xt763x83n19k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83n19k/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1997 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, July 1997 Vol.68 No.7 text The Kentucky Press, July 1997 Vol.68 No.7 1997 1997 2019 true xt763x83n19k section xt763x83n19k . ’ h F (UK) LEX 405
.._____ . I n t e l CENTRAL SERIALS RECORDS July, 1997 .1;
l MARGARET | KING LIBRARY “we ~ , ‘ v » '
OkOUt UNIVERSITY OF KY LIBRARIES , .t 9‘" » Volume 68- Number 7
. ' LEXINGTON KY 40506 "3&7 .~ W. . . —.‘ "
. 'NAug' l‘.‘ . as???" ._ » .4 The OffICIal Publication
, . ews Editorial ~ _ . , ‘ Qt- . .. V} I _ p. . _. .'
. n Meeting (Open) ‘- ~ 51’ ~ . ; _ , 'z Of the Kentucky Press '
_ . .- ‘ Shakedown :_ ==:«..-:~:='°f7‘;'..,_. » .1- ‘ i ”l Se Nlce
. up}; V ° 06- 2 :53 V
‘; . Fall Ad Seminar ‘ ..,. .. “I: I,” n . .2 _ .-~' ,9
._ “W Lexington '- ., ii HE‘S. lixiihm E ‘5 $71
“—7- . Oct. 23-24 .g/ . . t ’
: KPA/KPS BOIId Of Directors i . "" f ’.- I; M g? . i a .‘ F .. dug, t
* .» Fan Retreat ; ' ' ' "2? . .
E amestown Marina ‘ " ‘
-_-. 1998 KPA Winter Convention . »- t l . [N r
. I and Trade Show ' " I 'f
I i Raddison Plaza, Lexington in “33241;,- '- - -=-I=--:-'-:=. ..~'=;_.; .:;‘?:{>.55..;..,_. he; .1 '. J ’s 4V» :-=‘~'"-E’i i r ”A
' 'vam.-wnwmwWarren..." .._.-._u.,.-......w a.“ .W L M... NH... _. .. , . , .— . ,
' S C t' tf th f' th rd '
‘ By LISA CARNAHAN goers (the majority of the kids * “of; W“— . '"" .
KPA News Bureau were sacked out as were a few of 3. - " :2 :‘i V "
We failed to mention one thing the adults.) But almost everyone $1955 ' ; K ENTUm '
in all our promotion of the 1997 found a 'second wind' and from the *fi‘? ‘ .
KPA Summer Convention — an enthusiasm of the crowd as they 7 we » PREfi .
extra dose of Geritol before you watched Cincinnati come from 35:" _ ‘ . - _ - r ‘ ~ -
- ’ left home was a must. behind to beat the Cardinals. - as“: ' ' , ' g ,
The convention was a success, you'd never know they had just \ ' “’5‘" fAssog/‘AHQN‘
3 maybe one of KPA's best. The only completed three days' worth of ‘5. U 3%: '3 ‘ A "' . '
complaint voiced was the need for activities in under 48 hours. ‘ -‘ i; .. ' I ¥
:5 a couple-hour nap factored into the "We were told 'If you give us "‘ . 1; .. ’
I ' program on Friday. Those attend— plenty to do, we'll come' and #2:» .. . . . 5
ing had either spent the day at that's exactly what happened." ‘- ' I" «t . . .. 'I - "ff?
. .’ Kings Island or on the golf course said KPA Executive Director .... W “3,, 1“ Lg. __ E . 7 72““
' I, and had just enough time when David T. Thompson. ‘We. had an
they returned to the hotel to actintypacked convention With I I »
change clothes and begin the trek lots ofactivities for the entire fam-

' . . over to the ball game. ily and we had our second largest .,
. The bus ride from Kings convention of the 90s." ~ _
‘7' Island had everyone concerned Northern Kentucky provided 07- Bl” CVOUCh- Pfe§ldent 0f Georgetown COlleQes detailed the COl' ,

. [j that the picnic at (Iinergy Field an ideal setting for the convention. Iege‘s recent partnership With the Cincinnati Bengals at a convention f“
7 and the night Reds game might be The proximity of the convention WOTkShOP- Also on the panel was Jeff Berding (center) of the Bengals
. 3 too much for some convention See CONVENTION, page 12 and Jon" Allen 0f the CinClnnall RGdS-
i O I a {— ‘——‘—————W;W—"-—:=:=‘:=~:e
KPA interns be gin summer stlnt at papers ! —— INSIDE — I;
-. x . Seventeen college students are year and has been viewed as a newspapers following graduation." People, papers in the news It
. 9- spending a big portion of their sum— tremendous success. ln order to participate in the pg. 2 l: ,
g . -. mer as interns at Kentucky newspa- “The main goal of the program internship program, newspapers | I! '
. pers. is to get students into the business must participate in KPA's Face of newspaper industry 1
' The internship program is spon— to show them what the real world statewide classified network. I ever-changing ll
- sored by the Kentucky Journalism of newspapers is all about,“ said Newspapers apply to receive a sum- pg 4
. Foundation (KJF) which is a sub- KPA Executive Director David T. mer intern and are selected by KJF. '
, sidiary of KPA and consists of past Thompson. “We’ve accomplished The student applications are Common sense must be used .
