xt763x83kd0b_5 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83kd0b/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83kd0b/data/2009ua001.dao.xml University of Kentucky. Student Affairs 1.4 Cubic feet archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky K Books College students--Kentucky. Handbooks Students--Kentucky--Lexington. 1915-1916 text 1915-1916 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83kd0b/data/2009ua001/2009ua001_1/2009ua001_1_4/1915-1916_001_l/1915-1916_001_l.pdf 1915-1916 1916 1915-1916 section false xt763x83kd0b_5 xt763x83kd0b KEN'E`UG§iY  
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 gr ’+v—*;*‘+*;; {
{Service means much to the
K. S. U. man Who wants to ·.
{ ; see his dollar count for all it’s
  worth—- ·
  , {The service store is the rew-
  ing store— . r
  {\Ve serve you by giving you ? ‘
  courteous treatment, fair ei
  prices and the unqualified - A
§ guarantee of this firm on every
g article you buy.
  yi {_VVe make you feel at home
y 1H our store.
E ' Incorporated .
i   115 East Main Street LEXINGTON, KY. .
{ _*`—`;`T — · E.
.l .  

   k Ki
—-——-——-———;———;- 4
S'I`0RE Inc
233 West Short Street
(Opposite Court House) `
— l
Q xt
Bring us your checks to cash-
_ the place to feel at home. Text
_ Books bought, sold and ex-
. _ changed. Pennants made to
p order. We make all of our pen- ·
Z' nants. Orders filled within a
J few days. Kodak Supplies, #
Fountain Pens, Tablets and all
Students’ Supplies.
. Q és
Manager `
S h " `— · -
L \

 7 » n n f
~ \ ' W L
$ *2 ,4
2 Name ........ 4 .....V.V ., VV......._.............,..,.,.,.. . ..,......,,..4. , ,_,_._, *
Address .............4...................... . ..... ,. ..4.........................
College ...........l............................ . .........r   ,r,.......,......,
In casa of accident notify ..,......r. . V. V..V,..,....
Clubs ..... . ...........,.........r...... . ..rV....r,....,..........,....,..........,....
Class .........................................................V.....rV.......V...........


 'Ghe I
of the
EDW. A. BLACKBURN, Business Manager

 i _ 1
s Dedication
l To those who love our commonwealth
and cherish her traditions and those of
her great institution of learning, we
dedicate this little volume with a solemn
feeling of our obligation and with the
hope that it may be of some help to
i those who enter here. _

 My Dear Young Friends:
· Permit me to welcome you to “State",
E and to express the hope that you will .
r be of great assistance to it, and that ‘
it will be of great assistance to you in
the coming year.
A university is what its students
make it—good, had, or indifferent; it
reflects their conduct and character from
the surface of its reputation in the
{ educational world, Your conduct then
means a great deal to your Alma Mater.
May I not hope that you will bear this
in mind and that the light of your good .
influence will burn with a steady flame
on the campus during the whole of the
coming session.
You have come here to get an educa-
tion. Do not waste your time in idle~
ness, vice or sensuality. The past is
gone; the future has not arrived; the
l present alone is yours. Seize on its
_ every opportunity and improve its every
hour. Connect yourself with some
church and attend divine worship regu-
larly, and let your example be, always,
for good.
I conclude this letter to you, which
comes with my sincerest interest and
love, with the splendid words of the
psalmist, which I commend to you as
the embodiment of divine wisdom:

E .
{ "Blessed is the man that walketh not l`
g in the counsel of the ungodly, nor  
standeth in the way of sinners, nor
_ _ sitteth in the seat of the scornful. “
? "But his delight is in the law of the V
z ` Lord, and in his law doth he meditate
  day and night.
Q “A11d he shall be like a tree planted
l by the rivers of water, that bringeth
V forth its fruit in its season; his leaf
i also shall not wither; and whatsoever
l he doeth shall prosper.
i "'I`he ungodly are not so, but are
{ like the chaff which the wind clriveth
V away.
J "Thereforc the ungodly shall not
Q stand in the judgment, nor sinners in
  the congregation of the righteous.
l "For the Lord knoweth the way of
Q the righteous; but the way of the un-
  godly shall perish."
“, Very sincerely your friend, »*
V President.

