xt763x83kd0b_8 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83kd0b/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83kd0b/data/2009ua001.dao.xml University of Kentucky. Student Affairs 1.4 Cubic feet archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky K Books College students--Kentucky. Handbooks Students--Kentucky--Lexington. 1923-1924 text 1923-1924 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83kd0b/data/2009ua001/2009ua001_1/2009ua001_1_7/1923-1924_001_l/1923-1924_001_l.pdf 1923-1924 1924 1923-1924 section false xt763x83kd0b_8 xt763x83kd0b 1“ , ’. l l`
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 The Uni§Ersity uf Kentuvcky 2 /  
c0mp11¤Qm of the N  
’ 1923-24 _

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 I :
4 ~ Kentucky Hmwizoox 3
~ This Book is Dedicated to
4  "DADDY’/’. BOLES .
Director of Athletics, Christian Gentleman,
»  Dispenser of Good Cheer and Beloved by
/   the students in sincere appreciation of his
 5 ' influence towards a bigger and better spirit
. of true sportsmanship in the student body.

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E ? _ .
5 The moonlight falls the softest ,
§ i In Kentucky;
§ t The summer days come eftest i ”
§ { In Kentucky;
§  ‘ Friendship is the strongest, ‘
E L0ve’s light glows the longest, _ 3
E Yet, wrong is always wrongest ~
§ In Kentucky.
gf »  The sun shines ever brightest
E _'  In Kentucky; »
§ ‘ . The breezes whisper lightest
F; 4  In Kentucky;
§ E  Plain girls are the fewest,
E *  Their little hearts are truest, ‘
E r  Maidens’ eyes are bluest
§  ; ‘ In Kentucky. ‘
E  is ` Oraters are the grandest
E Q In Kentucky;
E  . Officials are the blandest
E  .11 In Kentucky;
§ »  Boys are the fliest,
§ Y Danger ever nlghest,
§ V  Taxes are the highest r
§ —  In Kentucky. r
E ` The bluegrass waves the bluest
§ ·  In Kentucky; ·
§ `  Yet, blue bleeds are the fewest (?)
E  - In Kentucky;
Q W  Moenshine is the clearest,
§  .·z By no means the dearest,
§ `  _ And yet it acts the queerest
§   ,» In Kentucky.
` The deve notes are the saddest r
` In Kentucky;
‘ The streams dance on the gladdest
_ In Kentucky; _ V .

 6 Kizwrucxv Hnmanoox  
  § ...
Hip pockets are the thickest, l T-
Pistol hands the sllckest, ty
The cylinder turns quickest   l hi
In Kentucky. U H
‘ n.
The song birds are the sweetest ; jp
. In Kentucky; tc
The thoroughbreds are fleetest ` _ 01
. In Kentucky; ` or
Mountains tower proudest,  
. Thunder peals the loudest,
The landscape is the grandcst, 0]
In Kentucky. " E
NOTE.—-The poem, "In Kentucky," was -_ H
, selected for this volume because it is prob- h
  ably the most famous of all poems on Ken· _ p
l tucky except "My Old Kentucky Home." V 
‘ It was written by Judge James H. Mulligan é  T
and first published in the Lexington Herald E  il
~ in 1902. Judge Mulligan lived in the old Mul- ,‘  W
ligan place-—"Maxwell PIace"—now owned i‘  W
by the University for the presideut's home. ,  Iz
» It is therefore especially appropriate for the   ··
Handbook, as it was written on what is now  Q U
a part of the campus.  Q a
Freshman, after you have reached Lexing-   E
ton, do not let your first walk about town ;_ 
_ be your last. Of course you will spend your   F
. first evening walking up and down Main  jf t
street, getting your hair cut free of charge,   3
counting the stories in the Fayette National  , 3
Bank Building and drinking out of the   T
Ellis Memorial Fountain in front of the  fg; 2
, court house. Do not be content thereafter   t
to get no farther than the Lexington Drug,  pei I
T the Ben Ali or the Phoenix pool room. —   J
  Seen from these points Lexington does not  V- ; 2
Q excel other cities and in your first weeks of   I
. homesickness can offer but litt1e`comfort. ,  

