xt763x83kd0b_40 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83kd0b/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83kd0b/data/2009ua001.dao.xml University of Kentucky. Student Affairs 1.4 Cubic feet archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky K Books College students--Kentucky. Handbooks Students--Kentucky--Lexington. 1955-1956 text 1955-1956 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83kd0b/data/2009ua001/2009ua001_2/2009ua001_2_15/2009ua001_2_15_2/15680/15680.pdf 1955-1956 1956 1955-1956 section false xt763x83kd0b_40 xt763x83kd0b . M ,,/`6//'*\»,_  .. JA H-. ,;¤· . EQ fpv       """ g a` >
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Our college ero hos become one ot odventure, trovel, ond
tours. Eoch yeor dozens ot young college students embork upon
journeys to other countries to study in the universities there. Betore
going they study thoroughly the country to which they ore going.
While there they tour the college compus ond other surrounding
As new college students, however, you ore probobly not pre—
pored iust yet to eorn o scholorship to tc1l _ ___ r   · 3. la.  Wy;
**A,_. , ‘ ` ‘ < —;-~·\.¢¤°·;— — —. ln .·`~3;s.»··* .u _ Q
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Before going on the four yeor or just one yeor tour of UK, you
will undoubtedly wont to know its rich history ond long troditions.
You now will be moking history os you go on the UK tour; perhops
it is history thot will go into the moking of the UK Centenniol
celebrotion in l965. Mony before you too hove helped moke
The first UK history wos mode in l865 when Kentucky Uni-
versity wos outhorized by the Kentucky Legisloture, The Assem—
bly chortered the Agriculturol ond Mechonicol College os o port
of Tronsylvonio College ond Bocon College. John Bowmon plonned
the merger ond ot the some time with the merger wos oble to get
funds from the Morill Act. Thirteen yeors loter, divorced from
Tronsylvonio, the Agriculture ond Mechonicol College first received
full support from the Stote.
Kentucky University become known os the Stote University of
Kentucky in l908. This yeor olso sow the estoblishment of the

 Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Agriculture, and Engineering. ln
l9l6 the school became the present University of Kentucky.
Today the University has a College of Arts and Sciences, a
College of Agriculture and Home Economics, a College of Engineer-
ing, a College of Law, a College of Education, a College of Com-
merce, a College of Pharmacy, and a College of Adult and Ex·
tension Education. ln addition to these colleges there are two
schools, Graduate School and the School of Journalism. There is
also a College of Medicine officially established, but awaiting
State funds to be translated into reality. These offer more than
3,000 different courses and over l6OO different courses are offered
in one semester.
Outstanding faculty, staff members, and administrative leaders
have made it possible for your UK to grow into what it is today.
Over 7OO professors, lecturers, instructors, research workers, and
technicians are at UK today. There are also 425 state field
extensions workers, county, and home demonstration agents and
many more secretaries, clerks, and laborers.
Approximately lOO men whose homes have been UK have
been listed in Who’s Who ln America. There have also been a
large group ofthe University listed in Leaders in Education and in
American Men of Sciences.
Any touring guide will mention names such as Patterson,
fv‘icVey, Bowman, Breckinridge, Barker, and Donovan in connection
with well known men at the University in both present and past
Today the UK campus is a small community within the heart
of Lexington. The campus has over lOO acres with more than 5O
major buildings and numerous lesser ones on it. The on-campus
enrollment is over 5,000 students. The enrollment with the Col-
lege of Pharmacy and Northern Extension Center included is
almost 7,000. An experiment station farm of 65O acres also ad-
joins the campus. This farm also has sub—stations at Princeton,
Ky. and Quicksand. This present campus is quite an improvement
over the 769 students enrolled in l870. Since l865 the University
has enrolled more than 80,000 students, conferred over 27,000
degrees, and has more than 5,000 active alumni members.
More and more buildings are being added to the campus each
year. Plans are all ready under way to plan how the University
l 5

° should be in l965 at its Centennial Celebration. Every attempt is
  being made by the administrators and faculty to reach this goal.
 1 Tradition takes its hold on students more and more as they
nearly complete the tour of UK. Some traditions will be made by
I you and others will be carried on by you. Some seemingly true
traditions at the time are merely fads and they will come and go.
Several decades ago the racoon coat, the flapper skirts, and
berets and the hand cranked convertibles were the fad of the cam-
pus. Today these have been replaced with the bermuda shorts, the
_ Dior dresses, and the Ford Thunderbirds.
Some "student activities" which are history have been tradi-
_ tions at time, but have gradually passed from existence, These
include the old tug—o-war, the annual St. Patrick's day baptism of
i Patterson’s statue with green paint, the custom of each graduating
class painting their class year on one of the campus buildings, and
many others.
Those things which may become traditions in time are the
commencement weekends with commencement on Monday instead
of Friday, the voting of the honor system which failed by a 4 to l
student vote, and the winning of the beer keg from Tennessee for
the first time in l8 years in l953.
One of the traditions which is still traveling year after year is
the nickname "Wildcat". The name was born in l909 in a speech
made by Commandant Carbusier, then head of the military de-
partment of the old State University. The Commandant was ad-
dressing a chapel audience of students on the showing of the Ken-
tucky football team in defeating Illinois 6-2 when he said "they
fought like Wildcats." The name took hold and spread by word of
i V mouth and by the press. This is the first and only nickname that
Kentucky athletic teams have ever had.
Some of the students that have toured UK in the past did not
have to go to Africa to see a wildcat. The University was presented
a live Kentucky wildcat in l947. "Colone|" was a gift to SUKY,
student pep organization. The mascot made his appearance at all
l home games, but at the end of the season year before last
"Colonel" was retired to the fish and wildlife preserve at Frankfort.
There have also been other wildcats at various times in the past.
Other traditions at UK are the school colors, and Stoll Field
and McLean Stadium. The colors are blue and white. Officially .