 , H 1
Kiznrucrcy Hnmisoox ll 3
  The University i r
l The University of Kentucky is located in
the former City Park, on a site commanding
a good view of Lexington, a growing city of
{ practically forty thousand inhabitants, the
center of the famous Blue Grass.
Numerous schools and churches, a generally
intelligent and refined populace, well paved
streets, a good water works and an excellent
system of street electric railways, with interur-
ban lines branching throughout the Blue
Grass, make Lexington an ideal seat of learn-
Frankfort, the capital, an attractive little
city nestling among thee hills, that won the
admiration of no less a personage than Marquis
de Lafayette when he paid a visit to Ken-
tucky, can easily be reached either by interur·
ban or by the railroad. Natural Bridge and
the Kentucky River at High Bridge offer ex·
cellent excursions.
A campus with fifty-two acres, that will be
more picturesque in a few years, than at
.present, buildings, that, though many are
somewhat unattractive, are the scenes of many
activities in research and other lines of en-
»— deavor, at once offer themselves to the eye of
even the casual passer-by. t
Administrative Oiiicers
_ Henry Stites Barker, LL.D., President
Deans of Colleges
Frederick Paul Anderson, Dean of the Col;
lege of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,
Director of the Experimental Engineering
Laboratories and Professor of Mechanical
Charles Ioseph Norwood, M.S., Dean of the
College of Mines and Metallurgy and Professor
of Mining and Metallurgy.

 / /\/NLE.;   itil    w 3 A  
  12 Kzaxrvcxy Hiwoaoorc _
I ”—`—`————`—
i VValter Ellsworth Rowe, C.E., Dean of the
_ College of Civil Engineering and Professor of
{ Civil Engineering.
j Arthur McQuiston Miller, A.M., Dean of
· the College of Arts and Science and Professor »
l of Geology.
a William Thornton Laiferty, AAI., Dean of
the College of Law and Professor of Law and
joseph Hoeing Kastle, Ph.D., Director of _
Experiment Station and Dean of the College
of Agriculture.
I Dean of the Graduate School `
Alexander St. Clair Mackenzie, M.A.,
g Litt.D., LL.D., Dean of the Graduate School
and Professor of English.
Dean of Women
Anna Jackson Hamilton, ILA., Dean of
Women and Associate Professor of English.
I Dean of Men
· Columbus Rudolph Melcher, A.M., Dean of
g · Men and Professor of German.
f Umversity Calendar _
{ 1915
Y September 8, 9, 10, 11, VVednesday, Thurs- ` (
 V day, Friday, Saturday, Examinations for en- { ’
» trance. i
; September 8, 9, 10, 11, Wednesday, Thurs- ,
‘ day, Friday, Saturday, Examinations to remove (
 Y conditions. ‘ i
l September 13, 14, Monday, Tuesday, Regis- · f
i tration. ‘
. September 15, \rV·ednesday, Instruction be- I
{ gun.
3 September 23, Thursday, Last day for any I
· change in course without payment of fee.  '
' October 8, Friday, Alumni reception to new » P

 _ Keurucxv HAN¤Boor< 13
November 25, 26, 27, 28, Thursday to Mon-
day, Thanksgiving holiday.
November 26, Friday, Alumnae Luncheon. ,
A November 29, Monday, Instruction resumed. /
» ’ December 3, Friday, Barker Trophy.
December 4, Saturday, Assoc. Kentucky
College. `
December 14, Tuesday, Board of Trustees
meets. ,
December 17, Friday, Intersociety Debate.
J December 23, 1915 to January 3, 1916 in-
clusive, Thursday to Monday inclusive, Christ-
mas Holidays. ‘
January 4, Tuesday, Instruction resumed.
January 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Monday to Saturday
inclusive, Farmers’ Week.
January 3 to 8, Monday to Saturday, Ex-
aminations to remove conditions.
January 24 to 29, Monday to Saturday,
Final examinations, Hrst semester.
January 31, Monday, Registration for second
February 1, Tuesday, Instruction resumed.
February 5, Saturday, Last day for engag-
ing rooms in Dormitory.
I February 22, Tuesday, VVashington’s Birth- I
February 22, Tuesday, Barker Prize. I
March 25, Saturday, Patterson Literary V
~ Society Contest.
f March 30, Thursday, Last day for receiving
theses for higher degrees in Agriculture, Arts
and Science.
, April 13, Thursday, Last day for contestants
, in Henry Clews Japanese Society Contest to
= nie papers. *
_ April 21, Friday, Inspection Day. i
j April 21, Friday, Arbor Day.
April 29, Saturday, Last day for receiving }
 . Engineering Theses for higher degrees.
May 8 to 13, Monday to Saturday inclusive,  
Examinations to remove conditions. Q

