xt763x83kd0b_31 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83kd0b/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83kd0b/data/2009ua001.dao.xml University of Kentucky. Student Affairs 1.4 Cubic feet archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky K Books College students--Kentucky. Handbooks Students--Kentucky--Lexington. 1946-1947 text 1946-1947 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83kd0b/data/2009ua001/2009ua001_2/2009ua001_2_9/14755/14755.pdf 1946-1947 1947 1946-1947 section false xt763x83kd0b_31 xt763x83kd0b ‘   VA .    ,”-.  Y  ?,· i `A ·   . _· J.   »`~. Q »;   —· ` V·;V`   -i-'AAA.— ;~    1¢» > .~ ».    
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   UN I. V .lQ1·lt~$IT Y OF KEN TU CKY
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Y lfublishccl A1mually by U. of K.
  Y. M. C. A. amd Y. W. C. A.

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The University of Kentucky  
_ lts History g
Tlie llnixersity nl lientutky began as a part ol lsenttulsy llnir l
versity under a (`()()l)(`I`2lll\L` plan lllllllUl`l/(‘(l by the legislature iu
IS65. The ]>ur|><1se nl this plain was to unite sectarian and public
eduniation under une mganizatimni. 'l`his experiment was tried lor
a number nl years. ln the meantime. Federal lunds 2llllll<1l`l/(‘tl under
i the Morrill .\<·t were used to develop agricultural and me<·haui<·al l
arts in lientutiky University. ln l87S, the ]>e<>l>le nl the (lollege .
nl _\gri¢·ulture and Nleclianicztl .\rts were separated lrom Keir
tuck} University and established un land given by l.exingt<>n and
l·`a)ette (Zotuuy. ln llllti the name was changed tn the present title.
.\ college is unt a college without tradition. and the llnirersity
ol lientueky has its share. lts traditions are those nl lientutky and
the Bluegrass. .\nd as lung as the State and this region mntiuue tn
be wealthy in traditions. just so lung will the llniretsity ol Isentutky
itsell remain trzulitind. traces ul class numerals painted nn the
slanting tops ol the tallest spires, tales nl the <>ttee—l>ln<>ed acres
nl the cantpus during the winter terms. and uyer Flllllll attend the
summer sessions. University lixtensinn seryitie reaclies an ever in-
¢reasing number nl persons. There are <>yer lll buildings un the
campus and plans are iniderway lor an estettsiyt· building Imigratn.