 they are Yale blue and white, but in the days when the school was
known as the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky
the colors were "Stoll blue" and white. Back in the l890’s a group
of Kentucky football stalwarts met to choose their school colors.
Someone suggested blue and white—"blue like Dick Stoll’s neck-
tie"-and the colors were thus.
Dick Stoll later became a prominent alumnus and trustee of
the University. Stoll Field, the present stadium playing area, was
dedicated in honor of Stoll. The Stadium proper, McLean Stadium,
was dedicated in the memory of Price McLean regular center on
the l923 Wildcat football team, who died November 7, l923, as
a result of injuries suffered the day before in a football game with
the University of Cincinnati.

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What government controls your country now is one of the first
questions any American student studying abroad asks and wants
to know. The same question may appropriately be asked about
UK before a student begins a tour that will be so important here.
Actually it may be said there are two groups that govern the
UK students and make policies. One group is the administrative
group which includes your Board of Trustees, president and other
officials, and your various deans.
Student Government Association is the other governing body
and it is composed of students and works as a sort of go between
for administration and students.
8 l

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lt is my desire to welcome you to the University with worm
greetings ond good wishes.
You, the incoming student, ore one of 0 relotively select few
chosen to prepore for leodership in our stote ond notion. This
selection ploces upon you 0 responsibility, 0s you reolize, 0 hoppy
responsibility to moke good—to work diligently ond conscientiously
to build ond grow in mind, body 0nd ch0r0cter.
Kentucky needs more ond better troined leoders, 0s does the
notion. The stote ond the notion, 0s well 0s your fomily, ore
counting he0vily upon you. A rore opportunity is yours. Rervently
do I hope thot you succeed.
The com us here is 0 Ieosont excitin loce. Our stoff
foculty ond students ore friendly ond ever reody to help new
students. Do not be 0fr0id to enter whole—he0rtedly in student
offoirs. You h0ve 0 God-given personolity ond something fine to
contribute. Trust yourself ond strive quickly to become 0 port of
the University community.
At the some time, it is hoped thot you will not foil to ploy ond
to enter enthusiosticolly in the m0ny sociol octivities here. Fine,
well-rounded sociol development is 0 port of culturol ottoinment.
We ore eoger to do oll possible toword moking you hoppy. Much
depends upon you.
Moy l ogoin express my personol greeting ond good wishes.
Cordiolly yours,
i l

  `:;=   M`°i“¥4».,;   _ Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain, vice president of the  
  "ii_Ql_V i University, works in an administrative capacity in  
    close co-operation with the President. Associated  
  with the office of the vice president are: the De-  
    "   partment of Athletics, the Department of Public  
    Relations, the Registrar’s Office, the lBM Service,  
  . .   the Department of University Extension, the Uni- g,
    r»~*   versity Libraries, the University Personnel Office,   ‘,~,
    · ·   and the University Health Service. Dr. Chamber- V,
.,..    :  loin is also chairman of the Scholarship Commit- I
      tee. Office: lll Administration Building.
,  J, t    
Dr. Frank D. Peterson, vice president of the Uni-    
versity, in charge of business administration, works   W C    
with Dr. Chamberlain, and also with George R. ,      
l AVLVWI., V /  
I I   I           II»,   I V·I==  ;   i‘ x
I Dr. Frank G. Dickey, dean of the Dr. Cecil C. Carpenter, dean of
College of Education. Office: l28 the College of Commerce. Office:
Taylor Education Building. 206 White Hall.

