xt763x83n043 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83n043/data/mets.xml Lexington, Ky. University of Kentucky 1971 1972 The University of Kentucky Gradute Schools course catalogs contain bound volumes dating from 1926 through 2005. After 2005, the course catalogs ceased to be printed and became available online only. course catalogs English University of Kentucky Copyright retained by the University of Kentucky. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Graduate School course catalogs University of Kentucky Graduate School Bulletin, 1971-1972 text University of Kentucky Graduate School Bulletin, 1971-1972 1971 1971 1972 2020 true xt763x83n043 section xt763x83n043 Graduate











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The Graduate School.”. ....... n. ....... .u ......
Subjects and Directors of Graduate Study ..... .......... 29
Course Indexes “.. ...... u. ..... .u.n. ...... u. ........ .n ...... .H.” ...... .n.uu. 3]
Graduate Courses of Study .u. ..... . ..... ”.u. ....... .. ......... “.Hu ...... 33
FeHows and TYainees..n. ....... .n. .............. .u. ...... “nu". ...... u. ..... .215
The Graduate CouncH and the Graduate Factu .nu.nu.nu”.n219

Index ....... .. ....... ....... ....... .......... 232





1971 Fall Semester

July 30—Friday—Last day to submit all required
documents to Graduate Admissions Office for
admission and readmission to the 1971 Fall Se-

August 30, (Bl—Monday and Tuesday—Classifica-
tion and registration

September 1—Wednesday—Class work begins

September 6—Monday— Labor Day (Academic

September 8—Wednesday—Last clay to enter an
organized class for the Fall Semester

September 13—Monday—Last day to drop a course
without a grade

September 30, October 1—Thursday and Friday—
Last days for filing application for a December
degree in College Dean’s Office

October 22—Friday—Last day to withdraw from
the University and receive any refund

November 1, 2—Monday and Tuesday—Last days
to pay graduation fees in Billings and Collections
Office for a December degree

November 8—Monday—~—Last clay to withdraw from
a class before finals

November 10-23—Wednesday through Tuesday—
Advance registration for 1972 Spring Semester

November 25, 26, 27—~Thursday through Saturday
—Thanksgiving Holidays (Academic Holidays)

December 6—Monday—Thesis deadline

December 10—Friday—Last clay to submit all re—
quired documents to Graduate Admissions Office
for admission and readmission to the 1972 Spring

December 14—Tuesday—Class work ends




December 16-22—Thursday through Wednesm
Final examinations 13—S<
December 22—Wednesday—End of Fall Sem 16—‘T
December 24—Friday—All grades due in ifice by
trar’s Office by 4:00 pm.

1972 Spring Semester

January 17, 18—Monday and Tuesday—Cl
cation, registration and orientation 19_"

January 19—Wednesday—Class work beginijss for

January 25—Tuesday—Last day to enteri 26—
ganized class for the Spring Semester

January 31~Monday—Last clay to drop at
without a grade

February 21, 22—Monday and Tuesday—Les
for filing application for a May degree inC
Dean’s Office

March 10——Friday—Last day to withdraw fro
University and receive any refund

March 20-26——Monday through Sunday—l

April 3—Monday~Last day to withdraw ll
class before finals

April 4—Tuesday—Last day to pay gradi
fees for May degree in Billings and Calla

April 14—FridayhThesis deadline

April 14—Friday—Last date to submit all rei
documents to the Admissions Office fora
sion to the 1972 Four-week lntersession

April 17-28—Monday through Friday—Ad
registration for 1972 Fall Semester

May 6—Saturday—End of class work


thout c

 8-13—Monday through Saturday—Final ex-
12—-Friday—Last date to submit all required
cuments to the Graduate Admissions Office for
mission to the 1972 Eight—week Summer Ses-
13—Saturday—End of Spring Semester
FQ|| Sem 16—Tuesday—All grades due in Registrar’s
due in ifice by 4:00 p.m.