" I
X Try walklng some of the broad highways
that lead into the Blue Grass and visit the
  historic homes of the city. Right at the
,, edge of the city stands "Ashland," the
i` home of Henry Clay, ivy covered and stately
2 in the center of a shady park, Walk down
to the picturesque stable and see the thor—`
oughbreds. The McDowell horses are fam-
V ous wherever blue bloods are known. .
· Visit Transylvania, the oldest college west .
of the Alleghany Mountains, where they
— have one of the finest collections of old
' books in the United States. Stop at the city
_ lbirary on your way back to town, they
_ have much that will interest you to see and "
v ` profit you to read.
Notice the houses around Gratz Park.
g This is the old aristocratic section of Lex-
,3  ington. The big gray house at the corner
M was the home of General John H. Morgan,
5  whose statue stands on. the court house
j'  lawn. Have you read the romantic story of
_; "Morgan’s Men?" If you haven,t you have
  missed one of the prettiest true stories
it  about Kentuckians.
  When you have seen a few ot the beau-
  tiful old landmarks about Lexington, in-
 i cluding the cemetery and the Christ Church
 .: Cathedral, which Allen mentions in his
  "Flute and Violin," you will begin to ap-
  preciate Lexington as you never could from
Q.  the corner of Limestone and Main streets,
  and you will {ind in the quiet, southern
 jc atmosphere which haunts these places, all
  homesickness dispelled by the charm of the (
  antique. An understanding ofthe Lexing-
`;  ton that was, will enable you to better ap-
  preciate the Lexington that ls and with the
 ix joy of this discovery will come an energy
 1*: and inspiration before which college prob-
_:  lems will appear less gigantic. V
· _; ARTHUR L. HODGES, ’24.
 C ' .#

§    `      H ? ·
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 _ KENTUCKY HA1<1m=10oK 9
l For decades institutions like Harvard,
i Princeton and Yale have turned out alumni
said to bear an individualistic stamp, says
a supplement distributed with last week’s
j issue of the Kentucky Kernel publication of
{ the University.of Kentucky. In this letter,
T addressed to students and former students
of the university, Herbert Graham, secre-
V tary of the alumni association, writes:
{ Perhaps there is something about the `
"Kentucky Man" equally distinctive. What
. i is it or what should it be?
J The inquiry calls for reflection.
§ It applies not only to the university stu-
· dent of present or former years or to the
3 college men of the state. It includes all
% Kentuckians.
Undoubtedly there is a distinctive mark
’ about Kentuckians. Yet it is a difficult
t matter to attempt to draw a composite, to
‘ picture, to group the characteristics which
Y make them recognized by those of other
° sections, all in one. _
J The late Henry Watterson described the
i Kentuckian as a cross between the Gascon
* and the Corsican. The spirit of the Ken-
< tuckian indeed does bear resemblance to
3 that of the brave and adventerous D’Arta-
  gan and to 'that of the Little Corporal
~ { whose courage and ambition evoked world
gr { admiration, if they did cause regret, from
QH Austerlitz to Waterloo. ’ ’
  If physical characteristics, language and
§;‘ convictions are considered, however, one
-3**} must go to the Anglo—Saxon to find his
  comparisons. The Kentuckian ls more near-
¥}=’7y ly a. counterpart or the knights ot old
  than of that fiery Frenchman, adopted by
g ` the Three Musketeers as their companion
  of thevsword.
J J ’
~»  .

