xt763x83n41j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83n41j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-01-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 17, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 17, 1979 1979 1979-01-17 2020 true xt763x83n41j section xt763x83n41j Vol. LXXI. No. 85 Ker e] l‘niversity of Kentucky
Wednesday, January [7. I979 an independent student newspaper Lexington, Kentucky '
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N CAA rule may fo rce chan 9 es at WI d cat 0 g e . M M at , .
. . . . . .. . . . it, '2. ;. : "1. x'/' .«f 1/. '3. , 2 1
By DEBBIE MCDANIEL those who now question it have seen athletes in specral places with spee'lat 'lnterpretatlons the rule is not always "3 t2. :1, 5/ 1.1/1. 3“ M __
Copy Editor it,“ he said. privileges that are not provided to the what they thought was passed. a ""1, a, t't, / '1 ’ ' . M446
“They‘re getting a feedback from student’ body in general.“ “It goes without saying that we‘re "3 it ’ , .. ' ‘ MW 9”" ,, '
' UK Athletic Association officials people who have reason to keep us out in response yesterday. Hagan goingto complywith it.“ he said. “But " - a . ' ”M . . .
are waiting for guidelines before of our dormitory — competitive asked. “How can you equalize they haven‘t told us what we‘re going _ i ‘ 2' -'°"'/ '
planning any changes in the luxurious people . . .jealous people. [know who everything?“ He said the legislation to have to do. We‘ll just have to wait g ‘ . f7?" ”0;; . 5
Joe B. Hall Wildcat Lodge, which may has seen the house. andthere is no way applies to quantities and qualities of and see. We can play guessing games 2 Q r" ."f ‘j
violate an NCAA rule passed last week the voting majority could have known athletic dorm furnishings. and asked. all we want. but that won‘t do much . é ‘ r .§
prohibiting exclusive athletic anything about our dorm.“ “What decorator do you use'.’" to good.“ 24;; r 1 '3 '_ "
dormitories. The Lodge has rooms for [6 players determine whatquality of furnishings Hagan said he expects the ‘ N y ’ .'
Until they receive the NCAA‘s and four guest rooms. The basement are allowed. ”Is the NCAA going to interpretation in the next two or three _ I ' . 'ii'
2 interpretation of the guidelines, the holds a recreation room. containing a hire an interior decorator?“ he asked. weeks. 2 .. 3'} l; 't '
officials said they don‘t know what. if ping-pong table. pool table and Although each player has a private The lit-member NCAA council. 1 . ’- . l' E3 .
_ any, changes are necessaryto bringthe pinball machine and a television room bedroom and bath. Hagan said he which is meeting to provide the , ‘ "i , i 2 '
privately funded $500,000-plus lodge withagiantsofa.col0rtelevisionanda didn‘t think this was against the new interpretation. is headed by NCAA g ' M if i; " ' 3 ‘ .'
into compliance. recording machine. These housing rule because both on- and offcampus President William J. Flynn of Boston » a' ' i 2 2.". , '_ _ f“
“That's like putting the cart before benefits might be considered illegal student housing comparisons should College. and the secretary-treasurer. ”a" 7,3 3: - a); ' _' .
the horse," said assistant basketball extras. according to statements last be considered.“lhere are many people .lames Frank of lincoln l'nlversity in ' gym ' ,' '
coach Leonard Hamilton. “At this week by NCAA investigator Tom who have one-bedroom apartments.“ Jefferson City. Mo. m. 'm.:.Er-i‘g;.tys 3" - _
.point you have to wait." Yeager. he said. 'lhe rest of the board consists of M ' j. .g’tqfwch , E". it 4% __5,
“There's just no reason to do During the NCAA convention a The NCAA council must consider eight district representatives and eight %t?~%,~:§‘w~l ‘“ "_ {-3. ' .
anything yet,“ Athletic Director Cliff delegate who asked not to be identified that non-athletic students il\C in types tit-large reprevsentatnes. District 3. ol ’;§’2’Wi§é?~ :5 E; .. "a "is. ja’ _/
Hagan said yesterday. “Really, said the legislation was prompted of housing varying from dormitories which l K is a member. will be fl “ ‘fi/fi'g; 1w}? _, ‘5‘» t5” fiffi
everybody is in the dark right now. "almost entirely by the new basketball to fraternity housing and expenslse represented by Charles Scott. 225% :‘~' 2 '. f
The NCAA legislation states that dorm at Kentucky. apartments. Hagan said. assocrate academic lice-president at :r‘ 33; Weary ’°:. .4 . 3ij , , , ' ; , '
any equipment and services. such as “There has always been some talk. Hagan said yesterday. “l‘m really the L‘niterslty of Alabama. ‘ I“, _ :6sz- " ‘ _.,.’.& W's/.1 “"51“ .