1972 Summer Session

12, 13—Monday and Tuesday—Registration

14—-Wednesday——C|ass work begins

rk be , 19—Monday—Last day to enter an organized
9mass for the Summer Session

3 enteri 26—Monday—Last day to drop a course

aster thout a grade
drop m


gree in C

lCerW fro
'hdraw ll

ay gradi
ind Colle

wit all rei
‘ice fora


June 29, 30—Thursday and Friday—Last days for
filing applications for an August degree in Col-
lege Dean’s Office

July 4—Tuesday—Independence Day (Academic

July 19—Wednesday—Last day for paying grad-
uation fees for August degree in Billings and
Collections Office

July 20—Thursday—Thesis Deadline

July 25—Tuesday—Last day to submit all required
documents to Graduate Admissions Office for
admission and readmission to the 1972 Fall Se-

July 26—Wednesday—Last day to withdraw from
a class before end of Summer Session

August 9—Wednesday—End of 1972 Summer Ses-

August 11—Friday—-Al| grades due in Registrar’s
Office by 4:00 p.m.




‘ naton
w ‘ nimal

 The Graduate School

’ e University of Kentucky began offering grad-
work in 1870 and awarding graduate degrees
76. The Graduate School as a distinct unit
rganized in l912.
e Graduate School is concerned with advanced
and research carried on by the faculty and
nts of all colleges and departments. Under
total graduate resources of the University are
ed in order to promote the achievement of
ledge in an atmosphere of free and lively
aduate work is offered in most colleges in the
rsity. A general description, tabulation of
es, and name of the Director of Graduate
for each of the various programs is given in
ubjects and Directors of Graduate Study sec-
f this bulletin.
e following advanced degrees are conferred:

or of Philosophy

-red in following fields:
gricultural Economics
gricultural Engineering
‘ natomy

nimal Sciences




Chemical Engineering
Chemical Physics

Civil Engineering

Crop Science

Diplomacy and International Commerce

Electrical Engineering
Engineering Mechanics





Germanic Languages

Mechanical Engineering
Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science
Pharmaceutical Sciences


Physiology and Biophysics
Plant Pathology

Plant Physiology
Political Science


Soil Science




Veterinary Science

Master of Arts
Offered in following fields:




Classical Languages



. Master of Science in Agriculture 1e Presii
Eiploma'cy Offered in following fields: arth. AS
English Agricultural Economics an of fl
French Agronomy 5 the F
Geography Animal Sciences 35 recon
German Entomology TO the
History Horticulture , l
Mathematics Plant Pathology IO S as l
Music Sociology work CI
Philosophy 'Oms ml
Political Science Other Degrees
Physical Education Master of Arts in Education 1y propo
PSYChOlOQY Master of Science in Education 3] must
SOClOlOQY Master of Business Administration -
Spanish Master of Fine Arts nd CII'CIZL
Theatre Arts Master of Music :1ys prlc
Library Science Master of Science in Accounting dered-
ZOOlOQY Master of Science in Agricultural Engineering 5W Grad
Master of Science in Chemical Engineering 3 Dean
Master of Science in Civil Engineering
MOSl‘er 0f SClence Master of Science in Clinical Nutrition (:lllege' l
. . . Master of Science in Dentistry with Specialty l ’ or m
Offered in followmg fields: in Orthodontics Je facUI
Anatomy Master of Science in Electrical Engineering r5 0f ll”
Agricultural Economics Master of Science in Engineering Mechanics 5 follow
Agronomy Master of Science in Home Economics
Animal Sciences Master of Science in Library Science he dOCl
Biochemistry Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering rly repu
Botany Master of Science in Medical Radiation
Chemistry Master of Science in Metallurgical Engineering he YOHl<
Economics Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering ' highel
Entomology Master of Science in Nursing
Geology Master of Science in Radiological Health :holarly
Mathematics Master of Social Work Y 05 d‘
Microbiology Master of Science in Statistics :rvices,
Pharmacology Specialist in Education :Itents;
Pharmaceutical Science Doctor of Business Administration )pointrr
Physics Doctor of Education
Physiology and Biophysics Doctor of Musical Arts in Music Teaching efinl’re
Physical Education gness t
Plant Pathology _ _
psychology Organization of the Graduate Schboimm‘
:toxicoléy The Graduate Faculty consists of the Deanfl'esiden
Zoology Graduate School and all persons appointed tiean Of




