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee
of the Board of Trustees on August 17, 1971. )



       The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky notes with regret that the term of

                         ROBERT W. RUDD

as a non-voting faculty member of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky expired on June 30, 1971 and wishes to express on behalf of the full
Board thanks and appreciation for the contributions which he has made to the
deliberations of this body during his tenure.

       Dr. Rudd, Professor of Agricultural Economics and Chairman of the
Department of Agricultural Economics, has served the University well not
only in his own discipline but in other areas also. Because of his reputation
as one of the younger faculty members with a real potential for leadership,
President John W. Oswald selected him as his first Faculty Assistant in 1963.
When his year was completed, President Oswald was so impressed with his
administrative ability that he requested Dr. Rudd to serve as Acting Dean of
the College of Commerce. This assignment was handled in such an effective
manner that upon the death of Professor Aubrey Brown, Dr. Rudd was named
as Chairman of the Department of Agricultural Economics and has served in
that capacity since 1968.

      A man of keen intellect and pleasing personality, Dr. Rudd was chosen
by his colleagues as one of the faculty representatives on the Presidential
Search Committee charged with the responsibility of seeking Dr. Oswald's
successor. In the election for one of the non-voting faculty members of the
Board of Trustees held in the spring of 1968, Dr. Rudd was the majority
choice to fill the vacancy created by the expiration of Dr. Stephen Diachun's
term. With his academic and administrative background, Dr. Rudd's opinions
always carried considerable weight with his fellow Board members and his
advice and counsel were frequently sought and acted upon. He will be missed
from the future deliberations of the Board.

      Now, therefore, wishing to make the Board's recognition of Dr. Rudd's
valuable contributions during the past three years a matter of record, be it
resolved that this resolution be adopted, spread upon the Minutes of the meet-
ing, and a copy transmitted to Dr. Rudd.



                           AUGUST 17, 1971


       Representatives of the College of Agriculture Cooperative
Extension Service of the Quicksand Area have been involved in
numerous programs that have had an impact on the lives of the people
in Southeast Kentucky. A recent report of work performed over the
past year notes the Extension staff provided information to over
10,000 people, trained 2,716 local leaders and distributed over
38,000 pieces of mail. The work of the staff has been devoted to
increasing farm income through new enterprises and better crop and
livestock practices. Emphasis has been placed on helping low-income
families. Individual and group assistance was given to approxi-
mately 135 families in clothing renovation. Nutrition assistants and
others of the staff worked with over a thousand families, assisting
them in providing better food for their children. Over 3,000 families
were contacted and offered help in improving housing conditions.
There have been programs on career planning for children, drug abuse
and misuse, and an organized effort to increase Homemakers Club
membership. Assistance has been given to community organizations and
counties on public housing, water and sewer systems through water
districts, sanitary landfills, labor surveys for industrial prospects,
area vocational schools, tourism and outdoor recreation and comprehen-
sive planning necessary for orderly development of.community facili-
ties.  Industrial parks totaling 50 acres were developed in Breathitt
and Letcher counties with the help of the Extension staff members.


       The 76th kidney transplant was performed at the Albert B.
Chandler Medical Center in early June with dramatic team play in-
volving the Kentucky State Police, Fayette County Police, and the Uni-
versity of Cincinnati Medical Center. The medical centers at Lexing-
ton and Cincinnati maintain a registry of patients awaiting kidney
transplants and their tissue types. Information is gathered and organs
exchanged through an organization established by the Ohio Valley
Regional Medical Program. The dramatic episode with Cincinnati helped
launch the Kidney Foundation of Kentucky "Gift of Life Campaign" in
central Kentucky. Purpose of the campaign has been to help people
understand the kidney donor program and efforts of the Kidney Founda-
tion, and to point out that a lack of funds has made it impossible to
develop a kidney program in Kentucky adequate to meet public needs.
Sufficient donor kidneys are not readily available and the cost of the
artificial kidney machine is prohibitive to many people.