‘ presrdents cfthe assocration. that goal in that a majority of stu— then sent to the selected newspa- I I h V edl I t' hi ‘
_ The program is in its fourth dent interns have taken jobs with See INTERNS, page 7 l n 3; 0° m a rea Ions ps ..
’ . _ , Intern Newspaper Emphasis t p9. .
Melissa McGuire/Morehead University Ashland Daily Independent Photography/Editorial l Convention crowd ,.
‘ Michael Comett/Morehead University Bath County N ews-Outlook Editorial/Photography ! caught on camera
Brian Mains/Western Ky. University Bowling Green Daily News Editorial ! 6 ..
. Chad Queen/Eastern Ky. University Central Ky. News-Journal Editorial i pg.
-\ . Robert Edwards/Centre College Danville Advocate-Messenger Editorial :
’ Jason Datillo/University of Kentucky Elizabethtown News-Enterprise Editorial f Design Pmb'ems x
.. Brian Simms/Eastern Ky. University Henderson Gleaner Editorial/Photography i can be avoided
' ' Ian Shapira/Princeton University Kentucky Standard Editorial E pg. 7
. .‘ , Lindsay Hendrix/University of Kentucky Maysville Ledger-Independent Editorial l “
Shirl Ryan/JCC Pioneer News Editorial 3 You’re responsible for content ‘ .
* Michael Collier Finch [Western Ky. Univ. Princeton Times Leader Photography/Editorial i re dl f t t
. , . . ‘ . . . gar 988 O CO" ex
.1 _ ' Alyssa Bramlage/Eastern Ky. Umversrty Recorder Newspapers Editorial I 8
’ , ' Julie Clay/Eastern Ky. University Russell Springs Times-Journal Editorial i l pg.
9 ‘ Jamie Neal/Eastern Ky. University Spencer Magnet Editorial | l _
z . J .G.Tate/U niversity of Kentucky Winchester Sun Editorial ! 3 Writing cone" emphasuzes i
., ' Jacinta Feldman/Eastern Ky. University Henry County Local Editorial i I creativity without cliches |
, . ’ Mikki Lynn Olmsted/Western Ky. University Kentucky New Era Editorial l l pg, 11
' ". MMWMTMHCMT ....--. "I . ' ‘ . ‘ i .l' i '_ ' " «‘“""”‘”“ "°"""""“"”‘"*‘ -0 Wr‘w cwafi-fi‘b‘w-‘Tfm. i’n‘ifl’em um.» I! .. - ..~¢‘ft~* " '1‘ ,,.., - 1"~.‘ .( d"'» W" N -- ' " '. ~ ‘1 " ' ‘ “"‘ “ ‘ ' ’ ' ‘ . i
f . w: I A. -- .| ' r 1".1 ‘ ' l ' u "I ‘ ‘. l l . ‘l l . . . . J l ' ." -- i . t . y :9
.‘MV ,- . .~ . » . . . ‘-.. . . y . l I ,_ w , »
l l‘v\.’.' ! I. ’ h . ' ll ‘ '. l' ‘ V ‘ 'V‘ ' ’ . . ' g- ‘ , t " ..r‘

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press. July. 1997
Rlney nalned 'V:» sionI liti)‘ Joined the lanterprise stIallIIinI AIBXIGTT “dined Clty
. " T\li‘tt‘}' IlUlHt‘ti the newspaper as 1984 and has served as heiietits .
pUbIIShCI‘ at l K - . chief financial officer He was later manager and business manager. CdllOr at OW/Cl15b0r0
. . «3!: > {a named \‘lt't‘ president and .th'nt'i‘ill Th? dUIIW 01 ('ll‘t‘lllillltm manager \l'k‘ »\l | .- ,p' l . . > .i 1} ,
OWEHSbOFO ' =3 manager and m December. MHHL’ were also added to her respoiisi- 't‘ifl'] (iri' ‘Xi‘III' l<’:).l\:’”I‘I( tII»IIlI:I
( ~ ' i ' . t . , .' 5 t ' t‘ 5 t
t) u e ii s h o r o m4 named him president ot the eompa- l’1l111“-‘(l““”§~’ ll“ ”1”“ i“ “”5" \l II . II w] I . “t' I“ .
'i-itive T Fdxv'ird . m up» manager . tsst llhIt tTIllqtllltt as ti .\ ((1 oi.
