xt763x83km8b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83km8b/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1945 journals kaes_circulars_004_410 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 410 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 410 1945 1945 2014 true xt763x83km8b section xt763x83km8b   ¤  
O |    
Li-I-I Club l—lousel2eepmg Proiect  
J g
The Easier, Quicker, Better Way I I  
'"' . Are you doing your housekeeping jobs the
eosier, quicker, ond better woy?
I Do you do only whot is octuolly necessory T
in your work?
i Do you moke one job of two or more? ' y
*4../ I Do you moke both honds work? i i
Do you keep needed things in eosy recich?
Do you use the best tools for the job? i
g Do you sit to do the job whenever you con? ·
Is your work well done?
Circular 4lO I
Agrisugéi College of Agriculture and Home Economics ,
lllile A¤“'°i Agricultural Extension Division
INTIM Th0m¤s P. Cooper, Deon ond Director

l. Study cmd practice better methods for doing your jobs.
Read and study all leaflets in the Mother-Daughter Housekeeping
Series. (Each project group should have copies of these leaflets.) j
2. Give at least one demonstration before a group. in l¤<
3. Attend all project meetings held. V  
V 4. Do at least 50 hours' home work if you are lO to l2 years Ordel
old; IOO hours' home work if you are I3 to l5 years old; l5O hours‘ will
home work if you are l6 to l8 years old. Your job may be helping you
with the entire housekeeping, or some special work as j menj
(a) Helping with cooking, washing dishes, and setting ·|
the table _ For,
(b) Daily care of the house or cleaning it weekly jj YO
(c) Doing personal laundry and weekly family laundry qui;
(d) Mending and sewing for yourself and the family V j
(e) Looking after younger children in the family. dish·
Try to improve your skills along some one line of work. the
5. Keep a complete record of the home work that you do. ` °°°ll
Note:—- It is advisable that this project be carried out with¤ thel
project leader and project meetings. Eight to ten meetings should On t
be satisfactory. lf project meetings are impossible, a girl m¤Y OS
carry out her housekeeping work at home with her mother 05 y
» adviser.
nersnmces L *°$"
Kentucky Extension publications: WGS
HE-920 —— "lroning." for
HE-921 -— "Dishwashing." gm
HE-922 —- "Bedmaking." .
HE—864-—"Safe Lifting and Carrying l¤rs
by Farm Women." ble'
"Make Every Motion Count" —-a playlet on better méilwds  ’ Cum
of housekeeping.
Every 4-H leader should have and use the above publicaiicni
in connection with the 4-H Housekeeping Project. lt is betiél
that they be used by the leader rather than that they be giv¢¤l° _ hot
each 4-H club member. -
. f I

 l   l
l .
Housekeeping the Easier, Quicker   »
. -0,,, and Better Way l  
Egping By Emm LAcy, Rutu Lxrxmran, and Donor:-xy Grzmny   V l
¤fl€l$-l s lt has been said that 0 fourth to 0 half of all the work done   ‘ T
in industry and in the home is unnecessary. Can you do away with E
T parts of your home tasks and have good results? Yes, you can . A Q.
é make your work easier, quicker and even better if you plan the Q_
- Y€¤l$ order of work 0nd gain better skills. The following suggestions *
hou"' will help you to do your project work in 0 better way. Probably T -
*€lPlll9 you can think of other ways to improve your work besides those y '
mentioned here. l -
lng 'I. Study your job. Make 0 list of all the home work you do.
y For each task, write down the order in which you do it. Then see
» if you can change the order of doing so that you will do it easier,
UW quicker, or better.
¤llY . 2. Leave out the part of the job that is unnecessary. Scald
dishes in 0 rack and let them dry; fold sheets as they come from
the line and either not iron them at all or press-fold them; in
do- ~ cooking, save dishwashing by using fewer utensils. l Q
_with0 3. Make one job of two. ln preparing meals, serve foods in   l`
i Should The dishes in which they were baked and serve meat and vegetables l
hl may A 0¤ The same platter. ln ironing handkerchiefs or pillow slips, fold T T
S 4 as you iron. l
llherq 4- Make both hands work. lt saves time to use both hands. l
lnstead of overworking the right hand, use both when doing such .
. tasks as dusting, setting the table, and putting away dishes.
5. Keep needed things in easy reach. Needless steps mean
yasted time and energy. Group the supplies and equipment needed
Or baking and mixing. Put all ironing equipment together. As-
_ semble cleaning supplies in 0 kit or box.  
6. Use the best tool for the task. Use jar lifters for removing
l¤rs from the canner, pot holders for lifting hot pans, a pastry y
blender for mixing biscuits and pie crust. l
method; » 7- Sit to work whenever you can. If you have G high Sl'OOl, YOU
y can sit while ironing or while preparing vegetables.
lS_bell; . A Hdémonstration" is showing and at the same time telling
glven I how to do Some one thing, To demonstrate m€¤hS to "Sl"|0W by
1 3