ililtis imludes new residentes lor nteu and wmnen and a new lield»
lts l’ttn<>l( and the l)e|>arttnent nl l’nix<·rsity Extension. lLa<‘lt ul these
in turn is subdixided into det>artmt·nts.

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A Message to New Students
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F1 eshman Week P1 ogmm [
'llmrscluy, S(‘l)l(TlHl)C1` l9—  
S200 u. 1l\.—l*`l`L‘Sllll1Llll :\SSL`llll)l}'. Mt-nmriul Hull
(ll2lSSlll(`l1ll()ll 'l`e»1s
5:00 p. 111.—M¢·t·1i11g lm: ull gi1‘l> ll\lt‘l`('>lt‘(l in I`llSl\lIlg. A
·—XlCl1lt>l`l2ll Hull
7:00 p. m.»l.<>1ult1 (]i1`<:la·, hlL‘Ill<}l`liIl llull
S100 p. lII.~·l"l`('SllIlll!|l Mixer. Stmlem llnmm liuiltling
l"I`lriuI llull :
    1m·¤1 7:30 p. 1Il.#l)L’1) Rully Sulurtluy. September 2l- i 8:00 u. lI1.4l)(§1ll] ol Nl('lllS llltfllllg, \l(‘lll(1l`ll\l Hull l l0;00 u. 111.—Ag1‘iti11lu11’e, l2llglll(‘L'l`lllg uml lluw uss¢·ml>lit·> 0:00 u. ]ll.~;\l`lS uml S(`lLfl\(`L'S. l'l(lll(1lllUll uml (ll)llIIll(‘l`lL‘ ussemblies l:00 p. lll.-~R(fglSll`2lll(>Il lor ull limi ll`l`llI >|mlt·m¤ 7:00 p. lll.-—l:()()l.l)2lll gume _- Sumluy, September 22 8:30 u. Il\.—lI\l('l`l`2lllll lneuklust, ull l·l`('Sllllltfl'l, ill (l1ll»t‘lt’1`l2l 2:00 p. m.—T0u1· <>l` Bluegruss l·`u1·ms. Meet ut Uniml building » Nlnmluy, September 23- l{CglSll'2!lll)Il lm: ull lll`(TSlllII(‘Il who lnuw Ixull um: mllvgo work : l};Sl0 p. n1.»—l’unl1<·ll¢·nir Rush l’u1·li¤·» 7:00 p. lII.~~l)2ll'ly lm: mlner girls 'l'm·s¢luy, S<·pt<·ml11:t·¤l by (Z\\~'l·]NS, Morlur llmnuul, uml Veterzms (jlub Suturdzny, September 28- 7:00 p. ID.-/\lll1Ll2ll College Night l)l`(`>gl`1lIlI. sponsorecl by YM- Y\t\’C.=\, Student Unmm lluurrl, uml Stmlem. (;()\’(fl`ll· l\I(’Tll. /\ss0eiutio11 0 ? I r 1; g . 1 { { l Umversity Calendar { 1 l{l{{>—{·.\l.{, Q_l{.—\R'l`Ii{{ I S<'[){('IIll)(‘1` {ll-2{—lll{1lll`>(l1i}. Hzllll u. in. in Sulimlux 5 li. lIl.—(l{Zl$\l{l- <*u1i¤>n tusm, ]1l11>i4:1l ('X1ll]l{l]1l{{4)ll\ uml ll(l\{¤(>l`\` (`<){l{lL'1'L‘Ill`L'\ {ll>l` ull m·w 5{ll(l(,'lll$. SL‘|Jl('llI{)l'l` 2i“l—Nl()ll(l1{} {`1>11r11or>11~{·`1‘¤·s{11m·11 l`L'gl>{{`1l{l()I{ uml ¢‘{;1»»lV {{(`lI{{t)Il. S(‘ll{(‘Ill{)L'{` 23. 2·{—N{¤>11<{uy 2l{l{L'l`IllH)Il uml '{`11<·>¢lz1\>r{{¢·g_i¤11*111inn uml ; (`{2I>S{{l(1l{{{>l) ol nl>l1c1‘ <`l1l$SlllL‘ll. l` $l'])llTI]Il)Cl` 25-\\'l:<{11crs<{;1y—(1{;1>» \\`.