‘,‘. ' ‘ ‘ " ‘ \s' iuhlisher 1..\ h m (4H,...“ :\lex1ell comes to (hvenshoro
lunev has been named publisher l' ' Ill ' ‘ M. ‘ " lh from the (‘orpu ”In 'ti ‘Il‘t‘\‘l"
‘ ,3551 U.., .. _ . I . o a operations at tie ~ II -‘ -‘ ‘ "-‘
”1 1m 1‘ (”TH lmlm'n H“ Ld\ pIUHTOICd [0 10p pm”. H-N. ('aller—l imes \Kllt‘t‘t’ lie was news
promotion isetiertin-N-pt l v . ‘ l ’ lt . H [A . 1., . . . , I,
RintflV. \vlio_loiiie(l the neuspa- post at [alurlun [DilllV . H] ‘l’ I ‘ MI‘ 'I‘ .“ *1" ‘14); '1'
per in IHRT. will succeed Robert I I I ‘ CLlUdlll [0 head group (‘IH‘It‘I Hi IJUIUHMIi If”! M“ hie
\V. Mung-1r lat l,a_\ has been promoted to I . L» \\oi ked loi (ittll) and \\(‘(‘l\lI\
Mong came to ()\\'eiisli‘lll‘I"l "It PUMI-‘hm' ”t 1h“ ()T COINIHUHHV pilp€l\ W‘W‘r” . . I
' publisher following 1}“. ,](,1m Harlan Hail} l‘inlt‘l'pl‘lN' \lorelie-id [Tilth‘ Ron'ild J A graduate of the l HH't‘l‘MIIV
Hager faniil\'s sale of the Ht‘Ws- Lav was named general man» (.I ‘ . . I‘ ‘ . ‘ -. 'I of Texas at Austin. Alexietf also
» . . , . , ‘ . . . audill has been named publisher , -. I.
paper to AH. Belo ( orp at the ager in l‘ehruar) \xhen lotniei of ”III six‘ conimunitv newspapers served as distiiet press secretary
end of1995. Mong. formerlv man» publisher James Kerhv was _ ' ‘ A. . ; .h K V ‘ for a L'H. representative in
. . . - ()“nt‘d h\ Media (:eneial. The H
aging editor of the Dallas named to the top post at the p‘ipei's include the \Ienifee lexas.
i\)’1;iIrIi(iIinIgII:ewusIIIzviIlInitiuIIIIIiI ti; hiiterpriIsItI» s Isister paper. lhe (‘ountv News. ()live Hill Times. . . .
2's -ss ‘i ._ . xrc-i . . . t . .. .
.- . . _ .I . Rithmonc ”‘1‘.“ r. ‘ (iravson Journal-Enquirer. the I‘IutthSOH JOINS nCWS
9031110“ 1“ 89“” PUhll-‘hmg dl‘l' A native of Harlan ( ounty. (ii‘eenup ('ountv News the H . .
Morehead News and The (‘arlisle Staff at MadISOHVIHC
l he Kentucky Press Magnum .2 1 h. ammo Sim
. . . . au 1 ‘ 'i). ‘ ”1an 1S “9“" Hutchison has 'oined the staff of
ThelxentuckyPress(lSSl\i-(X)B-U324)ispub- DistrictH paper career in 1963 at the the quigonvjflle Mpggengpr It” a I
“Shed monthl-bethe Kenmd‘y Pres” Glen“ CraVstnCht‘Stt’r Emerpm“ Morehead newspaper and in 1976 K K L ‘
Association/Kentuckv Press Service Inc, ' ' - » reporter. .
I) ~ -. ' .. ‘ » - ' - purchased Kentuckqublishing. .‘ -. . .
enodital—class postage is paid at Franktort, District 14 H I d h ~I . I .1 Hutchison s beats include the
KY.40601.Subscripti0n priceis$8peryear ‘ -, , _ . , He owne t e company 1m“ courts and business and economic
Postmaster: Send ChangeofaddresstOThe Stuart Simpsonlulaskiweek 1981 when he SOld to Park development She is a journalism
KentuckyPress,101ConsumerLane, Communications. He remained a r d , t ' f M 'I . S‘t'lt)
Frankfort,KY.4%01.(502)223+:821. Districtis-A regional UHH‘dmaMr with park “a. ”f1." ,0 » INNS .‘ (‘I‘
I Tom Caudill, Lexington Herald-Leader mm] the him-mg the company in UnIIVIGISIW and during her “me at
Officersand Diredors 199i.) MSL. was a reporter, editor and
Kenmd‘y 17"“ Asm‘jam" District 15-8 design consultant for the student
- Tom Moore Stanford Interiorloumal ‘ t . newspaper.
Presdem ' C—J icks Ivor as . .
Gene Clabes, Recorder Newspapers p . y . M dsIh 0 _I:ntern9dl at the
. ”WWW . new executive editor * d ”W" ‘ WP” d“ “U".‘m"
President Elect Sharon tuminski,Wmchester Sun . and since that time has written
I GuyHatfield,Citi1en Vmceand Times Bennie 1‘3 “(WIN has been for and designed special sections
, , Ed Rmev.0wensboroMessengerlnquirer named ()X‘TIUUV" ‘ldlt'm. and VIC“ for the paper.
IaStlreb'dem president of news of The (‘ourier—
John DelSanto,Ashland Dailvlndependent VI k\ k k k k l Journal
J ar ,'ei ir , 'entuc ’v ’ost ' ‘ _ _ _ r .
Vicel’resident ‘ Ivor). 45. is the first African- Bldeburn “dined GM
Russ Powell, Ashland Daily Independent Chi l'lutcheson, Princeton Times Leader American to serve a“ the top news ‘ T i ‘
P executive of the Louisville news- at Floyd county TlmeS
I’Ireasug:k l h‘ N‘ ..F, I Associates Division paper.IHe has been executive edi— Rhonda Hall Blackburn hasI
arty C LLQMAPPM‘C ian. 9V“ “Press Barbara McDaniel, Toyota Mm” tor of The News Journal in beenInamed general manager of
District] Manufacturing WllIITIJEIgtOTl. Del. II q Mt k The P loyd ( ounty Times.