 ' 14 KaN1·uc19]( I      
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I Lt/In-`UZ.:4 In-oi·tion_ of
the young women w 0 atten t e niversity.
S The Association has a igiom at Pétttegson Hag],
'* where meetings are he each .un ay nig t.
These meetings have proved very helpful in

 ~ 22 Kmrrucrcv Hnxmaoox
the past and much care is taken in arranging
‘ interesting and helpful programs.
Last year the social committee headed by
Miss Rebecca Smith assisted materially in
getting the old girls and new girls acquainted
by a party given in honor of the new girls
soon after the beginning of school. The old
girls acted as escorts for the new and it was
the business of each old girl to "rush" the ‘
girl she was "dragging" and see that she
had a good time. Later in the year many
other social affairs were arranged by this
committee which added to the pleasures of
college life for the Freshmen. ,
Social Service
Q Under the direction of the Social Service
Committee, valuable uplift work was done by
_ many of the girls at the University and in
‘ the city. The Y. VV. C. A. supplied teachers
. to the \Vesley House, a home for girls, and, ·
, gymnasium instructors for the children of
4 Lincoln School. Some have taken it as their
regular duty to visit the Orpha¤s’ Home and
` the Old Ladies’ Home. Several are teaching
in Mission Sunday Schools on Sunday after-
noon. For the benefit of the girls who wished
to study social service seriously, the Eight
\\'eeks Club was organized with this as its
object. -
Bible Study
~ During the Hrst semester last year Bible
study classes were conducted by Professor ·
Melcher and Judge Chalkley, two of the most `
able men on the faculty. After the end of
‘ these classes a mission study class was or-
ganized with ,Professor Henry, of Transyl»
vania, as. instructor. These classes both
proved very helpful.
A number of the girls were sent by the
Association as delegates to the Y. VV. C. A. _
conference held at Black Mountain, North V 
V Carolina, in June. "

Kizxrucxy Hzmmzooic 23
ig _ New Secretary ,
V All of the members of the Association will
$1 he glad to know that this year there_wi1l be
_d a Y, VV. C. A. secretary for the University.
is This position will be held by Miss Mabel
d Pollitt, of Vanceburg, who graduated in 191_3
IS and since then has held the responsible posi-
lc tion of Principal of the high school of Vance-
le burg. Miss Pollitt will also have the position
, of instructor in the Department of Languages
é and will work for her_ Mast~er’s degree.
A The Y. W. C. A. girls always do all they
can to make the new arrivals feel at home and
if you are in doubt about what to do, little
stranger, just ask one of the "Y." girls and
she will do all she can to help you out. You
6 A will do well to join the Y. W. C. A. im-
\, mediately and take an active part in its work.
s . ‘
%_ Athleucs
t- Athletics in the University of Kentucky this
{ year will probably be the best and most suc-
; cessful in the history of the institution. Dr.
. ]no. I. Tigert, as Athletic Director assisted
[ by ]ames "Turkey" Park and William
; "Squirrely" Tuttle, is expected to build up
; some creditable teams to represent the Blue
and VVhite.
It seems that the lighting spirit of the
, \Vildcats will be redoubled this year, which
e ~ coupled with the support of every "State"
· , student ought to win most of the games on
, l the schedule for the year. The following ex-
' cellent review of athletics was prepared by
` our Director of Athletics:
"A strong effort will be made in the season
of 1915-16 to make athletics at the University
more successful than in the past both from
the standpoint of clean sport and with respect
to winning games. Every year brings some
` increase in the interest shown in good, whole-
 W some sport, and the better treatment of visit-