. room furnishings of extra quality and some sentiment against athletic not worried.“reterringto his comment Hall could not be reached for ' " 35W" ’2‘ ”a
quantity not available to general dorms. but the Kentucky basketball last week thatwhen people go backl'or comment yesterday ‘. gagtrag/Wé 2 "."“' '
students. are prohibited. palace is' the straw that broke the . q .1» - . " 2’3 Caz/fiat?" 2 WI
Resemblingaski lodge withitsthree camel‘s back." he said. .. . ' . f . 23.12;." @Mgfi‘l’ywéf ' ? uf"
fireplaces, sauna bath. steam room, John Toner. athletic director at the 5115 t 2:? 2 “ s. fai¢¢%.f§’a%§ (W. b
natural wood paneling and bedrooms University of Connecticut and a \f ‘ ”WY?" 2.2., {28‘9" véxwefi/i/fll .
with private baths. the plush member of the NCAA Council that t 2 a » ~ ‘ 3:. t “it; M" {1'22L’ég’tfi ‘/' -y rm
basketball dorm may have to undergo submitted the prOPOSai. said last week a _i . . ' ' - 5' t 31335:: ;.§‘. ,2, vi" " f" fl ,, ' ‘I... "is. .
some changes to comply with the new the purpose ofthe legislation istolimit :2;- .;'i t M; $.32 2 ”or” a. 2".7 my” oi. 2.3” .
rule, which is effective Aug. l what student athletes can have. “It is 3' ' " " - . it?” 3-" "'; 2 ‘ ’ <3" . fi
“There are housing facilities on this meant to keep the ‘Haves‘from having 2 ‘ \ " ii is .1113: .4 a.» j ,2”
. campus much nicerthan what we have special recruiting advantages over the . .. . .. 2 .2; _. 2): {Est ; ' {at ’1’." . _ ° "3;;f'"i'..,fi
in our dorm,“ UK Basketball Coach _‘Have-nots‘. ’ ’1 . . Eng??? ' "" ; . '1' W33
' Joe B. Hall said last week in The “We aren‘t saying a school cannot it? =§i f . e " .-.
louisvr'lle Times. “We‘ll comply with have a dormitory that‘s better than all : skt . - .4 ' r. .. ""4;
whatever they say. there'll be no bad the others." Toner said. “in reality. ~ 4, . _ 42 ._ _ not Q .. “331:“ ' . . 2
. feelings. almost every institution has some ' '23 Home of l K‘s basketball team. the Wildcat Lodge is considered to be a
' “it's the legislation for mediocrity student housing that‘s newer or nicer S. .3 2 .. t.- e‘ possible target for a new NCAA rule which prohibits exclusive dorms for '.
that bothers me. We built the building than others. ' ~ ' ' «Wok: ‘..'STW“'3t."* * ”- 3‘? athletes. However. Coach Joe B. Hall contends that other campus housing is
- in good faith. I doubt seriously that “But we‘re saying you can't separate .2 w _,, ~ . “_Mfiafifiggf“? nicer.
U ' b d ' bl f UK
ncertalnty on U QBt, COHStI‘UCtIOh DOSES pro ems or
By STEVEN BALUNGER contracted and are underway. such as An academic and technical problems with the new apartment- that require easy access for the “We would argue strenuously
Editori" Chi“ the new Fine Arts Building and L3“ building at Maysvllle Community style dormitories behind Common- handicapped. Blanton said. against any budget cuts." said
, . Building addition. are "01 affected. College. $l.300.000. wealth Stadium. And ifthe state refuses to give funds Constantine Curris. president of
With. the state legislature said Business Affairs Vice President - An addition to the Animal Because the bonds to pay for the for the removal of barriers, it‘s Murray State University.
consideringtax and budget cuts in its Jack Blanton. Disease Diagnostic Laboratory. furniture. blinds. mailboxes and other possible that the federal government During the budgeting process for ' '
SPCC‘al ses5lon, the financial plans 0f But construction of a $|2.5 million $800000. ' equipment were not be issued untilthe could take court action to require that the l978-80 biennium, university
many 5‘31? agenCles and state- primary/ambulatory care center . . Elevators for physically end ofthls month. the Universitywas “be allocated. administrators argued that salary
supported IhSthUOhS are clouded which has been designed and planned handicapped persons. 3400.000. ' told those purchases could not be Vice President for Administration increases were needed for many
With uncertainty. ~— has been delayed by the freeze. said mRenovation 0t vacated spaces at made during the freere. said George Don Clapp told a legislative positions. or the schools would have '
A‘ UK, where 5‘3“ support Blanton. the nursing center. 3350.000. Ruschell. assistant vice president for subcommittee earlier this month that problems keeping qualified personnel.
