xt763x83n54v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83n54v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1990-10-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 08, 1990 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 08, 1990 1990 1990-10-08 2020 true xt763x83n54v section xt763x83n54v O


.1 at

Kentucky Kernel

"1-‘:,vy.0ctobora 1990


UK closes dOWn Phi Kappa Tau fraternity

Hazing violations force school to take action

Executive Editor

A high-ranking officer was one of
three students expelled from Phi
Kappa Tau after UK announced Fri-
day that it was closing the social fra-
ternity because of an alcohol-related
hazing incident.

The officer. responsible for ad-
ministering the education of asso-
ciated members — pledges —— was
removed from the fraternity last
Tuesday, said Stephen Hines, chap—
ter spokesman and former vice pres—
ident. The officer's name was not re

UK Interim Dean of Students Da-
vid Stockharn notified the fraternity
in a letter Friday that the “organiza-
tional status” of the fraternity at UK
has been withdrawn for three years
because of violations of the UK
Code of Student Conduct regarding
the practice of hazing.

Hazing, as defined by the UK stu-
dent code. involves “subjecting Uni-

Expert on
civic virtue
visiting UK
this week

Staff reports

Dr. Robert N. Bellah. professor of
sociology at the University of Cali-
fornia at Berkley, will be speaking
at UK this week about civic virtue
for the 1990s.

Bellah, lead
author of Habits
of the Heart: In-
dividualt'sm and
Commitment in
American Life, a
penetrating look
at the effects of
individualism on
modem society,
will speak tonight BELLA“
at 7:30 at the Catholic Newman
Center about “The Church and the
Recovery of Community in Ameri-

Tomorrow night at 8:00 at the
Worsham Theater, Bellah will ad-
dress “American Values vs. A Sus—
tainable Future: C an We Change in

Immediately following the lecture
tomorrow night, students are invited
to meet with Bellah in the Student
Center. room 230.

For more information, contact the
Office of Undergraduate Studies at



As part of Alternative Mu—
sic Week, Vale of Tears.
Wig, Laughing Hyenas will
perform at the Wrocklage
starting at 9:00 pm. Ad-
mission is $4.

The Brown Bag Series in
the Center Theatre of the
Student Center will be
about ‘Kentuckians for the
Commonwealth.’ Admis-
sion is free.


making great
strides as part
of UK's cross
country team.



Story. Page 3



CampusCalendar ................ 2
Sports .................................. 3
Diversions ........................... 6
Viewpoint ............................ 8
Classifieds .......................... 9

versity students to unnecessary and
excessive abuse. humiliation, or
physical danger, or by committing
any action or causing any situation
which recklessly or intentionally en-
dangers mental or physical health or
involves the forced consumption of
liquor or drugs for the purpose of
initiation into or affiliation with any

The National Fraternity also sus-
pended eight active members after a
preliminary investigation. The
members were not identified.

Officials would not elaborate on
the violations, which occurred Sept.

“It wouldn’t be beneficial for me
to comment on those,” said Bill
Fletcher, director of chapter servic-
es for Phi Kappa Tau National Fra-
ternity. “We felt they were not
chapter sanctions, but they were
conducred by individuals."

Phi Kappa Tau may petition to
come back on the UK campus three
years from now. Stockham said.

The fraternity has about 30 days
to appeal the University’s decision
and will do so, said Hines, a Russian

"We do not feel the withdrawal or
removal of the status is fair to those
who did not know" about the viola-
tion, Fletcher said.

With Phi Kappa Tau's absence
there will 19 fraternities left on the
UK campus.

The chapter's charter has been
suspended, but the fraternity has not
been removed from the campus.
Fletcher said. “They cannot conduct
any activities as a group on the cam-

Last month’s hazing violation was
not a first for Phi Kappa Tau. Last
January the fratemity was sanc-
tioned by the national chapter for
holding a prc-initiation week, which
is not all0wed under chapter rules.

"We do not let those periods take
place.“ Fletcher said. "It is condu~

See HAZING. Back page





Lattit Pincay J1 aboard Bayakoa after winning The Spinster
at Keeneland on Saturday The pair combined to repeat their
victory in last year‘s race. Bayakoa became the second horse
to Win The Spinster consecutively Story, Page 4.






Phi Kappa Tau social fraternity, located at 687 Woodland Ave . is being closed down because ’.I hazmo
violations. The fraternity may petition to come back on campus three years from now

Optimism key to defeating
aging process, speaker says

Contributing Writer

Although aging is often thought
of as a process of physical decline. a
positive attitude can ease the trans1~
tion. said An I.inkletter Saturday
night at a benefit dinner for the UK
Sanders—Brown Center on Aging.

