xt763x83n05p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83n05p/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2008-10 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, October 2008 text GLSO News, October 2008 2008 2008-10 2019 true xt763x83n05p section xt763x83n05p (—«mm 1
“~,\ Kill Gay 8L , ' 7 ‘ ' ‘ ‘ a 4%
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A Publication of the Lexington Gay Service Organization Volume 23, Number 10
A change is in the air... The trees
are starting to lose their deep green in GLSO and Interweave invite you
favor of a spectacular rainbow of col— to a Halloween Party on Friday, OCt
ors. There's a surprising chill to the 31 from 7:30 until 11 at the Unitarian
night air, and for the first time in Universalist Church. We will have
months people consider getting out Chili and drinks for Sale starting at
their blankets and long sleeve shirts. 7130 so join us for dinner. Midlife
School's back in, and many of us are Harmony, a band that sings music
studying for our first mid—term of the from the 605: 705, and 805, Will start
fall. With all the excitement of tailgate playing around 8330- They are great
parties, trips to the Red River Gorge, fun and many of us Will be dancing.
and deciding what to wear on the gay— There Will be a $5 Charge at the
est holiday of the year - Halloween _ door, which includes free snacks.
it's easy to forget the season's most There Will be prizes for the best hi5-
important obligation - Voting. toric GLBT person, for the best bigot,
As Americans, all of us have a 521- and for the most fabulous costume.
cred duty to participate in our repre— Dress up and join the fun.
sentative government by doing a little
research and going to vote on Novem- Unitarian Universalist Church
her 4th to select the candidates that ,
best represent our views and ideals. @ 3564 Clay‘ Ml" Rd
With the interminable negative ads . sunday’ Oct. 11’ 12:30
and the constant bickering between
Democrats and Republicans, it's easy Join us forthe installation of our new sign
‘0 get discmfragfd’ emigive uP ,0“ “‘F “Civil Marriage is a Civil Right”
very frustrating institution that is poli-
tics in America. Reception to follow
Irish political philosopher Ed—
mund Burke had an idea that all of us
should remember when the political - -
discourse gets a little too heated. He _Lex“1gton Fa‘rness
surmised that "All that is necessary for '- . Lg, _‘
the triumph of evil is that good people . f a ’ i
do nothing." x‘ ,rqug’f": I I E
This concept, this thought, this idea is ' ’1 ' : L-v ' / .Y- ; ,
the most critical reason why all of us I
should care about who we elect , i , . '
Continued on page 4 WWW-191631? .0]? g

"2/ SERVICES The GLSO News Team is looking for
‘ ORGANIZATION volunteers to manage various aspects of
Lexington, KY newsletter production and distribution.
These are the positions we are looking for
Incorporated as , _ at this time, we will be advertising other
The Gay seW'ce Organization positions next month. If you are inter—
P.O. Box 1172 Lex., KY 40588 ested, please contact Mary at mary—
ww crone@isnightbb.com or call her at (H)
ngOpC org 266—5904 or (cell) 221-4396
I I Advertising and Marketing Manager
also N EW: We need a volunteer who will be responsi-
ble for soliciting sponsors and advertisers.
You will not have to start from scratch, we
VOLUME 22 ”0' '0 have a list. This individual will work with
News Editors the newsletter team to establish goals,
Mary Crone & Sarah Phillips advertising rates, and update policres.
Assembly & Distribution S;"‘P“".J°“‘fal‘;‘sk k . a1.
Debby Hemstock e-conc-eive o a ac pac Journ .lst as
—— an indiv1dual who would be out in the
. . community attending a variety of events,
Prlde Center Office Manager conducting interviews, and taking pic-
B’” Chandler tures. We are looking for several creative
359-253-3233 people who would enjoy reporting “from ‘
— the field”. We would ask that you be re- ‘
GLSO BOARD sponsible for one article with pictures a ‘
M C P 'd 1: month. Having your own digital camera "
ary rone, reSI en would beaplus. ‘
Ginger Moore, Secretary , , _ ‘
Sondra Mellott, Treasurer Assembly and D‘smb‘mon _ -
- Debby has volunteered to be in charge of
Thomas Collins , _ , ,
- Assembly and Distribution. She Will need .
Jane Minder ~
- help toward the end of each month to fold _
Terry Mullins
Dana Wallin ford and collate the newsletter and to take 1
9 them to locations around Lexington. To l
GLSO Membership volunteer: please contact Debby at her at I
ail dd ? .
& Newsletter (em a y) _ . '
Individuals/Couples Next month we Will postla few more pOSi— 1
$20 per year tions such as News editor and Feature ~
editor. If you are interested in working 1
_ on the newsletter in some capacity, even if 1
Open Board Meetmgs not specified in our stated needs, please 1
You are welcome to attend GLSO give may a can. 1
Board Meetings.which are on the
second Thursday of each month. ]
Page 2 _