- 2 -

3.     7,000 IN SUMMER SESSION

       Approximately 7,000 students--a 10 per cent increase over last
year--participated in the summer session. Dr. Elbert W. Ockerman,
dean of admissions and registrar, said more than 85 per cent of the
students who enrolled for both sessions had pre-registered. Next
year he plans to make advance registration available to all students
who wish to attend during the summer terms. Of the 1,417 students
who registered for the four-week intersession, Dean Ockerman said
1,410 registered in advance.


       A summer program for 24 Kentucky students interested in health
careers is being conducted at the Albert B. Chandler Medical Center.
The orientation and on-the-job training in health careers program
now is in its third year. In the past two years, 52 students re-
ceived training in the "summer in medical sciences" seminar developed
by the Lexington-based chapter of the Student American Medical Asso-
ciation. The program is aimed specifically at high school juniors,
seniors, and freshmen or sophomore college students from financially
deprived homes and/or racial minority backgrounds, according to Jon
Joseph, SAMA summer program director. A third year medical student
from Louisville, Joseph is assisted by Dewey Ballard, a second year
student, also of Louisville. The eight week project offers health
care exposure in the fields of psychiatry, physical therapy, pharma-
cology and occupational therapy, as well as medicine, dentistry and
nursing. Students assist in Medical Center labs and clinics. Funds
to support the career experience this year are provided by the office
of the vice president, the E. 0. Robinson Mountain Fund and by some
county divisions of the Neighborhood Youth Corps of the U.S.
Department of Labor.


       A $10,000 bequest from the estate of the late Dr. Mary Agnes
Gordon to the University will be used to establish a scholarship
fund for girls from the state of Kentucky, with preference going to
those students who plan to major in psychology. The bequest was
noted in Dr. Gordon's will which recently was probated in Clark
County Court and which directed how the gift was to be used. Dr.
Gordon received her BA degree here in 1925, and her MA degree in
1927. In 1929, she earned a Ph.D degree from Columbia University
after serving as an assistant in psychology at the institution. She
later worked at Mills College in California and for TVA before
becoming associated with the U.S. Air Force,


- 3 -


       Dr. Earl Kauffman, director of the Council on Aging, says
the Council is preparing a new program that will be known as the
Schools for Medicare/Medicaid. The Council has received a $13,533
grant from the Public Higher Education Committee for Kentucky to
support the program in its first year. Dr. Kauffman said the
program has been in the planning stages for over a year. It has
been established by a committee representing the Social Security
Administration, Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., Kentucky Depart-
ments of Economic Security and Health, Council on Aging, and
Kentucky Commission on Aging. The schools for medicare/medicaid
will gather basic information based upon questions asked by users
of the program. Answers to the questions will be supplied by the
Social Security officials and representatives of the Kentucky
Departments of Economic Security and Health.  Experts in teaching
and counseling will adapt this information into courses of study
which will be presented to various groups of older people through-
out the state. If the program is successful, it will be adapted
for distribution via national educational TV, home study courses,
and continuing education programs sponsored by senior citizens'
clubs and organizations, Dr. Kauffman stated.


       The propulsion system for a noiseless train capable of speeds
up to 250 miles an hour could be the end result of a research pro-
ject at the University. Dr. Syed Abu Nasar, a native of Pakistan
and professor of electrical engineering, said plans are to develop
a linear induction motor (LIM). He said, "picture how an electric
motor would appear if the coil were cut open and placed on a flat
(linear) surface.  In an electric motor the rotor spins inside the
coil.  In the LIM, the rotor moves on a horizontal plane.  One of
the major problems that has not been solved is how to collect power
while the vehicle moves at 250 mph. There are now experimental
trains powered by linear induction motors, but they travel about
35 mph."

       Dr. Nasar cited the advantages of such a vehicle over conven-
tional trains as the elimination of noise, shorter travel time, elimi-
nation of pollution, and relatively little expense when compared to
the cost of operations of trains now in use. He has been working on
basic problems of the motor since he completed work on his Ph.D at the
University of California at Berkeley in 1963. He came here in 1968.
Prof. Nasar said the National Science Foundation has supported his
research in the amount of $48,000 over the past three years. Two of
his students have finished work on their masters' degrees and another
student is working toward the Ph.D on problems associated with the
linear induction motor.


