xt763x83kd0b_37 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83kd0b/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83kd0b/data/2009ua001.dao.xml University of Kentucky. Student Affairs 1.4 Cubic feet archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky K Books College students--Kentucky. Handbooks Students--Kentucky--Lexington. 1952-1953 text 1952-1953 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83kd0b/data/2009ua001/2009ua001_2/2009ua001_2_13/2009ua001_2_13_2/15406/15406.pdf 1952-1953 1953 1952-1953 section false xt763x83kd0b_37 xt763x83kd0b zée /252-55  
\ I Q

 “A Unioersity is a place; it is a
spirit. It is men of learning; it is a
collection of books; it is laboratories
U)l1€)‘B lLJO1`l< in science gO€S fOTlL2(lTd;
it is the source of the teaching of the
beauties of literature and the arts; it is
the center where ambitious youth
gathers to learn; it protects the tradi-
tions, honors the new and tests its
value; it believes in truth, protests j
UgUl7lSt QUOT (lfld lC(IdS 771011 by TGGSOTL I
rather than by force.” I
—-MeV ey I

  2 ]’rc·.s·ir/mit I]. I4. Donouun
4 'I`/10 Stuff and Dccins
S T/to (’niu0r.s·ity ...A ·\ l’Izn·v
15 Student Union
i 19 l3ook.s· and Art
l 26 Religion
1 31 Orgzznizzztions
  Map of t/10 Canipus
52 Social Fmtcrnitics
61 Sports
Thi- K—Bo0k is im ll]l_()l'1ll1lll(Jl]1l1 booklet published for
l~T(‘Sl}ll1CU Lllld IlC\V Slll(l(‘H1S ol 1llC Lllll\`(‘l”Sll}' of KCI]-
tllCl·(}'. l()Cllt(’(l {lt L(’\ll]gl(}I].  

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‘” lo the lzutermg Students:
\\'elcomiug new students to the L`niversity of Kentucky is
always a pleasant and inspiring privilege. All ot us are de-
. lighted that you came and hope your life here will he filled with
happiness. as well as greatly enriched and ennohled through
the hright associations and rich opportunities.
  The L`uiversity helongs to all people ol the state. It cannot
  he claimed hy any one society or locality. Your stake in it is
  as real and important as that ol` any other person. The students
 fi keep it democratic and friendly. They are young inen and
  women like you. They eome from every section—inountains.
  l hills and plains—cities. towns. villages and liarms. Inspired hy
a desire to pursue knowledge. they. like you. have dared to
leave home—m;my at a sacrifiee—and come to Lexington. I
hope that you will catch their friendly spirit and participate
wh:>lcheartedly in the campus activities. llappiness and knowl»
\ edge are here in ahundance—hut you must do your part to gain
 ig them. The teachers are your friends. the students your coin-
panious. .·\hove all. trust yourself. he yourself and don`t he
  Reinemher always that you came here to learn. to prepare
  yourself lor a larger. finer citizenship. This requires consci-
` entious work. Itememher too that your parents. many of whom
are making great sacrifices to keep you here. are counting
heavily upon you. l)ou`t disappoint them. nor the I`nivcrsity.
27% The more you strive to lcaru and serve. the more knowledge
  and happiness you will gain.
  ln years to come. you will recall the thrill of heiug a student
  at the L`uiversity ol. Kentucky. It is a rare privilege. Delighted
`-ii`i` 5 I that you are here. I wish lor you many fine experiences and
great success.
Cordially yours.
ll. L. Donovan.