1e President of the University in the manner
>rth. As the chief University agency for the pro-
an of the ideals of graduate study, it deter-
s the policies of the Graduate School and
as recommendations to the University Senate
to the President, or to other administrative
ials as appropriate. All rules affecting grad-
work and the inauguration of new graduate
'ams must be approved by the Graduate Fac-

1y proposed change in the rules of the Graduate
al must be included in the agenda of the meet-
nd circulated to the Graduate Faculty at least
:iys prior to the meeting at which it is to be

2w Graduate Faculty members may be proposed
a Dean of the Graduate School at any time by
allege deans and department chairmen con—
ad, or in the case of persons not attached to a
ge faculty, by the Vice President for Academic
rs of the University. Eligibility qualifications
5 follows:

he doctor’s degree or its equivalent in schol—
rly reputation.

he rank of assistant professor (or equivalent),
' higher.

:holarly maturity and professional productiv-
y as demonstrated by publications, editorial
:rvices, research surveys, creative work, or
:tents; and research in progress at the time of
Jpointment. '

efinite interest in graduate work and the will-
gness to participate in the graduate program.

te SCllbointment to the Graduate Faculty is made by
me Deamresident of the University on nomination by
ointed tlBOn of the Graduate School after he and the

Graduate Council have studied the credentials sub--
mitted in support of the proposed members.

Associate members are appointed by the Dean
of the Graduate School upon nomination by the
Director of Graduate Study. Associate membership
is limited to non-tenured assistant professors who
hold the doctorate, have been full-time members
of the faculty for at least one year, and have ini-
tiated a significant research effort. This member-
ship may continue no more than five years. As-
sociate members are authorized to teach graduate
courses, direct masters’ theses, serve on and co-
chair doctoral committees, and attend and partici-
pate in Graduate Faculty meetings. They do not
have voting privileges in the Graduate Faculty.

Administrative officers assigning teaching and
other duties to members of the Graduate Faculty
who are taking an active part in the graduate pro-
gram (i.e., are heavily engaged in directing theses,
carrying on productive research, etc.) should make
appropriate reduction in the duties required of such

The Dean and His Office

The Dean of the Graduate School is charged with
the administration of the policies adopted by the
Graduate Faculty and the University Senate relating
to graduate studies. He presides over all meetings
of the Graduate Faculty and calls meetings of this
faculty whenever he thinks it advisable or whenever
requested to do so by one-fourth of the member—
ship. He makes recommendations to the Graduate
Faculty respecting the requirements for advanced
degrees, the regulations necessary to insure a high
standard of graduate work, and all other aspects of
the graduate program. He appoints a committee
for each graduate student, arranges for final exam-
inations, advises students with regard to their
studies and the requirements of the Graduate




School, and in all other ways administers the grad-
uate program in the interests of efficient instruc—
tion and the highest attainment possible on the
part of each graduate student. He is responsible
for determining and certifying to the Registrar can—
didates who have fulfilled requirements for ad—
vanced degrees.

The President and the Dean of the Graduate
School are members ex officio of all committees of
the Graduate Faculty.

The Graduate Council

The Graduate Council is composed of ii mem-
bers and the Dean of the Graduate School, who is
chairman. There are eight elected representatives
and three members appointed by the Dean of the
Graduate School. One of the elected members is
from the College of Agriculture, two from the Col-
lege of Arts and Sciences, one from the College of
Business and Economics, two from the College of
Education, one from the College of Engineering,
and one from the College of Medicine. The mem—
ber or members from each of these colleges are
elected by the Graduate Faculty members in that
college. The term of office of the elected and ap—
pointed members is three years, and no member
may succeed himself until three years have elapsed
since the completion of his last term.