 m. ,, , _ , , _ _
f; OUToberFest 2008 Frankfort Group Starting
er— T'pPecanPe. County Pride Celebration Karen Taylor is interested in starting
y— by Km] \Villiams & M317“e GOId‘VUkSO" a group in Frankfort. Contact her at
H) Twenty—one years ago, on Oct. 1, ktaylor@fewpb.net, or 502 223-7441
1987, the GLBT March on Washington (H) or 502 545—6355 ©‘
and the unfurling of the AIDS Quilt on -
si- the National Mall heralded an amazing SistenSounb
rs. new chapter in lesbian, gay, bisexual, SisterSound has “’86le rehearsals
we and transgender (LGBT) chronicles. The every Sunday evening between 6 and 8
th next was no less remarkable with the at Lansdowne Cumberland Presbyte—
ls, celebration of the newly created National rian Church on Redding Road. If
Coming Out Day. you would like to speak with a live
Fast forward to Lafayette, Indiana, person, call Patti at 806-0243. Either
as two decades later and OUToberFest way, hope to see you there! (see article
he 2008: Tippecanoe County Pride Celebra— 011 page 3 )
ts tion; the first—ever load LGBT—pride
lc: event. The purpose of this festival is to New LGBT phonebOOk
ve applaud openness, honesty, ViSibflitY’ The Bluegrass Gay Phonebook
m and diverstty, and to help increase public has been published and can be found
'e- awareness 0f the LGBT population. Ad‘ at The GLSO Pride Center, Joseph—
a ditionally, the organizers of OutoberFest Beth, S q e ci al Media, The Bar C o m-
ra strive to educate reSidents of Tippecanoe Pl ex, The Bang, Mia’s, C 0 mm o n
County, Indiana about the availability of Grounds, 3rd St Stuff, the KY Thea—
organizations and serv1ces Of particular tre, Video Max, Hook Novelty, Video
f interest to the LGBT community. . ' & Beyond, Purple Haze, CD Central,
3d Hosted by Pride Lafayette; Citizens AVOL, Central Christian Church, &
~ for Civ1l Rights; Parents, PFLAG and the UU Church.
[d many other community organizations,
ke OUToberFest will be held on Saturday,
To October 11, from 4 P.M. until midnight,
at on Main Street between 6th and 7th “I
Streets. This exciting evening will feature m
:i- festive entertainment including a drag m
re show and live bands, local food and busi- The Bluegrass Gay Phonebook is 3
lg ness vendors, informational booths, a new yellow page based directory for
if family area with a wide array of activities Gay and Gay-Friendly businesses,
56 for children of all ages, karaoke, danc— service providers and community groups
ing, and much more! in Lexington and Central Kentucky.
If you are driving in for the fest,
Best Western hotel at I—65 and State Rd. 1.866.640.5504
_ Continued on a e 4 www.BluegrassGYP.com
Page 3

 Outober Fe“ continued from P8 3 to political office. Due to the electoral

colle e stem, man eo le believe
26 is offering a discount on standard that Emszote in this )iaii's Sresidential
rooms and executive suites for those election won't make a difference.
attending OUToberfest. When calling Nothing could be further from the
to bOOk’ ask for the "be“ rate" 0f truth! In addition to the nation—
$84°99 for a standard room, or "89:99 defining presidential election, many
for an executive suite. Space is limited other political offices are up for grabs
and going fast. this year, including Kentucky's Con-

Imperial Court News gressional delegation, and a host of

local and state offices.