<)l`l§ {>. a, ()({{)l)(`l` 2···\\l(‘(lI{L‘\(l2l}`——l.Llh{ nlxmr on wlmli one niux k‘lll(‘{` un nr- gunizmul (lures. ()(`{l>l)(`l` I l·Nl(>I{tlLl}`—l,Zl>{ ({Zl{('()ll \\'{l{(ll <>m· 111;1\’(' willi- 1 {1111 ll g1`:1<{L‘. * ()l1i>|>u1` {·{-{5—1\{<)Illl1l\` uml {lill(fS({1l\·l)L‘l`l()ll ol {lling 1ll>l){l(`l\{{l)llS g {ur alcégruus. N()\`(‘ll{{)L‘l` 28-—-{{llllll`$llil}`—-{li{l1lllliSgl\'lllg lmlinlux`, {>c<·¢·111{>ci· {l~{il—\\{L*(lllL‘SLl2l}' ilimngli l·`1‘i¢luy—1ixun1inu1l1»n> {kn iliu l {·`u{{ (2’ll1ll`{Cl`. {)L‘(`l‘IHl)L'l` l·{—S1l{ll{`(l1\\ N<)<)ll#(2\l1ll`{(‘{` l·ml¤. \\'{N'{`ER Ql`.—\R'l`1£l{ I1ll]llill`}` 2*r{i{llll`>(l£\}`. 8:00 u. 111.—(1l:1s»i{l<·;11inn icsis. pliysicul cx1nn— inuiinn. uml 1l(l\'{sl)l`} (`l){l{l(‘l`t*I](`<‘> {ur ull m·w stmlcnm. ~ `IlllIlliI{`\' 25-»—{—{·`1·iiluy uml $1l{lll`(l2l}' r~l{4·gls11‘:11iu11 uml ('{ilS\{{l(`Ll{ll){l { 1>{` ull S{lllll‘ll{S. ]unnui·y {}——~M¤>mluy r(I{u>» work {wgim. .{111111:11`\` $r—r\\{L§a{11n‘>t{;11` r{.;1~l tlulc <)lI \\'{lllll ¤1m· 111i1x (‘l{{&‘I illl 1lI`· guiiiyul 1·{us>. {unnury ?.{l——Al(){\(l2l}'—l)l`l'{<)({ {nr {lling 1\l)[)l{(`2l{ll)ll {or mlcgrccs. _l2ll1ll2ll`\ 27-—Nl()l1tl2l}'—{.1lsl duty on wlmlli one muy drop :1 cmirsc \\'lll1<)ll{. u grudc. Murcli {7-l9—B’lOll(lll}’ lll1`Ullgll \\`cll(lil}', Szllll :1. 111.—(Zlz1>sili1:11i1111 l1‘slS. l)ll}'Sl(`1ll 1·x:1111- i11;11i1111, Zlll(l ;11lxi»111`1‘ (`Ulll»L‘l`L‘ll1`L'S l`111· ;1ll Il£`\\' s1111l1·111>. V M:11*1‘l1 25-2¢1—'l`111·s1l:1\‘ :1111l \\lL'1lll1'\(l1l}`~ l{1·gi>11‘;1111111 :1111I 1`lLl\\lll(Ll* ll1>ll l111‘ :1ll >1111l1·111>. M:11‘1·l1 27·~vl`lllll`S(l1l}'—(llllhn \\`l)l`li |11·gi11>. .·\]lI'll 2—»—\\'1·1l111·>1l:11——l.:1»1 1l:111· lll wl1i1·l1 11111· 111:11 1·1111·1‘ :111 111g;111i11·1l 1‘l11s>. l .·\[11‘il l»l—NI11111l;1y—-[.:111 1l:111· 1111 \\`lIl(ll 11111· 111:11 lll`(1l) :1 1»11111·~,1· \\'llll- 1 11111 LI gl`Ll1l(‘. ` l .·\l1l`ll I-l—M11111l:1y—l’1·1‘l111l l~()l` liling :111l1ll1·;11i1111s l111` 1l1·g1`1·1·». `lllll1‘ l—S11111l:11=——l’1;111·:1l:1111‘1·;111* S1·1·1‘i11·>, E _]11111· :1—/—Il1111‘>1l:11 1l11‘1111gl1 5:11111`1l;1y——l·.x:1111111:1111111» I111 1l11· 5|11`111g‘ (,!ll2ll`l1‘l`. _]11111'· 1i——l·`1‘i1l:1y—Eigl11i1·1l1 .’\ll|lll11l (lllllllllflll1'lI|1‘lll. _]11111· 7—l`1illlll`(l11}'. (i I1. l1l.—(.2ll1ll`l(fl` (‘Il(l\, I _IllII(' €l—l·l——Nl11111l:1y 1l11·1111gl1 $1lllIl`(l1l\' ·l—ll (llllll \\Y1fL‘l·i. Sll\lMl{l{ Ql`.