The Graduate Council approves or disapproves
proposals concerning courses offered for graduate
credit, and advises and lends assistance to the Dean
in his execution of policies and regulations deter-
mined by the Graduate Faculty. Specifically, the

]. Studies requests of departments relating to pro-
posed graduate programs.

2. Reviews existing programs and courses.

3. In cooperation with the Dean, initiates recom-



mendations to the Graduate Faculty. (Thiglishm
cedure is not intended to prevent a faculty;I are
ber from bringing any recommendation “amt
quest directly before the Graduate Facultiom .

The Graduate Council has such authoritynmer

herein granted, or such as the Dean or the Gm
Faculty may delegate to it. A majority 0

or E
Graduate Council constitutes a quorum fo y
transaction of business. e sell

Directors of Graduate Study FOCL


A Director of Graduate Study serves as “moral
to each student majoring in his area until th:o
dent has a thesis director. The Director Ofies w
uate Study then recommends that this theSls‘ients
tor be appointed the student’s adviser or comrdegr‘
chairman. In areas where theses are not req
the Director of Graduate Study is the adviserl
students not writing theses. All student clas.K
tion schedules must be endorsed by the stu
adviser. tuder

lf it is desirable, a Director of Graduateltlon
may recommend that additional advisers in mate 9
be appointed. A Director of Graduate StudEd 01‘
is to be absent from the University for as |¢for 0<
a semester must call this fact to the attenlg *0 Tl
the Dean so that a substitute may be appoinianSCI’i

The Dean of the Graduate School, with flation
vice of the college dean(s) and the approvalice- T
President, may recommend to the Graduate punder
the areas of graduate study and research into; may
the University may be divided. (The logical uf the
an area is a department. By common consenipo'l"t
ever, certain departments may be grouped goon-ac
area; and in exceptional cases a departmefter fl"
be divided into two or more areas.) The Dilence C
of Graduate Study for the various areas o’lr anc
pointed by the Dean of the Graduate School.Jble 0“


 y, (Thiglishment and Modification of Graduate Programs

fOClJllYH area which wishes to establish a new graduate
dation (am or modify an existing one must submit its
Facultyom to the Graduate Council, which will make

. nmendation concerning it to the Graduate Fac-

the Gm.
jority o,

.rum to _ .
e selection of candidates for honorary degrees

rates in the Graduate Faculty, and the Grad-
Faculty makes its recommendations to the
arsity Senate.
'es 95 anorary degrees are normally conferred at the
um'l thommencement, but may be conferred at oth~
ctor of tes with the approval of the Graduate Faculty.

5 theSlsients must be present in order to receive hon-

or com degrees.
not req

ent class

the stu
tudent who is a graduate of a fully accredited

raduatellion of higher learning and has an under—
ers in thate grade-point standing on all work at~
:ite Studed of at least 2.5 on a basis of 4.0 may
for as [(for admission to the Graduate School by sub-
,e attenlg to the Graduate Admissions Office two offi-
3 appoinpnscripts of all college courses and a written
I, with flation at least a month before anticipated
1pprovallce- This 30 day requirement may be waived
aduate Funder special circumstances. Application
Jrch int0’ may be obtained from the Admissions Of-
logical uf the Graduate School. A student with a
1 consenlpomt average of less than 2.5, or a graduate
roupedipon-accredited institution, may be admitted
3pc”,Jmnmfter the Graduate Record Examination or oth-
The Dilence acceptable to the Dean of the Graduate
areas all, and to the Department, indicate that he
: Schoollble of doing satisfactory graduate work. In-

ary Degrees


dividual departments may establish higher require—

It should be clearly understood that a graduate
student may not be able to begin immediately a
full graduate program leading to the degree he de—
sires; it may be necessary for him to satisfy pre-
requisites which he omitted in his undergraduate
curriculum. Deficiences are determined by the de-
partment in which the major work is to be done.
Ordinarily, a graduate student may begin a full pro-
gram in any field in which he has a balanced under-
graduate major or its equivalent.

Admission to the Graduate School entitles a stu-
dent to take such courses as he desires, provided
he has the necessary prerequisites. However, ad-
mission does not automatically make a student a
candidate for a graduate degree.