“If you maintain a llextble. curt-
oits. challenged. interested outlook
on what is coming next ~«-- that is
the fountain of youth," he said.
“There is no fountain of youth. but
With that kind of attitude there is .1
fountain of age.

"And that‘s what I want to spread
arottnd the country."

Linklctter titled his speech after
his latest book. ()Itl .‘lk’r” it .V’nt for

.-\1 7%. Linkletter tours the coun-
try. speaking tor senior CIlI/CIIS.

With wit and vitality. he has had
an active role tn changing the stig—
111a of old age.

“I discovered that yott cannot stop

Sue Bennett

Staff, AP reports

LONDON, Ky. The student
newspaper at Sue Bennett College
in this Laurel (.‘ottnty town bluntly
stated what thc small. priyatt‘ colv
Iegc would need in order to survive.

In a halt-page editorial last spring.
the school's newspaper. the SI Bli-
VECO. said “to expect any kind of
future. Sue Bennett College must
become a University of Kentucky
Community College."

Somebody tnust have listened.

Sue Bennett's Board of I'rustecs

the hardening ml' the arteries. f11.11
you can stop tilc li.trdentng of the :11-
lttttdcs " I.1nkl:*t=:‘r aid

Although agini' is :1 .onstnnl :111l
gradual Process '. \llll can warm .‘1‘1
a \tlrpfl\t.‘ to people :1 hen they 1 1111'»
rtcncc it. he sud

(:)111 ol the 11 1yslt Itstoyc r1. d it
1getting oldcrl ‘.1 as my son I11 1111111
.1 grandfather this gets your atten-

Another sign of getting older
that everyone starts to tell you too
well you look! trikicltcr and

He explained that ‘ Iher. ire
three ages of 111.111. 'ihcrc's \tittlh
middle age. and hoty 'ykt‘ll «.1

And the “how welt 1.1111 1.1.11;
group is growing and hecoiiiirt! 1
visible force in {\fllc‘r‘tt :1.

Linklcttcr sttltl that because wt
rapid advancements 111 medicine and
technology since I95“. the number
of people over the age of 11% ;1.1\
doubled and the number 11y cr new ‘i
has tripled.

trustees vote

voted Friday to become the If‘th
member of the I'K .otntnttntty .ol-
lcgc system.

"I'm pleased to ilCItl’ that they
have that kind ol tatth in I'K‘s
board of trustees. 1t K President
Charles) Wcthingtoti .md much."
said Bert (.‘arr. .ktttig .l1.1nccllor of
the system. “I know II 1y.l\ \lllllLUil
decision to make.”

Susie Bullock. ptihltt relations d1
rector lor the ‘chtirold school.
said she could not release the 111.11
gin by which the littstccs yotcd to
merge with UK.

Itv the .c.tr T‘ll‘f
onc II‘EIii‘ 11
.1. l. ' -.1!tl


there 11 1‘1’1 1»-

-.1:':1or'.111/1.‘r1\ 11 \IIlL"l-

’. f‘icrn‘ » n11 1211‘ :11 I st"? to ' 1‘ 1"
if you re 1111 '1Il1Iitnc -1\'.lr\1.‘li
ways that 111:1ke you happy '

Because of his use '1 triklcltt-r
that people ollt‘lt ask 11111:.
about tyhat happens

I1\ flit»! U31.
I‘h‘re 1.1.1311 i .1111 ..11 11.111111"
.‘1c \.t|(i 1llli1i1.‘II:'f .111.l 1‘1:
wife are 1:11 1.1 py 51.1
‘\ Is ”trio-trod i .11. 1.111 .1.
.711I' iii‘l'.“
\ti1lt1l."l.i\:' ’
’.\1.‘l't‘ Ilrsl
like fourth 1-! i1.ll\ lu‘w 11111.11 0 .
illl‘rt' lrkc .l1.1ttks~.'1y.1ig."
\Ilt‘ "ll\ \llt“ Ll.l\'.‘ "it‘
ltli y‘ixtdling 111111‘~ twill} 1';

th1 111st \.1i«.‘l

1.11ltli“:1 r1313 '.