The Imperial Court of KY held As Tip O'Neill, longtime Speaker
the annual Julie Vaughn Memorial of the House, once said "All Politics is
Closet Ball on September 17 at All)" Local." In Kentucky, that statement is
thing Goes on Winchester Road. After absolutely true. Here in Lexington, we
a night of entertainment featuring 0111' are fortunate to have the Fairness 01--
Reigning Empress Eve St Mychal and dinance. This law, passed in 1999 by
fierce competition among the tWO con- the Urban County Council, extended
testants, Porsche Mercedes was employment non-discrimination to
crowned the winner. GLBT workers in Lexington. In Fay—

On Sept. 27th the ICK held a ette County, you cannot be fired sim-
Turn it Out Show cosponsored with Ply because you are gay. This achieve-
Bluegrass Fairness at Bang NightChlb- ment was made possible by progressive
This is part of a nationwide campaign members of the Urban County Coun-
with the International Court System cil and the tireless efforts of the Fair—
and the NGLTF to provide informa— ness movement.
tion and encourage the GLBT commu— In Henderson, another Kentucky
nity to get out and vote this NOV- city, a non—discrimination ordinance

0111' next event Will be Diva 0f was passed — but due to an intense
Darkness. Check for the venue and public backlash and the election of a
updates on all events 1'61?!th t0 the strongly conservative government, the
Court on my space at myspace.com/ ordinance guaranteeing equality in
imperialcourtofkentucky or at employment was REPEALED. Many
www.imperialcourtkentucky.com. People say that something like that

could never happen here... Lexington
Bluegrass Women’s Network is a V617 0Pen 311d acmPting City, after
all. For those who think we don't need

The Bluegrass Women’s Network to guard our rights, I ask you to re-
is a ”Cid group for women Of all read Edmund Burke's quotation: "All
ages. To receive emails about events that is necessary for the triumph of
contact debbywoman@gmail.com. evil is that good people do nothing."
You Will be notified 0f events ranging As residents of Kentucky all of us
from camping trips, to parties, movie owe it to ourselves to do a little re—
nights and monthly brunches. You search into who represents the district
can attend those of interest to you. in which we live, who's running for
You are also welcome to plan an event office this year, and who would best
and invite the women on the list. represent all our ideals. We may not
Sign up, get involved. get to vote directly on a national non—
Page 4 Continued on page 8



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Page 5

 I i
Phone 859 253-3233 389 Waller Ave.
Office Hours 10 to 3 Mom-Fri. -
Opened: 3—7 Thurs 3-6 Friday _ inSIght GrOUp
Saturdays 12 -2 —call to be sure Fr Iday, 0315- 3 Pat LUCK
Frida Oct. 17 Movie Ni ht
DIICUIIION onoup 3” . g
PRIDE CENTER 389 WALLER In Memorial: Jamie Cody, of Mount
Sterling, a beloved member of our Lex—
Tl'anSKentuCkY ington Insight Group, passed away dur—
TransKentucky is a support, so_ ing the early morning hours of Septem-
cial, and resource group serving Lex- ber 1?th' 111‘s kindness, warmth, and
ington and Kentucky. Our mission is sensrtlvrty Will be deeply missed. We
to provide a safe place for transgender extend put thoughts and prayers to his
individuals and others who do not fit best friend, Ann, Who we have also
the standard gender norms. We sup- grown to love.
port each other by offering advice,
resources and insights from our own Lexington Lyons & Levi Club
experiences. This is not a therapy
group. Monday, October 13 7 p pm
Family’ fi‘ends’ and ?“P.P°““'° Pride Center, 389 Waller Ave.
community members are mvrted to
attend to gain understanding of issues www.|ex|yons.org.
concerning gender presentation, iden—
tity, and variance. We meet on the first
Saturday of each month at 7:30 pm. 6 L S O C O O I A
- fiAwards for best costumes -See article pg1 ~
g Selling chili &drinksf dinner '
/. i ‘. Fre s cks