_ WilliamMitchelLFulton Leader II y up ace. A C” IBlackburn, owner of Vantage
Advertising Division inlverman. who WBSI named Pub“ Pomts Advertising Inc, in
District; . Tem RevlemMcLeanCoumy News lisher and editor of The Detrmt Pikeville. will still be actively
Jed Dillmgham,Dawson 519”“85 Progress News. _ I . involved in agency accounts. |
District3 News Editorial Division I A native of Hot bprings. Ark., As general manager of The I
Teresa Revlett,McLean County News John Nelson, Danville Advocate Messenger VOr-thegiln Till: 03:19:]; there aIS ‘} Floyd County Times. Blackburn
repor er. 9 d er 9 d series 0 will direct the newspaper's sales ' l
District4 news management posts at efforts in advertising, circulation
Charlie Portmann, Franklin Favorite ioumalifim Education P3P?” across the South before and printing.
I I Dr, RonWolfe, Eastern Kentucky going to the News Journal in
Districts Universiw ' 1995. See PEOPLE, page 11
David Greer, Elizabethtown News 4
General Counsels
District6 Jon Fleischaker and Kim Greene Deaths
Dave Eldridge, Henry County Local Dincmore & Shohl, Louisville
Eggtwamick Gallatin coumvotM Kentucky I’rvsVAswmtmn Thelma Wilkinson Survivm‘s include 1““ w‘émd- ,
' ‘ I ' Kentiit‘kvl‘ress Servaefstaii Thelma Frauline Wilkinson. dm‘lghtHT’ Wm.“ Houehens andI
District8—9 David I Thompson}xetutiveDirettoi' Th" (ilasgtnk. (lied May 2:3 at the “ .Vntv" “llklnhdllh l’“”‘ ”t l
Ken Met]..Bath CountvNewsflutltka Bonnielltiward, Business Manager Barren (‘ountt llealtli (gm. Glasgow. a grandson William
1 (.loria T)d\'i\,.»\ii\t'i’ll\l!ly,T)1l’l‘\it‘7 (‘enter Wilkinson; and three great~grand-
District 10- l , . .
I ., . I lis.i( .irnahai: \ei\s Bureau l)lrt'tl\‘r “1””an \\ ”c a linukkppppf‘ t‘liildit'ii l
Mam Bmkm'APWIa‘hhm \HHHPWT lV’t‘li-ilv\\i‘~ Rt‘s'drih \l-H‘Frhliu‘ (Viiiiii‘uitw: iii! the (llasgou l);tll\ 'l'imes She Funeral sei‘viees nere held at .
Distrut 12 “lei dinit‘.\.l- Wuretan unis .ilso lllt' mt iiei and operator oi the llateliei‘ and Saddler l"iiiiei‘.ii
lotiist-Hatmaker,latltson Imus Btuittx'tiili Hum “Amt l’w‘wlli";‘llii' \‘si-I “1' Hi: \\li.it/it Shop and \\.i~ .i inem llHIHt‘ \\ith burial in tlie (iliiswm
Enterprise limit \Hiits 1!» ‘tii v'l‘it~lltI.I‘\.1lt\kittt‘pi it i ll!"lllll]1'(;id":!‘l'\l\ liAplEsl Vliiii'rl. .\liiiiieip.il( eiiieteH
. - _ . \ .
, . ‘ x
.. ‘ , l
' . . .I _ I! v \
, ~ -. ' I

l ,
The Kentucky Press, July, 1997 - Page 3
M G h t' h ' f M ' h 1
Dr. Robert H. McGaughey “Wests/t City, he was named the Frank Stanton Fellow Kentucky's 100th Army Reserve Division. He
III, chairman of the depart- “if“ ' . as the distinguished broadcasting educator by retired in 1985 with the rank of major. His
ment of journalism and mass i. ; IRTS in 1987. nine ribbons and medals for service include
communications at Murray r“ “g; He was named Boss of the Year by the the Meritorious Service Medal, the Air Medal
State University, retired July ”5.; ‘m ; Murray chapter of Professional Secretaries and the Vietnamese Service Ribbon
1 after 30 years of service and W " International in 1989. as Distinguished He is a member of more than 15 profes-
23 years as chair. 5 . Organization Adviser by Omicron Delta sional organizations/societies including the
McGaughey, the son of _ Kappa in 1997, and as one ofthe Outstanding Association for Education in Journalism and .
Mr. and Mrs. R.H. 1‘ * i Teachers in America in 1996-97. Mass Communications, American Society of
McGaughey,joined the faculty in 1969 as the His media background includes radio Journalism Administrators, Public Relations
adviser to The Murray State News and sales and news. public relations and advertis- Society of America, Broadcast Education .
instructor in journalism. He became chairman ing/public relations consulting. Association and the National Broadcasting -
in 1974, succeeding L.J. Hortin. He and fellow professor Bob Valentine Society.