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Earl P. Slone, dean ot the College Dr. Herman E. Spivey, dean of the
of Pharmacy. Office: UK Pharmacy Graduate School. Ottice; lll Pence
School. Louisville, Kentucky. Hall.
  ‘   .r__ P P.  
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Lyman Vernon Ginger, dean of
the College of Adult and Extension

· I
I Student Government Association is the democratic governing
body on campus. Each student automatically becomes a member
of it when he enters the University and pays his incidental fee.
l An appropriation from all registration fees, however, goes back to
E SGA, which then operates on a budget.
  The purpose of the SGA is "To act as the responsible authority
I in relations among students and among student organizations; to
act jointly with the University staff in matters affecting common
interests; and to advise, request, and recommend action with re-
spect to matters reserved to the University staff"
SGA Assembly is the actual working body of SGA just as the
Senate and House is the working body of the State and Federal
Government. The SGA Assembly, however, is o unicameral legisla-
ture composed of thirty members elected by and from the various
colleges at elections in the fall and spring. Membership terms run
for one year. Ten are elected in the fall election, which is usually
in December, and twenty are elected during the spring which is
usually in May.
Following the House of Representatives plan of election of
  members by population, members are apportioned among the col-
l Ieges according to the number. The members of men and women
j allowed as representatives from each college then are based on the
 ‘ j proportionate number of each sex in the college.
  The College of Arts and Sciences has the largest number of
l members as it is the largest college on campus.
  The Assembly holds its meetings every other Monday night at
I the Student Union. Any student or faculty member interested in
y   attending may do so. Here you can find out the exact problems
I] SGA is handling and the feelings of the students as expressed
l through their representatives. You may also give any suggestions
at the meetings or voice any explanation or criticism. Some of the
many problems worked on by SGA this past year are the advantages
or disadvantages of the honor system, the reason for Saturday
classes, and the parking facility problem.

 If you’re interested in politics and perhaps feel you could really
get your money's worth journeying through UK by being an SGA
representative, the requirements aren't too rigid. You must have a
2.3 standing and have at least one semester of residence.
Two major parties are in existence at UK at present—the
United Students Party which represents both Greeks and Inde-
pendents, and the Constitutionalists, which is mainly for Greeks.
You may run on either party or else run independently. _
ln addition to the thirty voting members, the president and
secretary of the Student Union Board and the Women’s House
President’s Council are ex—officio, non—voting members. Three non-
voting faculty members are elected by the University faculty and
one of these is appointed by the President of the University as the
SGA advisor.
The most important committee of the SGA is the semi-autono-
mous Judiciary Committee which interprets the Constitution, super-
vises campus parking, and handles certain disciplinary cases. Two
members ot SGA and three members—at—|arge are appointed by the
President to serve on this committee. This reminds us to tell you
to be sure to know the rules governing parking permits on campus
as fines can run into the money. lf you don’t pay the fines to SGA,
then you can’t graduate. The fu|l—time secretary employed by
SGA in the Dean of /v‘ien’s office will be glad to explain the parking
regulations to you.
Remember that SGA sponsors many worthwhile activities in
and around the campus and is without a doubt the most important
student body on campus, so back it while here. lt is part of you in
everything you attempt to do while at UK.
ln case you want to see someone in SGA about a matter, con-
tact either the president, Don Whitehouse, or the vice president,
"Chip" Rice.


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One of the bi est roblems when leavin home is a lace to
stay. No place is exactly like home, yet during your four years at
UK you will come to love your home on campus no matter which
dorm you may live in. Of course those freshman years are the ones
remembered the longest.
The freshmen beginning their tour this year will find a couple
of new dorms on campus. One will be for the freshman boys and
the other will be a new dorm for girls. Of course the girls will have
to wait until they have completed part of the UK tour before they
can live in the dorm. By next year another new dorm will be seen
on campus for girls. This dorm will be Holmes Hall.
If ou’re lannin on marr in before finishin school, ou will
Y 9 Y
probably get to live in the new apartments now being built for the
married students on campus. These apartment projects are replac-
ing the houses that once stood in Cooperstown and Shawneetown.
Reservations for a college tour must be made in advance just
as reservations for any tour or trip must be made. Be sure they are
1 l9

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PATTERSON HALL—this is the residence most of the time
that is heard most frequently on campus. lt is also the dorm that
seems to be toured by more boys than any other on campus. This
is the dorm for most of the freshmen women. Freshmen may live,
however, also in one of the smaller resident units. These include
Lydia Brown, Hamilton House, McDowell House, or Maxwelton
2 Court. How crowded the dorms are determine whether these units
l are used or not. You'|l never forget the first night in Pat Hall with
the a'ama art and the /\/londa ni hts with the house meetin s
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l or perhaps the corridor meetings. You'l| also remember the sere-
, nades from the boys and the one at Christmas made by the Pat
T Hall girls.
After your freshman year you’ll probably live in either Boyd
Hall, Jewell Hall, the new dorm Keeneland Hall, or else in a so-
rority house. By your junior or senior year you may even have the
choice of another dorm. This dorm will be Holmes Hall. lf you
would like to live in a co—operative house, you could try to get
placed in Hamilton House, where all the girls do their own cooking
and cleaning.
Remember that no matter where you live there are some rules
that must be obeyed at all times. Also remember that you must

 ii furnish your own towels when coming to school as well as your
f' own bed spreads and curtains. You have a chance to make your
S room your own individual taste.
As a woman student, you must be in the halls by l2i3O on
Friday and Saturday nights and at l l :3O on Sunday. The freshmen
halls close at lO:OO p.m. Monday through