Attendance in the Graduate School at the Uni-
versity of Kentucky is not a right. It is a privilege
which may be withdrawn by the University or any
area of graduate study if it is deemed necessary by
the Dean of the Graduate School in order to safe-
guard the University’s standards.


A senior in the University of Kentucky lacking
no more than six credit hours for graduation and
having an undergraduate average of at least 2.5‘
on all work attempted may register in the Graduate
School with the consent of his college dean and
the Dean of the Graduate School. Approval of the
appropriate director of graduate study is required
if the student is to be an applicant for a degree.
The total load of such a student may not exceed
l2 credit hours. Graduate credit will be allowed
for each credit hour of graduate work beyond the
six or fewer credit hours needed to complete under-





graduate requirements. The incidental fee is that
Of a full-time student in the school in which more
than half of the work is taken. In cases where the
load is evenly divided between the schools, the
larger fee is assessed. Requirements for the under—
graduate degree must be completed during the se-
mester in which the student is allowed to register
for part-time graduate work. Students desiring to
enroll in the Graduate School under these conditions
must fill out in duplicate a petition listing the
course or courses to be taken in order to complete
their undergraduate requirements. The petition
must be approved by both deans concerned.


Members of the faculty, excepting those in the
Community College System, having a rank higher
than that Of Instructor may not be considered as
candidates for degrees in the discipline in which
they are employed or above the Master’s degree
at the University.


It is the responsibility of the student to inform
himself concerning, and to observe all regulations
and procedures required by the course he is pur-
suing. In no case will a regulation be waived or
an exception granted because a student pleads
ignorance of the regulation or asserts that he was
not informed Of it by his adviser or other authority.
Therefore, the student should become familiar with
the Graduate School Bulletin, including (I) the sec-
tion presenting the requirements for the degree
which he plans to take, and (2) the offerings and
requirements of his major department.

The student should consult the Director of Grad-
uate Study Of the department in which he will do




his work concerning course requirements, Glby t
ficiencies, the planning of a program, and shich
regulations. Departments may have degree rial.
ments that are not listed in the Bulletin. as o
It is to be noted that the Graduate Deon‘able
prets the Graduate Bulletin; and other inteI.1e s
tions are unofficial. Only the Graduate Cht.
may waive requirements stated in this Bull’eti5 be


General Requirements for All";nm
3 GI

Advanced Degrees a 3


All students expecting graduate credit md to
enrolled in the Graduate School. Graduate sine D
will conform to the general registration scheIand I
the University and may not enter later thantlthe (
allowable date set by the Registrar. derec

Before registering, a graduate student mI
tain his adviser’s approval Of his proposed pIIADU


All students working for graduate degree'ed fc
take the Aptitude Test of the Graduate they
Examination. In addition, individual progranu’lden
require other portions of this examinationer or
must be done no later than the first term 0;arry I
uate work. II GV‘

The College of Business and Economics mStUde'
stitute the Admission Test for Graduate Sing gr
Business (ATGSB) for the Graduate Recordvoncé
nation for MBA, DBA and Accounting studeJtciizn:


A graduate student desiring to earn a g advisi
degree must be approved for full graduatats. A


 ents, 0'by the Director of Graduate Study in the area
‘1 and shich he intends to major and by the Graduate
egreergol. Application should be made as soon as
etin. as on the Graduate Record Examination are
‘e De‘Jn‘able, and in any case prior to the beginning
ner lmehe semester or term in which the degree is
:luate Ont.
‘ BUN-ell) be admitted to full graduate standing, 0 stu-
must have scores on the Graduate Record
0" A"1ination satisfactory to the department con-
ed and to the Dean of the Graduate School,
i a B average or higher on all graduate work
qpted at the University of Kentucky.
FICATlladuate work taken before a student is ad-
:redit md to full graduate standing will be evaluated
duatestne Director of Graduate Study in the major
on schetand by the Dean of the Graduate School at the
ar thanllthe application for full graduate standing is
Jdent m1


iMlNA'l courses numbered 500 through 799 may be
e degreeed for credit toward a graduate degree pro-
-aduate they are approved as an appropriate part of
Iprogruntudent’s graduate program by his graduate
minationer or committee. Courses numbered 400 to
t term 0:arry graduate credit for nonmaJors only. An