 · 10 Kmxrucxv Hnmizoox V
Prohibition and the safety razor have, to
an extent, called for a change in the former   b,
ideas of the Kentucky Colonel. The col- ` is
' onels, however, can see many of their char-_ 6,
acteristics reflected in the younger genera- a_
tion of Kentuckians. *
Glorious are the tradtiions to which Ken- Z h,
tuckians of this day must seek to live. High. j ia
indeed, are the marks set for them by their   st
predecessors and forbears. I K
, Why should any commentator need, seek-   S;
’ ing to find a type, to go back to romantic j A
` figures of the days when the Bourbons were ’ er
V on the throne of France or to the era when th
}'· on panoplied horses men in clumsy armor of
  rode the sunny vales of old England, search- j.
; ing for wrongs to right? ca
`r Those first Kentucklans who blazed a St,
trail through the wilderness and into a land ; bu
· of hope are the equals in fortitude, stern : of
_ vision and ingenious and energetic action  
of any characters history affords. Daniel   in
Boone ,first of the Kentuckians to win a : th
place in the American Hall of Fame, may 2  F,
have been a Carolinian when he came into j G!
L the "Dark and Bloody Ground" seeking wild ~  ch
{ life and finding more than he could have
‘ hoped for, but he left a Kentuckian,. Simon h
J Kenton, eight times made to run the Red  
1 Men’s gauntlet and three times tied to the tn
` stake to be burned alive, bows to none in gg
coolness or in courage, as is testified by the
 , fact that he lived to leave Kentucky later, ap
 , dissatisfied because things had "quieted S?]
} down too much" to please his fancy. pi
 3 Then, ln a later period there flashed . `
across the horizon an immortal band—Mor- *-01
gan and his men, noted for quick wit and Z
; coolness of action, baffling federal troops UM
Q by tapping telegraph wires, capturing ’  Sli
I horses and at one time traveling more than V tai
4 a thousand miles in twenty-four days and wh
2 fighting repeatedly on the way, losing less thi
A than ninety men, orc
· E

 Ksnrucxv I·IANmzooK 11
All Kentuckians have not been fighters,
Q but the typical Kentuckian, the character-
istic Kentuckian, is a man of fighting spirit,
even if he never doubles his fist or shoulders
a gun.
  A level head, a ready wif, a nimble
` hand—these are the heritage of Kentuck— V `
4 lans. As to speech, it is doubtful if any
E state has produced more or greater orators.
6 Kentuckians, it might be said are slow of
y speech, but not after the fashion of Aaron.
] A laziness of tongue, perhaps, makes them
I enunciate slowly, but it can not be said of
them that they do not talk much——an
` Tuition at the University of Kentucky is
. free. The following incidental fees are
Z charged each semester;
. College of Agriculture ................ $12.50
Q College of Arts and Sciences .......... $12.50 ii
é College ot Engineering .............. $15,00 I"
g College of Law ...................... $20.00 “
I And in addition $5.00 for student activi- ~ S
{ ties and athletic tickets. Vi
Medical fee, $1.00. Sl
; For late registration a special fee of $1.00 t
5 will be charged. ' rt
3 For transferring from one college to an- . h
i other five days or more after registration, f(
a fee of $2.00 will be charged. , ff
S Anyone desiring to change his schedule j W
T must do so within five days following regis—
I tration or pay $1.00. .
i For late classification a fee of $1.00 will
E be charged.
t Anyone desiring to matriculate after two
i weeks following the regular registration
{ period must first obtain the permission of
1 the heads of the department which he will
1 enter.
Y The following marking system is used at
  the University: K
A—Excellent. ` `
I B—Very Good.
` C——Good.
’ D—P00r but passing, .
‘ I—Inc0mplete. V
. J

Ksurucxv HANmzo0K 15
The point system is also used to obtain a
,,4 more accurate record of the student’s work.
In the point system:
» A—3 Points.
B—2 Points.
C—1 Point. ’
D—0 Points.
In every college, a standing of one or an
average of O is necessary for a student to
receive credit for his work. \
In case a. student receives I in his work,
which rngans incomplete, he is sometimes
. given a c ance to take another examination ‘  
within one month after the end of the
‘ semester.
V A student is required to have 120 credits .
to graduate from any college. A credit
represents one hour of recitation or two ‘
. hours of laboratory work a week, continued
for one semester. Most of the courses of- •
· fered are for three hours of recitation a -
week, thus giving three credits a. semester.
`   b

 16 KENTUCKY Hzmmzoox
It is a genuine pleasure to extend to you I
3 a word of greeting in the name of the pas-
 ~ tors of the city. I am sure that I express _ »
 { the sincere sentiment of each of them, just »
, as truly as I do my own, when I bid you a .
{ cordial welcome to Lexington and to the `
, University. And there is no group that we · .
‘ will be happier to see in our Sunday Schools · , ·
f and services of worship than you. j
} You are away from home. The whole-
i some and elevating influences of Qiat home `
f that you have left behind are, for the time,
1 withdrawn. How important it is, there-
‘ fore, that, at this time as never before, you ,
· should fortify yourselves with all the
i; forces and influences that will help you to .
| keep steady and true to the highest and
i most enduring things.
Look over the directory of the churches
in this handbook. Select the church of .
your choice and determine it’s location. On
. the very first Sunday that you are here ?
find your place in it‘s Sunday School and
1 service of worship. Then on Sunday after- y
noon write to your mother and tell her how ·
1 you have spent the day. Could you send
her any message that would make her
· heart more glad? l
E Many of our Sunday Schools provide spe- »
` cial classes for you with teachers especially ·
’ adapted to teach college men and women. ‘
. Seek out and introduce yourself to the pas- _,
tor of the church you attend. He will be I
glad to meet and know You personally. If Q"
’ at any time there are problems that you .
X want to discuss with us, we shall be glad  
I to regard your confidences and help you, if ;
iv it lies within our power. ` 
Q Pastor, First Methodist Church. ,_ 

 I \
Kmrrucicv HA1~1mzoo1< 11‘ {
you Ashland Baptist-—Ashland avenue. Rev.
>as- · Clarence Walker.
{ess . *First Baptlst——West Main and W. Short
mst streets. George Ragland, Ph. D.
lgha V *Calvary Baptist—High street and Rodes
9 avenue. Rev. T. C. Ecton. ‘_
We 'Immanuel Baptist——High and Woodland
mls ' · ` avenues. Rev. Walter Brock.
Porter Memorial Baptist—South Limestone
016- street. H. E. Gabby, D. D.
lmé * 'Central Christian—Short and Walnut V
U18, streets. Rev. A. W. Fortune.
ire- Broadway Christian--North Broadway. Rev.
YOU Mark Collis.
the Maxwell Christian—Maxwell and Mill `
to streets.
Mid Woodland Christian—High and Kentucky
~ avenues. Rev. Hayes Farish.
hes i  'Centenary Methodist Episcopal—North
of   Broadway. Rev. V. O. Ward.
On 'First Methodist South-E. High street.
mpg ; Rev. G. R. Combs.
and . Park Methodist South--East High and Clay
my- ~  avenue. Rev. J. E. Savage.
mw ; Jewish Synagogue——Maxwell street. Rabbi
end   J. Lowenthal.
hm- ; ’First Presbyterian-—North Mill street.
* 'Second Presbyterian——Ben Ali Theater.
;pe_ I Rev. B. J. Bush.
3-my =· 'Maxwell Presbyterian—Maxwell street. J.
len ` Archer Gray, D. D.
las;   Good Shepherd Eplsc0pal—E. Main and Bell
be   streets. Rev. T. L. Settle.
If z, *Chtist Church, Episcopal-Church and
you Q Market streets. Rev. R. K. Massie.
lad l St. Paul’s Catholic—W.‘ Short street. Rev.
if   L. de Waegenaere.
’ ,  St. Peter’s Catho1ic—N. Limestone street.
.  Rev. W. T. Punch.
  *Have special student cIa.sses—Su.nday
1. ·‘; School.

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18 I Kmwucxv HANDBOOK I ·  '
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Presbyterian (
1 Church  
  (Ben Ali Theater)  ’
  Special Classes for Students  (  _
  S. A. (Daddy) Boles, Teacher {
`  Meet in the Theater 10:00 a. m.  iT"
  Morning Service, 11:00 a. m.  
I U ( Young Peoples’ Meeting, 5:30 p. m. W 

 I `
_  E Kmrrucxv Hmqueoozc 21
s   r
The Su·Ky Circle, organized in Septem-
ber, 1920, at the suggestion of S. A.·
("Daddy") Boles, is a rather unique organ-
V ization, yet in many ways the most active
. one on the campus. Its purpose is to cre-
ate among the students a stronger, more
systematic school spirit. This circle is com-
posed of some of the most active men and
women ln the university, who have the in-
] terests of the University at heart and de-
, vote no small part of their time to the
- cause. They help with the publicity for
. all athletic contests, lead the cheering at ·
‘ the games, give the Wildcats an enthusiastic
`~ send-off when leaving {town, encourage
  * them with delegates on foreign fields, and
give them a hearty welcome on their re-
· turn. They provide entertainment for vis-
· iting teams during tournaments and make
i their stay here enjoyable. The above men-
V  tioned duties are by no means the sole af-
 Jl fairs of the Su—Ky Circle, but should be
» the affair of every loyal student. However.
 _? it is well to have the appointed leaders in ·
  the organization rdlrect affairs. . ,
{ This is an organization of students who l
r are interested in the study of dramatics.
Y Opportunity is given to all who, wish to
q practice, and at the annual try outs held ,
;  on Hallowe’en night or "Amateur Night,"‘
 .3 the most promising are selected as Stroller g
~ candidates. Each spring the Strollers pre- ,
·  sent a play, usually giving two perform- `
· ances in Lexington and a number out of
town. These plays are very ably presented
and well attended. It is a noteworthy fact
I V that these plays are directed and presented
[ , entirely by University students. Even the

 I 22 Kmwucxcv Hzmmzoox -  
  F`tMI|1d`tBhh L
High Street, Near Upper  L
.5 Sunday School 9:45 A. M. :
  PROF. W. E. NICHOLS, Supt. i
  MORNING WORSHIP—11:00 a. m. A 
; EPWORTH LEAGUE-6:30 p. m. ` _
  EVENING WORSHIP-7:30 p. m. ’ I
*   O  I
 3 Specml Classes 3
z? `
  A Live Epworth League _ 
2 J .

 _   Ksurucxy Hnxvnooiz 23
:   scenery and costumes are made in the art
 Y department of the University under the di-
rection of Professor Sax.- The Strollers
have a room in the basement ot the Science
Building and also the Little Theatre in
I VVhite Hall which is the laboratory where
short plays are given betorelimited audi-
ences. The Little Theatre season comes in
' the spring of each year. About six plays
V are given in this series. They are attended
_ by both students and town people. Special
Y rates are made to students buying season
. tickets.
j The University has a radio station due
_ to the energetic work of several students
, and professors of electricity in the College
of Engineering. These men have organized
a radio club and hold weekly meetings for
Q the discussion ot subjects pertaining to
` wireless telegraphy and telephoning. They
‘ receive messages and hear lectures and con-
' certs from distant points in the United
‘ States and also send messages considerable
j distances.
`  The radio station, located in the rear of `
_ Mechanical Hall, is a small two-story brick ‘
4  building. The club room occupies the lower
_' floor, while upstairs is the transmitting ap-
paratus and a duplicate receiver. This year
( athletic results will be sent out from the
.  The Music Department of the University
` was organized only a few years ago but has
. grown very rapidly under the able direction , `
‘ .  ot Prof. Carl Lampert. The largest organi- r
zation under Music Department is the
Choral Club, composed ot those students de- ,
Y siring to cultivate their vocal talents. It p
lm presents an opera each year in Lexington  
In · and neighboring towns. Those having been g

 g 24 Kmwucxv HANDBOOK-  `
A Central C.
A Ch `éti Ch rch til  
I'1 2lIl I1  i t,
Short and Walnut Streets   3
  A. W. Fortune, Ph- D., Pastor.  
  W. S. Harsell, Assistant Pastor    
L ` OI
§ Morning Worship-11:00 a. m. ` · 'sli
  Evening Worship—7:30 p. m. .  b=
2 »  W
 i 1 Z;
 i   ¤‘
  Thus having a church home while  ,   
  in Lexington  ij   iz
 9 r ` ·
  Church Sch0o|—9:45 a. m.  F `  
'{   xi cz
  spzcmi. s·ru¤EN1· CLASSES   i al
 ,'   C(
  Young Peoples’ Meeting-—A Cordial i ` E
  Welcome to Students Q  
3 W 4 EZ