accounts {9? slightly more than halfof Under the construction freeze. a A learning resources center at business affairs. if UK does not meet certain federal With the possibility of cutbacks in
the 01””?th budget, a. freeze on the prOjCCt may not be moved to the next Elizabethtown Community College. The matter was cleared up Monday. requirements. it could cost millions of the state budget. the University‘s own
state capital construction fund has “38¢ 0f development, but the WW?"1 $l.300.000. ' at least temporarily. when First dollars in federal research grants. budget timetable has been delayed. '
F‘OPPCd work 0“ some PTOJCClS and stage can be completed, said Clifton ——An auditorium-classroom at Kentucky Securities.abrokerage firm. Officials of state universities said Ed Carter, director of the budget
‘ . interfered With others. Marshall. UK director of design and Somerset Community College. agreed to act as fiscal agent and recently told a legislative office. ' ‘
' (The fund. Wh'Ch ‘5 ““d ‘0 pay for construction. 51300000. provided a guaranteed hid in advance subcommittee that $10 million allotted Until University officials can be
construction approved 2 by state The four stages of development are UK projects that are underway or for the bonds. said Ruschell. for construction to meet standards for certain of how much money the state
government, has been Cl’h'mud by programming. design-development. scheduled to be bid that come under In addition to the UK construction. handicapped persons. energy will appropriate. definite plans about
State Auditor George Atkins and Lt. preparation of contractual plans for the freeze amount to $249,710. projects totalling $3 million have been conservation and building and fire salaries and other expenditures forthe . _
' G0“ Thelma 510“" “_bflhg poorly bidding and actual construction of the They include renovation of the frozen at Kentucky State University codes is still less than what‘s needed. next fiscal year must be delayed.
"hang“. Because capital COhStTUC' project, Marshall said. Medical Center emergency room. and Northern Kentucky University. Asked where the General Assembly According to Carter, theschedulecalls
tlonls'one ofthe areas wherecutbacks The following projects have been central campus landscaping and according to a list from Finance might find room to cut from higher forafinished budget to bedelivered to
,1 are .ll'keiyn GOV- Julian Carroll‘s stalled in early stages ofdevelopment. renovation of library space at Secretary Roy Stevens. education funds, the university the University Board of Trustees at
administration stopped construction according to UK officials: Hopkinsville and Henderson lf UK is unabletofollowthrough on officials said the only area would be their May meeting. The specialsession ‘
spending to conserve funds.) —A Medical Center Obstetrics Unit community colleges. the elevator construction project. it salaries but they contended most will delay the budget-making work, .
._ ”01°C“ that have already been renovation. WhiCh Wi" COS! 5400900 The University has also had WOUId be in violation of federal laws employee: already are underpaid. but the time can be made up. he said. ,
. connected with the disappearance of thousands ofdollars in KENTUt .tyfi',‘ [‘ERSONAL [NCOMFZ Since lost; has tissueiation‘s annual selence writers forum in Hilton Head ;
‘ loca' quarterly court funds. _ been growing more rapidly than that ofthe nation. according island. S.C. ‘ . -
‘ ‘ » The state recommended a sentence ofslx months on each of to a report h) t‘ .- keritucky Development Cabinet .
’ the charges, which had been reduced to misdemeanors from It said the st: 'e‘s per .1..pitrt income grew 5.. MI percent ._
9 mi: ALaEItr a. CHANDLER Medical Center unveiled “My Chm”- . compared win. a national increase of ~13 percent MEMBERS or A LOUISIANA STA]: UvaEltSIrv
l" yesterday a new computerized information system. which 0'“ chaise W35 attempt ‘0 commit 3h offense. reduced Although Kentuckv per capita ircomes remain octow the fraternity "are under investigation for the pos'slblllpeyi of
researchers hope will result in it lower rate of birth defects. from the mo” charge Of theft 0' public money. and the United States average. the study ““3 the? Etc" ’TO‘“ 67 "Csllsencc In connection‘WIth the traffic death 0 ' P 8°. . ' .
The Birth Defects information System, dubbed BDlS, can second was m'SIPPilfll'Oh of entrusted funds. reduced from percent of the national average in I949 to 84 percent in l°76 according to state police In Baton Rouge. . . .
; shorten the research time needed to anawer prospectivc the felony Ch"? 0‘ mlsaPPhC‘il'Oh 0f PUth funds. Freshman Bruce Wiseman. l9. of New lbcrla. died Sunday .
i! mnu‘ questions about their chances of conceiving an from injuries he sustained when he and fiveg‘tiher bi'litd'o'fid , .
afflicted child. nation Theta Xi pledges were hit by'a car Thu 'ay :{8 is}: -
‘ “We now have immediate access to the combined THE KENTUCKY SUPREME COURT said Monday crossmsfltia'kr "m“ load 5‘3““ {Mmggi’th t'VSmme' »
' '- knowlcdge of leaders in the field of birth defects and genetic that the city of Southgate and the Commonwealth cannot be State Poi”: Capt. Wiley McCormick ":1 d at: d that . .
15: diaeaae from all over the world.” Dr. Donald R. Bervmt. held liable in connection with the I977 Beverly Hills Supper A PROGRAM TEACHING vounosrans how to Sam Cash's! of WestBaton Rouse Pam am 2'! 'Y m .
é, chairman of the medical center’s ophthah’nology Club fire. resist ”cm pressure has cut dceP') into the number of first- about 30wltnesses willbelntervlewed. an agrln jury y .
3 departmennt. ”id W'mdlY- The high court upheld Campbell Circuit Court‘s dismissal time smokers and may help fight teenage alcohol and drug be asked ‘0 'nVCSlllfle- 2
' it; of damage suits against city and state. use, a Harvard University scientist said yesterday. '
t}. The court said there is no basis for liability in either case. so Dr. Alfred l . McAlister of the Harvard University SChOOl weather it "
I state the question of sovereign immunity is irrelevant. of Public Health said preliminary resfult: show»e thef iii -
' . The rationale for numerous dama suits a inst the cit “assertiveness" training program cut in hal t c num r o . . '5'. .
' was that it did not enforcealaw or law'se designedpforthe uteri kids who start to smoke. CLOUDYI AND MILD wrththe chance of rainahowers §
' . of the public. and that its taxpayers must therefore bearaloss “An unexpected bonus was that we found evidence of today. Hllh lnth¢ low 408- 0“th ‘0'“8’“ Wt‘h'io" 'h the 3'. .
. FRANKLIN COUNTY JUDGE-EXECUTIVE Jack caused by someone elae‘a failure to comply with the law. the spillover from preventint the onset of smokins to preventing m'd 20’- M°"'Y """W m ”'4" ‘°"‘°"°" "l" W“ “‘"'° ‘- » .
‘ Goina pleaded guity late yeaterday to two amended charges court said. onset of other drugs.” McAlister told the American Heart "PP" 205‘ a _
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. Stove Illflagu Thomas (‘Inrl M"! Mm INN" \‘i uni In il~ ~ - . . . Mn: ‘1“‘Ia'l I
(Editor in Chief Editorial Editor Ruth Mnttlngl) in “ . . ' ‘ ' l“; Worm/”ii ,
e e chble McDonlel ( W k u!“ .
' I I Gnu Fkldu I“. Jenny Tote “ . .m.‘ “H ,
. n [mung McDonfld Jeanne way“. Joel Wainwright '. ‘ ‘u. ',,'.""" “. siiipbcll
“WWII"! Milt" .4 Ltociale blur»: (”Pl Iii/”U" M,“ .md‘ .- “ i' — .. t . / ill.) .1\("
L editorials 8: comments ’ ' '
- _____ ____.___—_————————-—-——————-——-—-———————-~——---~ , . .. . . . . .. ...-_..-_,_.._
’Routine complaints' _____,_.‘._..:.r.._....‘-. . ..
‘ . l
I I I l.
T b o offrcrals I nore facts HELLO. 0“ i... “o
O acc tilt! ”lift.” 3
ollMMY... Bill in ““h
‘13:? era. i
. k H EW THIS ORUop lv‘ r,
“ re: .. ii. ;
. in renewed attac on 18THe astute»
SHAH eQUlPli’W in. “ »
It‘s disappointing that the latest report on the Criticism of the report‘s conclusions, when such L: ,‘ ‘i, ' W «a... i"
dangers or ~.;o._.olting brought nothing more than the honest criticism can be found. does little to disrupt SHIP ’ i iiit'ti- _ r, ..... ‘
routine dz‘ili..‘tClali0nS from the tobacco industry. the findings: tobacco is fiercely dangerousto people ‘ ,/ '3 3. ‘. ,i l
.“\l‘tCl’ all the years and after all the studiesthat have who smoke it. and the complicated array 0f 4,: ' 121318;“ Wei-L '
\hL‘WIl smoking is harmful to health. you‘d think carcinogenic products in tobacco smoke make it “cow.“ "J 3 ”EA; 5:3) WHAT
cigarette manufacturers and their lobbyists would questionable whether a “safe“cigarette can ever be \ '3 .1 i '=i‘. i, ' ll
begin to yield developed. (3,: ,1. $5 ‘3 ”j i i . .ii Ci‘iLLlliG
But no, \nncipating the report before it was even Other criticism seems spurious at best. Attacks on { LI/hevzh 4i ‘ g '\ IIWE‘.’
lsstii’d. the [Tobacco Institute charged the latest Joe Califano areirrelevantand prove nothingabout " . figfifi/ '; "x; n .ii...