A graduate and president of the 1961 have been conducting workshops on communi— He has more than 30 publications/presen— ‘
class of Hopkinsville High School. he received cations. marketing. and advertising and pub- tations including presentations at the nation—
his bachelor's and master's degrees in jOUF- lic relations for more than 20 years. The two al conferences of the Association for
nalism from Murray State and his PhD. from also do a stand-up comedy act and have per- Education in Journalism and Mass
Ohio University. formed throughout the mid-South. Communications. Broadcast Education
He has received several awards for his McGaughey was named to Who's Who in Associations and (‘ollege Media
work at Murray State. He was named the American Entertainment in 1991. Advisers/Associated (‘ollegiate Press.
Distinguished PTOfE‘SSOY‘ 0f the YPEiT by the His other honors include being named to Upon retirement he will teach part time '
Murray State Alumni Association In 1990 and Personalities of the South. International Men for four years and continue his work with
won the Max Carmen Outstanding Teacher of of the Year, Who's Who in America. Who's Valentine in performing comedy and commu-
the Year given by the Student Government Who in the South and Southwest and Men of nications workshops.
Association in 1984. Achievement. McGaughey was honored with a
Selected eight times to attend the An honor graduate of Murray State's dinner/roast at the (‘urris (‘enter June 22.
International Radio and Television Society ROTC program, he served two years on active Funds from the dinner will go toward a schol-
i ‘IRTS) faculty-industry seminar in New YOTk duty as a lieutenant and 18 years with arship in his name,
. .
Reporters Comm1ttee releases l l
new open government guide I The KPA News
1 i
A new edition of Tapping formats. The outlines also describe l ' .
Officials Secrets, a compendium procedures to obtain documents i Bureau IS here fOr I ./’
describing how to use the open and to :illt'iitl gmernniwit iniwt~ ; :
records and meetings la“ in the SH ings. as well as lion to .mpeal
states and District of ('olonihiii. denials ot'.ii'(‘e~s \. s.iiiip;« I’i"i_1li\l 1 T k d 7 t 0.. :
\\;is released on Jul); 1 h} lilt‘ it’lli'l' .iiid thi- :iili ‘i'.\i -? iv .-i , you. a e a V an a e
Reporters (‘oinniitti-nv :or Fret-(loin Mini ‘ltlllllt‘\ itl't' ilsi *si iiltli .: i O ' \‘
ofthe l’ress each outiinw .' -‘ 0 I
First produced by lllt' Reporters 'lhi' elvcii'oinc .i v'swm .: fir-z :i:,: or haVIH a re orter ‘
('oinniittec in ltihft. the third w‘tll l)ffici.i|~ Serri ts .xii .iisr to» j g 2
tion of limiting Ui'tilcizils Secrets renewed ll't‘t' o' i‘lliilLLt‘ .4: '3H- ' i I
consists of 3] guides to open Reporti-rs ('iininiiiii t‘ ‘ \‘xt‘li «:i- . . 1
records and open meetings laus. htip: mxu rcipoi‘u rctp i or aSSIgnl I lents 1n i
Each guide follows a standard oiit- Individual staie guides tor i 3
line. and was prepared on a pro Tapping Officials Secrets cost $1M l o o l
bono basis by attorneys expert in each. including shipping, The t‘l)» ‘ the ‘ a Ital Clt i
open government law in each state ROM version of the full coinpendi— i p Y.
and the District of(‘olumbia. um costs $49. including shipping.
The expanded and updated third The printed version of the full com-
I edition will be available in a vari— pendium costs $99; shipping and
ety of formats. In addition to indi- handling are additional .
I vidual state booklets, the full com- Call Nevvs Bureau Dlrector .
. i pendium will be offered i]; a one— __—__ /’
volume printed version, an for the ' C .
first time. in a "searchable" version Wm f. . LISCI arnahan .
on CD-ROM. ~‘ .. ‘
The new electronic version will Air», 44 I“ 1'800-264-5721
make it easier for reporters, g: ‘ “if“! '
lawyers?“ members (“he g9."er' I ' ‘ 't' What can the KPA News Bureau do for your newspaper?
al public to locate and retrieve '
information about their state Nowyoohavotliendtrennm!Foo/si/nii JHSI [0 name afew ()ffhc” p().S‘.S'fbilfIi€S.’
access laws, as we” as to compare /i()e(/for()ii(irkXRIess It s in/Icamc . ‘ ~
‘ their laws with those of other 2:23;:fizz/$235!!hitziff’eggflfilgljzélc: “Pick up copies of cases, reports. etc. at.
States- mar before A! (as! you (on budge the ° Franklin CerUll Chi-"1
Each outline clearly explains gap between editorial and ndwn/smr/ . Ekcnon Registry
: WhiCh government records and “NW" man/0W", “mp pom", [00’s - Division of Water. Waste Management
. - help uOu do your best work Ill the feast
l meetings are SUbJeCt to state open powoicmne ACT NOW! - Supreme (‘ourt
l , government laws and how exemp- Call [-800-223—1600 H P ) d‘ n‘ ,~ h m ‘wem" )f‘
l tions to those laws have been inter~ {mama- Demo 0,5,, _ H \l t ‘wri tn ( i p t ( u (-1.: t .