\R»l`El·l _]11111¢ l11AM11111l;1y—R1·gi>11111i1111 l`()l` |?i1`»1 >l`1·1·111. _[11111: l7—ll`ll(5S(l2l}'—(ll2ISS \\'()l`l§ l)<'Q·llIS. lllllltf 2Fl—Al()H(liI}'——l,2lSl 1lz111· 1111 \\'l]l(`l] 11111- Illlly 1·11l1·1` :111 111`g;111iv1·1l class. _lllIl1‘ 27—l"|'l(l1|)’—l,1lsl 1l:11u 1111 \\'lll1`ll ()llL‘ llllly (ll`()I) il (1>LlI`>(‘ wi1|1- 11111 ll g1‘L11l1d. V H l General Information l&()()liS: New ztml 5(T(()ll(l—ll2Ill(l hooks may he bought at tl1e (jam- § luis llook Store i11 the l)1lS(‘lll('lll ol XI<.\t'ey Hall. l (Zl.,\S5 .t\'l"l`liNl).\N(1lZ: (llass illl(3llll2lll(`C at tl1e ljttiyersity is ll()l eompulsory. 'l`here is il l`lllC stating that :111y stmletu who has heeu ahseut more lllilll t)llC~li()lll`lll the llllllf tl1e elass lll(’('l5. tatmot take tl1e l111:1l exztmiuatiou iu tl1:1t suhieet. Siuee tl1e liual exam eouuts :1 lot <)ll Y()lll` gratle, you will liml it hest to atleml elass 1`eg‘~ UlZll`lY. ` (l()N\'()(j.t\'l`l()NS: Stutleuts :1ml l`:1eulty gather alnout ()ll(`C :1 mouth it1 Meiuorial Hall to hear atlelresses hy well kuowu Zllltl llll('l`- , ` esting people. 'l`he Lluixersity stmleuts are lii)l`lllll1ilC to have this ()])I)()l'lllllllY. (llasses are tlismissetl lor (`()ll\'()(`1lllt)ll ttml they are well y wor1l1 2lll(‘ll(llllg. ` (ll]'l`S lll£l7()RlL l’l()Lll)r\YS; ll` :1 sttuleut tuts :1 tlass tl1e (lay 1 l)(`l-<)l`(f or the :1se— lllClll ol tl1e Health huiltliug. M.\ll:: liaeh Slll(l(Tlll is assigueel his t)\\`ll mail hox ill the (`Zlllll)lI§ “ postolliee it1 tl1e h:tse1m·t1t ol Nle\'ey Hall. `l`he lieruel will he [)lZi(`C(l i11 Y()lll` hox 011 l‘il`l(l2lY along witl1 uotiees aml otl1er mail yott will I liml tl1ere throughout tl1e week. ` M.·\l{lilNG SYSTEM: (Lratles i11 rating sttuleuts at the Univer- sity :1re: .·\—EX(`L`ll(Tlll l—lll(`0l]l])l(`lC l%—(Lool(' to giye you so1ue \`lllll2ll)lC suggestions about your Slll(lylllg teelmitlue. or reler yott to your iustruetor wl1o 111igl1t give yo11 some outsi\'tTl`lllllCllI .\ss111`i:1li1111, >(‘ll`—g()\'Cl`l1illg l)()(l}` (ll- 1l11· (`1llll1>llh. I1): 1:1lllIl(l l-()I` 2lIlllll(‘lIl` 1111li1i1·i;111s_ lll <)l`(lCI` 1l1:11 1*1111 111111* 1111 S(Q,\, w1· gin- 11111 its l)}l(`ligl`()llI1(l :1111l i1s I1l2\(lllIl(‘l`}. 'lil11· g<)\'(Tl`lllllg s1‘s11·111 i_()ll()\\'\ 1:1 l(`Ql\I li1‘1· lIl2l111l’ 11l;111s 11l \llI(lJI1l l g111’1r1111111·111 i11 lllLT l)ZI5l T11 1(`Hl`5. liiltll (Il- 1I11· 11l:111s 11:1s l'\<'lllll1lll1 1lis1::111lc1l. :11111 1111111· l)l`()lIglll i11 iis l1111:11los1 sc11s1: >lllllL‘ll\ g1>\'L`l`ll* 111c111 111 lllC Lllll\'LTI`Sl[}' (`lll]l1)ll$. lril`$l (ll- 1l1c>1· 11l:111s w:1s :11l111111·1l i11 ISSU :11111 111111‘i1l1·1l 1l1;11 1·:11l1 1‘l:1ss Sll()lll(l l1c y’U\`Cl`Il(‘(l 5(‘1)2\l`2llCl1' l11: sclli-clc1‘1c1l ()lll(`Cl’S. l11 llllll 1l1is 11l:111 w:1s 1·x11:1111l1·1l 111 i111:l111l1· y,Cll('l`2Il (`l1l>\ (`()ll\`()(21lll)ll> :11 X\'lll(‘l] (>lll('<)l`S \\'t5l`L‘ s1·l1r1:1c1l l11 1111011 l1:11ll111. l’11li1i1·s 5111111 llII(l<`l`I1lllll‘(l f 1l1is l`('\'lSCll >}'Sl<‘lll. :1111l i11 ltlll 1l11· SlLl1lC|ll (L1111·1111111·111 ()l`g2lIll/i1- 1i1111 11I' li1·111111‘l11 $l11I(‘ LY11i11·1‘~:i11 11.1s (‘sl2ll)llsl]LT(l. 'I`l1is 11:1s :1 11111- g1::1111 i1111·111lu1l l-(ll` 1|111 11111s1 11:111 111 111111l1;11 1:l11·:11i11g :1111l s1111l1·111 1 1lisl111111·s11‘. rliliis 111g:111i/:1111111 :1ls11 \\'Ilh sl11111-li1‘1*1l :1111l 1·111l1·1l i11 l€l|2 wi1l1 ll11· (l`('1IIl1)II 11I` il 1li1‘i1l1·1l S1xI('l1I 111111111isi11g :1 Nl(`ll‘\ Slll(l(`llI (]1111111il :1111l :1 \\·flI1l(‘ll·\ S1·IIl (i()\(`lliillg ,\ss111:i:11i1111. ,\l1l11111gl1 [ll(‘\(`. 11111 g1111111s g:1i111·1l 1Il()I'(‘ i11111111‘1:11111· Il1:111 IlI1`ll` 1111‘rl1‘11·ss111s. ll14‘1 1111111 l11sl 1l11‘i1 i111111111;11111‘ :1111l l11·1111111" lil1l1· 1l\'1ll‘ 1l1:111 ligl|l('l\(`JI(l\. l11 lllflfl 1l11·1· \\`('I`l` ltwllgiilll/(lll. lllll 1|11· i1111>11111— YIIVIII \\'I|\Il'l 11111i11·:1I1I11. .\|11·1 l1·11g1l11 1lis111ssi1111s :1111l I<'\('ill(l1 i11111 Sl\I1l('lll 11111s1i1111i1111s 11I 111l11·1 s1l11111ls. :1 \lIl(l(`Ill—liI(lll|1 (`(>lI}\Illll(`(` i11 1|11· s111i11p_ 11l` I€lIlll 1ll`('\\` 1111 Ill(' 11111s1i1111i1111 (lll 1l11· $ll|(l(‘|ll (i(}\-Clillllltllll .\ss111‘i;11i1111, ll w:1s 1:11ili1·1l l11: Il11‘ \llI(l(‘lIl l1111l1 i11 $l(`1)l('\lll)(`l`. Iilflll. 1lIl(l 11*1*111 i11111 1·llc1,1 s111111 l\l>|('l`\\'2lI`(l. lt) } 1 1 (Z()NS"1`1111'1`1()X 1{1£\`1S1·i1) 111 |{|1f1 \\`(`1I1*s11(`\>(`\ 111 t111r 1939 11111st1t11ti1111 w1·1‘1· 111111;11`1·11t. 111111 111 XI;11 ll 111111111itt1·1· 1111rt 11>1`(`\'1S(' t111·S(L,·\ (`()1lS111l111<)1I. .1i11(‘ 1`('\`1S(‘11 1 11111stitt1ti1111 is t111· 11111r 1111w 111 (’11('(1. V 1111111 111:111 111 t111· 1\11iI(1(f1l1 (111x1·1`111111·11t 1\ss111i11t11111 is 111111*111 ? \1(`l}11(`11\1)11. \\'1l111(1L'111 1)(>(1}. .\111]()11g11 1111} stt1111·111 l1\L|}` 1111· I111 1·11~1‘t11111. 1;11111i1111t1·s 118111111} 1111: 1111111i1111tu11 1111 1111* 1111- 11t11·;11 1)Z\1111L'$ 1111 (ll1lI1)llS. r1`11<‘s(‘ tw11 1)&|1`11<.f\. 1110 (j1111s11t11t11111111is1. 1·111111111s1·11 111 1.1`211(‘1`1111}' 111111 §l)1`1)1`11y 1llLflll1)C1`%, 111111 1111: 111(1l‘1>L'll(1(!l11. :1 1111111111s1·11 111 1l()I1—1'1`il1L’1`1l1l} S1l|(1C1l1%—l1lL‘(f1 11c1`111`1r 1·1c1‘ti1111 111111; 111111 111111111111t1: 11;11111111:111·s 1-()1' :111 1111111·s. 1‘;1C(`11<)l1$ 1lhl1il11} t111`11 111111 ll 1 Q()(l(1 1`1g11t—111111 ll 1111 111 1>1l11—1)('1\\'('L‘ll the 1w11 11111‘t11·s. $1111111: S1l1(1('11ls I ‘ 1I1`<‘ 11111 1111111:1t1·11 with ('1111('1` 1J211`1}', 1)11l \‘11tc 1i()l` t11c 1’111111i1111t1· 1111111- 111:11111 111 11111· 111 t111·111. 11 .\ \'1(`(‘~111`(`>1(1(`l11 is 1·11·1t1:11 11t 1111- 1)1`(’S1(1(T1l111I1 1·11·1`ti1111. 1\ s1·11‘1·- 1111} :11111 il 11`l'1181ll`(‘1` ;11‘1· 1·11·1‘t1·11 111 t111· ,\>>(’1111)1}` 1111111 111l‘ .\\S(`1111)1§. '1`111Q .\SS1TN11%1,Y 1`11l' (*1(’1l1`111g 111111s1· 1()1> S(L1\ is t111· .r\s1·1111111. 21 t111i11111111·1‘1t1 Icgis- 11l11\t' 1)11(1§'. '1`\\'(‘111}'·l11I1k' 11Il'1111)(}1`S 2111* 1*11*1·t1r11 111* :11111 1-1`<)1l\ 111(` { 1;11‘11111s (()11L`g`(‘> 11t L‘1(`(11<>1lS 111·111 (`2l(`1l 1111111‘tc1‘. ()1111 11111·—t11i1‘11 111 1111' 111(`l111)(T1`$ is 1·11·1`t1·11 11:11111 11t1111‘t1·1‘. '1`111· 1)1`C>1(1(’1]1 111111 SC(`1`C121l`} ,— (111 1111· S11l(1C111 111111111 11t1Z1l`(1 111111 the 1)l`CS1(1Cl1l 111111 SC(`l`C11ll`}' 111 111L` 11()l1\Lf 1)1>L`>1(1C]]1$` (l1111111·11 111·1· CX-<)1'11(`1() 11<)l1~\`()11I1g 111Cl]11)Cl`S. '1`11I`(‘{‘ 1 11()11’\`()1111g 1i1i<`ll11} 111L`1111)(`1`5. l`L‘(()l11111Cl1(1C(1 111* t111· .*\$SL‘1l11)1}` 111111 1111- 1)<11111C(1 111 111k' 1vIl1\`L‘1`S11}` 1-1111111}. :11s11 11111:1111 .\SSk‘1111)1}' 111(`L`11]1g>. ()111: 111 t11es1: 1.1111111} 111(`1111)L`1`> is 111·sig1111t1·11 111 1)1·. 1)111111x·1111 11s 112l(`- 1111} 2l(1\`1>l)I` 1111‘ 1111* 111`g;1111/;1t11111. 1"1l(1l11}' 1l(1\'1S<>l` 1111 l1l1h 1‘1·111‘ is 1111 \\'. S. \\v111`(1. ()t111·1· 1111*11111 1l1k‘1l11)L‘1`s :11‘1· I)1; X1111‘g;11·1·1 R;1t1111` 111111 Miss 11`I1l1l 1)l)<>1l`. X|1£M1$1il{S1#111’ 1:.\(`1`} N111(1(`l11 is :1 1l1L‘1l11`(’l` (111 1111- S1l1(1('111 (Q11x‘1·1‘111111·11t .