HFW study \Hli‘. being more “rehashthan research" smoking: government investigations on Neil HQ”? '. "My.“ i:-
ii‘ii‘ii "plowed old grouiid."and said that HEW chief dangers began more than a decade ago and their . 5 I: 3' _, .. ,i .- -
.lor: L'alifanth it former smoker, was carrying out a conclusions are not the result of one man‘s ‘ 0,9,. i, ai‘ . i" i ' /
personal citixade against smoking. conviction. ‘ ~ ‘\‘ 2‘ ,_.:" V . . k, _ _ .. .4' -. ~1. _/
the new om District Congressman. Republican Kentucky Sen. Wendell Ford and others have t" H 'h "‘.— i " ‘h ' i _ ' i
lam Horizns. quickly ran his pro-tobacco attacked HEW for supposedly harming efforts to .‘fr'r'fi't . ‘ | "4W . . 1‘, "f. .' i‘ -
cred:ntia‘r.~. up the flagpole. “It‘s clear that Scretary develop safer cigarettes. but who would deny W“ . ' . "'iWS'EEI‘e-i : . f2.” i 'i .i f C
t'.ilil'ano has declared open warfare on the tobacco consumers the right to information about the QW'H J . fig” . .1 ‘- #57,; ‘i ’ liflilik / 'iii
former and is therefore totally unfit for his office.“ dangers Of smoking? HEW is only doing its job. :3" {$1 i3 . 3' i ‘ 3? "3'2“” f 95.1.13; N ' I
t .iiitano. raid Hopkins. is “a do-gooder we can do reporting on the inherent dangers ofa product that , ~. ‘ F.“ .’ . “ .. “ ' of 3/2?" T”; i ‘ , 1
“1710111" iS used by millions of Americans. ‘7» ‘1’“ hwfivv ~ , . .W i _ "E ‘. Viv/f“ i i l _.... i i t“
Efforts toimprove cigarettes should continue.but Tittf‘ - . '“ .. . f ear-{r .’. ’_1j‘];;_i:~i ‘ fl " l \‘c'
.. - a W publicity about the dangers of products already out 5. . ' . f 3 i r ‘ E f4 't r ' ‘i " ii
. , i g on the market shouldn’t be hushed up. Similarly. no g . 3‘» “ ‘ .2. f .1 l. I! to ..i_ U i,
“z one is infringing on the right to smoke. HEW is if“: 1"". 1’5? " '3; ii" pf 00 g.-
' _ i simply informing consumers about the potential 'h'j ‘; ‘ I. T“ g ,7 ’1‘ )
dangers if they do smoke. - j ‘ . g. .. J4,” I W,
_ 9» What‘s disturbing is the tobacco industry‘s ' , .1“; Q 3;] g i! . 7 .. i
6 .I' stubborn posmon that nothing has been proved. Riffs-i. _ . A“ ‘1 ‘_ Q
gig g j: if” that there isn't enough evidence to show smoking is ._ “w .3
13% dangerous. Advertising campaigns continue. to I u g 1‘ 9' , .
. ” bring great numbers of children and teenagerstnto C 0 c a I n e p 8;; it y‘ i? {I (:13
‘ ‘ @325? the ranks of smokers. young people who either " 3““ “ '
- . . missed out on earlier strong warnings or don‘t
" appreciate new ones; and who will have a difficult I , L f 1 _ g .
.V . . , iime breaking ihe habit. N ew York 3 rice “ere;- “ ore; to. 4:1'. o nSPICUO US.
' :4,” Obviously the industry is worried. It seems to g
_" " ' i believe that even a slight retrenchment in position . _ f 5 . . f 4 a . . g . ’ .._ ,i. f. .' .
e. ' would be a disgrace * perhaps even enough to 8' USIVe Spehi‘ 81-3 '9' 5‘32.“ i 5i“ :5" ’ 5:7,! in d “Stry i
f cause a cutback in the tobacco price-support
‘ .. program that helps farmers. BY RANDALL Sl l.l.l\“',i\.\' . “ . i " ' ~3'j'h “P The trade it?“ is
\ ._ ,_ . . g _, g .. .. Of course. it‘s not likely the program will be AND MlGl'El. PER” ‘ "' ' " f 'Hymn annual leak '" .the
$05: . .' '. '. ~ ”A; criticized too much as long as Carl Perkins. D-Ky. "i” “’7" “"t “““"“/ "’h‘“ J ‘ ~_ . . . . g . :L";‘\’:'A‘.“;‘m;’SY’EYCgCZ'iTZSTZEfi
. W» chairs the House Appropriations committee. which .. . . , . ‘ ‘ -. in» “ ' .
More?" 2m Passes judgment on the HEW budget Re ortedl “ NE“ ‘ORK '0‘"an mm" " ' "' ' "' ' " M” A" ' mwme'
_ ' .wi' ” . . Califano no [on er resses the Oirlt ago I Hi police call them. as if the}. \rc“'~ .r r en “ » .. i i; ‘likc an international
./' ’i. “I . .- . g p ‘ p u c specres mutuntsof themodvi'... -: i - “itch. \‘did anagent-ofthcl'JS.
To 3% “I” . connection between lung cancer and tobacco greed and corruption . ‘ ;h» 'i1 i i Fixinirmcnt Administration.
. toga .1 ,“ r’ __ i '- farming. _.__._______,_...___..,_.. ~ . ‘i:‘» i..- imng to battle NT or
_ ' .. ”We, ' But there isaconnection,and Kentucky -—~ where a focus ~ “ "til-in“, the) have some money
. . . 05%;“ tobacco lS grown in fit; out of .120 counties p ““"H'“' ‘f .m‘m equipment, more
2%,”; should not be proud of it. The livelihood of tobacco ' I ‘ "5'” . th '. and more
”fin , _, ova/234$ farmers shouldn‘t be suddenly eliminated. but it’s A" III-(19pm [00k (It ' 1.. ' ' ' f 'l" I " "m e” governmen
«”Jii’ig _‘_‘ time to admit that smoking is hazardous. and start imeresi m the l,']\' Studio i. 5 i .. . “ 1"). “. w ”an.” James Judge said“
i. . o .. preparing for the day when its popularity declines. Associated Press. :: :~ M “mm difficult criminal group
—"—“_"_5""”"‘*”‘"' ' ‘ ' ,. _ ‘ ..- iii-cairiit-r oi any we have ever dealt ‘
In Jackson Heights a on; .. . ' = -' ' ‘ " A, .
U K vs N D vs N BC :2'f.“.b‘l“:.°do‘.:sl: 1:11.? :iiiqg ' . ,. ,. ,. ' . “rherrr i
. I . g i . ' , - i . . .- 5. in! group we‘ve ever gone lifter .
furtive men mostiy tolumbrw - ‘ ‘ g ‘r " ‘ .: H. mm“ their dope all the way 1'
Network switch makes fans the real losers d° a." “‘“Td 3' “‘“W” ii“ 3 V ' " . ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ioo. They ooi ii: i
cocaine 06C] year ‘ ' "' ‘ ., .
‘ But they are notlike Hark-ml t: ,. .i i‘ a . . :i"r it x '..iifhi'ginti'”it: :3: 4:): 8:; i
\arionui’ i'(’/€\'l\'l(:n is bringing the game to starting time back so that fewer people could hear hemi" dealer‘“ Th" “‘3’ mm " “' _ . . ' . " "'1','PM\.0'1he ighing at the lowest ._
mil/tom mum ilii“ (01mm, but I'm safe from about the outcome before the replay began. Pro pr?“ Wm gum“. Cheap fut}? ' ' 'g .. . ' ' , i “Mi. " -
linriiirllnté’li. iiimmcruals. technical difficulties“ and football ruled out an afternoon broadcast. and dme ag"'g 'aer'OC'im" "' "" '7 ' ' ' . . i i-. .. - “ i
. . . . . . . _ to buv discount gasoline as tine .. :ii -- . - . . .ilt i lo ilhlan cocaine cartels buy i
UMP] interruptions, right" I'm going to the game in prime time kept the Wildcats offthe an earlier that to Sixlfigure dcaigihm will {MC}: 3.. . . ; . .. - .. .‘i _ “ ‘- \. .ri -.i-.-. cocoa leaves from Peru or Bolivia 3
”“0"“ evening. {even-figure bank accounts “' rt” “V “ 5 ‘ . : ‘ “ oi? tin-“i processing plants. private :
‘l’hat‘s probably what ticket-holders to the Dec. For the people who had to drive home an hour They live in modest anion: “‘ 2’“ ' iii 3 h “' » ' . t=‘=-‘h~ Pm?"e banks - and i
30 l'K-Notre Dame matchup in Louisville thought, later. it was 3 Pretty big inconvenience to pay fora protecting an almost station . , - , 4 ~ “ “‘ “ “ ["ii"il.‘i;.l‘.\. Another“3150““WIN“s i
writil NBt Sports stepped in. pretty insignificant benefit for the network. range of P°S$CSSi0nS ‘i‘i ‘0 “'h' 3'“ "_ ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' " “ "We‘- f‘i‘inmfiie 15 that they 8": i
lhe network offended thousands over the The moral here is that television‘sinfuenceisvery “mum“ ““1”5‘2“":“‘l“‘.""f”lr; ' , ' _ y “331 underworld ever. l
holidays when it postponed the game by one hour. strong. Needy collegiate athletic programs will try fssefggtnggfifr'5:31:30";2" g p . f ‘. Z _ , y .' I V, " .. i'I:"'J"l‘!'\'"m‘mmm we 86! are the i
But that‘s fairly common for TV, isn’t it. re- to please the networks as much as possible. After weapons. and “me Bl'ack'i'm‘fi. 1.“, .. .1 ' iiz- touring: committedano-no...
scheduling a tipoff for a live broadcast? that point, they'll try even harder. What‘s next? which they iotStiOspcntona “4.; i‘. p . . . . i . ,. 1i. turn. they will be killed sooner i
Wrong again. NBC was showing the game on a Sunday ‘morning threeoon-three versus the in red ink ,iexi m a 5i miiiliili\1|'r' .i. tram .. . r. .- “ . w “'h “i“ ‘ mid another agent. i
delayed basis (ll:30 EST). It only moved the Muppets? black ink. ”“1 \rh'h- ii My narcotics detective i
la“ i‘ii‘“. n rm". ., 'M ' i.-.:. .h-«iifrd l'xm time We bust one. you h»
ii“i:i.i.:. rht“ in M :rhi. ~ «‘h‘r. "h inn sec this .neredibleterrorinhiseyes
MR“ WKA E“ WHAT .mE “ELL ‘5 I’\Yil::rit‘ ‘l 'l H; (‘if ~' h .' .1" . J hir' when ilt‘ solesor.'irhguns..lbutflu.:mfi; '
l‘ ,' \. .l“ . . “ . i' ~11. l". .1'~ "-t' (ox "r" ,‘c‘la. esmies. C
OQQT Z: “SKY u “.250 ! ”'5 WM i [GIVESSOR / .,_ '. .- ‘-- .. “ ‘ rein rr.iicr.iil'iiiien he sees our badges. He
.‘rtti ii'til . Links il“‘\' not goin to die.”
. VELcoowsKY... \fl TRYING- 'ro SAY . 13%33rigri .... . , ,. W m. 8.50 no, M i
wzq an: t i. “on. st“ ..i‘.“.'.'i.1 oi «'lt l'““".r'h:y will not go to prison. “Very
. MW ‘( Y «35 W 35] .' "on ‘- .. ~iii i .h ““-t ._.,i .iine(tealerscometotriaL'lnid
' : 'P (V. ‘jh / I I‘. .. Y." z . “‘l‘ .‘iii’ "Ni \‘xlilt‘m! Difiififl Attorney “NRC i
.r' \i Q ‘4' A : . ~ . ' “ “' 'i“ --'~ i- “ix-w Ric-e. Only the most meniall‘do it: ‘
.. “ i . Iii=~ ‘ . .. "I l'.r .iii-Jz .ntiite ha:l.othersdisa r. iceu' .
‘3 ' a '¢ :w 9 not iht r.» i. .i 'i‘i'lh‘t riio hit " “on «es "l'hcy accept the biiiumoney “my '
. ’ I“ ”'9' I :i extintai -. iii i: 311;. {Ht ilk I‘ll: "My?“ as a simpleapcgil‘inl ”m. i
'/ ’/ ‘i..' {h .11 . i‘rh «iii .' .iftii: " tilt (in coca] i
// "‘ I (i‘. 7¢////// ‘- /’ g / ”we“ r. .i .. .‘ic: ! air-r irii il‘.- sen 000 to $500,000. but angfiAmm “
y ‘ // / at; ‘ .5 ’ /, /— ’rcirl‘w '~ “i . - z .ria grew-oi “no "\Mmt's half a million to that: “
V ’/’ /////I / z ‘n’ r ‘ n %l C"; '“'“ iv 7: . . i.“ d “lit people? [hey can make that back in '
' I \ ' — /% mm "7' i" "" "’h = “' “iii. '-"ih' emf“ month‘s work.“ 'f
» P / / 1"" W I _ V ’ cr “rim into:- .i \hil‘ii“?e‘ii or canned law enforcement officials are .
' . ; / i g .';, r...\ Y“ 1...“. 'Ft: ixi‘. '. ii“. ,“ombiioni' the work or several ”.8. .
' /li / an. no and ti tiit' rest ot the agencres to investipteillenlm
~' . ‘ ////////j shiri: w". .i'. .i “it “ CWC~3
“ l
' i - . .
" .? ”W" .' ' ”'vfMWMW" ' " ' ""' ‘ ‘Wf‘fl ”’5‘ ‘ " "'_:W.Wmffmf**ffiflflii woo-o— - -
7 . . -. .. .i-..'-" ‘ . ' o’ .' ..‘ A. '
"3 $_. _,: K: .:' (‘- .;‘__.- .37., ‘ o ." ‘ _ ' , . .._ 12- : . :‘i..."‘”,“~ '

’ ll”. KtN'lH KY KLRNEL Wednesday. January 17, 1979 -3
_ . ------------------------1
’ t
A, ' Tltle {m DI! lnstrugtgz I
t .‘ , :‘ Communlcatlon-Perspectlves 11-12215 TR Waldhart
‘ 3'4 ,' obi i _ and Practice:
a , . t \
I 2,: EL." ./ CNN” Ethics and Publlc Pollcy 2-3;15 TFt Stephenson- I
M.. A Satislies partia. General Studies ' Dye I
.‘ A "is. Requtrements (Areas VI! & Vllll I
\ ,w 1“: /,y W“ 1 WE . The House at the: Intro to 2-4z30 W Finkenstaedt I
' ' Elgggl _, // mi 7 “A the Art at Ancient Egypt
' ‘39 .77 “ "'-‘--\\\ ,- i ' Satisiies partial General Stuaies I
, / :I~Jg/7 a“! ”3‘ _ Reauirements (Area Vi I
. 1K Q ., A \\I V Theories of Human Nature 2-4230 M DeYoung I
S t 3 -t ‘ ' : Mia“ ‘ ”'n" ”3‘, ~.\ til OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES/321 PATTERSON I
i - 7., (f it I] in,“ ' “4*? i.. if]. ll?" ‘H Ti; OFFtCE TOWER/PHONE 257-1727.
1 13:1," 0 i . ill K ,W‘pg‘x m: f A /-’o ‘i"\ / r '- i 1 , ------------------------J
‘. 0 0 Lil ‘ 0%“? Yfi%( t’ i ~-- , ’ 3
hp w .l r - 3.x \ i 0 4, a o \x,
i t:’ lo! a. ’r ”K ~— ‘fi‘f‘n "Min/WV a 0 Hey poana
:- why} I t It {0' ‘13,} \_... .- g ”Ska” /‘ l x . we '
. ' , s , 3.7. *x 3/ - ' . l
«we , Q“ r, 1; W a _. . i g " 3(3) Read the A&E ever week
h . ‘filé‘Qj \E‘Eo £51372. W \\ , ... '1‘, I [II b . h,
we» l .. fix, an ou e a wmna .