I“ average of B on all work taken as a grad-
. student, as well as a B average on all work
13ml? ”Elng graduate credit, must be attained before
l Egcgrdvanced degree may be awarded. All work is
Z tude counted and none of it may be omitted in
mg 5 Jting the average. However, those grades in
ERADUES which do not give graduate credit may be

ad from a student’s average by the Dean of

'aduate School on recommendation of the stu—
earn a g: adviser. D grades are not given to graduate

graduatats. An ”incomplete” (I), unless the Dean of

the Graduate School grants an extension of time,
must be removed within one calendar year after the
close of the term in which the l is assigned if the
student is to receive credit.

Courses numbered at the 600 or 700 level shall
be taught only by members of the Graduate Fac-
ulty or by such other instructors as are approved by
the Graduate Dean.


During the first 10 class days of the term a grad-
uate student may drop a regular course without a
grade, provided he has the approval of his instruc-
tor, his Director of Graduate Study, and the Dean.
Regular courses may not be dropped later in the
term without the assignment of a grade: W if a
student withdraws passing, E if he is failing. How-
ever, only under very special circumstances may he
be allowed to withdraw from a class within five
weeks of the final examination period.


The official grades of graduate students are
recorded in the office of the Registrar. The Regis-
trar provides official transcripts on the same basis
as for undergraduate students. Also, he provides
the Dean with the grades of all students in order
that the Dean may be able to advise students con-
cerning their programs.

The grading of graduate students is done ac—
cording to the following scale:

A—high achievement 4 grade points per credit

B—satisfactory achievement 3 grade points per credit
C—minimum passing grade 2 grade points per credit
E—failure 0 grade points per credit
l—incomplete see explanation below

S—satisfactory see explanation below





A grade of | (incomplete) may be assigned to a
graduate student if a part of the work of a course
remains undone and there is a reasonable possibil—
ity that a passing grade will result from completion
of the work. No student may graduate with an I
on his record without the permission of his adviser
and the approval of the Dean of the Graduate

A grade of S (satisfactory work in progress) may
be recorded for students in graduate courses which
carry no credit and in graduate seminars, inde-
pendent work courses, and research courses which
extend beyond the normal limits of a semester or
summer term. The grade may not be given to a
student in a course carrying credit if the student
has done unsatisfactory work or if he has failed
to do a reasonable amount of work. The project
must be substantially continuous in its progress.
When the work has been completed, a final grade
will be substituted for the S.

Once a grade (other than an I or S) has been re—
ported to the Registrar’s Office, it may not be
changed unless an error was made at the time the
grade was given and recorded, and then only upon
the written unanimous approval of the instructor,
the Registrar, and the Dean of the Graduate School.


Certain research courses carry no credit hours
or grades but do contribute to the residence require-
ments of graduate degrees. For these courses the
credit equivalent is stated in the course descriptions.


The total term load of a student is the sum of
all credits and credit equivalents being carried. The
normal load of a graduate student during any see