:.!.it'r1 '12. ' .11. Killil 111

“If l“.II
Mink 1""! 1' .1‘ "11
.111111..11i11r'.l 1:

to join UK

Hoot-yer. he did 1.1) 111.11 the
board agreed ..1 turn .1 \K‘IIIIIIIUCC
”to begin 1111k1'1g :ttitttt‘tltazcly 1.1.
ItClltllliilC lilt‘ i.'IIIl\ tl our IXtIlSlllt‘tll
to .1 .111111111111111
,l\ prisstl‘tlt'

illlt‘L'L‘ .l\ tittlthl‘v

Buttock ‘.ll\l t‘ie 1-c\t 11.11 would
lie for :hc '-11.1t.f : 1 1:1.1kc .1 1.3111111-
mcttdntton ‘_1 its '-.1tctil “omit. the
Women‘s llI\l\I\‘ll 1.1! the \lctttotltsl
Board 111 (ilUiX’ll \IIIII\II]t‘\. 1:1 New

l‘llt‘ .‘roup

* 111s tttc .111 .cat tol—

.1136 SUE Back page

Professor co-author of book on Middle East

Staff Writer

A UK professor is the co-author
of a new book he hopes will help
people understand the geographic
history of the Middle East and how
Saudi Arabia developed from a
small kingdom to a large but
sparsely populated oil- rich country

P. P Karan a UK professor of ge-
ography teamed with A S. Abu Da-
wood professor of geography at
King Abdul- Aztl. University in Jed-
dah, on the newly published book
International Boundaries of Saudi

It explains how Saudi Arabia
evolved to a state with its present

“It's pretty important to under-
stand that m order to understand
what's going on over there right
now," Karan said.

Karan has written numerous
books about his work and teaching

experience in Japan. Southwest
Asia. the Middle East. the Soviet
Inton. Europe. Japan and Canada
and has worked for the United Na—
tions 111 Nepal. Bhutan and Sikkim

Karim said his work in geo»
polities involves the application of
geographical ideas and concepts to
solve problems of locational ditiien
stons in sot tcltcs.

Regarding the current trtsts in the
Middle East Karan said one of the
major problems between Iraq and
Kuwait is that Iraq has never recog-
nized Kuwait as separate.

When it was part of the Ottoman
Empire the land which is now Ku
wait was attached to the province of
Basra. After the defeat of the Otto
mans in World War I the Europeans
separated Basra and it became.
along With the provinces of Mosul
and Baghdad Iraq.

Kuwait was made a separate polit-

See KARAN. Back page


Assocraled Press

Hundreds of Kuwaitis crossed
into Saudi Arabia yesterday after
Iraq suddenly relaxed restrictions
on Kuwaitis leaving the occupied

Sotnc refugees said it was the
latest tnove in an Iraqi campaign
to dcpopulatc Kuwait, isolate the
restsuitice movement and prepare
for war.

World leaders kept up diplo-
matic efforts to achieve a peace-
t'ul solution to the crisis that arose
with Iraq‘s invasion of Kuwait on
Aug. 2,

Japan‘s Prime Minister TOShIkI
Kaifu traveled to Oman after a


two day yistt yyith knig :- 111.2 111
. Saudi Arabt. t.

PLO leader ‘t'.t.ssc1 ‘\t.|1'.ll 11th
King lltissctn 111 lotdan .1tid s.111l .1
peace lIlIIILllHt‘ oil the .111” II\|\
was being lortnttiattd .:1t.ot.tnt'
to the plan proposcd 1\ Ititp
President Saddam lillSM‘tIt

On Aug. I3. Saddam
would discuss witltdrayyitn: from
Kuwait it the Israelis .tiso 'sk'tlh'
drew lroni the West Bank .1nd
Gaza Strip.

Arafat said Saddam s proposal
‘ has brought about an tntc mutton
til consensus for the need to solve
the Palestinian problem.”

"Thc linkage is bccottitng po»
sible now. I‘hosc who beltcyc
otherwise. let them submit their

wild ilk'

Iraq allows some Kttw iitis to It ave

own proposals :11 \11l\\‘ :hc \lid~
dlc luasl prol1le111~

lzgypltan loicicii \Iinistci Is-
mat 1\bdulv\l.ig111.§. meanwhile,
arrived in I);11n.1st 11s tor talks yyith
Syrian President Il.11c/ \ssad. He
indicated he \\.l\ lxt.tl\IIi_L' tlic \ [\II
to increase .oopcmtmn '11 toning
Iraq out of Kuwait.

Kaifu .1rrtved 111 the Vlltit‘dSl
I.tst week to utter financial help to
lront-ltnc states Itirkcy. Jordan
and Egypt and to seek .1 political

He has referred to a new world
order alter the crisis is solved in
which Itipan was eager to play .1

‘ic \«llti

See tRAQ. Back page






 (.3 - Kontucky Kernel, Monday, October 8, 1990


Inlori‘iutiori on this ceivencia‘ 9‘


Monday 10/8

0 Movie: 'El Norte' (International Film
Fat); Free to students/$2 faculty &
staff; Carter Theatre; 7:30pm; Call

- WRFI Alternative Music Week begins
and concludes Monday 15th October,
check graphic for more information

Tuesdale / 9

tMovie: Movre: 'El Norte' (International
Film Fest); Free to students/$2 faculty
& staff; Center Theatre; 7:30pm; Call

Wednesday 10/10

0 Concert: College of Fine Arts Benefit
w /special guest Ben Vereen; 520, 550
8: $100; SCFA Concert Hall; 8pm; Call

‘ Film Fatival: various titla by Stan
Brakhage; Free; Pence Hall 209; 7pm;
Call 7-7617

0 Movie: 'Quick Change'; 52; Worsham
Theatre; 7:30

' Movie; 'Risky Business, 52, Worsham
Theatre; 10pm

Thursday IL‘ 1‘.

' {owez ‘Qiiiclx K hinge SI 'i\or~h.im
Theatre ‘ ‘serp n

' Moyie. 'Risiu l\1;\lnt‘\\ S: Wursharr‘

Theatre. li‘r‘rrn

Friday 10/13

' Concert Phyllis lennass, y'oice & Lucien
Stark, piano, Free, X'FA Recrtal Hall
5pm; Call 7492‘)

0 Eihibit: "AirConditioned Nightmare
(thru 11/02), Free; Hunter M Adam~
Library Gallery: Cal 7-7617

0 Movte. Quick Change, 52, Worsham
Theatre: 7'30pm

- MoVie Risky Busmess‘ $2, Worsham
Theatre, 10pm

Saturday 10/13

0 Other Ortf Workshop-Rene
Boyer-'White, cliniCian; 8.30am; Call
7-4900 for registration

0 Movie: Quick Change; 52; Worsham
Theatre, 7:30

- Movie: "Risky Business; 52; Worsham
Theatre; 10pm

Sunday 10/14

' Concert: Choraeroger Weshy, tirector.
Free, SCFA Recital Hall; 3pm, Call

0 Movre "Quick Change


Tusday 10/9

0 Sports: LJK Volleyball vs Miami or
Ohio; Memorial Coliseum, 7.30pm:

Saturday 10/13

' SportsM/ildcat Football ys/ Mississirir‘:
w/Lfkll) Liininltiliivi‘tllili Stadium

I P!“

Sunday 10/ I l

0 Sports. LK Volleyball ys. Mississippi
Memorial Coliseum, 2pm


Galbreath Gallery’s
Robert Tharsing:
Then and Now

exhibit is now displayed
through November 17th. UK
professor and artitst, Robert
Tharsing, is noted tor his
sensual attitude toward paint
application. The gallery is
located in the
CommerceNationai Plaza .



. Mm

t Monday 8th
Vale of Tears, Wig, Latighing Hyenac
at the Wrocklage.$4

Tuesday 9th

1‘: 7 Zark 7 Strawberry Zots Blake Babies Record deal party with Stranglemartin, Black
' Cat Bone, Edison’ s Revenge at the Wrocklage,

Saturday 13th
330 High, Groovezilla
at Lynaugh's Emporium, $TBA Cover


at the Wrocklage. $5

Wednesday 10th
Hesitators, Lemonheads
at the Wrocklage, $5

water-y Ire iriti, """ {TV-("1islriitil’Sl‘UflilS Supplied by the or“ onions soonsor For Student 0

i'it ‘& {l't’lv5 & Lv'oi'hrvr lira oricctnigmi Doodlinc No later than the Monday preceding the publication date


Sunday 14th

Langdon Shoop, Lemonade Hayride, Paul K. and the Weathermen

at the Wrocklage, $4

Monday 15th
The Bill Frisell Band
at the UK Worsham, $10

. . ay‘t 1th
Wire Pound Hammer, Scrawl
at Lynaugh s Emporium, $4

Friday 12th










- Other Aeroo cs Free, Newman Cntr 18.2, 5 5: 79V cat 255 8566

.4. Cw; Cub F 99 9 7 :1” Ca11233 7:38 “
8 COMM {er Sudenthao Free S'C“ r‘- 36 5, 5th ca 7


-Reiigi0us Mass. Free. Newman Center, 60", Call 255 8566

~ Reigrous Catholic Student Leadership Meetings. Free. Newman C”?
:38, Noon, call 255 8565
~ Oher Aerobics; Free .Newrnar CW ‘82. 5 50 79M. car? 255 8565