 SisterSound continued from page 8 V flag? AfliyJ .2 L—le’l f
not. But all shared in the knowl- ; £4? v?" :5
edge that they would be personally QC i“ ,mfig, 3 #5.;
supported for who they were— les- '25? L " 9 ‘ ii? ‘: ~31 :V'
bian and straight alike. And when x 3L” ., 3%
they ran into the predictable but f . .5,
painful challenges of life— the " I 1' "g ,f‘f V 32‘
death of a parent, the breakup of a ”a “a”??? $142" V 1‘
relationship, the loss of a job— 43%?“ '3? l "
they had a support system. And /% ' ,
they didn’t have to steer around 5;. i: " ’
revealing pronouns to talk about .5, 3
those challenges, or joys. Every-
one had the freedom to be herself, DEL MARTIN AND PHYLLII LYON
with the understanding everyone’s .
life has dignity, meaning and value. On Qctober 1’ 2008’ Del Martin
Now, in 2008, it is not quite as and Phyllis Lyon were the first lesbian
tough to be a lesbian in the city of couple honored as Icons of GLBT His—
Lexington. Anti- discrimination tory Month by the Equality Foundation.
ordinances have been written and These two. women spent-55 years to—
passed, “The Advocate” lists Lex- gether until Del Martin died on August
ington as one of the top gay/lesbian 27 of this year. Just three months before
cities in America, and just this year, her death, Martin and Lyon were mar—
our fair city supported an incredi— “ed on June 16 (pictured above) after
bly successful Pride Festival right the California Supreme Court declared it
down on the lawn of the old court— unconstitutional to deny same-sex cou—
house. ples the freedom to marry.

Yes, it is much easier to feel 111.2004 LYN} and Martin joined in
free an d safe in our city today. a lawsuit challenging the constitutional—
But, while safety in the community ity of the California laws that limited
at large is an essential goal, the marriage to opposite-sex couples. When
safety in personal relationships is this lawsuit was successful, San Francisco
priceless. May SisterSound always Mayor Newsom ”’3‘?ng for them to
make beautiful music, but more receive the first marriage license to be
than that, may she always provide issued to a same-sex .couple. He then
safe haven for lesbian singers who married them in a private ceremony at
have no safer place to go. City Hall. The lawsuit and their mar-

(SisterSound is a non—audition riage was the culmination 0f over fifty
chorus, open to all women who years of advocacy work on the behalf of ‘
enjoy singing with other— LGBT people. These women changed
women. See page 4 more informa— our lwef' . .
tion Although the above article . De Martin was born m San Fran-
focuses on this group's historic role ClSCO in 1921; Phyllis was born in Old?—
in the support of the lesbian com— homa in19.24, but raised and educated in
munity all women are welcome, 'San Franasco. They both were Journal—
valued ;m d supported.) ism majors in college and later met at a ‘

publishing company Comimled on page 13 i
Page 12

 “~35: .. _ , ‘ ' ”m ,1; » .
where they both worked. At that [$4 (-
time Martin, who had been briefly ;;: E ,» " .. ‘a ”.2”
married, was a 29—year-old lesbian "s 33'}; : ’ ' 3 71:5 *
mother, and Lyon, 25, identified as ’ i" ~ - 3 ' '
straight. In 1952, they became lovers .il :5 ,5, n- I
and on Valentines Day,l953, they .11”: I " w“ , 3 3
moved into an apartment on Castro ti 3 g , '
Street. In 1955 they bought a small i Z / § 1. ’/
hillside home with a sweeping view of ‘ 1 :V ’. ' i _"
San Francisco for $11,000. . ,1 3 ' 5‘1”" ; 1%,»; ‘3
The years of their accomplish— l! ‘5 I. gm“ ‘13,;1L'y' A
ments are displayed on their walls: d art' I d ti
plaques of appreciation from politi— Icover an IC. esl a voca ng
cians and civil rights groups, as well as Pdmcal “in?“ were inc uded. Many
photographs of Hillary Clinton, Di- fif 1&2; original “Eng/iii: 0f DO]:
anne Feinstein, Shirley Chisholm and 31.0 uhng yon an n, oppose
Eleanor Roosevelt 15 i ange. d Martin b ctive
Also in 1955, they formed Daugh— . yon an. . . Blame a
ters of Bilitis (DOB), named after a m San FranCisco politics including as
book of lesbian love poetry: Songs of a?“ elf—'Ithe Couglcd (zgfi‘fillglonlfin:
Bilitis by Pierre Louys. The name was e k (1 2mm?“ li h ,m Wt c A
deliberately chosen to be recognizable WE. e “1 (i enb [1:1 ce Eras: enfi
by lesbian women but not by others. {I If 1:11), n; ml 1 01925 18:;
In 1956, DOB published the first ea” . .°“ ”“3”. ’ ’ e
edition of The Ladder, a mimeo- many religious leaders “.1 San Fran—
graphed newsletter edited by Lyon. By Cisco to ($0213? the iilflltcel 1;: 81;?—
the early 19605, subscriptions to The P; rt grlew, f vlvas a e do 0 {I or
Ladder topped 500, and it was passed t e. re orm o aws . an prac ces
around to many other women. In the which led to better lives for GLBT
60s, DOB had chapters throughout P eole e 1:93;“ gficisco. t at l
the country, in major cities including , n ’ in.wro enan ic e
Chica 0 New York New Orleans San in the Advocate entitled Goodbye,
Di g i0 An les’ Detroit Dehver My Alienated Brothers", in which she
0332111 d sand 31111; delphia ’ ’ rebuked the sexism of the homophile
DOB’has sometimes been called movement. Although .at the time
an assimilationist organization in that Lyon and Martin constdered lesbian
most of the early members wanted to separatism, they subsequently became
present themselves in non threatening leader; 1:le help :lg imp [fwihdli 2:113:
ways so that they would be accepted by KitscmZnteen t e sexes “1 e
society. Although this concept was '
part of the organization’s principles, In the late 196.08 and early
the membership and the leaders 1970s, Lyon and Martin also worked
change d the focus over time to address the lesbophobia of the
Barbara Gittings, for example, became women s movement. Even with .a
the publisher of The Ladder in the number of respected out lesbians In
early 60s and under her leadership the the National Organization for
word lesbian was added to the Women, several NOW leaders ex-
pressed concern that lesbians were
Page 13