mester is l2 credit hours or equivalent amen,- (
no circumstances may it exceed 15 credit hand
equivalent. In the summer session the norm
is six credit hours and the maximum nine. SSHO
satisfactorily completing in residence nine
credits, or equivalent, of graduate level worklort ‘
a semester, or six course credits, or equivale’rm '
ing a summer term are classified as full-times tha
residence students. Those completing leslort ‘
these amounts are classified as part-timeinuml
residence students. 5 or-
A full-residence student who falls bel COL“
minimum full-residence equivalent as the nlll'CmE
failing or dropping one or more courses is pade
fied as a part~time or part-residence studS O t
that term. cons:
A master’s candidate Working on his the" only
may register for up to the equivalent of ll
credits by signing for course 769 in the app
department and indicating the desired credi) cou.
alent in parentheses on the registration caruote
A doctoral candidate working on his diss to tl'.
may register for up to the equivalent of llexpec
credits by signing for course 769 in the aplluivale
department and indicating the desired cred Cour
alent in parentheses on the registration cabpriatl
Graduate students serving in the Univquim]E
assistants or part-time instructors shouldf com
for less than the normal load, as determf the
their advisers. Persons holding full-time“; his
or professional assignments, whether empl
the University or not, may not take for;
credit toward a degree in any single sem
term more than five credit hours. A studVC‘nce‘
petition for a waiver of this rule if he meet)’ seme
lowing conditions: (l) has satisfactorily cc exerc
six credit hours of graduate work; (2) hastmlc Y
higher than national average scores on the his d€
and advanced tests of the Graduate Recon’eded


 lent ancon,‘ and (3) has appropriate employment facili-
credit hand conditions.
he norm


ce nine ,
vel workwort courses are defined as courses of less than

equivalel'rm in length; weekly courses are courses of
:uII—timee than one credit that meet only once a week.
ting les‘ort course may not carry credits greater than
rt_,(ime(number of weeks during which it is offered.
short courses of four weeks or less or twa full—
I courses and a short course may not be taken
ltaneously. A total graduate program may not
irses is I1ade up of short courses. Not more than I2
1ce studs of the course work requirements for a degree

consist of courses (resident and extension) that
1 his the: only once a week.

:alls be
as the I

EI’TI' of I)


red cred‘5 course or equivalent credit may be given for
tion c(”bate study completed more than eight years
I his dISS to the end of the semester at which the stu-
ant 0“ IIexpects to receive his degree unless such credit
I the clF’lluivalent is specifically validated by the Grad-
red cred Council on written recommendation of the
3H0“ cabpriate director of graduate study. No course
we UnIViuivalent credit may be validated in this man-
. shOUIdf completed more than 12 years prior to the
s determf the semester in which the student expects to
ulI-fimeve his degree.

her empl
Ike fori

ngle sem

A S“Advanced degrees may be conferred at the close
he meetb’ semester or summer session, but commence-
:torily cc exercises are held only at the close of the

(2) hasemic year. A student who is scheduled to re-
35 on the his degree at the close of the academic year
te Recon’ECIF—‘d to attend the commencement exercises

unless he is excused in writing by the Dean of the
Graduate School. Students who are eligible to re-
ceive degrees at the end of a first semester or a
summer session may elect to defer their graduation
and participate in the next commencement exer-
cises. Appropriate academic costume must be
worn. The graduation fee covers the cost of the
diploma, the hood, and, in the case of the master’s
degree (with thesis), the binding of the thesis.

To be eligible for a degree, the student must file
an application at the Graduate Office within 30
days after the beginning of the semester or 15 days
in the Summer Session in which he expects to com-
plete his work. The degree applicant must pay his
graduation fees within 60 days after the beginning
of the semester or 30 days in the Summer Session
in which he expects to complete his work.


Registration fees per semester are $I65 for resi-
dents of Kentucky, $515 for non-residents. Part-
time graduate students who are legal residents of
the state pay $I9 per semester credit; non-residents
pay $58 per semester hour. Resident students carry-
ing full loads in the summer will pay $96, non-
resident students $260. Those taking less than full
loads pay the regular semester credit fee. The
Registrar determines the status of one’s residence
for purposes of assessing fees.

Graduate fellows, graduate assistants, and in-
structors pay the fees assigned to Kentucky resi-

General Requirements for All
Masters’ Degrees

(See also General Requirements for All
Advanced Degrees)






At least I8 semester hours of the minimum de-
gree requirements must be earned while in resi-
dence on the Lexington campus of the University
of Kentucky. Normally, candidates for masters’
degrees must spend at least two full summer terms
or one semester in full residence at the University.
For individual superior students the full residence
requirement may be waived if recommended by the
Director of Graduate Study in the student's major
area and approved by the Graduate Dean. Mini-
mum eligibility for being so recommended includes: