xt763x83kd0b_35 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83kd0b/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83kd0b/data/2009ua001.dao.xml University of Kentucky. Student Affairs 1.4 Cubic feet archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky K Books College students--Kentucky. Handbooks Students--Kentucky--Lexington. 1950-1951 text 1950-1951 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83kd0b/data/2009ua001/2009ua001_2/2009ua001_2_12/2009ua001_2_12_2/15166/15166.pdf 1950-1951 1951 1950-1951 section false xt763x83kd0b_35 xt763x83kd0b 4 "~ » Q   ‘  ’·—-
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1950 — I95I
Hail Kentucky; Alma Maier!
Loyal sons and daughters sing;
Sound her praise with voice unitedl
To the breeze her colors fling.
To the blue and white be true;
Badge triumphant age on age;
Blue the sky that o'er us bends;
White l
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"Blood, Sweat, and Tears"

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Stanley R. Portmann Leslie L. Martin
Editor 7 Stanley R. Portrnann
Associate Editors»—Margaret Larkin, Fred To Lawson
Business Managers —— Kenneth Wood, Joan Cook i
Staff —Ju|ie Blumenthal, Barbara Preston, John Kuiper, pho-
tographer; Gene Phillips, cartoonist
Faculty Advisor — Leslie L. Martin
Cover by Martin, Phillips, Portmann

Page Page
President ..,..,................ . ......,. 6 Community Concert ............ 49
Dean of Students ........, . ..,.. 8 Book Store and Post Office .. 50
Dean of Women ............,.,r.... 8 Parking 4.... , .,r.............,....4,4.... 5l
Vice President .,.........,..4.,..... lO Smoking .... . ,.... 4 ..,.,r,r............ 5l
Comptroller .......,........4..,..,..... ll Y.W.C.A. 4.,,...........,......44........ 53
Deans of the Colleges .......... ll Y.M.C.A, ............,...,...,.... 4 ...... 54
Public Relations .................t.. l2 Map of Campus ....,.......... . .... 56
Dean of Men .........,.............4 l2 Religious Groups .4.................. 59
Dean of Women ......,.....t..t,.,. l4 Churches 4 ,... 4 ..,>....................,. 62
University Registrar .,........4,». l4 Student Govt. Assn. ............ 65
University Librarian 4........4.... l4 Panhellenic 4, 4............,..,......... 67
University Extension 4,.. . 4,4.., l4 Sororities ...44...,4...................... 68
Health Service .......,.,............ l4 Sorority Rush ..,..................... 7l
Personnel Office .............,..4. l5 |nter—frat. Council .4.,4........... 74
, Memorial Coliseum ..,..4...,.... 16 Fraternities ...4...4.4......,.....,.4... 75
i U.l<. History ..,.,..................... l8 Societies . 4....................4......... 80
Freshman Tips ................4.   20 Alumni ..,......,..........4..,..,4.4..4. Bl
Marking System 4.4..,......,.....4. 24 Honors ............4...,... , .....,4...... 82
\ Student Union .......4.,..,..,.....4 25 Varsity Sports 4.44..... , .44..4...4.4.. 89
Women’s Dormitories ............ 34 Pep Song .4.............,....4......... 9l
Men’s Dormitories 4.4....4.,....4. 39 lntramurals ............,.............4. 97
Social Customs ......,..,.,.......... 43 Sul *’ i { d
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President H. L. Donovan participates with students in planning y
one of many student activities.

lt is always a pleasure to welcome new students to the campus.
We are delighted to have you here and we hope your college days
will be both pleasant and profitable.
The University of Kentucky is proud of its tradition of being
a friendly place. You will find your clasemates, your teachers,
and your advisers eager to help you in becoming adjusted to col-
lege life and in getting acquainted with others. This campus will
be your second home while you are enrolled in the University,
and we believe you will feel "right at home" before long.
Our University—your University—is a large and complex
organization. New problems, new experiences await you and no
doubt there will be many things you do not understand. All new
students face these same problems, however, and soon learn to
take them in stride. There is a real challenge here for you as
you begin preparing for your |ife's work. To make the most of it,
work; when your work is done, play.
We trust that in years to come, long after you have left these
halls, you will remember your college days as some of the happiest
you have known.
Cordially yours,
l—l. L. Donovan

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Your campus "Mom and Dad" —— Sarah B. Holmes, Dean of
Women and A. D. Kirwan, Dean of Students. \

Dear Students;
We are indeed happy that you have chosen the University of
Kentucky as the institution where you will prepare yourselves
more thoroughly for your destiny of leadership in American so—
ciety in the years ahead. For the vast majority of you, the years
you spend here will be happy and fruitful. l·lere you will have
an opportunity to come into intimate association with the accumu-
lation of knowledge which is the very foundation of our civi|iza»
tion. lt is to give you this opportunity that the state has set up
I this University. It is our hope that you will make the most of
this opportunity and that you will not be distracted from the pur-
suit of this fundamental aim.
Most of you will need some aid and counsel in overcoming the
many obstacles which will confront you from time to time. It is
to give you this help that the University has set up the office of
the Dean of Students and the office of the Dean of Women. lf
you have difficulties of any kind please give us the opportunity to
help you.
Sarah B. Holmes
` Dean of Women
A. D. Kirwan
Dean of Students

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Vice President Leo M. Chamberlain presents I
awards to two outstanding students. \

 I I
The President of the University
The President of the University is the executive Officer of the
institution and all the work associated with it. He serves as the
official medium of communication between the Board of Trustees
on the one hand, and the University faculty, administrative offi-
cers, staff members, student organizations, and students, on the
The Vice President of the University
The Vice President of the University works in close coopera»
tion with the President and serves in his place at many official
functions. In many cases, students who can not see the President
are referred to him. The Vice President's Office is in charge of
the Department of Athletics, Public Relations, University Librar-
ian, Director of University Extension, Registrar, and Director of
the Radio Station. The Vice President also serves as Chairman of
the Scholarship Committee.
The Dean of Students
The Office of the Dean of Students, directed by Dr. A. D.
i Kirwan, is in charge of the functions which deal directly with the
‘ general welfare of the student. The following are under the
general supervision of this office: Dean of Men, Director of Per-
sonnel, Y.M.C.A. Secretary, and Director of the University Health
The Comptroller of the University
For the student, the Office of the Comptroller is the place
where fees are paid. The Comptroller is the chief administrative
officer of the Department of Business Management and Control,
and he conducts all of the University's financial affairs.
The Deans ot the Colleges
Each Dean is the supervisor of his particular college. Your
Dean will determine your classification within the college and will
approve your class schedules. They are:

Martin Marshall White, M.A., Ph.D., Dean of the College of
Arts and Sciences
Thomas Poe Cooper, B.S., D.Sc., LL.D., Dean of the College of
Agriculture and Home Economics and Director of the Experiment
Levi Jackson l·lorlacher, M.S., Assistant Dean in Resident
Teaching, College of Agriculture and Home Economics.
Daniel Voiers Terrell, C.E., Dean of the College of Engineering.
Elvis J. Stahr, Jr., M.A., A.B. in Jur., B.C.L., Dean of the Col-
lege of Law
Frank G. Dickey, M.A., Ed.D., Dean of the College of Education
Cecil C. Carpenter, M.S., Ph.D., Dean of the College of
Earl Platt Slone, Ph.G., B.S., Dean of the College of Pharmacy
Louis Arthur Pardue, M.S., Ph.D., Dean of the Graduate School
The Director of Public Relations
The Director of Public Relations is responsible for editing and
publishing literature which describes activities within the Univere
sity. l·lis office will inform your hometown newspaper when you
are elected president of your fraternity or when you are elected
to Phi Beta Kappa.
Dean of Men
The purpose of the Office of the Dean of Men is to promote
the general welfare of the men students on the campus in regard
to their e>s. sw Naw: Mx>—i`·   * 1’*** "
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The history of the University of Kentucky dates back some B5
years. lt began its history in l8o5 when it was founded under
the name of the Agriculture and Mechanical College.  
The first president was John Augustus Williams. There were
four professors and a military commandant appointed to the
Then in l86é the school was consolidated with Transylvania
University and remained so until l878 when it was separated and
became known as State College. Joseph Deshea Pickett acted as
its president from l867 to l8o8. James Kennedy Patterson
followed him and remained the school's president until l9lO.
ln l908 the name of the school was changed to State Univer-
sity. James G. White acted as president during the Summer Ses-
sion of l9lO, until the appointment of Henry S. Barker, who
served from l9lO-l‘9l7.
Paul P. Boyd served as acting president of the school during
the Summer Session of l9l7. ln l9l6 the name of the school
had been changed to its present day name of the University of
Frank LeRond Mc\/ey became the president in l9l7 and serv-
ed in that capacity until July l94O when Dean Thomas Cooper
became acting president. Herman Lee Donovan was named presi-
dent of the University of Kentucky in July of l94l.
The period from l878 to lf?24 saw many new buildings being
erected on the campus of the University of Kentucky. The Ad-
ministration Building, White Hall then a dormitory, ex-President
Patterson's home, and the military commandant's home were
constructed between l87B and l894.
ln the year of l889 the Experiment Station was built and the
second dormitory-— Neville Hall—was finished in l890. The
Mechanical Building and workshops were completed in l892.
Patterson Hall was finished in l904 and in l907 Frazee Hall
was added to the growing list of campus buildings. The Carnegie
Library and the Agriculture Building were constructed in l908.

l909 saw the Civil and Physics buildings erected while Kastle
Hall went up in l9lO. The new workshops of the mechanical
department of the College of Engineering were constructed and
equipped in l9l8,
Alumni Gym was completed in l923 and the football stadium
was constructed on Stoll Field in l924. Memorial Hall was dedi-
cated in l92‘9 to the Kentucky dead of World War l and the new
library was opened in l93l.
, Bradley Hall had been opened in l92l and Mc\/ey Hall was
opened in l928. Boyd Hall had been completed in l925. Com-
pleted by l93O were the Education Building, Breckinridge and
Kinkead Halls.
The Observatory was opened in l‘932 while the Engineering
Quadrangle was finished in lf/738, Opened in l94O were Lafferty
‘ Hall and Jewell Hall. The Home Economics Building and the
Funkhouser Biological Sciences Building were completed in l942.
L Bowman Hall and the Dairy Center were finished and opened
I in 1948.
The newest addition to the campus is the $4,000,000 Me-
morial Coliseum. This unsurpassed fieldhouse-auditorium was
; completed in the early spring of this year and formally dedicated
to the Kentucky dead of World War ll at Baccalaureate Exercises
_ in June.
The Eine Arts Building was completed in the early fall and was
J dedicated during Eounderls Week. It is one of the most beautiful
; buildings of its type in the country,
2 Under construction now is the Maintenance and Operations
Building, to be completed in the fall, and the Journalism Building,
9 which will be completed in the summer of ’5l.
g There are now eight colleges serving the major function of in-
struction at the University of Kentucky in addition to the Depart-
| ment of University Extension.
E l The colleges are the College of Arts and Sciences, the College
" _ of Engineering, the College of Agriculture and Home Economics,

the College of Law, the College of Education, the College of Com-
merce, the College of Pharmacy, and the Graduate School. I
The University of Kentucky is affiliated with major professional `
education groups. lt is a member of the Southern Association of
Colleges and Secondary Schools and the Kentucky Association of
Colleges and Secondary Schools.
lt is accredited in its respective colleges or departments by the
Association of American Law Schools, the American Association
of Collegiate Schools of Business, and the American Association
of Schools and Departments of Journalism. lt is accredited also
by the American Library Association, the National Associa-
tion of Schools of Music, the Engineers Council for Professional
Development, the American Chemical Society, the National As-
sociation of Schools of Social Administration, the American As-
sociation of Pharmacy, and the American Council on Pharmaceu-
tical Education,
With the starting or the continuation of your college career,
perhaps a few tips tossed your way may aid you in gaining the
full benefit which comes from a well·lived college life.
The following tips to freshmen are reprinted from the Christian
Church Education Magazine.
H. P. Miller, associate dean of Emory University, Atlanta, Ga.,
"The college campus today is no set of cloistered walls; you
will find instead, almost feverish activity both academic and
otherwise. VN/hether veteran or recent high school graduate, you
will never forget the chief events of the coming year.
"lt will take genuine courage to become a successful freshman,
for both in class and in extra-curricular activities you will find ,
vigorous competition. You who aspire later to admission to pro—
fessional schools must at the outset begin to develop a reputation
for academic superiority and general reliability.

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For Sfudenfs Only

"Time is your most important possession: chronic waste of it C
will prove disastrous. Although l would be the last one to deny Fl
the value of participation in student activities, I would be the first . 8
to urge a freshman to ignore or minimize them until he knows
that he is measuring up to the academic standards of the college. a
"Only the freshman who quickly learns to proportion his en- 5
ergies effectively between classes, study, and recreation can
rcasonably hope for success. The freshman who values a sorority
pin or fraternity pin more than a degree will almost certainly A
never qualify for the latter.
"The knowledge and sophistication gained as a freshman are l
not final. Remember Mark `l`wain's statement to the effect that F
when he was eighteen his father was the most ignorant man in
the world, but it was amazing what the old man learned in the l
next three years.
"Your freshman year is a major test; l·low much courage and 3
judgment do you now have or can you develop under pressure C
during the coming months?" ll
Joe J. Meikle, president of Centenary College of Louisiana,
states: d
"Approach college as though it were a place not so much ll
where one learns to make a living as where one tries to make a
life worth living, S
"Continue to be Fresh Iv\en4fresh in your curiosity about
the world, fresh in your open mind toward its problems, and fresh E
in your freedom from prejudices which bring old age instead of C
maturity. Imagination and enthusiasm spring only from Fresh
Men. B
"Avoid snobbishness and provincialism»for too many of 3
our troubles both personal and collective can be traced to these.
To this end one should not fail to include courses which supply tj
historical perspective on man's development and problems, ,5
"Try to find a proper balance between studies and outside O
activities, avoiding over-emphasis of either at the expense of thc B
other. Both have their rightful places in college life. x T,
"Do a bit of thinking on your own, Don't accept blindly the l