\%\()(`111— 111111. 11111 11ll1§ Il1(`1l11}(‘1`S 11I 111(' .\\\(`Il11>1}’ 1111ss l`ll1(`S 1i()I1 t111· stt1111·111 1\(1(1\. .\111 s1tt11t‘t1l (111 1>§1(111|} ll1(`1111)(`1` 111:11 l\|1(‘11(1 1I\1'(‘11I1gs 111 1111 .\\s('1I11l1\, :11111 111· 111:11 111· 111·11111tt1·11 t11 \1>(`I11x 1111111*1 \l1\1l(`11\1l111 111 t111· 1111(`\. SI1l(1<`11IN ;111· l11`gl`(1 111 |l1`1`Nl`I11 1111*11* 1111111s 111111 111·11111‘111. t11 t111· 1\\§(`1111)1$. r1>11l` .\\5(`1]11)11 1Y1`(`1)111`l`S 21 1)11(1gl`1 (‘2\(11 }'(‘111` 111* \\'111(11 it 11\111·1111s its |11111ls. 1|1·1·111·11 1i1`<)\I1 :111 1111111·11111‘i11t11111 1115lIil11\ 111111111 111112 11·11ts 111·1· \111<1('1I| 111·1‘ 1111;11·t1‘1`) 11`W1111 1`(`g`1>11`1111t>11 |`1‘1·s. ()t111·1` (1111((‘1`5 111 111l,` .\\`(`1\l1)1§` 111‘1~ N11l1`}' 1i1·1t11 1)11s111~1`, 1111: 1111·si111·11t; A11l1`_11‘1l11 \\'1·11s111t111. SL‘(`1`l`111l`}. 111111 `1()1111 Y111111g. t1’1‘;1s111`1·1‘. 11 l I y . . M st l Student Union Board ‘ l M *` Juck Vccch, _ '`‘.__ l ~ President . xi h ‘t ll jsmt uttt It lvttivtttsity stttl tlttr Sttttlt·ttt l littitttt. \\`ltut tlttttt. is tltt· Sttttlcttt Uttitttt} lt is tltt· <)l`g(llll/llllflll _ wltttlt plutts stxtiul ttvcttts itt tltt· llttitttt ltttiltlittg. uml t:tt‘t`it·s tltt·ttt it tltrttttglt. l}um·t·s. tst~ tltittgs wltitlt ut‘t· stt { t·sst;tttiul to tltt— smiul lil`t~ ttl tltt· sttttlt·ttt, ut·t· ltt·litt·~ ol tltt: Sttttlcttt Uttitttt. il ;\t tltt· ltt·;ttl ttl tltt· Sttttlcttt littirttt is u Slll(ll`Ill llttitttt l$t>ut‘tl ttl sttttltsttt uml lutttltt tttt·tttl>t·t‘s. lt ltzts stf\’t‘tt st·t·t‘it·t· t·t>ttttttittt·t·s, uml V. cttttrrittg lt‘t·slttttt·tt :t1‘t· t‘t·ttttt·stt·tl tt) tt·gistt·t‘ witlt tItt· Sttttiul l)it`t·t‘tt>t‘. i Rtttntt |2l. Uttimt littiltlittg. lot tmrtttlttwsltilt t>tt t>ttt· t>l tltt· tttttttttittctts. .·\(Z`l`l\'l'l`lE5~Mut·]t·utt \\'t·ttstt·ttt>, tltuittttxttt. lltc 2lt`ll\‘ilit‘s tttttt— ‘ tttittt·t· plums lyritlgc ltrsstttts, Itttlnby sltttws, ttttwitrs, style sltt»ws_ ll<>wt·t` ut·t’;ttt;t·tttt,·ttt tttttttrsts. \ · ,—\l{'l` .\Nl) l‘()S'l`lLR—l{r>st·ttt:tt`y l)ttttttttit, t‘ltuit‘tttutt. lltis ttttttt— i tttittt·tr Sl)()llS()l`S1ll`l t·xltil>its. uml tttult· Uttitttt t`ttttttttittt·t·.». l)t»\N(Zl§~Ellt·tt \\'nl`l`ll by tlttr 3 Uttitttt ut‘t· tttzttltr uml t‘ut·t‘it~tl ttttt by tltis tttttttttitttrt: ` K()l·`l·`klL (1l,Ul%—%t·<>tttt Mt·(lttIlm·lt, ttltztirtttutt. 