 J-  ii'
- 24 Kmrrucxv HANDBOOK
ing teams has been developed more and more.
"Some progressive steps have already been _
_ taken which will insure better conditions, chief
_ , among which is the improvement of the old
` field. In years past, the loyal sons of Ken- V
~ tucky who have achieved honor for their Alma
. Mater on the gridiron have been compelled ·
' to struggle in an arena that included the base-
ball diamond, sometimes thick with dust, ‘
sometimes deep in mire, sometimes hard as
adamant—at all times unfavorable for good
football. Next season there will be a beauti-
ful sodded gridiron, exclusive of the baseball
field, on which all games will be played. In
. addition, two gridirons in the outfield of the
baseball ground will be available for practice.
~ Another feature of the football season is
the new schedule, arranged by ]oe D. Turner, ~
i which is the most attractive the University V 
has ever had, and possibly the strongest
` schedule that will be played by any southern
5 "A third feature of the football season will
; ` be the excellent coaching staff, which has
1 been greatly strengthened by the addition of
g James Park and William Tuttle, two of the
best all·round athletes and finest ty es of men
who have ever worn the Blue and €Nhite. V-
“Although very few of the old men will re·
turn to renew their gridiron battles, prospects
are about as good as well could be, consider- '
ing the fact that a new machine must be
· built from green material. Last year’s Fresh- __
man team will form the nucleus of a strong  Tg
` ’Varsity team in 1915,  e
"As yet, no baseball and basketball sched- lr
ules have been made. The track team will -
_ probably go to Vanderbilt to try to redeem  
themselves from the great drubbing handed 4
them by the Commodores at Lexington last _·
season. i
"The baseball and basketball schedules will j
doubtless be enlivened by the renewal of re- ` 
lations with some of the Kentucky colleges,
who have not played with the University for _

Kzxrucxy Hammoox Z5
»re. several years. Georgetown College resumed g
zen such relations last spring by entering into a
iief rlual track meet.
old "From many angles, therefore, this year
en- should be a big year in athletics at the Uni-
ma versity. Let everyone join in and boost, and
led may there be no sound from the ancient anvil
se- ( ehorus." JN0. ]. Tmiam.
  ' 1915 Wildcat Fights
od The 1915 football fights in which the \\'ild-
ti- cats will be piloted by Captain Charles C.
all "Dutch" Schrader follow:
In Oct. 2—Butler College at Lexington.
he Oct. 9—Earlham College at Lexington.
:e. Oct. 16——Mississippi A. & M. College at
is Columbus, Miss. (One of the strongest teams
er, ~ in the South.) _
ty ‘ Oct. 23—L`nivers1ty of the South (Sewanee)
ast at Lexington. (Defeated Vanderbilt last year.)
rn Oct. 30—University `of Cincinnati at Lex-
ington. (Claimant of Ohio Conference
ill championship.)
as Nov. 6—University of Louisville at Louis-
of ville. (A strong contender for Kentucky
he championship.)
ey; Nov. l3—Purdue University at Lexington.
. (The first Vilestern Conference team to play
·e- in Kentucky.)
cts Nov. 26~—Thanksgiving—-University of Ten-
;r. nessee at Lexington. (Champions of thc
be South.)
{lg ~  Pleasant Thoughts
It usually rains on the night of a dance,
§l· V if you are “broke."
iu The "iirst of the month" with the welcome
m “thin note" from home, does not come as
id often as it might. A splendid arrangement
Sli . would be for the "first" to come twice a month.
_ ‘* Two-four is always busy when you are in a
ill  3, hurry.
€· —  Of course your rival always comes to you
5, ` first with a r1o·break.
>F V _ Do you think you would pass with father?

 7 26 Kezcrncxy HANm200K __
Wildcat Yells
Su·Ky-Ky~Ky an
Su-Ky·Ky-Ky pr
Hip! Hi! Hip! Hi! im
Yell! Yell! Su-Ky! oc
V Fifteen for State gg
Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! dg
Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah!
Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah!
State! State! State!
Nine for Team hi
‘ Rah! Rah! Rah! ga
_ Rah! Rah! Rah! la
Rah! Rah! Rah! ar
Team! Team! Team! al
Sky Rocket ot
(Shyill \Yhistle) B00m! Ah-h—h! Kentucky Er?
l State! ‘
` Tiger
R-r-r-rah! Kentucky ! Rah !
Locomotive cl
Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Kentucky State! Ken- O!
tucky State! V‘
Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Kentucky State! Ken- T
tucky State! al
Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Kentucky State! Ken- it
. tucky State! fi
Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Kentucky State! Ken- Y!
tucky State! ‘ !‘
(Long yell)
V (Yell slow at f1rst, increasing gradually in .
_ speed) 11
Siren ti
Gr-r-r-r·r·r 0-0-0·0-0-0·0·0·O-O·O!!!! A vs
(Ending in shriek) g
Gr-r·r—r-r-r 0-0-0-0·0·0-¤—o-O-O-Ol!!! s
Kentucky! Kentucky! Kentucky! . 11
Funeral Yell . E
(Ending in wail) V