 4 Exrmwsiox CIRCULAR N0. 410 _
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Sitting while ironing and convenient arrangement saves energy and time.
doin ." lt is a ood wa of teachin and it is also a uick und .
_ ’ Dis
easy way of learning. ·
In the 4-H housekeeping project there are many opportunities
for demonstrations at the project meetings. The 4-H leader m¤Y j
ive the demonstration to the rou or she ma have each girl
take part in at least one individual or one team demonstration- .
Girls should give demonstrations of the special kind of home work
they are doing. Many of the following subjects for demonstration Tal
will also suggest to you things to try at home.
Bedmaking Housecleaning j
How to r¤¤k¤ ¤ bed- i. Making ppd equipping ¤ ch
Washing and Ironing °l°9m_ng km
l. This is the way we wash our 2‘ Thls ls tlje WOY we sweep
Clothes] OLlI’ flOO|'$.
2 HOW to Wosh Gnd rlformrr G   A ClL.IS`l'l€SS dust ClOl'l'l Gnd
` dust mits.
sweater. _ k
3 Ironing G dress 4. Making both hands WO} Ht
' . ' use FY
4. Group equipment for ease 5* H°w t° m°k° Gnd
in ironing. ;JdS‘ rf d Curry
5. Folding garments and 6* (gw] t° lt an
household articles. S° 8 Y·
_ A

_ 4-H Cum Housramzzvnuc Pkopacr 5 i i .
  , - . E `
izaazézézéaazézs-ae ee.  e  ·-=   :5;;;    ‘·  2   z ;
eiezaeéeaeéai =‘=2 V1V       · "        l 0
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  yazzéaieéeéz        ‘·*:;». =;2;e;a;;;  . ‘ ’ ‘‘ T' ·V  V : <
  .»*: V           { ¤
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  =·= ‘ iElEi€%E€€?E?Z?$€ i: ’?°     * ·‘ ~ ·A·;¤ V-   · V
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  'VV4 A   . V V ;
  _ Mitering corner of ¤ sheet. i
imc. I ; ,
:k and . . l i l
__ l. Washing dishes the easier ‘  
¤¤*i'°$ way. ..  i,,.i_ i ,s.. N- .......i.,.i ..
.   i
" "‘°l 2· How *0 m¤l<¢ ¤ l<¤·*€ f¤¢l<  
Ch 9'll or G Silver box-   ,
Vr¤*i<>¤- 3- Arrooaemem of wo-    
E work boards for C0¤v€¤l€¤C€-   ;.;: ; :4;;  
=¥¥2F2f2i2isi2i2&2ézQs$2izi2izi2ia;22E;E;5;5ii§§;i§§;§§§;§%§i§&§€§%§&i2;¤2%%&i¥§&f¤‘=’V’=¥§*;=§z§2;¥¤ SSE?§éié§2§2§%§é§5i2£2§2i2i2
;l"°l'°n T°b'° sem"!  
l· Correct wov to Set the  
foble.    V` i   ;
·2;is;egs;;z;sgagses;2;;;ais;zease;¤;z;;e;e;z;e;e;;;e;·-ez$e;V:;;V{see;i;»¤;V2e2ig;€;;;ie$&; ,V‘V  5siezsészsisisieézizizi 
2. Table manners.   l
· a . ss;2;s2e@e&2&s&s&z2s2s&s@2222a2z;s;e2s;z;z$z;z@e%;;;$ gaze;.;=;;;;2;V:;;$25;;;;;·;:zz:  .;4¤ 5   _.i;;   V
pmg i child C¤I'¢  
sweep l· Homemade toys for young   l
children.   ‘.= i  l
iii2§2i2§2§2§2;2§zis§zi2§2§2§2is§2§z§s§ai2§s§s§a§z;§g%i;;i?s§:¥%¥;Eés_ 1`.,;;;§V§-i-ii  
th Gnd 2V A °h'ld'$ Clothes closet  
l l'“€d with h¤¤9€'$·  
_ Work 3. A box on wheels for toys.       ; ;   ’`:  
= ‘     c VV‘·;  
use dry F|°‘l'°' A""¤¤9¤|¤¤¤|'   i
How to make a simple, nat-   VV; irisféiiéféiéaégéi-E
Curry ural, and attractive bou- i
qual- Semping dishes before stacking.

 6 Exrmsrow Cmcurn N0. 410
Keep o doily record in o notebook or on ci colendor ond then enter by the week on this req  ma duil
Hours wo 
Date Kind of work this weei Dm
. ’ .

 i li
4-H Cl.UB:HOUSEKEEPING Pkojzcr 7 I ]
. i
mis Wi  ’ pa daily record in ¤ notebook or on o colendor ond then enter by the week on this record.    
>¤\'§ W  Hours worked   ;  
****5 wi Dm Kind of work this week [
.   `

 8 Extension Cmcunn No. 410 C
Total number of hours worked  
Kinds of work done  
Number of project meetings attended ________,_.......-
Number of demonstrations you gave _________._.......-- `
Subjects ot demonstrations  
Include ci story of project work.
Name of 4-H member   .
Age ____.... Address  
County   Year _....-
This is to certify that   _
Name of 4-H Member
has satisfactorily completed this project.
Signature of parent
Signature of 4-H Leader
Approved: County Extension Agent
Lexington, Kentucky January. 1946
Cooperative Extension Work ln Agriculture and Home Economics: college ct A81’l°“1g;
and Home Economics, University of Kentucky, and the United States Dep¤rtl¤¤¤¤¢ °‘ A of '
culture. cooperating. Thomas P. Cooper, Dtreetor. Issued in furtherance 01 the Aclijé
May H and June 30, 1914. i5M' ' _
_ A