‘ preted by state courts and attor— - Siaic school board meetings. hearings
neys general. A new section E *0. - Franklin (‘ircuit (‘ourt hearings. trials
addresses how to gain access to ““"“" "“ ‘(Iipital ncwxconfcrcnces
records maintained in electronic n. . . -. ';‘_.,_':,:_' . , .
3.... ,
’ ‘ i I ' j ' a , , . ' '
. l I i . .
\ .

Page 4 - The Kentucky Press. July. 1997 i
' Ad C t ‘ ' t ’
The changing face of the reps. oaimunlca 6
. . a l
U .S. newspaper industry on the chem S level
The US. newspaper industrvs League newspapers to its St. Louis
25 largest companies continue to and Tucson dailies. 'I‘he Pulitzer Flexibility is one of the most
wax and wane in size. Some buy pmperties include the Hazard Herald important principles of communica- Ad-
properties for quick growth; others Voice. tion. To be effective, we must see . pl ..
sell newspapers to steady themselves Another mover was Media things from the other person's point les© ‘
after expanding rapidly. General Inc. of Richmond \"a.,_iump— of view. And we must he able to _- A “t" ..
Overall. the current 25 largest ing six places to 17th and gaining ‘21 make adjustments along the way. 8' John Faust ‘4’
newspaper companies ranked by cir— percent in Circulation on the strength For exam ple, I once heard a 51;; al ei gh NC A
culation sold 5 percent fewer week- 0f13 acquisitions. concerned mother describe a visit ' ' ‘
day newspapers in the period ending In contrast. Hollinger to a doctor who was treating her And it‘s my guegs that the 0an
Sept. 30. 1996. than when Presstime lntemational Inc. of West Frankfbfl. eight year old son for a slight heart time he “ligamhtpg a monster {5-
last looked at these companies “I and Thomson Newspaper Inc. of defect. when be {1095 Trick or ”fighting on
tPresstime. Jan. 1996 p. 27>. For this Stamford. (Tomi. dropped pmperties. To explain the problem. the Halloween
tally. Audit Bureau of (‘irculations The latter shed 19 US newspaper doctor sketched a circle on a piece Ag 1 think about this incident. 1
September 1996 F‘dS-I‘IRX data. the and 30 percent ”fit“ [IS circulation ()i‘ p‘dpGT and said, "This is your ('Zillll help but “'0”er \vhat vvuuld
most complete available. were com- during 1h? past year and a balt’as ll heart.“ Then be divided the circle have happened if the doctor had
pared with March 1995 numbers continues l” "““Wlld‘i” ““I'll” into four sections and drew a small asked the little bov to draw a Pic-
These top-25 companies now own gains. SIM“ 1992- Inmmm“ has 5“” dot to indicate the problem area. ture of his own heart. before giving
17 fewer newspaper properties than more than 6(lnewspapers . With no warning. the little ho)~ his explanation. That Would have
they did previously. accounting in IPressttnte.Jttne 1997’ burst into tears. Surprised. the put them on equal ground. And it .
part for the lower Circulation figure 9 i -. H i ,. H woman put her arms around him Wtitlld have given the child an
Also. managers at the companies How and said. “Son. we‘ve talked about active role in the discussion.
warn that March-tii-September coin- this before. Why are you so upset?" But instead of looking at what
Punies circulation comparisons can th e ra n k He sobbed. “Im a monster." this doctor “should have.~ done. let‘s
mislead. as "2" [X‘I‘t't'm tilitlit' market y “A nionster‘.’ What do ~\ou focus on what he did. In reality. he
is out of town“ duringr the summer The largest newspaper com— mean?" sliiiwed genuine flexibility by
months. iilisefl'es Ilavid If Bucke}. panics by total circulation in the He drew a \‘alentine shapi- in resisting the temptation to .lll.\'lll:\
tontriiller for the newspaper division [5. m 1996 were: (lannett (70.. [hp my With h” ['mpmgc and ,(mL llie circular Ilt‘ttl'l he had drawn
”HZ-W Nlll’lhl'o int‘incinnati 5.581.907: Knight Ridder lnc.. "livmwbodi t-lsii's heart looks lllx't' Instead. be reassured the child imtl
MUM-“l 'li'llf‘i MW‘THH l‘t'lll'D l” 4.032.090: Advance Publications this But none is round l‘ni .i lliiil‘ simplified his e\pl.ination t‘\t‘ll
t-‘Hti‘iPiH‘iHN. "iiifJL'T‘i'F-flw i‘H‘<'UléilWH' Inc. iNewhousei. 2.808.544; Dow sitar." ”to!"