decisions of your student friends, your teachers, or your textbooks.
Thinking is the hardest work in the world but thinking individuals
, are the stuff of which democracies are built.
"And, in all your thinking, learn to think with your heart
as well as with your head. College is the place to cultivate and
strengthen one's spiritual understanding of life."
The advice of Russell D. Coles, president of Cornell College,
Mt. Vernon, la., is as followst
"Tips to freshmen? I wonder who thinks he is wise enough in
these confusing times to tell another what it would be well to
"l·lowever, if l were to do it over again l would hold within me
the knowledge that my greatest gift is the capacity for growth.
”’| would drop from my mind the memory of past successes
and past failures and l would expose myself unreservedly to the
exhiliration, the shock, the adventure, and the shriveling sense of
littleness that comes from contact with new people, new ideas
and new standards of excellence.
"l would weigh it all and keep that which adds to stature and
discard that which subtracts from the sense of being a whole
"l would be an 'enter-iner' and a 'giver»outer' and wouldn't
skimp on cokes, conversation, or concerts.
"And l would always remember that knowledge becomes most
effective when related to spiritual values in a person of christian
This editor feels that quotes from the academic professionals
are sometimes ignored by the new student as outdated, isolated,
and unsolicited advice.
For that reason let me go on record for this, "The advice of
these men can not be emphasized too much. The new student
is often bewildered and blinded with the many events which go
on around him during his first year. The University is new and
a 'city within itself' and there is much to do with every minute of
, time. Don't isolate yourself during your first year; but take your

time to get into the swing of things. Study hard and balance your H,
time during your first year. Establish yourself both academically
and socially now. |t's like an introduction; the first impression bl
y0u make is a lasting one."
Results of work will be recorded in the Registrar's Office as
A4ExceptionaIIy high quality, valued at 3 points for each
B 4 Good, valued at 2 points for each credit.
C 4 Fair, valued at I point for each credit.
D4 Unsatisfactory, indicates a deficiency and gives no points I
but gives credit for graduation if with such credits the l ez
student's standing is I or more.   tc
E4 Failure, value at 0 credits and O points.   2
I 4 Incomplete. I
X 4 Absent from examination. T
WP 4 Withdrew, passing. `
WF -4 Withdrew, failing. T
The standing of a student is defined as the ratio of his total S_
number of points to his total number of credits. For example, a  
student who makes an average mark of C in I5 credits, would Cl
have I5 points and a standing of I.0. An average mark of B Ol
would give the student 30 points and I5 credit hours, and a
standing of 2.0. For all purposes other than classification and I/(
graduation, "standing" is understood to be the ratio of the num- , bl
ber of points gained to the number of credits attempted. l  
Through the sixth Monday of any semester, and through the tc
tenth class day of the summer session students who withdrew ~ B
from a class or who are dropped from a class will have no mark
recorded. After these dates, students who withdraw or who are ‘ al

dropped from a class are to be given WP, WF, or E, as reported by
the instructor of the class.
In computing standings for all university purposes, a WF shall
be treated as an E.
Following is a typical studentls grades for a semester showing
the method of computing his standing:
English 3 C 3
American History 3 A 9
Language 3 B 6
Georgraphy 3 A 9
Geology 3 B 6
I5 33
, Now having found the credits and points which a student has
I earned, the number of points is divided by the number of credits
l to find the standing. Thus 33 divided by I5 credits gives him a
I 2.2 standing.
This, the Student Union, is the place everybody talks about.
This is the place everybody goes. This is it. lt is it because the
Student Union is the center of social activity on the University
campus. Everything that happens on the campus either originates
or ends or does both in the Student Union.
lt's a big building, too. It's the first one you come to when
you enter the main circle drive of the campus. A modernistic
building throughout, the Student Union possesses everything to
  make a guy or a gal happy. But, letls not stop there—let's
take a look into what the Student Union has to offer.
Who Runs the W0rks—
The buiding is managed primarily by the Student Union Direc-
tor, Miss Mackie Rasdall, with the help of the Student Union
Board. The Board is composed of nine student members, who
are elected hy the student body from a list picked by the preced»

 26 ‘
ing Board, two faculty advisors, the Dean of \/Vomen, the Dean of y_
Students, the Student Union Director, and the Social Director. d
This Board sets up the operating principles of the building and H
promotes the policies which govern the operations,
One of the nine students is elected president by the Board, The
other eight members are chairmen of the eight Student Union E
committees, which will be explained shortly.
Yours for the Taking- I;
The features of the building which are yours for the taking are V
quite large in nu