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....A ·\ I Iaec
l‘;.ll'}l }\'.ll` l ix izmkvs n1<¤r<· than win: million uiiiuiliimiiiilc011—
t.ii·t> tiiiwiigli itx tiwiuiiiiig, n·si·;in·li_ und wxtuiisioii pmgrinns.
(>x·i·r ii tliiiiimiiil i·niii·si·s ;n·i· niI`i·n·il ini ui·;nlinit<· c·r:· ini sind);
_ \\'iiI1 ii »tn ii ~ni;i]] uniiiiniiiity in it-
I xvii`. lt lnix ih own posi oiiicie, })U;ir]><,·i‘>i1<»p. poiiw;
I ik»n·i·_ nnlin stiitinn. 1n·\xsp;ip<·r;nid printing plimt. Iinspitiil. iind
_ iaitin! uni] Iixinq il{'L'(PIlIlllU(lilti(>Il5.
E \\'iL[\‘ll('\‘ I1;1il> airy iiiuitvii nt tin; klYl`Il\‘I` oi Smnnlii
" I.n11<·st<>n<· gina] (liv .·\\<·inn· ui (Y]i;n1npi¢111>. 'I`}1i·)’ iiicliiciv I’..t—
4 ivrsini UML jllllS[I`Ll[&'(l in·It-1iint1 t1it- inttin 11;t11s, und two niort- atrt- innin-
t;unt·d tit 043 und 635 \1:1xwt-1ton Court, nt-tu \1t-nioritti Coii-
St`lIIll. ;\11 rt-sidt-nts dint- nt _1t·wt-11 11;t11.
11tnni1ton 11oust-. on Soutii Lin1t-stont- nt-vt to 1’nltt-rsou 11;t11.
is tt t·oopt-r;1tivt- unit. 1tt-sidt-nts S1lill`t‘ ;t11 1ltl|lS(‘1{(‘€‘])1IlL{ und
cooking dutit-s. 1)i11;u·t1 11n11, ont- 1>1ot·1t nortii. is at st-nii—t·o-
opt-rtttivv unit, 11t~rt- l1it- rt-sidt-nts siiurt- iioust-1tt-t-ping und
ituindry dutit-s, but t1it~y dint- ut nt-;n·—1>y _It-xvt-11 11:t11. '1`1it- t·1nt-1
t·ntr;tnt-t- 1`(‘(|ll11`(`1ll(‘I]1S to tiit-st- 11oust-s nrt- good ;1t·;1t1t-nnt· stand-
ing und tx wiiiingnt-ss to pt~r1orin nt-t·t-ss;u‘y t1utit-s.
1Z;1t·1i o1` t1it- innin 1ut11s, 11;uni1ton 11oust-, und 1)i11;u‘t1 11:111.
innintuin tl1lt()1lltlt1(' wnsiit-rs. '1`1it- 11t1rrison ;\vt-nut- rt-sidt-nts
ust- t1it- 1tl11Il(1I`)’ in 1)Ll11t‘l`S(lIl 11;t11. '1`1it- tinivt-rsity provittt-s
rooin turnisiiings and 1>t-t1 1int-ns.
1Zt1t·1i rt~sidt-nt·t- unit 1ms tt 11lI`Qt`. ilt1I`ilt`11\'t`1}' turnisiu-t1 1oungt· 1
tor visitors. Pttttt-rson 11tt11 und tint- otiit-r 1`rt-sinnt-n 11oust~s nrt-
ciost-t1 to visitors nt 7:30 1).111., Xlonduy tiirongii '1`1iurst1;t)‘. .»\11
11oust-s t·1ost- 1"I`1(12t}' und Sztturduy ut 12:30 n.ni., ttnd on 5un»
days, ut 11:30 ]).l1l. 1’rt-s1nnt-n 1ionst-s t·1ost- att 10 nin., \1on—
tiny tiirougii r1711l1I`S(1kl}'§ tin- ot1it-r 11oust-s t·lost· nt 10:30 nin.
1’1iont~ t·t111s into t1it- 1`rt~s1nnt-n units s1iou1d 1>t- 1l1lt(1t` 1>t-tort-
7:30 p.n1., or 1>t-twt-t-n 10 and 11 p.1n.
Evt-ry gir1, upon t-ntt-ring it rt-sit1t-nt·t- unit. is givt-n it t·o1u—
p1t·tt- st-t ot ru1t-s govvrning rt-sidt-nt·t~ units att tint- tinivt-rsity.
t\It¢n`.s· Dornis
'1`1it- L`nivt-rsity opt~r;ttt-s 1`our nit-n`s rt-sit1t-nt·t- 11;t11s. 1ot·;ttt-t1
ut Host- Strt-t·t und \\`;ts1iington. '1`1it- dorms-Bownitni, Kinktud.
13rttt11t-y, and 1%rt~t·1 : 1*1
I _.  I 1--y.
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111111111s .111- (1ll<11‘(1 111111 ¥\\`<'1U1 111 1Lll111l11`>. 11111 1111 11-$1111-111>
1111- 1-\111-1-11-11 111 111-111 1<1-1-11 11\1‘1I` I`(1l)lI1§ 11-11s111111111)` 111*111. 111-<1-
—‘<1 l1<'l]1S \1I1)Il1(1 1111111 1111-11 111111 11111-11> 111111 1)11lI\1-{1*1%.
11. .
_ 1111\\‘1111111 111111 11115 11 11ll`1[1‘ 11)1)1)}' 1111 1111- 111st 1111111 \\111‘I`1' s111—
1~. . . — . . - .
111-111% lllL1}` I`l‘(`l`l\`1' 1111-11 1111111111-s 111111 1I`l1‘Il(1S. 111 1111- 1111s1-1111-111
1x il Qll1l\1‘ I`1)l)lll, 1-1111111111-11 \\‘1111 11111g-111111; ilIl(1 111‘1(1g1- 11l1)1<‘S.
111 r1<1l1‘ 11111111 (11‘S1-( 111 1111- 11)1)11)` 11111111111111s il 1-11111-1-111111 (11. L`11I`I`L‘I11Z
ll\ lIl'l!1lZ11l1‘S 111111 Il1`\\'S1ULl1)1'l`S 1`11l` 1111- $1ll(11‘I11S' 1-11111-1-1111-111-1-.