- 4


       A conference to investigate recycling of solid waste will
be held at the Agricultural Science Center on September 16. The
program will be called "Recycling in the Bluegrass Region: Myth or
Reality," and the most knowledgeable men and women on the recycling
process will be sought as speakers, says David K. Blythe,director
of the College of Engineering Office of Continuing Education, and
chairman of the planning committee. Several hundred persons are
expected to participate in the one-day affair dealing with various
kinds of solid waste. Workshop topics include waste paper, indus-
trial metals, household scraps, junk cars, glasses, and ceramics and
organic materials, which include oils, plastic and rubber. Other
subjects to be covered include economics and recycling, the govern-
ment's role, the public role and social responsibilities, and
recycling from concept to reality. In addition, there will be a
symposium on municipal waste. A recycling information exhibit will
be on display at the conference site.


       The College of Pharmacy has named eight Kentucky pharmacists
to its voluntary faculty. The new appointments are W. Michael
Baumhn, Alvin R. Bertram, William Curry, Milton H. Nichols, and
William K. Wheeler, all of Lexington, Robert L. Barnett, and Joseph
Schutte, Louisville, and George W. Grider, Danville. Most of the
pharmacists will teach in the Community Practice Clerkship course.
As volunteers, they will contribute their instruction services to the
college at no salary.

       Community Practice Clerkship is designed to provide the stu-
dent with practical learning experience by allowing him to spend two
afternoons a week in the volunteer faculty member's pharmacy. During
the semester, the student will rotate through three different phar-
macies. Only one student at a time is assigned to a teacher, which
permits individual instruction while giving the student an in-depth
view of patient-related problems encountered in the practice of
community pharmacy.


       Two students in the Department of Classical Languages and
Literatures--both undergraduates--have been awarded memberships in
the Kentucky Society, American Institute of Archaeology, in recogni-
tion of outstanding work during the past year. Faculty members of
the department have selected Miss Lisa Waslo, Cincinnati, and Greg
Tremere, Lexington, for the honor, according to Dr. Lawrence S.
Thompson, UK professor of classics. The memberships were donated by
Hugh Peal, class of 1922, the first Rhodes scholar from Kentucky.


- 5


       Fourteen students, winners in the spring elections, will
take their seats in the newly-formed Student Senate at the opening
of the fall semester. SG President Scott Wendelsdorf said the
students will serve not only as members of the University Senate,
they will form the legislative branch of Student Government. The
new senators, the college they will represent in the Senate, and
their hometowns are: Larry Noe (Agriculture), Campbellsville; Nancy
Totten (Allied Health), St. Albans, W. Va.; Lewis Colten (Architec-
ture), Lexington; Howell Hopson (Arts & Sciences), Cadiz; Paul T.
Ferrell (Business & Economics), Lexington; Dennis D. Stuckey (Den-
tistry), Frankfort; Pam Sallengs (Education), Radcliff; Damon
Talley (Engineering), Magnolia; Al Sharp (Graduate School), Pitts-
burgh, Pa.; Cynthia Watts (Home Economics), Brandenburg; Ronald D.
Weddle (Medicine), Liberty; Kathy Liedtke (Nursing), Lagrange, Ill.;
Dan Daffron (Pharmacy), Monticello, and Franklin W. Nooe (Social
Professions), Harrodsburg.


       Henderson Community College is successfully fulfilling one of
the major functions charged to the community college. The Adult
Basic Education Program enrolled 129 adults in classes last November,
and 104 were still active in May. Many of these were high school
dropouts who hoped to successfully complete the General Education
Development (GED) test and thereby earn a high school equivalency
certificate. A number of them then plan to enroll in such programs
at the college as social work technology, forestry and wood tech-
nology, management technology, accounting, professional secretary-
ship, laboratory technician, and nursing. Classes also were organized
in Union and Webster counties, and supervised by the college. In
Union county, 42 persons met each Thursday in the high school building
at Morganfield, and in Webster county, there were 15 in the class
meeting each Wednesday at the Dixon H-U-W Center. The program pro-
vides a general education class aimed at providing the basic skills
in math, reading and English that will enable a high school dropout to
pass the GED test. Once the student obtains the GED certificate, he
is eligible to enroll in any class at the Henderson college.