- Moe rig 3A3 cont temporary A“airs Committee Meet "a Free Stude”
CerferZ 28 535 pm Cai|27 33556

. Reign 5 -oy Eucharist - 9e St AugrstinesChaDe 5309* Ca
254 3‘26

- Reigns Encoun'er; Free, St Center 205; 7pm, Caz: 278-9533


- Reigoas Catholic Newman Cntr Night (6N2), Free; Newman Cntr 3&4.
7 30-8 303M, Call 2558566

Religious Fellowship at Christian Athletes. Free. 532 Woodland Ave,


- Religious Mass Free, Newman Center, 9 H 30 5 8 8 30. Car
255 8566

139:: grows Holy EUCl’Ta’ISl Free StAugiS?‘ “es Chapel ‘0 30am
Ca’i 254 3726
- Religious Holy Eucharist a Feiiowsno, Free, St Augrstvnes Chap
61 5300mCa‘1254-3726
. :ie'grous Spaghetti Supper Night $2, Newman Cntr 3&4. 6PM,
call 2558566

- Other UK Judo Club, Free; Alumni Gym, 5-6'3OPM, call 255‘ 2625
- Meeting: SAB Concert Commmee: Free. St Critr Rm 228: SW; caii

- Other UK Judo Club. Free, Alumni Gym, 5-6 30PM, Call 255-2625


Robert Tharsing, Montecalvi Overview, 1988, oil and acrylic

Ben Vereen

eclectic singer and dancer,

will be preforming this

during the annual



Fine Arts

‘ Benefit

yganqntions or Linn/army [)eririrtrrier t s to make entries on tr 8 Calendar 0 Campus Calendar Form


Monday 10/8

0 lecture: leanvl’ierre Iluffi - architect,
Paris; Free; Pence Hall 209; 6pm; Call

0 lecture: Brown Bag Series-Kentuckians

tor the Commonwealth'; Free; Center
Theatre; Noon; Call 78867

Tuesday 10/9

~ Lecture; Dr. Robert Bella, Barkley
sociologist - the place of community
values in modern society; Free;
Worsham Theatre; 8pm; Call 7-8867

0 Meeting: Commuter Student Board;
Free; St Cntr 106; 3:15pm; Call 743598

Wednesday 10/10
° Seminar: 'Applications of ArtifiCial

Intelligence; Free; McVey Hall 327;
3:30pm; Call 7-8737

Saturday 10/13

' Seminar: The Soutliem Harmony' Ron
Pen; Free; SCFA Presidents Room‘;

Sunday Iii/H
0 \Ieetinr: L'I\ I'ereiisxiori Society Free,
Room 5‘ l‘im‘ r\rt\ , 0pm, (Kill 2333340


Monday 10/8

0 Other Volunteer Center of Bluegrass is
in need or PR students to help w/
\'i)l‘1ltll\ .)i’li\'lllt‘\ throughout the
Himmler; please call 7-h783 for info

Tuesday 10/9

' HOMECOMINC: Royalty voting,
various campus locations

' Other L'K Graduate Day Fair (Blark
Grad Prof Stud Assoc (it Grad Stud
Assoc), Free, St (.‘ntr 206, I lamr 1pm;
Call 2533540

Wednesda y 10/10

0 HOMFCOMINC: Royalty voting.
various Campus locations

Thursday 10/11

- IIOMFCOMIVG, Wheel of Fortune
tryouts, Free; Center Theatre, 11am,
Call 7 R867

0 HOMFCOMING. Royalty voting,
yanous campus locations

Friday 10/13

0 HUMFCOMIXC Wildcat Roarrl’ep
Rally, Free, ('ommonii'ealth Stadium;
Call 7-88h7

' HOMFCOMIXG, Fuelsior
Campus-Wide Formal, 520,- Heritage
Hall at Rupp Arena: 9pm, Call 7—1378

' HOMFCOMI’VG Royaltv voting,
various campus locations

0 Workshop- Time Ma nagement for LIK
Allied Health Alumni. Harley Ilotel;
Call 233» 6430

- Religious. 2nd Annual Workshop for
choristers; Free; Christ Church
Cathedral; 7pm; Call 234-4497

Saturday 10/11

0 HOMFCOMIVC' Parade, Free, St Cntr
parking lot to Triangle Park
downtown. 10am, k .ill " Mitt?

‘ ”UNIFCVUMIXC‘ Ilmxntown “lildmt
Rally, Free, Triangle Park downtown.
llamfipm, (all 7 non?