PI'IVIIV-i l‘flilt'v i“ “t’ll i“ “‘111“""”" -Iones& (‘o. 2.360.821: The Times Heali/iii: his llll>l£tl\i'. ill" din. Vl‘i‘i‘ “ ‘ ‘ "i" it‘d-(h 5‘ \«ll'li‘ll*l"
Millie‘s "illlllliiilllili of cii'i-til.iiioi. lay Mirror ('o.. 23414.“.115; 'l'hp New 1“, ,mlh.(t "Ht “Hm-gt UH“ hum; Ii ssiii: to: iii-iiiilii .ii ll‘it‘ .lil‘xt'l'll\lll‘;f
“WI 'll‘W' WWW“ “”1“" ”N“ d‘ York Times (lo. 2.272.55ln; The looks like l‘\I'l'\l)ti(i\ t‘i.\t' s l ills'. Pilot“ M .\ WM .iil lilt'li om Ilt‘
”ll-“3'xli'i’li“'l\i3i;lid-“T" Hearst (‘oi‘p. I.CI22.TT-l: Tribune mash: illllllxlli: \\ll|‘l.‘ l illt'l .: “1* ’\ "‘1 ’i‘i-‘ll’l' " 4“ “ll“‘lll‘m 'I‘
l' "" “'7‘“ -i' ‘3 WV" ('o. l.2.9i‘~.rl$'l2. il‘lli' Vlllltllllfllli l Fi'itiiit Inuit". 'liiti-ii iii‘ “itlJllll'ii‘il ii1~ ‘ ' i“ "l' l" i" ”" 'lv-l‘l '\""”i"'!‘l
Iiiil‘i" 3-: ‘i -' ‘ Iv‘ww ‘ Newspapi-i‘lnt . l.2i\ti.l512.'l'nc i i\piaii.itioi, vim-hm; .1; titiiii: :ii "1' “'1 ”11““ l““~"' l"
lith‘ ‘li "'»' “‘9‘" I” l""v'"ir‘ ~‘i' ‘3 I“ SL‘Y‘lpp.‘ (Iii. 1.313.433. (”til i ,illitIII lit lll' mutt.” ital i-E.‘i. \ tiiii": ‘ll‘l' ‘ll: ll. 'l‘ ’"ll ‘ll'lill ‘ 5"“ l‘
t:.i' In ‘ "-: i. ll;: Holliiigi-i' Illlt'l'i'idillilitii inc ~ ,, \i'W' “l ‘9’“. -“l57l""”l l””"i’i-
ii‘ .. W‘ " wii‘ .'\lll(‘l'l('.'1ll§l.Ilii":filijllillt‘i\\t‘tllt\. l tin. mil. hm _ii..,:zi1.rg,.: » '7” “I 3'“ ”i“ “"ll‘ “"i“
pain-writ.” lillll.'.li hi 2:»- iii decliningoiili-t'.tox linti'i'pnses h“: h“. ”Hugphhh fig,” “MA..- in 1"“l‘5’ “'1="l“*‘ ‘i‘l‘ill‘ii ll"‘-"""‘ “7
l‘»ti;t.i. i,‘ ".ililtii‘i filmizfli. i'ii" Ill('.. Alt‘tllel NtWKs‘ Iil‘iillli Ill'. .. Illtllllt“' edit} hp E\ il'itli’; ill“: ti“. See COMMUNICATE pages
paint-s was l\ilil_jlileli.liltlt‘l llti '. ix Freedom (‘oniinunications Inc.
i . . , . m“— “mw—mm”m-mwhm——m—_fi
:ri; iiiiiipii tit: ii iiiimfiiii. Yoiii .\lc( latclii' Newspapers Inc. lhe i
minor il«illlt‘~ tron: .\l"ii' hit or New Washington Post ('o. Media i l
York ( ‘it': .\Iii\ ft General lnc.. The ( 'ople} Press lnc.. l Video workSho can hel l
l’iiiinases also pan-d itii \\.t\ (‘entral Vewspapers Inc. and l p p
for the txxii entrants iii thi- top 3.3. MomsCommunications(‘oip
.-\ ll l’nrlii t'iii-p and Pulitzer Thelm‘gest newsmtx-rcomixinits ’ your staff create better ads
Publishing t‘o llelo's new newspa- by number of daily papers owned in
pers include the (lit t-nsboro the US. in 1996 were. in this order. . .. .., V. $53.;th
Messenger-lniiizirer. Henderson Hollinger International Inc. _§;flg¥,§.fi.figi;g:w. x . ’
Gleaner. I‘Iddyvnle Herald-Ledger. (American). 100; (lannett ('70.. 9t): ‘n‘éf‘f5‘953‘ , ‘ ‘ i ‘ .. {.
I'nion t‘ounty Advocate. Benton Thomson Newspapers Inc.,63; Ilimiey ! ' ' gg'fl.
Tribune-l ‘ourier. Mclii-an (’ount} Media Gmup. 48; KnightrRidder lnc.. 73' ,. :=“ ' ‘zE ~‘;
News. (‘adiz Record and the 35; Morris Communications lnc.. 3]; i ' {4- W
Franklin Favorite 3 Media News Group Inc. and Fr'eedmi l “m i I
As a result. the Dallas compa- Communications lnc.. both 29; ,t ‘- W . 1
nvs circulation rose 3’." percent over ‘Advanoe Publications Inc. 2A;and Dow Lt .
the 18 months. .J(m&Co.,'IinewYork'I‘imes(b., p p ‘ __
Gaining almost as much ground i andMediaGeneral IDC,Z). 1 i ‘ i i i
“d” PUI'U‘T‘ “ddmg ll“ H 5mm)“ -lNéAshefbmmw_ . - .. .. Alasta program that is tailor-made for newspapers?