       Programs aimed at older persons have been held at two com-
munity colleges. A six-session seminar concluded in May at Ashland
Community College for residents of that area, with discussion topics
including social security benefits, taxes, citizenship responsibili-
ties, and contemporary art and literature. A total of 67 persons
took part in a Living and Learning School at Somerset Community
College last semester. The Rev. L. D. Fisher, local minister, and
Kenneth Bean of the college were commended on their "outstanding job"
in conducting the program at Somerset.


- 6


       Hazard Community College and Southeast Community College will
be part of a six-college consortium which will operate programs of
recreation, education, health, nutrition and community development in
75 isolated communities in a 24-county East Kentucky and Tennessee
area. Called ALCOR, funds for the program, in the amount of $233,830,
have been granted over a three-year period by the W. K. Kellogg
Foundation. More than 75 students in the fields of nursing, medicine,
dentistry and special education are working this summer in the various
ALCOR centers. The program is administered by Alice Lloyd College.


       Dr. Robert A. Valyo, director of speech pathology and audiology,
College of Education, has just conducted a new clinical program (June
15-Aug. 6) aimed at helping persons who stutter. Dr. Valyo pointed
out that stuttering is most apparent in youngsters who attend grades
three through twelve. Although many children between ages three and
seven stutter, it is fairly normal for them to exhibit such patterns,
which frequently disappear without treatment.


       A new Fulbright scholar at the University, Miss Sally Hamilton
of Springfield, will take her Fulbright grant to the University of
Heidelberg in Germany. When she returns from Heidelberg she will
begin studies for her doctorate at UK, and hopes some day to teach.
Miss Hamilton received her MA here in May and was a teaching assis-
tant in the German department while in Graduate School. During the
four-week intersession she taught a course in "'German for Reading


       Prof. Robert G. Lawson has been named acting dean of the
College of Law. The announcement by President Singletary was made
at a dinner honoring Dr. W. L. Matthews Jr., the retiring law school
dean. Lawson's appointment will be effective with the start of the
fall semester and he will serve until the appointment of a permanent
successor to Matthews. Lawson is a native West Virginian, a graduate
of Berea College, and the College of Law. He practiced law in
Roanoke, Va., and in Lexington before joining the law faculty on a
full-time basis in 1966.

       Dean Matthews announced his intention to retire from the dean-
ship last year. His return to full-time teaching and research duties
as a member of the law faculty will mark the end of a 14-year tenure
as dean.


- 7 -


       A letter from Lexington Mayor Charles Wylie to city officials
of Guayaquil--the largest city in Ecuador--proposing that the two
cities become sister cities, was carried to Guayaquil by Greg
Daugherty of the University Human Relations Center who traveled under
the auspices of the Partners of the Americas and the Office of Inter-
national Programs in the Center for Developmental Change. Daugherty
was accompanied to Ecuador by two students, Jody Greene, Greensburg,
and Neal Cain, Somerset. The students were to spend six weeks
traveling to the three largest cities in Ecuador where they were to
look into the possibility of students in all Kentucky colleges and
universities going to Ecuador as exchange students. The main purpose
of Lexington and Guayaquil becoming sister cities is to exchange infor-
mation about one another and to become better acquainted. Kentucky is
a partner to the area of Ecuador where Guayaquil is located in the
interchange sponsored by the National Association of the Partners of
the Americas.


       Dean Charles Graves of the College of Architecture thinks that
architectural students not only have prodded the profession but are
instituting trends that gradually will seep into the architectural
establishment. "Schools have always been ahead of the professional
societies and that's the way it should be," he says. As examples of
the "visible change" that has taken place at the University, the dean
points to a number of off-campus studio activities that have tended to
replace the old practice of building-design: the mountain studies pro-
gram at Hyden, where students have broadened their interests to such
environmental issues as solid waste and recreation; a studio project
involving a Virginia commune; various neighborhood projects in Lexing-
ton, such as the one in Pralltown.