Sunday Ill/l-l

0 Religious. (‘litiral Fucharist,’ Free,
Christ L hurch Cathedral; Ham; Call

Monday 10/ I 3

- Academic: LNI)FR(;R1\I)S

' Academi: I [\ST ”At T() DROP A

' Acadomit‘ LAST DAY F()VV'/I)R1\VV


0 Movie: 'El Norte' (International Film

O Lecture: lean-Pierre Butt: .
from Paris France

' [Adult ’l‘OWnBIs Series


O Movie: Movie: 'El Notte' (International
film Far.)

0 lecture: Dr. Robert Bella, Barkley
sociologist - the place of community
values in modern society

0 Concert: Colleged Fine Am Benefit
W/spcdal guest Bar Vereen
'Elm Mini: various titles by Stan




—'Kentuckians for the(

‘ Other: Volunteer Center ot lllllt‘ijiii'm i\

in need (if [SK students in liplr‘ ‘.\
various aCllVlUOk throughout tt-


' Meeting. Commuter Student lit ml
' HOMFCOMINC Royalty voting
0 Other. UK Graduate Day Fair

' Sports 17K Volleyball vs Miami or


‘ MOW? Risky BusineSs‘
' Sethinar 'Applicaums of Artificial

' HOMFCOMINC' Royalty voting.
various campus buttons


Week at Glance



' ll(l.\IF( ()Ml\(. “”1001 Of Fortune
tryouts & Royalty voting

' Movie: 'Qu1r‘l\( hang"
0 Mono. 'Risky Business


' II()MI€C()MI.\(;; Wildcat Roarl’ep
Rally & Excelsior Campus-Wide
Formal d: Royalty voting

0 ( timer! Phyllis lenness, voiced: Lucien
Stark, piano

0 Exhibit Air-Conditioned Nightmare
(thru 11/02)

0 Movie Quick Change
' Movre 'Risky Business"

' Workshop: Time Management for UK
Allied HEaIth Alumni

0 Religious 2nd Annual Workshop for




0 Other: ()rtt Workshop-Rene

Boyer-'White, clinician; 8:30am; Call

7-4900 {or registration

0 Seminar: The Southem llarmony' Ron


0 HOMECOMINC' Parade 6:
lbwntown Wildcat Rally

0 Movie: ‘Quick Change’
0 Movie: 'Risky Business”

The work of Kathleen Morey Bailey lsteatured behind a
this. One can view her art in full color and scale In the
President’ s Room at the Singletary Center tor the M8,
Monday through Friday Sam-4: 30pm.


- Concert: Choral-Rog.“ Waby,

‘ Win g: UK Percussion Society

' Religious. Choral Euchafllt
0 Sports: UK Volldybanvs. Mississippi
. Movle: Quick emit.




 Kentucky Kernel, Monday, October 8, 1990 - 3





rise to

It was dance, drama, and
poetry —— all wrapped into a
baseball game.

It was grown men playing a
boy’s game the way little boys
play it —— with enthusiasm, an-
ticipation and pure unadultu-
rated love. Gone from their
minds and their hearts were
the more base emotions of
greed and indifference we usu-
ally associate with baseball to-

If you witnessed Game two
of the National League Cham~
pionship Series, then you
know what I’m talking about.

In Saturday’s Herald—Leader
Cincinnati Reds shortstop Bar-
ry Larkin told of a conversa-
tion he had with Pittsburgh
outfielder Bobby Bonilla at
second base. larkin asked Bo
nilla if he was having fun. The
large, rather imposing man re-
plied, “I’m having a tremen-
dous time."

Fun. Sure, the pressure is
great and the concentration is
intense, but this is why these
guys have spent every summer
eating dust in baseball fields.

I m sure money was the last
thing on their minds when, at
17, their friends were spending
the summer at the beach while
they rode a bus for hundreds
of miles just to play on some
sandbox in Nowhere, Indiana.

It’s easy to pick on profes-
sional baseball players because
they are overpaid and some-
times seem arrogant. But, as a
baseball purest, I believe there
are a lot of players like Bonilla
and Larkin who are still eight-
year-olds at heart.

Emerging stars

It happens every fall. One or
two players emerge from rela—
tive obscurity to step into the
national spotlight. Thousands
of fans who don‘t closely fol-
low the Reds are wondering,
“Who is Paul O’Neill?"

In fact, I was wondering that

Here‘s a guy who spent
most of last season on the
pine. Now, he‘s getting sized
up to be on the Wheaties box.
Maybe that‘s a little prema»
ture. but the guy has been
playing out of his mind.