Basics o/Ixzyoutand Copy is getting rave reviews from
The JOb Shop _ publishers and ad managers coast-to-coast. _ _
AV; . ‘ It sa workshop, not a lectureYour staff WlII be involved
Former Managing Editor at two award Winning [LP i. , if from the starbworkingon lavi‘iutsgettingad ideas and
weekly newspapers seeks simiiai p( Sition at r " writing more eilt’t‘liw‘ headlines.
medmmi'atqe weekly 0' SW8“ medium (WV ”i v T D Findout how totrain vour staff the quick and easy Willi .
Kentucxy it» years experience no variety ot ", V , . . . ‘ 1
gapihy and (\jhefekly newspaperafwnn nominate ‘3 ’L' AN E Hrzfi'Imlu_i‘forfrcebrochure.
. war S (N news 3 0'13 eature an COl' " ‘ ‘ ‘ '
umn vavritinq ptiotoqtaphypand layout Recipient IakearrvantaaeofKPA K “WNW, WW ) . 10"!" I‘I'Itlsl.‘ldl‘l’i:f1.\37lg’;blrli(l(1:‘.\ ' ‘ .) .— \
of NNPA horn-able. mention award tor pest writ > _ _‘ ‘y IOBUX lUHhI,Rdlc‘lgh. NL Z/hll.i_ (o) (.ll.llt‘<.i4-.,Il.ih
inq For more :ntorrnation Call r)02i 86“ SSW W“,newsf’JW‘M/‘m ”(WWW "H/"L‘l‘V" 0' c. 1,, _,,.1i,. .i .. i \ uni m, . -
. ‘ \~_| _ I
‘ ‘ l
. .

 f .
l i '
i The Kentucky Press, July, 1997 - Page 5
i o o o .
’ COD” mon SEHSC must 11116 in school/media relations
; 1 t
l y ,t ‘ , . . . ,. .- . , .. _. .. . . , “\\ hile schools never should depend solely on a local newspaper
. lo paiaphiase the opening of the old television show lliagnet. the stoiy _ _ _ ~ _ .
you are about to read is time. The names have been omitted to protect the t” l‘99P the U’mmumt.‘ mlnrmed~ the} Onl.‘ undercu‘ the" "hJeC'
well-meaning. but short-sighted. tiv es by making coverage of school events difficult.“
A school staff member asks the local newspaper editor to send a photog— 7
rapher over to take a picture of' students rehearsing an upcoming play, l'pon ‘ .
. _. , g , . _ Brad Hughes
arrival, the photographer was told that a> the school had a policy requiring KSBA d' t f . t' .
signed parental release forms before a student. could he photograuihed: hi the w
school didn t have completed forms on all the students at the rehearsal: and Part of'the prohleiii may be when common sense (.0an into conflict with
so cl the photographer either could wait until the complete forms were in l‘tW 'ind “mic,
i . d "h t ‘m us wh' -h (nl . 'howed the bi ‘ks‘ 1‘ up heads of the ‘ ‘ p ‘ “ . . . . - .
“‘0‘“ or 5. "0" p“ .urc. 1" ’ 3 5 l ‘ ‘ ‘r" . ‘ (h ‘ ()n the school law side, the Kentucky Family Educational Rights and
unauthorized subjects. What could have men “ 10-to-1.)-minute p 0‘” “hm" Privacy Act limits the information schools may disclose about an individual stu- .
keptthe photographer dt the ”Chhhl for more than an hour and ‘1 half. .An dent without the ()K of the student‘s parent or of the individual student over
ensuing discussmn between the superintendent and the newspapers “hh” the age of 18. The statute specifically prohibits schools from releasing “identifi-
made matFerS W0”?- Lawyers got ‘nVOle- The adamant administrator able information on students to third parties without parental or eligible stu-
SWCk by thtnCt POhCy requu’mg 1h" parental @1935“ forms. rh" lhlu’mthd dent consent." Similar language appears in the federal law on the same issue.
editor ultimately declared that the school district could Just go get another Many national and state education organizations. including KSBA. inter-
newspaper t0 09"” lt from now Oh- .. . pret that those restrictions extend to the allowance of“ publication of pho-
Wh‘?“ POhCy and procedure staff‘of lhf‘ Kentucky School B‘M'hfi' tographs of" students while students are involved in school functions which are
AS‘SOCIaUOU beBA’ ad‘WS“ thi’ll‘llimt' Fhfi’m districts, they ”huh make th“ not otherwise open to the public. For example. an academic awards banquet is
point: enforcement of school district policy needs the opportunity for common a public function. A S“int. ()f' StudpntS m a (glassrmm taking WE“ that may be ’
sense to prevail in any given “tUIlll‘m- In 3 *‘llllahf’h “Ch “5 that “”h‘d used to decide those academic awards is not. Similarly. a student performance
above. a little common sense by school official and newspaper personnel alike ,5 (“mtdm-ttd a public event. but a nthttmga] for the same performance is not. __
should hth.‘ (‘Zih‘t’d [hO fracas. Roth thillpS must look down the fluid l)(‘(‘;ltlst' ()li lllt‘ nttvvgpappr pl‘iit‘tht’ Sldt'. {many II wager ”10st! newspaper photog—
th‘y are going L0 th “11Ch 0th” again. raphers know nothing o