 not good for the feminist move—
ment. Betty Friedan, one of the foun—
ders of NOW, made comments about K E [T H D O N l P H A N
the “lesbian menace”. In 1971, at the
NOW's national conference in Los ELSTON
Angeles, the organization finally ATTORNEY AT LAW
passed a resolution which affirmed
that the oppression of lesbians was a WW",
feminist concern. : g3“? ;,
form the Alice B. Toklas Memorial ‘16 a
Democratic Club to help lesbians get : 755‘
elected to public office. Both women 1 its“, 1 g ‘
subsequently served in a number of m §‘ 1
capacities on city conunissions and V "
task force.
Also in that year: Lyon and Mar- ELSTON LAW OFFICE
tin published their most significant ..
book, Lesbian/ Woman, which re— (859) 225 2348
mains a crucial account of American
lesbian life in the twentieth century, 51 l-A WEST SHORT STREET
ranging in its concerns from questions LEXINGTON, KY 40507
of sexuality to questions of psychologi-
cal health. In this groundbreaking
book they challenged the concept of
lesbianism as simply a matter of sexu- which she connected the prevalence of
ality. They proposed defining a les- domestic violence to cultural misogyny
bian as "a woman Whose primary and to the inequalities inherent in our
erotic, psychological, emorional and culture. She said: “The door behind
social interest is in a member of her which the battered wife is trapped is the
own sex, even though that interest door to the family home.”
might not be overtly expressed." This In 1979, Lyon-Martin Health Ser-
not only opened the door for women vices, an affordable women's health
who had never been sexual with clinic, named in honor of the two
women to see themselves as lesbians, women, opened in San Francisco. In
but it also laid the foundation for a 1995, they helped form Old Lesbians
woman—identified subculture that be— Organizing for Change, and both
came the basis for the lesbian move- served as delegates to the 1995 White
ment of the 19705. There is now a House Conference on Aging.
1991, twentieth—anniversary edition of In 2002, the year of the couple's
the book available updated to include fiftieth anniversary, filmmaker Joan E.
current information. Biren released a documentary about
Along with writing and speaking their lives titled No Secret Anymore.-
about LGBT issues, Martin became a The Times of Del Martin and Phyllis
pioneer in the campaign to publicize Lyon.
and stop domestic violence. In 1976,
she published one of the earliest books
on the subject, M, in
Page 14