O'Neill isn't the only one
who is unconscious now. Bar~
ry Larkin, who LT the best
shortstop in baseball, still can't
get enough votes to unseat in-
cumbent Ozzie Smith in the
All-Star balloting. His great-
ness, it seems, has yet to reach
the darkest comers of the pop-
ular psyche.

Things will change. If Lar-
kin continues to play on this
level -— this astroplane, if you
will __ people will have to be-
come believers.

The case With which he
flows across the diamond is
what leaves you awestruck. He
is to baseball what Baryshni:
kov is to dance. His grace and
athleticism have been master-
fully tempered to baseball.

The Real Reds

It is already apparent that
the Cincinnati team that raced
out to a huge lead in May is
the team that has shown up in
October. Amazingly, the team
which Sleepwalked through the
bulk of the season is trans-

Although Eric Davis has had
his problems in the series, the
Reds are finally playing with
the reckless abandon that won
the division in May for them.

Flawless defense, strong
pitching and aggressive base-
running — all hallmarks of a
hungry team A have returned
to Reds" baseball. If the Reds
of midseason would have
shown up they would be going
to Pittsburgh down 2-0 with
their tail between their legs.

As it stands now, this shapes
up to be one of the best cham-
pionship series in recent mem-
ory. So strap yourselves in and
enjoy the fireworks. This one's
going the distance.

Assistant Sports Editor Bob-
by King is a journalism junior
and a Kernel sports columnist.



Assoclatod Press

OXFORD, Miss.— The good
news for Kentucky coach Bill Curry
is that he discovered that he has a
fourth-quarter team.

The bad news for Curry is that his
team’s fourth-quarter play against
Mississippi University Saturday
wasn't enough Saturday as Missis-
sippi earned a 35-29 Southeastern
Conference victory.

The Wildcats scored 15 points in
the final 6:19 before a crowd of
about 27,000 at Vaught-
Hemingway Stadium to overcome a
21-point deficit.

But a defensive play preserved
the Rebels' third straight victory.

“We kept digging holes and fight-
ing back,” Curry said.

“But we discovered we are a
fourth-quarter team.“

With 8:59 remaining in the game,
linebacker Pete Harris hit Wildcat

Brad Smith at
the 15-yard line,
causing a fum-
Shawn Cobb

then fell on the
football in the _
for ' ' '


end zone
what appeared to
be a comfortable
35-14 lead.

But Kentucky held offensive
possession for 12:33 in the fourth
quarter and scored two touchdowns
—— a 25-yard pass from Smith to
Phil Logan and an Al Baker l'yard
run on the game‘s final play.

“We got relaxed, and they
picked up the emotion," Mississippi
defensive tackle Kelvin Pritcheit

“Every time they scored, their
confidence level rose. I believe they

thought they
were going to
beat us."
Randy Baldwin
led the Rebel of-
fense with a
game-high 88
yards w... two
touchdowns on
13 carries. The
junior tailback
had a 15-yard TD
in the second quarter and added a
21-yard scoring gallop on the final
play of the third quarter.

The Rebels (4-1 overall and 1-1
in the SEC) rolled up 352 yards total
offense w including 220 yards and
four touchdowns on the ground.

Kentucky (1-4 overall and ()—l in
the SEC) had 317 yards total offense
, -~ 141 of which came in the fourth

“We just couldn't stay on top
like we would've liked to," said Mis-


ats fall again

sissippi coach Billy Brewer after
capturing his 100th college victory.
“We've got to play 60 minutes and
maintain our level of play.”

i'he Wildcats took an early lead
on Baker's vaard touchdown run in
the first quarter.

Eight plays earlier, a bad snap on
a 42-yard tield goal by Mississippi
had resulted in a 21—yard loss and
given Kentucky possession at the
46-yard ltnc.

Vincent Brownlee returned a punt
58 yards to the Kentucky 23-yard
line to set up a third-quarter Rebel

Six plays later. Ed Thigpcn pow
ered over from the 1—yard line.

Mississippi's lirst score came on a
Maurice Shaw lyard run in the sec-
ond quarter. The eight-play. 40—yard
drive » which included a live-yard
penalty « was keyed by quarter-
back 'l‘om Luke, who completed
two passes for 35 yards and ran for

six yards in the drive

Luke, now 3—0 as a starter, sus
tained a broken little linger on his
left (nondhrowing) hand on the
opening offensive series.

The sophomore. however, com-
pleted 8-of—lo passes tor 132 yards
and ran for X2 yards on 12 carries.