 . V \
‘ `
Krzxrocxv HANm1oo1< 27
Publications of the University are varied
and numerous, offering a field for a host of ~
prolific writers, with the opportunity of learn-
ing the noble art of wielding the pen. An
occasional streak of sarcasm pervading the
otherwise dignified air of all these publications
only lends spice to their reading matter, but
does not increase the subscription list.
Kentucky Kernel
As the successor or reincarnation of the
Idea the Kentucky Kernel will probably prove a
popular feature. Appearing on Thursday of
each week, this little sheet, which may be en-
larged this year, contains news of the alumni
and students of the University, summarizing
also all student activities and with notes of
other institutions also. Each student, upon
kv mat;-iculation and payment of the required fee
‘ becomes a subscriber to this paper.
The Kentuckian
Compiled and published by the gradiating
class, the Kcntuckian is the annual publication
n. of the University, a valuable and attractive
volume devoted to activities of the students.
n. The book is off the press and for sale usually
about June 1. An assistant Editor-in-chief
.,1, and assistant Business Manager are chosen
from the Junior class each year, who become
,,1. _ the Editor and Manager respectively the fol-
lowing year.
· Varsity Handbook
m · This little volume is generally known as the
, Freshrnan’s Encyclopedia, containing informa-
tion helpful to each new arrival at the time
A when he or she is much in need of such a
guide. As the new recruit’s Baedeker it
serves the purpose both of a "Bible" and a
notebook. It is presented by the Young Men’s
_ Christian Association to each student on
matriculation in September.

· JT
ZS Kswrucicy I-Izrxmzoorc
The Transit is a technical journal compiled
and published by the "Civils" devoted mostly
to technical news and papers on technical
Law Journal t
The young barristers of the University edit
a journal devoted to news and papers on legal
topics. It is published monthly.
There are nine men’s general fraternities in
the University and five women’s fraternities.
· They exist with the idea of bringing together
` those who seek closer friendship and associa- ·
{ tion than is found in an unorganized group,
j to stimulate better and more earnest work
. among the students and to cultivate to a cer-
~ tain extent the social side of college life.
I The number of fraternity men and women
, in the University is necessarily limited, be-
{ cause of the small number of chapters of
i fraternities in the Universit and the limited
` number of members of eacfii No man need
feel ashamed if at the end of the first few
days or weeks or even a year, he is not
"asked" to become a member of one of them.
Each man, who feels the inclination to be-
come a "fraternity man" should be stimulated
. to do earnest work in every line, for that
` ` is the deep—rooted principle ori which fra- .
ternities are founded. Each girl might do well
to remember that the same thing may be ‘
applied to a woman’s fraternity. `
` Be independent and bide your time, is that ,
· advice handed down by older and more ex· '
perienced persons. If you are "wanted" you ’
will be "asked." Never broach the subject
to one who is a `member of a fraternity. Secret V
societies are based on the principle that they .
shall be “secret" and the secret sign by
` which one member is known to the other is
not supposed to be understood by any other. _

 Kmrruexy Himiniaoox 29
The old maxim of mind your own business
»iled is truly applicable here. It is true that the
lstly nonfraternity _man or woman may have the
lical ` respect, admiration and friendship of any
truly representative _member of a fraternity,
· which ought to convince anyone that there is
edit no barrier between those who are members
Egal and those who are not.
Men’s Fraternities
The nine general men’s fraternities now in
the Universitly are:
. Kappa Alp a.
l. m Sigma Chi.
ifS· Sigma Alpha Epsilon,
.€r Phi Delta Theta.
gi'?   Kap7pIa Alpha.
· igma . u. 4
Ork · Kappa Sigma.
cel" Alpha Tau Omega.
l h`.
neu De ta C 1 I
be- Women’s Fraternities _
Of The women’s fraternities,