Radio Station
The L`nix‘ersity has an FM station. earrying the eall letters
\\°BKY. Students majoring in Radio Arts and others interested
in radio work ean gain aetual broadeasting experienee at the
Post Offiee und Book Store
The L`niversity maintains a postal station in the basement
of Mc\`ey Hall. During registration. all students will be given
boxes. L`ntil the new student gets his box. he ean have his
mail delivered to the dormitories. 'l`here are two mail deliveries
a day. The post olliee also has eomplete laeilities tor inailing
letters and paekages.
Also loeated in the basement ol xlL'\vL’} is the eainpus book»
store. llere students may obtain all elassrooin supplies. ginn.
eigarettes, eokes. and meinentos of L'i·§. Besides new books.
the bookstore also sells used texts. At the end ol the terni. the
bookstore buys baek unwanted books, at a rediieed priee. ‘
Both the bookstore and the post olliee are open on week-
days from 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.ni. ()n S1lltll`(l‘*\`%. they elose at
Thr} K(’H{11t‘l».  
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ti1111s. i1` 1ll‘l'('SSil1`}`.
~1) 111111111 ilSS1gll11ll‘I11S 1111- ])(1}€1(‘11 1111 1111- 1111111-1111 111111111.
5) ()l`§[il1l1Zil11()1]S 11l`L‘ I`(’(]1I('$1(‘(1 111 1111111 Il1(‘(`11IlQS 111 11111-
11()111` 111-1111-1-11 4 111111 G 11.111.. \1(llI(11l}' 11l1`()ll§11 '1`11111s1111)‘.

G) An organization shall he limited to one room at a given
tirnc, although additional rooms may he assigned it iieeded.
providing the Union has the space.
T) Report reservation cancellations promptly.
8) Reserve the room helore putting o11t any puhlicity.
9) The person who hooks the room will he held responsihle
tor seeing that the room is in order when the meeting is over.
10) The Xlusic Room is ll()t to he ltSL}ll lor conlerences.
ll) Pianos in the Btllll`()()Ill and tll(` Xiusic Room are not to
he moved to other rooms.
l) Inllainrnahle inaterials arc torhiddeu.
2) Submit all decorating plans to the Director lor approval.
3) All electrical, carpentry, and similar work not ordinarily
pertorined hy the Union l]ltlSt he done hy the proper University
service department at the organizations expense.
4) The Union is not responsihle lor articles or inaterials it-It
in the huilding.
5) Arrange time lor decorating and tor reinoviiig decora-
tions with the Director.
6) All placards to he placed i11 the Union should he given
to the Social l)il'C(`t()l`, Room 122. hetore 5) a.1n. ot the day ol _
'l`i1Jke1‘ Sales, .\Ien1hersl1ip I,)I`itZ(’.S'. Iileelioiix. and Solicifzitioiis  
l) Organizations desiring to use the Union tor ticket sales.
meinhership drives, and solicitatioiis shall use the ticket hooth.
Applications should he made i11 Room l2l, at least a week i11
advance. i
2) Organizations lll\lSt comply with these rules:
a) They IHllSt carry o11 activities at the designated place
and time only.
h) They are responsible tor getting change from the
hank and tor guarding tickets. money, and inaterials.

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.... A Spzrzt
The main purpose ol any educational institution must be
teaching and the l`urtherance ol. scholarship. In au enlightened
sense, scholarship is not restricted to