. Shaw's score was the first of 21
straight pnlllb for the Rebels ~— be
fore Kentucky‘s Smith ran 13 yards
for a score in ihe third quarter.

The stiphOHIOTC, making his first
career start in place of injured Fred-
die \laggart, completed a career»
high 25-of-42 passes for 211 yards.

"Brad played a good game con-
\ldCl’lng his inexperience,“ Curr).

“1 would like to see liim throw
with more rhythm, but he will learn
with experience.”

Kentucky hosts Mississippi State
next weekend in their homecoming



Staff Writer

Denise Bushallow wears the red
scar around her neck with more
pride than any of the scores of nied«
als she has garnered throughout her
celebrated running career.

Unlike her shiny keepsakes,
which might someday tarnish and
lose their luster, the scar, Bushallow
says, serves as a daily reminder that
the most precious memento of her
career is and always has been
her life.

A life nearly vanqurshed last
spring by rare complications of a
hyperthyroid disorder called Graves

“I have a lot to be thankful for, a
lot to be proud of," Bushallow
said.“l struggled with this for along
time, but then it hit me. ~-» ‘Hey De-
nise you're alive, you should be
happy to be alive‘ ~—— and I realized
there‘s obviously a purpose for me
I don't know what it is or what’s go-
ing to happen. but 1 do know there‘s
a reason why I‘rn here.“

Bushallow, who recorded one of


There was a time when
i didn‘t know if I was
going to get to the next
day. I’d wake up every
morning and just say,
dear God, get me
through this day.


the 10 fastest junior 3,000-meter
times ever run (9221.1), said al—
though her illness brought her pre-
cariously close to death, she has
been left with an enlightened out—
look on life.

“1f 1 can‘t run today, I‘m positive
that I'll be able to run tomorrow, "
Bushallow said. “And if 1 can't run
tomorrow, I'm positive because I
was able to run yesterday.

“I‘m living day by day. but I'm
100 percent faithful. There was a
time when I didn‘t know if I was go-
ing to get to the next day. I‘d wake
up every morning and just say. ‘dear
God, get me through this day.‘ "

Dr. Thomas D. Maher, an endo-
crinologist at Auburn Memorial
Hospital in Auburn, NY, and the
physician who treated Birshallow‘s
disorder. said the symptoms of
Graves disease are very subtle and
may lead people to suspect mental

Those suffering from the disorder
sometimes have an enlarged thyroid
gland. which is located in the neck,
and experience over-production of
the thyroid hormone.

Some of the classic symptoms of
Graves disease are muscle weak-
ness, heart palpitations, insomnia,
and emotional instability, which in-
cludes depression and restlessness.

“I was getting symptom after
symptom." Bushallow said.

“But at the time, I didn‘t know
what was wrong With me. 1 just
thought I was falling apart."

Bushallow, who qualified for the
1988 US. Olympic trials in the
3,000-mcter run and was the UK
women‘s track athlete-of-theyear in
1987 and 1988, now struggles daily
to keep pace with her UK team-

“I‘m finally to the point were 1
can do something every day,“ Bu-
shallow said. “l‘m out there running
my days are getting closer to nor-

Yet before the symptoms ()1
Graves disease halted her running
career, ll was anything but normal.

The former Auburn High School
standout was recrurted by more than
150 universities and quickly estab‘
lished her running prowess during
her freshman year at UK by ascend»
ing to the top spot on the Ladv Kats'
cross country team.

In addition to qualifying for the
1988 Olympic Trials, she earned a
spot on the LES. National Junior
Team at the 1988 World Junior
Track and Field (‘hampionships and
was the 1988 SEC Outdoor 3.000
meter Champion.

During her sophomore cross
country season, Bushallow \Llld she
constantly was hampered by nag-
ging injuries and lingering colds and
wasn‘t running well.

“1 had this one pace,” she said. “It
was just slow."

Last fall Bushallow returned to
UK and was ravaged by a Name ar-
ray of thyroid disorder symptoms.

The mathematics senior and she
often was unbearably hot and suf—
fered from sharp chest P;l|ll\, mi-







Doctors didn‘t know
what was going on.
They couldn't treat me
because they didn’t
know how to treat me
because it was so bi-


jtisl c\ if

Alter she stopped taughr.‘ tic
reporteilh \llDDCd into .1 tot: iriik:
trance .iri..l itopped breaih' ' Mr
about i" it) It) seconds.

l’tirtiiiiedics restiscittitcd i’liAilJlr
low tielore 11 Mix loo late. bii‘ s
then ru~hed to Auburn Menzorgi.

She wa