presented so far are in order since 1920,
"Robin Hood," "The Mikad0" and "Ermine."
Several of the most talented male singers
compose the men’s glee club. They give
` many concerts every year in Lexington, be-
sides making a tour lasting for one week,
  giving concerts in other towns and cities in
 i the state. Features of their concerts are
.€ the Male Quartet and the Syneopated Saxa-
  phone Sextet, which always receives much
·i applause.
g.  The Cadet Band furnishes music for all
.·__  the military activities. It also plays at the
‘  important football games of the season,
”* often accompanying the team on their trips.
V · The Kentucky order of march on entering ·
Stoll Field has become renowned. The
{  band precedes,.led by an intrepid leader
_  with a silk tasseled baton along enough for
A an alpenstock. Next; walks the standard
. bearers with the silk banner of Kentucky’s
colors. An animal tamer next follows with
 . a raging wlldcat on the othenend of a ten
 ,·-· foot pole. The wildcats follow the mascot
i  5 upon the field. At this patricular time the
_ ] Su-Ky Circle.jumps upon a box and de-
  5 mands that the crowd "wake up and show
Q. =' some pep." Needless to_say he is not heard
 _~   for the crowd is already upon its feet yell-
. ing and thismixed with the harmony of
 .- the band and the cries of the raging wild-
V  `g cat drowns out for an instant the patriotic
`  il appeal of the Su-Ky Circle. {
,  . Freshman, it is a. great school you_have p {
 '   come to and you cannot witness this im- i i
  9 pressive ceremony without feeling a loyalty   j
 _. for the school of your choice if you have  
. the true spirit of the college man. All §
. basic course men in the R. O. T. C. are ’
‘ given credit for band practice instead ot s _ .
· drill. All other studentsiare welcomed into ` Q I
» the band so long as instruments last. ~    
¢ ‘ I

 [ 26 Kemucxv Hnwnook Q
Ch ` t Church
gl (Protestant Episcopal)
  Market, Upper and Church Streets. E 
  Very Rev. R. K. Massie, D. D., Dean *
iii C
i ` . .
eg YOU  
  Are Cordially Invited tc Attend the ·  i
  · ·h» 
  StL1d€I‘1tS ‘ g
  _ Bible Class   I
 1; wmci-1 MEETS i
'“ EVERY SUNDAY Momuwc *
  and All the Other Services of  
` This Church  

 Ksxrucxv Hammoox 27
and _ V /
I- The orchestra made up of several of the
. best musicians of the University, furnishes ay;
music for various functions in chapel and `
also gives special Sunday afternoon pro-
grams during the early spring.
In the College of Engineering,rthere are
branch chapters, two national engineering
organizations for seniors. One of these, the
American Institute of Electrical Engineers,
is for electrical engineering majors, and the
, other, The American Society of Mechanical
‘ Engineers, for those majoring in Mechanical
g Engineering. Monthly meetings are held
_  for the reading of different technical jour-
q nals and their discussion.
Each year the freshman class in the col—
V lege of Engineering organizes a society of
its own and keeps it throughout the four
` years. At these meetings general topics of
, interest to beginners are discussed and very
i interesting lectures are sometimes given by
. faculty members and others.
·  The Brooks Civil Engineering Society
* holds regular meetings for the discussion of
. technical subjects. This society was named
  in honor of a former Dean of the College.
; { 4

 ./I ‘ V
{ 28 Q KENTUCKY` Hzmmzoox Q A _
5 |lIlIlllIlIlIllIlIlIIIlIlIIlllllllllllllllllllllllll A
Forget School! Remember Mother!
The First Baptist Church I
  George Ragland, Ph. D., Pastor .
E West Main and West Short Streets,
 gl? _ __ ·
  9:45 a. m., Sunday School. Special
  Classes for University Students.
  11:00 a. m.—Morning Worship. ;
 Ll 6:30 p. m.—B. Y. P. U.  
  7:30 p. m.—Evening Worship.   I
  7:30 p. m.—Mid-week Prayer Service.
ii All evening services during the sum-
L mer 15 minutes later. I I
,» "In the Heart of the Blue Grass; _
after the Hearts of Lexi11gt011," the  
=· First Baptist Church is interested in  
  you. "Come, let us worship together? A I
I llllllllllllllllllllllllllIlIIllllllllllllllllllllll I

Arts and Science _
Boys .... . ........................ 197
Girls ` .................. ; .......... 145
‘ —Sophomores——
BOYS ............................. 130
Girls ................ . ............ 104
' —Juuiors·—
Boys ............................. 89
Girls ............................. 88
Boys ........... . ....... V .......... 54
` Girls ...,......................... V 48
` Agriculture
. Boys ............................. 27
Girls . . . ....................... . . . 25
2 Boys ........ , . . . .· ................. 27
Girls . ............................ 28
—Juui0r— `
Boys ........................... ·. . 34 _
. Girls . .......... ‘ ....... ’ ........... 30
, ` #Senior——
 ,; Boys ............. . . ....... . ...... 26
{ Girls ............................. 16
°  Engineers ` A
. Freshmen . ....................