       Ray Love and David Eddrington are two of Graves' former students
who were engaged in the Pralltown project during their fifth year of
school. They became so involved in putting together an urban-renewal
proposal for the dilapidated 3 -block area and its 300 mostly black
residents in the shadow of the University that they stayed on after
graduation, working from modest quarters at 189 Prall Street. Their
aim: 300 units of new housing, a commercial center, and a recreational


       A Fayette county farmer has given $2,000 to the College of
Agriculture. Herschel Weil specified the grant be used by the Depart-
ment of Agronomy for research on management and improvement of the
quality of forage grass. Dr. A. J. Hiatt, agronomy chairman, said
Weil has been active in local, state and national civic and service
clubs. Weil is a member of the board of directors of the National
Conference of Christians and Jews and the steering committee for
the University College of Medicine.


- 8 -


       The Kentucky Geological Survey, in cooperation with the U.S.
Geological Survey, produced a total of 156 new maps and reports during
fiscal 1970-71. These documents are much in demand by such departments
of state government as highways, commerce, parks, natural resources,
and health. The oil, gas, clay, coal, fluorspar, zinc and construction
industries also are heavy users, as are schools, county agents, hunters
and fishermen, civil engineers, the Soil Conservation Service, and
those concerned with waste disposal. The U.S. Corps of Engineers is
another major user of these maps and other publications.

       From the campus sales office during the year, there were sold
more than 30,000 maps and reports. KGS also maintains over 100,000
linear feet of core samples from oil and gas wells, and over 11,000
sets of envelope samples of well cuttings--an official repository
that is visited daily for study by representatives of the state's
mineral industries. The work of KGS is divided into Mineral Resources
Investigations, Geologic Mapping, Water Resources, and Topographic
Mapping Revision. The Mineral Resources, Topographic Mapping, and
Water Resources programs are expected to be continuing operations.
The Geologic Mapping program, begun in 1960 in cooperation with the U.
S. Geological Survey, was expected to be completed in 12 years. In
1964, however, the schedule of appropriations was modified to extend
the completion date to 1978. At that time, the U.S. Survey is expected
to move its staff members now in Kentucky to another state for similar

       Dr. Lewis W. Cochran recently said that the maps and reports
produced by KGS have resulted in great savings in the construction of
highways and buildings throughout the Commonwealth and consequently
have been of inestimable value to the state's economic development.
"We are proud of the Survey and its work. It is truly a public service
area in which Kentucky ranks among the nation's leaders and in which
the benefits to the State are quite large in proportion to the expen-
diture," he said.


       By the end of the summer more than 1,000 disadvantaged children
in Wolfe county will have received total dental treatment through a
project administered by the Department of Pedodontics. Wolfe county
was selected for the program for several reasons: Lack of a full-time
dentist in the county created the greatest need; the county is a non-
fluoride area, which indicated a high level of tooth decay, and close
proximity to Lexington made the area convenient for dental students.
The upcoming fourth year dental students do the actual dental treatment.
Six dental trailers, furnished by the dental division of the State
Board of Health, are parked near the schools. The children either are
brought to the clinic by parents or friends, or the dental students
transport them from their homes. This is the last phase of a five-
year project conducted each summer during June and July. After the
summer program is completed, some of the dental students return to
Wolfe county six months later to examine patients needing follow-up


- 9


       The University of Kentucky Research Foundation has reported
that $14,085,448.33 was received during the fiscal year which ended
July 1. Reflecting a steady growth in such awards to the University
for research purposes, the figure is compared to last year's receipt
of $13.6 million. During the period May 1-June 30, since the last
reporting date, a total of 121 agreement awards was received by UKRF,
amounting to $2,649,474. Thirty-two grants received additional funds
amounting to $544,419.47, and four grants were decreased by $25,589.
One other award was received in the amount of $223.42. Total agree-
ment awards for the current reporting period: $3,168,527.89.


       S. C. Bohanan, Thailand Project, Agency for International