'l`ltt· lit>llt·t· liIttl> I't·utttt·t·s tttttstutttlittg sl>t·ukt·t·s ut :tl`tt¢tt<>t>tt t·t>|'lt·t: ltttttts. l‘L?l%l,I(I Rlilt.\'l`l()NS—-(Z::t`t>l)’tt Nlt·Mt~t·lttt— | tttittt·t- st·tttls Util utttttxtttttctttcttts, ktyvlts u lilt· mt llttitttt zttttivitics. 'l`()l`RN.\\llZN'li—Mtt1’t‘is l$t·<·I>t·. tltuirtttutt. l’t>:»I, pittg-|»t>ttg,l>ttwl~ ittg, ltt‘itlg_t·, <·ltct·l·;ct‘s. tlttrss. tt·ttttis tt>ttt‘tt;ttttt·ttt um slttmttstttttl by tltis ` tnttttttitttic. V ll()l`S1·]——)Iztt*y l,<>tt \\'itltt~t··~t>t>t>tt. tltzairtttutt. l’l:ttts uml tut·t`it·s out tItt· Swt~utt·t· Swings (ittl<>t·ttt:tl ztlttrtttttttttt tlumvs) utttl ucts us tltt· ttlltttiul hosts uml lt<>stt·sstts itt tltte Itttiltlittg ut ull titttt·s. MEMHER-i\'l`-I,.\R(Ql{——_|ut·lt liuttultutt. SUB ttllittctts ut‘t· _]utl< \”t·t·t‘lt. |»tt·sitlt·ttt: Stott) Mtt(Zttllttt·lt. xiao- ptttsitlutttz 1illt·tt \\`t>t>tl, stvttt·t:t:tt·y; utttl Mttt·_it·utt \\'tettstt·ttt>, tt‘t;usttt‘t·t‘. T I2 5 i E. 5 ` STUDENT IlNION I B I ll Ll} IN G BARBER SHOP I Solicits your Patronage for Tonsorial Work l Eflicient Services at Lower Prices . Haircuts Shampoos l Shares Nlassagres GAME ROOM ii Those interested in Billiards, Pool or I’ing—Pong. will find the Game Room open from I 10:00 a. m. to 9:00 p. m. INFORMATION DESK I IVESTERN UNION LOST AND FOUND FREE SERVICES Magazines Checkers Newspapers Chess Cards May be obtained by making a small deposit. The deposit is returned when the borrowed article is returned. Con- ` ference Rooms are available to student orgalnizationsl Room reservations should be made twenty-four hours in advance of the meeting. PIANOS ...............,. Social Room and "Y" Lounge MUSIC APPRECIATION HOURS. Music Room TELEPHONE BOOTH . .... .. .. ..... . ...... Corridor lil 1 1 5 ` L . l ,..¤ Q1, V l l 1 *.$% ~°¤¥?* ` P f Y.M.C.A. ; ._, 5 @1 C ~ `_ "i-$7 vi V ` Tommy Gish '"` A? — Prcsicleiit IJ _ , "¤°. f ()11tl1·t lor religious il(`li\'illCS ol` :1ll 1111·11 o11 the lllll\'l`l`\ll} (`§lIIl# -1 pus. the YM(I;\ is :111 i1llk‘l`llilll()ll1ll, iIll,L`l`(lt‘Il()Illlllllllt>Il1ll groitp. it Purlyose ol` the 21s it is l`z1111iliz1rly 1t:1lle1l. is tilt) 1:1·z1liy,1· lull :1111l i (`l`CZlli\'(‘ lile Illl`<)llgl] :1 gl`()\\'llig kiiowletlge ol (Qo1l. to l1;1\‘1· :1 |>:11:t i11 lt 111:1ki11g tl1is lile