 FTM 20 Days for Peace 8: Justice
By Transman Cam
Mark your calendars for October
I am a female to male (FTM) 4th through the 24th when the Central
Transgender. The other category 0f Kentucky Council for Peace and Justice
transgender is male to female (MTF). and its partnering organizations, artists
Some Of us. come out, some don’t. and organizers will celebrate 20 Days
Some early 1“ hfe and some take too for Peace and Justice activities in the
long. Why is it so difficult to become region.
and express one’s self? Fear? Uncer- GLSO is Participating by showing
tainty? Family? Friends? Society? a new documentary, U People, on Sat—
For me to look in the mirror and urday, Oct 18, 3 Pm at the Pride
see the body Of a woman was like Center. This film was created by Hani—
Watching a stranger dring- The b9dy fah Walidah and Olive Demetrius dur—
was familiar, but still ”0‘ mine. ing a weekend spent making a music
When closmg my eyes, I saw a man. video. They kept a ;camera rolling as
When open, I saw a woman. the African American women of various
Things that are possrble t? lose sexual orientations, including gender
during transition: fantily, frrends, non—conformists, had conversations
employment. So, sometimes we hide about their lives and struggles.
for as long as possible because 'fear is By watching these fascinating con—
powerful. Th1“? that are possible to versations, viewers get to here the joys
gain by transrtlonlng: self esteem, and pain of being different. There is
loye, self confidence, new family and laughter, love, sadness and determina—
friends and 1°)“ . tion expressed in this film. The stated
Some concepts we work Wlth’ goal is “to dismantle the blanket catego—
Gender: A system of sexual classi— rization and ignorance inherent in the
fication based on social construction phrase "you peeple" by di8playing
of the categories “man” and unique individuals in possession of per—
“woman” as opposed to sonal power and self- determination.” I
E: A system of classification WOIJld say they met their goal.
based on biological and physical dif- Many other programs are being
ferences which form the categories offered during the Twenty DayS- They
‘Male” and “Female”. are inspired by these themes: Peace and
8 Global Citizenship, Human Rights and
tated another way: H D' ff E . tal
Gender is within our minds I uman l erencest n ylronmen
_Sex is within our bodies ntegrrty and Sustainability, Health
— Care, and Interfaith Dialogue. You can
We are all human beings: LGBT, View all the events scheduled at
Heterosexual, blaCka white, brown, www.twentydaysforpeaceandjustice.com
young, old, etc. We each have our The CKCPJ is a unique association
own journey in life. We share simi- of groups which addresses the whole
lar fears and COIICCIIIS- Self— fabric of peace and justice issues. They
acceptance IS a choice, and it takes share office space with KCCJ on Upper
courage to become edumted and to Street.
overcome fear. Thus being given and
_ earning respect.
Page 15

 ‘) woman you want to limit your repro-
NEED ADVICE ‘ ductive choices and perpetuate the
Agk Helena Handbagket stereotype of women as secretive, vindic-
Q... Dear Helena, Since you are a tive bitches then absolutely, Sarah Palin '
woman, I am sure you must be excited Should befyour Cl_101c;' As you can tell, I 1
about the nomination of Sarah Palin. m “M a anh It; a ree corntry 5° v°te :
Shouldn ’t you use your column to urge how {Turns ' owe“: P fellaaseth :
other women to vote republican so we Y?“ ”181110” on [(1110:]: “1 €701?“ at j
can get a woman closer to the White S e wears ose an m “19' o _ 3.
House? knows, we may have already had a Vice ‘
. president who liked to wear hose and
HH... Oh “1}" PO you really think I make-up. You never know. I am He— ‘
want to open thls can ofworms? Well, lena Handbasket and I approve this I
here goes. Just because I am a message. J
“woman” does not mean that I am J
necessarily going to campaign for, or Q... Dear Helena, I know that Hallow- _
even vote for, Mrs. Palin. Quite the een is coming up and] always lookfor-
opposite is true. I have heard so many ward to the festivities that Lexington has
people say that they are voting for he, to ofler but this year 1 have decided to
because she is a woman. That is like finally do something I have never done. I
black people only voting for Obama am going out in DRAG I amfreaking
because he is black, Really? Have we out. I already told friends of mine I am ‘
not evolved as a society more than doing it but] don’t know where to begin. '
that? Are we not a more informed Can you help "16? ‘
people that we will make a judgment HH... Not that I would consider myself '
on who should run our c0untry merely to be the authority on DRAG, but, since 1
by gender or race? If by voting for a it is your fiI‘St time, start With the I
O C (
Scott Ackermom Real Estate Serv1ce With 1
Professional m i
"V N
Jug.“ ‘
Results K