_ Cocaine people are r_________fl____ W___W
elusrve, brutal dealers l -
Continued from page 2 trafficking and the Sinl
banks that funnel prolits to million in {'8 funds were
Columbia, bail sources and pledged-toColumbia ne‘ttyear I
illegal immigration an ‘0 help ‘” the battle I i
| estimated half the Columbians We hellflt: “C can stop the t M :
here are illegal aliens Agents cocaine trattic 0’ 3‘ 1535‘ E ‘
say they also need more help sexerel} restrict ll. it we can i -
from the Columbian and [7.8, secure both the cooperation of l i
governments. and Rep. the Colombian government i l
Benjamin Rosenthal, a Queens and of our ova n." said a DEA ‘
Democrat, is working touards spokesman in Men YEW-"1f“? i . i
th I d can get in the juris iction we l
‘ a en need and the manpower of l NOW you have a ChOlce i
i Rosenthal arranged meet- equipment to enforce it - and i
t ings in New York during the the money to pay tor it , we 1
month of December between can do thcjoh." l nx
high-ranking American and How much money would ll %\
Colombian officials. They will you need. the ~p0kesman “as ‘ .1“?! _ ah .‘ J 9
discuss proposed treaties asked. If“ {"4}: ’“nj'r‘ men 8
designed to restrict cocaine "1015“.“ ansvtered. , L" w \h. \fy
{ c. - contemporary
ls I i . \‘ u g", e‘ .
' t IT S COMING i <\ a / rings ,
7 i I $1,pr ‘ a flute)"
l THURSDA Y ~ /g x we
. l 7.4 Blazon
tere IS l i \y
' ‘ ”i fix
.5153; FROM PLA YBA OK i . W /\ , F
- ‘ ‘ \". - '1 M“ i
drain l ‘ ,. W“ _‘ ‘ 5‘2:
. HQ
Iteltijnasl i Seahawk “'//Colorado K— Sculpture
or t
i _. , 'i
money a , A a as.“
y e', . . I, '3 \X ,m .
:2: gm; Unwevmh’y air \Lm’rueky ‘ ivy-1339‘:
mm a s - r tnw ,, tw y
7'00 FQOA 5&YV‘Q“ AM'// K%_,, g >
:c said: - gas; 'I'" ‘ x; Reflections “*7 Jasmine A 5.:
group ‘ ," ‘7 ‘ ’.
:rdealt ‘ r“ H \‘ ‘7' E\ \
mm " “‘ ®\ ‘ fig)" *1 ' ' "A‘
icy arc ‘ "Mr ‘- 8' \ @ fig; / A C ‘iséi- K .
c after a - \QTL , ‘Q/ (» ’ ‘ It, .I.
re way 5 ' Aw“ ‘ ’. Mini “‘L—w/ ‘ ’ Circlet ' (22 N
ol the t V“ (b ,_ ¢ I\\\\
m its y l . ' \ {'1' Q? \
in and Here 5 your ticket to a more \ M \ \
lowest 5 | i " it .fl ,- 5: i /
I b i re ax ng semester. (gr,,,./~/;i/ W
chl'liy : o \L‘LJ/Unique :17 Sonnet
p23: 2 Think of all the advantages /.\ _
l f ,‘ ""k .
3:52;: i of having a meal card! / afity @L pet...
/ r". . ~' ‘ , N W",
h / ~) 3‘ l “a » HP
3:: i it not having to make frequent trips t . ”i" ,
i to buy groceries , #1:! Treasure ii Sunflower women s
are the ‘ , o
t-no... : f not having to cook after a busy day 7 faShlon '
sooner - \ fl , o
. t * no gishesflo Jvash h \ , } “7/ ,4 x , 7 COlleCtlon
3:03;: i i no _urnt 00 k:/ L/
hiseyCS ¢°.' 'I. ‘IMI‘t'. intrigue lntagllo '
soon as ‘
ttotally 'LAI I i h -
- e ArtCarved Re resentative
go. He 3, t, a _ 7 day: a week $423.00 I Say l? lot about yourself 0886..th m P
eposr r u .
, they 9 PLAN 2 s wrt out saying a wor .
L “Very two 2 m0." . do . 7 d. . 370.00 This new dlSiInClHe ArtCarr‘ved (OiiftilOlT g|\::’r:::l t:e , . ,
“Tail: l PLA(I)3 y y 5382;333:2334":,‘éiil'fig‘lrifn'z‘ritit‘fité it“ date: JAN 17th, 18th, a 19m
I ere. ole rin S ehi di rent . ' .
do not i Two (2) meals a day - Mon. - H.330] .00 med“ m ékiisetghesghiihgistpegisiofmu FROM 10-00 ttl 4-00